Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

Angels Crusader suffer grievous loses, 6th Company Captain Barbarrosa Slain by Chaos Sorcerer.

Everything to annoy the 1st Legion.

On a more serious note:
All our nicest characters get the prophet trait. Can't Hostilibus (or something) get it? Our Master of Fleets is starting to turn into an active detriment. At least when it comes to cohesion and diplomacy. Maybe we should have a talk with him.

The losses against the Orks are annoying, but them's the breaks sometimes. But we are getting a steady stream of recruits and the Chapter is growing, so I'm not too worried.

All in all things turned out well even though we divided our forces when nobody expected us to. Hopefully this cut down on potential issues for the next few turns and gives us the opportunity to doomstack our companies against the Eye of the Mutators once we deploy against them.
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Ok we need to mentor Hostilius next turn. His attitude is starting to negatively affect the Chapter's missions. Same with the torture happy dude; he can spend some time with the Chaplains.

Also, looks like we will be losing Falce soon. Maybe he can be put in a Dreadnought. I am pretty sure there is a specific pattern available for Chaplains as well. It would be sick of we could manage that.

Another thing that stood out to me in void combat is how miniscule our fighter screen is. If we didn't have the Imperial navy screens, we would have been in a lot of trouble.
Blessings of the Omnissiah
Blessings of the Omnissiah

"Each year of thy life is the foundation for the next. The man who squanders his youth must build his life on a foundation of mud, and then wilt it collapse."
-Archmagos Loi Satert

The Forges of the Mist Shrikes' Fortress-Monastery were abuzz with the sound of machinery. After the battle against the World Eaters in the void of Creideamh, the Fear of Judgement and the Luctusian Dusk were damaged and in need of repairs. Armor plating, portside and starboardside guns, and even void shield generators needed to be taken apart, refurbished, partially replaced, and reconsecrated to ensure the fleet of the Chapter would remain in peak condition. And so it fell to the hardworking Techmarines of the Mist Shrikes the responsibility of fully restoring the two vessels, a task which they were most grateful to have the honor of undertaking.

Presently, Karark Zel was guiding his younger colleagues in their careful analysis of the Luctusian Dusk's EC-119 power conduits which appeared to have been damaged by the impact of the Icon of Wrath's macrocannon batteries upon the Mist Shrikes' Strike Cruiser. The Master of the Forge was not as strict about ritual as a full Tech Priest might be, but he was no less attentive to the needs of the Chapter's machines than the Chief Apothecary was to the needs of the Chapter's wounded. Before even so much as touching them, it was ensured under pain of strict disciplinary action by Karark Zel himself that the Techmarines of the Mist Shrikes knew the ins and outs of every last component that was in need of work, as well as the components that made up those components.

"Husnik, tell me what you can discern so far," commanded the Master of the Forge, having just completed his own division of the effort.

Husnik stiffened for a moment before preparing his words. The ability to communicate Knowledge is powerful, and so it must not be used in error. "It seems that the conduit has been compressed at a 43 degree angle, and under the strain developed microscopic cracks along the bottom of the inner containment chamber. The pressure must have been from the damage deck 19 sustained when the heavy macrocannons hit the ship's portside. The outer containment chamber is repairable but the inner one must be replaced. The fulguro-gauges are undamaged and may continue to serve without needing any work done upon them. The central circuit was broken, but as all the parts have been recovered, it should be within my ability to repair. The primary surge dampeners are completely fried, and... unfortunately I know not how the backup dampeners have managed to perform to such a high degree of efficiency. I can detect only minimal signs of power stress upon them. They will require more study. The most expedient solution would be outright replacement of the part, but I believe it will be possible to only perform the rite of supplantation for the inner containment chamber and mend the remainder of the machine myself."

Karark Zel was silent for a moment, conducting his own analysis of the part which Husnik was assigned to, largely for dramatic effect. It only took him a handful of microseconds to verify every word his subordinate had spoken and prepare a response.

"Well done," began the Master of the Forge. "Especially your analysis of the dampeners. To not stumble blindly in the dark when one lacks knowledge is both the wise and the humble choice. We are blessed twice, first by our ascension to the ranks of the Adeptus Astartes and second by our revelation to the greatness of the Machine God, but even then, we are flawed beings. Knowledge of one's own lack of knowledge is no less valuable than any other."

"Thank you, Forgemaster," said Husnik, bowing his head slightly. "If I may be excused, I will take the backup surge dampeners to a specialist machine and perform the rituals of analysis."

"You may do so," permitted Karark Zel, who now turned his attention towards a damaged macrocannon loader being brought to him by his Servitors. It was a truly massive thing, easily larger than any Imperial Army artillery piece he'd seen during the Great Crusade despite only being one part of a much bigger gun. The whole macrocannon was manufactured on Mars itself, included in the original construction of the Fear of Judgement from decades before his own birth. Now it was a piece of a lost history ten millennia old, cracked in a dozen places and dented in five others. "Damned World Eaters. Not a care for craft at all..."

"Forgemaster," interrupted Noricum. "We've finished our work on the conduits."

"Good, then you can assist me with this. Everyone else, there will be more macrocannon parts coming in fifty-one seconds, so that shall be your next task. Now Noricum, I need that mag-lock disassembled, you can work on that while I commune with the Machine Spirit."

