Teh evil was destroyed, the Sage's Foe sent back to the Void to sleep for another thousand years but every victory has its price, and Leaf has paid in blood. The Gallant Jiraiya, Fifth Lord Hokage, leader of the Legendary Three, Toad Sage, and author of the well-loved Icha Icha series, fell in battle against fifty-seven of the Enemy's demonic forces and the Kages of Cloud and Rock. His foes had no chance to celebarte, as he dragged them down into death's cold grip as he went Lady Senju Tsunade, Supreme Medic, Slug Princess, Wielder of the Strenght of One Hunderd, was gravely wounded and lies at death's door in Leaf General Hospital. (Donations and flowers welcome!) Captains Hatakae Kakshi and Maito Gai fell as well, loyal to the end. Other casualties were heavy; some have said that it was as many as two hundred of Leaf's greatest jōnin, but reports are still confused.
[X] Action Plan: Sufficiently Straightforward Steps Supply Secrecy
Word Count: 277
  • Go to the main hall and find Kei.
    • On the move, dispel and re-summon Cannon if Hazou thinks he would help.
      • Find Kei and bring her back to Hazou.
    • If anyone asks, say that something urgent has transpired and she is needed immediately (technically true).
      • Subtly reinforce Mari's pretense of a summons from Asuma.
    • Grab someone else (Akane?) to carry Hazou to get him away faster.
    • If possible, leave a note for someone with Kei
  • Run away from the Clan Compound with her.
    • Avoid the side where Mari seemed to be leading Orochimaru to an outbuilding.
    • Explain the situation on the way: high level information first.
      • Orochumaru is interested in the Iron Nerve, and in Snowflake's cognitively independent nature.
        • Independent SCs have obvious utility to him.
        • Mari said the IN let Hazou memorize the ground around him: why would Orochumaru be interested in that? Or rather, why would that change him from disinterest to interest?
      • How to change the cost-benefit analysis for Orochumaru?
    • If needed, Skywalk away to leave no trail.
    • Kei to go ahead once briefed if Hazou is much slower.
  • Go directly to the Tower.
    • Explain the situation to Asuma.
    • If caught along the way, or at the faintest hint of anything amiss, Reverse Summon to the Seventh Path.
    • Once immediate safety is secured, start reaching out to allies to brainstorm what to do next. Options: Shikamaru, Ami, Naruto, Tsunade
      • Potential lie: Snowflake is a long-term and secret experiment to induce directed personality drift, and Mari wasn't in the loop.
        • Once we have time, can fake Nara paperwork to support.
      • Option for Hazou: cooperation with Orochimaru to non-maimingly gather bloodline data, to prevent kidnapping + dissection?

Basic plan to do the obvious stuff. Word-count is tight right now, but don't worry about it for suggestions -- the plan is very unoptimized. First question: is it a good idea to recruit Akane, whose presence probably won't be missed much at a party for Summoners, or should we try to bring Noburi instead, who can also Reverse Summon if Oro tries to gank us on the run?

Without Mari SCs, I don't see any clever way of getting to Kei but going directly. Summons or ECs might help. Mari's leading Oro to the outskirts of the compound, so we can only hope that we have enough time.

@eaglejarl @Velorien Couple questions:
  1. Is Hazou capable of sustaining a full-speed run from here to the Tower? How slow would he be compared to being bodily carried by an able-bodied ninja?
  2. Are Earth Clones intelligent enough to find Kei?
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Aside from Jiraiya's ability to just have people go splat, that is just bad strategy. Having two of the best social ninja carrying a grudge over you ruining their wedding day with pettiness?
I find it reflects reality - bigots with power tend to be, ah, under-achievers on the subtlety and maturity front.
Was this an intentional misspell to highlight that Leaf newspapers are not very high quality?
See also: "City fo Mist", "villians", "Hatakae Kakshi", "celebarte", "Strenght of One Hunderd", "HOkage", "forebearance", American English spelling all throughout, and a couple questionable stylistic choices - Leaf tabloids are basically an Internet forum, without the catgirls.
I am not sure if this is an action plan that should be voted on but I am compelled to write it

[X] Action Plan: The Soul of Iron forged in the crucible of The God Flaying knife

