No, but I think we should ask Yuno about the whole "Ten thousand world"-thing:
Could just be an exaggeration. Lots of ancient cultures used large numbers as a metaphor/hyperbole for "a lot." Like in Avatar the Last Airbender, "Won She Tong, He Who Knows a Thousand Things." Or "You're a hundred years too early to challenge me."

We know Yuno's internal dialogue/perception of the world is flowery in its prose. Could simply be an extension of that.
Mari was clearly horrified. It wasn't often that she punched above her weight in terms of persuasion and bluff, and the stakes were high enough to be considered an existential risk. Just what did Hazō think?
OROCHIMARU: I do hope your interruption is warranted, nephew. I'd hate to discover you were wasting my time again.
HAZŌ: This is exactly what I'm here for. That attitude.
Orochimaru's eyes were wide as saucers.
Mari looked like she would like nothing more than to disappear into the ground, and so she did.
OROCHIMARU: What are y-
HAZŌ: I'm so sorry everyone's scared of you.
OROCHIMARU: I am puzzled as to why you would fail to conceive this is in no part my purposeful doing. I tire of this, so n-
HAZŌ: I know, that's what so sad...
HAZŌ: You push people away because they cannot understand you... It must be so hard :(
HAZŌ: And the few intellectual peers you had are now *chokes up* g- gone! Nagato, dead. The Yondaime, dead. Jiraiya, dead! You're all alone and unloved :(
OROCHIMARU: I don't like th-
HAZŌ: Of course you don't like it!
OROCHIMARU (cont): -at you're playing this kind of game.
HAZŌ (cont, oblivious): Alone and unloved, of course you dissect people all the time.
At this point, it wouldn't surprise anyone that the crying Hazō offered Orochimaru a hug. Anyone save Orochimaru himself, who was wondering how this got here.
OROCHIMARU: B-back off! I'm serious!
HAZŌ: You need to stop shielding yourself! Shhh, there, there, it's okay. I used to have trouble relating with people to, but Momma helped me. Now I'll help you make friends :)
The Snake Sannin, the most powerful ninja in Leaf and perhaps on the continent, the keeper of a million secrets and terror of a billion children on this plane and a few others could not suppress a shudder. Nothing he tried with chakra arts or applied killing intent, jōnin aura, or persuasion seemed to get through. Nobody could be THAT thick, so it had to be an incredibly powerful and potentially transmissible memetic hazard.
HAZŌ: But I'll be your friend, don't worry!
OROCHIMARU: I forgot I left an experiment on and now it's probably cooked, I need to leave pleasedon'tfollowme
HAZŌ: I know you're scared but it's okay...
OROCHIMARU (frantically looking for a way out, thinking gravely impaired by fear of being subverted by alien information): I'lldowhateverjustLETMEGO
HAZŌ: My poor little meow-meow :(
OROCHIMARU: *screams in Kagome*

Sorry I wanted to write three lines and then this got away from me and turned into 400 words
My Little Hazō: Friendship is Magic a Memetic Hazard
Note that you don't habitually walk around gaming nights with skywalker seals. If you need them, you will need to detour to the main building to get them.
Gotcha. Is this within the realm of a Declare?
Cannon, excitable greyhound, 50 CP
Canoe, grownup greyhound, 60 CP
Were either of these dogs at game night, or would they have a reasonable shot at recognizing Kei? Specifically Cannon, the Scout with whom we have a legitimate contract, rather than Canoe who I believe is just contracted for Reverse Summoning.
Gifts for Yuno

Hazou: A friendship bracelet, made with the Earthshaping Jutsu, made from (part of) the inner walls of the Main Goketsu Family Home. Including EarthShaped charms that represent the Main Family (sun for Akane, toad/scalpel for Noburi, kunai/shiruken for Kei, snowflake for Snowflake, a stylized eye for Mari, a stylized explosive tag for Kagome, and a blank scroll/book for Hazou).


