Note that you don't habitually walk around gaming nights with skywalker seals. If you need them, you will need to detour to the main building to get them.
We don't? What would Kagome think!!

This must be corrected.

(Let us not think about the mindset that would require one to wear full combat kit when going to a social gathering -- wait, actually, given Hazou's past experiences, that's eminently reasonable.)
We don't? What would Kagome think!!

This must be corrected.

(Let us not think about the mindset that would require one to wear full combat kit when going to a social gathering -- wait, actually, given Hazou's past experiences, that's eminently reasonable.)
Obviously it's because your pockets are already too full of explosives.

(This is not the case.)
@eaglejarl @Velorien Are there Goketsu handseals that Mari could have used to say stuff like "run and get help" or something like that? In other words, does Hazou believe that Mari intends for us to GET KEIKO OUT OF HERE as opposed to GET KEIKO OUT AND GET HELP?
PSA: Numbers!

Hazō is currently at 80 CP. That means he can summon any of the following:

Cannon, excitable greyhound, 50 CP
Canoe, grownup greyhound, 60 CP
Cantelabra, Golden Retriever puppy, 10
A variety of as-yet-unnamed puppies, 5-15 CP.
Possible Aspects to Tag While Doing Necromancy Research:

  1. Minato's Bijuu Seal Notes
    1. A Sealing Scroll creates a pocket dimension, right? Sealing away a Tailed Beast is likely "advanced, metaphysical Dimensionalism," which may have some small amount of overlap with Rift Dimensionalism.
  2. Jiraiya Seal Notes
  3. Hazou "rediscovered Dimensionalism"
  4. Kagome's Safety Protocols
  5. Hazou's Out-Gifted Instincts
  6. Hazou's Rift Data/Observations
  7. Kagome Diagnostic Seals
  8. Sealmaster Collaboration Bonuses (Kagome, Kagome's Students, Leaf's Sealmasters, etc)
Linked to my sig, as promised. Hope this helps with QM Spoons (and allows Hazou to boost Rift Rolls with FP, especially if he converts XP to FP). Any more ideas for tags, just ping me and I'll add it accordingly.

I want a Mari-Jiraiya wedding, goddamn it!
...It occurs to me that a summoning contract is a contract. The setting only has one kind of contract it holds in greater esteem- so much so that it actively incorporates the former where relevant. Mari never got her ceremony, but she is legitimately Jiraiya's wife. That might be a potential point of metaphysical contact. Something we might want to ask Ma and Pa toad about if we are thinking about necromancy.
...It occurs to me that a summoning contract is a contract. The setting only has one kind of contract it holds in greater esteem- so much so that it actively incorporates the former where relevant. Mari never got her ceremony, but she is legitimately Jiraiya's wife. That might be a potential point of metaphysical contact. Something we might want to ask Ma and Pa toad about if we are thinking about necromancy.
Hm. I must confess that, while I'm not so sure on the marriage angle of your point (namely: I don't think they ever had a proper ceremony, and I'm not even sure that a ceremony uniting their souls under a religion as new as the Will of Fire would do anything --even if human belief carries any metaphysical weight in the MfD magic system)... The Summoning Scroll does invoke "Blood, life, chakra, intent, essence, it's all tied up together." as Hazou put it to Shikamaru.

The Toad Scroll has Jiraiya's blood, his identity/identification (it's notable that Kei had to sign the Pangolin Scroll with her true name rather than her cover name), and his chakra recorded in his signature --after all, the signatures don't fade away when a Summoner dies. I'm pessimistic enough to doubt that we'll be able to resurrect Jiraiya using just the Scroll, but perhaps we can use the Scroll as a sort of tracker while in the Forbidden Forest? A sort of hot/cold radar?

I wonder what would happen if we combined a longer-range chakdar with the Toad Scroll's record of [Jiraiya]?
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If needed, Skywalk away to leave no trail.
You are overthinking it, I swear. If Orochimaru was really intent on chasing us down, there's nothing we could do anyway. The simple plan is just fine: find Kei, then run. I would add finding Ami to that just in case.

Actually, let's do this.

[X] Action Plan: Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?
  • Find Kei, then run:
    • Get assistance iff it would speed things up.
    • If Ami snuck in uninvited, bring her (she's at risk too).
    • If Ami is not around, leave a verbal note with someone, and find her later.
  • On the way:
    • Don't be followed.
    • Explain the situation.
    • Kei can go alone if Hazō is being a slowpoke.
  • Once 'safe':
    • Plan: get assurance of safety from Hokage, Nara, and/or Tsunade if necessary.
      • "We're worried Orochimaru wants to dissect one or more of us. Please help."
    • Go to Hokage now, unless we're worried about being ambushed there.
Hm. I must confess that, while I'm not so sure on the marriage angle of your point (namely: I don't think they ever had a proper ceremony, and I'm not even sure that a ceremony uniting their souls under a religion as new as the Will of Fire would do anything --even if human belief carries any metaphysical weight in the MfD magic system)... The Summoning Scroll does invoke "Blood, life, chakra, intent, essence, it's all tied up together." as Hazou put it to Shikamaru.

