@Noumero @faflec

Your plans both have some good stuff going for them. Weren't we supposed to try to avoid ~400 word plans and stick to one to two scenes plus background stuff though? As long as we remind the QMs that we don't want undue timeskips there should only be positive consequences for doing it that way.

And the QMs have indicated they are mostly okay with that approach, barring objections on our part due to poorer pacing. The only reason there were time skips last update was because we explicitly told Velorien to write what he wants and he wanted to bless us with a beautiful Keiko focused chapter which included her awesome wedding ceremony, thus necessitating a time skip.

tl;dr IMO we should stick to the Mari scene and indicate we are doing that after the wedding. Maybe add one more scene (whichever people deem most important) explicitly for the next morning. Pad out downtine plus maybe some minor delegation and leave it at that.
By the way -- what would be the best way to move his characterization in that direction? More self-meditation stuff in line with what @huhYeahGoodPoint is doing? @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail do you have any input?

We can start by doing what I do:

  • Carry around a hot beverage at all times (coffee, tea, whatever).
    • In the case that thats not viable just pretend you need a drink of water/beer whatever. Unseal it.
  • Should you need a couple seconds to think through something or calm yourself or kill your emotional response or reorient yourself and get your footing back or become one with the force: take a long, lazy, drawn out drink of the beverage.
  • This signals composure and control and gets you in the habit of subtly pausing the conversation in ways so that you aren't scrambling around like an idiot trying to catch your balance (until you can do this without a pause).

I'm also a fan of:

  • "i'm sorry, I'm really tired and not thinking clearly at the moment , could you repeat/rephrase that? I'm not quite grokking it."
    • It's stronger older brother: "Sorry I'm a moron: could you dumb that down for me?"
  • Accomplishes your objective of lowering tension and getting at the root of things while establishing that the problem is you (regardless of if it wasn't. Maybe the other person is speaking in tongues and no one could understand them. Doesn't matter.)
  • Only do this if you don't actually care about social relations politics with that person (getting to the heart of the issue is that important/ you are already on good terms with that person so a show of vulnerability and/or an admittance of fault isn't going to tank their opinion of you.)
    • Caveat: Truly wise and experienced folks don't really care if you are being a dumbass in the moment. It happens to everyone. Literally no one ACTUALLY thinks that well-phrased questions (within reason) make you a dumbass, unless you are wasting far more of their time than is reasonable given the severity of the issue.
      • Good phrasing example: "I'm sorry Kagome I don't really get why we need the Fujikawa Drive in that particular array. Could you go over that one more time and maybe with a bit more detail?"
      • Eh phrasing example: "What even is the fourth dimension?"
      • You are shit at phrasing example; "I don't get it."
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[X] Action Plan: Ino, You Know
  • Reflection on order
    • (Following Keiko and Tenten's departure)
    • He insisted that Keiko wasn't allowed to stop arms-dealing to the Pangolin ahead of schedule, after she put in considerable thought towards mitigating the issues, on knee-jerk impulse to value the clan over the individual.
    • Hazou very recently expressed the opposite sentiment; the primary difference between then and now being Jiraiya's death and Hazou's assumption of Clan Head.
    • Hazou hated it when Jiraiya did it, so why does he think it is good now?
    • Jiraiya...Jiraiya was great. But - no, and - he had flaws, some of which Hazou picked up.
    • One of them was this. Hazou needs to acknowledge that he has valued the utility to the clan over the people, hurting Keiko and Mari.
      • He ordered Mari to attack Keiko, which deeply wounded both.
    • Resolve to discuss this with the clan.
      • Especially Keiko and Mari.
  • Mari
    • (Soon after reflection)
    • Admit your mistake in trying to override Keiko and using her to do so. Thank her for her attempt to intervene. Reaffirm you take full responsibility for her actions to protect the clan.
      • Amend your order: "protect the members of the clan". The clan means nothing if we treat it as an abstract ideal and allow its members to come to harm.
      • "Clan" includes her: her well-being matters.
  • Ino
    • (Retroactively) Get Mari's help on a bouquet of mourning.
      • Considerations:
        • We're friends with Ino, allies to the Yamanaka, but were acquaintances with Inoichi.
      • Seal the bouquet in an empty seal.
    • Meet Ino at the wedding party.
      • Compliment her dress.
      • Express that we're always up to talking with her.
      • Gift her the bouquet seal.
      • Business:
        • Who are the Yamanaka supporting for the Hat?
        • Is there anything we can do to help?
        • Can she introduce us to the diplomatic corps?
      • Thank her for her time.
I have massively changed Ino, You Know, and are about to make a run for lunch; I'll be available for comment in about twenty-thirty minutes.
I want to have Hazou get with Shilamary, Tsunade, Naruyo, etc, and explore the idea of letting Hiashi take the hat and take point on the upcoming war. Is there a way he could believably commit to not purging is in exchange for a non contested election, etc?