Kei's gift: transcribed accounts from Ui's personal combat summons

Noburi: Isan-style furniture/art? Maybe a transcription of what Isan Myths/Legends the Uplift Family can recall?

Kagome: learned to make Isan-style food, along with a wood carving that depicts Yuno (+axe?) amongst family

Akane: flowers in Isan Flower Language depicting familial love and acceptance?

Mari: ??
I know QMs have requested ideas for gifts for the birthday person, from non-Hazou characters to lower the spoon-cost of birthday updates. Here's my proposal for Yuno's birthday, linked in my sig for QM convenience. If anyone else has any ideas, ping me and I'll add them.
Is game night over yet? I was under the impression that this all was happening while the Summons were still up.
Yeah, I figured it was worth pulling one summon out of a game rather rudely.
I would like to request that we inquire about whether we can make a deal with him, something akin to what Ami did. IFF Ami/Tsunade/Kabuto think that Orochimaru would accept a deal where Hazou gives full cooperation in bloodline research so long as he suffers no permanent damage from the procedures, we could reach a compromise with him that puts this fear to rest for good.

If Oro doesn't find Kei, Mari could risk retaliation, so maybe it would be better to leave Snowflake to stop Oro from lashing Out. Regarding what Snowflake could say to Oro, i propose playing on what we know of him:
1) His pride in his own mind
2) His fear of degradation.

Snowflake could say something along the lines of "The outcome comes from the fundamental flaw of the original mind born from a Bloodline, therefore even if Orochimaru could replicate it, it would be by fundamentally crippling his own mental faculties for the benefit of Shadow Clones whose ideas he could never fully understand with his mind crippled in a way not even old age could ever do". Also, everything Snowflake would say would be true, from her point of view.
On the other hand, we shouldn't unilaterally that Snowflake be a sacrifice, especially when Oro has proven mental attacks. How can we phrase it? Ask Kei if Snowflake would be willing to do this?
[X] Action Plan: Sufficiently Straightforward Steps Supply Secrecy
Word Count: 277
  • Go to the main hall and find Kei.
    • On the move, dispel and re-summon Cannon if Hazou thinks he would help.
      • Find Kei and bring her back to Hazou.
    • If anyone asks, say that something urgent has transpired and she is needed immediately (technically true).
      • Subtly reinforce Mari's pretense of a summons from Asuma.
    • Grab someone else (Akane?) to carry Hazou to get him away faster.
    • If possible, leave a note for someone with Kei
  • Run away from the Clan Compound with her.
    • Avoid the side where Mari seemed to be leading Orochimaru to an outbuilding.
    • Explain the situation on the way: high level information first.
      • Orochumaru is interested in the Iron Nerve, and in Snowflake's cognitively independent nature.
        • Independent SCs have obvious utility to him.
        • Mari said the IN let Hazou memorize the ground around him: why would Orochumaru be interested in that? Or rather, why would that change him from disinterest to interest?
      • How to change the cost-benefit analysis for Orochumaru?
    • If needed, Skywalk away to leave no trail.
    • Kei to go ahead once briefed if Hazou is much slower.
  • Go directly to the Tower.
    • Explain the situation to Asuma.
    • If caught along the way, or at the faintest hint of anything amiss, Reverse Summon to the Seventh Path.
    • Once immediate safety is secured, start reaching out to allies to brainstorm what to do next. Options: Shikamaru, Ami, Naruto, Tsunade
      • Potential lie: Snowflake is a long-term and secret experiment to induce directed personality drift, and Mari wasn't in the loop.
        • Once we have time, can fake Nara paperwork to support.
      • Option for Hazou: cooperation with Orochimaru to non-maimingly gather bloodline data, to prevent kidnapping + dissection?
On the other hand, we shouldn't unilaterally that Snowflake be a sacrifice, especially when Oro has proven mental attacks. How can we phrase it? Ask Kei if Snowflake would be willing to do this?

