Drop it with the henge investigations...its gone, it's not coming back, it was too much of a headache for the QMs and any references we see in story seem to be for entertainment value/Easter eggs then ment to be a grasping line to force more effort and screen time on what is done and gone.

I don't WANT Hanzou to notice anything because it is more entertaining to me if Kagome is the only one who "knows" the truth.

The point is to figure out that weird sealing failures can retcon reality in weird retroactive timey-wimey ish way I think
[X] Plan Talk To Keiko and Ino

@huhYeahGoodPoint Would it be possible for you to utilize @Noumero's plan when considering Keiko? Specifically, the part where we acknowledge that Keiko made mistakes the same way we did?
It's a design decision to not actually talk to Keiko; the first portion is pretty much all about "we need to acknowledge first that we have made a mistake", because I'm worried that Hazou won't have thought it through even that far.

When the time comes to talk to Keiko, I do intend to either borrow it or vote for a plan that expresses something similar.
[X] Action Plan: Ino, You Know
  • Reflection on order
    • (Following Keiko and Tenten's departure)
    • He insisted that Keiko wasn't allowed to stop arms-dealing to the Pangolin ahead of schedule, after she put in considerable thought towards mitigating the issues, on knee-jerk impulse to value the clan over the individual.
    • Hazou very recently expressed the opposite sentiment; the primary difference between then and now being Jiraiya's death and Hazou's assumption of Clan Head.
    • Hazou hated it when Jiraiya did it, so why does he think it is good now?
    • Jiraiya...Jiraiya was great. But - no, and - he had flaws, some of which Hazou picked up.
    • One of them was this. Hazou needs to acknowledge that he has valued the utility to the clan over the people, hurting Keiko and Mari.
      • He ordered Mari to attack Keiko, which deeply wounded both.
    • Resolve to discuss this with the clan.
      • Especially Keiko and Mari.
  • Mari
    • (Soon after reflection)
    • Admit your mistake in trying to override Keiko and using her to do so. Thank her for her attempt to intervene. Reaffirm you take full responsibility for her actions to protect the clan.
      • Amend your order: "protect the members of the clan". The clan means nothing if we treat it as an abstract ideal and allow its members to come to harm.
      • "Clan" includes her: her well-being matters.
  • Ino
    • (Retroactively) Get Mari's help on a bouquet of mourning.
      • Considerations:
        • We're friends with Ino, allies to the Yamanaka, but were acquaintances with Inoichi.
      • Seal the bouquet in an empty seal.
    • Meet Ino at the wedding party.
      • Compliment her dress.
      • Express that we're always up to talking with her.
      • Gift her the bouquet seal.
      • Business:
        • Who are the Yamanaka supporting for the Hat?
        • Is there anything we can do to help?
        • Can she introduce us to the diplomatic corps?
      • Thank her for her time.
Now that I'm back, I'd like to reiterate that I have made massive changes to the plan; this is why I'm going to ping my voters; the Ino section for one is totally different.

@Evenstar, @Esryok, @Cariyaga, @Asquil, @faflec, @BG-Scout, @Raichu1972, @fiirofa, @Torpling, @The king Chad, @Inferno Vulpix, @Sentient Tree, @Rafin
Drop it with the henge investigations...its gone, it's not coming back, it was too much of a headache for the QMs and any references we see in story seem to be for entertainment value/Easter eggs then ment to be a grasping line to force more effort and screen time on what is done and gone.

I don't WANT Hanzou to notice anything because it is more entertaining to me if Kagome is the only one who "knows" the truth.

We aren't trying to get henge to come back. We're doing this with the aim of investigating what eaglejarl has alluded to as world-building he didn't think the players would ever get after. It's no one's intention to cause more work for the QMs just for the sake of it. EJ has stated it isn't just a throwaway gag and shifts like this have major implications for the world and how events play out.

