Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

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We might end up fighting some Sslyth or Medusae(though I think they are more often used as torture devices) if we need to attack the Dark Eldar again. If we ever do get everything in our sector handled we could always ask the Blazing Warden if they want help with anything. They could probably use any help they can get with how under strength they are. Anyway this is all very presumptuous I have a feeling we'll have our hands full.
Turn 8: Catch your Breath (773-778 M41)
Luctus System, Aetelian Sector, Ultima Segmentum 773 M41.

As Mikhail Vitalievich crosses the threshold of the chapter's meeting room, all eyes fall upon him. The rest of the officers of the Chapter focus their attention on him, a whole spectrum of opinions and attitudes showing in their expressions as they gaze both upon his face and the emblem on his robes that mark him as Captain of the newly raised 9th Company. Some are welcoming, like the Captain of the 7th, who greets the Luctusian with a shining smile and a vigorous clap on his back, or Masters Utica and Domitian, whose smiles are more subdued. Others glare at him in disapproval, like Master Hostilius, whose downright sneering, or Masters Apollodorus and Numerian, frowning lightly for a brief instant before smoothing their expressions. Most of them however limit themselves to study him with pensive faces, perhaps searching for the reasons as to why he has been raised to be one of their own. Mikhail himself would like to know the answer to that, for when the Chapter Master had relayed to him that he was to be the new Captain of the Chapter, he had just said that his performance in the Lezoan Campaign had merited his ascension into the company and that of all the considered candidates he´s the most suited for leadership of the Devastators. Mikhail didn´t see exactly how, seeing as the other candidates he´s aware of have more experience in both combat and command, but there was no use second-guessing himself or the Chapter Master´s decision.

Speaking of whom, the sole founder of the Chapter present greets the Luctusian with a polite nod before bringing the meeting up to a start. "Now that we are all present, it is time for us to discuss the current status of our Chapter in the aftermath of the Lezoan Campaign and what steps shall we take moving forward."

The Master of the Arsenal is the first one to speak, placing his hands on the table and leaning slightly. "As far as ammunition goes, we are well stocked, but I must recommend that we acquire more vehicles in order to provide better support for our inbound operations."

"A problem that shall soon be rectified." States Severus. He then turns towards Mikhail, and the younger marine straightens under the veteran´s gaze. "Captain Vitalievich, would you say that your company is ready for deployment?"

"I would say there are." He replies immediately. "Although I would advise for the company to be assigned as support for a more experienced company, whether deployed in full or in smaller detachments. With most of my Marines being Nowalijki, it would be the best manner to avoid casualties."

He hears a scoff in response to that, noting that the sneer in Marcus Hostilius face has deepened. Some of the other marines, including Captains Catilina and Pluvia, glare back at him in disapproval, and while Mikhail remains focused on the Chapter Master, he takes note of the Master of the Fleet´s disdain.

Something that shall be addressed sooner or later.

Chapter Master Severus ignores it entirely, his eyes fixed on Mikhail´s face. "Your observations will be taken into account, Captain." Mikhail nods at his words, his posture relaxing to a degree beyond the perception of a normal man.

"Chapter Master." Asks Captain Pluvia. "I´ve noticed that the Master of Sanctity is not present, has the Chief Apothecary made a diagnosis of his condition?"

A sigh escapes the Chapter Master´s lips before he composes himself. "Falce is still in the Apothecarion. According to Valzadai´s examination, Falce suffers from the same affliction that Spatha has. We must seriously consider the possibility that we might be facing a gene seed defect instead of a one-off mutation." Whatever relaxation exist in the ambience dies a sudden and brutal death as everyone present tenses, grim casts worn on everyone's expressions.

"Do we have an estimation of how much time Falce has left" Inquires Catilina, unaffected by the demeanor of the rest of the room.

Falce´s remaining lifespan 1d10=7

Falce´s vision clarity 1d10=6

"35 years, give or take. There is also the matter of the… vision he was afflicted with when he lost consciousness in the bridge of the Fear of Judgement. According to him, he saw both myself and my Honor Guard having a stand-off ona a bridge against black-armored marines." The room takes in Severus words, creating a brief silence that is broken by a question from Tullius.