Snowflake should have Keiko's memory, so i would to just ask....If we don't lose too much time doing so. While Snowflake is a Shadow Clone, she is also a ninja and for a ninja tactics such as "delaying the enemy" are normal. Ninja life is harsh, and ninjas are accustomed to hard decisions, be they made of flesh or Chakra Constructs.
More importantly, i doubt we could notice Oro and run to the 7th Path in time if he follows us, so having Snowflake to tell us where he is(And instantly reverse-summon if Oro start running after us) could improve our chances of survival considerably.
I am strongly against asking Snowflake to be a meat shield for Kei. We know from the Pangolin Grub Incident that Snowflake's willing to do it, but that she isn't comfortable doing it. It reduces Snowflake's individuality and places her utility as a shadow clone above her autonomy.

I also worry that Snowflake will view this as Hazou flinging her before a hungry lion in favor of saving Kei. Which is what would be happening, except the "lion," in this case, is a sociopathic amoral S-ranker who routinely conducts inhumane vivisections/experimentation/worse on people who gave dubious consent while under financial pressure --which is hardly a step up from Orochimaru doing the same thing to random innocents.

And we already know that Orochimaru had at least one seal that had wonky interactions with the Shadow Clone Jutsu. If Snowflake gets hit by a seal of that nature (similar to the Cannibal Seal) then that's the end of Snowflake. Maybe Kei, too, if such a seal isn't stopped by the "phantasmal layer"."

To reiterate, I am very against using Snowflake as a meat shield against Orochimaru.
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I am strongly against asking Snowflake to be a meat shield for Kei. We know from the Pangolin Grub Incident that Snowflake's willing to do it, but that she isn't comfortable doing it. It reduces Snowflake's individuality and places her utility as a shadow clone above her autonomy.

I also worry that Snowflake will view this as Hazou flinging her before a hungry lion in favor of saving Kei. Which is what would be happening, except the "lion," in this case, is a sociopathic amoral S-ranker who routinely conducts inhumane vivisections/experimentation/worse on people who gave dubious consent while under financial pressure --which is hardly a step up from Orochimaru doing the same thing to random innocents.

And we already know that Orochimaru had at least one seal that had wonky interactions with the Shadow Clone Jutsu. If Snowflake gets hit by a seal of that nature (similar to the Cannibal Seal) then that's the end of Snowflake. Maybe Kei, too, if such a seal isn't stopped by the "phantasmal layer"."

To reiterate, I am very against using Snowflake as a meat shield against Orochimaru.
Solution: Use Kei as a meatshield for Snowflake.
  • Once immediate safety is secured, start reaching out to allies to brainstorm what to do next. Options: Shikamaru, Ami, Naruto, Tsunade
    • Potential lie: Snowflake is a long-term and secret experiment to induce directed personality drift, and Mari wasn't in the loop.
      • Once we have time, can fake Nara paperwork to support.
So is the plan to exile Snowflake from the public eye, to hope that Orochimaru is just so insular he never finds out the truth, to string him along indefinitely with the pretense that Kei is 'just pretending', or to claim it worked but then give him some quackery social bullshit about how to do it that doesn't involve bloodlines?

The last would be entertaining but none of those interpretations sound like an Actually Good Idea™.
  • Option for Hazou: cooperation with Orochimaru to non-maimingly gather bloodline data, to prevent kidnapping + dissection?
This can only go badly.
I am strongly against asking Snowflake to be a meat shield for Kei. We know from the Pangolin Grub Incident that Snowflake's willing to do it, but that she isn't comfortable doing it. It reduces Snowflake's individuality and places her utility as a shadow clone above her autonomy.

I also worry that Snowflake will view this as Hazou flinging her before a hungry lion in favor of saving Kei. Which is what would be happening, except the "lion," in this case, is a sociopathic amoral S-ranker who routinely conducts inhumane vivisections/experimentation/worse on people who gave dubious consent while under financial pressure --which is hardly a step up from Orochimaru doing the same thing to random innocents.