Ooh that's a good one. I might add it to my plan. Proposed changes in red.

[X] Try Even Harder to Doom Ourselves and Everything We Touch

  • Get with Shikamaru, Tsunade, Naruto, etc, and explore the idea of letting Hiashi take the hat and take point on the upcoming war. Is there a way he could believably commit to not purging us in exchange for a non contested election, etc?
  • If you're still breathing, immediately seek out Hiashi and pledge him our support
    • Ask Mari for lessons on how best to grovel so he doesn't kill us when he's Hokage
    • Offer to immediately cancel all our outstanding bounties on Till'N'Fills to donate to his campaign fund; they're a waste of village resources anyway
    • Ask him what he thinks about an alpha strike against Rock and Cloud while they're still recovering
  • Regardless of Mari's intentions, reprimand her in front of the clan for failing to manipulate Keiko into not cancelling our weapon deaIs with the Pangolins
    • While we're at it, maybe threaten to marry her out of the clan unless she gets the Pangolin scroll officially recognized as clan property. Don't actually do that though, just hold it in our back pocket in case she doesn't do it of her own volition after we ask kindly.
  • Definitely go through with the plan to give superweapons to everyone on the 7th path, starting with Pangolins and Toads and Snakes
  • Ask Ami to cash in our favor to work with us to get as many Nara hours from Shikamaru as the favor is worth
    • Use the Nara hours to get Shikamaru to help us get as many favors from Ami as we can
      • Repeat
        • Use our accrued capital to
    • NVM this might cause good things to happen
  • fuck this bullet point
  • Read all of Jiraiya'a notes and work with Kagome to develop more superweapons
    • To sell to the highest bidder of course
      • Or maybe give them to Hiashi for use in the alpha strike as a token of goodwill
  • Any other ideas?
Eh. I'll just do it myself now that I have a bit of time.

[X] Action Plan: Priority Mari

  • During the wedding party:
    • With few words, indicate to Keiko that you still love her as a sister and that you need to apologize and have a serious talk at a more opportune time.
    • With the goal of seeming friendly and building rapport, mingle with:
      • Ino and Chousa.
      • The Minami.
      • The Uchiha.
      • Invited Clanless.
  • Introspection:
    • You screwed up. The Pangolin situation distressed Keiko extremely, until she clearly couldn't bear it, and she put thought into ensuring that her decision won't hurt the clan. You shouldn't have immediately ordered Mari to stop her. Apologize for that at the first opportunity; reaffirm that you're still family.
      • But Keiko made a mistake as well. She shouldn't have made an unilateral decision, she should've trusted us enough to discuss it in advance, at least consider other options.
    • But you've failed Mari more. She manipulated Keiko on your orders — because you've misjudged Mari's mental state, didn't take into account how her depression would bias her. Your mistake likely exacerbated it.
  • Talk to Mari after the wedding party. Admit your mistake in trying to override Keiko. Thank her for intervening. Reaffirm your full responsibility over any actions she takes to protect the clan.
  • Amend your order: "protect the members of the clan". "Clan" means nothing if we treat it as an abstract ideal and allow its members to come to harm.
  • "Clan" includes her: her well-being matters.

I somehow missed that @huhYeahGoodPoint did some major alterations to his plan, all of them pretty much being what I wanted. I still believe that the plan I just wrote up mostly in vain has a few good points. Especially the part where we shouldn't just skip over a major event like the wedding party. Events like that are made for politeness politics and rapport building. And convincing the Minami has been something Hazou took upon himself IIRC. One single healthy and friendly talk with the clan head is not enough.
But either way:

[X] Action Plan: Ino, You Know
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My point is that the response is reasonable given the suddenness and the out-of-left-field nature, as well as with the open aggression in which it was delivered.

