Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

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Guide to the Planets of the Aetelian Sector: Lamidius New
Classification: Hive World

Administratum Tithe: Decuma Particular

Capital: Starfalll

Day Cicle Duration (In terran standard): 24 hours

"Despite what my fellow collegues would tell you prioritizing the well being of your workforce does boost efficiency, in hindsight if I worded myself a little differently I would not have been sent here" Prefect Nikodemos Pi-12

The founding of Lamidius can be traced back to M40 when the Emperor-Class Battleship Iron Will was forced to crashland on the planet following a battle against a force of Eldar Corsairs. Despite sustaining heavy damage the ship was capable of relatively safely crashing into a giant meteor crater. Due to catalogization error communications would only be established after a decade has passed and a small settlement has sprung up around the Battleship. The planet would soon see a large influx of settlers as new job opportunities begun to arrise. What truly changed the planets fortune however was the accidental discovery of the Ferrox Substance, a clay-like construction material that once exposed to high heat it becomes twice as durable as rockrete.

Layout: A Thousand years later Starfall is a relatively small hive city, only housing 200 million people, the hivespire was built on top and around the battleship, its design is slim and extends far into the stathosphere. The crater within which the hive sits is 30 kilometers wide and 23 kilometers deep, its entirety has been filled in as an industrial sector, a large wall surrounds the edge of the crater, outside of it is a large extend of plantations several kilometers wide, the crops that are produced here have been imported from Saffran and require minimal water, these plantations are covered by a smaller outer wall. A large railway system connects the various mining operations in the nearby mountains, these railways join together around the inner wall and goes inside the Hive through the trentch that the Battleship dug out when it crashed and slid into the crater, it then distributed throughout the industrial sectors. Because Lamidius is a desert world water scarcity is a constant threat and for this reason large artificial water reservoires are housed under the Hive. The Battleship's plasma reactors have been repurposed to power the Hive and its weapons have been removed and incorporated into the Hive, the hangars are now used as storage for raw materials.

Culture: Due to originating from voiders Lamidians have a fondness for the stars and space exploration, with a large amount of them serving in Battlefleet Aetelia, they're also noticably far more friendly and welcoming than the average hiveworlder.

Planetary Power Structure: The planet was originally ruled by the descendants of the Battleship's captain, this all changed in M41 438 when the current planetary govenor killed all members of his own house and openly pledged his service to the ruinous powers, nearly the entire PDF sided against him and he was killed after just a few days of fighting. Since then the planet has been ruled by a coalition of the most powerful forces and factions on the planet called Prefects, they're members of the Imperial Guard, the local Mechanicum, Rogue Traders, Nobles, Factory Owners and Spaceship Captains. Because of this drawn out arguments and political machinations are common and have lead to instances of exports getting shipped off years later than they should have.

Economic Power and Influence: Lamidius is a rising influence within the Charybdis Subsector, aside from the Ferrox Substance it's main export is high quality building materials and it also ships ores and minerals to Milan. There is an orbital dockyard above the planet that can produce a small amount of Destroyers and Cargo ships.

Planetary Defences: The Hive and the two walls that surround it are equiped with a high number of automated anti air defences and a voidshield surrounds the hive. The walls are equiped with advanced missile systems that make use of regular Storm Eagle Rockets, and a limited number of experimental unstable Suonoium warheads.

Imperial Guard Regiment: The Lamidian Ironsides specialise in urban warfare and ship boardings owning to their voidborn ancestry. They're selected from the most highly skilled members of PDF and while they're comparitively low in numbers their close ties to Milan have enabled them acces to a larger than average amount of heavy weapons and in some rare cases even ancient weaponry from the armories of Milan itself.

Notable Landmarks: The Longsword Tower: This minor spire overlooks the railway entry and the most developed zones of the indutrial zone, it is here that the local mechanicus and their skitarii detachment resides.


Theres a legend saying that the Planetary Govenor's family was murdered by evil spirits that also possessed him, there are reported sightings of these "Phantoms" all of these sightings describing them as lanky shadows that wield jagged blades.

Notable Individuals:
-Prefect Nikodemos Pi-12:
An elder tech Priest, Nikodemos was sent to the planet due to an argument with the Fabricator-General, Nikodemos is an expert on linguistics, strategy, warmachines and psychology, the od tech priest has replaced his lower body with mechanical spiderlegs, implanted a large amount of weaponry into his body and life support systems that allowe him to survive extreme sircumstances such as being ejected into the void of space or being submerged in magma. His favorite implant however allows him to detach his brain from his body, granting him greater cognitive abilities. He belives that keeping his workforce in good working and living conditions drastically improves the quality of their work. Despite reconcyling with the Fabricator General he choose to remain in his position of Prefect.
-Prefect Aldred Holcz: Hímmer Holcz is a new addition to the coalition, a former captain in the 13th Lamidian Ironsides he rose to his position following the death of his superior. Holcz is a part time historian with with a deep knowledge of Imperial History.
Prefect Amelia Lincz: Amelia is an old woman, having been a Captain around the time when the coalition was founded, the old woman is a pinacle of mechanical enhancement and religious fervour.


-Lamidius is only 5 light years away from the former holdings of the Barr-Akka family

-The Gorgops is the apex predator of Lamidius. Looking like a mix between a feline and a bony fish the Gorgops is a 2 meters tall and 6 meters long beast that lives within the planet's mountainous regions, it incorporates metals and minerals into its diet granting it an extremely hard and durable bone plates that cover its head and nearly all parts of its body that ends in a bone blade, instead of teeth it posesses large metalic bonegrowths that when coupled with its 10 ton biteforce makes it capable of tearing through imperial vehicles with the added assistance of its claws. Despite these properties its mainly a nocturnal ambush predator and its most dangerous weapon is by far not its jaws. The creature has psychic properties as once it corners its prey it will force its victim to relive the worst traumas of their lives, stunning the victim in place.

This took me an entire day to write
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Cleansing of Yerma 4 New
Yerma System, Ditú Subsector, Aetelian Sector. 796 M41

The Vaults

Blazing Wardens Thunderhawks 1d100 (DC 75/50/25-10(Sabotaged Batteries)=DC 65/40/15)= 66

Secutor Agility roll 4+2=6d10= 2, 4, 7, 2, 3, 10= 3 Successes
10th Company Command Squad Agility roll 7+2=9d10= 9, 8, 7, 10, 4, 1, 2, 10, 2= 6 Successes
10-1 and 10-2 Agility roll 7d10= 5, 6, 3, 3, 6, 10, 1= 3 Successes

Yin Tai Perception roll 7d10= 4, 10, 1, 8, 7, 1, 8= 3 Successes
Eyes of the Mutator Perception roll 4d10= 6, 8, 6, 7= 4 Successes
Sorcerous Wards Perception roll 3d10= 2, 5, 2= 0 Successes

Secutor Intelligence roll 5d10 (SC 3)= 1, 3, 8, 7, 10= 3 Successes
Ostia Intelligence roll 7d10 (SC 3)= 8, 9, 7, 2, 2, 10, 2= 5 Successes
10-1 and 10-2 Agility roll 6d10 (SC 3)= 2, 8, 3, 9, 5, 7= 3 Successes

Blazing Wardens Thunderhawks 1d100 (DC 75/50/25-10-10(10th Company Sabotage)=DC 55/30/5)= 90
Blazing Wardens Storm Ravens 1d100 (DC 75/50/25-10-10=DC 55/30/5)= 6
Inquisitorial Valkyries 1d100 (DC 75/50/25-10-10=DC 55/30/5)= 58

Ríona Toughness roll 4d10 (SC 2)= 9, 2, 5, 8= 2 Successes
Order of the Thorned Spear Toughness roll 3d10= 5, 10, 10= 5 Successes, Critical Success

"Praise we give unto You, Master of Mankind, who sits on the Golden Throne.
Your gaze sees all, from Holy Terra to the Galactic Rim.
Witness us, as we safeguard Your realm.
Witness us, as we vanquish Your foes.
Witness us, as we carry out Your will.
Witness us, as we die in Your name.
Our lives and souls we offer to You, Holy God-Emperor
So that You may reign eternal amongst the stars."

As the last words of the short hymn are sung, the bay of the Thunderhawk falls silent, the only sounds being the rattle of the gunship as it drifts through the atmosphere and the whirring servos of the Sororitas Power Armor as they run the last checks on their equipment. Closest to the ramp Riona does the same, a soft smile on her lips as she ensures that her hand flamer muzzle is clear, the fuel tank is both full and properly sealed and the various valves functioning and in the green. Once she does so, she holsters her sidearm and unsheathes the Edge of Thorns, pulling an oiled cloth from her kit and running it through the blade covered in Creideamhish script. The badge of office of the Order's Canoness is a wondrous weapon, but one that she had never expected to wield.

Her smile turns brittle for a moment. It had been… a surprise, when they had read the contingency orders of the Canoness putting her in command until the campaign concluded and the sacred trials could be undertaken in the Uaigh a'mhartai. Riona had been close to Siobhan once. After the attack of the Traitor Angels on Creideamh, Ríona, who was a mere Novitiate then, had been taken under the Canoness wing as her protegee. Her tutors had referred to her as a prodigy, but she suspected that the older woman had seen something of herself in her, a talented, faithfull and humorless orphan. Her tutelage had been harsh and exacting, and as soon as she became a full Sister she had been sent to the most dangerous engagements of the Order. But Ríona had excelled, earning glory and honours with great feats and victories, being the youngest woman in the history of her order to reach the rank of Palatine, Siobhan had told her after how proud she was of her, how she had surpassed all her expectations, and how she thanked the God-Emperor daily for allowing them to meet. The memory of that conversation is one that Ríona will treasure until the day she dies.

And then they had both marched onto Yangu, to destroy the heretic uprising there.

She shudders at the recollection of that campaign. Her faith had been put to the test there, and found wanting. Something that had the appearance of strength and resilience but that had been revealed to be brittle once pressure was applied to it. She had believed because she had been raised to believe, a faithfulness caused by ignorance and not by true conviction. And yet, in her darkest hour, the God-Emperor in His infinite benevolence had seen fit to raise her up, to grant the strength she needed to prevail. She had been granted revelation and purpose anew, reborn in true belief.

The Canoness had been the first to find her afterwards, and something had changed after that. The insights that Ríona had gained had made her unpopular in the Order, and while she doesn't hold it against them, for she knows that the God-Emperor approves, the relationship between them had also changed, and it had hurt. How she had avoided her unless it was necessary for them to meet, and in those occasions her gaze no longer held pride and affection, only anger, pain and shame. She had known then that she wished her dead, and she had accepted it.

And yet, Siobhan had given her life to He on Terra before her. It was unfortunate that their bond had never recovered, but Ríona was happy for her. Siobhan had done so much for the God-Emperor and His Realm, and she has been recalled to His side, to spend eternity under His warm embrace. She was happy for her.

Ríona blinks, clearing the blurriness in her vision as something wet trails through her scarred cheek. She wipes her face with the cloth he had been using with the sword, a gesture done by rote due to how often it bleeds, even if she hasn't moved her cheek much. She then sheathes the blade and turns towards the Sisters that share her Thunderhawk.

"Sisters, lend me your ears!" She proclaims, a grin accompanying the cheerful tone. All the sisters present focus their attention on her, faces hidden beneath their helmets. "This is an occasion we have waited for millennia! The Eyes of the Mutator turned away from His light millenia ago, and they have sinned greatly against His Imperium and His subjects! Even now, with the righteous treading on their worlds, they fight against their chastisement, spurring their last chance at salvation. We now march upon the vault where they have gathered their vile trinkets and sorcerous baubles, to show them that the fruits of their sorcerers are nothing against the love of the God-Emperor and the efforts of His faithful! We are the carriers of His will, and with us stand HIs faithful Angels and the agents of His Ordos! So rejoice, for we give them redemption in the embrace of death! In the God-Emperor's name!"

There is a moment of uncertainty, her sisters receiving her words without comment. At least until one of the Sisters in the back, Emily if she's not mistaken, raises her voice. "In the God-Emperor's name!" The rest add their voices to the cry after that, and Ríona doesn't rightly know if the hesitance comes from the words she has spoken or due to her being the speaker. Still, it does not matter. Her and her sisters will accomplish the God-Emperor's Will, and with that certainty anything else is irrelevant.

Mist Shrike:

-10th Company Captain Secutor (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Iron Halo, Camelonine Cloak, Bolt Pistol, Power Sword)
-10th Company Command Squad (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Camelonine Cloaks, Combat Shields, Storm Bolter, Melta Gun, Plasma Gun, Flamer, Astartes Grenade Launchers, 5 Stalker Bolters, 2 Power Swords, 2 Power Axes, 1 Power Maul)
-Company Ancient Caligae (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Combat Shields, Camelonine Cloak, Company Banner, Power Fist)
-Company Champion Gnaeus (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Combat Shield, Camelonine Cloak, Plasma Pistol, Chainglaive)
-Senior Apothecary Soran. (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Combat Shield, Camelonine Cloak, Stalker Bolter, Chainsword)
-Senior Techmarine Ostia (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Combat Shield, Camelonine Cloak, Stalker Bolter, Omnissiah Axe)
-Chaplain Osinki (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Camelonine Cloak, Combat Shield, Rosarius, Stalker Bolter, Crozius Arcanum)
-Squads 10-1 and 10-2 (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Bolters, 14 Stalker Bolters)

Angels Crusader:
-4 Squads of Deathwing Terminators (Indomitus-Pattern Terminator Armor, Assault Cannons, Plasma Cannons, Storm Bolters, Power Fists)

Blazing Wardens

-Captain Danai Kraiputra (Artificer MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Relic Combi-Melta Dragon's Breath, Master-Crafted Power Sword)
-4th Company Command Squad (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Storm Shields Heavy Flamers, Combi-Flamers, Multi Melta, Power Axes, Thunder Hammer, Power Swords)
-4th Company Ancient Trinai (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Company Standard, Plasma Pistol)
-4th Company Champion Dasan (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Master-Crafted Power Fist)
-Apothecary Akradej (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword)
-Techmarine Chairat (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Multi-Melta, Omnissiah Axe)
-Chaplain Kulthorn Mahagitsiri (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Rosarius, Plasma Pistol, Crozius Arcanum)
-Epistolary Prakrit Ekralut (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Psychic Hood, Bolt Pistol, Force Staff)
-3 Tactical Squads (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Bolters, 5 Plasma Guns, 5 Melta Guns)
-1 Assault Squads (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Chainswords)
-1 Devastators Squads (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Heavy Bolters, Missile Launchers, 2 Lascannons, 2 Multi-Meltas, 2 Plasma Cannons
-3 Rhino
-1 Blazing Warden Predator Tank

Order of the Thorned Spear:

