Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

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Personally I was mega interested in a iron warriors start, their negative is sucky but sinc they are quite techy it could have been negated with some elbow grease. Besides, the potential for interesting relations and comradery would be nice.
Personally I was mega interested in a iron warriors start, their negative is sucky but sinc they are quite techy it could have been negated with some elbow grease. Besides, the potential for interesting relations and comradery would be nice.
If I had to pick a different legion for us to be I would probably pick either Iron Warriors or Death Guard. But I do really like Nightlords in this case and how the difference in how we pick our aspirates has created soldiers that work together and care about each other. Instead of the constant backstabbing and mindless sadism of the traitor legion. Because many of our aspirates completed their trial by banding together instead of having to fight each other to the death (I think I can't find out exactly how the night lords their trials worked).
Guide to the Planets of the Aetelian Sector: Creideamh

"Do not mourn my death, thank the God-Emperor for His kindness in allowing me to rest in the fields of my home." Reported last words of Saint Scathach an Lethra.

"In the name of the Saint, burned them all to cinders!!! Every single scream of agony from these heretics is a hymn to Him on Terra!!!" Canoness Ia during the Cleansing of Brudenell, M40

"This planet belongs to the Sisters and the God-Emperor. You ain't none of them, so bugger off!" Creideamhish Chieftain to a visiting noble.

Classification: Agri world/Shrine World

Administratum Tithe: Aptus Non (Ecclesiarchy world)

Population: 13 Billions (Last census in 749 M41)

Capital: Chathair

Day Cicle Duration (In terran standard): 26 Hours

Overview: Creideamh annexation to the Imperium during the Great Crusade was a peaceful affair, as the planets ruling clans recognized that their meager militias stood no chance against the Imperial Army group that discovered the planet. The system fell under occupation of the Iron Warriors during the Horus Heresy, and was subsequently liberated by the fleet of Admiral Carlos Cartagena.

The planet then faded into irrelevance as just another agriworld until M38, when the whole sector suffered a devastating increase in Dark Eldar raids, with hundreds of billions disappearing inside their ships hulls. When a fleet of the cruel xenos tried to raid Creideamh, they were fend off by a Frateris Militia led by Scathach an Lethra, the daughter of a local chieftain and known for her devotion and swordsmanship. However the young woman was not satisfied with just defending her planet while allowing the rest of the Emperor's domains to be ravaged by the alien, and when the Imperial Navy arrive on system she demanded that they took her with them, alongside her forces. The Navy Admiral agreed to do so, and over the course of a decade her followers grew in number as she clashed against various Eldar flotillas all across the sector. Subsequent defeats eventually resulted in the Kabal's Archon ordering a punitive raid on Creideamh under his direct command. When news reached Scathach, she rushed to defend her homeworld. While the resulting battle ended with most of her forces, including herself, perishing she managed to slay the xeno leader and his retinue with his own weapon, a spear covered in poisonous thorns, before succumbing to her wounds.

Her feats and martydom earned her Imperial Sainthood and centuries later an offshoot of the Order of the Bloody Rose founded a convent of the planet, renaming themselves after the weapon that slayed her and building their convent, the Uaigh a' mhartai, on the location of her tomb. The planet since then has dedicated what they would give to the tithe to the support of the Order and food shipments to the Cardinal World of Asis.

-The Order of the Thorned Spear has acquired a reputation for fierceness, brutality and zealousness, even in comparison to other Sororitas
-While Creideamh is governed by a Council of clans, the canoness of the Order has the right to veto or pass any decree she wishes.
-It is theorized by some Inquisitors that the ineffective response to the Eldar raiders from the by-then still loyal Wind Watchers is one of the early signs of their eventual corruption. The Order of the Thorned Spear holds particular hatred towards the Eyes of the Mutator ever since they turned one of their canoness into a daemon host during the Battle of Penuria in late M39.
If I had to pick a different legion for us to be I would probably pick either Iron Warriors or Death Guard. But I do really like Nightlords in this case and how the difference in how we pick our aspirates has created soldiers that work together and care about each other. Instead of the constant backstabbing and mindless sadism of the traitor legion. Because many of our aspirates completed their trial by banding together instead of having to fight each other to the death (I think I can't find out exactly how the night lords their trials worked).
During the GC Nostramo send everyone that was in jail or prison to the night lords and that's basically how they recruited.
The Order of the Thorned Spear holds particular hatred towards the Eyes of the Mutator ever since they turned one of their canoness into a daemon host during the Battle of Penuria in late M39.
Holy shit. The Eyes of the Mutator have been a menace to this extent for way longer than I thought! Two thousand years... I had the impression the Wind Watchers fell to Chaos more recently than that.
During the GC Nostramo send everyone that was in jail or prison to the night lords and that's basically how they recruited.
I know how the candidates were selected but I assumed they went through some kind of test being being implanted. Right?