While I too wish that the kid was able to Iron Nerve himself into perfect composure,kill his monkey-brain emotional response, pause the conversation with a sip of coffee (or in this case spiced hot chocolate) while intuiting motives, self-inserting as Keiko to see her viewpoint on the situation, and simulating conversation paths (up to and including predicting what Mari was going to do in the moment if given free reign) in a manner of seconds before gently raising a hand and getting to the bottom of this with open dialogue... the fact of the matter is is that he's not able to do that yet.
Just because it's reasonable doesn't mean Hazou shouldn't apologize for it?
@Noumero @faflec

Your plans both have some good stuff going for them. Weren't we supposed to try to avoid ~400 word plans and stick to one to two scenes plus background stuff though? As long as we remind the QMs that we don't want undue timeskips there should only be positive consequences for doing it that way.

And the QMs have indicated they are mostly okay with that approach, barring objections on our part due to poorer pacing. The only reason there were time skips last update was because we explicitly told Velorien to write what he wants and he wanted to bless us with a beautiful Keiko focused chapter which included her awesome wedding ceremony, thus necessitating a time skip.

tl;dr IMO we should stick to the Mari scene and indicate we are doing that after the wedding. Maybe add one more scene (whichever people deem most important) explicitly for the next morning. Pad out downtine plus maybe some minor delegation and leave it at that.
I don't actually know the word count of my plan since I'm on my phone and can't get Google Docs access, but the two scenes in my plan ideally should be within hours of each other, with minimum time spent between them (and that time would be at the wedding). I'll edit at some point to make it clearer.
@Noumero @faflec

Your plans both have some good stuff going for them. Weren't we supposed to try to avoid ~400 word plans and stick to one to two scenes plus background stuff though? As long as we remind the QMs that we don't want undue timeskips there should only be positive consequences for doing it that way.

And the QMs have indicated they are mostly okay with that approach, barring objections on our part due to poorer pacing. The only reason there were time skips last update was because we explicitly told Velorien to write what he wants and he wanted to bless us with a beautiful Keiko focused chapter which included her awesome wedding ceremony, thus necessitating a time skip.

tl;dr IMO we should stick to the Mari scene and indicate we are doing that after the wedding. Maybe add one more scene (whichever people deem most important) explicitly for the next morning. Pad out downtine plus maybe some minor delegation and leave it at that.
That actually brings to mind an idea for future planning.

As we move forward, assuming we don't do something foolish and get ourselves killed or run out of Leaf, time scale will likely speed up. However, there is a way that we can manage this without losing agency. Prior to this happening, we set our goals for the next X period of time -- whether it be months or years -- and in particular scenes to that effect. Something like:
[] Example Plan
  • Continue work on necromancy
  • Improve economic hold over the Grand Shinobi Alliance
  • Work on personal issues
  • Arrange international anniversary memorial for BotG
(ideally we'd have significantly more than 4 there, that's an example)

And then the QMs pick and choose which of these scenes they want to write per update and communicate that to us, with lots of time advancing between them, and we make more-traditional plans for those specific scenes.

e: Ah, I realize I didn't say this, but implied here is that we are working toward these goals to some extent the whole time, not just for the scene in question.
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Just because it's reasonable doesn't mean Hazou shouldn't apologize for it?
We can do this in a manner that isn't one-sided though.

There are myriad issues here. Just apologizing for whatever hand we had in this isn't enough. Everyone involved needs to understand exactly where and how they've failed everyone else, or no progress will be made.
For the love of god can we please not decide to start selling weapons through the Toads? Keiko is not going to come back if we decide to completely ignore the substance of her critique while changing literally nothing. It's also insane that people are trying to apologize to Keiko by going and telling her that we fucked up but also she fucked up. Apologies where you also demand an apology from the other person aren't apologies, they're just something you say to make yourself feel better. We tried to rob Keiko's agency and now we want to tell her that she should have consulted with us before making any decisions - which is just another form of taking away her agency. If we want to keep Keiko part of Uplift, we have to apologize and say that we won't sell weapons to the 7th Path in the future, hard stop.
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We can do this in a manner that isn't one-sided though.