  • Summon a dog to find Kei.
    • Orochimaru is interested in him and Kei now.
    • Kei should try to make contact with people who could help. Some ideas: Naruto, Ami, Tsunade, Shikamaru.
    • Keep a summon on hand. If Orochimaru is coming quickly, Reverse summon to Seventh Path.
    • Otherwise, Kei and Hazou will reconvene in Seventh Path in a short time.
  • Catch up to Orochimaru
    • Ask our dear Uncle if he is really this stupid?
    • If he moves against Kei here's a list of people he'll have to kill at a minimum
      • Hazou, Kagome and Ami
    • And all of us are too important to just disappear into his basement of horrors
      • So that big of a hit to Leaf
      • Asuma might have let Orochimaru play scary mad scientist and get away with things no one else could he has his limits.
        • That means more things to cover up unless Orochimaru wants to stage coup and fight both Tsunade and Naruto at the same time
      • And what's happening in Leaf isn't even the end of it.
        • The Angel without Mercy considers Ami as his successor. Hidan considers Hazou the Chosen of Jashin. That's to more S-rank ninja that will be after Oro's head if he tries anything.
    • Oro's other option is to grab Kei and run.
      • But we all know he decided it was better to be a Leaf nin in good standing than stay out in the cold
      • He'd lose access to all of the willing subjects that come into his lab.
      • No more Rock nin to experiment on
      • No access to high quality medical facilities and all the things he has in the basement
    • There's a price for being part of civilization
    • Being the scariest motherfucker on the planet won't get him what he wants know
      • So we can have a civilized negotiation or Hazou will go pretty damn far to protect his family
      • The choice is yours Uncle Oro
[X] Action Plan: Sufficiently Straightforward Steps Supply Secrecy
On the move, dispel and re-summon a summon that was here for the game night if chakra allows.
Is game night over yet? I was under the impression that this all was happening while the Summons were still up.
If chakra doesn't allow, use Earth Clones instead:
Are they capable of this level of instructions? IIRC when we sent one into the river the most it could do is 'walk forwards while saying X repeatedly'. I don't think they could navigate a compound and look for a specific person.
Once immediate safety is secured, start reaching out to allies to brainstorm what to do next. Options: Shikamaru, Ami, Naruto, Tsunade
I would like to request that we inquire about whether we can make a deal with him, something akin to what Ami did. IFF Ami/Tsunade/Kabuto think that Orochimaru would accept a deal where Hazou gives full cooperation in bloodline research so long as he suffers no permanent damage from the procedures, we could reach a compromise with him that puts this fear to rest for good.
Mari said the IN let Hazou memorize the ground around him: why would Orochumaru be interested in that? Or rather, why would that change him from disinterest to interest?

I am not sure how Kei is supposed to be helpful here, but Orochimaru thought Hazou had:
that means you have a powerful combination of cognitive enhancement and 3D scanning ability. This is something I require."

We should go directly to Tsunade and ask her opinion.

The IN only really absorbs "seals". While thats pretty cool, we should make sure if Orochimaru is really that interested, Bloodlines are complicated and can probably not easily be replicated, even by him.

And I doubt the knowledge about Snowflakes nature is going to be dangerous in Tsunades hands. She could also tell us if he's research would only be tortures and destructive or if there are safe ways to study them further.


Also Tsunade performed Kakashi's sharingan transplant, with the help of the Crows, but she should still know something about bloodline research:

"You can't transplant eyeballs that way," Noburi said. "People have tried. There was that one thing with Captain Kakashi, but Tsunade's never done it again. Cracking that process was one of Dr Yakushi's big projects, but it's hard to experiment without actual Bloodline Limit holders to dissect. Obviously, Captain Kakashi wasn't exactly keen to go under the scalpel."

"The Crows are said to have surgeons far superior to any on the Human Path," Keiko noted. "Given that they are Itachi's summons, it is not inconceivable that they were responsible. Regardless, this is a dead end. I see no way for us to know, short of an interview with Akatsuki, what Pain's powers were and how they were applied to the ritual."
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Has the possibilty of reopening that hell-dimension portal been discussed with Oruncule yet? Might be distracting enough.
The IN only really absorbs "seals". While thats pretty cool, we should make sure if Orochimaru is really that interested, Bloodlines are complicated and can probably not easily be replicated, even by him.
I've been pondering about this a little, and I think that Orochimaru is planning to do something akin to 'make a seal that replicates a jutsu'. If you have a reference point for how something is done in a Bloodline, you a) know that this specific action can be done[1] and b) can observe the mechanisms that were used to accomplish it.

