Hive fleet Jarrara'k
They drifted through the silent cold void a fleet of hundreds flesh and bone mile-long tendrils bone jaws and within the mile, long ships bristling with Bio-weapons and thick chitin of a higher quality hundreds of millions of clawed scythed limed fanged creatures all lesser in number compared to other fleets but higher in quality individual and they began to stir as they drew inextricably awards by the promise of nearby prey.
Arricand was a world that once was a jungle world in the northern Segmentum Ultra that had become a civilized world over but over the millennia, three of its seven continents had become heavily polluted wasteland dominated by hive cities that pumped out goods for the local sector in exchange for materials to keep its forges fed and its tithes paid its PDF competent well-led and equipped it even had of ten defense monitors that patrolled the system for pirates and raiders.
But it was not enough. Its doom came at the hands of the great devourer but unlike most worlds that drown under a tide of Scything talons, its fall was coldly efficient and insidious. The first induction of the Tyranid presence was a brief ghost blip on one of the monitors auger at the edge of the system before vanishing. However, the drone ship of Hive fleet Jarrara'k while performing the same role in space as any other drone ship. Was bred to be larger to carry no weapons so it could carry more organisms its body was armored much more thickly while its only defense was the altered Chameleonic Skin that hid it from its prey detection technology.
When the ship arrived at Arricand it slipped through the atmosphere like a ghost above the planet's fifth continent, the most heavily forested in the world. After landing into the world in a densely forested and isolated area forever stranding itself on the world. But the hive mind intended it so that through the ship's synaptic link its cargo disembarked. Soon thousands of infiltration organisms and other more specialized organisms are completely unknown to the imperium
Two of the primary organisms would hold similarities to Genestealers and Lictors however both were quite different as the lictors were smaller and carried with its second pair of arms a bioform that was not dissimilar to a venom cannon that was smaller than its brethren but longer its Scything talons replaced by multiple long barbed tendrils .the Chameleonic Skin had changed for it to move without being detected. The Genestealer remained similar in shape and form but its size had increased twofold with rippling muscles and thick Chitinous armor while its six arms that ended in rending talons that dripped with strong acid as well it's every breath leaked toxin and viruses between the razor-sharp fangs of the creature.
Other organisms that had disembarked began the creation of reclamation pools while others borrowed into the ground to begin metomophiphises into Tyranid hives to birth more warrior organisms at a steady rate. The final creatures to disembark were two dozen broods of hive guard whose improved chitinous plate and Chameleonic Skin and bioplasma cannons made them better bioforms to defend the landing site.
Soon within months, the orbital defense structures were destroyed by genestealers leaving a hole in the orbital defenses as outposts were left charnel houses with only a few survivors to call for help. The PDF was mobilized and soon whole regiments were sweeping the heavily wooded continent for the Xenos. But soon they came under ambush after ambush as the new Lictor bioform lay in wait hanging from the canopy by its tendrils using its ranged venom weapon to pick off soldiers at extreme range while staying near-perfectly camouflage and only luck or guesswork or Artillery bombardment from Arricands PDF allowed them to slay those snipers.
Morale was low until the PDF found what appeared to be the Xenos are soon half of the PDF on the world would be gathered to purge the source of the infection and sallied forth. As the war had already cost 20% of the PDF manpower and Arrcands high command wished for a quick end. Soon they were met by fiercer and fiercer resistance as genestealers dropped from the canopy or burst out from the ground shrugging of platoons worth of lasfire while ripping and tearing and breathing their noxious breath into armored vehicles and tanks granting the occupants a painful death. Entire companies were wiped out in these massed ambushes in the tyranofied forest but soon with faith and grim determination they arrived at the supposed heart of the beast.
Soon after hours of bloody fighting through the remaining Tyranids and the hive guard fighting the majority of the PDF arrived weary and battered but with high spirits, they prepared to purge the surroundings and the drone ship in holy fire. But the hive mind had them where it wanted them as the drone ship had not marly lay idle for it had right from the moment it had landed it had been converted into a giant biological bomb that had suddenly detonated with the force of an orbital strike. Wiping the PDF in the imminent blast range out the rest died as the acidic toxins in the bio-bomb formed a purple-green cloud that melted through any protection that they had acquired.
The spores and viruses that held within the bio-bomb were kicked up into the atmosphere starting the process of tyranoforming the planet as well as the setting of a pandemic that weakened the defenders further. After a month the hive fleet showed itself dropping its Chameleonic Skin camouflage with a salvo of mile sized bone spikes at the defence fleet from ship creatures that were grown around a single bio Cannon evolved for long-ranged first strike combat. The defence fleet within moments was reduced to scrap as the hive fleet flashed from existence then reappeared in orbit to rain Mycetic Spores on the content where the Bio-bombs detonated.