There are myriad issues here. Just apologizing for whatever hand we had in this isn't enough. Everyone involved needs to understand exactly where and how they've failed everyone else, or no progress will be made.
Yes. And I suggested this:
Right, so...

@huhYeahGoodPoint @Noumero I'd like for any apologies to Keiko to run the same way we did with Kagome: yeah, we screwed up, but she could have done things better as well. To be specific, she should have trusted us (well, maybe not Hazou) to have come to us, not with what appeared to be a unilateral decision, but with the willingness to at least consider other options, which she did not seem to be willing to do.

And also there's this stupidly paranoid part of me which is screaming that she would have sabotaged Noburi's Summoning training if she had to train him, and that was why she tried to foist it off on Sarutobi.
[X] Plan Talk To Keiko and Ino
  • Sit down and have a discussion with Keiko
    • We need to discuss the Seventh Path, and your views on it.
      • Specifically, what your exact objections to our previous stance was. We were under the impression that your displeasure was due to the increased suffering and death caused by our selling weapons, not the act of selling weapons to the Pangolins in and of itself.
      • Go through our plan with Keiko's exact stance in mind. Is there anything that can be salvaged?
      • Making use of noncombat seals, perhaps?
      • Do you have similar objections to selling combat seals to the Toads?
    • You are entitled to have the final word in all decisions regarding the Pangolins. We'd appreciate a chance to discuss whether there are better options than just cutting them off cold turkey, though.
      • We should consider ways to present it to them, such that the damage to your relations with them is minimized. Perhaps we could blame the decision on Leaf, now that Jiraiya's not in charge?
    • We've not followed up on several money-making ideas that we should probably look into now
      • Salt Empire
      • Ice transport
  • Go meet Ino.
    • Ask Mari for advice on a flower bouquet of mourning.
      • Intended meaning should be "we do not know what we have lost and that makes the loss all the greater".
    • Go ask to see Ino.
      • If she is not taking visitors, leave the bouquet for her with our name attached.
      • If she is taking visitors, offer the bouquet and offer to commiserate.
        • It's true. Hazou doesn't know what she's lost.
        • He can only speak to knowing that he loved Ino absolutely.
        • But Hazou would like to know what we did lose.
      • If she's up to it, we can talk shop.
        • Who are the Yamanaka - or really, the Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi - supporting for the Hat?
        • Is there anything else we can do to help?
        • Can she introduce us to the diplomatic corps?
      • Thank her for her time.
I really like the Keiko scene you present. I feel like its key points are not mutually exclusive with the Keiko scenes of other plans, or with giving her some time as we deal with Ami and other immediately relevant topics, so even if you lose I'd like to see this come back in a couple plans since it's a really well-constructed way to approach Keiko's objections in my opinion.
[x] Action Plan: Impure World Domination
Wordcount: 398
  • Aftermath:
    • Talk to Keiko. Reaffirm you're still family.
      • CCnJ: There were better ways to handle it on both of your parts. Hazou shouldn't have tried to override her after it was made clear she thought her decision through. Keiko shouldn't have presented us with an ultimatum; she should've trusted us enough to discuss it in advance, to at least consider other options.
      • Suggest salvaging Keiko's relations with the Pangolins by claimingHazou ordered to end the deal.
    • Talk to Mari. Admit your mistake in trying to override Keiko. Thank her for intervening. Reaffirm your full responsibility over any actions she takes to protect the clan.
      • Amend your order: "protect the members of the clan". "Clan" means nothing if we treat it as an abstract ideal and allow its members to come to harm.
      • "Clan" includes her: her well-being matters.
  • Consider acquiring intel on the Hagoromo's internal politics, perhaps by covertly fishing for information in bars. Considering your disguise skills...
    • ... or lack thereof. How do you wear a wig again? Or appear older? Or feminine? Practice with mirror.
    • Do you have IN movements for putting on disguises? Reflect on the last time you used them. Something is... off.
    • It's been off for weeks, since your entire team inexplicably lost disguise kits mid-Exams.
    • What about spotting disguise? Logically, if you suspect an infiltrator, you should check their height, weight... but instead you're inclined to hit them? And Noburi too...
  • Meet with Kagome and Mari (secure room).
    • Describe your disguise-related freakout.
    • Mari, an infiltration specialist: Did you notice anything wrong? Has Hazou gone mad?
    • Kagome: any idea what happened?
    • Discuss the topic in-depth. Figure out whether you or the world is crazy; pin down how exactly.
  • Meet with Ami. Secure room at the compound: Anti-Hyuuga seals, Silence Mines. Yuuichi waits outside.
    • Accept her previous terms: no social games, clear exchange of information and commitments.
    • If investigation into disguises bore fruits:
      • You possess novel information of major importance to infiltration specialists. Likely unique information.
      • You're willing to reveal it for a favour.
      • Don't answer any questions about it unless she accepts.
    • Spend favour(s):
      • First: "Work with me to maximize my personal influence on Leaf politics."
        • Whether by elevating the Gouketsu, helping Mari become Hokage, taking down the Hyuuga, introducing cultural changes, or otherwise.
      • Second (if available): "Maximize my social competence over the next half-a-year".
        • Non-binding suggestion: IN social training.
The Keiko section here services to patch up everything we need to patch up in the immediate, so I'm cool with it. The antimemetics section is cool and will definitely make for a cool update. The Ami section... I'm not so sure about the Ami section.