"Yes, my Lord," responded the younger Mist Shrike, immediately beginning his task. "If it does you no discomfort, my Lord, I'm curious where you learned the theology of the Adeptus Mechanicus. When I was training on Mars, I received little instruction in that particular area."

"Truth be told," sighed Karark Zel. "That is not different to how things were during the Great Crusade. It was by my own initiative that I attained knowledge of the Cult Mechanicus beyond the basics, instead the focus was on practical training."

"In that regard you were at least more fortunate than us. You know how to create Volkite weapons." At that moment, the rest of the Techmarines in the Armory turned their heads at Noricum as if to silently chide him. It was no secret that one of the surest ways to put their typically positive leader into a bad mood was to turn his thoughts towards the decline in knowledge and technology that the Imperium endured over the past ten millennia. Of course, the man in question was too focused on his present metalloscopic analysis of the outer body of the loading mechanism to see the wordless scolding taking place.

"Sadly, this is true."

"Actually, I'm curious," interjected Capua, rushing to change the subject. "What was your life like before you became an Astartes? You were born on the world that our Primarch hailed from, after all."

"Terrible," Karark Zel responded, though in a tone that was more nostalgic than one would expect. "My father told me stories of the days when the Night Haunter still ruled the planet, and how one could live without the fear that they would awaken one day to find their organs harvested to be used to give a decrepit crime lord a chance at clinging to life for one more year. When my parents were young, Konrad Curze had been gone for some years already, and the terror he struck into the heart of the planet was already greatly diminished. By the time I was born, everything had returned to how it was before the Primarch crash landed onto the planet, if not even worse. On the whole, I was fortunate. My mother passed from the strain of giving me life, and my father cared for me as best he could under those conditions. He was a mechanic by trade, and for as long as I can remember, I was his assistant. He taught me everything he knew, and together we were valuable enough that the gang that controlled our hab-block would, in return for our services, provide protection. Actual protection, thank the Omnissiah, not merely a promise that they themselves would not kill us."

At this point, the work had been left to the wayside, instead fully focusing on the story, both telling it on Karark Zel's part and memorizing it on the Techmarines' part. Karark Zel noticed this, but he allowed the diversion. Since that fateful journey through the Warp that sent him millennia into the future, he had not given a thought to his past prior to becoming a Space Marine, and now seemed as good a time as any to reflect. "For most of my youth, little changed. Some neighbors would leave or die and be replaced by new tenants, some years we would have more money than others, but beyond my physical and mental growth, nothing of importance was different between when I was three years old and eight years old."

"But then something changed, I take it," questioned Siracusa. "Was that when you became an Aspirant of the VIIIth Legion? It's the right age for recruitment."

"Not quite yet, sadly," answered Karark Zel, whose tone had begun to take on a slightly harder edge. "No, when I was eight years old, my father began to fall to a chemical dependency from which I doubt he ever climbed back out. His fiance at the time, the first he had since my mother passed away, died in a shootout between rival gangs, taking their unborn daughter with her. My father turned to Obscura to escape from the reality that had befallen him, only for a little while he thought, but it became a habit he was never able to kick. Within a year, he had begun missing jobs, lost in a haze of dreams and unaware of the passage of time, and I had to take over for him. It was no trouble for me, and I was excited to be taking care of machines on my own, but it was a sign of things to come. As his addiction worsened, he became even less capable of supporting himself, and that combined with the cost of the Obscura itself quickly took us into outright debt. It was less than a month after my ninth birthday that he made a deal with a Night Lords recruiter that if I was compatible with the Gene-Seed, I would be given to the Legion as an Aspirant, and he would be paid handsomely for it. As you can see, I was."

"And... you consider this fortunate?" prodded Ostia.

"I would, at least by the standards of Nostramo when I still lived there."

"If that was the homeworld of an entire Legion of Space Marines..." started Siracusa. "I can't say their betrayal was inexplicable. No offense, my Lord."

"There is no offense to be had, you were only speaking the truth. The Night Lords by and large were and are a pack of murderers first and a military force second. Of all the brothers I knew prior to being thrust into the forty-first millennium, the only ones I could respect were those of the Cog, for even when born of Nostramo, they, like I, spent their early years away from the VIIIth Legion proper and thus the poison that was its culture had not so strong a grip upon them. Well, except Severus of course, but he is of Terra."

"Speaking of the Chapter Master, he said that he once saw the Emperor in the flesh," interjected Noricum. "Did you get the chance to? And-" Noricum hesitated to continue. He seemed to be nervous about uttering his next words, and for a brief instant he seemed to have considered dropping that line of questioning. However, the young Techmarine's curiosity won the day. "...And is it true that He is the Omnissiah?"

"That... is not a question I would recommend you ask anyone else. Even in my time, many in the Cult Mechanicus would scorn those that rejected the Emperor's claim to being the Machine God incarnate. Now? Death is among the better outcomes for those that would even ask the question. You are an Astartes, so that is less likely, but nonetheless, I would advise caution."

"I know, my Lord," pressed Noricum. "Yet I must be certain."

"You cannot be, nor can I be," answered Karark Zel. "I may only share what limited knowledge I possess. For a start, no, I never personally saw the Emperor. However, from all that I had learned from those who did, I came to suspect that He, although certainly blessed with an astounding intellect and incredible power, was not the Omnissiah. Thus far, that suspicion has not abated."

"You only suspect, brother?" asked Ostia.