Even if he can't give himself the Iron Nerve, what I would more expect out of Orochimaru is him observing the structure and chakra flows of the Iron Nerve and use that to design a custom biomod of his own that emulates that specific effect, just like how an enterprising sealmaster could look at a jutsu and try to make a seal that does the same thing.

[1] Think about how we created flight, but it turned out to be 'walk on air' flight instead of Superman flight. Just seeing ninja walk on air instead of shoot off like Superman points you in the right direction for flight research
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No one moved, no one breathed, as the Toad Sage's killing intent roiled and surged through the room. It was restrained, barely; the screams of damned souls were distant and the visions of the bleeding Out intruded only at the corners of vision. The cold grip of death clutched at everyone's heart but did not squeeze so tight that blood stopped flowing. And, of course, its grip lay far heavier on some than others; for Hazō, Keiko, and Shikamaru it merely loomed instead of trembling on the edge of destruction.
Man, what the fuck happened between him and Naruto that he got a bigger blast than us?
[X] Action Plan: Sufficiently Straightforward Steps Supply Secrecy
Word Count: 296
  • Go away from Mari: she wouldn't lead Orochimaru directly to Kei.
  • Go to the main hall and find Kei.
    • On the move, dispel and re-summon a summon that was here for the game night if chakra allows.
      • They should know more about the Pangolin Summoner's location.
      • Instruct them to find her and bring her back to Hazou.
      • If chakra doesn't allow, use Earth Clones instead:
        • Make sure they don't do anything that might let them cross paths with Orochimaru.
    • If anyone asks, say that something urgent has transpired and she is needed immediately (technically true).
      • Subtly reinforce Mari's pretense of a summons from Asuma.
  • Run away from the Clan Compound with her.
    • Avoid the side where Mari seemed to be leading Orochimaru to an outbuilding.
    • Explain the situation on the way: high level information first.
      • Orochumaru is interested in the Iron Nerve, and in Snowflake's cognitively independent nature.
        • Independent SCs have obvious utility to him.
        • Mari said the IN let Hazou memorize the ground around him: why would Orochumaru be interested in that? Or rather, why would that change him from disinterest to interest?
      • Ask Kei which allies are most likely to change the cost-benefit analysis for Orochumaru.
    • If needed, Skywalk away to leave no trail.
    • If needed, recruit Akane to carry Hazou to move faster.
  • Go directly to the Tower.
    • Explain the situation to Asuma.
    • If caught along the way, or at the faintest hint of anything amiss, Reverse Summon to the Seventh Path.
    • Once immediate safety is secured, start reaching out to allies to brainstorm what to do next. Options: Shikamaru, Ami, Naruto, Tsunade
      • Potential lie: Snowflake is a long-term and secret experiment to induce directed personality drift, and Mari wasn't in the loop.
        • Once we have time, can fake Nara paperwork to support.

Basic plan to do the obvious stuff. Word-count is tight right now, but don't worry about it for suggestions -- the plan is very unoptimized. First question: is it a good idea to recruit Akane, whose presence probably won't be missed much at a party for Summoners, or should we try to bring Noburi instead, who can also Reverse Summon if Oro tries to gank us on the run?

Without Mari SCs, I don't see any clever way of getting to Kei but going directly. Summons or ECs might help. Mari's leading Oro to the outskirts of the compound, so we can only hope that we have enough time.

@eaglejarl @Velorien Couple questions:
  1. Is Hazou capable of sustaining a full-speed run from here to the Tower? How slow would he be compared to being bodily carried by an able-bodied ninja?
  2. Are Earth Clones intelligent enough to find Kei?

If Oro doesn't find Kei, Mari could risk retaliation, so maybe it would be better to leave Snowflake to stop Oro from lashing Out. Regarding what Snowflake could say to Oro, i propose playing on what we know of him:
1) His pride in his own mind
2) His fear of degradation.

Snowflake could say something along the lines of "The outcome comes from the fundamental flaw of the original mind born from a Bloodline, therefore even if Orochimaru could replicate it, it would be by fundamentally crippling his own mental faculties for the benefit of Shadow Clones whose ideas he could never fully understand with his mind crippled in a way not even old age could ever do". Also, everything Snowflake would say would be true, from her point of view.
If chakra doesn't allow, use Earth Clones instead:
  • Make sure they don't do anything that might let them cross paths with Orochimaru.
I don't think this is a good idea. Earth Clones are mindless and "don't cross paths with Orochimaru" is way too complicated an instruction for them to follow. I don't think they're smart enough to go find Kei either.

