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  • Hey, Threnodist. One of the players over in that Tokyo Ghoul Mafia game was a no show, and the GM tagged you as his first choice of replacement. Noticed you on and thought you might want to know.
    Pawn Lelouch
    Pawn Lelouch
    Yep, you're more active here so messaging you here is kinda a must if we want to start soon.
    Good day to you, sir. If you don't mind me asking, where is your avatar from?
    You don't get to be offended here. My pronouns are literally directly underneath the thing you were enquiring about, and I've been pretty nice about it.

    My preferred form of address though is Most Honorable and Great Benefactor if you must know
    Violation of Rule 3 - Don't just post to snipe at them. The previous argument makes it clear this was not an innocent grammar correction.
    Actually the proper singular would an "It". They/them is ingrained as a plural. Just most people try to be polite enough not to try not use the same terminology for a person as they do the dog shit they scrap off their shoe.
    There is actually a singular "they"
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