-Acting Canoness Ríona (Artificer Sororitas Power Armor, Rosarius, Hand Flamer, Relic Power Sword Edge of Thorns)
-Palatine Caoimhe O'Sheridan (Sororitas Power Armor, Rosarius, Multi-Melta, Power Sword)
-1 Dogmata (Sororitas Power Armor, Mace of the Righteous)
-1 Imagifier (Sororitas Power Armor, Simulacrum Imperialis)
-3 Sisters Hospitaller (Sororitas Power Armor, Bolt Pistol)
-3 Sister of Battle Squads (Sororitas Power Armor, Bolter)
-2 Retributor Squads(Sororitas Power Armor, Heavy Flamers, Heavy Bolters, Missile Launchers)
-3 Dominion Squads (Sororitas Power Armor, Flamers, Meltaguns)
-1 Repentia Squad (Scraps of Clothing, Eviscerators)
-1 Penitent Engine
-1 Mortifier
-1 Immolators
-1 Exorcist Tanks
-1 Castigator Tanks

Ordo Malleus:

-Inquisitor Durante Clerici (Carapace Armor, Rosarius, Hexagrammic Wards, Flamer, Power Maul)
-Inquisitorial Retinue (Sororitas Power Armor, Carapace Armor, Flak Armor, Robes, Flamer, Multi-Melta, Hellgun, Hand Flamer, Force Staff, Eviscerator)
-2 Crusader Squads of House Inim Shara (Carapace Armor, Crusader Suppression Shields, Power Spears)
-Retributor Squad (Sororitas Power Armor, Heavy Flamers, Heavy Bolters, Missile Launchers)


Eyes of the Mutator

-Xu Lixuan, Keeper of the Vault (Relic MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor Fickle Blessing, Plasma Pistol, Relic Power Fist Grasp of the Changer)
-Warpsmith Zhang Li (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Warpfire Cannon, Omnissiah Axe)
-Sorcerer Cao Wen (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Force Staff)
-Daemonhost Canoness Nevaeh Ix'tili'zoas
-2 Daemonhosts
-Possessed Marine Squad (Possessed MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Daemonic Gifts)
-2 Chaos Marine Squads (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Bolters, 2 Plasma Guns)
-2 Havoc Squads (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Heavy Bolters, Missile Launchers, Multi Melta
-1 Company of Watchers of Yerma (Carapace Armor, Hellguns, Missile Launchers)
-Horde of Cultists (Robes, Lasguns, Close Combat Weapons)
-1 Maulerfiend
-5 Defilers
-Sorcerous Traps
-Heavy Emplacements (Heavy Bolter)
-20 Scout Bikes

Successes needed for Imperial Victory: 70-7(Veteran Sergeants)+18(Chaos Elite)=81
Successes needed for Eyes of the Mutator Victory: 80+20(Enemy First Company)=100

Secutor Agility roll 4+2=6d10= 1, 6, 3, 8, 4, 1= 0 Successes
Sharpshooters Scouts Agility roll 7+1=8d10= 5, 9, 3, 3, 6, 5, 6, 1= 3 Successes

Xu Lixuan Perception roll 7d10= 10, 9, 9, 5, 2, 8, 1= 4 Successes
Zhang Li Perception roll 6d10= 6, 7, 10, 9, 8, 6= 7 Successes, Critical Success
Cao Wen Perception roll 5d10= 1, 4, 7, 1, 8= 0 Successes

Grasp of Tzeenth roll 1d10= 9
Xu Lixuan Toughness roll 5d10 (SC 3)= 6, 8, 3, 10, 10= 6 Successes, Critical Success

Artifact Chosen 1d10= 10
Cao Wen Willpower roll 6d10 (SC 4)= 6, 3, 6, 9, 4, 4= 3 Successes

Nevaeh Ix'tili'zoas Fellowship roll 4d10 (SC 3)= 7, 10, 6, 9= 5 Successes, Critical Success
Dogmata Willpower roll 4-1(Faith won't Save You)=3d10 (SC 2)= 6, 2, 1= 0 Successes
Imagifier re-roll 3d10 (SC 3)= 6, 3, 6= 2 Successes
Ríona Willpower roll 4d10-1(Faith won't Save You)=3d10 (SC 2)= 1, 6, 5= 0 Successes
Unstable Triggers 1d4= 4, Ríona triggers Zealous Rapture
Caiomhe O'Sheridan Willpower roll 3d10-1(Faith won't Save You)=2d10 (SC 2)= 4, 10= 2 Successes
Sisters of Battle Willpower roll 3d10-1(Faith won't Save You)=2d10 (SC 2)= 6, 8= 2 Successes
Retributors Willpower roll 3d10-1(Faith won't Save You)=2d10 (SC 2)= 4, 9= 1 Success
Dominion Willpower roll 3d10-1(Faith won't Save You)=2d10 (SC 2)= 8, 5= 1 Success
Repentia Willpower roll 3d10-1(Faith won't Save You)+1(Desperation for Absolution)=3d10 (SC 2)= 10, 8, 8= 4 Successes, Critical Success.
Immolator Crew Willpower roll 3d10-1(Faith won't Save You)=2d10 (SC 2)= 4, 7= 1 Success

Exorcist Crew Willpower roll 3d10-1(Faith won't Save You)=2d10 (SC 2)= 9, 3= 1 Success
Castigator Crew Willpower roll 3d10-1(Faith won't Save You)=2d10 (SC 2)= 10, 8= 1 Success

Secutor Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 1, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8= 4 Successes
10th Company Command Squad Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 8, 10, 1, 3, 7, 5= 3 Successes
Gnaeus Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 8, 6, 6, 7, 6, 10= 7 Successes, Critical Success

Successes needed reduced by 1
Sharpshooter Scouts Ballistic Skill roll 6d10= 6, 9, 10, 3, 2, 2= 4 Successes

Deathwing Terminators Ballistic Skill roll 6d10= 8, 3, 5, 8, 6, 4= 3 Successes

Danai Kraiputra Ballistic Skill roll 5d10= 10, 2, 3, 10, 7= 5 Successes
4th Company Command Squad roll 6d10= 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3= 0 Successes
Dasan Weapon Skill roll 7d10= 2, 3, 6, 6, 9, 2, 2= 3 Successes
Pakrit Ekraluk Willpower roll 6d10= 7, 3, 10, 4, 5, 5= 3 Successes
4th Company Tacticals Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 1, 3, 5, 5= 0 Successes, Critical Failure

Successes needed increased by 1
4th Company Assault Marines Weapon Skill roll 4d10= 1, 9, 2, 1= 0 Successes, Critical Failure
Successes needed increased by 1
4th Company Devastator Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 10, 5, 9, 4= 4 Successes
Rhinos roll 4d10= 9, 7, 9, 5= 3 Successes
Predator roll 4d10= 2, 7, 10, 4= 3 Successes

Durante Clerici Weapon Skill roll 3d10=3, 3, 8= 1 Success
Inquisitorial Retinue Ballistic Skill roll 3d10= 7, 1, 4= 0 Successes
Crusaders Weapon Skill roll 3d10= 8, 2, 4= 1 Success
Inquisitorial Retributors Ballistic Skill roll 3d10= 10, 2, 8= 3 Successes

Riona Weapon Skill roll 4+2(Zealous Rapture)=6d10= 4, 3, 10, 6, 10, 8= 6 Successes
Caiomhe O'Sheridan Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 5, 7, 9, 2= 2 Successes
Sisters of Battle Ballistic Skill roll 3d10= 9, 2, 8= 2 Successes
Repentia Weapon Skill roll 3+1(Hatred of Desecration)=4d10= 2, 2, 9, 9= 2 Successes
Castigator roll 3d10= 4, 5, 5= 0 Successes

Xu Lixuan Weapon Skill roll 9d10= 2, 8, 3, 10, 8, 4, 1, 5, 4= 3 Successes
Zhang Li Ballistic Skill roll 5d10= 10, 4, 5, 10, 6= 5 Successes
Cao Wen Willpower roll 6d10= 2, 2, 9, 9, 7, 7= 4 Successes
Nevaeh Ix'tili'zoas Willpower roll 7d10= 1, 6, 9, 3, 10, 3, 5= 3 Successes
Daemonhost 1 Willpower roll 4d10= 2, 1, 4, 6= 0 Successes
Daemonhost 2 Willpower roll 4d10= 10, 5, 6, 3= 3 Successes
Possessed Strength roll 6d10= 1, 9, 3, 4, 8, 2= 1 Success
Chaos Marine Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 2, 10, 9, 3= 3 Successes
Havoc Squads Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 3, 1, 5, 7= 0 Successes
Company of Watchers of Yerma Ballistic Skill roll 3d10= 7, 4, 6= 2 Successes
Cultists 1 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 9, 4= 1 Success
Cultists 2 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 6, 1= 0 Successes
Cultists 3 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 8, 1= 0 Successes
Cultists 4 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 9, 10= 3 Successes, Critical Success

Successes needed reduced by 1
Maulerfiend roll 5d10= 10, 5, 6, 10, 6= 6 Successes, Critical Success
Successes needed reduced by 1
Defilers roll 4d10= 8, 5, 4, 2= 1 Success
Sorcerous Traps roll 3d10= 2, 3, 3= 0 Successes
Heavy Emplacements 1 roll 2d10= 6, 10= 3 Successes, Critical Success

Successes needed reduced by 1
Heavy Emplacements 2 roll 2d10= 7, 1= 0 Successes
Scout Bikes roll 4d10= 4, 5, 10, 7= 4 Successes

Imperials= 56/81
Eyes of the Mutator= 42/98

Then an impact hits the outside of the Thunderhawk, its controlled descent turning into an out of control free fall. Ríona and her sisters react quickly, bracing themselves against the incoming impact with the handles and restraints inside the hull. The crashland is brutal, with only the mag-seals of their weapons and boots preventing them from being tossed around inside the haul. That doesn't mean there isn't any movement, as Ríona can attest, her nose broken from impacting the helmet of a nearby sister.

"Is everyone hale?" She asks as she gets back her bearings and fixes her nose back into place with a crunch and a burst of pain. A chorus of affirmative answers is heard, some of them slightly pained. "Praise the Emperor for His protection! Now let's not tarry Sisters, the cleansing awaits!" She and two nearby sisters place their hands on the door. the fiber-bundles of the power-armor straining as they push. It holds for a few seconds before falling free, the light of the midday sun revealing a landscape of dust and grey rocks, criss-crossed with trenches and artillery emplacements. It is near one of those trenches where they have crashed, and the cultists manning them barely have the time to take in their presence before the sisters bring their weapons to bear and cut them down in a fusillade of bolt shells. They disembark at speed, Ríona at the head, rushing towards the heretics in a sprint, pressing the trigger of her hand flamer as she closes the distance. Once she reaches the cultists lines she swings the Edge of Thorns, and is surprised by how light the blade feels as she cuts through flesh and bone, the various axes, maces and knives that the heretics use banging uselessly against her power armor. After falling onto a heavy bolter emplacement and cutting down the poor souls manning them, she moves her head from side to side, examining the battlefield. The rest of her Sisters are converging onto the vaults gates, some of them going to its side to clear out the rest of the defenders while her own group is advancing towards the gates, great constructions of metal and stone that could comfortably fit a Warhound Titan. The cultists are ill-equipped to oppose her sisters, and as she and her fellow Sororitas cut them down, or shoot them or blast them apart she cannot help but to feel pity for them. Their masters had known the God-Emperor's benevolence, even if they had turned their backs towards His love, but their servants had been born into the service of their Dark God. They had never had the chance to open their hearts to His grace, of knowing His majesty, of feeling His everlasting love for Mankind. There is nothing she can do to remedy that, but to deliver their souls to His merciful judgement, and so she resumes her efforts with renewed ferocity. Her sisters, judging by their own war cries, do not share her feelings.

"Burn heretics!! Burn in the God-Emperor's name!!" Shouts a nearby sister, Riley if she remembers correctly, as she fires her flamer down one of the trenchers, the screams of the faithless unable to drown her hate-filled roars. A scant dozen meters away, a Repentia hacks away with her Eviscerator at a heretic wearing armor, downright contemptuous of how her own entrails are spilling onto the dust-choked ground.

By the time Ríona and her sisters reach the gate, they are not the only ones there. The various Angels of Death of the God-Emperor also advance towards the entry of the vault, and the Acting-Canoness is briefly intrigued by how different they are. The red and white of the Blazing Wardens contrasts with the midnight blue of the Mist Shrikes, colored ropes and golden filigree mixing with an eclectic variety of trophies and adornments. The Angels Crusader stand on their own, their heavier armor adorned with tabards and seals of purity. With their presence it is almost easy to disregard the Inquisitor and his own forces, despite their own armors and symbols of purity.

She makes the sign of the Aquila at the assembled officers, briefly deactivating the sword's power field as she does so. The Captain of the Mist Shrikes nods in response, the Captain of the Blazing Wardens answers with his own sign of the Aquila and the Sergeant of the Angels Crusader ignores her. The one who speaks to her is Inquisitor Clerici, his gaze any less piercing due to being augmentic. "Canoness, will your forces keep the cultist outside at bay while we breach into the vault?" He asks her as a squad of Mist Shrikes sets melta charges in the gates.

"Of course Inquisitor." Replies Ríona enthusiastically, "We will also keep a corridor open for more reinforcements to come in if needed."

"Good." Interjects Kraiputra of the Blazing Wardens, his Combi-plasma smoking slightly from the barrel. "We must be ready for everything when we crack open those vaults. Who knows what manner of perilous artifacts are safeguarded here."

One of the Terminators of the Angels Crusader snorts. "There is nothing on the other side beyond our ability. It will be best if we take the lead." Ríona sees the grip of the officer in the red and white armor tighten on his weapon before relaxing, while the Mist Shrike tilts his head slightly at him. Ríona nods.

"Be my guest, Angel!" No more words are spoken, for the marines setting charges move away from the gate, and everyone follows them to a safe distance. After the charges are detonated a humongous hole is left open in the structure, sizable enough that vehicles can pass through it. To her surprise, they aren't greeted by the forces of the Arch-enemy, but by an empty, spacious tunnel that splits into three different ones. There are no decorations or polish in the space, only barren, uneven rock lit up by electric light. It reminds Ríona of the tunnels of Yangu, of how she walked through them bleeding and…

She's pulled aside by her reminiscence by the words of the Captain of the Blazing Wardens. "This is clearly the prelude of a trap." He warns all of them.

"We know, but it is one we have no choice but to spring it." Declares the Inquisitor in a grim tone. "If we do not move, we are just giving the heretics a chance to unleash some foul abomination or tainted artifact."

"Then we must divide our forces to tackle all tunnels simultaneously." Says Captain Secutor, his helmet facing the left tunnel. "Me and my command squad will go down the left tunnel."

