Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

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Because you picked Night Lord, Vithal Irash and Malzover died aboard the Fear of Judgement when it was Lost to the Warp. Malzover was even a companion option.

While the answer to how strong they are now would be spoiler, they might appear on future deployment or campaigns. Then again, they might not. The galaxy is a big place after all.
Oh, I had no idea the Judgement housed 3 companies when it was lost, but yeah now that I can see it over, he was an option for our first captain? Ah well, sometimes the good of the chapter comes at the expense of the individual.
Fair enough on the secrecy on their power, or if we could meet them. The galaxy is wide enough for a lot of things to happen, I just figured they might meet with us because of the power of being the Protagonist, like with Sarvak.
The Death of Captain Severus of the Night Lord (Unselected Severus AU)
@ThunderOwl have something I threw together over lunch.

Death of Captain Severus of the Night Lords(Unselected Severus AU.)

"This is wrong." Thought Severus as he observed the scene of the best of humanity killing each other on the field of battle. Iron hands, lead in a desperate charge by their Primarch find themselves cut down by the swords of Emperor's Children, the Raven Guard who had taken to the sky's are shot down by massed bolter and rocket fire from the Alpha legion and Night Lords, and even the Salamander's vaunted flame resistance is shown to be wanting in the face of weaponized promethium artillery shells of the Iron Warriors.

"This is wrong!" Severus thought as he felt bile beginning to grow in the back of his mouth as he halfheartedly blocked a desperate lunge from a Raven Guard with his Chainglaive, only to have his opponent cut down by a nearby Alpha Legionary.

He moves on through the battle like this, though he moves slow enough that most of the others begin to overtake him, pressing the loyalists back. The screams and battle cries of Astartes, Astra Militarum, and Mechanicus, Loyalist and Rebel alike intermix into a cacophony of noise.

Until coming across an isolated ravine. Spotting a flicker of movement, he approaches it, finding a well camouflaged cave isolated and hidden from plain view from above. He enters it, only to find the barrels and blades of bolters and tactical knives pointed at him. Scattered around the small cave a squad of green clad salamanders held court, but as Severus observed them, all of them looked worse for wear.

One was wheezing, and coughing blood even as he aimed his weapon, likely because the large crozius shaped dent in his breastplate had collapsed two of his three lungs, another only wielded a bolter pistol, for they only had their right arm, a third had his teeth clenched in pain, the shattered form of his helmet next to him, exposing one half of his face near torn to strips of meat by shrapnel. It repeated, one and all, the entire squad of Salamanders bore wounds of battle.

It was the Sergeant of the squad, the one who seemed the least wounded who stepped forward, when neither side fired the first shot. "For the glory of Terra…" the Sergeant started, and paused as if waiting for Severus to say something back.

Severus was puzzled for a few moments, until he took in the Sergeant's full form and spotted the badge of unification on his pauldron. 'This is Wrong' Severus thought as he said. "…And the Unification of Mankind's wills."

This seemed to be enough for the Sergeant who signaled to his men to place their weapons down. "This ravine travels all the way back to the rear lines. I helped in the maintenance of several thunderhawks, and I know the activation chants. I would be honored if you were to help escort us captain." The Sergeant looked tiredly at Severus.

Severus chuckled darkly, though there was little humor in his voice. "There is no honor to be found on this field today Sergeant. We move in ten."


The group moved through the ravine as fast as stealth and their wounds would allow them. Several times, Severus stopped the group and allowed the Rebel forces to pass them by above, using all of his knowledge and training to ensure that the group remained undetected.

But the problem was, he was not the only one on Istavann V who had been trained in the arts of his legion.

He saw them before he heard them, a glint of bat wings on a helmet, looking at the last member of the squad of Salamanders. They were keeping their distance, stalking their group as if they were prey.

Severus took a hidden position on the side of the column of walking wounded, with only a questioning look shot his way by the Salamander's sergeant. He signaled the group to keep moving, and as they moved he waited. After a few minutes of utter stillness he dropped, from the ravine wall, driving his chainglaive into the back of the Night Lords Astartes who had been following them.

