I think if this worked then the setting would have fewer secret jutsu.
I mean, secret is a spectrum, it may just be unknown to us. Plus, how often do sannin ever shake down jonin, with a chunin along for the ride who would benefit from a random A-rank technique?

I absolutely don't think the sannin will care about a cool technique that isn't good enough to loot for the sake of leaf as a whole. And given that Orochimaru has already traded us powerful techniques that we haven't bothered to learn (plus Geode), I doubt they'll do it as a favor you us.

Still, it would be cool. And who knows? A Jashinist suicide technique could be a powerful tool in the hands of a SC user.
I mean, secret is a spectrum, it may just be unknown to us. Plus, how often do sannin ever shake down jonin, with a chunin along for the ride who would benefit from a random A-rank technique?
We can disable them like we did the Moon ninja and then drop them off with Ino to get their techniques.

If any of them also know Daizen's techniques, it will be absolutely worth it. If Yuno had Storm Wisp to synergize with her SotS-enhanced counterattack movements, she'd have an extremely powerful build.

Last Updated: February 11, 2024
Please note this post is not meant to be an analysis of Strength of the Storm itself, merely the synergy it has with other known ninjutsu for future builds.

Lightning Element: Strength of the Storm

Effect1 to 2*AB+10, +30, +60, +100, +150…
Duration30 seconds+30
Range-2 (personal)
Casting SpeedSupplemental (Reflexive)+75
AOE1 target (caster)
AdvantageMulti-taggable (4x)+100
AdvantageReflexive casting+30
AdvantageAllows same-Zone counterattack+20
DisadvantageDeals self-damage when used at maximum power-40
Totals57, 61, 67, 75, 85… CP285, 305, 335, 375, 425… strain

The user is surrounded by an aura of volatile lightning, pulsing their body to greater speed and strength.

The user gains the Aspect "Strength of the Storm", and (Effect) tags on that Aspect per round. These tags may be used on Athletics or any melee skill (e.g. Taijutsu, Melee Weapons, Water Whip), and up to 3 tags or invokes can be used without penalty.

4 tags or invokes may be used on a single roll, but the immense strain from overcharging the user's body to this degree inflicts 1 physical stress which cannot be resisted or reduced. This stress can only be inflicted once per round (resetting at the start of the user's turn).

If the user attacks with Taijutsu, their attacks become Weapons:2 if they were equal or lower than that. While stress inflicted by shifts of success remains physical, the 2 stress inflicted by the weapons rating is Energy:Lightning.

When the user is attacked by an enemy using a reach weapon in their Zone (e.g. a long spear, Water Whip, Macerators at range), the user may spend a tag to counterattack with a melee skill even when the mechanics of the attacker would normally prohibit it, as the user blitzes the short distance in-Zone faster than the attacker can react.

As befitting a Sannin-tier ninjutsu from Orochimaru's personal kit, Strength of the Storm is incredibly good at accomplishing its main functions of buffing athletics and melee attacks. Less obviously though, is the extreme synergy it has with proximity-based autoattacks.

When the user is attacked by an enemy using a reach weapon in their Zone (e.g. a long spear, Water Whip, Macerators at range), the user may spend a tag to counterattack with a melee skill even when the mechanics of the attacker would normally prohibit it, as the user blitzes the short distance in-Zone faster than the attacker can react.

As a base case, let's say Yuno has Strength of the Storm active and is attacked by Hidan with his chain-scythe from within the zone. Normally, she would need to dodge with Athletics. Instead, Yuno spends a tag to blitz Hidan and counterattack with her Melee Weapons skill, potentially further bolstered using her other avaliable tags.

Without other techniques active, things end there. However, there are a number of techniques that will autoattack anyone who gets within melee range of their user.

As an example, let's say Yuno had Storm Wisps and Lightning Aura active.