"Me and my sisters will accompany you." Said Ríona enthusiastically. Having shared battlefields previously with the Mist Shrikes, she feels comfortable fighting with the members of the stalwart young Chapter. The muttered murmurs of her sisters tell her that not all of them share her opinion, but she's confident that battles such as this one will change that sentiment. The captain doesn't react visibly to her words, but in the same manner he doesn't reject their assistance, merely marching ahead with his brother, upon which she and her sisters follow them. Behind her she hears how the Angels Crusader confidently march upon the central tunnel, their heavy footsteps sounding above those of the Blazing Wardens and the Inquisitorial forces that go to the right.

Their descent is quiet as they pass through a series of locked vaults, and despite their reasonable suspicions, none of them open suddenly to reveal an ambush. Tensions grow as they descend without encountering any foe, and so it almost comes as a relief when the electric lights start flickering, and a voice carries through the echoes of the tunnels.

"The dogs of the Corpse-Emperor aren't welcome here." Says the voice, disdain and arrogance dripping through every syllable. "However, even unwelcome guests should be treated with suitable hospitality. While we lack something suitable for the young little birds, we were able to prepare an appropriate greeting for the whores of the Ecclesiarchy. After all, who doesn't enjoy long overdue reunions?"

For the far end of the tunnel, the crawling, foul sensation of the Warp comes forth, one that brings back uncomfortable memories for the Acting Canoness. Then they come, three Daemonhosts floating above the tunnel's floor, a nimbus of tainted power surrounding their bodies. Two of them seem to have once been mere slaves, naked save for a few rags that cover their modesty, but neither Ríona nor her sisters pay any attention to them, focused as they are on the third of their number. This one is clad in power armor, and despite the multiple mutations that the wargear has suffered, the eyes and feathers and talons that have grown on the ceramite and the cloth on it, one can still distinguish the red and green colours of their order. Despite the degree of mutation of the rest of its body, its face is free of them, showing the visage of an older woman, short grey hair framing a wrinkled face with a scar near the corner of her mouth, which is open in a kind, beatific smile. All the Sororitas recognize that face, as it is immortalized in a painting in the Uaigh a'mhartai surrounded by oaths of vengeance against the Eyes of the Mutator. It shouldn't be possible, but in front of them stands Canoness Nevaeh, who had been turned into a Daemonhost two millennia ago, earning the Eyes of the Mutator the undying hatred of the Order of the Thorned Spear.

And then it speaks. Its mouth doesn't open, but Riona can hear her words in her psyche, frozen as she feels its words penetrate into her mind. "P̸o̷o̸r̴ ̶l̶i̸t̸t̴l̷e̴ ̸S̴i̵s̶t̷e̶r̵,̴ ̸w̶h̴o̴ ̵k̶e̴e̷p̸s̸ ̷o̷n̵ ̶l̶i̸v̶i̸n̵g̵ ̸w̵i̵t̵h̶ ̶t̴h̶e̷ ̴j̶a̸g̸g̴e̶d̴ ̶e̴d̸g̸e̴s̵ ̶o̴f̷ ̴a̵ ̵b̶r̵o̵k̶e̴n̶ ̸m̵i̸n̷d̴.̷" The voice is kind, serene, and a small part of Ríona's mind rebels against the familiarity with which it speaks to her. "H̴e̸ ̴w̵a̶s̶ ̶n̸e̴v̵e̵r̷ ̵r̵e̵a̷l̴.̴ ̵H̵e̷ ̵d̸i̵d̸n̵'̵t̶ ̶c̸a̷m̵e̴ ̸t̵o̴ ̸y̵o̸u̷r̴ ̶a̷i̶d̵ ̸d̷u̷r̴i̴n̵g̸ ̸y̶o̷u̷r̴ ̵d̴a̶r̴k̴e̸s̶t̷ ̵h̶o̵u̶r̵,̸ ̷w̴h̴e̴n̶ ̴y̴o̵u̴ ̶w̴e̸r̸e̸ ̶t̴i̴e̷d̶ ̵t̶o̵ ̵t̶h̴e̵ ̶w̸a̶l̵l̵ ̸o̶f̷ ̶t̴h̴a̸t̷ ̶r̸i̸t̴u̶a̸l̴ ̶s̶i̶d̴e̸,̶ ̷d̵e̶f̷i̷l̵e̴d̷,̵ ̴h̶u̴r̷t̷ ̴a̸n̷d̷ ̸a̵f̶r̸a̴i̶d̵.̵ ̴Y̷o̶u̴ ̸j̷u̷s̸t̴ ̴s̶n̶a̶p̴p̵e̷d̴,̴ ̴y̵o̸u̶r̸ ̴m̷i̴n̸d̸ ̴o̸v̷e̷r̴w̷h̷e̷l̴m̵e̸d̶ ̸b̶y̸ ̶t̶h̷e̴ ̷s̴i̸t̶u̷a̴t̸i̷o̶n̵ ̵a̵n̷d̶ ̵l̶a̸s̷h̵i̶n̶g̶ ̴o̷u̷t̷ ̸i̶n̴ ̸f̴e̶r̶a̵l̷ ̶m̵a̸d̸n̶e̵s̸s̸ ̷a̶n̴d̸ ̸d̷e̴l̸i̶r̴i̵u̴m̷.̷ ̵" Ríona shudders, the smile in her face transformed into a grimace of terror, as she closes her eyes. It's lying, Daemons always lie, Riona repeats to herself as memories spring unwanted from her memory. She hears the Daemon sigh inside her head, a gesture of fond indulgence. "I̸ ̷s̷p̶e̶a̴k̸ ̴o̵n̶l̷y̶ ̸t̵h̷e̴ ̷t̵r̴u̵t̸h̵ ̶d̵e̷a̴r̶.̵ ̴H̶e̸ ̷i̶s̶ ̶u̵n̷a̵b̴l̴e̵ ̴t̵o̴ ̴h̴e̷l̵p̷ ̴y̷o̴u̸,̸ ̴a̴n̷d̶ ̸i̴t̷ ̶h̵a̵s̷ ̴a̷l̶w̶a̸y̴s̴ ̴b̷e̷e̸n̷ ̶t̵h̵a̵t̷ ̸c̶a̵s̵e̷.̷ ̵H̷e̸ ̴d̸o̸e̷s̶n̶'̷t̴ ̴c̸a̵r̷e̷ ̵f̶o̵r̶ ̶y̸o̵u̶,̷ ̶y̸o̷u̸ ̸o̴n̶l̷y̷ ̴d̸e̸l̶u̷d̷e̶d̶ ̶y̶o̴u̵r̸s̵e̵l̷f̵ ̷t̴o̵ ̸b̸e̷l̸i̸e̸v̴e̵ ̵i̸t̷ ̷s̵o̶ ̵b̴e̵c̵a̶u̶s̸e̶ ̵y̵o̶u̶ ̸c̶a̷n̸'̷t̵ ̶d̴e̴a̵l̶ ̵w̷i̵t̴h̵ ̷y̴o̵u̸r̵ ̸o̶w̴n̴ ̸t̷r̸a̷u̷m̶a̷.̸ ̸I̷t̶ ̵i̷s̵ ̴t̵r̸a̸g̴i̵c̴ ̵i̶n̶ ̸a̵ ̸w̷a̸y̶,̸ ̷h̵o̴w̸ ̶y̵o̵u̸ ̶h̷a̷v̸e̷ ̷l̷i̴v̸e̵d̷ ̵t̸h̸r̶o̷u̵g̵h̴ ̴i̸t̴ ̸o̷n̴l̸y̷ ̸t̶o̴ ̶m̶a̴r̸c̵h̶ ̷i̸n̴t̸o̷ ̸a̶ ̶s̴i̸m̶i̸l̶a̵r̴ ̶s̸i̶t̵u̴a̵t̸i̷o̷n̸.̸ ̵B̴u̴t̴ ̶d̸o̴n̸'̷t̸ ̶y̸o̴u̴ ̵w̴o̶r̸r̷y̵ ̴s̷w̷e̷e̵t̶ ̸R̴í̷o̷n̴a̷,̷ ̵y̴o̵u̸ ̵w̶o̶n̵'̷t̶ ̶h̸a̵v̶e̶ ̴t̶o̶ ̸l̵i̶v̵e̶ ̷w̵i̷t̷h̶ ̶t̷h̵e̴ ̷t̷r̶u̷t̸h̷ ̸f̵o̸r̵ ̵l̷o̷n̸g̶.̸ ̷A̴f̶t̷e̵r̶ ̸a̷l̸l̶,̵ ̶I̷ ̶a̷m̸ ̶s̸u̴r̶e̵ ̵t̷h̵a̷t̸ ̵s̷o̷o̴n̷ ̶w̶e̴ ̴c̷a̴n̷ ̴b̴e̸ ̸s̴i̷s̵t̶e̵r̶s̴ ̵i̸n̵ ̴a̶ ̷m̷o̴r̵e̸ ̶c̸o̵m̶p̶l̷e̸t̶e̷ ̸m̵a̶n̴n̷e̸r̷.̸"

Ríona isn't the only one whom the Daemonhost spoke to. Some of her other sisters are frozen in place, others break, throwing down their weapons and flee as fast as their legs can carry them. Ríona doesn't hear it, the same way she doesn't hear the vox channel where Caoimhe is asking what has happened without her customary composure, where marines report the presence of possessed marines and Daemon Engines. She doesn't notice how she falls to her knees, how her weapons leave her limp grasp, how her breath quickens and tears fall from her eyes. Her mind is locked in the past. In a dust-filled chamber deep within the rocks of a mining world, in the chants of desperate cultists with words that don't register in the mind, in the wall of uneven rock which she's chained to that digs painfully into her bruised and cut back. She feels across her scarred skin the hands, hands that scratched, that grasped, that cut, that painted tainted sigils on her skin, that branded with white hot metal the eightfold star upon her cheek, the one that she had torn away with broken nails as soon as she could. The overwhelming terror for the fate of her soul.

"Do not give in to despair." A voice breaks through the desperate reminiscence, and Ríona turns her head to the side to see who has spoken, and once she does, the heart that had been pumping frantically within her chest skips a beat. A figure towers over her, clad in glimmering, golden armor that is liberally adorned with eagles. Long, luscious black locks fall from his head like a curtain, surrounded by a nimbus of warm golden light, and a tanned face, handsome beyond any comparison and with eyes that blaze with power, looks upon her, showing a serious, stern expression that is immediately broken by a warm, comforting smile.

"The words of Daemons are poison Ríona, heed them not." Says the God-Emperor of Mankind soothingly, placing an ethereal hand on the woman's shoulder. The Acting-Canoness leans into it, taking comfort in the gesture even if her head cannot touch His hand. "I love you Ríona, as I love all of Mankind, even those who stray from my light. The dominions of Mankind are vast, countless of its people, but know that I will always watch over you, even if you do not perceive it. As I did all those years ago." The Master of Mankind looks away from her, and Ríona follows his gaze. He sees that the Mist Shrikes are fighting the Daemonhosts, and that while some of her sisters are still insensate or have fled, others face the possessed bodies fearlessly, scattered bolter fire covering Repentias as the penitent women engage the Daemonhosts, outright throwing themselves at them with fanatic desperation. The Emperor uses his other hand to point at the one that was once a canoness, which is now throwing warpfire through its deformed hands. "I see her soul, Ríona, and is suffering. Will you relieve her of her pain?"

Ríona grabs the Edge of Thorns and rises to her feet. "Your will be done, oh God-Emperor." She mutters softly.

"Good." The Emperor smiles as He removes His hand. "Then march on with my blessing." The Emperor fades away, but Riona can still feel His favour deep within her. She takes a step forward, then two, then three. She runs, aiming her blade at one of the Daemonhosts currently locked in combat with Captain Secutor, before lunging at it and piercing where the stomach of a normal human would be, except in the poor wretch instance it was a twisting mass of flesh and leather.

"You must chase after the sorcerer Captain!" She shouts with honest cheer as she pins the tainted thing to the ground, where it claws at her power-armored legs, scratching the paint on the ceramite. "We shall purge the Daemonhosts while you do so!"

"Are you sure Canoness?" Asks the Astartes after surveying the embattled sisters and Daemon vessels.

Ríona twists the blade inside the body. "But of course! Fear not for us Angel, the God-Emperor is with us!!"

The Captain remains still for a second, before addressing his brothers as he disengages. "We go deeper into the tunnel brothers. We can't let the Sorcerer enact any more surprises." The rest of the Marines follow him immediately, leaving the sisters and Daemonhosts to kill each other on their own.

Blazing Wardens Thunderhawks 1d100 (DC 75/50/25-10-10=DC 55/30/5)= 10
Inquisitorial Valkyries 1d100 (DC 75/50/25-10-10=DC 55/30/5)= 63

Order of the Thorned Spear Toughness roll 3d10= 2, 6, 8= 2 Successes.

Order of the Throned Spear:

-1 Dogmata (Sororitas Power Armor, Mace of the Righteous)
-1 Imagifier (Sororitas Power Armor, Simulacrum Imperialis)
-2 Sisters Hospitaller (Sororitas Power Armor, Bolt Pistol)
-2 Sister of Battle Squads (Sororitas Power Armor, Bolter)
-2 Retributor Squads(Sororitas Power Armor, Heavy Flamers, Heavy Bolters, Missile Launchers)
-1 Dominion Squads (Sororitas Power Armor, Flamers, Meltaguns)
-1 Repentia Squad (Scraps of Clothing, Eviscerators)
-1 Mortifier
-1 Immolators
-1 Castigator Tanks

Successes needed for Imperial Victory= 70
Successes needed for Eyes of the Mutator Victory= 110

Grasp of Tzeenth roll 1d10= 1
Xu Lixuan Toughness roll 5d10 (SC 3)= 8, 5, 7, 3, 6= 3 Successes.