"Was he able to discern any sigil from these black armored marines?"

Severus shakes his head. "He wasn´t. He did mention that the figures were blurry when he tried to recall them, so we cannot even be sure of where the loyalties of these marines would lie."

"WE WILL CROSS THAT BRIDGE WHEN WE GET THERE!! IN THE MEANTIME, WE SHOULD DISCUSS WHAT TO DO AGAINST THE EYES OF THE MUTATOR, NOW THAT THEIR BASE HAS BEEN LOCATED!!" As Constantinus changes the topic, Mikhail sees certain people in the room shift in their positions, congregating into different camps.

"What we must do is clear." Declares Hostilius imperiously. "We must strike now and strike fast! Every second that the attack is delayed is a second the worthless scum can use to change their defenses and make our intel obsolete!"

"Now is not the moment." Rebukes Emilianus, holding the Master of the Fleet angry glare with one of his own. "We lack the armored support, numbers, psykers and fleet elements to engage in that type of campaign on our own, and coordinating support from across the branches of the Imperium to get enough allies to compensate for that will take time. Time that we could use to bloody our new recruits and correct some of our deficiencies. Besides, no matter how much of the vileness of the Warp they have at their disposal, they can´t overhaul the defenses of three planets in a few years."


"Our duty, Logos, is to defend the Sector and preserve the chapter." Is Catilina´s cold rebuttal. "Which cannot be done if we spent our strength in ill-conceived offensives."

As an argument erupts, with the various officers arguing in favor of both attacking or waiting. Mikhail looks at the Chapter Master, who beholds the discussion with a thoughtful cast to his features, lips silent and eyes surveying the different speakers.


As the meeting finally ends, and all of the occupants of the room depart in order to fulfill their various duties, Mikhail moves to do the same until he is hailed by one of his peers.

"Vitalievich, mind if we speak for a moment?" The Luctusian turns around for a moment, and sees that the figure approaching is that of the 3rd Company Captain, who approaches him with his characteristic grin.

"If you wish so." Defers Mikhail as the Terran catches up to him. "Is there anything in particular you desire to converse about?"

Gallienus chuckles, his posture relaxed and at ease as they walk. "Oh no, I just wished to ask you how you are adjusting to your position. It is, after all, a great change from your previous posting."

Mikhail´s eyes narrow, attempting to discern whether or not the older marine is mocking him. "It has been a telling assignment, especially with how most of my company are Nowalijki, and the tensions between Braicamese and my compatriots, but I can assure you that is not beyond what I can handle." The last part is said with a defiant note, as if daring his conversation partner to challenge the assessment. He does not do so, instead laughing slightly with a mirthful twinkle in his eye.

"Already hearing some of Dear Hostilius' little comments?" He asks rhetorically as his laughter abates. "I wouldn't take it to hearts. Marcius has always been one to throw around poisoned barbs whenever he´s in a foul mood. Main issue with that is that he's always in a foul mood. You just happen to be the newest target of it." He then leans towards it, before putting his hand near his mouth as if sharing a secret. "Between you and me, it's not like he was in a much better position when he started, none of us were. All of us were in the same place, selected above the rest because Severus saw something in us that he didn´t see in the others. Just like you." With those words and a jaunty wave the other captain leaves. Mikhail gazes at him for a moment before moving away, his mind already putting the conversation aside in order to focus on the next actions he should take as captain.

The refuge of Skloniste has finally been reinstated as a settlement. While the population is low, we can expect the community to grow in future years, pending any disease outbreaks or unforeseen disasters.

The resettlement of Kryjowka is proceeding apace, although there has been some issues regarding establishing the necessary supply and trade routes due to the wildlife. The PDF´s 3rd Regiment "The Brotherhood of Adamantite." has been assigned to escort the different convoys and clear out the infestation.

A surge of wildlife coming from one of the ruined cities near Adapost is threatening the Refuge capabilities to interact with the outside. The regiments of the Mist Crawlers, Red Ribbons and Boris Bastards had attempted to cull the beasts to manageable levels, but their numbers keep rising while the PDF has suffered substantial casualties in return.