Mari said the IN let Hazou memorize the ground around him: why would Orochumaru be interested in that? Or rather, why would that change him from disinterest to interest?
Orochimaru isn't very interested in that compared to a seal scanning ability, that was the bullshit Mari said so that Hazou didn't blurt out his real bloodline secrets. I don't think it's very complicated, Oro has limited time and decided that maybe the IN was worth a look after he had initially dismissed it.

Explain the situation on the way: high level information first.
  • Orochumaru is interested in the Iron Nerve, and in Snowflake's cognitively independent nature.
    • Independent SCs have obvious utility to him.
    • Mari said the IN let Hazou memorize the ground around him: why would Orochumaru be interested in that? Or rather, why would that change him from disinterest to interest?
  • Ask Kei which allies are most likely to change the cost-benefit analysis for Orochumaru.
I think it would be prudent to suggest leaving a Snowflake for Orochimaru to find. Although I do think Keiko should make that call. This is life-or-death, and I don't think Snowflake has a problem protecting her family.
I've been pondering about this a little, and I think that Orochimaru is planning to do something akin to 'make a seal that replicates a jutsu'. If you have a reference point for how something is done in a Bloodline, you a) know that this specific action can be done[1] and b) can observe the mechanisms that were used to accomplish it.

Even if he can't give himself the Iron Nerve, what I would more expect out of Orochimaru is him observing the structure and chakra flows of the Iron Nerve and use that to design a custom biomod of his own that emulates that specific effect, just like how an enterprising sealmaster could look at a jutsu and try to make a seal that does the same thing.

[1] Think about how we created flight, but it turned out to be 'walk on air' flight instead of Superman flight. Just seeing ninja walk on air instead of shoot off like Superman points you in the right direction for flight research

The whole problem is that we don't know anything about bloodline research (besides cutting bodies open). Hazou and Mari fear that this ends in Hazou's death or torture, but maybe Orochimaru does have non-violent ways to study the IN. The only one we can trust with that right now is Tsunade.

Man, what the fuck happened between him and Naruto that he got a bigger blast than us?

"Are you getting soft on me old-timer? I am motherfucking Uzumaki Naruto, give me the full power of your Soul, Biatch!"
- Uzumaki Naruto, SC#137622
[X] Action Plan: Sufficiently Straightforward Steps Supply Secrecy
Word Count: 296
  • Go away from Mari: she wouldn't lead Orochimaru directly to Kei.
  • Go to the main hall and find Kei.
    • On the move, dispel and re-summon a summon that was here for the game night if chakra allows.
      • They should know more about the Pangolin Summoner's location.
      • Instruct them to find her and bring her back to Hazou.
      • If chakra doesn't allow, use Earth Clones instead:
        • Make sure they don't do anything that might let them cross paths with Orochimaru.
    • If anyone asks, say that something urgent has transpired and she is needed immediately (technically true).
      • Subtly reinforce Mari's pretense of a summons from Asuma.
  • Run away from the Clan Compound with her.
    • Avoid the side where Mari seemed to be leading Orochimaru to an outbuilding.
    • Explain the situation on the way: high level information first.
      • Orochumaru is interested in the Iron Nerve, and in Snowflake's cognitively independent nature.
        • Independent SCs have obvious utility to him.
        • Mari said the IN let Hazou memorize the ground around him: why would Orochumaru be interested in that? Or rather, why would that change him from disinterest to interest?
      • Ask Kei which allies are most likely to change the cost-benefit analysis for Orochumaru.
    • If needed, Skywalk away to leave no trail.
    • If needed, recruit Akane to carry Hazou to move faster.
  • Go directly to the Tower.
    • Explain the situation to Asuma.
    • If caught along the way, or at the faintest hint of anything amiss, Reverse Summon to the Seventh Path.
    • Once immediate safety is secured, start reaching out to allies to brainstorm what to do next. Options: Shikamaru, Ami, Naruto, Tsunade
      • Potential lie: Snowflake is a long-term and secret experiment to induce directed personality drift, and Mari wasn't in the loop.
        • Once we have time, can fake Nara paperwork to support.

