[X] Cut the head off -[X] Attack one planet at a time –[X] Yerma Primus (Most heavily defended, will cripple any attempt to reinforce or rebuild their space assets.) -[X] Boardings of Opportunity. (Boarding will only be attempted on weakened or lightly crewed ships and stations, such as counterboardings.) -[X] Reserve for planetary assault (Gunships won't be used as strike-craft during the space battle).
[X] Plan Slow and Steady Wins -[X] Yerma Secundus (Well defended, will cut off food supplies for the other two planets.) -[X] Boardings of Opportunity. (Boarding will only be attempted on weakened or lightly crewed ships and stations, such as counterboardings.) -[X] Use during dogfights (Gunships will be used as strike-craft during the space battle)
[X] Plan Go For The Gold -[X] Attack one planet at a time --[X] Yerma Primus (Most heavily defended, will cripple any attempt to reinforce or rebuild their space assets.) -[X] Boardings of Opportunity. (Boarding will only be attempted on weakened or lightly crewed ships and stations, such as counterboardings.) -[X] Use during dogfights (Gunships will be used as strike-craft during the space battle)
[X] Plan Punch The Wizard -[X] Attack one planet at a time --[X] Yerma Primus (Most heavily defended, will cripple any attempt to reinforce or rebuild their space assets.) -[X] Aggressive Boarding. (Boarding will be attempted as soon as an enemy ship or station loses their shielding.) -[X] Use during dogfights (Gunships will be used as strike-craft during the space battle)
[X] Plan Go For The Gold -[X] Yerma Primus (Most heavily defended, will cripple any attempt to reinforce or rebuild their space assets.) -[X] Boardings of Opportunity. (Boarding will only be attempted on weakened or lightly crewed ships and stations, such as counterboardings.)
I wonder, do the mist shrieks still say "sons of our father, stand midnight clad" for putting on their armour? It's usually followed by "we bring the night" so I imagine that part is omitted regardless.
I wonder, do the mist shrieks still say "sons of your father, stand midnight clad" for putting on their armour? It's usually followed by "we rule the night" so I imagine that part is omitted regardless.
it's just that it works just as well for corax, it doesn't specify the name of the father, also the armour is still midnight blue for reasons I struggle to parce.
I mean he's just prideful, a bit concerning but nothing to let him die over. He's still young and has the chance to grow into his role in terms of temperament. Skill wise he's fitting already...probably safe to not have him be involved with a lot of Chaos related missions/campaigns regardless.
I still think sending him into the thick of it is a good thing. He clearly wants it so he can earn himself some glory and he is one of the chapters best fighters so he could do some damage.
-Space Commander: Master of the Fleet Marcius Hostilius (Unorthodox: At the Start of each phase, roll a 1d6. On a 5 your flagship gains +10 to it´s attack roll, on a 6 you disable the enemy commander trait during that or the next round, depending on the initiative)
-Battle Barge Fear of Judgement
–Speed: 40
–Hull Points: 500/500 HP
–Shield Points: 500/500 HP
–Shield Regen: 1d125 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+50
-Strike Cruiser Night Terror:
–Speed: 50
–Hull points: 200/200 HP
–Shields: 200/200 SP
–Shield regen: 1d50 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d50+30+5
-Sword-Class Frigate Necessary Discrepancy:
–Speed: 75
–Hull points: 100/100 HP
–Shields: 100/100 SP
–Shields: 1d20 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d50+20
-Sword-Class Frigate Mind Killer:
–Speed: 75
–Hull points: 100/100 HP
–Shields: 100/100 SP
–Shields: 1d20 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d50+20+5
Angels Crusader Fleet:
Space Commander: Master of the Deathwing Gerard De Lusignan (Proud: Roll a 1d6 at the start of your phase, if you roll a 6 your ship receives -10 damage from all attacks that phase)
Battle Barge Wrath of the Lion:
–Speed: 30
–Hull Points: 400/400 HP
–Shield Points: 400/400 HP
–Shield Regen: 1d100 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+50+5
-Gladius-class Escort Zealotry
–Speed: 75
–Hull Points: 100/100 HP
–Shield Points: 50/50 SP
–Shield Regen: 1d12 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+10+5
-Gladius-class Escort Intolerance
–Speed: 75
–Hull Points: 100/100 HP
–Shield Points: 50/50 SP
–Shield Regen: 1d12 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+10+5
-Gladius-class Escort Fanaticism
–Speed: 75
–Hull Points: 73/100 HP
–Shield Points: 50/50 SP
–Shield Regen: 1d12 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+10+5
-Gladius-class Escort Willfulness
–Speed: 75
–Hull Points: 58/100 HP
–Shield Points: 50/50 SP
–Shield Regen: 1d12 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+10+5
Blazing Wardens:
Space Commander: 4th Captain Danai Kraiputra (Wild: When your flagship destroys an enemy vessel, give +20 to your next attack
-Strike Cruiser Bulwark of Fire
–Speed: 50
–Hull Points: 200/200HP
–Shield Points: 200/200SP
–Shield Regen: 1d25 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+30+5
Angels Revenant:
Space Commander: 2nd Captain Olin Defer (Exacting: If your flagship attack roll is in in the lower 10% of possible damage, gain a +10 in the next attack roll.)