The Toad Scroll has Jiraiya's blood, his identity/identification (it's notable that Kei had to sign the Pangolin Scroll with her true name rather than her cover name), and his chakra recorded in his signature --after all, the signatures don't fade away when a Summoner dies. I'm pessimistic enough to doubt that we'll be able to resurrect Jiraiya using just the Scroll, but perhaps we can use the Scroll as a sort of tracker while in the Forbidden Forest? A sort of hot/cold radar?

I wonder what would happen if we combined a longer-range chakdar with the Toad Scroll's record of [Jiraiya]?
I'm not advocating it, just presenting it as a potential avenue of investigation. After all, what does asking Ma and Pa toad cost us? They are familiar with the setting's deep lore, know a thing or two about marriage, know more than a bit about interdimensional travel, and should probably be consulted anyway due to probably having known Jiraiya better than almost anybody else alive.
I'm not advocating it, just presenting it as a potential avenue of investigation. After all, what does asking Ma and Pa toad cost us? They are familiar with the setting's deep lore, know a thing or two about marriage, know more than a bit about interdimensional travel, and should probably be consulted anyway due to probably having known Jiraiya better than almost anybody else alive.
Definitely something I'd vote for... Once/if we get away from Vivisection-Happy Snucle, of course.
...It occurs to me that a summoning contract is a contract. The setting only has one kind of contract it holds in greater esteem- so much so that it actively incorporates the former where relevant. Mari never got her ceremony, but she is legitimately Jiraiya's wife. That might be a potential point of metaphysical contact. Something we might want to ask Ma and Pa toad about if we are thinking about necromancy.
There was an idea peddled around to hack the Toad Scroll or making a bootleg version that can Summon Jiraiya from the Naraka path and put him in a chakra shell the same way normal summons are summoned from the 7th path. I think the main reason we aren't pursuing this first is frankly that it sounds harder on paper, but we have very little context for difficulty for any of this so... it might be worth looking into as a stepping stone
The Toad Scroll has Jiraiya's blood, his identity/identification (it's notable that Kei had to sign the Pangolin Scroll with her true name rather than her cover name), and his chakra recorded in his signature --after all, the signatures don't fade away when a Summoner dies. I'm pessimistic enough to doubt that we'll be able to resurrect Jiraiya using just the Scroll, but perhaps we can use the Scroll as a sort of tracker while in the Forbidden Forest? A sort of hot/cold radar?

I wonder what would happen if we combined a longer-range chakdar with the Toad Scroll's record of [Jiraiya]?
I don't think we'd be able to use a seal in the forest unfortunately. Hazou's skywalkers failed very quickly. So we wouldn't be able to rely on the seals to operate for more than a few minutes. We also don't have large amounts of Jiraiya's blood and chakra to make many seals from.

EDIT: As for using the Scroll itself... They're not designed to do that? I just don't think it's possible. Like using a laser cutter to 3-D print - it just doesn't work
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Okay, question.. This is a summoner's conclave and after the party is over surely all the summons are to report back to their summoners right? Couldn't we just get the monkey champion or any other messenger monkey set for reporting in an emergency report back to Asuma asap? Also why aren't we involving Noburi in any of the plans?
There was an idea peddled around to hack the Toad Scroll or making a bootleg version that can Summon Jiraiya from the Naraka path and put him in a chakra shell the same way normal summons are summoned from the 7th path. I think the main reason we aren't pursuing this first is frankly that it sounds harder on paper, but we have very little context for difficulty for any of this so... it might be worth looking into as a stepping stone
Yes. There was an idea being peddled around. By somebody. For some reason. Their name escapes me.
Okay, question.. This is a summoner's conclave and after the party is over surely all the summons are to report back to their summoners right? Couldn't we just get the monkey champion or any other messenger monkey set for reporting in an emergency report back to Asuma asap? Also why aren't we involving Noburi in any of the plans?
It's more of a summon-centric victory gaming night. The only summons present are the champions of the Battle of Five Clans and Gōketsu summons here due to host privilege. No monkeys.
"Okay," Hazō said. "Noburi, I'd like you to take a couple of Narutos—if that's okay with you, Naruto—and go track down Lady Tsunade—check the hospital, the Tower, wherever else you can thinnk of. We need to know about Orochimaru's personality, his history, and his motivations. What is he likely to do next? Is he actually a threat to us? Whatever she's willing to say."

Noburi grimaced. "I mean, I'll go, but I'm not sure she's even still in Leaf. She was talking about heading out to get back to work, and I haven't had a chance to check if she left yet."

"There might be other sources," Mari noted. "Kabuto was his apprentice and prime assistant. Anko worked with him for a bit, although I don't know the details. There are others around who were active before he went missing. I'll ask around."
@eaglejarl @Velorien
Aside from Tsunade mentioning to not be interesting to Oro. Did Hazou ever receive any of this information? Especially considering Hazou angering Naruto into leaving, and the Collapse happened shortly aftewards. If not, would a Fate Point in the action plan be enough for Hazou to have reminded Team Uplift to do it and receive the info?

