Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

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Attacking the eyes needs to be a large effort and build up it will the combined effort of navy and guard to support

The eyes had 2k years to build there system 3 barren worlds

I want the help of the sisters and the crusaders as well if we can we need has many marines as we can to help in the fight

Then i am not even speaking on the equipment we gonna need as well

The sector lord admiral needs time to herd the cats under his command to bring to bear and the Adolphus needs to set aside regiments
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New Students

Luctus System, Aetelian Sector, Ultima Segmentum. 773. M41

Grigori Yefimovich walked the halls of the Mist Shrikes Fortress Monastery. He was in the lower levels, dedicated to the Chapters Librarium. These past few years he had walked these cold halls alone, eagerly awaiting for one of his brothers to return from Deathwatch or for a Neophyte to awaken their psychic potential. Though, finally, these past few months have been fruitful for he no longer walks these halls alone. The latest batch of Luctusian recruits had two from their number awaken their psychic potential, and Grigori had taken them in with eager aplomb.

The two neophytes, Grozdan and Zivojin, had been uncertain of their psychic awakening. All their lives they had been told to abhor the witch, though after these several months of quiet encouragement and firm praise the two finally seem to have been able to move past their initial doubts. He could sense them, their psychic prowess like a candle compared to his but in time their flames would grow to cast out the darkness. The two Neophytes were in a training chamber, designed specifically for new psykers to learn their powers, meditating. In truth, much of Grozdan and Zivojin's training was mostly meditations but these trances had a purpose. When Grigori was sent to the Deathwatch, it was the same training he had faced to figure out the extent of his power and what he excelled at and where he struggled.

Yefimovich slows his walk, working on staying quiet. He had suppressed his psychic presence intentionally, lacking his armor and instead in common robes. Inch by inch, his giant form moved closer and closer to his students, completely oblivious. Though many would not expect a transcended human to be quiet of all things, his Chapter would prove them wrong. In the case of eight foot tall superhumans wearing hundreds of pounds of armor, it's really more of a case of patience, distractions and misdirection than anything else. An old floorboard might creak and give away your location, which is why one moves with an enemy patrol to mask the creaking and groaning floor. A Scout could lay in wait for days, covered in grime and muck before his target would approach the sights of his sniper rifle. A sentry is always vigilant, watching for signs of enemy movement, which is why the sentry has their eyes focused outwards, unaware that a Mist Shrike was always behind them. In the case of Yefimovich's students, deep meditation requires one to remain focused on themselves, allowing something as innocent as the opening of a door to happen unnoticed.

With the Chief Librarian in the room, he could see it was exactly as he left it. In the far corner were Grozdan and Zivojin, sitting in small alcoves. Their faces were that of intense consecration, focused entirely within and on their powers. These meditations were not without purpose, Grigori's old mentor had him focus on testing meditations which had revealed his talent for Telepathy. For his pupils, they had differing results. Zivojin had proven to be able to learn and excel with the Krenner Trance, indicating that his talents lay with either Divination or Telekinesis. Grozdan hadn't shown any notable talents yet, though it didn't mean he had no talents. There were plenty of psychic disciplines an Astartes could learn, such as Geokinesis, Fulmination, and Technomancy to name a few. Librarians didn't have to worry about mortal lifespans, and Grigori and his students would no doubt master the many disciplines of the warp.

Regardless of his musing, the Chief Librarian would refocus on his pupils. Now was time for another test, he thinks with a grin. He had moved closer and closer to the Neophytes until he was close enough to reach out to them… And the Night of Fright was right around the corner…

With a sudden clap of thunder, Grigori reveals his presence, his hands shooting out to grab the shoulders of the Neophytes. The reaction is immediate, Grozdan gasping and flinching away while Zovijin outright falls on the floor in a heap, much to Grigori's amusement. With a chortle, the Chief Librarian backs away, clapping his chest.

"Greetings my students! I see that your meditations have been well, though I am disappointed to see that both of you were broken out of your focus so easily." He remarks.

From the floor, an indigent Zivojin rises up with a huff while Grozdan glares.