Lightning Element: Storm Wisps
Creates ceil(AB/2) lightning tendrils. Anyone entering Melee range (either charging or not retreating fast enough) gets attacked by the tendrils, although each tendril can only attack once per round and will not attack a dead target. If there are multiple targets available then choose randomly who gets hit. There's no IFF, but it won't attack the user. Lightning attacks that would target a Storm Wisp user are absorbed by the tendrils. The Storm Wisp user takes no damage and 1/2 the level of the incoming attack gets distributed evenly across all the tendrils, increasing the effective level of each tendril. Lightning-based weapons (e.g. lightning-themed explosive tags like the ones Daizen has in his pouch) add 1 point to each tendril per weapon rating. Attacks absorbed in this way cause no damage to the user of Storm Wisps. It is possible to target the tendrils and destroy them by means of energy attacks. Storm Wisp tendrils are Armor Piercing and Energy type, so physical armor has no effect.

Lighting Element: Lightning Aura
Any physical contact between the user and another person causes an AOE:Melee attack on everyone in range, including the Lightning Aura user. This attack is Armor Piercing and Energy type, so physical armor has no effect. It counts as a lightning attack for purposes of absorption by Storm Wisps.

In addition to the counterattack from Yuno, Hidan would also receive an attack from Lightning Aura and several lighting tentacles floating around Yuno. These attacks would happen regardless of whether Yuno succeeds in beating Hidan's Melee Weapons roll.



TBA (sorry guys I completely ran out of energy)

This list will be updated with further applicable synergies as noted. Suggestions welcome.
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@eaglejarl @Paperclipped @Velorien , question I've had for a while now: how are advances in medical knowledge mechanically represented?

A few chapters back, after we got the bioseals from Oro, we had this exchange:
"Ah, here we go," Hazō said, reaching a new section of the scroll. "Apparently, all major bones got a 'minor' bioseal to suppress blood production, while the largest – my hips, shoulders, sternum, and skull – got more 'extensive' work to rekey their blood production to the new signature. What do my bones have to do with my blood?"

"Who fucking knows at this point? Maybe he's just making up bullshit, knowing that no one but Tsunade can call him out, and he just wanted to put a couple dozen extra bioseals on you for obvious reasons."
So Noburi, with his MedKnow 60, doesn't know that bones have anything to do with blood production. This makes sense, since he lives in a feudal-era society with no concept of cells, germ theory, or really any actual understanding of biology. Oro does know that bones are involved in blood production, since he knew to target bioseals to them; again, this makes sense, since Oro has spent decades doing highly unethical medical research on humans.

But how is this fact represented mechanically? I have speculated before that Oro might have capstone MedKnow, but it seems unlikely that MedKnow 80-90 vs MedKnow 60 is the difference here. MedKnow is a stat that only exists relative to the knowledge of the setting, so "just" raising MedKnow shouldn't get you new information that isn't already available. Given that there's no cap on MedKnow, it seems more like, as a result of his research, Oro's MedKnow is qualitatively better than Noburi's, in the same way that the MedKnow stat of an expert doctor in our world would be qualitatively better than Tsunade's MedKnow, even if they'd put the same metaphorical amount of XP into it. How does this work? Suggestions include:
  • Oro doesn't actually understand the role of bones in blood production, but he's discovered that that's how you make bioseals to manipulate it, in the same way that sealmasters can make seals that manipulate light without actually understanding what light is. (That is, he only knows that bones are involved in blood production as a result of having researched bioseals related to it, which the Sealing mechanics cover.)
  • Oro has some kind of record of specific things he understands (which presumably doesn't actually exist, but would exist if you had infinite spoons to generate it), based on the medical research he's done, in a similar vein to Seals Known lists.
  • Oro has one or more stunts that make his MedKnow cover a wider range of scenarios.
  • ???
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"Noburi will be inside the Force Dome," Hazou said grimly. "He'll be far from the action and guarded by some of Tsunade's shadow clones – and Tsunade herself, if she doesn't need to join the fight – but he'll be at risk."
Noburi can reverse summon. Noburi will not die to a superchiller. No panicking.
Hazou stepped back as the Ninja-Radar rune sprang to life in front of him. Dozens of dots of chakra moved across the surface of the projected sphere, tracking the various ninja nearby.
Dots on the surface of the sphere. So you can only tell direction and guess distance by the brightness, mm.
"I see runners already," Tsunade said, looking at the ball. "That direction, right?" she said, pointing.

"I can't tell yet which direction they're moving," Hazou said. "They'll be outside the Force Dome, though. We'll need to hunt them down."
Catching them may not be enough if they have a way to message Konan.