Artifact Chosen 1d10= 8
Cao Wen Willpower roll 6d10 (SC 4+2(In the Middle of a Fight)=SC 6)= 4, 3, 2, 8, 9, 6= 3 Successes

Nevaeh Ix'tili'zoas Fellowship roll 4d10 (SC 3)= 3, 10, 3, 4= 2 Successes

Dogmata Willpower roll 4+1(Dogmata)=5d10 (SC 2)= 2, 6, 7, 8, 8= 4 Successes
Ríona Willpower roll 4d10+1(Dogmata)=5d10 (SC 4)= 5, 7, 7, 4, 1= 1 Success
Zealous Rapture continues.
Retributors Willpower roll 3d10+1(Dogmata)=4d10 (SC 2)= 4, 9, 10, 6= 4 Successes
Dominion Willpower roll 3d10+1(Dogmata)=4d10 (SC 2)= 10, 7, 10, 9= 6 Successes, Critical Success

Secutor Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 6, 3, 3, 4, 1, 9 = 1 Success
10th Company Command Squad Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 3, 9, 8, 1, 4, 3= 1 Success
Gnaeus Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 6, 10, 9, 9, 1, 7= 5 Successes
Sharpshooter Scouts Ballistic Skill roll 6d10= 3, 8, 2, 9, 3, 9= 3 Successes

Deathwing Terminators Ballistic Skill roll 6d10= 9, 1, 2, 4, 10, 10= 4 Successes

Danai Kraiputra Ballistic Skill roll 5d10= 7, 6, 1, 8, 3= 2 Successes
4th Company Command Squad Toughness roll 6+1(Akradej)=7d10 (SC 3)= 4, 3, 9, 1, 5, 2, 3= 0 Successes
4d10= 2, 9, 8, 3
Akradej Toughness roll 7d10 (SC 4)= 3, 1, 1, 7, 9, 1, 5= 0 Successes, Critical Failure
Chairat Toughness roll 5d10 (SC 4)= 1, 1, 8, 4, 2= 0 Successes, Critical Failure
4th Company Command Squad roll 6d10= 8, 9, 6, 2, 9, 10= 6 Successes
Dasan Weapon Skill roll 7d10= 6, 3, 7, 6, 3, 8, 8= 5 Successes
Pakrit Ekraluk Willpower roll 6d10= 7, 5, 9, 10, 2, 6= 5 Successes
4th Company Tacticals Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 4, 4, 3, 9= 1 Success
4th Company Assault Marines Weapon Skill roll 4d10= 9, 2, 3, 7= 1 Success
4th Company Devastator Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 1, 10, 2, 3= 1 Success
Rhinos roll 4d10= 8, 4, 7, 10= 4 Successes
Predator roll 4d10= 10, 10, 4, 5= 4 Successes

Durante Clerici Weapon Skill roll 3d10= 3, 3, 1= 0 Successes, Critical Failure

Successes needed increased by 1
Durante Clerici Toughness roll 4d10 (SC 3-1(Hexagrammic Wards=SC 2)= 6, 9, 10, 5= 4 Successes
Inquisitorial Retinue Toughness roll 3d10 (SC 2)= 3, 5, 10= 2 Successes
Inquisitorial Retinue Ballistic Skill roll 3d10= 10, 9, 5= 3 Successes
Crusaders Weapon Skill roll 3d10= 6, 4, 6= 2 Successes
Inquisitorial Retributors Ballistic Skill roll 3d10= 7, 4, 8= 2 Successes

Riona Weapon Skill roll 4+2=6d10= 9, 6, 6, 2, 10, 5= 5 Successes
Caiomhe O'Sheridan Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 2, 2, 1, 4= 0 Successes, Critical Failure

Successes needed increased by 1
Caiomhe O'Sheridan Toughness roll 3+1(Hospitalers)=4d10 (SC 3)= 2, 6, 7, 1= 1 Success
Dogmata Weapon Skill roll 3d10= 3, 5, 6= 1 Success
Sisters of Battle Ballistic Skill roll 3d10= 4, 2, 4= 0 Successes
Retributors roll 3d10= 6, 1, 2= 0 Successes
Dominion roll 3d10+1(Hatred of Desecration)=4d10= 7, 8, 3, 9= 3 Success
Repentia Weapon Skill roll 3d10= 7, 10, 10= 5 Successes, Critical Success

Successes needed reduced by 2
Immolators roll 3d10= 9, 8, 6= 3 Successes
Exorcists roll 3d10= 1, 2, 4= 0 Successes, Critical Failure

Successes needed increased by 1
Castigators roll 3d10= 9, 4, 5= 1 Success

Xu Lixuan Weapon Skill roll 1d10= 8= 1 Success
Zhang Li Ballistic Skill roll 5d10= 7, 10, 3, 7, 10= 6 Successes, Critical Success

Successes needed reduced by 1
Cao Wen Willpower roll 6d10= 9, 5, 3, 1, 1, 10= 1 Success
Nevaeh Ix'tili'zoas Willpower roll 7d10= 2, 7, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1= 0 Successes
Daemonhost 1 Toughness roll 6d10 (SC 4)= 6, 4, 5, 1, 1, 5= 0 Successes, Critical Failure
Daemonhost 2 Willpower roll 4d10= 9, 8, 3, 3= 2 Successes
Possessed Strength roll 6d10= 9, 10, 2, 3, 4, 2= 3 Successes
Chaos Marine Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 4, 9, 10, 6= 4 Successes
Havoc Squads Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 5, 8, 4, 5= 1 Success
Company of Watchers of Yerma Ballistic Skill roll 3d10= 3, 6, 5= 1 Success
Cultists 1 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 2, 10= 2 Successes
Cultists 2 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 7, 2= 1 Success
Cultists 3 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 9, 10= 3 Successes, Critical Success

Successes needed reduced by 1
Cultists 4 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 5, 4= 0 Successes
Maulerfiend roll 5d10= 10, 8, 2, 1, 7= 3 Successes
Defilers roll 4d10= 6, 5, 4, 1= 0 Successes
Sorcerous Traps roll 3d10= 1, 5, 4= 0 Successes, Critical Failure

Successes needed increased by 1
Heavy Emplacements 1 roll 2d10= 7, 6= 2 Successes
Heavy Emplacements 2 roll 2d10= 3, 7= 1 Success
Scout Bikes roll 4d10= 5, 5, 2, 3= 0 Successes

Imperials= 56+72= 128/71
Eyes of the Mutator= 42+31= 73/109

She wrenches the blade free from the body, only to bring it immediately upon the Daemonhost head, splitting it in half. The thing lets out a howl of rage before fading away, the body fading into dust soon after. She then turns her attention to the body of Canoness Nevaeh, who lets the body of the Repentia who's head it just crushed fall before turning in the air to face her. "S̷e̶r̷i̸o̷u̵s̴l̶y̵ ̷d̶e̵a̷r̸?̶" She chastised her in a patronizing tone. "I̸ ̷t̴e̵l̴l̵ ̵y̸o̸u̶ ̷t̴h̵e̷ ̶t̶r̶u̷t̴h̸,̷ ̸a̸n̴d̵ ̵i̸n̸s̸t̷e̷a̵d̶ ̶o̶f̷ ̸a̶c̷c̸e̴p̵t̸i̴n̶g̵ ̷i̵t̶ ̶y̷o̴u̶ ̷c̸h̸o̷o̴s̶e̸ ̸t̸o̷ ̴d̶e̵l̴u̵d̶e̸ ̸y̵o̶u̵r̶s̸e̷l̴f̷ ̵o̴n̶c̷e̷ ̴m̷o̴r̴e̶?̵ ̴T̴r̶u̷l̶y̴,̵ ̸y̶o̶u̷r̶ ̴a̴b̶i̶l̸i̵t̸y̸ ̶t̷o̸ ̴d̸e̵c̴e̴i̶v̷e̶ ̸y̸o̴u̸r̷s̶e̵l̴f̶ ̸i̵s̴ ̵i̶m̷p̷r̴e̷s̸s̷i̶v̵e̸"

Ríona laughs as she strides towards it. "You cannot discern Him, can you? You are a thing of darkness, and His grace is beyond your nature. You've dwelled in the Canoness body for millennia, Daemon, and it is time for you to let her rest."

Ríona slashes at the Daemonhosts body, and while the creature manages to drift away to evade the full blow, the end of the Edge of Thorns still pierce through the armor it wears, spilling translucent blue blood upon the ground. It tries to gain height to throw more warpfire, but the bolter fire of Ríona sisters forces it back downwards.

"I̴ ̷d̸e̶v̵o̴u̵r̴e̴d̵ ̶h̸e̴r̷ ̷s̵o̴u̴l̴ ̶y̷o̵u̷ ̸i̷n̴s̵a̸n̸e̷ ̵f̵o̴o̵l̵,̴ ̸j̸u̶s̶t̸ ̴a̶s̷ ̸I̷ ̸w̸i̵l̷l̴ ̶d̷o̸ ̸w̶i̷t̸h̶ ̵y̶o̸u̴r̷s̷!̷!̷" Spats the Daemon hatefully, abandoning all pretense of friendliness as it punches Ríona square in the chest with inhuman force, making the Rosarius in her armor flare as the sheer kinetic energy sends her crashing against one of the tunnel's walls. She feels her collarbone on her left side break upon impact, but she bounces back to her feet immediately, the pain completely unheeded as she is filled with the God-Emperor's grace. Nevaeh's Daemonhost drifts towards her, only to twist out of the way of a melta blast. It turns around, and sees more Sisters of the Thorned Spear arriving, who take down its last lesser kindred with concentrated firepower. It raises her hands and throws a jet of blueish warpfire, catching some of the women in the blast, the unnatural flames scorching through armor, flesh and bone. It stops when Ríona runs it through with her sword, the blade inserting itself between the ribs, before the inertia of the scarred Canoness charge takes them both to the ground. As they impact the floor Ríona loses her grip on the hilt, but quickly scrambles upwards until she straddling her possessed predecessor, knees pinning its arms.

"Y̴o̸" Whatever the thing might have said is cut off by Ríona's armored right fist impacting its face. She feels the cheekbone shatter under her fist, even if it is a different sensation than what a normal body would feel like.

"The God-Emperor is with me." Says Ríona blissfully as she punches again. "The God-Emperor is with me." The Daemonhost opens its mouth, warpfire gathering at the end of her gullet, but the Canoness hooks the fingers of her left hand under its jaw and tears it off, pushing the head upwards with the brutal gesture and diverting the gust of fire by a hair's breadth.

"The God-Emperor is with me." Another punch.

"The God-Emperor is with me." Another punch.

"The God-Emperor is with me." Another punch.

"The God-Emperor is with me." Another punch.

And another, and another, and another….

"Canoness Ríona." Ríona blinks. The Daemonhost has stopped moving, its head reduced to mutated chips of bone and brain matter on the rocky ground. There is an indentation on it from her blows, telling her that she had kept punching long after Nevaeh's soul had been relievdd from her torment. She looks upwards to gaze upon the speaker. Captain Secutor stand there, his command squad behind him sporting serious damage in their warplate. She can't read the Astartes expression beneath his helmet, and neither does his posture reveal anything as it speaks again. "The Sorcerer has been slain. As the Daemonhosts have been dispatched, we need you to keep on moving in order to secure the rest of the location."

Ríona's happiness is evident as she replies, getting back to her feet and retrieving the blade. "But of course! Let us move Sisters!" She turns to her subordinates as she says those words, and in the faces that she can see a mix of wariness and awe that confuses her momentarily before she moves forward.

10th Company Command Squad Toughness roll 6+1(Soran)=7d10 (SC 3)= 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 9, 2= 0 Successes
1d4= 2
4d10= 8, 9
Soran Toughness roll 6d10 (SC 4)= 2, 10, 8, 5, 8, 5= 4 Successes
Ostia Toughness roll 6+1d10=7d10 (SC 4)= 2, 6, 5, 7, 9, 10, 7= 6 Successes
Sharpshooter Scouts Toughness roll 6+1d10=7d10= 2, 5, 1, 2, 9, 7, 4= 1 Success

Angels Crusader Toughness roll 6d10= 1, 3, 7, 8, 7, 3= 2 Successes

Blazing Wardens Toughness roll 5d10= 6, 9, 10, 4, 5= 4 Successes

Ordo Malleus Forces Toughness roll 3d10= 9, 7, 1= 1 Success

Order of the Thorned Spear Toughness roll 3+2(Sisters Hospitaller)=5d10= 7, 10, 4, 10, 9= 6 Successes, Critical Successes

Secutor Willpower roll 4+1(Osinski)=5d10 (SC 3)= 6, 7, 5, 6, 8= 4 Successes
10th Company Command Squad Toughness roll 7+1(Osinski)=8d10 (SC 3)= 8, 9, 5, 5, 3, 5, 5, 10= 4 Successes
Gnaeus Willpower roll 5+1(Osinski)=6d10 (SC 3)= 9, 1, 8, 2, 10, 7= 4 Successes
Sharpshooter Scouts Willpower roll 6+1d10=7d10 (SC 3)= 3, 7, 6, 9, 4, 4, 7= 4 Successes

Angels Crusader Willpower roll 6d10 (SC 3)= 7, 2, 9, 3, 2, 8= 3 Success

Danai Kraiputra Willpower roll 7+1(Mahagitsiri)=8d10 (SC 3)= 5, 9, 6, 4, 9, 2, 3, 5= 3 Successes
4th Company Command Squad Willpower roll 5+1=6d10 (SC 3)= 1, 10, 10, 8, 9, 6= 6 Successes
Danai Willpower roll 3+1=4d10 (SC 3)= 9, 7, 7, 4= 3 Successes
[ISPOILERS]Blazing Wardens Willpower roll 4+1=5d10 (SC 3)= 1, 8, 6, 4, 1= 0 Successes 1d3= 2[/ISPOILER]
Durante Clerici Willpower roll 4+2(Hexagrammic Wards)=6d10 (SC 3)= 6, 8, 10, 3, 3, 2= 4 Successes
Ordo Malleus forces Willpower roll 3d10 (SC 3)= 9, 6, 10= 4 Successes, Critical Success
[ISPOILERS]Inquisitorial Retinue Willpower roll 4d10 (SC 3)= 6, 2, 5, 9= 2 Successes[/ISPOILER]
Palatine Ríona Willpower roll 4+1(Dogmata)=5d10 (SC 3)= 10, 1, 7, 10, 2= 4 Successes
Order of the Thorned Spear Willpower roll 3+1=4d10 (SC 3)= 6, 7, 6, 4= 3 Successes

Ostia Intelligence roll 7d10= 3, 9, 8, 7, 3, 8, 2= 4 Successes

Ordo Malleus Enginseers Intelligence roll 3d10= 9, 7, 4= 2 Successes

Hours later, Secutor stands on the outside of the Vaults, surveying the carnage outside. To his satisfaction, the vast majority of the bodies he could see in the blood-filled trenches and emplacements belong to the forces of the Arch-Enemy. If he bothers to pay attention, he can hear from beyond the destroyed gates of the vaults the sound of explosions, flamers, plasma and melta, as the Sisters of Battle and the servants of the Ordo Malleus go room by room destroying tainted artifacts. Inquisitor Clerici, who has survived the battle with only scratches, is supervising the operation, centuries of experience allowing him to discern which of the artifacts in storage can be destroyed by conventional means and which ones will only be removed from the galaxy when they consign this planet to Exterminatus.

However, the Captain of the 10th is concerned with another matter. Chapter Master Severus had communicated to him in private shortly before their deployment that the ascension of Palatine Ríona to Canoness is a positive development for the Chapter, and had asked him to try and safeguard her in the coming fray. He had initially agreed with his assessment, but the look on her face when he had found her pummeling the dead corpse of that Daemonhosts had been…concerning. Warriors in control of their wits didn't brutalize dead bodies with pupils the size of pinpricks, rictus grins that stretched their mouths to the utmost limits of what a human body could allow and a disregard for both a face that bled copiously and a shoulder that cracked loudly each time that they throw another punch.