Spotting the mark of a Sergeant on his pauldron, Severus shouted "Run! I shall be right behind you!" As he pressed himself to the opposite wall of the Ravine, as bolter shells impacted and exploded into the wall he previously occupied. The Salamanders are quick to pick up the pace of their movement, all thoughts of stealth discarded for the effort to escape from their pursuers. Only the Sergent casts a glance back at the captain's back.

More Night Lords quickly reveal themselves, though they are limited by the narrow confines of the ravine. They shout threats and battle cries at the Salamanders and Severus both. 'Your screams shall play as we invade Nocturne!' 'Traitor of the legion!' 'For the Warmaster!' Echo off the walls of the ravine.

Severus stands in their way. Sending a brief salute in the direction of the Salamander's Sergeant, he roars a battle cry as he charges forward with his chainglaive driving it into the body of another Night Lord Marine. Dropping the glaive as it would not serve him well in the confines of the ravine, Severus draws his Volkite and his knife firing at the approaching marines, as they returned fire with their bolters.

Two more of the Night Lords fall to the Volkite fire, before another charges him trying to knock the pistol from his hand, the rebel only receives a knife through his eye lens, before Severus quickly withdraws it. And continues firing at the line of night lords, dropping another of the bolter wielding marines. Another charges him, his own knife drawn and flashing, scoring a hit into Severus's flank, but receiving a stab through his helmet in return. Severus tries to extract his knife only to find it has become stuck on something within the marines skull or helm.

Severus is forced to abandon the knife as the final three night lords charge and overtake him. Kicking the Volkite away, they begin to pummel him in turns, one assaulting him while the other 2 holds his arms, and they quickly make short work of him, one drawing a knife to finish him, only for Severus to laugh, his laughter choked with his own blood.

"Is that your final action traitor? To deny your own fear? Has your imminent death driven you to hysterics?" As he speaks, red lights begin flashing on Severus's belt as well as the other Night Lords. Severus's hand rises up, on each finger a small ring of metal, the pins from krak grenades.

As the Night Lords attempt to pull away to seek cover, Severus, using the last of his strength, grabs them into choke holds and leg locks. "You may be as cruel as our gene father Nostromians, but you are not as fast as him, or as fast as me!" With that final shout the Krak's explode, taking Severus and the other Night Lords along with him.

Thus Died Severus, Captain of the Night Lords. His final thought. 'This is Right'
Well with the unchosen Backgrounds out and about, I have a trio of choices i want to write some Omakes for, but don't know which one to try first so, i'm open to whichever one people want to see

Unselected Severus AU: Old Hound
-Battle over Luctus to save it from a Night Lord Warband

Unselected Severus AU: Pinnacle of Endurance
-The founding of the Chapter

Unselected Severus AU: Warrior-Musician
-Dueling the Nurgle Warband with the Blazing Wardens
I like the sounds of the Warrior-Musician one.

Also, I love that if Severus wasn't chosen, he would've died saving some Salamanders. Makes me want to be even better bros with the Blazing Wardens
Honestly, I wouldn't mind a grand series of omakes, spread out over months at least, to probably in all likelihood years, with each omake being from the perspective of one of the captains that we didn't wind up choosing, being the one that survived and just having their complete and total world be turned upside down by the fact that their legion turned, and in some cases, helped cause the Horus Heresy. Depending on the character you could want to talk about, its entirely possible to have plenty of different ways of portraying how these characters, from what little we can get from a few sentences each, would react and feel about it and their choice of being able to create their own chapter. For someone like Severus, once the harder truths were easier to swallow, it was incredibly easy to believe his own legion turned traitor, because his legion was the Night Lords. But how much could that be for the Thousand Son Devotee? Or, how would the Warrior Historian of the Emperor's Children, feel about his entire legions history and culture not only be destroyed or completely redacted, but also what that culture and history has twisted and warped itself into?
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I can envision omakes of the founders just taking to life in 40k and the differences from their legion to the chapter starting with acknowledging the recruits aren't from Nostromo and that's a good thing followed by musings of if it weren't for the flimsy warp travel would they be there to become traitors with the rest of their legion?
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I wouldn't be remiss of that idea. We can only get so much from the founders that deals with how they deal with things involving their daily life in the monastery or actions during our insertions as it is, even with the 5k updates that go into length about how they deal with combat against any of the foe's we deal with on a yearly basis.
It could also be like the founders do a get together on one of those rare occasions and then reminisce about the past. Maybe they even bring the ones let in on the secret to just keep discussing about the past and the chapter's future because there is a lot to discuss.
It could also be like the founders do a get together on one of those rare occasions and then reminisce about the past. Maybe they even bring the ones let in on the secret to just keep discussing about the past and the chapter's future because there is a lot to discuss.
Agreed, the chapters fate is still a weighty thing that has bot solifided itself yet. We still haven't gotten any veterans, and we still need to wait another two turns before we get any new marines to join up as our Nowalijki, and another 10 years after that before they become fullblooded marines. Maybe a talk about how the recruits match up in personality and skill, compared to the old hellish recruits they got from Nostramo?
Maybe a talk about how the recruits match up in personality and skill, compared to the old hellish recruits they got from Nostramo?
We did get a brief bit where the master of recruits was pleasantly surprised that he hadn't had to kill any of them yet.

