The movie trailer posted here a few days ago inspired me to write my own.
[Scene of the team playing games and eating food together. Happy music is playing.]
Hazou voice over: Inhale clarity. Exhale panic. You can't panic. If you panic, you can't think.
[A twig snaps. The music stops. Everyone goes silent, reaches for weapons, and assumes defensive positions.]
Voice over: If you can't think, everyone dies.
[Shot of Minami being killed, as dramatic music starts to build]
If you let your guard down, you die.
[Noburi's barrel gets recognized by the shopkeeper]
If you get spotted, you die.
[Fighting a Jonin in Hot Springs]
If you pick a fight with someone better than you, you die.
[Hazou feverishly making and checking lists]
Miss one detail...
[Quick shots of Shikigame, Takahashi, and Jiraiya]
Trust one person you shouldn't have...
[Black screen. Music goes quiet]
And its all over.
[Shikigame emerges from the tent, wincing and covered in blood.]
Shikigame: Mist betrayed us. We've all been marked for death.
[Hazou punches through someone's skull]
It doesn't matter what it takes.
[Hazou crying and being comforted by Mari]
What you've lost.
[Team getting herded into the killbox]
Or how badly you've screwed up.
[Close up shot of Hazou, hurt, distressed, and breathing rapidly. No music.]
You have to find a way to survive.
[Hazou takes a slow breath, and his eyes go unfocused for a second as he does his thing]
Hazou: Okay. Here is what we are going to do.
[Montage of explosions, awesomeness, and danger. Music gets loud.]
[Title screen: MARKED FOR DEATH.]