Basic plan to do the obvious stuff. Word-count is tight right now, but don't worry about it for suggestions -- the plan is very unoptimized. First question: is it a good idea to recruit Akane, whose presence probably won't be missed much at a party for Summoners, or should we try to bring Noburi instead, who can also Reverse Summon if Oro tries to gank us on the run?

Without Mari SCs, I don't see any clever way of getting to Kei but going directly. Summons or ECs might help. Mari's leading Oro to the outskirts of the compound, so we can only hope that we have enough time.

@eaglejarl @Velorien Couple questions:
  1. Is Hazou capable of sustaining a full-speed run from here to the Tower? How slow would he be compared to being bodily carried by an able-bodied ninja?
  2. Are Earth Clones intelligent enough to find Kei?
I think we'd need Akane for your plan to work. Hazou can't move much faster than a walk right now. (Also, the image of Akane princess carrying him away from danger is hilarious and amazing).

I also kinda want to recruit some allies sooner than the 7th path reverse-summon, IE send runners to them (Akane Shadow Clones perhaps? If not, Yuno, Noburi, Haru, and the newbies should be around) Don't really want Mari to have to hang out with Oro without any backup for too long. Ami could help double-bluff him into believing the divergent shadow clone thing was a lie, even, if we sent a coded message to her.
The whole problem is that we don't know anything about bloodline research (besides cutting bodies open). Hazou and Mari fear that this ends in Hazou's death or torture, but maybe Orochimaru does have non-violent ways to study the IN. The only one we can trust with that right now is Tsunade.
I wasn't saying that as an answer to the question of how he would study the Iron Nerve, but rather as an answer to the question of what he would get out of it. He may not be able to directly transplant the Iron Nerve into himself or anything like that, but I don't think that's what he would be aiming for if he wants to study the Iron Nerve and gain some of its capabilities for himself.
Man, what the fuck happened between him and Naruto that he got a bigger blast than us?
Ugh. Should have, and now does, say "and their allies". S'what I get for writing something in a couple hours first thing in the morning and pushing it out the door with completely insufficient copyediting. I swear I went through it and it looked fine, but I've gone over it several times since then and found new problems each time.
We should really trust Mari within her field of expertise. She doesn't need help from someone 4 years her junior; if she did, she'd have asked for it.
Was this an intentional misspell to highlight that Leaf newspapers are not very high quality?

that was great.
so i take this means velorien has the reins of the current clusterfuck all to himself

Glad you liked it. Yup, that's exactly what it means.

He's been going by Uzumaki in MfD. You'll have to ask him as to why.
HAZOU: Hey, I've been meaning to ask you: why do you go by Uzumaki?
NARUTO: Why are you talking to me? And why are you at my house? And is that Orochimaru following you?
HAZOU: Oh shit, I almost forgot!
I mean it seems to me he's most likely an Uzumaki because they are on the clan council and Minato was clanless
HAZOU: Hey, I've been meaning to ask you: why do you go by Uzumaki?
NARUTO: Why are you talking to me? And why are you at my house? And is that Orochimaru following you?
HAZOU: Oh shit, I almost forgot!
OROCHIMARU: I'm sorry I talked about treason, even as a joke
NARUTO: *reeling*
OROCHIMARU: Also I'm Orochimazō now. Something about voices? Anyway Orochimaru's... sort of not a thing any more.
HAZŌ: Oh come on I am NOT that bad at infosec.
OROCHIMAZŌ: Yeah dude we kinda are :/
On the move, dispel and re-summon a summon that was here for the game night if chakra allows.
You've been paying sustain costs for multiple dogs all night, with Noburi's help, and thanks to Orochimaru you haven't had a chance to top up from him for a while. If you dispel one, you will not have the chakra to resummon it.

If needed, Skywalk away to leave no trail.
Note that you don't habitually walk around gaming nights with skywalker seals. If you need them, you will need to detour to the main building to get them.

  1. Is Hazou capable of sustaining a full-speed run from here to the Tower? How slow would he be compared to being bodily carried by an able-bodied ninja?
  2. Are Earth Clones intelligent enough to find Kei?
1. No. Over a distance that big, you should assume he can only manage a medium-speed walk, a lot slower than ninja running speed.
2. No. In addition to basic intelligence concerns, they don't share Hazō's consciousness and therefore don't know what she looks like.