Though other teams in position to run might sneak back in radar range after seeing the silent explosions stop.
He turned back to his bodyguards. Sarutobi raised an eyebrow at him. "You summoned Cannai entirely from your own reserves?"

"As did you for Enma," Hazou said, keeping a casual demeanor even though his coils ached slightly at having their entire contents dumped in a fraction of a second. At least the biosealed coils didn't feel pain.

"I have been a ninja longer than you have been alive," Sarutobi said, "and even after training my reserves in anticipation of signing the Monkey Scroll, I still barely manage it."

Hazou shrugged. "Maybe there's more to me than meets the eye."
"Iron Nerve."
Hazou is now eligible to buy his second copy of the Akimichi Chakra Enhancement.
Forget that. Why were they here? Had the enemy been attempting to fire a series of warning shots to the east of the facility and they missed, one blast landing too far west? Was it possible that the destruction was an accident, someone trying and failing to demonstrate a new capability for purposes of later extortion? A very, very dumb idea to attempt to extort Akatsuki, but the world was full of idiots.
Great POV choice. Overlooks the whole battlefield, lasts until the end and fun internal narration to peer in to.
With a curse, he yanked the dragon around, making it pump its clay wings furiously in order to reverse course before they pancaked into whatever that was.

He barely made the turn; the dragon's tail flattened against the invisible surface of the utterly ridiculous wall (dome?) that was suddenly in front of him. He kept the now paddle-shaped tail in contact and flew along the surface of the wall, trying to find the edge. No luck; it was curving back on itself into a circle. It was completely transparent, and he might have missed it entirely if a bird hadn't run into it at some point and left a smear of blood slowly dripping down midair.
Lucky catch! Could have been a disaster if he was outside the dome.
How was it even remotely conceivable that someone could create a jutsu powerful enough to generate this?! Would even Kisame have the chakra to power such a thing?! Were the jinchūriki taking the field against him? Wait, yes, that made perfect sense. If Tsunade was here then surely Naruto couldn't be far behind. Deidara couldn't see the little shit in the attacking force, but it was chaotic enough down there to miss him, at least if he possessed the tiny scrap of intelligence necessary to forego his usual orange jumpsuit. No, wait, Naruto was likely doing what Pain had done at the prior battle: standing immobile, all his efforts devoted to maintaining the dome and none left over to move or fight. That was a relief; last thing Deidara needed to worry about was accidentally releasing a Tailed Beast.
Good excuse to borrow for a dome around Leaf.
Deidara breathed out, looking for a plan. Step one, make a huge smokescreen to cover whatever it was he decided to do. Second, split off a shadow clone to ride the dragon and distract the enemy, then...right. Sneak to the ground, tunnel down, collapse the tunnel behind him, and wait out the assault. Hopefully he could tunnel out from under the dome, but if not then he could simply go down far enough to be out of sight of any Hyūga and make camp for a day or two. By then the attackers would be gone and the dome would be down.

A moment later, he swore as a burst of incoming memories hit him. Apparently, one of his shadow clones had just had the same idea, and tried tunneling out. The ground was reinforced somehow, and if those shallow craters from the explosions earlier meant anything, this wasn't a problem Deidara could solve with explosives.
Against radars and RERs hiding in a smokescreen would have been so good for us.
The tiny snake missed by a handspan as Deidara spun his dragon on a wingtip. The dragon was huge, weighing in at literally a ton of explosive clay that had taken him an entire year to manifest. Despite that, it reacted to his thoughts with speed that would have made any jōnin proud.
To be a fly on the wall for Akatsuki bickering over Deidara still calling his mount a dragon after the Dragonwar.
Remote Explosive Runes were massive, heavy constructs that were very good at blowing stuff up and very bad at changing their point of aim. They were therefore absolutely the wrong tool for shooting down a fast-moving aerial target.
Turn based combat is not great at representing this. Locking everyone in place while other character's turns play out.