"Because you jumped out at us to break our concentration!" Grozdan says, pointing an accusing finger at his mentor.

"That was a very simple attempt to break your concentration brother. One day, you will be fighting on a distant planet, against Xenos, against Traitors, or worse. Perhaps you might be ambushed by Eldar, or surrounded by Orks. They will shoot at you, stab at you, try to eat you or blow you to pieces. When that day comes, you can't lose your concentration, unless you wish to open yourself to the vagaries of the Warp." Grigori warns, his face stern. His words have the intended effect, his brothers quieting down and listening carefully.

Grigori lets the moment sink, allowing them to think it over. They were young, only recently ascending to their new transhuman status but he had no doubt they would meet his expectations.

"Now, I know the two of you are tired of the constant meditation exercises so I have something new for you." The Librarian says, causing the Neophytes to perk up in interest. He leads them to the other corner of the room, to a table filled with dataslates, scrolls and vellum.

"Soon, you will become Lexicani. As such, your responsibility will increase, as will your might and mastery over the Warp. One of the chief duties of Lexicani is arguably one of the most important for the Chapter. You are to catalog, store and create the battle reports of the Mist Shrikes. Keep in mind, such reports are important for the Chapter's history, our valor and deeds to be remembered for our future brothers to read and remember us. So that we may never forget what we have done for the Imperium when all else might forget us." Grigori says, quick to stem their disappointment.

"Before you are the reports from the Lezoan Uprising when the Chapter helped put down a Genestealer uprising. Please catalog and create a comprehensive report to add to the records and cogitators within the next three hours. I will be away, creating wards around the Librarius to better ground us. I will return when your time is up." Grigori says, turning away while his students seat themselves and begin going through the reports.

The Chief Librarian exits the chambers and enters into the halls once more, letting out a small sigh of relief, only feeling a modicum of guilt. The new grand speech about responsibilities and ensuring the Chapter would remember their past deeds was a quick excuse. The truth of the matter was that Grigori simply didn't want to look through the dozens of reports and papers, another reason for him to be glad to have new peers in the Librarius. With a smirk, he quickly moves to gather materials for the wards.

OOC: Figured I'd try my hand at writing a short Omake. I see Grigori as a fair teacher but might also mess with the Neophytes and Lexicani to keep things pleasant. All of this came from the idea that Grigori would probably be more than happy to finally have some younger brothers to pick up the more menial duties of the Librarius, hence why it ends with him dropping of the duties of record keeping to the new initiates.
We're probably not at the point where we'd be able to spare them, but what's the level of experience that one of our marines would need to be to be considered for Deathwatch service?
Attacking the eyes needs to be a large effort and build up it will the combined effort of navy and guard to support

The eyes had 2k years to build there system 3 barren worlds

One thing that not a lot of people seems to take into consideration is that this is a system that has been in the hands of Tzeentch, the chaos god who's notorious for wiping his ass with the laws of physics, for 2 thousand years.

even if we bombard the planets or deep strike our troops it could have no effect on the planets or their strongholds.
We're probably not at the point where we'd be able to spare them, but what's the level of experience that one of our marines would need to be to be considered for Deathwatch service?
They need to be Veterans. Anything less is an insult as only the best of the best are meant for Deathwatch.

One thing that not a lot of people seems to take into consideration is that this is a system that has been in the hands of Tzeentch, the chaos god who's notorious for wiping his ass with the laws of physics, for 2 thousand years.

even if we bombard the planets or deep strike our troops it could have no effect on the planets or their strongholds.
Yeah, the Eyes worship Tzeentch but I doubt it'll be like that. If anything, we'll probably have to sabotage some important location and it'll ruin whatever magic the Eyes have on their planets.