Edit: Maybe they just pointed them at the enemy and whoever made it out got implants?
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I know how the candidates were selected but I assumed they went through some kind of test being being implanted. Right?

Edit: Maybe they just pointed them at the enemy and whoever made it out got implants?
This was the GC aka the day of the legion. They probably just shoved the gene seed in and if they survived then great! If they didn't then obviously they were weak. Got to remember that standard were lower back then as more subpar marines were decided to be of more value then less but higher quality marines.
-It is theorized by some Inquisitors that the ineffective response to the Eldar raiders from the by-then still loyal Wind Watchers is one of the early signs of their eventual corruption. The Order of the Thorned Spear holds particular hatred towards the Eyes of the Mutator ever since they turned one of their canoness into a daemon host during the Battle of Penuria in late M39.
Hmmm, I wonder if it's because of these encounters with Space Marines that make the Bolter Bitches Sisters of Battle dislike our chapter.

Well that and the Chapter Master saying Emps aint a god.
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While the resulting battle ended with most of her forces, including herself, perishing she managed to slay the xeno leader and his retinue with his own weapon, a spear covered in poisonous thorns, before succumbing to her wounds.
That spear was either blessed by the Emperor or have some assassinorum level poison. I can see some temples looking at that with particular greed.
The Order of the Thorned Spear holds particular hatred towards the Eyes of the Mutator ever since they turned one of their canoness into a daemon host during the Battle of Penuria in late M39.
Hmmm, I wonder if it's because of these encounters with Space Marines that make the Bolter Bitches Sisters of Battle dislike our chapter.
Wow, no wonder the Sisters hated us. Also…
Her feats and martydom earned her Imperial Sainthood and centuries later an offshoot of the Order of the Bloody Rose founded a convent of the planet, renaming themselves after the weapon that slayed her and building their convent, the Uaigh a' mhartai, on the location of her tomb.
You remember that convent we crashed a drop pod into during a previous chapter? Turns out that was their Saintess' tomb. That also may be a factor.
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This was the GC aka the day of the legion. They probably just shoved the gene seed in and if they survived then great! If they didn't then obviously they were weak. Got to remember that standard were lower back then as more subpar marines were decided to be of more value then less but higher quality marines.

Gene Seed was also more plentiful when you had access to the Primarchs
Holy shit. The Eyes of the Mutator have been a menace to this extent for way longer than I thought! Two thousand years... I had the impression the Wind Watchers fell to Chaos more recently than that.

The previous Chapter that guarded this sector, the Wind Watchers, fell to Ruinous Powers in M39 and since then a replacement has been needed.
From Creation post 3. There were a few centuries between the Martydom of Scathach and their fall, but they've been around for some time.

That spear was either blessed by the Emperor or have some assassinorum level poison.
I mean the poison killed her. She killed the Archon by ramming it into his skull.
That spear was either blessed by the Emperor or have some assassinorum level poison. I can see some temples looking at that with particular greed.
I mean the poison killed her. She killed the Archon by ramming it into his skull.
That and well from the description it sounds like the spear was a dark elder weapon so I wouldn't be surprised if it was covered in deadly nerve poison or something.
So unrelated to anything...
New Techmarines this coming turn! Also...

We should have plenty of Geneseed to give to the tithe when it comes on turn 10.
Thats good, thought the fear of us having low geneseed meant, we were not going to induct alot of neophytes into scouts, but thats unlikely to happen for a long while now. Oh, and how much geneseed to we need to give on turn 10 exactly?
Holy shit. The Eyes of the Mutator have been a menace to this extent for way longer than I thought! Two thousand years... I had the impression the Wind Watchers fell to Chaos more recently than that.


Remember our meeting with the Dark Angels chapter and asking them to not patrol our sector? The loudmouth retorted their chapter had been doing just fine patrolling it for the past two millenia and that they would not stop now.