Choosing the explosion distance adds more complexity to aiming too. Unless you set max distance and get lucky aiming dead on or hit the dome when Deidara hugs it.
There was barely time to throw more clay. He was too busy keeping the dragon away from the multiple attacks that were filling the battlespace to counterattack more than once every dozen seconds or so.
Who needs dodge or chakra boost when you have high Alertness and 10+ zones of aerial movement? Was half waiting to see if Mari or Kurenai would run up the outside of the dome to try genjutsu.
These explosion jutsu were coming from no visible source, which meant they were longer range than any jutsu he had ever heard of.
Smokescreens could have helped find out which direction we were firing from if he had the time to cast them. If not for radars. Deadly, deadly kit Hazō built up.
The sun was almost down, barely a trickle of sunlight left.
Thought the fight lasted until next gloaming for a minute. 💦
The Leaf forces were just barely keeping ahead of him and those fucking explosions. If there had been even one other member of Akatsuki riding on that dragon, providing cover and counterattacks, those fucking explosions would have fucking exploded the entire Leaf force and Leaf would be utterly fucked.
Clone on the back of the dragon could have helped, but not much without bloodline powers.
Heck, he might still manage it. She and Oro had been spamming basic clones this whole time, creating illusory copies of themselves to serve as decoys.
Gaslight no jutsu!

He was splatted in the face by something wet and gross, like translucent snot. The impact rattled him around so much that his vision grayed out. Only for a moment, but that was enough. Even as he clawed the stuff away from his mouth and nose so he could breathe, another strand of the stuff splattered across the dragon's mouth, more across its neck and wings, more across Deidara's chest.

No one had thrown anything! Where was it coming from?!

Wait, Tsunade. She had run through this entire area not two minutes ago; he had thought it odd since he wasn't in that section of the battlespace at the time, but he had been too distracted to think about it. She had left this stuff floating in midair. Floating snot. Probably some Slug technique.
Fits with high movement low dodge.
A plummeting Orochimaru drove his fully-extended sword through the top of Deidara's head, through his body the long way, and through the dragon so that the tip stuck out through the clay beast's chest. The impact rocked the dragon, flinging Deidara's body sideways against the straps. The straps were tight, ensuring he didn't fly off of his dragon, and thus when he hit the ground he was still firmly attached to his greatest creation.

Deidara, Lord of Dragons, Master of Mayhem, and Explosivor Excelsior, was no longer happy.

He was dead.
Banger finale, bravo. Orochimaru yoinks the kill. Scott Pilgrim aura, defeating his new flame's [infinite rinnegan donor] seven evil exes.

Stalemate with surviving Akatsuki is great news for not getting instakilled by Orochimaru.
@eaglejarl @Paperclipped @Velorien , question I've had for a while now: how are advances in medical knowledge mechanically represented?

A few chapters back, after we got the bioseals from Oro, we had this exchange:

So Noburi, with his MedKnow 60, doesn't know that bones have anything to do with blood production. This makes sense, since he lives in a feudal-era society with no concept of cells, germ theory, or really any actual understanding of biology. Oro does know that bones are involved in blood production, since he knew to target bioseals to them; again, this makes sense, since Oro has spent decades doing highly unethical medical research on humans.

But how is this fact represented mechanically? I have speculated before that Oro might have capstone MedKnow, but it seems unlikely that MedKnow 80-90 vs MedKnow 60 is the difference here. MedKnow is a stat that only exists relative to the knowledge of the setting, so "just" raising MedKnow shouldn't get you new information that isn't already available. Given that there's no cap on MedKnow, it seems more like, as a result of his research, Oro's MedKnow is qualitatively better than Noburi's, in the same way that the MedKnow stat of an expert doctor in our world would be qualitatively better than Tsunade's MedKnow, even if they'd put the same metaphorical amount of XP into it. How does this work? Suggestions include:
  • Oro doesn't actually understand the role of bones in blood production, but he's discovered that that's how you make bioseals to manipulate it, in the same way that sealmasters can make seals that manipulate light without actually understanding what light is. (That is, he only knows that bones are involved in blood production as a result of having researched bioseals related to it, which the Sealing mechanics cover.)
  • Oro has some kind of record of specific things he understands (which presumably doesn't actually exist, but would exist if you had infinite spoons to generate it), based on the medical research he's done, in a similar vein to Seals Known lists.
  • Oro has one or more stunts that make his MedKnow cover a wider range of scenarios.
  • ???
It's a combination of mechanical and narrative. Mechanically, Orochimaru has the MedKnow to process and understand complex medical information like the role of bone in blood production (to an HDK extent). Narratively, Orochimaru is a compulsive and ruthless experimenter who has the opportunity to find out facts unavailable to ordinary medics who don't casually vivisect people by the dozen. Thus, when we make a judgement call about whether Orochimaru knows a given piece of medical lore, he is at a great advantage. If his MedKnow was too low, we'd rule that he simply didn't know what the data meant, even if he had it. If he was an ordinary Leaf medic-nin, we'd probably rule that he had no way of gaining the data in the first place. (His biosealing stacks with these advantages, both as an extra source of data and as an extra set of tools for analysing it.)
If any of them also know Daizen's techniques, it will be absolutely worth it. If Yuno had Storm Wisp to synergize with her SotS-enhanced counterattack movements, she'd have an extremely powerful build.
IIRC EJ said that Daizen's techniques were not going to be made accessible to the players. They were made for a one-shot fight and were not carefully balanced to prevent player munchkinry.