Battle Barge Undying Legacy:
–Speed: 30
–Hull Points: 400/400 HP
–Shield Points: 400/400 HP
–Shield Regen: 1d100 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+50+5
-Sword-Class Frigate Felicitas:
–Speed: 75
–Hull points: 100/100 HP
–Shields: 100/100 SP
–Shields: 1d20 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d50+20+5
-Sword-Class Frigate Furor:
–Speed: 75
–Hull points: 100/100 HP
–Shields: 100/100 SP
–Shields: 1d20 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d50+20+5
Imperial Navy
Space Commander: Admiral Konishi Niwa (Devious: At the start of each phase, roll a 1d10. If you roll a 9 or 10, apply a penalty to enemy ships in the next phase.)
-Retribution-Class Battleship Glory of Martyrdom:
–Speed: 20
–Hull points: 600/600 HP
–Shields: 300/300 SP
–Shield regen: 1d100 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d50+50
-Lunar-Class Cruiser Hand of the Righteous
–Speed: 30
–Hull Points: 200/200 HP
–Shield Points: 100/100 SP
-Shield Regen: 1d20 per phase
-Attack rolls: 1d50+40
-Space Commander: Palatine Ciara Lynch (Martyr: When a ship is destroyed, roll a 1d10. On a 9 or a 10, the ship makes a ramming attempt towards the vessel that has struck the killing blow.)
-Adeptus Mechanicus Cruiser Blessings of the Cog
–Speed: 50
–Hull Points= 225/225HP
–Shield Points= 225/225SP
–Shield Regen= 1d75 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+30+5
Ordo Malleus:
Space Commander: Inquisitor Durante Clerici (Paranoid: Roll a 1d10 every time an allied ship is destroyed. On a 10, gain -10 to attack rolls against your flagship.)
Inquisitorial Cruiser Gift of Annihilation:
–Speed: 50
–Hull points: 175/175 HP
–Shields: 175/175 SP
–Shield regen: 1d75 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d50+35+5
Inquisitorial Frigate Hidden Hand:
–Speed: 75
–Hull points: 125/125 HP
–Shields: 125/125 SP
–Shields: 1d40 per phase
–Attack rolls: 1d50+25+5
Eyes of the Mutator:
Space Commander: Champion Cheng Baoyi (Changing Insights: At the Start of each phase, roll a 1d100. If the roll is a multiple of 9, Double the attack roll of your ships.)
-Orbital Defense Station 1:
–Speed: 0
–Hull Points: 500/500 HP
–Shield Points: 200/200 SP
–Shield Regen: 1d50 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+50
-Orbital Defense Station 2:
–Speed: 0
–Hull Points: 500/500 HP
–Shield Points: 200/200 SP
–Shield Regen: 1d50 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+50
-Orbital Defense Station 3:
–Speed: 0
–Hull Points: 500/500 HP
–Shield Points: 200/200 SP
–Shield Regen: 1d50 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+50
-Orbital Defense Station 4:
–Speed: 0
–Hull Points: 500/500 HP
–Shield Points: 200/200 SP
–Shield Regen: 1d50 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+50
-Orbital Defense Station 5:
–Speed: 0
–Hull Points: 500/500 HP
–Shield Points: 200/200 SP
–Shield Regen: 1d50 per phase
–Attack: 1d50+50
Initiative: Fireship 1-Fireship 2-Fireship 3-Hidden Hand-Undying-Dauntless-Furor-Felicitas-Mind Killer-Necessary Discrepancy-Zealotry-Intolerance-Fanatism-Willfulness-Blessings of the Cog-Bulwark of Fire-Gift of Annihilation-Night Terror-Relentless Advance-Cold Vengeance-Fear of Judgement-Sinner's Annihilation-Cleasing Fire-Fervent Devotion-Purifying Penance-Steel Haze-Wrath of the Lion-Undying Legacy-Hand of the Righteous-Treachery's Doom-Owed Retribution-Glory of Martyrdom-Orbital Defense Station 1-Orbital Defense Station 2-Orbital Defense Station 3-Orbital Defense Station 4-Orbital Defense Station 5
Fireship 1 rams Wrath of the Lion
1d100 vs 1d100-30(Speed Difference)=20 vs 93-30=63
Fireship 1 misses
Fireship 2 rams Wrath of the Lion
1d100 vs 1d100-30(Speed Difference)=63 vs 49-30=19
1d50+150x2= 14+150=164x2=328
Wrath of the Lion Shields at 72/400SP
Fireship 2 destroyed
Fireship 3 rams Wrath of the Lion
1d100 vs 1d100-30(Speed Difference)= 33 vs 60-30=30
1d50+150x2= 38+150=188x2= 376
Wrath of the Lion Shields disabled. Hull reduced to 72/400HP
1d4=3 Engines Crippled, Speed reduced
Durante Clerici Intelligence roll 3d10 (SC 2)= 5, 3, 8= 2 Successes
Hidden Hand attacks Fireship 1
1d50+25+5= 20+25+5=50
Fireship 1 destroyed
Bulwark of Fire attacks Orbital Defense Station 1
Orbital Defense Station 1 Hull at 167/500HP
1d4=3 Engines Crippled, Speed reduced
Gift of Annihilation attacks Orbital Defense Station 1
Orbital Defense Station 1 Hull at 128/500HP
Night Terror attacks Orbital Defense Station 1
Orbital Defense Station 1 Hull at 65/500HP
Relentless Advance attacks Orbital Defense Station 1
Orbital Defense Station 1 Hull at 20/500HP
Cold Vengeance attacks Orbital Defense Station 1
Orbital Defense Station 1 Destroyed
Fear of Judgement attacks Orbital Defense Station 2
1d50+50= 42+50=92
Orbital Defense Station 2 Shields at 108/200 SP
Sinner's Annihilation attacks Orbital Defense Station 2
1d50+20= 38+20=58
Orbital Defense Station 2 Shields at 50/200 SP
Cleansing Fire attacks Orbital Defense Station 2
1d50+20= 5+20=25
Orbital Defense Station 2 Shields at 25/200 SP
Fervent Devotion attacks Orbital Defense Station 2
1d50+30= 3+30=3
Orbital Defense Station 2 Shields Disabled. Hull reduced to 492/500HP
Purifying Penance attacks Orbital Defense Station 2
1d50+30= 35+30=75
Orbital Defense Station 2 Hull reduced to 417/500HP
Steel Haze attacks Orbital Defense Station 2
1d50+20= 37+20=57
Orbital Defense Station 2 Hull reduced to 360/500HP
Undying Legacy attacks Orbital Defense Station 2
1d50+50+5= 33+50+5= 88
Orbital Defense Station 2 Hull reduced to 272/500HP
Hand of the Righteous attacks Orbital Defense Station 2
1d50+40= 6+40= 46
Orbital Defense Station 2 Hull reduced to 226/500HP
1d4= 1 Fires on deck. Ship takes 1d100 damage each phase.