"Indeed. I have sadly never had the opportunity to perform rigorous tests on the Emperor of Mankind to objectively determine if He is truly the omniscient physical manifestation of the Deus Mechanicus," the Forgemaster sardonically responded. "Make no mistake, I would be surprised if I am proven wrong, but I cannot with certainty proclaim my stance to be the indisputable truth. There is a reason that the majority of the Martian Parliament accepted His claim."

"It feels... wrong," said Siracusa. "The Cult Mechanicus is dedicated to the Quest for Knowledge but are fundamentally, doctrinally misled... It shouldn't be possible. Not on such a scale."

"I did not live through the civil war ten millennia ago, nor did I live through its aftermath. How things have changed between then and now is beyond the limits of my knowledge. Still, I can tell you that this would not be the first lie the Emperor enforced upon the Imperium and the Mechanicum. Back in the days of the Great Crusade, there was no such term as 'Chaos' to describe the Warp, nor was the word 'Daemon' used in reference to its denizens, for the Emperor allowed none to claim that this realm was anything but a mere anomalous dimension used for travel between star systems. The Warp was simply known as the Warp, and any lifeforms were blanketly called 'Warp Xenos' for they were but non-human lifeforms that reside within that horrid plane. Until the Fear of Judgement was thrown through the Immaterium, I saw no problem with such verbiage, but that is no longer the case."

"I thought that the dawn of the Imperium was a more enlightened age than this..." Siracusa admitted.

"Enlightenment is a process," reassured Karark Zel. "And like most processes, it can be interrupted, delayed, or set back. We had much then that we seem to lack now, and so too did we have much more before the Long Night. Yet the Quest for Knowledge continues."

"Vigilance is our shield, that protects us from our conceited past. Knowledge is our weapon, with which we carve a path to a wiser future."
-Archmagos Dominus Ethubios

A/N: I am sorry if the ending feels abrupt but I couldn't think of anything better. I wanted to flesh out Karark Zel a bit more and show his relationship with the rest of the Techmarines given how the difference in time has affected things.
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You´ve done a great job with this one friend. I really like how it shows Karark as a mentor figure, and it fleshes out his character more, there is only one tidbit to correct before making it canon and that is that by Myroks entry in the Legion, Nostramo had already gone to shit. Apart for that, everythings great.
Removed the part about Myrok Kuthil.
The xenos laughter fades, replaced by an stupefied expression as Logos stands up, removing the chainaxe from his chest and tears it from the orks's grasp, throwing into the ground

"IS THIS WHAT YOUR WRETCHED KIND CONSIDERS A WOUND?!" Asks the Captain mockingly as he goes onto the offensive, his chainsword a blur of metal and roaring teeth. Rends score the Warboss armor, hard pressed to defend himself without a weapon against the space marine onslaught

Goddamn. Logos is a beast. Our boy must have earned a few of his purity seals there.
Lezoan Campaign 1
Lezo System, Aetelian Sector, 769 M41

Severus Fellowship roll 8+1=9d10 (SC 4/8-1(Liked)= SC 3/7)= 2, 3, 2, 6, 3, 3, 6, 7, 8= 4 Successes)

Number of Imperial Guard regiments sent 1d4+1= 3+1= 4 Regiments

Which regiments 3d100= 44, 10, 92

Order of the Thorned Spear reinforcements 1d100= 21

Thorned Spear officer disposition 1d100-20 (Bad)= 99-20= 79

The first thing you take in as the Luctusian Dusk arrives in Lezo is the lack of ships in orbit. A hive world requires an inordinate amount of supplies to maintain its normal function, especially in foodstuffs, but the cargo ships you see are few in number, and don´t even dock on the planetary spaceport, unloading his cargo by shuttle at a glacial pace. Of the Imperial Navy squadron assigned to guard the headquarters of Battlefleet Aetelian you only see a cruiser and few escorts, and of the Order of the Thorned Spear, whose assistance you were owed, there is only a lone frigate. Also there are two troop transports from the Imperial Guard, carrying the regiments Lord General Tavisolta has assigned to the campaign, currently disembarking judging by the amount of Valkyries descending onto the surface.

"Milord, the Imperial cruiser Undeniable Purpose is hailing us." Reports the strike cruiser vox-master officer.

"Patch it through." You order, and soon the hololith spring into life, showing the visage of a young man with messy hair and bag under his eyes.

"Greetings Chapter Master, it is truly a relief to see you." The stressed captain makes the sign of the Aquila hurriedly. "Captain Juan Elcano, at your service."

"Where is the rest of the fleet Captain?" You ask bluntly. The officer, new to the rank if judging by his posture and the disheveled state of his uniform, flinches under your tone.

"When the revolt erupted, multiple ships fled the system immediately, ignoring Admiral Cervera´s orders to remain on the system. We shot down a few. We took down most of them, but some managed to escape us. Admiral Cervera took most of the fleet to keep hunting them down, worried that they might contain mutants and seeking to prevent them from taking roots in other planets." Explain Captain Elcano, and you can, begrudgingly, understand the admiral´s decision. Still there is something else that needs explaining.

"Still, I´ve received reports that you have not deployed your armsmen to help suppress the revolt, care to explain your reasoning for that?" The young captain looks at you with confusion.