Can you take a step back and look at this from another angle? What if the reality you know actually was demonstrably very weird in surprising ways? Does it make sense for you to ignore that?
@Lailoken I hear you. But I think that we can get back to that once the winning plan involves talking to Keiko.
@Inferno Vulpix could you add something about talking to Keiko regarding the sale of food and/or hunting rights to Summons?
@Deathbybunnies maybe this could be added to your plan?
I know that this is going to be shifted right out of the hivemind's awareness yet again, but given the Keiko, Pangolin, and Leaf chakra beast situations I have to raise it another time:

We have a way to address all of them. Summons are extremely long-lived and are probably both controlling their populations' reproduction and in a state of constant endemic war due to food limits. Leaf just lost enough ninja to raise the specter of needing to abandon territory due to being unable to control chakra beast numbers.

We have a summoner, soon two, and a Wakahisa. Chakra beasts have chakra. If we invite as many summons as we possibly can to participate they can run wild through the virgin wilderness massacring wildlife and dragging it back to be drained of chakra to fuel yet more summons while the humans cut off the horns, drain the humors, take any other valuable bits, and then allow the bodies to be sent to the summon realm for consumption and trade. In terms of return on investment it is far more profitable than fighting wars for agricultural territory, so that drains resources and incentives from warmongering and the enhanced trade does so further. Leaf gets oodles of safe new agricultural territory and an eager market for its enhanced food output. The Gouketsu get literal mountains of valuable chakra beast parts and serve as the lynchpin of a massive rapid-trade network on both the human and summon paths. Sage help the scorch squad who stumbles upon the reason Leaf's economy is booming in an area while out on a mission.

Keiko gets to solve her problem by selling food instead of weapons.

Oh, on another matter, since Noburi is going to become a summoner soon we need to make a note to remind him Jiraiya flipped the hell out at the idea of summons being chakra drained and that he probably shouldn't drain anything on or from the seventh path until he's at least asked the toads about it.

As long as I'm shouting into the dark, Hazou still hasn't copied those seals Kagome noticed in Akane's room in the hospital so Kagome could start analyzing them. If anybody's worried about Kabuto being nefarious that would be a simple, fast avenue of investigation.
@Inferno Vulpix, @QTesseract, what do you think about the following:
[x] Action Plan: Impure World Domination
Wordcount: 351
  • Aftermath:
    • Talk to Keiko. Reaffirm you're still family.
      • CCnJ: You both could've handled that better. Hazou shouldn't have tried to override her after it was made clear she thought her decision through. Keiko shouldn't have presented us with an ultimatum; she should've trusted us enough to discuss it in advance, to at least consider other options.
      • Suggest salvaging Keiko's relations with the Pangolins by claiming Hazou ordered to end the deal.
    • Talk to Mari. Admit your mistake in trying to override Keiko. Thank her for intervening. Reaffirm your full responsibility over any actions she takes to protect the clan.
      • Amend your order: "protect the members of the clan". "Clan" means nothing if we treat it as an abstract ideal and allow its members to come to harm.
      • "Clan" includes her: her well-being matters.
  • Consider acquiring intel on the Hagoromo's internal politics, perhaps by covertly fishing for information in bars. Considering your disguise skills...
    • ... or lack thereof. How do you wear a wig again? Or appear older/feminine? Practice with mirror.
    • Do you have IN movements for putting on disguises? Reflect on the first time you used them. Something is... off. It's been off for weeks, since you lost disguise kits.
    • What about spotting disguise? Logically, if you suspect an infiltrator, you should check their height, weight... but instead you're inclined to hit them? And Noburi too...
  • Meet with Kagome and Mari (high-security room, Silent Mines + Anti-Hyuuga Seals).
    • Describe your disguise-related freakout.
    • Mari, an infiltration specialist: Did you notice anything wrong? Has Hazou gone mad?
    • Kagome: any idea what happened?
    • Discuss the topic in-depth. Figure out whether you or the world is crazy; pin down how exactly.
  • Discuss Ami Favours with Mari.
    • If investigation into disguises bore fruits: suggest selling her than information for a favour.
    • Discuss the following favour ideas:
      • Politics:
        • Open-ended: "Work with me to maximize my personal influence on Leaf politics."
        • Specific: Assist the Gouketsu against the Hyuuga bloc.
      • Social:
        • Open-ended: "Maximize my social competence over the next half-a-year".
        • Specific: Arrange for IN social training.
      • Which one is more important? Take specific or open-ended options?
With the actual meeting with Ami happening next update?
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Lastly, I've previously expressed that I feel like Ami is already likely inclined to assist the Goketsu/ISC bloc against the Hyuuga bloc, and thus there's less marginal value of spending a favour on asking her to do this. Further, our ability to negotiate a second favour is dubious, both because our investigation may not come to fruition and because Ami may outplay us in a way that gets her the information without owing us a favour.