Treachery's Doom attacks Orbital Defense Station 2
1d50+40= 8+40= 48
Orbital Defense Station 2 Hull reduced to 178/500HP
Owed Retribution attacks Orbital Defense Station 2
1d50+45= 9+45= 54
Orbital Defense Station 2 Hull reduced to 124/500HP
Glory of Martyrdom attacks Orbital Defense Station 2
1d50+50= 25+50= 75
Orbital Defense Station 2 Hull reduced to 49/500HP
1d100=35 Wrath of the Lion Shields at 35/400SP
Wrath of the Lion attacks Orbital Defense Station 2
1d50+50+5= 17+50= 67
Orbital Defense Station 2 Destroyed
Orbital Defense Station 3 attacks Wrath of the Lion
1d50+50x2=18+50=68x2= 136
Gerard the Lusignan Agility roll 5-1(Terminator Armor)=4d10 (SC 3)= 8, 5, 10, 4= SC 3
Angels Crusader Agility roll 6-1=5d10= 9, 6, 6, 8, 4= 4 Successes
Wrath of the Lion Destroyed. Gerard De Lusignan and most of his forces succesfully evacuate to the Glory of Martyrdom.
Orbital Defense Station 4 attacks Steel Haze
1d50+50x2=14+50=64x2= 128
Steel Haze Destroyed
Orbital Defense Station 5 attacks Willfullness
1d50+50x2=44+50=94x2= 188
Willfullness destroyed.
Konishi Niwa, soon-to-be Lady Admiral of Battlefleet Aetelian, lounges on the command chair of the Glory of Martyrdom as her crew prepares for battle, although it is less of a battle in her mind and more of a protracted execution. Only an idiot with the intelligence of a Servitor could rise to her rank without learning the basics of her role, and those same basics tell her that the Imperial Task Force cannot lose this battle. With their fleet assets destroyed or captured, the only thing the Eyes of the Mutator can do is delay their own demise and try to cause the greatest amount of damage possible to the Loyalists. Which means that what she should focus on this engagement is in keeping her own ships intact and acquit herself well in the coming fray. While the position of Lady Admiral is all but hers with Adherbal disgraced and Cervera being so kind as to get himself killed early in the campaign, this campaign had several important players involved, and having their favour, or at least their indifference, could smooth over several of the challenges that being at the top of the Navy entailed, specially since she was Boshinese and the Lezoan and Gadiran houses that dominated the upper echelons of Battlefleet Aetelian wouldn't be too pleased with her getting the position instead of their own candidates. The Space Marines from outside the sector and the Guard are inconsequential, and the Navy had too many ties with Forgeword Milan to show the Skitarii from Smilnay anything greater than professional courtesy, but the others have more potential. The new head of the Order of the Thorned Spear could be an in with the greater Ecclesiarchy if she approaches it correctly, and the woman herself appears to be both friendlier and more gullible than her predecessor. The two Inquisitors from the Ordo Malleus could be a great boon if she makes inroads with them, even if she has to study further which one is the more advantageous for her to approach. She is not foolish enough to think that playing off each other can lead up to something else than two wroth Inquisitors and a shallow grave.
But the ones that would be truly beneficial to cozy up to are the Mist Shrikes. For what she understood on the subject most Space Marine Chapters held themselves aloof when it came to Imperial politics, but the most recent arrivals to the Aetelian Sector had proven to be extremely involved in the Sector. Her network of informants had reported multiple meetings with the key players of the Sector during the decades, and she was reasonably sure that the downfall of her Gadiran rival had begun with a message from Luctus given to the Lord Sector, although she couldn't glean more about it before receiving the head of that particular informant alongside of a note politely telling her to keep her nose out of the Lord Sector affairs. Anyhow, it is clear that Chapter Master Severus is going to be a key player in the next centuries, and one that could prove quite useful.
If she proves herself useful to him.
"Admiral, three new signatures detected from out of Primus Orbital Ring!" Reports the officer in charge of the Auspex. Niwa puts her musings on hold as she straightens on her seat. One of the menials forwards her the readings and as she skims over them she lets out a small click of her tongue. The speed of the vessels compared to their tonnage and their straightforward course towards their fleet tells her that they are fireships, although she relaxes minutely when she realizes that the suicidal vessels aren't in a vector of collision with her flagship. Still, she doesn't find it concerning overall. Sure, a group of ships loaded with explosives and on a ramming course can cause devastating damage, but as she watches the first of them miss by a wide margin the Battle Barge of the Angels Crusader, she feels confident in that they won't prove to much of an impediment, so long as they miss or impact only light…
The second flagship collides prow to prow with the Wrath of the Lion, detonating immediately in a flash of light, knocking the bigger vessel of course and positioning so that the third hits it from the underside. The void shields, already flagging from the first impact, fail completely out of the second, the crashing prow and the subsequent explosion removing both the lower hull and the nearby decks, outright gutting the battleship.