While 'maximize' style requests are a sure-fire way to get effort out of Ami exactly equal to what she feels she owes us, leaving the favour as generalities instead of specifics means the interpretation of the favour is up to Ami, who may not perfectly understand our hopes (or take an implementation of our hopes that's more convenient for her, spending favour-effort on that) and therefore introduce inefficiencies greater than what we save with the 'maximize'.

In particular, I can see Ami looking at the second favour and deciding what we want isn't for her to haggle with Ren to get approval for Iron Nerve Socials, but for her to stick around in Leaf and personally tutor us (the fact that this keeps her close to Keiko having nothing to do with it). In this case, the effort necessary for Ami to stay in Leaf for six months becomes deducted from the value of our favour even though we never intended for the bulk of the favour's value to go towards that.

While in a vacuum abstract maximization functions are the way you achieve the theoretical maximum value for your input, clear object-level functions are how you maximize clarity of your input and minimize misalignment. Asking for Iron Nerve Socials means that Ami can either get it for us or tell us that's too big a favour, without as much risk that Ami will misalign from our intentions.

On the first favour's side of things, 'our personal influence' can be claimed from a variety of sources. It could mean we gain influence over people in swing votes or Hiashi's bloc and thus a measure of control over the political climate of the Hat. It could also mean that Ami turns her focus on suborning ISC to the Goketsu so that we lead the Goketsu/ISC bloc. While it would be useful to have such influence over the ISC, it is decidedly less useful than pulling strings against Hiashi's bloc and swing candidates even if it is a full use of the favour in good spirit.

In that light, I'd suggest two re-phrasings of the favours:
  • Assist the Goketsu against the Hyuuga bloc.
  • Arrange permission for Hazou to learn the social techniques of the Kurosawa.
Now, the downside to object-level asks is that it's possible for them to fail. If Ami thinks Iron Nerve Socials is too big an ask, the favour is not spent and we need to not let this slip. It's thus worthwhile to have the more abstracted maximization function-style favour as a backup if the object-level ask fails:
  • Assist the Goketsu against the Hyuuga bloc. Barring that, just maximize Hazou's influence over Leaf politics.
  • Arrange permission for Hazou to learn the social techniques of the Kurosawa. Barring that, maximize Hazou's social competence over the next half-year.
Or somesuch.

Lastly, I've previously expressed that I feel like Ami is already likely inclined to assist the Goketsu/ISC bloc against the Hyuuga bloc, and thus there's less marginal value of spending a favour on asking her to do this. Further, our ability to negotiate a second favour is dubious, both because our investigation may not come to fruition and because Ami may outplay us in a way that gets her the information without owing us a favour.

It's hard to know if either of those concerns are likely to end up true, but I think it's worth consulting Mari on which order is best to ask these favours in. If Mari thinks the politics favour won't affect much then we can run the socials favour first, and vice versa if she thinks it'll matter, and if she thinks we can't pull off the second favour she can advise us on which one is more pressing.