Though I might be misremembering based on what RoadWild said about Lightning Lash in Eight Seconds to Impact.
Here's a thought. The in-universe source of our SSA DoB bonus is Hazō thinking back to the memories he has of absorbing the Pangolin Summoning Scroll seal. It's not a bloodline-imprint, it's the memories, which is why our Shadow Clones can access the bonus as well.

The Pure Lands drains your memories.

What if traveling through the Pure Lands will strip away Hazō's Out-memories before anything else?

This interlude, if it is even real, might not have been a bargain with Jashin. It could have a warning.


That would fit. That would fit frighteningly well. We already knew they drain memories - Jiraiya was a clear example. The Out memories are distinct from ordinary memories, being Out Of Reality data stapled to Hazō's brain by the Iron Nerve - they're even distinct from ordinary Iron Nerve recordings. It's not QMs randomly taking stuff, or a spooky interlude with no ultimate impact, it's a lens - a boost from a god pointing out what we missed about the world-as-presented.

Meaning that, to avoid losing DotB, we need Hazō "pretty damn far" pilot to not charge through the Rift to personally look for his fading girlfriend.

hahahahahaha. Welp. Maybe we'll survive peeking at the Pangolin scroll again…?

More importantly, this calls attention (at least for me; I'm never sure how deep the thread/discord have gone on everything) to just how much time our dead S-rankers might need to recover. Jiraiya was doing well keeping some hold on who he is, thanks to our intervention, but the Sannin gained all sorts of boosts and bonuses, like the Chakra Pool. Techniques can be retrained (although hopefully most of them won't need to be, or they'll recover with other memories once back on the Human Path), but just as Sasori needed time to re-surgery himself, and Oro would lose all sorts of Bioseals, Jiraiya and Guy and Kakashi and Asuma may have lost some of their more esoteric stuff for good, or just had their chakra pools ripped in half as their souls faded.

Our best example of a resurrection happened practically as the cultist in question died, after all. Death sickness may need more PTO than we thought.

Does anyone recall when/if this was last discussed? I'd like to set aside a spoon to go over this, see if there's anything else I've missed.
Does anyone recall when/if this was last discussed? I'd like to set aside a spoon to go over this, see if there's anything else I've missed.
We've gotten WOG- they may drain functional memories, but not personal. The QMs don't want to write amnesia or dementia or the like as a result of this. Nothing's set in stone but I've seen one idea get approving nods- specifically, that XP might be lost but unstagnations get retained.
Regarding the rift, tbh I expect any suggestions that Hazo personally enter the rift to get vetoed on grounds of sanity.

For one, as far as combat ability goes, we're not even a jonin. If you take away our seals and chakra as the pure lands tend to do, we're hardly even a genin. We are not equipped to handle any opposition in the rift.

Two, we are the least expendable person who could possibly enter the rift. We are one of two people who can actually open the dang thing, and no one in Leaf likes Vivisection Mcgee so they'd probably be thrilled if he went in and got lost. But if we go in there, Leaf could lose it's one saneish runesmith.

