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Naruto reimagined as a deathworld without most of the canon plot holes.
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Warning: So Much For Rational
so much for rational
[X] Kill everyone who voted for Action Plan: Buy a YOUTHSUIT, or otherwise kill their votes.
On the contrary, a stupid thing happening is exactly the reason we call for murder. Your scale of "stupid thing" is just... different from ours, you see.
Your reaction to someone interfering with something you, presumably, find enjoyable, invites the Staff to interfere further. 25 points and a fortnight long threadban for the both of you under Rule 3, with Rules 2 and 4 as seasoning.
Alert: Warning
The qm's have lost the right to polite interaction with this latest stunt.
warning Polite interaction is part and parcel of posting on the forum. I understand you may be displeased with the latest developments, but you will express that disapproval politely or not at all. Keep the feedback constructive, don't let salt override your better judgment. This goes for everybody.
Alert: Warning
thread policy
All in favor of launching transphobes into the sun o/

From this post onward there was quite the discussion on what to do with Transphobes, and they all veered towards ways to kill them. That is not the kind of thing we wish to see on Sufficient Velocity. You may despise a hate-group, and you may clearly wish them ill or even wish for their death, but you cannot do so in a public setting and you cannot do so on Sufficient Velocity.

This time, you all get off with this Alert Modpost telling you not to do it again, but I am hopeful there will not be a next time.

Have a nice day.
Information: Hey
[J] Training Keiko: Research "Strapon"

hey Please don't make these kind of comments about a character who is only thirteen. It isn't the kind of thing we like to see.

If it were an older character, there would be no issue, but with characters that age, it's a bit problematic even when in jest. I do realise that it's easy to think of characters as older than they actually are, and this was just an offhand comment, not any kind of serious suggestion. Consequently you haven't been infracted, and have just received a Warning for Marginal Behaviour, but please try to keep this in mind in future.

Thanks for your time.
Warning: Warning
Warning: Warning
[X] Armageddon Initiative.

warning This write-in is apparently trolling the Quest on a sensitive topic, so have a WfMB on the house since I suspect you knew better when you posted and that isn't very cool. Please try not to do this again, or we may be forced to move up to other measures.

Thanks for your time.
Information: Official Staff Communication
I don't intend to appeal this currently, however I would like clarification.
I have been voting this way (and other ways that are generally stupid) for a very long time without issue, are you just monitoring the thread closely for a while to make sure that it doesn't flare back up after the Youthsuit vote, or is this a warning that you will never allow Armageddon Initiative esque votes in the future?
If its the former, when will you be stepping back with the restrictions
Before I commit to this @Admiral Skippy will voting to seduce Naruto get me another naughty point?

official staff communication Sorry for the delay in getting to this, I've had a bit of a busy day.

My warning to you earlier was premised on the suggestion that you were deliberately trolling the thread in a way that other players found upsetting, related back to some pre-exisiting incident. I have no idea myself whether a given vote is or isn't trolling, since this whole shebang is pretty incomprehensible to me, so I went with the sources available and made a judgement. If I was wrong, then you have my apology.

In general, if you're just messing around in the spirit of good-natured fun then we aren't going to get all Fun Police about it.