He knows that he must report this to the Chapter Master as soon as possible, for he will need it to re-evaluate relationships with the Order of the Thorned Spear depending on how the campaign ends.

-The Vaults have been secured. All heretic forces present have been eradicated.
-3 Veterans Slain, 6 Progenoids recovered.
-1 Suit of Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor Destroyed, 3 Suits of Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor Damaged.

The Prison

Mist Shrikes Storm Ravens roll 1d100 (DC 75/50/25-10(Sabotaged Batteries)=DC 65/40/15)= 72

Iosephus Agility roll 6+2=8d10= 6, 10, 9, 2, 5, 3, 2, 9= 5 Successes
10-3 Agility roll 7+1=8d10= 6, 6, 8, 8, 7, 2, 3, 5= 5 Successes
Mist Shrike Veterans Agility roll 7d10= 4, 6, 7, 10, 9, 7, 8= 7 Successes

Tang Zemin Perception roll 6d10= 9, 7, 6, 3, 3, 3= 3 Successes
Hu Bai Perception roll 5d10= 4, 7, 3, 5, 3= 1 Successes
Eyes of the Mutator Perception roll 4d10= 10, 5, 6, 2, 10= 5 Successes

Iosephus Intelligence roll 7d10 (SC 3)= 8, 7, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1= 3 Successes
10-3 Intelligence roll 6d10 (SC 3)= 2, 7, 5, 4, 5, 2= 1 Successes
Mist Shrike Intelligence roll 6d10 (SC 3)= 7, 6, 8, 1, 10, 1 = 3 Successes

Mist Shrikes Thunderhawk roll 1d100 (DC 75/50/25-10-6(10th Company Sabotage)=DC 59/34/9)= 72
Mist Shrikes Storm Ravens roll 1d100 (DC 75/50/25-10-6=DC 59/34/9)= 89
Blazing Wardens Thunderhawk roll 1d100 (DC 75/50/25-10-6=DC 59/34/9)= 67

Prisoner Quantity 1d100= 66
Prisoner Quality 3d100= 51, 100, 2
Prisoner Allegiance 3d100 (DC 33/66)= 79, 95, 89

Prisoner Crit Founding 1d100= 97
Prisoner Specialization 1d6= 4

Prisoners Willpower Check 5d10 (SC 4+2(Weakened and Malnourished)-2(Prison Break)-1(Imperial Rescuers)-2(Space Marine Prisoners)= SC 1)= 7, 1, 10, 9, 8= 4 Successes

Mist Shrikes

-2nd Company Captain Emilianus Pluvia (Prototype MK.VI "Aquila" Power Amor, Iron Halo, Volkite Charger, Chainsword)
-2nd Company Command Squad (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Combat Shields, Storm Bolter, Melta Gun, Plasma Gun, Flamer, 1 Power swords, 2 Power Axes, 2 Power Mauls)
-Company Ancient Aquilifer (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Combat Shield, Company Banner, Power Axe)
-Company Champion Raetia (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Plasma Pistol, Combat Shield, Eviscerator)
-Senior Apothecary Anodynon. (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Combat Shield, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword)
-Senior Techmarine Noricum (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Combat Shield Bolt Pistol, Omnissiah Axe)
-Chaplain Jaronski (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Rosarius, Combat Shield, Bolt Pistol, Crozius Arcanum)
-Lieutenant Ulpio (MK.VIII "Errant" Power Armor, Storm Bolter, Power Sword)
-Codicier Igor Blesk (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Psychic Hood, Bolt Pistol, Force Axe)
-Squads 2-3 and 2-4 (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, 10 Boarding Shields, Bolters, 2 Plasma Guns, 2 Melta Guns, 2 Missile Launchers)
-Squad 2-7 (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Bolt Pistols, Chainswords)
-Squad 2-9 (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Heavy Bolters, Missile Launchers, 2 Lascannons)
-Lieutenant Iosephus (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Camelonine Cloak, Stalker Bolter, Power Maul)
-Mist Shrikes Veterans Retinue (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, 10 Boarding Shields, Bolters)
-Squad 10-3 (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Bolters, 6 Stalker Bolters)
-Tomb-Master Domitian (Castaferrum-Pattern)
-2 Mist Shrikes Rhinos
-1 Mist Shirkes Whirlwind
-1 Mist Shrikes Razorback

Angel Crusaders:

-3 Five Man Squads of Deathwing Terminators (Indomitus-Pattern Terminator Armor, Assault Cannons, Plasma Cannons, Storm Bolters, Power Fists)

Blazing Wardens:

-Master of Sanctity Praisong Kauthai (Artificer MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Rosarius, Master-Crafted Plasma Pistol, Relic Crozius Arcanum Stalwart Flame)
-Blazing Wardens Tactical Squad (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Bolter, 2 Flamers, Plasma Gun)
-Blazing Wardens Assault Squad (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Jump Packs, Bolt Pistols, Chainswords)
-3 Rhinos
-1 Predator Tank

Imperial Prisoners:

-Yeretai, Brotherhood Champion
-Company of Abducted Kruthan Loyalists (Rags, Seized Lasguns)
-Horde of Abducted Imperial Citizens (Rags)


Eyes of the Mutator:

-Tang Zemin the Torturer (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Iron Halo, Power Sword, Master-Crafted Power Tulwar)
-Sorcerer Hu Bai (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Power Sword, Force Staff)
-3 Chaos Space Marine Squads (MK.VII "Aquila Power Armor, Bolters, Power Mauls)
-Company of Watchers of Yerma (Carapace Armor, Hellguns, Plasma Guns)
-Horde of Cultists (Robes, Lasguns, Close Combat Weapons)
-Horde of Thralls (Scraps of clothing, Close Combat Weapons)
-3 Chaos Spawns
-Heavy Weapons Emplacements (Heavy Stubber, Heavy Bolters)
-3 Earthshaker Cannons

Successes needed for Imperial Victory: 25-2(Veteran Sergeants)= 23
Successes needed for Eyes of the Mutator Victory: 50+12 (Enemy First Company)=62

Iosephus Agility roll 6+2=8d10= 1, 5, 7, 9, 3, 9, 3, 4= 2 Successes
10-3 Agility roll 7+1=8d10= 3, 6, 2, 7, 10, 2, 6, 10= 7 Successes

Tang Zemin Perception roll 6d10= 7, 9, 5, 9, 2, 10= 5 Successes
Hu Bai Perception roll 5d10= 3, 3, 6, 6, 7= 3 Successes

10-3 Ballistic Skill roll 6d10= 7, 7, 5, 5, 10, 6= 5 Successes
Hu Bai Toughness roll 6d10 (SC 5)= 9, 3, 7, 7, 5, 2= 3 Successes

Emilianus Pluvia Ballistic Skill roll 6d10= 5, 5, 9, 4, 8, 6= 3 Successes
2nd Company Command Squad Ballistic Skill roll 6d10= 10, 4, 10, 3, 5, 3= 4 Successes
Raetia Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 3, 8, 9, 10, 3, 6= 5 Successes
Ivan Polikhat Willpower roll 7d10= 7, 1, 6, 2, 8, 10, 8= 5 Successes
2nd Company Tacticals Ballistic Skill roll 5d10= 9, 4, 7, 6, 2= 3 Successes
2-7 Weapon Skill roll 5d10= 1, 9, 9, 4, 9= 2 Successes
2-9 Ballistic Skill roll 5d10= 3, 10, 10, 6, 7= 6 Successes, Critical Success

Successes needed reduced by 1
10-3 Squad Ballistic Skill roll 6d10= 1, 9, 9, 2, 10, 9= 4 Successes
Mist Shrike Veterans Ballistic Skill roll 6d10= 1, 2, 8, 2, 7, 7= 2 Successes
Domitian Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 5, 9, 7, 5= 2 Successes
Rhinos roll 5d10= 8, 4, 8, 9, 6= 4 Successes
Whirlwind roll 5d10= 5, 9, 5, 7, 4= 2 Successes
Predator roll 5d10= 6, 7, 3, 5, 7= 3 Successes

Deathwing Terminators Ballistic Skill roll 6d10= 6, 6, 10, 5, 3, 3= 4 Successes

Kauthai Prasong Weapon Skill roll 5+1(Stalwart Flame)=6d10= 6, 9, 7, 4, 3, 5= 3 Successes
Tactical Squad Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 3, 3, 10, 10= 4 Successes
Assault Squad Weapon Skill roll 4d10= 5, 9, 1, 9= 1 Success
Rhino roll 4d10= 8, 2, 9, 10= 4 Successes
Predator roll 4d10= 4, 8, 9, 5= 2 Successes

Yeretai Strength roll 8-3(Grievously Tortured)=5d10= 6, 4, 9, 10, 9= 5 Successes
Kruthan Loyalists Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 7, 2= 1 Successes
Abducted Citizens 1 Strength roll 1d10= 4= 0 Successes
Abducted Citizens 2 Strength roll 1d10= 3= 0 Successes
Abducted Citizens 3 Strength roll 1d10= 10= 2 Successes
Abducted Citizens 4 Strength roll 1d10= 9= 1 Successes

Tang Zemin Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 7, 8, 9, 3, 4, 3= 3 Successes
Chaos Space Marine Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 9, 9, 4, 2= 2 Successes
Watchers of Yerma Ballistic Skill roll 3d10= 10, 3, 10= 4 Succeses, Critical Success

Successes needed reduced by 1
Cultists 1 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 5, 10= 3 Successes, Critical Success
Successes needed reduced by 1
Cultists 2 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 10, 8= 3 Successes, Critical Success
Successes needed reduced by 1
Cultists 3 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 1, 4= 0 Successes, Critical Failure
Successes needed increased by 1
Cultists 4 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 8, 1= 0 Successes
Thralls Weapon Skill 1 roll 1d10= 3= 0 Successes
Thralls Weapon Skill 2 roll 1d10= 4= 0 Successes
Thralls Weapon Skill 3 roll 1d10= 5= 0 Successes
Thralls Weapon Skill 4 roll 1d10= 6= 1 Success
Chaos Spawn 1 roll 2d10= 5, 6= 1 Success
Chaos Spawn 2 roll 2d10= 10, 9= 3 Successes, Critical Success

Successes needed reduced by 1
Chaos Spawn 3 roll 2d10= 8, 8= 2 Successes
Heavy Weapon Emplacements 1 roll 2d10= 10, 5= 2 Successes
Heavy Weapon Emplacements 2 roll 2d10= 3, 4= 0 Successes
Earthshakers roll 2d10= 8, 8= 2 Successes

Imperials: 72/23
Eyes of the Mutator: 26/59

Imperial Victory

Tang Zemin has never deluded himself into thinking that his position as Warden of the Prison in Yerma Tertius is a glorious one. It does has its benefits, as the Master-Crafted Tulwar that he wields in his left hand can attest, and torturing the various wretches that end up in his grasp is decent enough entertainment but it is obvious that of all command positions of the Eyes of the Mutator, his is the least relevant. He and all of his fellows had thought the same, and as such when news reach him of how his brothers in the spaceport had repelled the assault of those Mist Shrike bastards, he had seen no issue in diverting some of his garrison to lend assistance to the hunting of those mongrels. With the same reasoning, he hadn't been concerned when their auspex had detected Imperial aircraft flying towards them. With the prison being the least important location on the planet, Zemin had expected only a light probe that he could repel before moving to reinforce a more important garrison like the Sorcerer's Spire or the Vaults.

He had been sharing this opinion with Hu Bao, the Sorcerer in charge of conducting experiments and carrying out the more Warp-based forms of torment, when two-thirds of their anti-air cannons exploded. A look of panic had flashed in the Sorcerer's face at that moment, but whatever thought he might have had about it was lost to a bolt round alongside the top of the Sorcerer's head. Then the rest of the enemy arrived and the traitor son of the Warhawk had watched in incredulity as fifteen Terminators of the nine times cursed Angels Crusader, two squads of those naive weaklings of the Blazing Wardens, and a full company of Mist Shrikes, the last two with armored support, had landed on the prison's gate and smashed their way in with the same ease a man kicks a pebble.

All of that had led up to his current situation, fighting desperately to fend off the attackers while at the same time trying to rally his scattered brothers and the cultist fodder under his command into a cohesive defence. It is not an easy feat, especially with the enemy vehicles carving up their way into the complex by leveling everything with a lax use of ordnance.

The ceiling quakes under a new barrage, as Zemin and two squads of Watchers of Yerma face half a squad of Assault Marines from the sons of Vulkan. The Salamanders descendant rush towards them, and although snap fire from the mortal elite of the Eyes of the Mutator brings down two of them, the rest close the distance almost immediately. The one in the lead doesn't have time to react before Tang's stolen Tulwar lodges itself on his throat, which coupled with the assault marines momentum decapitates the Astartes messily. The last two attempt to play it clever by attacking at once, one from the left side and another from the right. Zemin uses his other Power Sword in his left hand to block one of the chainswords while the Tulwar on his right severs the arm of his other attacker before it can complete his swing. Then he pushes the chainsword of the only foe that remains armed aside with a bind, disembowels it with a strike of the Tulwar and then finishes off the last maimed Astartes with an almost lazy decapitation.

"Master!" Comes shouting from the nearby corridor one of the cultists they use as overseers, red in the face from the exertion. "Master, the prisoners are in open revolt!"

Zemin maglocks his Power Sword and grabs the mortal by the throat. "Has the priority prisoner escaped!?" He shouts in the now breathless man's face.

"We lost…contact with the…guards near..the cell….Master plea…" The wheezed begging of the cultist is cut off when Temin crushes his throat with his hand. He casts aside the body like refuse. Before the prison warden can order his followers, the rioting prisoners catch up to them. They throw themselves at him and the Watchers, armed with shivs, metal piping or bars torn loose from their cells. Killing them is trivial, each swing of his blade killing three or four of the scum that approaches him, but it keeps him pinned long enough for more Blazing Wardens to find him. The other half of the Assault squad he had dispatched marches towards the Watchers, and another marine in the skull-helm and black armor of the chaplaincy moves towards him cautiously, slow enough to avoid being surprised by a quick attack but fast enough to catch him out of position if he moves to attack his brothers.

"Your wickedness is at its end traitor." Says the Chaplain, Crozius raised in a guard position. "There is no way you can escape your fate."

Zemin laughs as he twirls his blades, fixing the son of Vulkan with a scornful stare. "Do not speak of fate to a servant of its Architect!" He lunges forward with all the alacrity his transhuman physique is capable of, his swords twin whirlwinds of death as they each execute a dazzling flurry of blows. The Chaplain gives ground, the energy field of his Rosarius stopping the attacks that he is unable to reflect with his Crozius. A smile twists his visage as he lords his superior skill on the Loyalist lap-dog, only for his opponent to launch a rising blow that catches Zemin off-guard. The weapon hits him squarely in the chestplate, prompting his Iron Halo to activate. It picks his curiosity how instead of concussive force the weapon launches a blast of flames, even if his wargear still protects it from it. He moves to renew his assault, only for him to stop when he feels something weighing him down. He looks downwards and sees that one of the prisoners he had butchered before still, grabbing onto his ankle with the desperate strength of those that are about to die. It takes him only a second to finish off the filth clinging to him, but when he raises his gaze for the final time it is only to see a Crozius speeding towards his head.