"With all due respect Milord, due to the division between the Navy and Imperial Guard, the only place in which we can deploy our armsmen is in the Navy headquarters, where they are currently garrisoned." You level him your most unimpressed stare, expressing clearly what you think of that argument, making him shrink onto himself. "Besides, the insurgents have attacked the headquarters multiple times, and we need every single defender stationed there." Perhaps to prevent you from grilling him any further, the Captain changes topics. "Returning to the matter I initially hailed you for, there is a meeting scheduled between the planet´s main officers in order to discuss the current situation and our strategy going forward in 6 hours. You have been invited to assist."

"We´ll be there." You say curtly before cutting communications. You resist the urge to sigh, as you think once more why did Guilliman think it was a good idea to split the Army into the Guard and Navy.


Six hours later you, alongside Valzadai and Karark Zel, walk into the conference room where all the high-ranked officers of the Imperial Defense are assembled. Gallienus and Yefimovich are in the spaceport, supervising the landing of their brothers and organizing their temporary barracks, and your honor guard has been stopped from entering by the combined guards of every other officer there. The door makes a high, grinding sound as it opens, drawing your Master of the Forge attention as you and Valzadai study the people assembled in the room. You wince in discomfort at the bright light in the chamber before doing the same. Captain Elcano is there, looking more tired in person that he did in the call, the young officer giving you a nod of acknowledgement that you return. On another corner of the table there are four officers of the Imperial Guard, a bored-looking woman and a lanky, nervous-looking man equipped in Cadian manner, a woman with a veil over her face and a black robe over her flak vest, with parchment near her heart, and a grizzled man with general pins and a blue coat draped over carapace armor, all of whom look at you respectfully as they make the sign of the Aquila. Another older man glares at everyone at the table, his armor and the power maul in his belt telling you he's the head of the Adeptus Arbites on the planet. The last two people in the room are also women. One of them is tall and broad-shouldered, a colonel of the PDF with a stony expression on her face until she sees you, when a brief look of awe crosses her face before she controls herself. The other one is slightly shorter, young and clad in power armor, who to your surprise smiles warmly at you when you enter. The three of you move towards the end of the table and wait for someone to start speaking. No one does, so you all remain quiet until five minutes later, when someone you don't particularly care to see arrives.

Inquisitor Ayano Mitsuhide looks worse than she did when you met her 26 years ago. New scars mark her face, one of her arms has been replaced by a cybernetic and both the carapace armor she wears and the eviscerator sheathed in her back show signs of damage. Still, her gray eyes glares at you with the same force it did all those years back. She soon tears her gaze away from you, taking position on the opposite side of the table from you and choosing to address the rest of the table.

"I see that we are all here. Good." She places her hands behind her back and lifts her chin slightly, giving her an imperious look. "For all those new to the system, I think introductions are in order, before we carry on with our main topic."

You decide to take the lead. "Chapter Master Severus of the Mist Shrikes Chapter. With me are Chief Apothecary Valzadai and Master of the Forge Karark Zel." You don't have to look at them to know that Valzadai is currently glaring at everyone at the table, thankfully with his helmet still on, his hand near his holster and that Karark Zel is paying more attention to the faulty door than the meeting. While everyone notices it, they all choose not to comment on it.

The next one is the Arbites to your left, his voice strong and loud. "Marshall Alvaro Teodorico."

The next one to speak is the Carolean Guard officer, pulling a cigar and lighting it before taking a drag, uncaring of the displeased look that Marshall Teodorico sends him. "General Felix Mörner of the 23rd Carolean Guard. With me are Colonel Lewis Fletcher of the 365th Clearwater Fortunates," He points with his thumb at the man in Cadian armor, who looks uncomfortable as everyone looks at him for a second. "Colonel Józefina Szumska of the 94th Zatloczony Rifles," He now points at the woman in Cadian armor, who does not show any visible reaction. "and Colonel Loise of the 101st Yamunan Gravekeepers." The woman with the veil places a hand upon her heart and inclines her head slightly

Captain Elcano introduces himself again, and after him it is the Sister of Battle that speaks, in a chipper tone that contrasts jarringly with the reason for this meeting. "Palatine Ríona of the Order of the Thorned Spear, a pleasure to be here!" She gives a dazzling smile to everyone there, twisting the scar tissue in the left side of her face in a gruesome manner, to which Elcano visibly flinches.

The last one to speak is the PDF colonel, who´s leaning on the table slightly. "Colonel Silvia Burgos. " She says bluntly.

"Now that everyone has been introduced, let us begin with the tactical situation." You notice how she hasn't introduced herself, although the Inquisitorial Rosette hanging from her neck is probably enough introduction for most people. "The rebels have been identified as mutants belonging to a Genestealer cult, a foul entity composed of aberrant alterations of the human form by xenos taint. For what we know, the cult has seized the majority of the Underhive, several districts in the Middle levels, and have currently made a beeline towards the Lord Sectors palace, laying siege to it and preventing us from extracting him and his wife and children to a more secure location." You haven't heard that Blas is now married and with kids, but then again, your last meeting with the man ended up with him having a bottle smashed onto his face in order to stage an enmity between the both of you, so it doesn't surprise you that you haven't received wedding invitations. "The foe has mobilized with surprising speed, which makes us suspect that they have thoroughly infiltrated the PDF or the Arbites." You and everyone else looks at Colonel Urbano and Marshall Teodorico, the first´s face stony and the second´s red in anger. "I also expected Marshall Silvestre to be present here."

"Marshall Silvestre was in the Governor's Palace when the insurrection started." Reports Urbano evenly. "As of our last communication he's still there."