And we already know that Orochimaru had at least one seal that had wonky interactions with the Shadow Clone Jutsu. If Snowflake gets hit by a seal of that nature (similar to the Cannibal Seal) then that's the end of Snowflake. Maybe Kei, too, if such a seal isn't stopped by the "phantasmal layer"."

To reiterate, I am very against using Snowflake as a meat shield against Orochimaru.

I understand the concern, on the other hand.
1 Do we have a way to keep our eyes on Orochimaru? Because let's be honest, if Oro decides to run after us, i'm betting on him incapacitating us before we can reverse-summon to the 7th Path, it's simple matter of our Alterness vs his.
2 Do we have a way to keep Mari safe? Because at the moment there is nothing stopping Oro from killing her if he thinks she let Keiko run away.

While it is true that ordering Snowflake to do so would be bad, i feel that if Hazou willfully kept Snowflake out of the fight and someone died because of it, Snowflake could 1) Be absolutely(And rightfully) furious, she's a ninja, not a (pun not intented) Snowflake. 2) Feel devastated about it.
Snowflake is not a fragile child in need of protection, she's a fellow Goketsu member that we should treat accordingly, including asking her for help if we need to.

EDIT: Of course, asking is different from "order Snowflake to sacrifice herself". Nor we should ask her for such, but to possibly distract and warn us when Oro starts to follow, so we can run away to the 7th Path is needed
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Did we consider that when Orochimaru notices that it's a Mori he may just instantly understand how it works, and then be more or less persuaded to lose interest? "Cursed with a lack of creativity and difficulty to generate original ideas" must sound like the absolute scariest thing to him.
So is the plan to exile Snowflake from the public eye, to hope that Orochimaru is just so insular he never finds out the truth, to string him along indefinitely with the pretense that Kei is 'just pretending', or to claim it worked but then give him some quackery social bullshit about how to do it that doesn't involve bloodlines?

The last would be entertaining but none of those interpretations sound like an Actually Good Idea™.
Most of Leaf believes that Snowflake is just the Nara conducting a long-term social experiment (which, interestingly, implies they've done such before). The plan, as I understand it, is to leak that this is true, and provide false documentation to that fact. The social experiment in question would be "researching conscious/directed personality drift, via the use of shadow clones."

We know that such conscious personality drift is possible due to Naruto having done so on himself. He advised/warns against it, using language that heavily implies personal experience. Then, Kei (when commenting on the varying oddness inherent within all of her personal friendships) says something to the effectnthat she and Naruto have a similar experience with the Shadow Clone Jutsu "directly impacting our personal identities."

So. We know it's possible, and we know of at least one instance. Given that the Nara are all about contingencies and plans (Jiraiya commented that, when he told Shikaku that he wanted to found a clan, Shikaku simply turned his Big Book of Plans to a specific page, and then told Jiraiya how to do it, and what to watch out for), it seems rational that the Nara would study this.

In fact, given Kei's self esteem issues, it would make sense to anyone looking into it why the Lady Nara would be directing such an experiment, personally.
[X] Action Plan: "Get Help"
Word Count: ???
  • Go to the main hall and find Kei.
    • On the move, dispel and re-summon Cantelabra to get her location (if Hazou thinks he would help).
    • If anyone asks, say that something urgent has transpired and she is needed immediately (technically true).
      • Subtly reinforce Mari's pretense of a summons from Asuma.
    • Grab someone else (Akane?) to carry Hazou to get him away faster.
    • If possible, leave a note for someone with Kei
  • Run away from the Clan Compound with her.
    • Avoid the side where Mari seemed to be leading Orochimaru to an outbuilding.
    • Explain the situation on the way: high level information first.
      • Orochumaru is interested in the Iron Nerve, and in Snowflake's cognitively independent nature.
        • Independent SCs have obvious utility to him.
        • Mari said the IN let Hazou memorize the ground around him: why would Orochumaru be interested in that? Or rather, why would that change him from disinterest to interest?
      • Mari is currently distracting Orochimaru by leading him "towards" Kei. Hazou has no idea how to keep him from hurting her without asking for help.
      • How to change the cost-benefit analysis for Orochimaru?
    • If needed, Skywalk away to leave no trail.
    • Kei to go ahead once briefed if Hazou is much slower.
  • Based on Keiko's determination, get help from Asuma, Tsunade, Naruto, and/or Shikamaru.
    • Get to them and explain the situation.
    • If caught along the way, or at the faintest hint of anything amiss, Reverse Summon to the Seventh Path.
    • Once immediate safety is secured, start reaching out to allies to brainstorm what to do next. Options: Shikamaru, Ami, Naruto, Tsunade
      • Potential lie: Snowflake is a long-term and secret experiment to induce directed personality drift, and Mari wasn't in the loop.
        • Once we have time, can fake Nara paperwork to support.
      • Option for Hazou: cooperation with Orochimaru to non-maimingly gather bloodline data, to prevent kidnapping + dissection?
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Mari said the IN let Hazou memorize the ground around him: why would Orochumaru be interested in that? Or rather, why would that change him from disinterest to interest?

