You know there's every possibility that people in the afterlife can move away from where they first appeared, and could be anywhere by now.
There's also a possibility that the people in the afterlife can interact with each other, and so leaf ninja who died near leaf have a sort of undead city counterpart so they can hear news about the living world from each new death. This could lead to... interesting things, if Jiraiya's struggle to remember himself is any indication. Leaf heroes last longer near leaf as each new arrival reminds them about who they were.
I wonder what happens with, say, earth ninja who die near leaf? Do they set aside their living loyalties in the face of an afterlife that wants to wipe them away, and stay near the very people they once had a hand in killing? Are they turned away, left to wander and disappear in the wilderness of the pure lands? Or perhaps the irate leaf ninja keep them around for... malicious reasons. Taking revenge in death, indefinitely, for what was done before.
Of course, it could be that they can't see each other, or their location is randomized and Daizen was a Jashin-influenced coincidence, and we'll have quite the search effort on our hands. It could be interesting if two spirits stood near each other, and Hazo could interact with them both but they remained ignorant of each other. Or I suppose it could be the opposite of interesting in practice, a novelty at first but one that limits our ability to interact with it.
It could also be that instead of starting from scratch with search parties entering the rift, we could literally just talk to the people already living residing there, and they can set up search parties themselves instead of being rescued/revived immediately.