"My Arbites loyalty is beyond question!" Shouts Alarico, spittle flying from his mouth as he points a finger at Mitsuhide. "It is an insult that you dare suggest otherwise!"

Mitsuhide regards the head of the Arbites with a disdainful look, uncaring of the man's anger. "Nobody is beyond suspicion Arbites, much less from the Holy Ordos judgment. You´ll do well to remember that before you say anything else." Both of them stare at each other's eyes for a moment, before Alarico concedes and lowers his gaze, gritting his teeth. You fake a cough, bringing your attention back to you.

"Let us return to the matter at hand. Have we observed a particular modus operandi in the mutants, or any priority targets they are either targetting or protecting?"

Mitsuhide is the one that answers your question. "For what we've observed they are focusing on disrupting our ability to respond by attacking key locations. Armories, fuel depots, manofactoriums of war material, residences of locations important to the planetary or sector organization… They´ve shown remarkable ability in sneaking past our frontlines to wreack havoc. As for their own weaknesses, we have determined that despite the irregular nature of the force, eliminating their officers negatively impacts cohesion and their reaction speed as a force."

"What manner of equipment are they equipped with? Do they count with armored support?" Inquiries General Mörner, letting out a puff of smoke as he removes the cigar from his mouth.

"For what my troops have seen, for the most part the enemy wields autoguns and improvised tools, with heavier equipment either looted for our own armories or cobbled together. Not much in the way of armored support, looted chimeras at best." Informs Urbano. Everyone takes a moment to process that information, before Elcano speaks up for the first time in this meeting.

"So what are our next actions going forward?"


Three hours later, the meeting is finished, with most of the officers leaving as soon as an overall strategy is hatched and deployments are coordinated. If this crisis had happened during the Great Crusade, you would have just ordered them what to do and that would be all. In this time however, everyone has it´s own chain of command and the only ones under obligation to obey you are your own brothers.

It does not help that cooperation is incredibly strained. Elcano obstinately refuses to move his armsmen from the Navy Headquarters, Teodorico is hellbent on going onto the offensive with his Arbites and is abrasive to anyone who dares suggest another use to them. Not when you did so of course, but you could see in his narrowed eyes and pursed lips that his regard for you dropped every time you contradicted him. Mörner, while competent, is contemptuous of the PDF skills and records, and makes almost a point of lording over Burgos the fact that the PDF is subordinate to the Guard, dismissing out of hand the recommendations or suggestions of the Lezoan coronel. Of his subordinates, Fletcher showed a level of caution short of cowardice and Smunzska just remained silent during the whole meeting.

Fortunately for this planet, and your temper, not everyone in the room shares such demeanours. Palatine Rionan, who maintains her high spirits through the whole meeting, readily acquiesces to deploying her forces according to your opinions, arguing that as their presence in the theater is due to the debt they owe your chapter, it is only appropriate for them to follow your lead. Burgos, despite her occasional clashes with Mörner, proves herself valuable, offering useful insights both on the different areas of the planet, and how they had lost PDF regiments in order to illustrate points of failure and the mutants preferred methods. Colonel Loise, who had apparently not arrived with Mörner and the other, and instead had been caught in the insurrection when her regiments transport was resupplying, also offered quality intel and her grim countenance proved sobering when Mörner jabs towards Burgos started to heat up. However, the most valuable assistance in keeping the meeting on track was Mitsuhide, whose only interventions were to keep the peace when tempers arose and didn´t oppose your proposals or suggestions.

When the meeting finally ends, most of the officers depart quickly to organize their forces. The only exception is Mitsuhide, who remains near the door. "Could you grant me a moment of your time, Chapter Master?"

You exchange looks with Valzadai and Karark Zel after her request. Your Chief Apothecary shakes his head slightly, while your Master of the Forge just shrugs. "Sure Inquisitor, but only for a short while. Time is something we can seldom afford to waste." You finally respond, polite yet guarded.

"We agree on that." She takes a deep breath before carrying on speaking, which you´re sure is an affectation on her part. "Look, I know you neither like me nor trust me, and I can´t do the same with someone so clearly tied with Harker." You raise your eyebrow as if confused, but she clearly doesn't believe it. "Don´t bother telling me he hasn´t something on you. All Chapters are fiercely independent, even the new ones. He calls you and you answer, so obviously there is something going on there."

Beside you Valzadai tenses, and his hand goes to the hilt of his chainsword, measuring if he can cut her down in time. He lets go a second later, but both you and Mitsuhide notice the gesture. "I would suggest that you get to the point, lest it is telling your conjectures of you." You briefly make sure that you´re still alone, and when you don´t detect anybody near, you lean slightly, lowering until you faces are at the same height. "For example, on matters pertaining to sanctions."

Severus Perception roll 7d10= 5, 7, 4, 9, 5, 10, 9= 5 Successes
Ayano Mitsuhide Fellowship roll 4d10= 10, 4, 4, 6= 3 Successes

The fact that you know of her transgression rewarding Sanction is no surprise to her. Her expression doesn´t change, her posture remains unyielding, and there are no errant twitches or involuntary reactions. But there is something in her glance for less than a second, a fleeting show of some flash of guilt. Not that it shows when she speaks. Her voice is clear and strong when she speaks.