Random thought. Wat are the odds mari tries to sacrifice herself to Oro when Hazou leaves?
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What a mess. I sure hope the Hokage can save both us and Kei!

Meanwhile, the generic Hokage-Oro conversation:
Orochimaru: I'm doing stuff.
Leaf Population: It's ok, I'm stuff
Hokage: Oh my sage, Orochimaru noooo!!!
Orochimaru: Haha I am commiting experimentation in the persuit of true immortality.
We should also look at the long term risk of Oro.
If Oro discovers Mari lies then he gets angry. Angry Oro is harder to convince him to collaborate with hazou.
Collaborating with Oro allows understanding oro psychology. and demonstrating usefulness to him.
Both of those decrease chance of dissection.
Now is also the easiest time to talk to Oro. Normally he's in his lab doing experiments, not giving others the time of day. But now he's at party to avoid snake lectures. We just gotta be more interesting to talk to than whatever alternative he might find at the party.
Oro might find Hazou dumb for thinking Oro would dissect Kei since that would require giving up Leaf luxuries. And oro likes intelligence.
Also bringing everyone to gang up on Oro reminding him not to dissect people might also discourage him from further socializing.

Oro doesn't socialize, yes. But we can groom him.
First if every time he tries socializing people think he's gonna dissect them, it's little surprise he doesn't try. Like why Yuno is a crazy axe killer.
Being a genius might have made him feel like he had no peers to socialize with.
And maybe being a missing nin and Nagato's influence has softened him up. And maybe the deaths of 3rd hokage and jiraiya made him sad and vulnerable.

also since the brain/personality is very complicated. there is a decent chance that oro would need to talk to kei instead of just dissect her. ask her questions. and kei, as a thinker bloodline, is a kindred soul to him for socializing

ooh, an idea to distract oro and not make him made at mari and that would be hilarious if it worked. tell anko her senpai has left the seclusion of his estate and is currently at the goketsu estate.

or alternatively say is that anko there? and see if orochimaru runs away
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Oro doesn't socialize, yes. But we can groom him.
First if every time he tries socializing people think he's gonna dissect them, it's little surprise he doesn't try. Like why Yuno is a crazy axe killer.
Being a genius might have made him feel like he had no peers to socialize with.
And maybe being a missing nin and Nagato's influence has softened him up. And maybe the deaths of 3rd hokage and jiraiya made him sad and vulnerable.
Mari was clearly horrified. It wasn't often that she punched above her weight in terms of persuasion and bluff, and the stakes were high enough to be considered an existential risk. Just what did Hazō think?
OROCHIMARU: I do hope your interruption is warranted, nephew. I'd hate to discover you were wasting my time again.
HAZŌ: This is exactly what I'm here for. That attitude.
Orochimaru's eyes were wide as saucers.
Mari looked like she would like nothing more than to disappear into the ground, and so she did.
OROCHIMARU: What are y-
HAZŌ: I'm so sorry everyone's scared of you.
OROCHIMARU: I am puzzled as to why you would fail to conceive this is in no part my purposeful doing. I tire of this, so n-
HAZŌ: I know, that's what so sad...
HAZŌ: You push people away because they cannot understand you... It must be so hard :(
HAZŌ: And the few intellectual peers you had are now *chokes up* g- gone! Nagato, dead. The Yondaime, dead. Jiraiya, dead! You're all alone and unloved :(
OROCHIMARU: I don't like th-
HAZŌ: Of course you don't like it!
OROCHIMARU (cont): -at you're playing this kind of game.
HAZŌ (cont, oblivious): Alone and unloved, of course you dissect people all the time.
At this point, it wouldn't surprise anyone that the crying Hazō offered Orochimaru a hug. Anyone save Orochimaru himself, who was wondering how this got here.
OROCHIMARU: B-back off! I'm serious!
HAZŌ: You need to stop shielding yourself! Shhh, there, there, it's okay. I used to have trouble relating with people to, but Momma helped me. Now I'll help you make friends :)
The Snake Sannin, the most powerful ninja in Leaf and perhaps on the continent, the keeper of a million secrets and terror of a billion children on this plane and a few others could not suppress a shudder. Nothing he tried with chakra arts or applied killing intent, jōnin aura, or persuasion seemed to get through. Nobody could be THAT thick, so it had to be an incredibly powerful and potentially transmissible memetic hazard.
HAZŌ: But I'll be your friend, don't worry!
OROCHIMARU: I forgot I left an experiment on and now it's probably cooked, I need to leave pleasedon'tfollowme
HAZŌ: I know you're scared but it's okay...
OROCHIMARU (frantically looking for a way out, thinking gravely impaired by fear of being subverted by alien information): I'lldowhateverjustLETMEGO
HAZŌ: My poor little meow-meow :(
OROCHIMARU: *screams in Kagome*

Sorry I wanted to write three lines and then this got away from me and turned into 400 words
Nothing like good ol' brain damage to convince your creepy Snuncle to not mess with you.

Hazou: "The real psychological defense mechanisms were the memetic hazards we intentionally absorbed along the way." :)