- Location
- The state of Paranoia
To do!
That's actually kind of cute. I wouldn't mind making someone feel that way someday.Home
I am home
Threatless, unthreatened
Unwatched, unwatching
Warm. Well-fed. Soft bed
Most especially not that last one.I am Namikaze 'flee on sight' Minato
not Namikaze 'jutsu crafter' Minato
not Namikaze 'research sealmaster' Minato
not Namikaze 'poet' Minato
More seriously, it must feel pretty bad to have your least murder-y skill also be the one you're worst at.
it's a good thing you're cute, because you are weird
what did I say about going into my drafts? It's an experimental form
She's not wrong though. That was a very weird one.
Well now isn't this interesting. I doubt that a real civilian would have done anything to intentionally get the attention of a ninja if he could help it, but even as an apocryphal story it certainly shows the 4th's thoughts towards civilians and civilian immigration. The Gōketsu really are following in his footsteps.So Little
This cold and gloomy yestermorn
I wandered a dark and dusty street
A fruit man I happened on to meet
Long-gone 'twas, the day he was born
Face like an apple, wrinkled and brown
Rheumy eyes, two teeth, and a smile so round
"Praise be," he cried aloud
"Why so?" I asked.
"I've my apples and home," he said, his voice so proud
"From Mist did I flee,
"To make a new home beneath your mighty tree,
"Protected I am, by all from genin to thee,
"Medicine for me and school for the lad,
"And for him a greater life than I've had."
I smiled, brave and bright and wide to hide that my feelings were sad
How little he asked, how small a gift for him I had.