It's hard to know if either of those concerns are likely to end up true, but I think it's worth consulting Mari on which order is best to ask these favours in. If Mari thinks the politics favour won't affect much then we can run the socials favour first, and vice versa if she thinks it'll matter, and if she thinks we can't pull off the second favour she can advise us on which one is more pressing.

I agree. The Amis are already working towards our interests. In addition their way of social manipulation is highly compatible with Hanzo's (Both characters are governed by multiple minds). There is alot he can learn from their multi character emulation skill. I would like to propose an alternative to the direct approach in dealing with them. Bear with me, it's a little convoluted.

  • Buy a small Hyuuga doll
  • Get a Goketsu and a Nara stamp
  • Get a blank piece of paper, write points on top and hang it up in the kitchen.
  • Put the Hyuuga doll on a string and hang it below for Fifi to bat around
  • Stamp the page once for each diplomatic point team Goketsu has scored towards the Hokage election (lets say two)
  • Invite Ami for a study of social interaction in personal spaces with the purpose of better character modeling + plus there will be cake
  • Train by creating a fitting personality to match the personality she is displaying (deception training)
  • At one point show here the points page, explain that she is currently leading, points are marked on a honor system and that she already has her stamp. No further explanations
  • Tell her the other player is finding it to bothersome to mark his points, so you as the game master are marking for them (Nara stamp)
  • Tell her she is currently leading on points, but you will catch up
  • As the superior Dungeon master, offer her the scorekeeper / gamemaster position. It will allow her to introduce house rules.
  • Change topic, persona or start baking :p
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@Inferno Vulpix, @QTesseract, what do you think about the following:

With the actual meeting with Ami happening next update?
That's quite smart, I like it. Mari worked with Ami, which goes the other way too; Mari might have some insight into how she operates for us, and it covers the goal of helping us target our favor optimally. I'd say I'm now voting for your plan, but I was already doing that because I liked it already, this is just better.
@Lailoken I hear you. But I think that we can get back to that once the winning plan involves talking to Keiko.
@Inferno Vulpix could you add something about talking to Keiko regarding the sale of food and/or hunting rights to Summons?
I'll repeat my stance that the plan cache is not for people to unilaterally (or with a very small minority) push things into. It's more for things that have general acceptance and the only question is how and when.

I've seen people start plans by copy-pasting most of the cache and working from there, to get started on everything not yet done. Putting ideas that don't have consensus into the cache is a risk of causing headache from events like that.

(If you feel like I've made a mistake and let something like that in when it shouldn't, please inform me. I'm not infallible and if I've failed my admittedly only-just-taking-shape rules then I'd like to correct it)

@Inferno Vulpix, @QTesseract, what do you think about the following:

With the actual meeting with Ami happening next update?
Looks much better, thanks!
We're due for the Xenforo 2.0 update soon-ish IIRC. Hopefully that makes things less agonizing!
Sidebar: Grumble, grumble, dumping FlexSpace. The only truly beautiful theme. Grumble, grumble.

