- Location
- Essence
This is tricky for us as players to anticipate because we are operating under the assumption that there is no social combat between teammates so there is no point to explicitly warn Mari not to do that. It's a given.
This is also one of the biggest reasons that I think Keiko misinterpreted the situation and there was no actual social combat taking place.
Remember, she is an unreliable narrator not just in the way all limited PoV retellings are: she is also lying to herself a lot because she doesn't like herself very much. She is also a pessimistic person in general.
If she always thinks the worst of herself and how others would react to her, then of course she would interpret everything Mari said under that lense. Anything that validates her perception of people hating her will get amplified and signs to the contrary will be ignored.
And just as a general statement to what I read over the last few pages:
1) I am vehemently opposed to apologizing to Keiko or Mari. Not because I think we are above reproach but because we have not established what exactly happened. People are quick to assume that Hazou deliberately used Mari to attack Keiko and therefore we have something to apologize for. But as long as we actually find out the truth there is no point in apologizing. I don't want Hazou's apologies to become worthless nor do I want him to become some sort Mari-lite martyr.
2) Some of the posts arguing to ignore/punish Keiko were painful to read (like "let's kill Kagome for trying to murder Minami" levels of painful). I like all of the characters in Team Uplift - including their flaws. And I really don't want to play Sociopath Simulator 2019 where we discard family members because "they are too much work" or "offer little RoI" (not quoting anyone in particular, just the impression I got).
I don't think cutting off family members necessarily makes this a "Sociopath Simulator." While I do wish for Keiko to be happy and not ridden with as much guilt as she currently is for the Seven Path Genocide, I think there are literally two people who could feasibly help her though this: Ami and Tenten. Ami because she's literally seen her as perfect for her entire life and Tenten because she's the only other person in her world who she actually trusts enough to make the minimal amount of physical contact with her (seriously, when she freaked out when Kagome touched her, I felt hurt). I didn't include Mari because, as of last chapter, it seems like Keiko has perceived her as a hostile social agent (at least in that single scenario).
I would also like to mention that we have been extremely patient with Keiko up until Jiraiya's death. Despite this patience, I rarely felt that she really cared for us in an intimate manner. I certainly felt this form Noburi, who wears his emotions on his sleeve, and similarly from Akane. I think this may be important to bring up, if not at this moment, at some point in the future, because it would be hard to believe that neither Hazou, Noburi, or Akane feel at all hurt by her manner.
Of course, this may be myself projecting neurotypical behavior onto a character who clearly displays non-neurotypical thoughts and behaviors.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail
Before I forget, while the whole "threatening to kill Hazou" thing can be funny, I would like to know how Hazou actually feels regarding that. While we as the Hive Mind may not take something seriously, Hazou's emotions should be taken into account.
[X] Plan Talk To Keiko and Ino