Just a reminder, we need to decide what jutsu to get for Hazou next. Listing a bunch you want is good, but we need to also prioritize in case we only get one for whatever reason.
That is, stating your opinion about what you want next and why would probably be good for the discussion. We probably want to do small plans with priority lists and some conditionals.
@eaglejarl @Velorien Suggested voting format for the jutsu vote:
[] Jutsu Hazou: A Very Serious Jutsu Proposal
The jutsu Hazou wants ranked in order of preference.
- An earth jutsu that makes him all powerful and costs only 5 CP/hour.
- If it costs more than 10 CP/hour, move it to third rank
- Hiraishin
- Harem no Jutsu
I think my vote ends up being keep Clone low (3?), and level MEW, Tunnelling, Tremorsense, and one of the attack-focused jutsu (so either earth spike or a nintaijutsu)
If we do it that way, the XP cost would turn out something like this:
MEW 10 - 34XP
Earth Clone 3 - 2.5XP
Utility 1 10 - 27.5XP
Utility 2 10 - 27.5XP
Utility 3 8 - 18XP
Total: 109.5 XP
(My old proposal cost 111XP)
So the fifth jutsu one gets only around 8 dice. We can decide which one that is after we see the actual numbers. (Note that this is an estimate, there might be stat requirements for us to fill.)
I'm not actually sure what is the difference between Earth Clone 1 and Earth Clone 3, so that might be superficial.
- A subtractive earth-shaping jutsu which could be used to tunnel, preferrably quickly
- A combat-oriented jutsu, EITHER in the form of rapid ranged earth manipulation (earth-spike like), ideally which operated similarly to MEW in that it would leave permanent constructs, OR one which enhances taijutsu performance / survivability
- A sensory jutsu, especially one that does not depend on the conventional senses (i.e. we want to use tremorsense even when Noburi has put heavy mist over the whole area)
If we can get a super good nintaijutsu that ups our combat survivability I would get that. I'm just not very confident that Leaf has the kind of stuff Kakuzu was using lying around. I would put it first with the conditional that the nintaijutsu is really good. I would list the requirements something like this:
- Makes us very damage resistant
- Lets us punch hazardous material (lava, acid, poison, tentacles from beyond the veil, etc.)
- Ups our effective Taijutsu dice with Roki
If the nintaijutsu fills all the requirements and doesn't require all our chakra, I would put it first. If it doesn't have the damage resistant part, I would move it to third rank. I'm not sure if I even want it if it only has achieves 2) or 3) alone.
Tunneling is second. The most useful to us would be a jutsu that lets us move really fast underground with a narrow tunnel, with the option to widen the the tunnel diameter in exchange for speed and more chakra. I doubt we can get that, so I would prioritize the ability to move fast even during combat and have non-combat utility as secondary benefit. This might land us with a jutsu that closes behind the ninja who is doing the tunneling, but I guess I would rather have that than just tunnel making outside of combat. I'm pretty sure we can get that with pangolins.
Sensory jutsu would be the third. Sensing opponents while in zero visibility would be awesome and we need something to guide our tunneling. This is potentially the 8 dice jutsu, but we'll see.
The problem is that we don't and won't have that much chakra, so that will also limit the jutsu pool we have access to.