Then combat starts in earnest, with both the stations of the Eye of the Mutator and the ships of the different Imperial branches unleashing torpedoes, lances, macrocannons and bombs as fast as they can get their gunnery crews to do so. Niwa soon realizes that there is something off with the enemy munitions as a devastating volley puts down the agonizing Wrath of the Lion. While that ship and the other two that they target, the Willfulness of the same chapter and the Steel Haze of the Mist Shrikes, are already damaged, the strength of the detonations that bring them down are far greater than what they should be. The Orbital Defense Stations are well-armed, but even then they shouldn't have the sheer amount of firepower that they have. The Boshinese Admiral suspects that there is some manner of sorcerous boost increasing the yield of the ordnance, but in the end it is irrelevant. Sure, the enemy guns can hit harder than what they should be able to do, but their witchery can't will more of them into existence, nor remove the ones in their possession. And so, with the full might of the Imperial fleet and having them vastly outgunned, two of the five stations orbiting Yerma Primus die in storms of metal and fire, their remains falling down the planet below in a macabre meteor shower. She is satisfied by how the battle is developing, although she frowns when she sees the Cruiser from the Mechanicus hanging in the back of the formation without doing anything. Between this and their performance in Ertensis, the naval officer is beginning to think that it is perhaps good that Battlefleet Aetelian chose to partner up with their rival Forgeworld.
"Admiral Konishi, we have a series of transports from the Angels Crusader flagship, they are demanding to come aboard." Reports her communications officer.
"Let them onboard." Says Niwa off-handedly. While it annoys her that they make demands of her, she isn't petty enough to deny them permission on that sole basis.
Initiative: Hidden Hand-Undying-Dauntless-Furor-Felicitas-Mind Killer-Necessary Discrepancy-Zealotry-Intolerance-Fanatism-Blessings of the Cog-Bulwark of Fire-Gift of Annihilation-Night Terror-Relentless Advance-Cold Vengeance-Fear of Judgement-Sinner's Annihilation-Cleasing Fire-Fervent Devotion-Purifying Penance-Undying Legacy-Hand of the Righteous-Treachery's Doom-Owed Retribution-Glory of Martyrdom-Orbital Defense Station 3-Orbital Defense Station 4-Orbital Defense Station 5
Durante Clerici Intelligence roll 3d10 (SC 3)= 4, 6, 1= 0 Successes
Hidden Hand attacks Orbital Space Station 4.
1d50+25+5= 8+25+5= 38
Orbital Space Station 4 Shields reduced to 162/200 HP
Gerard De Lusignan Fellowship roll 5+1(Terminator)+1(Iron Halo)=7d10= 9, 2, 10, 3, 5, 2, 9= 4 Successes
Konishi Niwa Willpower roll 3d10= 10, 7, 6= 4 Successes, Critical Success
Sinner's Annihilation attacks Orbital Defense Station 3
1d50+20= 19+20=39
Orbital Defense Station 3 Hull reduced to 223/500HP
1d4= 4 Shield Regen disabled
Cleansing Fire attacks Orbital Defense Station 3
1d50+20= 39+20=59
Orbital Defense Station 3 Hull reduced to 164/500HP
Fervent Devotion attacks Orbital Defense Station 3
1d50+30= 2+30=32
Orbital Defense Station 3 Hull reduced to 132/500HP
Purifying Penance attacks Orbital Defense Station 2
1d50+30= 23+30=53
Orbital Defense Station 3 Hull reduced to 79/500HP
Undying Legacy attacks Orbital Defense Station 5
1d50+50+5= 10+50+5= 65
Orbital Defense Station 5 Shields disabled. Hull reduced to 465/500HP
Hand of the Righteous attacks Orbital Defense Station 4
1d50+40= 44+40= 84
Orbital Defense Station 4 Hull reduced to 407/500HP
Treachery's Doom attacks Orbital Defense Station 3
1d50+40= 22+40= 64
Orbital Defense Station 3 Hull reduced to 15/500HP
Owed Retribution attacks Orbital Defense Station 5
1d50+45= 8+45= 53
Orbital Defense Station 5 Hull reduced to 412/500HP
Glory of Martyrdom attacks Orbital Defense Station 5
1d50+50= 7+50= 57
Orbital Defense Station 3 Hull reduced to 355/500HP
Orbital Defense Station 3 attacks Fanaticism
1d50+50x2=22+50=72x2= 144
Fanaticism Destroyed
1d50=4 Orbital Defense Station 4 Shields at 4/200SP
Orbital Defense Station 4 attacks Zealotry
1d50+50x2=4+50=54x2= 108
Zealotry Shields disabled. Hull reduced to 42/100HP
1d4=1 Fires in the Hull. Hull takes 1d20 damage every phase.
1d50= 14 Orbital Defense Station 5 Shields at 14/200SP
Orbital Defense Station 5 attacks Intolerance
1d50+50+10x2=21+50+10=81x2= 162
Intolerance destroyed.
