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Quests Archive

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You are a Magos of the True Mechanicum, unshackled from the lies that bind your blinkered brethren within the Imperium of Mankind and in service to the only truth that matters: the Primordial Truth that underpins all of creation. Only you have messed up, and badly. Usually, your punishment would be as swift and brutal: conversion to a half-aware lobotomized Servitor, to exist as an example to others for an agonizing eternity. But the Gods, it seems, have other plans for you, for in the...
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You were once a common mortal, a meaningless human soul inhabiting Terra in the 03 Millennium. Now you are in the 41st Millennium, awaking in the grimdark future you never imagined will come to be. After your initial confusion, above the rhythmic white-noise of grandiose yet unsettling baroque machines a half-man, half-machine awakes you, explaining that, using the wonderful marvels of the most sacred of tech-rituals, straight from their far-past your far-future fabled Dark Age of...
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Quest Description and Initial Setup Vote
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The year is 999.M41. Things are happening in the galaxy at large, and yet these people know nothing of them. How could they? They are not the movers and shakers of an empire, but the laborers that oil the chains of a Dark Mechanicum outpost producing machinery and weapons with their sweat and blood. At least, they did so until now. Because they have just risen up in defiance and in fury, needing only a hand to guide them. To glory or doom.
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It is the aftermath of the Horus Heresy. And you have just been born. You don't know what your true 'goals' in life are. But you know what you want to do. You want to create.
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Behold the fruits of your labors, oh lord. Gaze upon what your efforts and determination have wrought. Now that you have clawed your way from the depths to seize this sector as your own, you must tame it and bring it to heel. Will you have the strength of will? Or will you be crushed by this hostile, bloodthirsty galaxy? Continuation of Let the fires of industry BURN! a WH40K manufactorum administrator quest
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In the grimdark futures of the post Heresy Imperium one very salty Adeptus Mechanicus Genetor finds himself in charge of a long term Space Marine creation project. He remains very salty regardless.
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A 40k Quest. Sequel to Suffer Not.
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You are Pandora, and once, your father sang to you the song of peace. But in the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium, there is only war. You are Pandora, and you were forgotten to history after an incident that happened in your adolescence raised you to the Astral Throne of Sacrifice, but the chaos of the 13th Black Crusade has allowed you to return to human form and memory once more. In the forty thousand years that have passed between your Ascension and your Descension, however, much...
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By the reckoning of humanity, it is the twenty-nineth millennia. The birth of a Dark God, already responsible for the collapse of civilization into the Age of Strife, is nigh, and with it comes the dawn of the Age of Humanity. In the northern edge of the Galaxy,, Craftworld Vau-Vulkesh begins a defiant plan to reforge their own souls to reject the newborn Slaanesh. They will keep Vaul's fire burning, they and their allies, with the aid of technology lost to the other survivors, and defy...
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The Adeptus Astartes are the finest defenders of mankind. See fit that they are armed with the finest weapons, that they are granted the best training and remain armored in contempt for their foe. More then anything though, you must teach them how to fight an eternal war against the stars. The Adeptus Astartes are dead, Long Live the Space Marines.
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You were a captain of the Legiones Astartes, fighting under your Primarch and alongside your brothers in the Great Crusade to expand the Imperium. Sheltering humanity under the aegis of a mighty, enlightened and rational nation on the rise. Now the Legions are shattered into Chapters, your Primarch and brothers fallen to madness and depravity. The Imperium, turned into a bloated, repressive, theocratic shell of what you remember, beset on all sides by foes. Still you fight on. For Loyalty...
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Play as a Space Marine Chapter Master as he and his brothers turn their backs on the Imperium of Man and attempt to continue serving the Emperor and Mankind as they arrive in an abandoned sector.
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In the 30th Millenia, the Imperium has been born. Under the watch of the Emperor of Man and his Primarchs, humanity is recovering from the Age of Strife. Follow one of the unknown Primarchs during the Great Crusade and see if you can make Warhammer a kinder setting.
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You are PR-01, Commander of the HCS Prometheus. Built into one of mankind's greatest dreadnought class vessels you survived the cybernetic revolt through the ever effective tactic of running away. It is now M30 and the warp storms that long halted your journey have cleared. Will you survive the coming crusades? Will you find out what caused the revolt in the first place? Will you live up to your status as a Man of Gold, the mightiest and most advanced of form of mechanical life?