"Sometimes various duties come into conflict with each other and one must choose. Nevertheless, what I want to discuss is our collaboration during these campaigns. Regardless of what we think of each other, we have the obligation of prioritizing the safety of the dominions of the God-Emperor, and with the rest of the branches on the system seemingly determined to make things easier with their pride and stubbornness, it is vital that we show a common front."

"Reasonable enough." You concede. "The mutants are enemies of all Mankind, and we shall put aside…" Her rightful punishment. "our disputes until they are cleansed from this planet."

"That´s all I can ask for." She extends her cybernetic hand and you both shake on it. "May the Emperor be with you in your task, Chapter Master." She makes to leave, but Karark Zel interrupts her before she can do so.

"You should re-install your arm again, Inquisitor." The inquisitor's composure breaks for a moment, her brow furrowed in confusion as she stares at Karark Zel. You stare at him with a mix of resignation and acceptance, completely unsurprised that those are the only words he has spoken since you entered the room.

"Excuse me?" The Nostroman answers to the Mitsuhide question by pointing at the limb in question.

"Have you been feeling a lack of precision when using the arm?" The Master of Forge continues speaking as she opens her mouth to do so. "That's because the connection between the remaining nerves of the arm and the components tasked with interpreting the electrical imports are linked improperly. I suggest you replace the adept who installed the limb for someone able to follow correct procedure and proper Machine Spirit appeasement."

The inquisitor closes her mouth and stays silent for a moment. "Thank you for your advice." She finally says, before she turns around and leaves. Valzadai waits until her footsteps fade into the distance before turning towards both you and Karark Zel.

"What are both of you thinking?" He hisses. "We should be taking steps to silence her permanently, not working with her. And why did you warn her about the failure in her prosthetic?"

Karark is unfazed by his words. "Foe or not, I refuse to tolerate shoddy work."

"One of the things everyone else in that meeting shares is that they all want to keep themselves out of her hit-list. We will use that until the campaign is finished." You explain to your Chief Apothecary. Afterwards, you put your own helmet and call Gallienus. "Gallienus, I´ve got orders for you…"

Mist Shrikes

-Chapter Master Severus (Artificer Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Master-Crafted Chainglaive, Master-Crafter Volkite Serpenta.)
-Master of the Forge Karark Zel (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Omnissiah Axe, Volkite Serpenta)
-Chief Apothecary Valzadai (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword,)
-Chief Librarian Grigori Yefimovich (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Pyschic Hood, Bolt Pistol, Force Staff)
-Captain Gallienus (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword)
-Honor Guard (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Bolters, 2 Chainglaves, 5 Power Swords)
-Champion Claudius Spatha (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Power Sword)
-Techmarine Husnik (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Bolter, Mechadendrites)
-Tomb-Captain Sertorius (Castaferrum-Pattern Dreadnought, Assault Cannon, Combat Claw.)
-Squads 10-1 through 10-4 (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Bolters, Stalker Bolters)
-Squads 3-1 through 3-6 (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Bolters, 10 Heavy Bolters, 5 Plasma guns)
-Squads 3-7 and 3-8 (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Jump Pack Bolt Pistols, Chainswords)
-Squads 3-9 and 3-10 (MK.VII "Aquila" Power Armor, Heavy Bolters, Missile Launchers, 5 Plasma Guns, 5 Melta Guns)
-2 Razorbacks
-4 Rhinos
-3 Thunderhawks

Order of the Thorned Spear.
-Palatine Ríona (Sororitas Power Armor, Hand Flamer, Power Spear)
-2 Squads of Sisters of Battle (Sororitas Power Armor, Bolters)
-1 Squads of Retributors (Sororitas Power Armor, Heavy Bolters, Missile Launchers)
-2 Squad of Repentias (Scraps of Clothing, Eviscerators)
-3 Penitent Engines.

23rd Carolean Guard

-General Felix Mörner
-10 Companies of Heavy Infantry
-20 Leman Russ Vanquishers
-50 Leman Russ tanks
-100 Chimeras

365th Clearwater Fortunates

-Colonel Lewis Fletcher
-10 Companies of Line Infantry
-20 Leman Russes
-50 Chimeras

94th Zatloczony Rifles
-Colonel Józefina Szumska
-10 Companies of Line Infantry
-20 Leman Russes
-50 Chimeras

101st Yamunan Gravekeepers
-Colonel Loise
-10 Companies of Light Infantry
-20 Chimeras
-100 Sentinels


-Lord-General Marshall Manuel Silvestre
-Silvia Burgos and other eleven Colonels
-12 PDF regiments
-600 Chimeras

Adeptus Arbites
-Marshall Alvaro Teodorico
-1000 Arbitrators
-100 Chimeras

Navy Armsmen

-4 Companies of Armsmen

Holy Ordos Forces

-Inquisitor Ayano Mitsuhide.
-Inquisitorial Retinue
-1 Platoon of Stormtroopers

Assign your available forces to all the available actions you want. Note that regular deployment rules still apply.