Initiative: Hidden Hand-Undying-Dauntless-Furor-Felicitas-Mind Killer-Necessary Discrepancy-Zealotry-Blessings of the Cog-Bulwark of Fire-Gift of Annihilation-Night Terror-Relentless Advance-Cold Vengeance-Fear of Judgement-Sinner's Annihilation-Cleasing Fire-Fervent Devotion-Purifying Penance-Undying Legacy-Hand of the Righteous-Treachery's Doom-Owed Retribution-Glory of Martyrdom-Orbital Defense Station 3-Orbital Defense Station 4-Orbital Defense Station 5
Durante Clerici Intelligence roll 3d10 (SC 4)= 3, 4, 4= 0 Successes
Hidden Hand attacks Orbital Space Station 4.
1d50+25+5= 14+25+5= 44
Orbital Space Station 4 Shields disabled. Hull reduced to 367/500HP
Konishi Niwa Intelligence roll 4d10 (SC 4)= 4, 10, 10, 10= 6 Successes, Critical Success
1d4=4 All ships gain +15 attack
Devious 1d10=5
Undying attacks Orbital Defense Station 3
Orbital Defense Station 3 destroyed
Dauntless attacks Orbital Defense Station 5
Orbital Defense Station 5 Shields disabled. Hull reduced to 325/500HP
Felicitas attacks Orbital Defense Station 5
Orbital Defense Station 5 Hull reduced to 262/500HP
Furor attacks Orbital Defense Station 5
Orbital Defense Station 5 Hull reduced to 195/500HP
1d4= 1 Fires on Deck. Ship takes 1d100 damage per phase
Marcius Hostilius Intelligence roll 7d10 (SC 4)= 9, 5, 7, 4, 8, 10, 1= 4 Successes
Unorthodox roll 1d16= 5 +10 attack to flagship
Mind Killer attacks Orbital Defense Station 5
Orbital Defense Station 5 Hull reduced to 168/500HP
Necessary Discrepancy attacks Orbital Defense Station 5
Orbital Defense Station 5 Hull reduced to 125/500HP
Gerard De Lusignan Intelligence roll 5d10 (SC 3)= 2, 10, 3, 8, 9= 4 Successes
Proud 1d6=2
1d20= 9. Zealotry Hull at 33/100HP
1d12= 4. Zealotry Shield at 4/50SP
Zealotry attacks Orbital Defense Station 5
Orbital Defense Station 5 Hull reduced to 79/500HP
Adeptus Mechanicus Shipmaster Intelligence roll 3d10 (SC 4)= 10, 7, 10= 5 Successes, Critical Success
1d4= 4. All ships gain +15 attack
Blessings of the Cog attacks Orbital Defense Station 5.
Orbital Defense Station 5 Hull reduced to 25/500HP
Sinner's Annihilation attacks Orbital Defense Station 4
1d50+20= 7+20=27
Orbital Defense Station 4 Hull reduced to 51/500HP
Cleansing Fire attacks Orbital Defense Station 4
1d50+20= 4+20=24
Orbital Defense Station 4 Hull reduced to 27/500HP
Fervent Devotion attacks Orbital Defense Station 4
1d50+30= 42+30=72
Orbital Defense Station 4 Destroyed
She focuses on the ongoing battle after that, at least until the leader of the Angels Crusader barges onto her bridge unannounced and uninvited, accompanied only by five of his bodyguards. A nervous atmosphere suffuses the bridge as the quaking steps of the marines towering armor make their way towards her. Niwa feels the nerve as much as anyone else present, but she is an Admiral of the Imperial Navy and so she remains composed as she turns to address their guest.
"Welcome aboard, Master de Lusignan. Is there something that I can help you with?" She asks him pleasantly. The Space Marine's lack of a helmet allows Niwa to see the dismissive sneer in his face as she looks down on her.
"Remove yourself Admiral, I am commandeering your fleet."
Niwa blinks and then shares a glance with the officers nearby, to confirm that she hasn't heard incorrectly, before looking back at the Son of the Lion. "Excuse you?"
De Lusignan eyes narrow. "Do not waste my time feigning incomprehension Admiral, you have heard me perfectly." He barks harshly. "My own flagship has been shot down by the traitors, and I have a need for a new flagship from which to command. So I am commandeering this vessel and will take charge of both it and the rest of your forces until the conclusion of the battle, which will be a short time with a far more competent command." He takes a step forward, forcing the small woman to take a step of her own back as he looms over her. "Move."
Niwa hasn't seen danger so closely as she is seeing it now. She has always considered boarding actions to be only fit for Astartes, Xenos or idiots with more brawn than brain, and so endeavored through her career to fight her foes at range. Right now as an Astartes whom she only reaches to his navel is looking down on her with rising annoyance she considers that it would have been helpful to be more used to it. Her blood pounds in her head as her heart pumps quickly in her chest, and it takes more nerve than she knew she possessed to not let her hands shake or drift towards the Kyxa pipe that she had in the inner pocket of her uniform's jacket. Her nerves are screaming at her that she is an inch away from death, and what she has seen of the Space Marine in front of her doesn't tell her of a man accepting or respectful towards refusals.
And yet, with a reservoir of courage she didn't know she possessed, she steadies herself and looks him straight in the eye, cranking her neck upwards to do so. "I will not cede command, Space Marine."
The man's patrician features twist in anger, both at her rejection and at the manner in which she refers to him. "It is a temerity to refuse an officer of the Angels of Death, mortal, and a perilous one to refuse one of the Angels Crusader. Reconsider."