They're the chapter that took over when the Wind Watchers turned traitor.
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This was the GC aka the day of the legion. They probably just shoved the gene seed in and if they survived then great! If they didn't then obviously they were weak. Got to remember that standard were lower back then as more subpar marines were decided to be of more value then less but higher quality marines.
Didn't help the Night Lords that the noble families of Nostramo deliberately sabotaged the tithe and just emptied the prision of thugs and killers rather than sending quality recruits to the nightlords
I think his response to finding out that everything went back to how it was before he arrived there was to exterminatus the planet. I have no idea how he didn't think to go and check on the planet earlier but I guess he couldn't or something.
I have no idea either? The GC lasted two centuries and there were definitely night lords on the planet occasionally doing their business.

Honestly just sounds like GW usual stupid world building which fall apart if you actually spend time thinking on it.
Hey, um while I was going over some of the previous readings of the past 5 turns of the quest, and I think their may have been a few mistakes involving our Relationship meter? Like, we started off in a not terribly great position involving the Adminastratum, but then we helped deal with the Eldar Kabal and helped rescue 82% of the planets captured slaves, which then helped push our status with them from Neutral to Good-, but then after that it just seemed to go right back down to Neutral and then Neutral+ again after we helped deal with a rebellion and embezzlement scheme for turn 3?
A bit of the same thing for the Navy too, we helped raise our relationship with the Navy thanks to helping out with the pirates, putting ourselves at Neutral. Then we helped deal with almost all of its Ork Freebooterz for Turn 4 pushing it to Neutral+, but the Info. Tab still puts it at Neutral, so was that a mistake as well?
Edit: Made a mistake on the Navy, we got it from dealing with the piratical problem involving the Chaos Space marines from pirate hunting 2, not Ork hunting.
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Remember our meeting with the Dark Angels chapter and asking them to not patrol our sector? The loudmouth retorted their chapter had been doing just fine patrolling it for the past two millenia and that they would not stop now.

They're the chapter that took over when the Wind Watchers turned traitor.
...Does that mean for the last two millenia the local Sisters of Battle were dealing with the Dark Angels Successor Chapter? Between the Wind Watchers turning traitor, them turning a canoness into a daemon host, and the Angels Crusader being unable to clean up that mess... Dang, no wonder our relationship got off to a rocky start.
...Does that mean for the last two millenia the local Sisters of Battle were dealing with the Dark Angels Successor Chapter? Between the Wind Watchers turning traitor, them turning a canoness into a daemon host, and the Angels Crusader being unable to clean up that mess... Dang, no wonder our relationship got off to a rocky start.
Also didn't help that one of our drop pods may have landed on the holy tomb of the saint they all worshipped, and turned it into broken masonry.
I have no idea either? The GC lasted two centuries and there were definitely night lords on the planet occasionally doing their business.

Honestly just sounds like GW usual stupid world building which fall apart if you actually spend time thinking on it.
For this one, for Once I wouldn't put it on the World Building, which itself isn't bad. Its just the fact that the settings run by a company that treats the game First, and the Lore second. Never mind the Third party Companies that have a 50/50 chance of doing their own thing with the lore for the perpouses of whatever product they want to make out of the established work of whatever setting they want to work on at any particular part of the warhammer Universe.
Anyway, The reason I would argue Kurze never came back, was because he decided to spread his message of terror and justice to the statrs, he left a smattering of Astartes behind to run everything on Nostramo and to keep everything running. For a while it worked, until the Old fear of the Nighthaunter left, and the moral corruption swiftly took hold again. By that point the Marines watching the new recruits would have all been Nostramian and would have tried to hold in on the situation through fear and terror, but it would not have been enough. Better yet, as time went on the more they kept trying to keep order the less they cared about the people and the more they cared about advancing their own standing amongst their brothers by gathering the best and the largest of the new recruits every few months so they could leave this planet and go back to the crusade proper. This combined with the moral corruption taking root in the population, meant the recruits themselves were more and more often criminals, with the roots of this starting out thanks to corrupt dealings with a couple marine and much of the global noble houses on the planet to spare their children from leaving and sending prisoners instead. After that, nobody amongst the Nightlords present would have dared to send this information back to Kurze, because this all happened under their Watch, which at a minimum would have resulted in the Red gauntlets, or at worse their Execution. So, they lied and kept it under raps until the problem started infecting the legion and brought Nostramo's fate to life thanks to its own recruits. Which brought to Kurze's attention that this was why he's legionaires were acting so depraved and vile, and led him into a search to find out why Nostramo had sent only its Criminal elements and not everyone else as was expected of it, and then he found out the truth. You can swiftly imagine what the result of that finding was.

(I would highly Recommend reading up on Kurze's Primarch book "The Night Haunter". It goes into great detail about all of this and how Kurze takes the actions he does when he finds out what has happned to Nostramo in his absence, and the death he delivers to it with his return.)
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