We've asked them about a bunch of random lore before. I don't see why asking them about the pure lands would make them think we're idiots? I definitely don't see a reason to start spilling all our top-OPSEC secrets unprompted.
They've given us fragments we've had to tease out of them. We need to ask in a manner which communicates we're serious about this if we want to bring them on in a manner that has them divulging the lore they know on a voluntary basis.

We're not saying anything we haven't mentioned to Naruto. They're not an OPSEC risk surface.
Updated, removed "go to rift" line.

[x] Action Plan: Leadership
  • Jin
    • Don't sign the order. Tear it in half.
    • (empathetic) Of course we're not going to order him to become an oath-breaker. And now that it's pointed out, his implication is correct, it wouldn't be right of us to take KEI exchange jutsu unilatery like that. Maybe we'll negotiate something with KEI leadership later.
    • (sincere gratitude) Thank him for warning us. Good work.
  • Mio
    • "Leaving a clan alive is impossible, so I won't." sounds bad.
    • Is Mio a danger to herself? How much so? Do we need to put her on suicide watch?
    • Leave, Mari/Kei-check following, then return if not vetoed:
      • Read her in on necromancy.
      • This isn't a fairytale, this isn't madness, this is real. We rescued Daizen. We saw visions of Jiraiya using a kata that we didn't recognise, but the toads did. Hyuuga and Uchiha found the scar of the rift, and Kagome-sensei's seals confirmed it. We're working on the necesarry seals to open it again, and making progress.
      • Create aspects and spend FP to get her on board
      • Have Mari/others help set this up as appropriate.
      • Mio was upset about not being part of our inner circle? Well now she's part of our greatest clan secret. Maybe it's really the afterlife, maybe it isn't. But it really looks like it.
      • This is what has been eating our time. This is what we're so busy working on that we've neglected forming the bonds we should have. We're trying to rescue them all. And we want her to help.
      • We want her to working on how we can survive in a path where chakra doesn't work. Organise civilian hunters and survivalists. Hire cartographers. Network with weapon/taijutsu users. Whatever else either of us think of later. Her job, if she accepts it, is to help us carve a path to our loved ones once we manage to crack this thing open again.
  • Haru
    • Hazou knows that Haru is part of an anti-Hazou faction.
    • We cannot stress this enough: Good. Seriously. Thank the fucking Sage.
    • Hazou is the furthest thing from infallible, and he knows it. He screws up all the time, and it is an enormous relief to have more people around who aren't getting too hero-worshippy to care.
    • We are frazzled and distracted, and being pulled in a thousand different directions. And sometimes an S-rank murderer pops out of nowhere and decides we're his newest murder-cult apprentice. We watched this stuff knock Jiraiya into exhaustion. In case it wasn't blindingly obvious, we are not Jiraiya.
    • We want Haru to pass on anonymous complaints to us so that we can better keep track of problems.
    • We also want his honest opinions, even if he thinks they would be insulting. We know that goes against his nature. He has spent a long long time fighting to keep his poker face around smug clan bastards being their infuriating selves. After this long, dropping that filter probably feels downright unsafe. But we are counting on him to speak truth to power here, for the safety of everyone who would never dream of criticising us out loud.
  • Offscreen
    • Continue visiting Mareo.
What have been the most persuasive, interesting, or useful things you all remember me saying?
I didn't remember ever finding your comments persuasive, insightful, or useful.
I generally can't tell if your comments are merely very thoughtless or are actively trolling.

looking through the last few months of you posting history, however, did turn up a post I felt was constructive.
Primordial sealing will not remain a secret for long if we tell kagome it
Which I had even insightful-reacted! I guess that this post stands our as your most useful-insightful, although I didn't remember it, and had to archive dig.

Sorry for the unkind sentiment, but feedback is important, and you literally asked.
I expect I'll eventually block you.

Please funny-react if you feel this comment was unhelpful or inappropriate. If I see majority funny-reacts, I'll delete it. Thank you.
Last edited:
[X] Action Plan: Reaching Out

The only plan I see that doesn't involve bringing Mio in on the necromancy, which I think is an overreaction.
Stacked Implosion Nuke Seals

Take an Implosion seal, activate it so it stores the air, but protect it from the inrushing air with a 5SB, and you have a storage seal full of air.

Then do that 12 times and set them all off at once with an explosive. That's a SIN-12

They cause sealing failures sometimes because the air doesn't have enough space to emerge. The chance seems to scale with the number of SIN. 12 caused one, 6 caused one. We think there's no lower limit that's safe, even 2 will cause a sealing failure with low probability.

We haven't tested this exhaustively because Hazou living is high priority for us
.....that doesn't really sound safe to use in a combat environment.
It's a suggestion that they'll veto if it's insane - and it probably is, but let's not restrict ideas
It's a terrible idea and I'm tired of getting yelled at for having terrible OPSEC and not considering things. What's your plan even if we do convince her? She's just going to be more furious with us. And you'll have to hope she'll keep it a super secret as well. I'm not in favor of giving the possibly suicidal person who hates our guts something that could really hurt us for literally no reason.
It's a terrible idea and I'm tired of getting yelled at for having terrible OPSEC and not considering things. What's your plan even if we do convince her? She's just going to be more furious with us. And you'll have to hope she'll keep it a super secret as well. I'm not in favor of giving the possibly suicidal person who hates our guts something that could really hurt us for literally no reason.
Maybe Hazou-pilot will sanity check it, himself? We know his authority just got expanded.
TBF it's listed as one of multiple options (and personally I think Mari and Kei will nix it in the bud; we have insufficient evidence for Mio to believe us, so she'll think we're doing it to appease her, and Mari will know that).
Our system for answering player questions is that someone copies it to the QUINOA document (big/complicated questions) or the dedicated QUINOA chat channel with a proposed answer. Someone else signs off and posts the answer. Especially important questions, especially ones with far-reaching consequences, require consensus.