Mist Shrike Veterans Toughness roll 6+1(Anodynon)=7d10= 4, 10, 4, 5, 6, 3, 4= 3 Successes
2nd Company Toughness roll 5+1=6d10= 2, 1, 10, 1, 8, 8= 2 Successes

Angel Crusaders Toughness roll 6d10= 3, 2, 8, 9, 6, 7= 4 Successes

Blazing Wardens Toughness roll 5d10= 3, 5, 1, 5, 3= 0 Successes, Critical Failure

Yeretai Toughness roll 7-3(Grievously Tortured)=4d10 (SC 2/3)= 3, 7, 7, 7= 3 Successes
Kruthan Loyalists Toughness roll 2-1(Privations)=1d10 (SC 1)= 4= 0 Successes

Noricum Intelligence roll 7d10= 2, 9, 2, 1, 4, 8, 1= 0 Successes

Kauthai's Stalwart Flame impacts the head of the Eyes of the Mutator Champion with all the force he can muster. The Iron Halo it wields doesn't flare up again, and so the relic of his Chapter pulps his foe's skull, reducing it to a splatter in the corridor's wall. The now headless corpse falls unceremoniously to the ground with the crash of armor, joining those of the elite cultist that had been with him. With the location secure, the Master of Sanctity of the Blazing Wardens takes a moment to honor both the demise of his brothers and those of the poor souls that had found the courage to fight against their captors despite the privations and tortures that they had suffered at their hands. After that, he motions for his brothers to follow him, only to stop after a meter or so when he hears the sound of bare footsteps limping through the corridor. Kauthai and his brothers ready their weapons, waiting for the owner of those footsteps to come into view.

When it does, it prompts Kauthai to raise an eyebrow behind his faceplate. An Astartes approaches them, unarmed and completely in the nude, and yet, splattered with the rich-smelling blood of transhumans. His frame is thin and haggard, with a skin that is a patchwork of barely healed scars and scabs. All the fingers of his left hand are missing, and his right foot drags behind him, the bones having healed incorrectly after being broken. His head is similarly damaged, with a missing nose and ears, a torn scalp and a milky and cloudy eye. The one that remains is fixed on them, his glance sharp with outstanding focus. He stops at ten paces and bows slowly, his muddy brown eye never leaving them.

The foreign Astartes speaks once he straightens. "Hail and well met cousins." His voice is a hoarse rasp, damaged and unused for what must have been a long time. "Words are unable to describe how you have lit flames of joy in my heart that had long been extinguished." He points with his index finger at the curved Power Sword that the Eye of the Mutator leader had wielded. "I humbly ask you that you return to me what once mine, taken as an unearned and undeserved trophy by my gaoler and tormentor."

Kauthai pries the blade from the traitor's fingers, but he remains in place. "I would ask you to identify yourself first, cousin." He demands, adjusting the grip in his Crozius.

The wounded Astartes, far from daunted, chuckles mirthlessly. "Apologies, cousin. It seems that my long captivity has wounded my courtesy as much as my body. My name is Yeretai and I once was the champion of the Stormwrath Brotherhood of the Ordu of Jaghatai, although I am certain that my brothers have already mourned me, and another worthy warrior bears that honor now."

It takes the Master of Sanctity a moment to parse through the words, but when he does he realizes that he is speaking with a member of a First Founding Chapter, of the progenitors of the foe they are currently facing. "Both the truth of your words and the purity of your spirit will be tested." He replies, making a short vox-signal to the assault squad near him to surround him. "Insidious are the guiles of the Arch-Enemy, and not even a suffering soul is beyond suspicion."

Yeretai lets the Blazing Wardens surround him without reaction. "Wisdom fitting of a Voice of the Storm." He praises. "I will submit myself to your judgement." He then lets the marines escort him to the prison's entry, while Kauthai relays the news to the other officers.

-Prison destroyed, Eyes of the Mutator Garrison annihilated.
-Rescued Yeretai, Old Brotherhood Champion of the Stormwrath Brotherhood of the White Scars.
-1 Rhino Damaged, 1 Whirlwind Gravely damaged.
-2 Veterans Slain, 3 Marines slain, 10 Progenoids recovered.

The Bird of Prey

Direction of the Retreat= Bird of Prey

Captain Gallienus Agility roll 7+1=8d10= 4, 8, 5, 9, 2, 10, 10, 2= 6 Successes
10th Company Command Squad Agility roll 7d10= 10, 10, 7, 5, 1, 10= 6 Successes
Scipio Agility roll Agility 5d10= 1, 4, 4, 7, 9= 1 Success
3rd Company Tacticals Agility roll 6d10= 3, 3, 1, 4, 7, 5= 0 Successes
3-7 Agility roll 6+2(Jump Packs)=8d10= 10, 2, 10, 8, 2, 7, 1, 3= 5 Successes
3-9 Agility roll 6d10= 7, 5, 8, 2, 6, 1= 2 Successes
Serf Armsmen roll 2d10= 2, 4= 0 Successes
Serf Crewmen roll 1d10= 1= 0 Successes, Critical Failure

Hou Ke Agility roll 6d10= 6, 8, 10, 1, 4, 2= 3 Successes
Guazou Agility roll 6d10= 9, 9, 4, 1, 8, 2= 2 Successes
Chaos Space Marines Agility roll 5+1(Rhinos)=6d10= 7, 9, 7, 1, 2, 8= 3 Successes
Raptors Agility roll 5+2(Jump Pack)=7d10= 3, 5, 8, 3, 7, 4, 8= 3 Successes
Havoc Agility roll 5+1=6d10= 7, 9, 8, 6, 3, 7= 5 Successes
Watchers of Yerma Agility roll 3+1(Chimeras)=4d10= 7, 1, 8, 3= 1 Success
Chaos Cultist Agility roll 2+1=3d10= 3, 3, 3= 0 Successes

Mist Shrikes:

-Chapter Master Severus (Relic Power Armor Armor of the First and the Last, Camelonine Cloak, Master-Crafted Volkite Serpenta, Master-Crafted Chainglaive)
-Honor Guard (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Bolters, Chapter Banner, 2 Chainglaives, 2 Power Swords, Chainswords)
-Chapter Champion Bertrand Dupont (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Power Sword)
-Master of Sanctity Falce (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Rosarius Bolt Pistol, Relic Power Sword Fate Denied)
-Squad 3-4 and 3-5 (Mk.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Bolters, 2 Missile Launchers)
-Squad 3-9 (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Jump Packs, Bolt Pistol, 5 Combat Shotguns, Chainswords)
-Squad 3-10 (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Heavy Bolters, Missile Launchers, Lascannons)
-Lieutenant Lanista (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Camelonine Cloak, Stalker Bolter, Power Sword)
-Squads 10-6 and 10-7 (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Chainswords)
-Tomb-Champion Claudius Spatha (Contemptor-Pattern Dreadnought, Grav-Cannon, Power claw with Integrated Heavy Flamer.)
-Land Raider Dark Horizon
-3 Rhinos
-2 Whirlwinds
-1 Predator Tank

41st Durrutian Volunteers

-"Colonel" Aitor (Flak Armor, Lasgun)
-10 Companies of Line Infantry (Flak Armor, Lasguns, Missile Launchers)
–20 Leman Russes
–50 Chimeras

Forgeworld Smilnay

-Master of the Skitarii Samuel Omicron-Epsilon 529 (Master-Crafted Skitarii War-Plate, Multiple Cybernetics, Gamma Pistol, Arc Maul)
-2 Fulgurite Electro-Priests (Voltagheist Fields, Electroleech Staves)
-1 Sydonian Skatros (Skitarii War-Plate, Multiple Cybernetics, Achillan Eye, Transonic Arquebus)
-3 Squads of Skitarii Hyspaspists (Skitarii War-Plate, Multiple Cybernetics, Lasguns)
-2 Squads of Skitarii Rangers (Skitarii War-Plate, Multiple Cybernetics, Galvanic Rifles, Arc Rifles, Plasma Calivers)
-1 Squads of Skitarii Sagitarii (Skitarii War-Plate, Multiple Cybernetics, Missile Launchers, Multi-meltas, Plasma Cannons)
-10 Onager Dune crawlers
-50 Krios Battle Tanks
-25 Skorpius Dune Crawlers


Eyes of the Mutator

-Warpsmith Kong Delan (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Multi-Melta, Power Sword)
-Chaos Sorcerer Guazou (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Force Spear)
-3 Squads of Chaos Space Marine (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Bolters, Melta Guns)
-Mob of Chaos Cultists (Robes, Lasguns, Missile Launchers)
-1 Predator Tank
-10 Land Raiders
-20 Scouts Bikes
-25 Chaos Chimeras

Successes needed for Imperial Victory: 20-2(Veteran Sergeants)=18
Successes needed for Eyes of the Mutator Victory: 80

Sydonian Skatros Agility roll 4d10= 8, 10, 2, 3= 3 Successes
Skitarii Rangers Agility roll 3d10= 2, 4, 7= 1 Successes
Vanguard Scouts Agility roll 7+1=8d10= 9, 5, 10, 4, 10, 1, 6, 9= 6 Successes

Kong Leng Perception roll 6d10= 1, 10, 3, 10, 3, 4= 3 Successes
Guazou Perception roll 4d10= 10, 4, 6, 3= 3 Successes
Chaos Marine Perception roll 4d10= 7, 1, 2, 3= 0 Successes

Sydonian Skatros Ballistic Skill roll 5d10= 6, 7, 8, 7, 9= 5 Successes
Vanguard Scouts Weapon Skill roll 5d10= 6, 2, 8, 1, 4= 1 Success

Kong Leng Toughness roll 6d10 (SC 5)= 6, 5, 1, 6, 3, 2= 1 Successes
Guazou Toughness roll 5d10 (SC 1)= 4, 8, 8, 9, 5= 3 Successes

Severus Weapon Skill roll 7d10= 7, 7, 2, 5, 10, 7, 9= 6 Successes
Honour Guard Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 9, 5, 9, 2, 6, 6= 4 Successes
Bertrand Dupont Weapon Skill roll 7d10= 1, 7, 10, 8, 3, 6, 9= 5 Successes
Falce Weapon Skill roll 4+1(Fate Denied)=5d10= 1, 6, 6, 7, 4= 2 Successes
Tacticals Ballistic Skill roll 5d10= 8, 10, 3, 4, 2= 3 Successes
3-8 Weapon Skill roll 5d10= 4, 6, 3, 10, 6= 4 Successes
3-10 Ballistic Skill roll 5d10= 6, 1, 8, 2, 7= 2 Successes
Vanguard Scouts Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 6, 6, 3, 1, 10, 7= 4 Successes
Claudius Spatha Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 5, 10, 8, 5, 10, 4= 5 Successes
Dark Horizon roll 5d10= 9, 9, 7, 6, 7= 5 Successes
Rhinos roll 5d10= 5, 9, 10, 2, 10= 5 Successes
Whirlwinds roll 5d10= 7, 3, 3, 8, 7= 3 Successes
Predator roll 5d10= 10, 2, 5, 10, 9= 5 Successes

Aitor Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 9, 8= 2 Successes
Durrutian Volunteers 1 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 1, 7= 0 Successes
Durrutian Volunteers 2 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 7, 8= 2 Successes
Durrutian Volunteers 3 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 8, 10= 3 Successes, Critical Success

Successes needed reduced by 1
Durrutian Volunteers 4 Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 10, 1= 1 Success
Leman Russ roll 2d10= 4, 9= 1 Success
Chimeras 1 roll 2d10= 9, 3= 1 Success
Chimeras 2 rol 2d10= 7, 1= 0 Successes

Samuel Omicron Ballistic Skill roll 5d10= 8, 6, 1, 6, 2= 3 Successes
Fulgurite Electro-Priests Intelligence roll 4d10= 1, 9, 9, 2= 1 Successes
Sydonian Skatros Ballistic Skill roll 5d10= 2, 6, 10, 6, 10= 6 Successes, Critical Success

Successes needed reduced by 1
Skitarii Hyspaspists Ballistic Skill roll 3d10= 10, 10, 1= 3 Successes
Skitarii Rangers Ballistic Skill roll 3d10= 6, 5, 7= 2 Successes
Skitarii Sagitarii Ballistic Skill roll 3d10= 8, 1, 9= 1 Success
Onager Dunecrawlers roll 3d10= 9, 7, 3= 2 Successes
Krios Battle Tanks 1 roll 3d10= 3, 8, 10= 3 Successes
Krios Battle Tanks 2 roll 3d10= 4, 7, 5= 1 Success
Skorpius Dune Crawlers roll 3d10= 9, 5, 1= 0 Successes

Guazou Willpower roll 5d10= 1, 7, 3, 4, 3= 0 Successes
Chaos Space Marine Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 5, 10, 5, 3= 2 Successes
Cultists Ballistic Skill roll 2d10= 10, 3= 2 Successes
Predator Tank roll 4d10= 8, 5, 5, 7= 2 Successes
Land Speeder roll 4d10= 8, 7, 10, 9= 4 Successes
Attack Bike roll 4d10= 6, 6, 3, 5= 2 Successes
Chimeras roll 2d10= 5, 5= 0 Successes

Imperials: 85/16
Eyes of the Mutator: 12/80

Imperial Victory

Bertrand Dupont Willpower roll 5+1(Omake)=6d10 (SC 3/5)= 4, 7, 2, 8, 6, 6= 4 Successes
Falce Perception roll 5d10= 3, 9, 5, 1, 1= 0 Successes, Critical Failure

Durritian Engineseers Intelligence roll 2d10= 2, 6= 1 Success

Smilnay Techpriests Intelligence roll 3d10= 8, 6, 3= 2 Successes

As far as skirmishes go, the attack on the Eyes of the Mutator's convoy was a masterstroke. Having caught the heretics on route to the crash site of the Bird of Prey, the reconnaissance elements had successfully ambushed them, slaying one of their officers and causing enough confusion to prevent the enemy from recovering their nerve before the bulk of the Imperial forces in the area landed. When the Eyes of the Mutator and their thralls seem about to recover, the Imperial forces slammed onto them from all sides like a tidal wave, the overwhelming superiority in numbers, equipment and quality overcoming the traitors with an ease that seemed almost farcical when in the context of fighting Chaos Space Marine. By all metrics, it was an astounding success, with barely any casualty worth mentioning and every single member of the enemy force lying in puddles of gore in the barren badlands.