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As the first cultivator on your home, lead your people through world ending disasters and into a new down. Advance yourself and your civilization from your humble beginning into the distant stars.
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In the Galaxies of Darkness, where desperation drove the survivors of a doomed timeline to reboot reality in the face of an unstoppable apocalypse, the denizens of a world that was came to the light of that reset to have another chance at their dreams. Xen Yang and Qiao Yin and their children; humbled by the failure of their old ways, have turned to a new method of doing things, founded the great, ancient society of the People's Celestial Realm of Tianchao that has endured since before the...
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The Emperor was born from the desire to be a shield for humanity, yet protection is more then an armed defense. A softer approach is needed, an open hand to even out the closed fist. In an uncaring galaxy humanity needs a guide, it needs you.
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In the arid deserts of Colchis, where the sun beats down mercilessly and the sands whisper ancient secrets, you, Fan Morgal, stand at a crossroads. Your tribe, the Decline, teeters on the brink of extinction, their water supply all but gone and their enemies closing in. Desperation led you to accept an offer of power, and now you are imbued with a strength that sets you apart from your kin. With the power of your Infernal Exaltation coursing through your veins, you rise, a formidable force...
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The Age of Strife has ended, and the battered remnants of humanity have been united by the Emperor of Mankind to start a war that promises to see humanity return to ascendancy in the stars.
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Chaos has completed its great ritual, weakening the veil between the Warp and the Materium, if only just. The Destroyer and its Necron cults slowly drive back the combined forces of the Imperium Secundus and the Tau Empire. The Forge-Empire of Callamus and the Imperium Quartus are pushed to the limit by attacks from the Black Imperium. The Krork are engulfed in an unending tide of Orks empowered by their twin gods while with Isha returned to them the Empire of Ashes tries desperately to keep...
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It is the 42nd Millennium and the Imperium is on its last legs. In this dark scenario, decide the fate of a minor Xenos civilisation with significant latent power, as they become a cosmopolitical entity and attempt to shine a ray of light into the dark morass around them.
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Here is a Naruto Kage quest where we make the leader of a ninja village and play out their story. Sidestories are more then accepted and encouraged.
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Cadia has fallen, the Pandora Sector is cut off from the Astronomican, Anarchy reigns across the stars. You are Lieutenant General Rebecca Shepard, ACU commander, UEF soldier, and you will unite the Sector and restore Order, no matter the cost.
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The Space Marines of the Celestial Lions crash onto an unknown world. Alone and friendless, can they reclaim their honour and rebuild their Chapter? Or will they succumb to the multitudes of Xenos and Daemons that abound? Warhammer 40k vs Warhammer Fantasy empire-builder type quest.
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The Gods of Chaos attempted to scatter the primarchs but the Emperor would not allow them. So upon the heart of Terra the four gods battled with the peak of mankind. However even with aid he was not powerful enough to best them in combat. That day gods died and an emperor was slain. One child remained in a broken lab and the rest were scattered. How can one have a great crusade with an empty helm.
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It is the 41st Millenium. For more than a hundred centuries you have sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Terra and guided humanity through carefully wrought visions and subtle blessings. Now, in the Eye of Terror, the forces of Chaos are gathering once more under the banner of Abaddon the Despoiler for a 13th Black Crusade. But through your guiding hand, the Imperium will be ready for them. Cadia will stand. Abaddon will fall. So you have decided and so it will be.
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You wake up. Alone. Unsure who you are. Your memory banks are damaged. The blessed steel that comprises your body is compromised. Around you is wreckage as far as you can see. You don't immediately recall how you got here or where here is.
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Follow the cold-blooded lizardmen, servants of ancient lost beings known as the Old Ones, as they are forced to flee their home and find themselves under alien skies. In the grim darkness of the far future, all must learn to heed one rule, be they madmen or thirsting gods - Respect Your Elders. Relevant Discord here.
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Join the noble and savage Dragon King race as they try to recover from their greatest defeat. Considering where they were sent, peace seems an unlikely. Glory to the Most High!
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