Edit: Also I did some rereading but we can definitely get Knights on our side for the Crusade against the Eyes. Vaeringjar is a planet that hosts Knights and have a close relationship with Smilnay. We chose to throw in our lot with Smilnay so hopefully we can get Knights against the Eyes.
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Yes but in exchange for favors and I'd rather not give out favors when we're preparing to invade the Eyes of the Mutator homeworld soon.
Yeah those rates are murder. A minor favor gets a single Predator tank, or 1 Dreadnought chassis, or 2 Thunderhawks, etc. It's pretty disheartening tbh. We even have a good reputation with them but we still don't get anything without a quid pro quo except for that one Dreadnought.
Yeah those rates are murder. A minor favor gets a single Predator tank, or 1 Dreadnought chassis, or 2 Thunderhawks, etc. It's pretty disheartening tbh. We even have a good reputation with them but we still don't get anything without a quid pro quo except for that one Dreadnought.
Maybe as we do more work for Smilnay and increase our standing, those rates will increase? I'm hoping for that because as we build up our vehicle pool and expand out fleet, we can't rely on looting stuff.
Maybe as we do more work for Smilnay and increase our standing, those rates will increase? I'm hoping for that because as we build up our vehicle pool and expand out fleet, we can't rely on looting stuff.
To be honest trading favors to get stuff as a requirement isn't particularly good even if that was the case. If it's something as simple as tanks or aircraft, from a Forge World, it should just be something they put in their production queue as standard. Maybe we have to wait a couple turns if their backlog is big, but we still get it, because we're a Space Marine Chapter and we need those supplies in order to properly defend the sector, themselves included. Minor favors are supposed to be a "Do X thing faster" or "Do Y thing that you're unsure about doing" not a prerequisite to get anything at all.
To be honest trading favors to get stuff as a requirement isn't particularly good even if that was the case. If it's something as simple as tanks or aircraft, from a Forge World, it should just be something they put in their production queue as standard. Maybe we have to wait a couple turns if their backlog is big, but we still get it, because we're a Space Marine Chapter and we need those supplies in order to properly defend the sector, themselves included. Minor favors are supposed to be a "Do X thing faster" or "Do Y thing that you're unsure about doing" not a prerequisite to get anything at all.
Yeah I see your point. Suppose we just need to wait and see how our relationship with Smilnay develops, and also gradually expand our Forges so we can get more BP.
We've already thrown in our lot with Smilnay, going back now will make us look bad. I'm certain SMilnay can at least provide us with escorts that we dearly need
No it wont people keep saying that will happen for example like with the ecclesiarchy but the probleem is they hired Milan to do work that smilnay specifically are specialist in aka land equipment

And they hired smilnay to do milan area of navy that necked them

We just have to keep there areas separate

And smilnay cant give us escorts its not there area what they can provide in they said it as much
No it wont people keep saying that will happen for example like with the ecclesiarchy but the probleem is they hired Milan to do work that smilnay specifically are specialist in aka land equipment

And they hired smilnay to do milan area of navy that necked them

We just have to keep there areas separate

And smilnay cant give us escorts its not there area what they can provide in they said it as much
I'm personally still very hesitant for trying to work with both Forge Worlds, their feud is legendary for a reason.
No it wont people keep saying that will happen for example like with the ecclesiarchy but the probleem is they hired Milan to do work that smilnay specifically are specialist in aka land equipment

And they hired smilnay to do milan area of navy that necked them

We just have to keep there areas separate

And smilnay cant give us escorts its not there area what they can provide in they said it as much
That's not true. Their specialties are different but it's not like Smilnay cannot make ships or Milan cannot make groundside gear. ThunderOwl said as much.
Hey @ThunderOwl are both Forge Worlds able to provide the same ships and equipment?
Yes, the difference they have is in allies, influence and slightly better quality (Smilnay) vs slightly better production speed (Milan).
Btw, how do i post a pic here from facebook? A friend of mine created a loyalist night lord in Space Marine 2 and it looks pretty epic. I can best decribe it as a combination of Dark Angel hood and robes with Night Lord armor and colors.
Btw, how do i post a pic here from facebook? A friend of mine created a loyalist night lord in Space Marine 2 and it looks pretty epic. I can best decribe it as a combination of Dark Angel hood and robes with Night Lord armor and colors.
You have to copy the link and then click the picture icon just above the text box. Paste in the image link and it should show.
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