-[] Garrison a Location.
Station Forces in order to prevent sabotage, infiltration, assasination and other type of subterfuge.
–[] PDF Headquarters (Current forces stationed there: 1 PDF Regiment)
–[] Navy Headquarters (Current forces stationed there: 4 Companies of Armsmen)
–[] Administratum Offices (Current forces stationed there: 2 PDF Companies)
–[] Cathedral of the First Saints (Current forces stationed there: 1 PDF Companies)
–[] Supply Depots (Current forces stationed there: 2 PDF Regiments and 7 Companies)
–[] Armories (Current forces stationed there: 1 PDF Regiment)
–[] Megarail Lines (Current forces stationed there: 1 PDF Regiment)
–[] House Maeror Estate (Current forces stationed there: 1 PDF Regiment)
–[] Nobility Spires (Current forces stationed there: 1 PDF Regiment)

-[] Defend Imperial controlled territory. (Current forces stationed there: 365th Clearwater Fortunates)

-[] Escort Supply Convoys (Current forcess assigned:: 1 PDF Regiment)

-[] Breach the Lord Sector Palace Siege (Current forces assigned:: 1 PDF Regiment, 23rd Carolean Rifles, Arbites)

-[] Take enemy territory in the Middle levels (Current forces assigned:: 94th Zatloczony Rifles)

-[] Scout the Middle-Levels (Current forces assigned:: 101st Yamunan Gravekeepers)

-[] Scout the Underhive (Current forces assigned: Mitsuhide and Stormtroopers Platoon)

-[] Sabotage enemy supplies and warehouse

-[] Assassinate Cult Leaders

-[] Search for Harker´s Agents

-[] Write-in:

QM notes: And so it begins, the Lezoan Campaign. Honestly, I´m kinda excited to write this, and I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I´ll enjoy writing it. Have a nice day everyone.
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Thorned Spear officer disposition 1d100-20 (Bad)= 99-20= 79
Captain Elcano introduces himself again, and after him it is the Sister of Battle that speaks, in a chipper tone that contrasts jarringly with the reason for this meeting. "Palatine Ríona of the Order of the Thorned Spear, a pleasure to be here!" She gives a dazzling smile to everyone there, twisting the scar tissue in the left side of her face in a gruesome manner, to which Elcano visibly flinches.
Fortunately for this planet, and your temper, not everyone in the room shares such demeanours. Palatine Rionan, who maintains her high spirits through the whole meeting, readily acquiesces to deploying her forces according to your opinions, arguing that as their presence in the theater is due to the debt they owe your chapter, it is only appropriate for them to follow your lead.
Amazing. Just amazing. :lol:
Whew boy, time for some big brain thinking on our end, the Sisters roll is very good for us, we should try to not get them killed, I like this one
Given that we are not just Astartes, but stealth and speed specialized Astartes, there are two primary, two secondary, and one tertiary objectives we need to concern ourselves with in this opening stage;

-Find Harker's agents and protect them. We need them to control and eventually kill Mitsuhide, and they probably have the most information on the Genestealer cults out of anyone here who is also likely to share with us.
-Spoiling assaults and raids to break up the enemy. It is vitally important we seize the initiative and prevent our allies from getting slaughtered like grox, and that means cracking enemy formations and softening them up for the assorted Hammers we have on scene.

-Cleanse and secure critical infrastructure, especially water and power. It's going to be far harder to hunt and kill the enemy if we have to wade through legions of rioting civilians to get them.
-Seize information on the enemy leadership. Assassination and shadow wars are what we do best, so let's start laying the groundworks for turning this campaign into a Nightmare for the enemy.

-Break up Mitsuhide's control of the situation, and either make ourselves or one of our allies (whoever's most convenient for the task) into shining HEROES OF THE IMPERIUM! to prevent her scheming.
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-[] Breach the Lord Sector Palace Siege
-[] Assassinate Cult Leaders

I definitely think these two are the most important to undertaken immediately. Disrupt the enemy's chain of command and paralyze their coordination while securing the Lord Sector who, alongside the Inquisitor and Severus, should be enough to browbeat everybody into line.

Realistically the fastest way to end thus uprising is to find the Patriarch and kill them. Everything else is just treating the symptoms.

I'm thinking 10th Co squads start targeting Cult Leadership while everyone else goes in on breaking the Siege. Will pit together some sort of plan after my workout.

[X] Plan: Hammer and Knife
-[X] Breach the Lord Sector Palace Siege
Chapter Master Severus, Master of the Forge Karark Zel, Chief Apothecary Valzadai, Honor Guard, Champion Claudius Spatha, Tomb-Captain Sertorius, 3rd Company, 2 Razorbacks, 4 Rhinos, 3 Thunderhawks, Order of the Thorned Spear. (Forces are to coordinate with the Arbites and 23rd Carolean Rifles in identifying, assaulting, and destroying enemy defensive positions and spearheading the effort to break the Siege. Utilize Thunderhawk air support and request permission to use limited orbital fire support to clear enemy strong points deemed too costly to directly Assault if expedient. Priority is breaking through or bypassing enemy lines/positions to link up with friendly forces under siege over complete destruction of enemy forces.)
-[X] Assassinate Cult Leaders
Chief Librarian Grigori Yefimovich, Squads Squads 10-1 through 10-4. (Chief Librarian Grigori is to utilize his psychic talents to aid in the identification and location of key enemy personnel and locations. Squads are ordered to prioritize the elimination of identified leadership among the mutants but are authorized to utilize their initiative to strike targets of opportunity, conduct sabotage, and undertake limited scouting operations. Squads are encouraged to stay close enough together that they may be able to reinforce each other should the need arise. Orbital fire support is authorized for emergency situations should the need arise or identification of critical enemy assets [like the Patriarch].

There we go, plan made up (first time, let me know if it's formated wrong.)

