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- Yes.
Isn't that what arguments and discussions do? I genuinely fail to see how this is being interpreted as an attack.
Yeah, but there's a marked difference between persuading Keiko to change her mind on logical merits - admittedly presented in a compelling fashion - and a guilt trip playing on Keiko's difficulties with social interaction. The former is entirely reasonable, and indeed probably the correct response to someone you care about doing something you'd rather they didn't; the latter is worth apologizing for. I do not believe Hazou was expecting Mari to use the latter.
My issue is that Keiko had made what appears to me to be her final decision on the matter: she would no longer tolerate selling weapons to the Pangolins. She clearly put thought into the consequences of her actions, both towards her personal power and towards the Goketsu's. FMPOV Hazou, by continuing his attempt to change her mind (read: to convince her to keep selling weapons) even after knowing of this, is demonstrating once again his issues with agency: he should not have responded by continuing to persuade her past the point where she had made her final, well-thought-out, decision.Yeah, but there's a marked difference between persuading Keiko to change her mind on logical merits - admittedly presented in a compelling fashion - and a guilt trip playing on Keiko's difficulties with social interaction. The former is entirely reasonable, and indeed probably the correct response to someone you care about doing something you'd rather they didn't; the latter is worth apologizing for. I do not believe Hazou was expecting Mari to use the latter.
Like...if I were Hazou here, after the first reaction, I would have asked if she were at all willing to consider options that would have allowed her to maintain her position among the Summons while still allowing her to not sell weapons to the Pangolins and/or stopped the genocide they're perpetuating. IFF she said she was, then I'd start discussing other possible options while still acknowledging that Keiko's basically the boss here and that her decision is still the final one.
And no matter what the above results in, I'd thank her for being brave to tell us, and ask only that, in future, she be willing to tell us her concerns and plans to make X decision before a unilateral decision has been made.
Edit: To be clear, I'm taking offense to Hazou attempting to change her mind when he should have attempted to ask Keiko if she was willing to have her mind changed if a better option presented herself. The former conflicts with Hazou's vow to respect the agency of others, FMPOV.
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