Far for cowing her, the words of the Angel Crusader prompt her to steady herself as she straightens to her full meager height. "What is a temerity is to barge into a vessel that has allowed you entry graciously and demanding to intimidate your way into a command that you are not only unwanted for, but also that you are prohibited to assume. The Adeptus Astartes does not command the Navis Imperialis, and so enacting a tantrum to bluff your way into usurping my role is not only disgraceful but illegal." As the Marines face reddens in a manner that would probably be unhealthy in a regular calm, Niwa internally marvels on how composed her voice sounds. "Now, if you are done posturing, you can use one of the secondary vox arrays here to coordinate your remaining frigates. Otherwise you can remove yourself."
For a moment the Admiral fears that the Space Marine is going to throw caution to the wind and kill her with his bare hands, so fearsome is the thunderous cast of his visage. Then the reality of their situation asserts itself. The Lex Imperialis is on her side, and with the intimidation attempt rebuffed De Lusignan has no way to press the issue without incurring in the wrath of the rest of the forces gathered in the system. And so he stalks away to the secondary vox-console, glaring hatefully at one of his bodyguards when something akin to a restrained chuckle comes out of his helmet.
Niwa herself feels the tension drain away from her body as she does the utmost to take a seat in her command throne without falling limply onto it. The battle carries on, the remaining stations of the Eyes of the Mutator fighting fiercely to the last despite the relentless hammering they are receiving from the Imperial arms. The woman's sense of self-preservation is the only thing that prevents her from laughing aloud as the Master of the Deathwing's expression sours further and further as more of his ships are blown to pieces, with only the damaged wreck of one of his escorts remaining operational. Her own ships, by contrast, do wonderfully, taking advantage of overlapping fields of fire and the presence of allied elements to inflict the damage needed to destroy the stations once and for all.
As the battle concludes and De Lusignan and his bodyguards stomp their way out of her bridge, Niwa smiles, both at the performance of her battlegroup in the fray and at seeing the man vacate her sight.
It is good that the Mist Shrikes are the wardens of the Aetelian Sector instead of the Angels Crusader. Chapter Master Severus is much more dignified for one.
After the defenses that protect Yerma Primus have been cracked open, a new strategy meeting is arranged to coordinate the invasion of the planet. This time the meeting takes place in the Fear of Judgement once more, which the Angels Crusader do not contest seeing as they do not have a flagship anymore.
"What we know of Yerma Primus is this." You begin briefing the gathered officers as the hololith projects a three dimensional map of the world. "While the population is lesser than that of Yerma Secundus, it is still substantial enough to have four cities." You point at the northernmost location. "Dongying is the closest thing that could be considered a capital for the Warband, with their main fortress located a mere five kilometers away, close enough to quickly reinforce one another if only one of them comes into attack. Our outdated intel pointed as the city being the main training center of those elite cultist that we have seen in small number in Yerma Tertius, while the fortress is not only the main place of residence of "Jiaomo of the Bloody Tear."" You say the Chaos Lord sobriquet with all the derision your tongue can muster. "But also where he garrisons the elite of the warband, a small number of which you have already faced in the Sorcerer's Tower." You nod your head in appreciation to those present in that assault, even if Lusignan doesn't react to it and Palatine Lynch looks disgusted by it.
"Excuse me Chapter Master." Interjects Irrin Defer, the young captain of the 7th Company of the Angels Revenant. "If the intel is outdated, why haven't further efforts been made to update it?" There is a questioning tilt to his voice that you do not care for, but the inquiry is reasonable and he has framed it with politeness, so you put that aside.
"To clarify, you are asking why haven't we enacted interrogations, gathered documents or made use of the omophagea to extract up to date information?" You ask him back, to which he nods, his dark dreadlocks shaking gently. "Concerns of spiritual purity. The God the Eyes of the Mutator follow is one of deceit and trickery, and with that in mind the reliability of any document that they have stored is suspect, without going further into protective measures such as hidden sigils with unknown effects, ink that could enthrall the reader or other manners of protections that we have encountered before. As for the Omophagea, are you willing to risk eating brain matter as twisted and mutated as that of a Chaos Space Marine?"
"Good point." Acquiesces the younger son of Guilliman. "Please continue."
You do so. "To the east are the city of Guyang and a place called the Ninefold Forge, both of them forming the industrial base of the Eyes of the Mutator. Contrary to what was initially suspected, the ones in charge of the latter are not the Chaos Space Marine, but a contingent of the Dark Mechanicum." The Master of Skitarii from Smilnay, who had been listening dispassionately beforehand, lets out a string of Binary when you mention them, and despite your ignorance of the language you suspect that what he's saying is not fit for polite company. "In the opposite direction lies Naguang, where a great temple of Tzeentch has been erected, almost another fortress unto itself."
The gazes of the Sisters and Inquisitor Clerici sharpen as they gaze upon its representation, but it is Inquisitor Bereket who voices a question. "It is strange that such a place has been erected away from the main center of influence of the Warband. Do we know if there is some reason for this, reasonable or insane?"
"None that we are aware of, but with the foe we are facing it could go either way." Between the mask and the heavy clothes, Inquisitor Bereket shows no reaction that you can discern, with both the beating of her heart and her scent disguised by the hum of her equipment and an overpowering smell of chemicals, at least to an Astartes nose. You push through with the debriefing, hoping to finish it before anyone else decides to ask more questions. "Lastly, we have the city of Zenwei to the south and the Orbital Ring over the planet that the Eyes of the Mutator use to assemble and repair their shipyards. Now, Champion Yeretai, while I know that we've asked this of you before, I must do so again. Have you heard anything from your captors that might be of use strategically?"
