Despite my previous resolution to stay out of the thread, I felt I needed to say this:
@MadScientist, I want to apologize for being so uncharitable towards you earlier and for contributing to the gang-up against you. I was frustrated and worried, but I know those are reasons and not excuses, and I'm sorry. Though I'm confused about how you expected supporting the joke plan was going to accomplish what you wanted, I understand that you didn't want to reduce anyone's enjoyment of the quest, and I appreciate how much time and effort you've put into making it a great experience in the past.
Keep in mind that we do this for fun and to have a good time.
a funny idea without any serious downsides as far as I could see.
why are people so upset about it?
I didn't expect it to have large drawbacks.
definitely would not of voted for the buy a youthsuit plan if it was something that was likely to get the team killed.
Seriously where is all this negativity coming from guys?
I'm not sure if these kind of responses are a lack of caution or just of imagination, but Team Uplift has been put in a situation where we have a huge opportunity to build up social capital with important individuals in Leaf (four future clan heads and Jiraiya), and some of us have instead elected to set up Hazou for a terrible first impression that is
completely out of character and will, whether by sheer aggravation or by risking blowing our cover, risk losing us a lot of goodwill. Our bizarre behavior may well prompt either mind scans (which would potentially be terrible, given that we would expose our sealing ideas, Hidden Heaven plans, and clan secrets including the potential to conceive kids with the Sharingan -- all the things that we freaked the hell out about when Jiraiya was insisting the whole team get scanned, we now risk merrily waltzing into because people
couldn't be arsed to put [jk] instead of [x].
And really, the vast majority of "Whose Leaf Does Not Wither" is going to be applied anyways.
Why do you expect this?
The only thing Hazou is focusing on right now is getting green spandex suits for Team Uplift - not making friends with Team Asuma, not communicating the Hivemind's issues about Keiko's hurtful behavior while we were capturing Arikada, not working on setting up a space where we would be secure to talk about team composition or rewards, not going and taking care of Akane, not even going out and learning more about Konoha, but instead setting himself on a course to be associated with a group of people who (at least according to Jiraiya's "awful spandex kid" response) are social pariahs.
we've acted on YOUTH before, and it had good results then as well.
Yes, when it was
part of a considered plan that Mari and Keiko were able to give input on to make sure it wasn't completely bonkers. That's not what we have here.
We are a group of reasonably intelligent adults enjoying a fictional game, yeah?
That's what I thought too.
I really just wanted Oliwhail to add what I thought would be a fun little scene to his plan. I thought if enough people voted for Radvic's plan then he would see that people wanted it, and would make the edit.
What have I
ever done that would make you think I'd give in to what was, in the context of voting for the quest, basically blackmail -- "cooperate or we derail the story, hard"? What made you think that scene would be "fun" rather than "embarrassing and a painful loss of confidence and good will", given that our main backer in Leaf has
openly expressed disdain for the thing you wanted?
Can't really blame anyone though
Oh, have a bit of confidence in yourself - I'm sure you can manage it if you try hard enough.
We can fix our mistakes and do better come next voting period.
I wish I could be this optimistic. Hopefully
@Velorien will have mercy and do the combined plan so the only mistake ends up being asking for a weird thing instead of suddenly obsessing over it, but we'll have to see.