Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

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[X] Lieutenant Lanista: The second of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Lanista is popular with his marines, and is tactically inclined to fast to constant movement and improvisation (+Fellowship, Optimist.)
-[X] Lieutenant Lanista: The second of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Lanista is popular with his marines, and is tactically inclined to fast to constant movement and improvisation (+Fellowship, Optimist.)
-[X] Lieutenant Secutor: The first of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Secutor has demonstrated excellent skill with his combat knife, and favors careful planning and overwhelming ambushes. (+Weapon Skill, Methodical)

This seems like the best fit given the scouts are best suited towards ambushing foes.
Casualty rate causes -100 points in Weapon Skill for Average Marines
Yeah this is an annoying but given the losses we took not to surprising. I suppose next turn we'll have to train our weapon skill to make up for this loss.
Well... I have no fucking clue how to handle the Forge Worlds.
Neither do I though I am leaning towards the ones that build ships to help get us escorts we need. Though I do not like the fact that said shipbuilders are the ones that hint/request that we get involved with there feud. We very much want to stay out of that whole mess in general.

Also joy we have 5 power swords we should probably hand those out to our captains for them to use.
[X] Lieutenant Secutor: The first of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Secutor has demonstrated excellent skill with his combat knife, and favors careful planning and overwhelming ambushes. (+Weapon Skill, Methodical)
Yeah this is an annoying but given the losses we took not to surprising. I suppose next turn we'll have to train our weapon skill to make up for this loss.
No need too on that front, the experience has already been tallied up, and we have only 62 exp for our average marines in weapon skill now then before. Not the worst result, but it's not going to remove a stat we really really want, so I'll take it. Better news is that T 5, is one action away from being granted as our chapter average across our marines. Which raises the question of what we should try and do next, with me leaning towards Ballistic Skills, as we do need a lot more focus being put on stealth and shooting until we can makeup for our deficiency of our lack of marines in the chapter, after our heavy losses we took these past 2 turns.

[X] Lieutenant Secutor: The first of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Secutor has demonstrated excellent skill with his combat knife, and favors careful planning and overwhelming ambushes. (+Weapon Skill, Methodical)
Question @ThunderOwl, but what is that -2 we get every time we roll a d4 on rolling out specialists? Is it some kind of effect that can be changed later on to be removed, or is it permanent, and if so why?
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[X] Lieutenant Secutor: The first of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Secutor has demonstrated excellent skill with his combat knife, and favors careful planning and overwhelming ambushes. (+Weapon Skill, Methodical)
[X] Lieutenant Secutor: The first of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Secutor has demonstrated excellent skill with his combat knife, and favors careful planning and overwhelming ambushes. (+Weapon Skill, Methodical)
And now I kinda want to see Markus become the chapter master some time in the future. The irony would be delicious
You know interesting thing to think about but Severus is old enough to Remember when the Blood Angel's were the Revenant Legion. Back when they honestly could make Khornate Breserker's look sane
There used to be a Revenant Legion quest on SV where funnily enough one of the quest aims was to kill and eat Sanguinius so that he wouldn't reform the legion's cannibals.
"Firstly, If I was the traitorous scum you believe me to be, I could have slit your throat at the start of this conversation and then tell Numa and Maximinus that you attacked me first." You state factually. Fretensis is fully armored and armed, while you're only clad in a single robe and your weapons are hanging behind you. He doesn´t contest it. "Secondly, I´m neither righteous or noble, and I´ve never been in any sense of the word. I´ve committed despicable deeds for decades, as did any marine from the Great Crusade. Did you know that the IXth butchered worlds in cannibalistic frenzy, or that the XIXth you were so much agreeable to be descendants of weren´t as dissimilar to us once?" You step around the table, putting yourself so close to Fretensis your noses could touch if you leaned. "Everything I´ve done has been in the name of duty, and if the Emperor wished that I killed every single one of the Marines in this fortress with my bare hands, I would do so or perish in the attempt." You take a step back now. "And lastly, what are you going to do about your concerns now?"

Fretensis seems to consider the question. "I´ll do my duty." He declares resolutely, hand drifting to the hilt of his chainsword.

A wide and mirthless grin blooms in your face. "That answer does you credit Fretensis, but let´s go through what that would mean." You raise the index finger of your right hand. "First you have to kill me, preferably fast enough that Servilius and Thrax don´t interfere." You raise the middle finger. "Then you have to kill them, again, quickly enough that they don´t report that you have murdered me." The ring finger follows. "If you they raise the alarm, you´ll have the whole chapter hunting you down, and you won´t have a chance to talk before they gun you down. If you kill them before they can do so, then you´ll have to quickly convince both other officers and our battle brothers both of helping you stage a coup and of the truth in the case of the latter." You raise your pinky finger last. "Then you have to actually win that coup, and even if you do so, you´ll be left with a chapter with a dead Chief Apothecary, Master of the Forge and Master of Recruits, alongside everyone who you couldn´t convince to join you and those that you did convince but died in the fighting." You close the fist. "And all of this for something you just suspect, but don´t have any concrete proof of."

Fretensis looks uncertain as you finish speaking, both seeing your point but at the same time still reticent to back down. You sigh and your voice softens. "I understand that your concerns, Fretensis, but they are misplaced and acting on them wouldn´t benefit anyone. I´m not asking you to be my friend, or to ignore the truth, but at the end of the day your blood is that of the VIIIth, and you can´t change that. So If you can´t bring yourself to trust me or the rest of the old legionnaires, at least keep your peace, for the good of the chapter."
I can understand the logic behind why it was chosen to handle Fretensis this way.