Maybe I read wrong but...didn't the opposite happen? Oro was interested first, then when Mari said this, he was no longer as interested.

To reiterate, I am very against using Snowflake as a meat shield against Orochimaru.

OK but...if Snowflake dies, she just comes back. No one else has this ability. So it makes sense to use her as a meat shield. The alternative is permanent death and/or injury of someone who cannot recover. So even if she doesn't like should be more like a "too bad" then actually allowing bad things to happen to preserve meager feelings.
[X] Action Plan: "Get Help"

Maybe I read wrong but...didn't the opposite happen? Oro was interested first, then when Mari said this, he was no longer as interested.
If memory serves he backed off from 'I require this' interest but was about to go 'but, you know, that's still kinda interesting' before Mari cut in again.
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If memory serves he backed off from 'I require this' interest but was about to go 'but, you know, that's still kinda interesting' before Mari cut in again.

Pretty much. After looking back it goes from:

"Nephew," Orochimaru interrupted, "Kabuto explained your wild claims during his attempts to direct my attention to your project. If you stand by your insistence that you were able to accurately memorise a vast 3D seal, in its entirety, in a matter of seconds, and recall it still despite the Dragon's psychic assault that cast you back to the Human Path and nearly shattered your mind, that means you have a powerful combination of cognitive enhancement and 3D scanning ability. This is something I require."

"Regrettable," Orochimaru muttered, his gaze wandering into the distance.


"That said," Orochimaru mused, "when I consider my original reasons for overlooking the Iron Nerve…"

So Mari practically saved Hazou and turned Oro from a must have to a maybe. And honestly...if they didn't panic, the Shadow Clone thing might not have been needed.

Also @faflec since I quoted you before on this topic.
Most of Leaf believes that Snowflake is just the Nara conducting a long-term social experiment (which, interestingly, implies they've done such before). The plan, as I understand it, is to leak that this is true, and provide false documentation to that fact. The social experiment in question would be "researching conscious/directed personality drift, via the use of shadow clones."

We know that such conscious personality drift is possible due to Naruto having done so on himself. He advised/warns against it, using language that heavily implies personal experience. Then, Kei (when commenting on the varying oddness inherent within all of her personal friendships) says something to the effectnthat she and Naruto have a similar experience with the Shadow Clone Jutsu "directly impacting our personal identities."

So. We know it's possible, and we know of at least one instance. Given that the Nara are all about contingencies and plans (Jiraiya commented that, when he told Shikaku that he wanted to found a clan, Shikaku simply turned his Big Book of Plans to a specific page, and then told Jiraiya how to do it, and what to watch out for), it seems rational that the Nara would study this.

In fact, given Kei's self esteem issues, it would make sense to anyone looking into it why the Lady Nara would be directing such an experiment, personally.
Thanks for explaining. This does seem like a rather fragile plan, though. How long can something so visible and public really remain secret, especially given Orochimaru was explicitly told otherwise?
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