Agreed, the chapters fate is still a weighty thing that has bot solifided itself yet. We still haven't gotten any veterans, and we still need to wait another two turns before we get any new marines to join up as our Nowalijki, and another 10 years after that before they become fullblooded marines.
We get new Aspirants and Nowalijki about every turn*. And as long as they don't get massacred we should have a small stream of them becoming marines each turn.

*As long as we don't roll super low on the aspirants and implantation rolls which we thankfully haven't yet.
Caught up on this today. I'm enjoying the quest and believe you all have done a decent job.

The chapter is getting its shit kicked in a bit because they just barely hit avg space marine competence in terms of skill and they are fighting things full strength chapters have issues with: Chaos Space Marine Warbands.

The chapter is too young to have veterans, too resource poor to have terminator armor, and just got their first Dreadnought this turn. Add in the tiny vehicle pool and its a wonder we've taken as few casualties as we have.

Oh, and we have no pyskers currently. That's a big oof.

Things will slowly get better from here, but lets just say we aren't going to have to worry about hitting full chapter strength anytime in the next century.
Caught up on this today. I'm enjoying the quest and believe you all have done a decent job.

The chapter is getting its shit kicked in a bit because they just barely hit avg space marine competence in terms of skill and they are fighting things full strength chapters have issues with: Chaos Space Marine Warbands.

The chapter is too young to have veterans, too resource poor to have terminator armor, and just got their first Dreadnought this turn. Add in the tiny vehicle pool and its a wonder we've taken as few casualties as we have.

Oh, and we have no pyskers currently. That's a big oof.

Things will slowly get better from here, but lets just say we aren't going to have to worry about hitting full chapter strength anytime in the next century.
To be honest our Chapter specialty where all of our Astartes can engage in stealth rather than just our Scouts has saved our ass massively since it allows us to avoid a lot of the typical grind that costs transhuman lives. I can't imagine the state we'd be in right now if we were Sons of Horus or Word Bearers instead. Death Guard benefit from higher Toughness and the Determined Resilience trait, and Thousand Sons means that there's psychic might on your side, which is a huge advantage, but everyone else is just kinda screwed for the first few decades.
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To be honest our Chapter specialty where all of our Astartes can engage in stealth rather than just our Scouts has saved our ass massively since it allows us to avoid a lot of the typical grind that costs transhuman lives. I can't imagine the state we'd be in right now if we were Sons of Horus or Word Bearers instead. Death Guard benefit from higher Toughness and the Determined Resilkence trait, and Thousand Sons means that there's psychic might on your side, which is a huge advantage, but everyone else is just kinda screwed for the first few decades.

Sons of Horus have great fellowship scores, so if we played them we likely would have better relations with many factions and more favors to call on for help on missions. Likewise the Word Bearer playthrough may find great synergy going all in on the Ecclesiarchy and getting Sister of Battle detachments following our companies around on missions. Beefing up our numbers.
To be honest our Chapter specialty where all of our Astartes can engage in stealth rather than just our Scouts has saved our ass massively since it allows us to avoid a lot of the typical grind that costs transhuman lives. I can't imagine the state we'd be in right now if we were Sons of Horus or Word Bearers instead. Death Guard benefit from higher Toughness and the Determined Resilience trait, and Thousand Sons means that there's psychic might on your side, which is a huge advantage, but everyone else is just kinda screwed for the first few decades.
Iron warriors might have been alright because their geneseed was known for having less rejections then other legions. It was one of the things that let them throw themselves into the meatgrinder constantly.
Caught up on this today. I'm enjoying the quest and believe you all have done a decent job.