I'm basically letting 10th company off the leash to act as they see fit and utilize their initiative to go full Night Lords while 3rd Companyband Chapter Command go all in on smashing the enemy Siege so we can secure the Lord Sector and hopefully use the political kudos from saving him to have him help us browbeat everyone into being sensible 'or else'. Orbital fire support is being asked about politely fir 3rd Company's Assault but is also going to be used to support 10th Company without asking should they somehow cone under risk of being overwhelmed and destroyed. We'll deal with the political fallout of bombarding an Imperial world sometime later if it comes down to it.

Edit: Tomb-Captain Sertorius has been reassigned to Break the Siege. His inclusion in the covert force was an error in my part and has been rectified.
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Something to remember is that, although he is good in all the basic disciplines, Grigori is primarily a Telepath. Perhaps he could disrupt the Genestealer Cult's psychic connection? Or even use it to find the Patriarch.
[X] Plan: Hammer and Knife
On a quick glance, you've forgotten that we can also command the Sisters of Battle here. That may open up some additional options
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[X] Plan First Draft
-[X] No matter what other roles and positions our Astartes are assigned to, deliver standing orders and information to the field leadership and trustworthy troopers to keep an eye out for Harker's agents as we know them, and assist them if such assistance can be given without unduly compromising the mission.
-[X] Write-in: Standby for fire missions and emergency evac - 1 Thunderhawk
-[X] Garrison a Location
–[X] PDF Headquarters
(Current forces stationed there: 1 PDF Regiment)
---[X] Squad 3-3
----[X] Squad 3-3 is explicitly ordered to keep Colonel Silvia Burgos alive if possible as a primary objective, she seems a better-than-average sort and having the commander of the majority of armed forces working with us is helpful. If it can be done without overly compromising her protection, take orders from her for the sake of building force cohesion.
–[X] Administratum Offices (Current forces stationed there: 2 PDF Companies)
---[X] Master of the Forge Karark Zel, Squad 3-2
----[X] Politely if possible and impolitely if necessary (PLEASE keep injury and bloodshed to an absolute minimum) request access to their municipal records and start building a map we can use that gives us the critically important infrastructure. Look for weak points and exploitable defenses as well.
–[X] Megarail Lines (Current forces stationed there: 1 PDF Regiment)
---[X] 1 Squads of SoB, 2 Penitent Engines.
–[X] Armories (Current forces stationed there: 1 PDF Regiment)
---[X] Squad 3-10
–[X] House Maeror Estate (Current forces stationed there: 1 PDF Regiment)
---[X] Squads 3-4 + 3-6
-[X] Breach the Lord Sector Palace Siege (Current forces assigned:: 1 PDF Regiment, 23rd Carolean Rifles, Arbites)
--[X] Chapter Master Severus, Chief Apothecary Valzadai, Honor Guard, Champion Claudius Spatha, Techmarine Husnik, Tomb-Captain Sertorius, Squads 3-5 + 3-7 + 3-9, 1 Rhino, 1 Thunderhawk, Palatine Ríona, 1 SoB Squad, 1 Retributor Squad, 2 Repentia Squads, 1 Penitent Engine.
-[X] Scout the Middle-Levels (Current forces assigned:: 101st Yamunan Gravekeepers)
--[X] Squads 10-2 through 10-4, 3 Rhinos
-[X] Scout the Underhive (Current forces assigned: Mitsuhide and Stormtroopers Platoon)
--[X] Captain Gallienus, Chief Librarian Grigori Yefimovich, Squad 10-1, 2 Razorbacks
-[X] Sabotage enemy supplies and warehouse
--[X] Squad 3-1, 1 Thunderhawk

[X] Plan Show No Weakness

So, the idea here is;

--A standing order to retrieve and defend Harker's people is something we can slot in alongside our other objectives without too much trouble.
--Keeping one Thunderhawk on standby as a rapid response force
--Assigning some people to keep what appears to be one of our more competent commanders alive
--Raiding the paper pusher offices for more intel, and incidentallyhopefully prevent paperwork shenanigans in the background.
--Send someone to scout and patrol the arteries keeping this place supplied
--Don't know why House Maeror is important, but I wanna poke it
--Breach the Palace alongside the sisters
--Bunch of scouting, in particular sending 11 dudes and our Librarian in the Razorbacks to go hunting the genestealers in the depths
--And apply some airpower to blow up critical enemy shit.

I expect there to be errors, so point them out and feel free to iterate on it.

EDIT: Added in the missing forces to take the Megarails, switched a Marine squad to the Armories

EDIT 2: Finalized the plan, put in Xs, and fixed a couple formatting issues
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Something to remember is that, although he is good in all the basic disciplines, Grigori is primarily a Telepath. Perhaps he could disrupt the Genestealer Cult's psychic connection? Or even use it to find the Patriarch.
I assumed he'd be doing something along those lines. Possibly going through the memories of prisoners to gather more info or otherwise track down the general source of the Genestealer Psychic connection.

On a quick glance, you've forgotten that we can also command the Sisters of Battle here. That may open up some additional options
Are they under our command at the moment? If they are I'd put them with the 3rd on breaking the Siege.

Edit: Sisters now assigned to assist with Siege Breaking.
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[X] Plan First Draft

Looks solid enough, and it does answer where we are going to deploy the sisters of battle. I wonder, which Ordo is Riona from?


[X] Plan Show No Weakness
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