When the first Mycetic Spore unleashed its broods it was not the usual hormagaunts and termigaunts. Instead what stepped out of the Mycetic Spores were creatures that looked much like warriors only half the size but each one carried a ranged biomorph on its lower limbs while the upper limbs supported the usual Scything talons dripping with poison and each one of its eyes had the spark of low cunning while an aura of dread that surrounding that grew stronger the larger the swarms were.
Soon the meagre defenders were overrun, unable to adequately man their cities defences after the grievous losses of the Hive fleets infiltrators as well as the ongoing genestealer cult uprising that spread the defenders thin. The final stand at soul city ended ignominiously when a new type of Carnifex much larger than its brethren reduced the defenders inside their bunkers to goo with its powerful sonic scream.
After Arrcand was consumed by hive fleet Jarrara'k began to target the Myran Sector Agri worlds growing ever stronger and drawing the attention of the Ordo Xenos to the now embattled sector.
+++Loading file……….. Inquisitorial identity confirmed +++
+++ Accessing report on Hive fleet Jarrara'k t Bioforms….. File found opening…..++++
Report by Inquisitor Yrek on Hive fleet Jarrara'k
The new Bioforms from Hive fleet Jarrara'k are of great concern as I could indicate on what strategies the hive mind may employ against humanity the current Bioforms in this report are ones that the Ordo Xenos has confirmed to exist in Jarrara'k's swarms
+++Eviscerater Genestealer+++
This Abomination is the logical conclusion to the maximization of the already deadly Genestealer's combat potential. it is twice as large nearly the size of tactical dreadnought armor and three times stronger more heavily armored and faster along with six arms tipped with poisonous rending claws this would already make a horrifying opponent but the foul thing breathes poisonous acidic gas laced with lethal pathogens that can cause pandemics if proper quarantine procedures are not strictly followed. The final two things of note are when the creature nears its rightful death a gland activates pumping the body with hormones that allow for rapid regeneration while sending the beast into a berserker rage that causes it to rampage before expiring due to the stresses placed on its body. It is highly recommended that only Astartes engage these beasts as while there are mercifully only a few thousand of the beasts during an invasion as they are most likely resource-intensive for the hive fleet they will reap untold havoc on guard forces before being brought down.
[Note] so far there have been no broodlords of this strain leading me to believe that these genestealers are a strain of Broodlord for the hive fleets' gorilla warfare tactics that are the prelude of the invasion while regular genestealers are used for more covert measures.
+++Stalker Lictor+++
This strain reminds me why the Tyranids are a great threat to the imperium while this is recognizably a lictor whos role as an assassin has been taken to a new high and is the first dedicated sniper unit from the Tyranids we have encountered. It is much smaller than the Usual lictor but no less dangerous as it uses something we designate the venom rifle along with its tendrils and camouflage makes it the perfect sniper that can destroy or outright kill entire platoons of guardsmen. While simple this is quite unnerving when you consider what manpower resources and effort to root out all of these beasts will make the hive fleets job far simpler.
+++ Tyranid light warrior+++
This beast is Hive fleet Jarrara'ks main combat organism while Jarrara'k uses hormagaunts and termigaunts the Xenos will prefer to use this particular organism that is far superior to any Gaunt and while it sports lessers armour and weapons of the same kind as the regular warrior uses it grants them near unmatched flexibility on the battlefield making the whole stronger than the individual making Jarrara'k the Hive fleet with the most dangerous potential bar non their two other things of note one worrying thing that indicate what the hive mind may plan for the future.
While the aura of dread is concerning it is how this strain reacts to the loss of all of its synaptic creatures. Instead of turning on each other as their leads death screams two things may happen with this strain, the swarm will retreat in confusion allowing for the God Emperor's wrath to be brought down upon them however rarely the stain will attack with greater fury than previously but retain enough tactile awareness to channel it into something dangerous. I fear that the Hive mind is using Jarrara'k as a way to try to wean a crippling weakness out of the tyranid menace God Emperor preserve us if that is the case
Howler heavy Carnifex
This creature is solely designed for the breaking of enemy fortifications and columns of armoured vehicles far more effectively then normal Carnifex . Its size is that of an Imperial Knight bordering on the status of a bio titan. While looking like a normal carnifex even sporting the usual but heaver bioweapons and chitan it is anything but. For when the creature screams instead of bioplasma a Psychic enhanced soundwave erupts from the maw of the creature reducing those in its path to goo making consumption easier. However the fiendish design of this scream is that it easily bypassed armour of many a fortification and leman russ battle then precinding to use the enclosed environment to revibrate off the walls of its target ensuring with a single scream the death of its prey within seconds. While a normal carnifex would have taken minutes to rip its way through.
@ThunderOwl thoughts and are there any changes i should make pleas tell me