Sometimes we miss questions and they don't get added to QUINOA. Sometimes they get added but we cross in the night and don't manage to get multiple QMs to sign off on an answer in a timely way, and it sounds like that happened here. If we miss something in the future, feel free to nudge us.
Oh sorry. All these years and I never caught on that this was the official system. I knew about the QUINOA document, but not what does and doesn't get put on there and never thought to myself write something into it that came up since the last update.

So thank you. Now I know and will use it more.

Though... When you say proposed answer do you mean that player that's asking should just give their best guess for an answer that preserves verisimilitude well? That's actually cool.
I am also in favor of not including Ami in this discussion—I think it's generally bad practice to include outsiders in clan decision-making—or at least sanity check her inclusion, because as the plan is written I'm not sure that Hazōpilot will ask Kei and Mari about Ami's inclusion.
Oh sorry. All these years and I never caught on that this was the official system. I knew about the QUINOA document, but not what does and doesn't get put on there and never thought to myself write something into it that came up since the last update.

So thank you. Now I know and will use it more.

Though... When you say proposed answer do you mean that player that's asking should just give their best guess for an answer that preserves verisimilitude well? That's actually cool.
My bad, I explained it poorly. I was referring to the QM QUINOA document; I had forgotten there is a player version as well, since we don't keep an eye on it. Likewise, the QUINOA chat channel is in the QM chat, not accessible to players.

Point being: asking in thread is the best way to do it. We're generally on top of things but if we miss it then you can ping us a reminder. Or you can catch us on Discord if we're around.
Point being: asking in thread is the best way to do it. We're generally on top of things but if we miss it then you can ping us a reminder. Or you can catch us on Discord if we're around.
It's probably worth noting that tagging them on Discord is generally a bad way of getting a response unless they're actually there and answer you in the moment. SV pings are good for anything asynchronous.
Though... When you say proposed answer do you mean that player that's asking should just give their best guess for an answer that preserves verisimilitude well? That's actually cool.
"Guess" implies that there's an actual answer worked out, which I get the impression is not always the case. But, absolutely if you ask a question you should throw a few answers out there - it illustrates your thinking, makes things easier for the QMs, and if you phrase your desired answer just right they might sign off on it.
[X] Action Plan: Reaching Out
Word count: <300 (299)
  • Mari/Kei (offscreen?):
    • Debrief re: Mio.
    • She might kill herself.
      • "Leaving a clan alive is impossible, so I won't."
    • Could her leaving/leaking spark civil war?
    • Our ideas:
      • Discuss necromancy with her? (Probably not.)
      • Swear her to secrecy and release her to the Yamanaka/Nara/KEI?
      • Get through to her?
        • We didn't grieve her sister like Akane; she didn't grieve Akane like her sister.
        • We're a convenient target for her rage (misplaced grief).
    • Can they handle this? Haru/Jin? Are we needed?
  • Optimize the rest with Mari, Kei, Noburi, Ami (if Mari signs off)
  • Jin (offscreen?):
    • Don't sign the order.
    • Thank him for explaining. Sincerely apologize. We may eventually negotiate with the KEI, but won't ask him to break oaths.
    • We want to do right by him and everyone. How can we encourage clanmates to raise concerns unprompted/early?
      • Appoint a liaison? Him? Haru?
  • Ma and Pa.
    • High OPSEC meeting.
    • If they drop Lore, listen/encourage.
    • 3D sealing:
      • Give them some [bark] crystal. Seen anything similar before?
        • Explain ES, Cannai's insights/thoughts.
        • It's the key to the Great Seal.
          • Can they TH a jutsu that produces infusable earth?
    • Necromancy:
      • Feel them out. Stick to what we've told Naruto.
        • Lay out problems - the Akatsuki, new world wars, etc.
        • Is pursuing this a bad idea? Taboo?
        • Do they know anything, have ideas, etc.?
  • Sealing:
    • Buy 1 FP (-10XP).
    • Follow Hazo's intuition.
    • SC test MARS Rocket Boots.
      • Multiple RBs simultaneously.
      • Atypical locations (elbows, palms, etc.).
      • RB kunai - boosts RW?
    • Non-SSA SC.
      • Research/use Dampeners.
      • Full prep 4FSoP.
      • Substitution, Electrocution, Twin Repulsion. Abort anything risky.
    • SC SSA: MS8.1 Anchoring. Full prep.
    • Prime SSA: Reusable RBs. Full prep.
      • Improve seal until it challenges stagnation.
      • Goal: six uses, then maximize bonus.
  • Misc.:
    • Attend religious ceremonies/services regularly. Are any Hagoromo positively inclined towards Hazo?
I'm now locking this barring. If you have major concerns, feel free to ping me, but unless it's going to get us killboxed I'm unlikely to make changes. (The possible exception are if you're looking for little tweaks and you're willing to vote for my username and only my username in an upcoming voting cycle of my choice.)