By all metrics, except Bertrand Dupont's opinion, who's accounting of the situation as he, Chapter Master Severus and the rest of the Honor Guard in a Thunderhawk towards the remains of the Bird of Prey diverges from that of his brothers. Not in a manner that would imply that he would have preferred a defeat or a bloodier victory, but in the sense that he is unsatisfied with how… effortless, the victory had been.

He had scarcely had the time to wet his sword with the blood of one of the traitor sons of the Khan before the battle was over. And that was that, a mediocre showing for he who was supposed to be the finest blade in the Chapter, even if Bertrand readily acknowledges that in truth Myrok Kuthil reigns supreme among their brothers when it comes to shedding lifes in melee combat. A perfunctory affair that is unsuited for his ambition.

Bertrand had seen for the first time the Chapter Champion of the Mist Shrike when Claudius Spatha had rammed a table knife through his older cousin Pierre after humiliating him in what was supposed to be a honourable duel and had ended up as an absolute mockery. Now the fault layed with Pierre for not conceding the second he knew that an Angel of Death was his opponent, but he had been a good cousin to Bertrand when he was a child and the honour of house Dupont had been dealt a ruinous insult by Spatha, something that would have been a reputational death kneel if it weren't for his acceptance into the Mist Shrikes ranks. And it was Bertrand's responsibility to enact retribution for that offense and allow Pierre's spirit to with more ease. Of course, murdering Spatha was completely out of the question just by the sheer heresy of it all, so the Braicamese noble had come with an alternative solution.

Completely overshadow him.

He would become the Chapter Champion after Claudius inevitable demise, and achieve such a vast breadth of outstanding deeds and triumphs that the Terran's own record looks like an anecdotal footnote in comparison. So that when millenia of Imperial rule pass by, the Librarius of the Chapter will be hard-pressed to recall that there had been a Chapter Champion before him. He would deal Spatha the most grievous insult a man can receive.


And so Bertrand had applied himself with the utmost effort to his goal, impressing with his bladework the renowned captain of the 7th and even earning an appreciative glance from the laconic Master of Recruit. When Spatha had been interred into a Dreadnought and his position became vacant, Dupont had passed the interviews, test and examinations with flying colours. He had defeated every single challenger that had faced him in the tournament; fellow Braicamians, Luctusians with decades of experience over him, Terran Veterans and even that suicidal maniac Balint and the oversized oaf that was Thrax had fallen before him. Chapter Master Severus, greatest of the Founders, had acknowledged his excellence and named him Chapter Champion.

And then a decade of nothing. Of accompanying the Chapter Master as he cowed with the might of his words and presence both human and xenos, without the need of Bertrand to unsheathe his sword in anger. The campaign in Yerma is the golden opportunity to begin accruing the deeds he needed to achieve his goals, and while the fighting against the Daemonic filth aboard the Chapter's flagship had been an adequate beginning, he had been unable to claim any noteworthy skull. He needed better fights than this one if he desired to attain his goal.

The Chapter Champion train of thought is disrupted by the Thunderhawk they're riding making landfall, the rhythmic drumming of Severus fingers stopping the instant the craft stills completely. The ramp of the Thunderhawk opens and all its occupants set foot back into Yerma Tertius lifeless surface.

The first thing that greets them is the sight of the fallen Strike Cruiser, the Bird of Prey reduced from a void predator to a beached carcass. The second is what remains of its crew. Dupont questions what his sight reveals when out of the sixty Astartes and thousands of crewmembers that manned the ship, only fifteen sons of Curze stand before them, their armors and bearing showing signs of harsh damage and shameful defeat. No one speaks initially, the dismayed confusion of the Honor Guard contrasting with the miserable air of Lieutenant Furor and what remains of the Command Squad of the 3rd Company and 3-7. And then Captain Gallienus speaks.

"Welcome to Yerma Tertius, Chapter Master. The rest of the crew would've liked to greet you as well, but unfortunately they are unable to do so on account of their demise."

Alesios immediately admonishes Gallienus for his words, but Bertrand does not discern the exact words as a red haze descends upon his vision. What manner of baseless worm presides over such a disaster and then makes light of it as if it were a minor misstep?! Dupont didn't have a solid opinion of the Master of the 3rd before this campaign, but now he can't discern if he is the rare instance of a transhuman lackwit and genuinely cannot discern the severity of the situation or is just an irresponsible knave of such a magnitude as to be indifferent about it. The fact that none of the other survivors react to the callous words stokes Bertrand's anger. His hand drifts to his sword hilt as he considers carving the consequences of the whoreson's failures onto his back.

"Gallienus." Dupont's red haze is lifted upon hearing the Chapter Master, his lack of amusement at Gallienus' demeanour evident in his tone, as dry and harsh as the landscape around them. "Report." The younger Terran catches onto it immediately, as he does as ordered with a more neutral voice.

"We crashlanded onto the planet with minor Space Marine losses and heavy losses in terms of crew. I decided to enact sabotage of the Spaceports anti-air batteries and other defenses, followed by an assault on the enemy positions with what forces I had remaining. We were unable to cause enough damage to secure tactical superiority before we were discovered and we were overwhelmed in the subsequent confrontation. I ordered a retreat back to the Bird of Prey to fortify it and await reinforcement, with most of what remained of my company and the surviving serfs perishing due to the enemy advantage in transport numbers and terrain knowledge."

Severus remains silent for a few, tense seconds after Gallienus concludes his abridged report. When he does speak, his voice is slightly softer, but only by the thinnest of margin. "Get your men into the Thunderhawk, Captain. I will debrief you more extensively aboard the Fear of Judgement." Gallienus and his men do as ordered after saluting, and Severus, Bertrand and the rest of the Honor Guard follow behind them. Bertrand glares daggers in Gallienus' direction for the first minutes of travel, but soon turns his frustrations towards the campaign in general, impatient to claim honour and accolades through worthy kills.

-Bird of Prey Secured, what remains of Gallienus' forces has been rescued.
-37 Marines slain, 5 Veterans slain, Senior Techmarine Capua slain, Chaplain Djanko slain, Company Champion Scipio slain. 22 Progenoids recovered.
-2 Suits of MK.VIII "Errant" Armor destroyed, 2 Combat Shields destroyed, 1 Omnissiah Axe destroyed, 2 Power Swords destroyed, 1 Extra Missile Launcher destroyed, 1 Melta Gun destroyed, 1 Plasma Gun destroyed, 2 Lascannons destroyed, 2 Rhinos destroyed, 1 Whirlwind destroyed.

Other Assaults:

The assault on the Sorcerer's Tower was a costly endeavor, for not only did the Sorcerers that dwelled there made abundant use of dangerous rituals and traps but the location itself was the most heavily garrisoned location of the planet, with presence both from mutated Astartes and Chaos Terminators. The assigned Guard regiments and the Order of the Thorned Spear sustained substantial casualties, of particular note being all the armor elements of the 94th Zatlocozny Rifles being twisted into uselessness and the 54th Yamunan Gravekeepers being reduced to a third of their effectives, victory has been achieved, with the chief Sorcerer of the Eyes of the Mutator, Shang Shao, dead at the hands of Deathwing Champion Berenguer de Claramunt, alongside the rest of the Traitor Forces. Afterwards the Tower was demolished through concentrated artillery fire and strafing runs.

The attack of the Spaceport was an absolute success, the defenses weakened by the attack of the Mist Shrikes 3rd Company overwhelmed in short order. The location has been completely secured with minimal casualties, all of its heretical inhabitants purged in the successive occupation.


Mist Shrikes 7th Company reinforcements 1d100 (DC 90)= 56
Mist Shrikes 9th Company reinforcements 1d100 (DC 90)= 84
Angels Revenant reinforcements 1d100 (DC 70)= 83
Inquisitor Bereket reinforcements 1d100 (DC 50)= 56

Yerma System, Ditú Subsector, Aetelian Sector. 797 M41

After the success of the assaults on Yerma Tertius, it had taken three months for the Imperial Forces to declare themselves ready to prosecute the rest of the campaign again. The time had not been spent idly, as they had taken advantage of those four months to ensure the demise of all Eyes of the Mutator on the Planet, allow as much troops as they could to regain combat effectiveness, find a manner to disable the sorcerous barrier that prevented bombardment on the planet without fatal consequences, remove the frame of the Bird of Prey from the planet surface and give time for more reinforcements to arrive on system.

Now the leaders of the Imperial task force are gathered once more, and you take a moment to evaluate both the new arrivals and the absences. Of the former, the Angels Revenant had been expected, their two companies represented by their respective Captains. The one in command of the contingent is Olin Defer of the 2nd Company, whose friendly greeting towards you had contrasted with the cold look that 7th Captain Irrin Defer had given you. Inquisitor Seble Bereket had arrived without prior warning alongside the sons of Guilliman, and when you inquired as to why she had not announced her intention of lending her assistance before she had replied off-hand some nonsense about lightning and foolish owls. The last newcomer is Yeretai of the White Scars, and while the native of Chogoris commands nobody but himself, once Falce, Master of Sanctity Prasong and Interrogator-Chaplain Golphoger had declared him clear of taint the respect owed to one of the Nine First Founding Chapters had guaranteed his presence at the table.

The absences created in the fighting on Yerma Tertius were limited to the Epistolary that accompanied Lusignan before, who had been slain in the brutal slaughter that was the assault of the Sorcerer's Tower, and Palatine Caoimhe O'Sheridan, crushed to death by a Defiler outside the Vaults. The demise of your cousin was unfortunate, but it was the death of the Sister of Battle that concerns you more. The only remaining officers of the Sororitas present are Palatine Ciara Lynch, who alternates between glaring hatefully at her potential superior and doing the same to you, and the aforementioned Ríona, which would have been less disquieting if it wasn't for your 10th Captain reports of her demeanor in the Vaults.

Still, that is an issue for later, as there is now something else to catch your attention.

You have seen an Exterminatus before, back during the Rangdan Xenocides. The details of that particular battle (the only one in that horrifying affair that you have been involved in, thankfully) elude you almost completely despite the eidetic memory of Space Marines, and you feel instinctively that it is a good thing, but one of the only clear memories you have is that of the a cyclonic torpedo reducing that planet to dust, and the silence in the bridge at the planet broke, a quiet caused by bone-deep exhaustion, sorrow and the solemnity of seeing a whole world die.

The mood amidst all of you gathered in the Wrath of the Lion's strategium as Inquisitor Clerici's flagship fires its payload against Yerma Tertius is, by contrast, that of vicious satisfaction. There is silence as well, but it is a silence that frames wordless prayers and vicious smiles. You hope that the Lord of the Eyes of the Mutator is seeing it too, if only so that he knows the fate that awaits everything that he and his traitor brothers had built in service of their miserable God.

As the fragments of what was once a planet begin drifting through the void, you all plan the next target of the campaign with buoyed enthusiasm.

Mist Shrikes:

Fleet Assets:
-Battle Barge Fear of Judgement
-Strike Cruiser Bird of Prey
-Strike Cruiser Night Terror
-Sword-Class Frigate Steel Haze
-Sword-Class Frigate Necessary Discrepancy
-Sword-Class Frigate Mind Killer
-4 Thunderhawks
-10 Storm Ravens

Ground Forces:
–Chapter Master Severus of the Mist Shrikes
–Honor Guard
–Chapter Champion Bertrand Dupont
–Master of Sanctity Falce
–Codicier Ivan Polikhat
–2nd Company Captain Emilianus Pluvia
–2nd Company Command Squad
–2nd Company Ancient Aquilifer
–2nd Company Champion
–Senior Techmarine Noricum
–Senior Apothecary Anodynon
–Chaplain Jaronski
–2nd Company Lieutenant Ulpio
–2nd Company Lieutenant Gallo
–2nd Company Tactical Squads
–2nd Company Assault Squads
–2nd Company Devastator Squads
–3rd Company Captain Gallienus
–3rd Company Command Squad
–3rd Company Ancient Dragomir
–Apothecary Sarjanovic
–3rd Company Lieutenant Furor
–3rd Company Lieutenant Cataegis
–Tactical Squads 3-4 and 3-5
–Assault Squad 3-7 and 3-8
–Devastator Squad 3-10
–10th Company Secutor
–10th Company Command Squad
–10th Company Champion
–10th Company Ancient Caligae
–10th Company Champion Gnaeus
–Senior Techmarine Ostia
–Senior Apothecary Soran
–Chaplain Jaronski
–10th Company Lieutenant Iosephus
–10th Company Lieutenant Lanista
–Squads 10-1 through 10-3
–Squads 10-6 and 10-7
–Inquisitorial Escort of Mist Shrike Veterans
–Land Raider Dark Horizon
–5 Rhinos (1 Damaged)
–4 Whirlwinds (1 Gravely Damaged)
–1 Razorback
–1 Predator Tank
–Tomb-Champion Claudius Spatha
–Tomb-Master Domitian

Angels Crusader:

Fleet Assets

–Battle Barge Wrath of the Lion
–Gladius-Class Escort Intolerance
–Gladius-Class Escort Zealotry
–Gladius-Class Escort Fanaticism
–Gladius-Class Escort Willfulness
–17 Thunderhawks
–18 Storm Ravens

Ground Forces:

–Master of the Deathwing Gerard de Lusignan
–Deathwing Knights
–Deathwing Ancient Godefroy
–Deathwing Champion Berenguer de Claramunt
–Interrogator Chaplain Golphoger
–Deathwing Apothecary Aimery
–Deathwing Technmarine Berthramus de Silvester
–Codicier Canali
–Codicier Tisserant
–16 Five Marine Squads of Deathwing Terminators
–Venerable Brother Gerard De Martigues (Castaferrum-Pattern)
–Land Raider Holy Xenocider
–Land Raider God-Emperor's Mercy
–Land Raider Doom of the Faithless

Blazing Wardens:

Fleet Assets:

–Strike Cruiser Bulwark of Fire
–10 Thunderhawks
–8 Storm Ravens

Ground Forces:

–Master of Sanctity Prasong Kauthai
–4th Company Captain Danai Kraiputra
–4th Company Command Squad
–Company Ancient Trinai
–Company Champion Kasan
–Chaplain Kulthorn Mahagitsiri
–Epistolary Prakit Ekraluck
–4 Tactical Squads
–1 Assault Squad (Below Combat Effectiveness)
–2 Devastator Squads
–Revenant Rajanon (Castaferrum-Pattern Dreadnought)
–8 Rhinos
–2 Predator Tanks.

