Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

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Please don't reduce the rewards sincw I want Karal Zel to become a tactical genius with the power of corgi memes! Besides it's fun going back through old informationals and updates to figure out the best meme format to use
I haven't read this, but all while drawing it I wondered: given the colour scheme, the halberd and the sneaky equipment, is he secretely Alpharion?

(also, the image seems to be hosted on discord so it'll disappear in a few days, you should look into rehosting it somewhere else)
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"Severus how did your skill improve so quickly in such a short amount of time"? Severus simply smiled "Money"

Just thought it was slightly funny that the art commission is what push Severus WS to 7.
Okay, I think I figured it out. I rehosted the image so @ThunderOwl if you want to reinsert the image that you threadmarked so it doesn't expire in a few days.
I like right shoulder cape in the image of Severus, it reminds me about famous and beautiful Astartes series of fan videos on YouTube.

The comment about "money" being the reason to increase of Severus weapon stat and that cape made me think and imagine - that rise is because with his new luxurious cape Chapter Master Severus now has secretly trained to use his cape in battle. He now can use the cape to conceal his hands movements to surprise his opponents or block their field of view with a falire of his cape to shoot them. This cape was worthy its money for the advantages it can now bring to Severus in battle. It is also moves in suitably dramatic manner. (Batman shall have his cape and Arkham Asylum game shoved how it can be used in battle- for example wrap the cape around the face of your opponent and then beat them. The spirit of Curze shall approve his son' fashion choices)
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that rise is because with his new luxurious cape Chapter Master Severus now has secretly trained to use his cape in battle. He now can use the cape to conceal his hands movements to surprise his opponents or block their field of view with a falire of his cape to shoot them. This cape was worthy its money for the advantages it can now bring to Severus in battle. It is also moves in suitably dramatic manner. (Batman shall have his cape and Arkham Asylum game shoved how it can be used in battle- for example wrap the cape around the face of your opponent and then beat them. The spirit of Curze shall approve his son' fashion choices)
If you reread the fight against the World Eaters, you'll notice that a duel against the Universe not taken PC ended with Severus throwing a camo cloak at him and in doing so distracting him long enough for a kill shot.
Of all the innumerable things to love or hate about the angels of the emperor, one thing was for certain, Svarg had always appreciated their fearlessness.

Back when the bunker's filters were falling apart, he was too young to ...."no signs of catastrophic degradation, recoil within acceptable parameters, noise level acceptable, 8 minutes and 4 seconds left"...know for certain why his family and friends seemed so worried at the time, all he knew is that they from one day to the other they became pales of their former selves, lethargic where once they were lively, defeatist when they ought to be resolute. nowadays he didn't begrudge them their attitude in the face of almost certain death; they were only human after all …"middling degradation, recoil within acceptable parameters, noise level acceptable, 7 minutes and 20 seconds left"… fear was to be expected. but it still chafed at him that some took the easy way out, not being willing to face almost certain death but throwing themselves whole-heartily to its sweet embrace out of fear.

Fear truly was the mind killer, if only his brother had been brave for just one more week, he would have been saved by the Mist shrieks. If only

So, Svarg chose to emulate his fearless overlords …"catastrophic degradation, too high to shoot, 6 minutes left"… as best as he could, not seeking needless risk, but rather facing any that came his way without flinching; it had worked so far, when his agemates had been too paralyzed by indecision he had walked up to his future wife and declare his intentions …"no visible degradation, high recoil, high noise level, 5 minutes and 40 seconds left"… so now he had three beautiful children. When the engine on the 4th​ level had exploded and the fire had greedily eaten the Promethium-stained workshop, Svarg had dragged himself out and shut the fire breakers, perhaps condemning anyone else that may had survived but turning the rampaging fire into a minor incident. …"middling degradation, recoil within acceptable parameters, high noise level, 5 minutes and 20 seconds left"… When he realized his eardrum hadn't survived the caged shockwave of the explosion he walked up to an in-traning apothecary and asked for help, so now he had cybernetics to replace his ears. His fearless stride had certainly served him well, up until now that is.

Ostia of Mist shrieks techmarines didn't accept good enough. to him ought, might and should, were but foul blasphemes; hence Svarg's predicament.

A well-crafted Lutucian stalker riffle ought to be jam-proof, they might last up to a day out there in the mist, and they should be silent as to not attack the attention of even …"high degradation, high recoil, high noise level, addendum: who made this crap?, 4 minutes and 20 seconds left"... more fauna, yet techmarine Ostia wanted to make sure. Someone needed to grab a riffle from each batch out there and test them to make sure all of that was certain, as opposed to just assumed, and by someone he of course meant the one serf who was known for his not-screaming record on the Night of Fright and who didn't need to fear tinnitus after shooting rifles for 5 hours straight…"low degradation, low recoil, high noise level, 3 minutes and 50 seconds left"… So now here he was, on a warehouse that was inside the monastery only by a technicality, as the mist spiraled around him and tried to eat trough his fourth gas mask of that day, shooting rifle after rifle, speaking his observations at the skull of some poor sap (that Svarg was 80% sure was the previous holder of this job) while counting the seconds until he had to change his life preserving gear. Still…"no visible degradation, low recoil, low noise level, 2 minutes and 40 seconds left"… it could be worse, he could be working for Husnik.
my idea of how being a susccesful serf is like. monstly boredom whit the ocational momment of danger, or both in this case; also serfs are not idiots, they know what the individuals they work for are like, they will have preferences on who to work for, and they will share their observations about it whit their firends, no ammount of zeloutry will stop that. Also this dude who was shoved out of his home to the mercy of a world ending superweapon, in a placefull of sthephen king horrors doing the job that a servitor could do if not for the fact that it needs a subjective opinion is probably still the top 8% most content workers of the imperium
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So i finished the reading of this quest and i love,it's epic and captivating it,but i have two question:
Could a "marine stay in touch with their mortal fammily" be something we do in a culture vote ?,and when in the quest a mist shrike say they killed the target and his fammily do that mean the part of the fammily that where implicated in the fuckup that needed the target killed or the fammily as a whole including youngs/innocent ?
So i finished the reading of this quest and i love,it's epic and captivating it,but i have two question:
Could a "marine stay in touch with their mortal fammily" be something we do in a culture vote ?,and when in the quest a mist shrike say they killed the target and his fammily do that mean the part of the fammily that where implicated in the fuckup that needed the target killed or the fammily as a whole including youngs/innocent ?
This is warhammer so the whole family.
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