If we do not follow up on this several more times, it is guaran-fucking-teed Fretensis is going to fall to Chaos or outside manipulation.

Severus hasn't done an Emperor-damned thing to convince Fretensis that actually being a member of the Chapter is worth his devotion; he threatened him into silence and abused his bonds with his fellow Astartes to peer-pressure him. And Fretensis is going to notice eventually, especially if we keep training him in Fellowship.

In effect, this is the start of recreating the old backstabbing culture of the 8th.

[X] Lieutenant Lanista: The second of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Lanista is popular with his marines, and is tactically inclined to fast to constant movement and improvisation (+Fellowship, Optimist.)
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I can understand the logic behind why it was chosen to handle Fretensis this way.

If we do not follow up on this several more times, it is guaran-fucking-teed Fretensis is going to fall to Chaos or outside manipulation.

Severus hasn't done an Emperor-damned thing to convince Fretensis that actually being a member of the Chapter is worth his devotion; he threatened him into silence and abused his bonds with his fellow Astartes to peer-pressure him. And Fretensis is going to notice eventually, especially if we keep training him in Fellowship.

In effect, this is the start of recreating the old backstabbing culture of the 8th.

[X] Lieutenant Lanista: The second of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Lanista is popular with his marines, and is tactically inclined to fast to constant movement and improvisation (+Fellowship, Optimist.)
With any luck, the Chaplains will be able to help him come to terms with the recent developments. Although, we will still need to keep an eye on him and try and help him adjust.
If we do not follow up on this several more times, it is guaran-fucking-teed Fretensis is going to fall to Chaos or outside manipulation.

I do have plans to do some more training with him/one on one stuff with the old guard of the chapter, while it may not be the most effective, he's the most vocal of the leadership about his displeasure, so working on him should be a good sign to the others that hold more quiet reservations. And if he truly can't get past it and falls, well we can't say we did not try.
Hopefully Karark Zel start to teach the younger tech marines how to make Volkite because CLEARLY the standard for Mars has gone downhill. Also lol what did Valzadai?

[X] Lieutenant Secutor: The first of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Secutor has demonstrated excellent skill with his combat knife, and favors careful planning and overwhelming ambushes. (+Weapon Skill, Methodical)

Anyway of the two I'm leaning Smilnay just because they were slightly more respectful to us.
Severus hasn't done an Emperor-damned thing to convince Fretensis that actually being a member of the Chapter is worth his devotion; he threatened him into silence and abused his bonds with his fellow Astartes to peer-pressure him. And Fretensis is going to notice eventually, especially if we keep training him in Fellowship.

So you say we should send Severys and Fretensis together on a very Emperor-devoted mission? Sounds fine by me. Maybe let's send them both to ask Sororitas if they have something to do that could use Astartes assistance, like relic recovery or Drukhari hunting.
-[X] Lepidus: A member of your Honour Guard, Lepidus' skill with a bolter is only matched by his casual demeanor. An ardent proponent of long-range engagements and assassinations (+Ballistic Skill, Sharpshooter)

Lepidus cuz I think he fits best with what Scouts are supposed to do. Scout and stay away from frontline fighting while destroying critical targets
[X] Lieutenant Secutor: The first of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Secutor has demonstrated excellent skill with his combat knife, and favors careful planning and overwhelming ambushes. (+Weapon Skill, Methodical)
So you say we should send Severys and Fretensis together on a very Emperor-devoted mission? Sounds fine by me. Maybe let's send them both to ask Sororitas if they have something to do that could use Astartes assistance, like relic recovery or Drukhari hunting.

Master of the Arsenal can't be sent out on things really, so it'd be left to stuff on Luctus itself
[X] Lieutenant Secutor: The first of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Secutor has demonstrated excellent skill with his combat knife, and favors careful planning and overwhelming ambushes. (+Weapon Skill, Methodical)
[X] Lieutenant Secutor: The first of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Secutor has demonstrated excellent skill with his combat knife, and favors careful planning and overwhelming ambushes. (+Weapon Skill, Methodical)
Is the quest worth hunting down and reading? If so, got a link?
Quest eventually moved to QQ where it died in 2022.


The Immortal Ninth: The Revenant Legion [Warhammer40K / Great Crusade]

Among mankind, there are killers, and there are predators. And among the Legiones Astartes, there are superhumans, and there are monsters. You are a son of the Revenant Legion, the Immortal IX, the Emperor's most redhanded blade, barely matched in horror by even the most corrupt of foes, the...

It was decent from what I remember but just know that the protagonist and every other character are monsters that even old Mal find disgusting.
-[X] Lieutenant Secutor: The first of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Secutor has demonstrated excellent skill with his combat knife, and favors careful planning and overwhelming ambushes. (+Weapon Skill, Methodical)
[X] Lieutenant Secutor: The first of the 10th Company Lieutenants, Secutor has demonstrated excellent skill with his combat knife, and favors careful planning and overwhelming ambushes. (+Weapon Skill, Methodical)
Well, I can see why it died then. Sounds like a hard skip. Thanks much.
Weak. It's a great read that I hope comes back.
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