Chapter Master Severus
-Lead your chapter (Choose 3):
--[] Meet up with a Local Faction Leader.
---[] Lord Sector Blas Cartagena (Sector Authority).
---[] Adept Beltran Trastámara de Olivares (Adeptus Administratum).
---[] Fabricator-General of Smilnay Nikola Delta-Null 6 (Adeptus Mechanicus).
---[] Fabricator-General of Milan Thomas Epsilon 1874 (Adeptus Mechanicus).
---[] Cardinal Giovanni di Bernadone (Ecclesiarchy).
---[] Lord General Adolphus Tavisolta (Imperial Guard).
---[] Lord Admiral Hanno Adherbal (Imperial Navy)
---[] Chapter Master Guo Saetang (Blazing Wardens)
---[] Grand Master Baldwin (Angels Crusader)
---[] Inquisitor Harker. (Not a faction leader, but he´s your local contact.)
--[] Negotiate with a Planetary Governor (You have to add a write-in specifying what you want to negotiate with them.)
---[] Governor Gregorious IV Baetica (Illiberis)
---[] King Tristan III du Martel (Braicam)
---[] Representative of the Durrutian Comunes (Durruti)
---[] Governor Mehmet II Indra (Saffran)
---[] Governor Kazimier Symansky (Zatloczony Tertius)
---[] King Louis LXIV du Soleil (Seibourc)
--[] Tutor another Marine (Can be taken more than once.)
---[] Write-in two notables you want to train and in what stat (Note: You can´t train someone in a stat he surpasses the trainer in.)
--[] Reassign Notable to another post (Doesn´t count towards action limits, can be taken multiple times)
---[] Write-in the Notable and the position you are placing them in.
--[] Inquire about the Imperial Guard Situation.
--[] Choose a new Chapter Champion.

Master of the Keep (Choose 2 Action)
-[] Train Current Luctus PDF Regiments.
-[] Raise more PDF Regiments.
-[] Train Chapter Serfs.
-[] Improve an Aspect of the Fortress-Monastery.
--[] Expand Forges (Increases BP by 25)
--[] Expand Apothecarion (Reduces successes needed to complete actions)
--[] Expand Garages (Increases Ground Vehicle pool by 10%)
--[] Expand Hangars (Increases Air Vehicle pool by 10%)
--[] Expand External Defenses (Increases the Successes an enemy force needs to breach the Fortress-Monastery)
--[] Expand Internal Defenses (Increases the Successes an enemy force needs to advance through the Fortress-Monastery)
-[] Meet with Mayor-Governor Lilya Semyonovna (You have to add a write-in specifying what you want to negotiate with them.)

Chief Librarian Actions (Choose 1)
-[] Compile Lore about the Warp
-[] Inscribe Wards in the Librarius
-[] Attempt a Divination Ritual
-[] Instruct a Neophyte in a particular Discipline
–[] Write-In which Neophyte you want to instruct and in what Discipline you want him to develop (Pyromancy, Biomancy, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Divination )

