Readers with an especially good memory will recall that, after Hazō got mauled by reading the Great Seal, Asuma gave him access to Minato's notes on bijū containment. Along with those notes came a bunch of assorted other papers, including some of Minato's famously awful poetry.
A while back @Twinnstars approached me with a commission to actually write some of that poetry. They wanted 3500 words of it. I said to myself "I can write 1500 words per hour before editing and the stuff is supposed to be bad so it won't require much editing aside from basic spag. It's only about 3 hours work for easy money. Done!"
Yeah, turns out that poetry isn't the same as prose even when you're okay with it being bad. At the same time I experienced a complete collapse of motivation, to the point where writing MfD is pretty much the only thing I do outside of work, hence why there are a bunch of questions and rules work hanging fire on my lazy butt. Fortunately, Twinstars has been incredibly patient with me about this, for which I offer many thanks. The commission is still not finished, but here is the start of it. I'll post more when it becomes available.
Kushina's Ode
Kushina, Kushina
My beloved, my love
ugh. trite
My beloved, my delight
eh. not quite the right feel
My beloved, my uplifting one
too verbose
My beloved, my joy
Sweeter and softer and brighter than
the softest rainbow, her sweetest pie's pan
because her pie pans are always polished mirror-bright. too much in-joke?
Your hair so fair so shining red
is it to me or about me, you dimwit? :P pick 'you' or 'her' and stick with it
stay out of my drafts!!!! they aren't done and they are private!!!!!
Well past heart's blood, rose hips, rubies held
Behold, behold, your flashing eyes upheld
she keeps her head up even when things are hard...better way to say this?
All bliss proceeds from, my heart proceeds to
I am home
Threatless, unthreatened
Unwatched, unwatching
Warm. Well-fed. Soft bed
New Life
I deal death
It is my life's work
I murder, and rend, and gut, and burn
In service to Leaf and the Will of Fire
I wade through blood every week, every day, even every hour
I am Namikaze 'flee on sight' Minato
not Namikaze 'jutsu crafter' Minato
not Namikaze 'research sealmaster' Minato
not Namikaze 'poet' Minato
From the day of graduation to the day of ascenion to the present day
I am Namikaze 'flee on sight' Minato.
Today, Kushina's flows were absent yet again
Her belly swells with life
I am, at last, a creator.
Sage, help me craft a world where my child need be naught else.
The Seventh Musing on Sacrifice
A street dog named Angles scans over the Third.
Arf, arf! says Angles to the band's three chords.
The viola-ette shouts "The records of your music are not fair! Go slightly deeper!" to the mid-subterranean bass-man.
The notes they blend, they bend, they curve back upon themselves with a widdershins turn,
within the stain'ed walls that frame the dancer
"Not true, not true!" she cries. "Reverse your course lest this dance shall chaos bring!
"Let not the words of record your steps constrain! Step down, step down, step down, and cross them all away!
"To build your own dance, the truest form, shalt thou dance by threes, stepping lightly to your part and skipping past the painful paving stones.
"No mere papermaker's issue can record / the truest steps of this dance / lest frozen words by clumsy, hateful, heavy-footed folk be gained. Dance in truth or dance with death, your choices are alone."
it's a good thing you're cute, because you are weird
what did I say about going into my drafts? It's an experimental form
The Will of Fire
Dancing love, brightest gaze
Always moving, never time to laze
Duty leads to freedom, my people's lives to raise
Courtyards wide and houses tall,
Water, food, and health for all
Each and every dusty road
Every twist and turn and alleyway
They came and sought and found abode
Threaten Leaf's great peace and thou shalt pay
I, the Fourth, standing straight and plain
I swear by honor, I swear by name
Reach out your hand as peaceful friend
All past trouble shall we mend
Raise up your hand as raging foe
To a forgotten, unnamed grave thou shalt go.
A Dream
I rested, alone at home, with sake and scrolls to hand
On the battered couch I lay
Overstuffed, lumpy, patched and worn
Built by a villein of Leaf, a man of the Warring Clans domesticated
He learned the trade from his father and he from his
His hands were knotted and gnarled after decades of pounding nails and packing batting
His wife, plain-faced and brilliant-smiled
Ten births, three children, seventeen grands
His tools and wood and batting form a web across Fire, perhaps across the world
Every strand a link from man to man to woman to place to time
A web of Fire's past and present, this battered old couch
That drew my father to its faded clutches at age thirteen
It was a spring-to-winter marriage, my father twelve years younger than the faded emblem of human unity that supported him
Its support he now lacks, traded long since for a cold and lonesome ditch
It embraces me instead, asking naught but that I recall
Its lumps and bumps and all
Where to set my feet and where I should curve that the couch
The couch my father bought, that the villein made, this his father trained, that all of Fire supplied
May hold me close in the dream of Fire.
So Little
This cold and gloomy yestermorn
I wandered a dark and dusty street
A fruit man I happened on to meet
Long-gone 'twas, the day he was born
Face like an apple, wrinkled and brown
Rheumy eyes, two teeth, and a smile so round
"Praise be," he cried aloud
"Why so?" I asked.
"I've my apples and home," he said, his voice so proud
"From Mist did I flee,
"To make a new home beneath your mighty tree,
"Protected I am, by all from genin to thee,
"Medicine for me and school for the lad,
"And for him a greater life than I've had."
I smiled, brave and bright and wide to hide that my feelings were sad
How little he asked, how small a gift for him I had.
A Joyous Morn
Today I abandoned my last
I crept away, silent and fast
To my home did I stride
And spirited away with my bride
With drink and blanket and food
And orders that ANBU never intrude
On a babbling brook's winding bank
We spread our blanket and shed our rank
The wind is warm, the sunlight bright
In beloved's belly, our child turns
At the feel, my joy so great it burns.
Kushina smiles, we kiss, and all is right.