And unless we have to infuse runes or seals in there, which remains to be seen and is a iffy proposition considering what the place does to seals, then we bring very little value to the table compared to some other Leaf chuunin or jonin.
The biggest downside to Hazou not entering the rift personally, which I'm beginning to see is a bad idea, is that we the readers won't be able to see and explore the underworld, which is a bummer. I was looking forwards to that a lot tbh
The biggest downside to Hazou not entering the rift personally, which I'm beginning to see is a bad idea, is that we the readers won't be able to see and explore the underworld, which is a bummer. I was looking forwards to that a lot tbh
Interludes! Action plans are Hazo, but scenes are sometimes written from somebody else's perspective, like sections of the recent rift battle itself.

Unless the exploration party is all hands lost, we'll get a report which is enough to justify seeing it from their perspective .
If we kill Tenten Kei will probably enter the rift to recover her, then we can make plans for her in the main update.

Plus, she will kill us first so that's a reason to switch MC.
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We should use the Final Gift Programme to do rift delving. Crippled ninja already willing to give their lives to horrible medical experimentation for their loved ones would be more than happy to take the route that gives them a (relatively) painless death and gives them the chance to come back to life afterwards. Kill them in front of the rift, or at strategically placed locations (eg. Nagi Island), with instructions to alert their dead allies in the afterlife of where to go.
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Might be hard to orient in the afterlife. Knowing where you were in EN, knowing where rift is, knowing you need to go 'north northeast' to get there, all of that goes out the window when you die and end up on a different plane of existence. Can't navigate using the sun, moon or stars, not sure any of those things even exist over there, or that they'd be in the appropriate positions if they do.

If you have the actual rift to orient yourself, that might be less of a problem. Open up rift in an area, send people through, point them in the right direction and say you'll meet up with them in approximately x distance that way with a new rift, have them search & gather while they move.

Still impractical and risky in a lot of ways, but it might be useful for example on the trek back home to leaf. Send a crew to search that entire length of space, gather support which might radiate outwards, with everybody being aware of the generally correct distance and direction, assuming those things actually map properly.

If we weren't currently positioned over a sea of acid, that is.

Could recommend opening the rift once a day on the way back home, giving some ninja a 6 hour rest period while others explore and potentially recruit souls to spread the message in the afterlife that they can return to life if they head in the right direction. Might learn a lot about how a location matches up to it's pure lands counterpart too, which would be very valuable for directing future search parties.

Note: This would imply some amount of other ninja remaining with Orochimaru while he moves the rune, rather than the full party heading back to leaf at top speed.

Important question: Is it possible to move the rift while it's open? This could be VERY helpful, give a ton of important information, and would be especially useful over the sea of acid or other hazardous regions. Could shift rune towards people in need of rescue instead of hoping the skywalkers don't give out and drop you
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With the Rune research and the actual portal around for stuy we might be able to move it on the other side too.

Or even create a second one with Runes prepared on both ends.

Stargate afterlife quest. Lets gooooo.
I mean, putting runes on the other end with the chakra drain just screams 'runic failure in the making,' so I'm antsy about that, but making the portal move its relative location sounds like a fun way to delve without losing all our XP.

The s-rankers will be severely gimped, from the sound of it, but keeping their unstagnations… they should be able to power back up relatively quickly. Give 'em a training arc or two…
It's a combination of mechanical and narrative. Mechanically, Orochimaru has the MedKnow to process and understand complex medical information like the role of bone in blood production (to an HDK extent). Narratively, Orochimaru is a compulsive and ruthless experimenter who has the opportunity to find out facts unavailable to ordinary medics who don't casually vivisect people by the dozen. Thus, when we make a judgement call about whether Orochimaru knows a given piece of medical lore, he is at a great advantage. If his MedKnow was too low, we'd rule that he simply didn't know what the data meant, even if he had it. If he was an ordinary Leaf medic-nin, we'd probably rule that he had no way of gaining the data in the first place. (His biosealing stacks with these advantages, both as an extra source of data and as an extra set of tools for analysing it.)
Since Hazō and Noburi learned their medical skills (in no small part) from Orochimaru's and Tsunade's medical research notes, and (for Noburi) from Tsunade, herself, does this mean that the two are granted more leeway in what they're allowed to know, compared to a random medics of comparable medical stats?