Master of the Forge Actions (Choose 2. Production counts towards 1 Action):
-[] Assign Equipment Permanently to a company or character (Free action, can be taken multiple times):
–[] Write- in what do you assign and to whom.
-[] Research Luctusian Refuges.
-[] Research ways to re-weaponize the Mist.
-[] Finance a Tech-hunting expedition on Luctus
-[] Find practical applications for the Mist-hardened skin of the Great Devourer
-[] Examine the Contemptor-Pattern Dreadnought.
-[] Production ( Luctus manufacturiums grant you 100BP per turn, while the Forge aboard the
Fear of Judgement grants you another 100BP, Your Master of the Arsenal and Chief Victualler give you an additional 50 BP Each. You have 36 BP extra available from the previous turns. Maintenance costs are negated by your Master of the Marches. To Produce you need to indicate which type of weaponry each Techmarine produces. Techmarines can produce one type of Item each time, Senior Techmarines two types and your Master of the Forge three):
–[] Product Master-Crafted equipment (Can only be taken once, will use all the production slots of your Master of the Forge and the cost of the equipment is double the regular amount).
–[] Repair vehicles:
—[] Land Raider 100BP
—[] Stormbird 50BP
—[] 3 Thunderhawk 25BP Each
—[] Shrouded Blade 100/200 HP 150BP
-Bolt Pistol: Standard Issue
Statline: Damage 4, AP 3, Short Range
-Godwyn-Pattern Bolter: Standard Issue
Statline: Damage 4, AP 4
-Chainsword: Standard Issue
Statline: Damage 5, AP 3
-Heavy Bolter: Standard Issue
Statline: Damage 5, AP 4, Heavy, Rapid Fire,
-Autocannon: Standard Issue
Statline: Damage 4, AP 5, Blast 1, Heavy, Needs Strength 5
-Missile Launcher: Standard Issue
Damage 6, AP 2, Blast 2 (Frag)
Damage 5, AP 4, Blast 1 (Krak)
-Plasma Pistol: 4BP/Pistol
Statline: Damage 4, AP 3, Blast 1, Short Range, Gets Hot
-Plasma Gun: 6BP/Gun
Statline: Damage 4, AP 4, Blast 1, Gets Hot
-Plasma Cannon: 8BP/Cannon
Statline: Damage 5, AP 4, Blast 2, Gets Hot, Heavy Needs Strength 5
-Plasma Blaster: 15BP/Gun (Requires Great Crusade-Era Techmarine)
Statline: Damage 5, AP 4, Blast 2, Gets Hot, Needs Strength 5
-Volkite Serpenta: 15BP/Pistol (Requires Great Crusade-Era Techmarine)
Statline: Damage 6, AP 5, Spread 1, Short Range
-Volkite Charger: 20BP/Gun (Requires Great Crusade-Era Techmarine)
Statline: Damage 6, AP 5, Spread 1
-Meltagun: 6BP/Gun
Statline: Damage 5, AP 3, Short Range
-Storm Bolter: 8BP/Gun [NOTE: Requires Senior Techmarine to Craft]
Statline: Damage 5, AP 4, Rapid Fire, Needs Strength 5
-Stalker Bolter: 6BP/Gun
Statline: Damage 6, AP 4, Unwieldy.
-Kraken-Pattern Bolter: 6BP/Gun
Statline: Damage 5, AP 4
-Combi-Flamer Bolter: 15BP/Gun [NOTE: Requires Techmarine to Craft]
Statline: Damage 4, AP 4, Spread 2
-Combi-Melta Bolter: 15BP/Gun [NOTE: Requires Techmarine to Craft]
-Statline: Damage 4, AP 6. Short Range
-Combi-Plasma Bolter: 15BP/Gun [NOTE: Requires Techmarine to Craft]
-Statline: Damage 6, AP 5. Gets Hot
-Grav-Gun: 25/BP [NOTE: STC Pattern Unavailable]
-Statline: Damage 7, AP 7
-Flamer: 6BP/Gun
Statline: Damage 5, AP 3, Spread 2, Short Range
-Heavy Flamer: 8BP/Gun
Statline: Damage 6, AP 4, Spread 3, Short Range Needs Strength 5
-Eviscerator-Pattern Chainsword: 3BP/Sword
Statline: Damage 6, AP 3, Two-Handed
-Chainfists: 3BP/Pair of fists.
Statline: Damage 7, AP2, Two-Handed
-Power Fist: 5BP/Fist [NOTE: Requires Techmarine to Craft]
Statline: Damage 5, AP, 5 Blast 1.
-Power Sword: 5BP/Sword [NOTE: Requires Techmarine to Craft]
Statline: Damage 6, AP 5,
-Power Axe: 5BP/Sword [NOTE: Requires Techmarine to Craft]
Statline: Damage 7, AP 5, Unwieldy
-Lightning Claws: 10BP/Pair of Claws [NOTE: Requires Techmarine to Craft]
Statline: Damage 8, AP 4, Two-Handed.
-Thunder Hammer: 10BP/Hammer [NOTE: Requires Senior Techmarine to Craft]
Statline: Damage 8, AP 6, Two-Handed, Blast 1 Needs Strength 5
-Force Weapon: 15BP/Weapon [NOTE: Requires Librarian to Craft]
Statline: Damage 5, AP 4, Psychic Focus
-Crozius Arcanum: 15BP/Weapon [NOTE: Requires Senior Techmarine to Craft]
Statline: Damage 6, AP 5, Blast 1
-Chainglaive: 10BP/Glaive [NOTE: Requires Senior Techmarine to Craft]
Statline: Damage 7, AP 6,