[x] Action Plan: Impure World Domination

As big a wall of text as I gave you, I think this plan's got quite a lot of merit, and I'd like to see it win.
Yes. And I suggested this:

I'd prefer a full clan conversation about this actually. These issues need to be deleted entirely along with every ofher source
of intra-Team Drama.

Like, one scene in the plan just for this, fuck the wordcount, fuck the XP loss.

Rule 0 is "The Team absolutely needs to be on the same page on pretty much everything."

If everyone is not actively putting forth effort(and literally as much effort as it requires) in following that , regardless of how exhausting or what their personal preferences on the matter are, well...

We really are all going to die.
I know that this is going to be shifted right out of the hivemind's awareness yet again, but given the Keiko, Pangolin, and Leaf chakra beast situations I have to raise it another time:

We have a way to address all of them. Summons are extremely long-lived and are probably both controlling their populations' reproduction and in a state of constant endemic war due to food limits. Leaf just lost enough ninja to raise the specter of needing to abandon territory due to being unable to control chakra beast numbers.

We have a summoner, soon two, and a Wakahisa. Chakra beasts have chakra. If we invite as many summons as we possibly can to participate they can run wild through the virgin wilderness massacring wildlife and dragging it back to be drained of chakra to fuel yet more summons while the humans cut off the horns, drain the humors, take any other valuable bits, and then allow the bodies to be sent to the summon realm for consumption and trade. In terms of return on investment it is far more profitable than fighting wars for agricultural territory, so that drains resources and incentives from warmongering and the enhanced trade does so further. Leaf gets oodles of safe new agricultural territory and an eager market for its enhanced food output. The Gouketsu get literal mountains of valuable chakra beast parts and serve as the lynchpin of a massive rapid-trade network on both the human and summon paths. Sage help the scorch squad who stumbles upon the reason Leaf's economy is booming in an area while out on a mission.

Keiko gets to solve her problem by selling food instead of weapons.

Oh, on another matter, since Noburi is going to become a summoner soon we need to make a note to remind him Jiraiya flipped the hell out at the idea of summons being chakra drained and that he probably shouldn't drain anything on or from the seventh path until he's at least asked the toads about it.

As long as I'm shouting into the dark, Hazou still hasn't copied those seals Kagome noticed in Akane's room in the hospital so Kagome could start analyzing them. If anybody's worried about Kabuto being nefarious that would be a simple, fast avenue of investigation.
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I like most of @Noumero 's plan. Dealing with henge is something I've wanted to do a long time, and with Ami bringing it up IC it's the perfect time to get started on it. Maybe we can even get some more Kagome lore too, while we're at it.
[x] Action Plan: Impure World Domination

However, I do have some problems with it, namely with how it spends our favors. I think that meeting with ami to do this should probably be a full plan of it's own, since there's a lot we'd rather talk to her about it, I don't really like how ambigously the request is phrased, and most importantly, it's rather heavily mistargeted. Right now, we should be aiming for the hokageship in the most goketsu-aligned hands we can get it in. Wasting a favor on personal political power won't matter for shit if hiashi gets the hat, and we still don't know how close we are or are not to that. We might be missing just a vote from guarenteeing it, it might already be in the bag and my concerns are meaningless, we might be desperately trying to pry loose 1-2 more votes. I'd much rather spend our favor on securing that than not use it and find out we need it, and I'd prefer both to wasting her favor on that when we already have it in the bag. It's past time we sat down with mari, figured out what the race for hokage is like, and figured out what we need to change in order to accomplish our goals. 3-4 scenes, covers everything we need to do in the aftermath, and it helps get the players some much-needed info for coordinating our actions. I could use some help either trimming down the wordcount a bit or filling in with some more specificity, though.