The sole member of the White Scars present strokes his chin, now sporting a growing white mustache, as he recalls decades of imprisonment and torture. The son of Jaghatai had made a speedy recovery since he was rescued, astonishing the Apothecaries, and while still troubled somewhat by the crippling tortures that his erstwhile brothers had enacted upon him, he had declared himself both fit from combat and eager to avenge himself upon them. He now presents a figure fitting of a Champion from an old Legion, even if the Mk.VIII armor he wears had been a loan from the 3rd Command Squad Veteran that had perished in the crash of the Bird of Prey, and the Iron Halo and Bolt Pistol he bears had been a gift from the Blazing Wardens. The armor had been painted in the white of the Vth Legion, with small stripes of carefully written calligraphy hanging in a manner akin to purity seals.
"Much did they taunt me while in the dark." Replies Yeretai eventually. "Boasting of the greatness of their foul deeds and the might of their champions, but their bragging carried little in facts and descriptions of their locations. What little I can add is that their foul lord is accompanied by a guard, of greater numbers that one that bears themselves with honour and that the main custodian of the Temple of the Ninety-Nine altars is a warrior of great skill in close combat."
"Nevertheless, thank you for your contribution." He bows slightly at your thanks. There is a moment of contemplation as everyone goes over the information, which eventually ends once General Mörner pulls a cigar from her coat and lights it.
"I suggest that we take it slow." His proposal is accompanied by a stream of smoke as he takes a drag of the cigar. "Get out of the way the cities first and secure them before we get into the more fortified areas."
"A wasteful proposal of unacceptable meekness." Argues De Lusignan dismissively. "We should do as we did in Tertius and overwhelm them with our full strength! Taking time only gives them time to prepare!"
Mörner spits on the ground. "This ain't Tertius, Space Marine. You and your brothers might be okay in those oversized armors of yours when geysers of warpfire burst out of the floor and the walls grow spikes, but the soldiers under my command don't have those, and I'm not going to feed them into a meat grinder just because you are in a hurry."
"The inadequacies of your troops are of no concern to me." Replies De Lusignan coldly. "They will do as needed or die so that someone who can do so will."
"You might believe in miracles from the Emperor, Lusignan, but strategies are determined with facts." Interjects Captain Danai of the Blazing Wardens with a voice colder than the void. "Splitting our forces piecemeal like you intend will see us overwhelmed in a matter of hours. We must choose somewhere to make a beachhead from which to take the rest of the planet."
"The hereteks cannot be allowed to blaspheme against the Omnissiah's works." Declares Samuel Omicron-Epsilon 329, the synthesized voice of Master of Skitarii preempting a scathing contestation from the Master of the Angels Crusader Deathwing. "Their mockery of a Forge and the Orbital Ring are targets of absolute priority."
"Apologies, Skitarii, but I must disagree." The Palatine glares towards the back of Ríona's head indicates that she doesn't agree with how her superior has expressed her objection. "The temple of the Eyes of the Mutator false god must be toppled first. Steel and Iron are a threat, but not more so than what imperils the God-Emperor's hold upon the soul."
While you doubt that was her intention, you've dealt with enough Mechanicus Priests to know that Samuel Omicron-Epsilon will take that dismissal of the machine as an insult, and so you ready in your head your own proposal before the situation degenerates, fully aware that you are going to expend the next hours arguing, cajoling, persuading and compromising before you attain a satisfying conclusion.
Mist Shrikes:
–Chapter Master Severus of the Mist Shrikes
–Honor Guard
–Chapter Champion Bertrand Dupont
–Master of Sanctity Falce
–Codicier Ivan Polikhat
–2nd Company Captain Emilianus Pluvia
–2nd Company Command Squad
–2nd Company Ancient Aquilifer
–2nd Company Champion
–Senior Techmarine Noricum
–Senior Apothecary Anodynon
–Chaplain Jaronski
–2nd Company Lieutenant Ulpio
–2nd Company Lieutenant Gallo
–2nd Company Tactical Squads
–2nd Company Assault Squads
–2nd Company Devastator Squads
–3rd Company Captain Gallienus
–3rd Company Command Squad
–3rd Company Ancient Dragomir
–Apothecary Sarjanovic
–3rd Company Lieutenant Furor
–3rd Company Lieutenant Cataegis
–Tactical Squads 3-4 and 3-5
–Assault Squad 3-7 and 3-8
–Devastator Squad 3-10
–10th Company Secutor
–10th Company Command Squad
–10th Company Champion
–10th Company Ancient Caligae
–10th Company Champion Gnaeus
–Senior Techmarine Ostia
–Senior Apothecary Soran
–Chaplain Jaronski
–10th Company Lieutenant Iosephus
–10th Company Lieutenant Lanista
–Squads 10-1 through 10-3
–Squads 10-6 and 10-7
–Inquisitorial Escort of Mist Shrike Veterans
–Land Raider Dark Horizon
–5 Rhinos (1 Damaged)
–4 Whirlwinds (1 Gravely Damaged)
–1 Razorback
–1 Predator Tank
–Tomb-Champion Claudius Spatha
–Tomb-Master Domitian
–4 Thunderhawks
–10 Storm Ravens
Angels Crusader:
–Master of the Deathwing Gerard de Lusignan
–Deathwing Knights
–Deathwing Ancient Godefroy
–Deathwing Champion Berenguer de Claramunt
–Interrogator Chaplain Golphoger
–Deathwing Apothecary Aimery
–Deathwing Technmarine Berthramus de Silvester
–Codicier Canali
–14 Five Marine Squads of Deathwing Terminators
–Venerable Brother Gerard De Martigues (Castaferrum-Pattern)
–Land Raider Holy Xenocider
–10 Thunderhawks
–10 Storm Ravens
–Master of the Skitarii Samuel Omicron-Epsilon 529
–4 Fulgurite Electro-Priests
–1 Sydonian Skatros
–6 Squads of Skitarii Hyspaspists
–1 Maniple of Skitarii Vanguards
–3 Squads of Skitarii Rangers
–2 Squads of Skitarii Sagitarii
–19 Onager Dune Crawlers
–97 Krios Battle Tanks
–95 Skorpius Dune Crawlers
–50 Archaopters
Ordo Malleus:
–Inquisitor Durante Clerici
–Inquisitorial Retinue
–2 Squads of Arco-Flagellants
–4 Crusader Squads of House Inim-Shara
–2 Retributor Squads from the Order of the Hallowed Chalice
--Inquisitor Seble Bereket.