-Mk-VI 'Corvus' Power Armor: 10BP/Suit
Advantages: Light (+1 Agility)
Disadvantages: Light (-1 Armor)
Statline: Armor 2, +1 Agility
-Prototype Mk-VI 'Corvus' Power Armor: 40BP/Suit
Advantages: Light (+1 Agility), Reinforced (+1 Armor)
Disadvantages: Prototype (-2 to Repairs)
Statline: Armor 4, +1 Agility
-Mk-VII 'Aquila' Power Armor: Standard Issue.
Advantages: Standard (+1 to Repairs)
Disadvantages: None
Statline: Armor 3
-Mk-VIII 'Errant' Power Armor: 10BP/Suit
Advantages: Reinforced (+1 Armor)
Disadvantages: Non-Standard (-1 to Repairs)
Statline: Armor 4
-Centurion Exosuit: 40BP/Suit
Advantages: Heavily Reinforced (+2 Armor), Augmented (+1 Strength)
Disadvantages: Non-Standard (-1 to Repairs), Cumbersome (-1 Agility)
Statline: Armor 5, +1 Strength, -1 Agility Needs Strength
-Terminator Armor (Indomitus Pattern): 60BP/Suit [NOTE: STC Pattern Unavailable: Improve relations with the Mechanicus]
Advantages: Ultra-Heavy Reinforcement (+3 Armor), Augmented (+1 Strength), Iconic (+1 Willpower, +1 Willpower to all Friendly Units)
Disadvantages: Cumbersome (-1 Agility), Archeotech (-2 to Repairs)
-Iron Halo: 30BP/Piece [NOTE: Requires Senior Techmarine to Craft]
Advantages: Conversion Field (+2 Armor), Badge of Office (+1 Fellowship)
Statline: +2 Armor, +1 Fellowship,
-Combat Shield: 5BP/Shield
Statline: +2 Armor, No Hands Required
-Storm Shield: 10BP/Shield
Statline: +4 Armor, One-Handed

--Boarding Shield: 5BP/Shield
Statline: +3 Armor, One-Handed
-Cameleoline Cloak: 5BP/Cloak
Statline: +1 Agility
-Jump Pack: Standard Issue (5BP/Jumpack For characters)
Statline: +2 Agility (Speed checks only.)