Angels Revenant:

-Fleet Assets:

–Battle Barge Undying Legacy
–Sword Class Frigate Felicitas
–Sword Class Frigate Furor
–10 Thunderhawks

-Ground Forces:

–Epistolary Mersaz
–Epistolary Kirlan
–2nd Company Captain Olin Defer
–2nd Company Command Squad
–2nd Company Ancient Talez Dain
–2nd Company Champion Shoren
–Senior Apothecary Lascal Pegos
–Senior Techmarine Pormoz
–Senior Chaplain Peltasta Arran
–2nd Company Tactical Squads
–2nd Company Assault Squads
–2nd Company Devastator Squads
–7th Company Command Captain Irrin Defer
–7th Company Command Squad
–7th Company Ancient Muldes
–7th Company Champion Arthas
–Apothecary Tirria
–Techmarine Usmiz
–Chaplain Poratal
–7th Company Tactical Squads
–5 Rhinos
–3 Razorbacks
–2 Whirlwinds
–20 Scout Bikes
–10 Land Speeders

White Scars:

–Brotherhood Champion Yeretai

Imperial Navy:

–Admiral Konishi Niwa Fleet:
–Retribution-Class Battleship Glory of Martydom
–Lunar-Class Cruiser Hand of the Righteous
–Lunar-Class Cruiser Treachery's Doom
Gothic-Class Cruiser Owed Retribution
Sword-Class Frigate Dauntless
Sword-Class Frigate Undying
–Firestorm-Class Frigate Relentless Advance
–Firestorm-Class Frigate Cold Vengeance
–134 Valkyries

Imperial Guard:

-101st Yamunan Gravekeepers
–Colonel Ezekiel
–9 Companies of Light Infantry
–17 Chimeras
–82 Sentinels

-143rd Yamunan Gravekeepers
–Colonel Jebediah Bowles
–9 Companies of Light Infantry
–19 Chimeras
–96 Sentinels

-540th Yamunan Gravekeepers
–Colonel Eliza Sinclair
–3 Companies of Light Infantry
-14 Chimeras
–62 Sentinels

-23rd Carolean Guard
–General Felix Mörner
–10 Companies of Heavy Infantry
–20 Leman Russ Vanquishers
–50 Leman Russ tanks
–100 Chimeras

-95th Sebourc Royals
–Colonel Jacques D'Albret
–10 Companies of Line Infantry
–17 Leman Russes
–46 Chimeras

-41st Durrutian Volunteers
–"Colonel" Aitor
–10 Companies of Line Infantry
–20 Leman Russes
–50 Chimeras

-94th Zatloczony Rifles
–Colonel Józefina Szumska
–6 Companies of Line Infantry
–10 Leman Russes
–25 Chimeras

-87th Spartos Artillery (Rebuilding Regiments Trait)
–Colonel Alcibíades Nikos
–7 Companies of Mechanized Infantry
-68 Basilisks
-29 Chimeras

-465th Mučedník Guard (Rebuilding Regiments Trait)
–Colonel Václav Havlík
–10 Companies of Line Infantry
–20 Leman Russes
–50 Chimeras

-220th Boshinese Rikoguns (Rebuilding Regiments Trait)
–Colonel Mizuno Natsuyo
–8 Companies of Line Infantry
–18 Leman Russes
–39 Chimeras

Order of the Thorned Spear:

Fleet Assets:

–Piety-Class Cruiser Fervent Devotion
–Piety-Class Cruiser Purifying Penance
–Dauntless-Class Light-Cruiser Cleansing Fire
–Dauntless-Class Light-Cruiser Sinner's Annihilation
–18 Sororitas Thunderhawks

Ground Forces:

–Acting Canoness Ríona
–Palatine Ciara Lynch
–3 Dogmatas
–3 Imagifiers
–11 Sisters Hospitallers
–13 Battle Sister Squads
–5 Retributors Squads
–11 Dominion Squads
–3 Seraphim Squads
–2 Repentia Squads
–6 Penitent Engines
–1 Mortifiers
–5 Immolators
–3 Exorcist Tanks
–4 Castigator Tanks

Forge World Smilnay:

Fleet Assets:

–Adeptus Mechanicus Cruiser Blessing of the Cog
–50 Archaopters

Ground Forces:

–Master of the Skitarii Samuel Omicron-Epsilon 529
–4 Fulgurite Electro-Priests
–1 Sydonian Skatros
–6 Squads of Skitarii Hyspaspists
–1 Maniple of Skitarii Vanguards
–3 Squads of Skitarii Rangers
–2 Squads of Skitarii Sagitarii
–19 Onager Dune Crawlers
–97 Krios Battle Tanks
–95 Skorpius Dune Crawlers

Ordo Malleus:

Fleet Assets:

–Inquisitorial Cruiser Eternal Vigil
–Inquisitorial Frigate Hidden Hand
–19 Valkyries

Ground Forces:

–Inquisitor Durante Clerici
–Inquisitorial Retinue
–2 Squads of Arco-Flagellants
–4 Crusader Squads of House Inim-Shara
–2 Retributor Squads from the Order of the Hallowed Chalice
--Inquisitor Seble Bereket.
--Inquisitorial Retinue
--Stormtrooper Platoon
--Squad of Azerii Warriors

Mist Shrikes 7th Company:

-Fleet Assets:

–Strike Cruiser Luctusian Dusk
–Strike Cruiser Unavoidable Sentence
–4 Thunderhawks

-Ground Forces:

–Captain Constantinus Logos
--7th Company Command Squad
--Company Ancient Vidtis
–Company Champion Ferrus
–Apothecary Florent Pascal
–Techmarine Vantara
–Chaplain Lavtizar
–Squads 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 7-6, 7-7 and 7-10.
–Squads 10-4 and 7-8 (Below Combat Effectiveness)

Mist Shrikes 9th Company

-Fleet Assets:

–Strike Cruiser Shrouded Blade

-Ground Forces:

–Captain Mikhail Vitalievich
–9th Company Command Squad
–Company Ancient Zaikov
–Company Champion Sigismund
–Apothecary Morozov
–Techmarine Kalashnikov
–Chaplain Pavel
–Codicier Igor Blesk
–Techmarine Rozval
–Techmarine Orban
–Apothecary in Training Istvan
–Lieutenant Jónás
–Squads 9-4 through 9-7

General Plan of Attack:
-[] Attack Both Planets at once:
–[] Write-in which ships will attack each planet.
-[] Attack one planet at a time
–[] Yerma Primus
(Most heavily defended, will cripple any attempt to reinforce or rebuild their space assets.)
–[] Yerma Secundus (Well defended, will cut off food supplies for the other two planets.)

Combat Doctrine (How will your forces operate during combat):
-[] Long Range Engagement
(Boarding will not be attempted).
-[] Aggressive Boarding. (Boarding will be attempted as soon as an enemy ship or station loses their shielding.)
-[] Boardings of Opportunity. (Boarding will only be attempted on weakened or lightly crewed ships and stations, such as counterboardings.)

Usage of Gunships (The sorcerous barrier over the planets of Yerma prevents both orbital bombardment and drop pod assaults, forcing you to land your forces via gunship. As such, determine your usage of gunships in the space battle):
-[] Use during dogfights
(Gunships will be used as strike-craft during the space battle)
-[] Reserve for planetary assault (Gunships won't be used as strike-craft during the space battle).

Q.M Note: So, first of all a warning. Its 2:30 AM here, and Papa Nurgle is kicking my ass so while I think that the update is written with the usual quality (not very good), I once more gently encourage people to point out spelling mistakes and the like you might see. Thank you in advance.

As for the update itself and the battles you did not see due to not assigning any Mist Shrikes, you were very lucky on the prisoner roll. You were very unlucky on the Spaceport retreat rolls, but between the damage Gallienus caused and the forces they diverted to chase him your allies walked over the remaining garrison. The prison and especially the Bird of Prey are a curb-stomp, the Vaults were more tightly contested and the Sorcerer's Tower is the greatest battle you won't see. (Biggest amount of successes in the whole quest and some of the rolls are insane)

As for now, moratorium of eight hours as I try to catch some sleep. I will answer questions and review submitted planets when I wake up. Have a nice day.
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Emperor's giant golden ballsack, I am increasingly convinced these Sororitas are flat out not worth anything except as fodder. Every single one of them catastrophically failed important rolls somewhere in this turn.

@ThunderOwl , please use a different set of dice for them, these ones are cursed as shit.

At least the Astartes generally got decent rolls.

EDIT: Ok, pretty bad results and I do NOT like some of those failed perception rolls, but all in all this planet is mostly completely secured, we got some great bennies out of it (especially those prisoners), and some reinforcements are coming in to make up the difference. And the Mist Shrikes didn't suffer terrible casualties, which is useful.

Overall, call it a B turn. Some lose ends are going to cause us problems later, but a pretty good start overall.

We are going to have to have a serious sitdown with Rionna though.

EDIT: Thanks again for a fantastic update, ThunderOwl
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Woof, now those were some battles. To be honest other than the Sisters things went okay as far as I can tell; casualties are still within acceptable levels, though I really hope our chaplains can notice what's up with Bertrand before he goes even further off the deep end.

As for Riona...Well, she's whacko even by the standards of the Ecclesiarchy, but she's still valuable to have pointed at the enemy. Better to figure that out sooner than later I guess.

As for our next assault, I'm inclined towards focusing on Secundus, but I can also see the value of gunning it for the base of operations. I'm not certain that cutting off their food will make as much a difference for the remaining planet as it would have at the start.
[] Plan Slow and Steady Wins
-[] Yerma Secundus (Well defended, will cut off food supplies for the other two planets.)
-[] Boardings of Opportunity.
(Boarding will only be attempted on weakened or lightly crewed ships and stations, such as counterboardings.)
-[] Use during dogfights (Gunships will be used as strike-craft during the space battle)

[] Plan Go For The Gold
-[] Yerma Primus (Most heavily defended, will cripple any attempt to reinforce or rebuild their space assets.)
-[] Boardings of Opportunity. (Boarding will only be attempted on weakened or lightly crewed ships and stations, such as counterboardings.)
-[] Use during dogfights (Gunships will be used as strike-craft during the space battle)

I'm not fussed about which planet to attack, but I think OpporBoard is the best option so far, and I think we need to start using our gunships as dogfighters because of how the other aerospace assets were butchered in the previous fight. Risky, but something to consider.
"Do not give in to despair." A voice breaks through the desperate reminiscence, and Ríona turns her head to the side to see who has spoken, and once she does, the heart that had been pumping frantically within her chest skips a beat. A figure towers over her, clad in glimmering, golden armor that is liberally adorned with eagles. Long, luscious black locks fall from his head like a curtain, surrounded by a nimbus of warm golden light, and a tanned face, handsome beyond any comparison and with eyes that blaze with power, looks upon her, showing a serious, stern expression that is immediately broken by a warm, comforting smile.
So I'm 50/50 on if this is a pure hallucination or a fragment of the star child/emperor. I remember reading the Emperor threw his emotions/compassion into the warp in order to kill horus/be able to make the sacrifices that were "nessisary" for the great crusade depends on what story your going by.
Completely overshadow him.

He would become the Chapter Champion after Claudius inevitable demise, and achieve such a vast breadth of outstanding deeds and triumphs that the Terran's own record looks like an anecdotal footnote in comparison. So that when millenia of Imperial rule pass by, the Librarius of the Chapter will be hard-pressed to recall that there had been a Chapter Champion before him. He would deal Spatha the most grievous insult a man can receive.

I'm kinda worried about Bertrand though I get where he's coming from. Personally I think a trial by combat for a land dispute where one sides gets to call on a space marine as his champion is pretty bullshit and I'd be mad too. I'm Just worried he's going to try and be "perfect" in his attempts to outshine Spatha.
-Bird of Prey Secured, what remains of Gallienus' forces has been rescued.
-37 Marines slain, 5 Veterans slain, Senior Techmarine Capua slain, Chaplain Djanko slain, Company Champion Scipio slain. 22 Progenoids recovered.
-2 Suits of MK.VIII "Errant" Armor destroyed, 2 Combat Shields destroyed, 1 Omnissiah Axe destroyed, 2 Power Swords destroyed, 1 Extra Missile Launcher destroyed, 1 Melta Gun destroyed, 1 Plasma Gun destroyed, 2 Lascannons destroyed, 2 Rhinos destroyed, 1 Whirlwind destroyed.
Jesus that went bad.

been reduced from her torment.
been relieved from her torment.
when two-third of their anti-air cannons exploded
when two-thirds of their anti-air cannons exploded
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At least now, we have now broken both their enemy fleets now and wiped out a third of their planets in the process, along with their best sorcerours and chaos artifacts on hand. The rest from here on, is going to be more on the ground campaign for the remainder two, but that should be more then worth it considering one of them is a agri-world meant to feed the system without much else to its worth besides that.
I feel that the Sisters are doing better than usual given their history of jobbing and that their performance was more to blame due to the unusually high rolls from the Mutators. I am more focused on the lost vehicles and the Mist Shrikes' strong performance so far. As for Ríona, she has provided strong leadership for her order who apparently lack sufficient zeal/and or insanity.
Alright, so I'm away on a vacation so I can make a plan like I usually can but what's the game plan here? I remember people saying they want to go after Secundus to start starving the EotM forces in Primus.
Damm shame on sherridan she was a fine space commander plus she was neutral to us and would have been good future ally as well when we improve relations

And we need to get a fix on dupont amd riona issues please falce roll good

And double damm our specialist are getting hit with bad rolls cost or nearly cost them
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Honestly considering we're facing a Proper Traitor Warband, that's older then our entire chapter by several centuries We're doing pretty damn good

Also damn our founders can never afford to die becuase our Senior Techmarines and Apothecaries keep dying every time they go on missions
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Yeah, this isn't just a Traitor Warband, these are traitors that has had decades to fortify this system and prepare who knows how many traps and nasty surprises, doubly so as this is a Tzeentchian group. Frankly we're lucky at all that we have the chance to burn out an entrenched nest of heretics like this.
So a question out of curiosity for the thread, if we do end up picking Yerma Primus due to it being the most heavily defended traitor planets should we include in the plan to stop by, do battle and steal a couple(possibly) few uncorrupted void ships at Yerma Secundus just to have a bit more extra firepower to bring?
I vote we go for Yerma Secundus next. A White Scar, well he should definitely have an interesting story for his brothers if he survives I wonder if we will be able to open up offical contact with the White Scars after this campaign
Those reinforcements just now are a god emperors send I think maybe we have a decent chunk go after Yerma Primus and use some asserts to do a blockade of Yerma Secundus if possible or we could just exterminatus the world.
[] Cut the head off
-[] Attack one planet at a time
–[] Yerma Primus
(Most heavily defended, will cripple any attempt to reinforce or rebuild their space assets.)
-[] Boardings of Opportunity. (Boarding will only be attempted on weakened or lightly crewed ships and stations, such as counterboardings.)
-[] Reserve for planetary assault (Gunships won't be used as strike-craft during the space battle).
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So I was right on my instinct that the prisons had a probability of holding a VIP.
I vote we go for Yerma Secundus next. A White Scar, well he should definitely have an interesting story for his brothers if he survives I wonder if we will be able to open up offical contact with the White Scars after this campaign
It's an instant favor that will be well utilised when it's time for Dark Eldar hunting.
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