--Inquisitorial Retinue
--Stormtrooper Platoon
--Squad of Azerii Warriors
–19 Valkyries
-Angels Crusader demand attacking all locations with simultaneous landings. In case not all locations are attacked, they prioritize the Shifting Fortress, the Temple of the Ninety-Nine Altars and the Orbital Ring. Want detachments in all locations that aren't the cities, and De Lusignan demands to be in command of the assault of the Shifting Fortress.
-Blazing Wardens would prefer to start with the Orbital Ring, the Shifting Fortress, and the city of Dongying, with a landing in waves with equal forces. Don't care about force allocation, but if they are in a deployment with the Angels Crusader, they don't want De Lusignan in charge of any of the deployments.
-Angels Revenant want to land first in the Orbital Ring, the Ninefold Forge and the city of Guiyang, they do not care about the wave allocation, but they want to take command of at least one deployment.
-Imperial Guard command wants to secure the cities first, with landings in waves with scouting elements. Don't care about force allocation.
-Forgeworld Smilnay wants to attack the Orbital Ring and the Ninefold Forge with a landing in waves with heavy assets. Want detachments and would like if no other force was assigned to their targets.
-Order of the Thorned would prefer an assault on the Temple of the Ninety-Nine Altars and the city of Naguang, don't care about the manner of the landing. If those locations are attacked, they want a force present.
-Ordo Malleus wants an attack on the Shifting Fortress and the Temple of the Ninety-Nine Altars, with landings in waves with equal distribution. Demand a detachment on those locations.
Choose how to distribute the available forces for your landing on Yerma Primus (If you wish to leave a location for later, do not assign any forces to it.):
-[] The Orbital Ring: The megastructure where the Eyes of the Mutator ships are built. While the possibility of them having functional ships that they haven't used against you is nil, the area is undoubtedly heavily automated. –[] Write-in which forces you assign to this location:
-[] The Shifting Fortress: The main fortress of the Eyes of the Mutator on the planet and the closest thing they have to a Fortress-Monastery. Not only it is expected that Chaos Lord Jiaomo will be there, but that he will be commanding both the heaviest defences and the elite of the Warband –[] Write-in which forces you assign to this location:
-[] The Temple of the Ninety-Nine Altars: A temple the treacherous sons of the Vth had built in honour to their foul god. With the Sorcerer's Tower destroyed, it is also the only place remaining from where the Heretics can enact their rituals with a modicum of success. –[] Write-in which forces you assign to this location:
-[] The Ninefold Forge: Contrary to initial observations, further reconnaissance has revealed that the industrial complex on site is not manned by the Chaos Marine, but by a detachment of Dark Mechanicum from…somewhere. Attackers on these locations can expect both daemon engines and other kinds of heavy armor. –[] Write-in which forces you assign to this location:
-[] Dongying: The northern city on the planet, it is also the nearest city to the shifting fortress. As such, we have intel that locates the training grounds of the Watchers of Yerma, the Warband's mortal elite, there. –[] Write-in which forces you assign to this location:
-[] Guiyang: The eastern city and the one closest to the Ninefold Forge. Most of the armor that is produced in the Dark Mechanicus enclave goes there before being redistributed elsewhere and the city holds many manofactoriums from the cultist armies of the Mutator. –[] Write-in which forces you assign to this location:
-[] Naguang: The western city, located at the foot of the Temple of the Ninety-Nine Altars. Whether due to the influence of the Changer or the cast-off of some ritual, the location is filled to the brim with mutants and Chaos Spawns. –[] Write-in which forces you assign to this location:
-[] Zenwhei: The southern city, and a location that is far more out of the way than the other urban centers on the planet. It is a tertiary target, but a daring recon flight from one of the Navy's Valkyries has revealed that a force of Eyes of the Mutator and Dark Mechanicum are moving towards it. –[] Write-in which forces you assign to this location:
Choose how you want to organize the landing of forces. Take into account the number of gunships:
-[] Simultaneous: Land all forces available in the first wave. -[] Heavy Assets first: Assets such as Terminator armor, Heavy armor and Mechanized Infantry land first, followed by the rest of forces. -[] Scouting Elements and Saboteurs first: Assets such as Veteran Scouts and Light Infantry land first, followed by the rest of forces. -[] Equal Waves: Waves upon landing follow a well-balanced compositions
Q.M Notes: A bit of a shorter, transitional update this time. I'm going to leave an 8 hours moratorium for you to discuss and vote. As always, feel free to point out any mistakes you might see. Have a nice day.