[X] Action Plan: You can only have one #1 Priority
Wordcount: 354
  • Aftermath:
    • Talk to Keiko. Reaffirm you're still family.
      • CCnJ: There were better ways to handle it on both of your parts. Hazou shouldn't have tried to override her after it was made clear she thought her decision through. Keiko shouldn't have presented us with an ultimatum; she should've trusted us enough to discuss it in advance, to at least consider other options.
      • Suggest salvaging Keiko's relations with the Pangolins by claiming Hazou ordered to end the deal.
    • Talk to Mari. Admit your mistake in trying to override Keiko. Thank her for intervening. Reaffirm your full responsibility over any actions she takes to protect the clan.
      • Amend your order: "protect the members of the clan". "Clan" means nothing if we treat it as an abstract ideal and allow its members to come to harm.
      • "Clan" includes her: her well-being matters.
      • Figure out what work she's already done so far; who she's met with, what she's talked about, how she thinks it went.
      • Ask about her impression of the field of candidates. She's more skilled and has had more time than you have, and has been in leaf more recently than Naruto. Who's seriously under consideration already?
      • What are our chances looking like of preventing Hiashi from getting the hat so far?
  • Consider acquiring intel on the Hagoromo's internal politics, perhaps by covertly fishing for information in bars. Considering your disguise skills...
    • ... or lack thereof. How do you wear a wig again? Or appear older? Or feminine? Practice with mirror.
    • Do you have IN movements for putting on disguises? Reflect on the last time you used them. Something is... off.
    • It's been off for weeks, since your entire team inexplicably lost disguise kits mid-Exams.
    • What about spotting disguise? Logically, if you suspect an infiltrator, you should check their height, weight... but instead you're inclined to hit them? And Noburi too...
  • Meet with Kagome and Mari (secure room).
    • Describe your disguise-related freakout.
    • Mari, an infiltration specialist: Did you notice anything wrong? Has Hazou gone mad?
    • Kagome: any idea what happened?
    • Discuss the topic in-depth. Figure out whether you or the world is crazy; pin down how exactly.
[X] Action Plan: You can only have one #1 Priority

I like this as it doesn't commit right away to using the information or cashing in on favors with Ami. Those can be more considered and don't have to be rushed.
I still feel a great degree of reticence in outright asking her about Kurosawa social techniques. I feel like Kurosawa social techniques are sufficiently-secret that it could be ill-advised. I would be significantly more comfortable if we ran that use of the favor past Mari and Keiko at the least.
More self-meditation stuff in line with what @huhYeahGoodPoint is doing? @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail do you have any input?
Do what our new friend @djehuty3 suggested:

I'd like to suggest that we make a list of the other characters we know and whose emotions we care about that gets updated with each update. This list will cover what we know of their emotional states. We'll consult it before we make plans so we don't screw things up like this again. It won't work all the time, but it might work a bit. I figure we'd start with the clan, and if the system works, we can think about expanding it.

Do it for 2-3 characters, maybe, to keep the amount of work down? Use it to make and test predictions about reactions.
[X] Plan Talk To Keiko and Ino

@huhYeahGoodPoint Would it be possible for you to utilize @Noumero's plan when considering Keiko? Specifically, the part where we acknowledge that Keiko made mistakes the same way we did?
If you want Ami to get Hazou Kurosawa social techniques, just tell her that you want to use favor to get Hana into Leaf like we should have for free before Jiraiya left for the battle. Hana can teach him a lot more than just social techniques, and she's just about the only person outside the clan who can be trusted to highly value his welfare.
If you want Ami to get Hazou Kurosawa social techniques, just tell her that you want to use favor to get Hana into Leaf like we should have for free before Jiraiya left for the battle. Hana can teach him a lot more than just social techniques, and she's just about the only person outside the clan who can be trusted to highly value his welfare.
We tried to get Hana to teach Hazou Kurosawa social techniques before and she declined to.
Drop it with the henge investigations...its gone, it's not coming back, it was too much of a headache for the QMs and any references we see in story seem to be for entertainment value/Easter eggs then ment to be a grasping line to force more effort and screen time on what is done and gone.

I don't WANT Hanzou to notice anything because it is more entertaining to me if Kagome is the only one who "knows" the truth.
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Drop it with the henge investigations...its gone, it's not coming back, it was too much of a headache for the QMs and any references we see in story seem to be for entertainment value/Easter eggs then ment to be a grasping line to force more effort and screen time on what is done and gone.

I don't WANT Hanzo to notice anything because it is more entertaining to me if Kagome is the only one who "knows" the truth.
Hanzo can't notice anything, because he's dead.