I want to have Hazou get with Shilamary, Tsunade, Naruyo,
I'm assuming that's a typo for "Naruto", but who is Shilamary?

what we want isn't for her to haggle with Ren to get approval for Iron Nerve Socials, but for her to stick around in Leaf and personally tutor us
Note that Ami is a Mori and not a Kurosawa. If you want her to teach general social skills that is at least feasible but she cannot teach you the use of the Iron Nerve.

If we invite as many summons as we possibly can to participate they can run wild through the virgin wilderness massacring wildlife and dragging it back to be drained of chakra
Note that once something dies its chakra disperses. If you want to drain them then they need to be brought back alive.

EDIT: Also, the chapter where Asuma mentioned psychiatrists has been retconned to say priests. +1 XP as a thank you to @TaliesinSkye for the suggestion.
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[x] Action Plan: Impure World Domination
[X] Action Plan: You can only have one #1 Priority
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Note that Ami is a Mori and not a Kurosawa. If you want her to teach general social skills that is at least feasible but she cannot teach you the use of the Iron Nerve.
The plan is rather that Ami could try to persuade Ren to give Hazou permission to learn Iron Nerve Socials from a Kurosawa, like Hana. The impression I got from Hana is that she'd teach us if she were allowed, so clearing the permission obstacle enables our access.

I'm also aware that this might not work, since I don't know much about Ami and Ren's situation or the nuances of how Ren would feel on the issue, but given what we've seen from Ren and the AMI, I feel like it's possible enough to be worth considering.
We tried to get Hana to teach Hazou Kurosawa social techniques before and she declined to.

The situation has changed a great deal. Chances are that Ren could be convinced to sign off on it, or that Hana could be convinced to just do it anyway since her primary reason for not doing it earlier was concern about clan retribution and her family's safety. Even if she doesn't formally train him in secret techniques she is a more valuable resource than any of them.

@Lailoken I hear you. But I think that we can get back to that once the winning plan involves talking to Keiko.
@Inferno Vulpix could you add something about talking to Keiko regarding the sale of food and/or hunting rights to Summons?

If you want to patch things up with Keiko, offering her a solution which involves selling food instead of weapons at the same time would probably win a lot of points.
Shikaku's and Mari's love child.
Adhoc vote count started by faflec on May 24, 2019 at 12:48 PM, finished with 393 posts and 28 votes.
Like, I really really want to do that and I just don't want to sell any weapons to the 7th Path anymore, its too much for me."
It goes against my personal policy to point out things like this, but I would note she said pretty much this exact thing. In the afternoon discussion: "I've been distressed for a long time over this, and don't want to keep selling weapons". In the evening, she elaborated with, "I feel like my hands are covered in blood and I'm responsible for countless deaths".

Hanzo can't notice anything, because he's dead.
Strictly speaking, debatable. In an alt timeline where Hazō never became the PC, there is a perfectly alive Hanzō doing the job instead of him. MfD has not presented a stance on multiverse theory.

For reference, I think you people are amazing for the way you think and the amount of thought you put into playing this quest. I'm sorry the social stuff is so difficult and frustrating, but at least that makes it properly simulationist.
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It goes against my personal policy to point out things like this, but I would note she said pretty much this exact thing. In the afternoon discussion: "I've been distressed for a long time over this, and don't want to keep selling weapons". In the evening, she elaborated with ,"I feel like my hands are covered in blood and I'm responsible for countless deaths".

Strictly speaking, debatable. In an alt timeline where Hazō never became the PC, there is a perfectly alive Hanzō doing the job instead of him. MfD has not presented a stance on multiverse theory.

For reference, I think you people are amazing for the way you think and the amount of thought you put into playing this quest. I'm sorry the social stuff is so difficult and frustrating, but at least that makes it properly simulationist.

We tried to outsource social stuff to Hazo but he's not very good at this social stuff.
We tried to outsource social stuff to Hazo but he's not very good at this social stuff.
It always surprises me when people say this. I think he actually handles social stuff better than average for a 14-15 year old. I also think that he has visibly improved. I suspect there's an element of negativity bias -- negative outcomes stand out in the memory more than positive ones.