The chapter is getting its shit kicked in a bit because they just barely hit avg space marine competence in terms of skill and they are fighting things full strength chapters have issues with: Chaos Space Marine Warbands.

The chapter is too young to have veterans, too resource poor to have terminator armor, and just got their first Dreadnought this turn. Add in the tiny vehicle pool and its a wonder we've taken as few casualties as we have.

Oh, and we have no pyskers currently. That's a big oof.

Things will slowly get better from here, but lets just say we aren't going to have to worry about hitting full chapter strength anytime in the next century.
I did ponder what it would be like if the somewhat lucky battlebarge that made it out of the warp had a more full complement of its crew but that does leave room for drama because the ones not chosen can have their own ambitions towards the opportunities in 40k.

Not sure about what's left of them in the form of geneseed though.

Ah well that's what omakes for having the cake to eat.
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Sons of Horus have great fellowship scores, so if we played them we likely would have better relations with many factions and more favors to call on for help on missions. Likewise the Word Bearer playthrough may find great synergy going all in on the Ecclesiarchy and getting Sister of Battle detachments following our companies around on missions. Beefing up our numbers.
That may be the case for the Word Bearers, though I personally suspect military aid will still take time to get access to, all the while dealing with the potential danger of the First Heretics trait. However the Sons of Horus' Fellowship bonus is counteracted by their other trait, The Four's Displeasure, will make all their enemies more powerful, so for the early game I don't think that'd be enough to counteract it.
Iron warriors might have been alright because their geneseed was known for having less rejections then other legions. It was one of the things that let them throw themselves into the meatgrinder constantly.
I didn't know it was that significant. Though Iron Warriors would also have the issue of their equipment and vehicles breaking down a lot more.

I did ponder what it would be like if the somewhat lucky battlebarge that made it out of the warp had a more full complement of its crew but that does leave room for drama because the ones not chosen can have their own ambitions towards the opportunities in 40k.

Not sure about what's left of them in the form of geneseed though.

Ah well that's what omakes for having the cake to eat.
Well Severus' Company was known to be one of the better and more disciplined ones in the VIIIth, so they'd probably decide to stick with their Captain. I'd bet they'd form the core of the Chapter's officers, being the Sergeants, Lieutenants, and Captains for the beginning. Ideally at least 1 Librarian survives so that the Chapter can train its psykers in-house from the start.
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We also need to take into account that other origins might not have picked Luctus as a homeworld or even gone fleet based which would have increased their recruitment pools. Albeit at the cost of recruit quality. Heck it wouldn't surprise me if some origins would have opened up some other planet choices. Like the Word Bearers getting a real pious planet.
The thing with Sons of Horus that would be fun is having the chapter master or one of their future recruits looking like Horus.

Quite a can of worms to handle but there's some dark humor to be had for a Black Legion member dying and hallucinating seeing their primarch in their last moments and Abaddon will be extra unhappy too.
We also need to take into account that other origins might not have picked Luctus as a homeworld or even gone fleet based which would have increased their recruitment pools. Albeit at the cost of recruit quality. Heck it wouldn't surprise me if some origins would have opened up some other planet choices. Like the Word Bearers getting a real pious planet.
Fleet based seems like an option that was always their that could have been picked between any of the options listed, regardless of origin. Its just focusing on finding and recruiting more then one recruiting world and then occasionally taking aspirants before moving on. With their bane and boon, being that as a fleet based force, their not tied down to any one planet that could be a problem for them, but conversely, means your ships are that extra bit more valuable then they otherwise would have been. Besides that, doesn't that mean their was a slew options available to us, that would be mixed and matched across the Chargen for which ever homeworld we could have possibly picked from across the Aetelian sector, like a Homeworld of an Order of Thorns per chance?
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