-Rhino: 40BP/Vehicle
Statline: Armor 4, Structure 6, Transports 10
-Razorback: 45BP/Vehicle
Statline: Armor 4, Structure 7, Damage 5, AP 4
-Whirlwind: 45BP/Vehicle
Statline: Armor 3, Structure 5, Damage 6, AP 2, Blast 3 (Frag)
Damage 5, AP 4, Blast 2, (Krak)
-Vindicator: 60BP/Vehicle
Statline: Armor 5, Structure 7, Damage 6 AP 4, Blast 3(Demolisher Cannon.)
-Predator: 80BP/Vehicle
Statline: Armor 6, Structure 8, Damage 8, AP 6 (Lascannon)
Damage 8, AP 6, Twin-Linked (Twin-Linked Lascannon)
Damage 5, AP 4, Rapid Fire (Heavy Bolter)
Damage 6, AP 5, Blast 2 (Autocannon)
-Dreadnought Chassis (Castaferrum pattern): 60BP/Chassis
Statline: Armor 6, Structure 6, Damage 8, AP 5 (Combat Assault Claw)
Damage 6, AP 5, Rapid Fire (Assault Cannon)
Damage 5, AP 4, Spread 3 (Heavy Flamer)
Damage 6, AP 3, Short Range, Rapid Fire (Multi-Melta)
Damage 6, AP 2, Blast 3 (Frag Missile)
Damage 5, AP 4, Blast 2 (Krak Missile)
-Attack Bike: 20BP/Bike
Statline: Armor 2, Structure 4, Fast Assault Vehicle, Damage 5, AP 4, Rapid Fire (Heavy Bolter)
Damage 6, AP 3, Short Range, Rapid Fire (Multi-Melta)
-Land Speeder: 30BP/Vehicle
Statline: Armor 3, Structure 5, Grav Vehicle, Damage 5, AP 4, Rapid Fire (Heavy Bolter)
Damage 6, AP 3, Short Range, Rapid Fire (Multi-Melta)
-Storm Raven: 30BP/Craft
Statline: Armor 4, Structure 5, Transports 12, Transports 1 Dreadnought. Flyer, Damage 8, AP 6, Twin-Linked (Twin-Linked Lascannon)
Damage 5, AP 4, Rapid Fire (Heavy Bolter)
Damage 6, AP 2, Blast 3 (Frag Missile)
Damage 5, AP 4, Blast 2 (Krak Missile)
-Thunderhawk: 50BP/Craft
Statline: Armor 6, Structure 8, Transports 30 (Gunship), Transports 2 Rhino Chassis/1 Land Raider Chassis (Transporter), Flyer, Damage 5, AP 4, Rapid Fire (Heavy Bolter)
Damage 6, AP 2, Blast 3 (Frag Missile)
Damage 5, AP 4, Blast 2 (Krak Missile)
Damage 12, AP 8, Blast 1 (Turbo-Laser)
-Stormbird: 80BP/Craft
Statline: Armor 9, Structure 10, Transports 50 (Gunship), Transports 5 Dreadnoughts/3 Rhinos/ 1 Land Raider Chassis (Transporter), Flyer, Damage 5, AP 4, Rapid Fire, Twin-linked (Heavy Bolter)
Damage 8. AP 6. Twin-Linked (Twin-Linked Lascannon)
Damage 6, AP 2, Blast 3 (Frag Missile)
Damage 5, AP 4, Blast 2 (Krak Missile)
-Land Raider: 400BP/Vehicle [NOTE: STC Pattern Unavailable: Improve Relation with the Mechanicus]
Statline: Armor 10, Structure 16, Transports 10 Terminators, Power of the Machine Spirit, Damage 8, AP 6, Twin-Linked (Twin-Linked Lascannon)
Damage 5, AP 4, Rapid Fire (Heavy Bolter) [Twin-Linked Option Available]
Damage 6, AP 3, Short Range, Rapid Fire (Multi-Melta) [Twin-Linked Option Available]
Damage 6, AP 5, Rapid Fire (Assault Cannon)
Tarantula Sentry Turret: 20BP
Statline: Armor 2, Structure 4, Inmovible
Damage 5, AP 4, Rapid Fire, Twin-linked (Heavy Bolter)
Damage 8. AP 6. Twin-Linked (Twin-Linked Lascannon)

-[] Acquire Vehicles from Smilnay

-Rhino: 1 Minor Favor per 3 Vehicles
Statline: Armor 4, Structure 6, Transports 10
-Razorback: 1 Minor Favor per 2 Vehicles
Statline: Armor 4, Structure 7, Damage 5, AP 4
-Whirlwind: 1 Minor Favor per 2 Vehicles
Statline: Armor 3, Structure 5, Damage 6, AP 2, Blast 3 (Frag)
Damage 5, AP 4, Blast 2, (Krak)
-Vindicator: 1 Minor Favor per 1 vehicle
Statline: Armor 5, Structure 7, Damage 6 AP 4, Blast 3(Demolisher Cannon.)
-Predator: 1 Minor Favor per 1 vehicle
Statline: Armor 6, Structure 8, Damage 8, AP 6 (Lascannon)
Damage 8, AP 6, Twin-Linked (Twin-Linked Lascannon)
Damage 5, AP 4, Rapid Fire (Heavy Bolter)
Damage 6, AP 5, Blast 2 (Autocannon)
-Dreadnought Chassis (Castaferrum pattern): 1 Minor Favor per 1 vehicle
Statline: Armor 6, Structure 6, Damage 8, AP 5 (Combat Assault Claw)
Damage 6, AP 5, Rapid Fire (Assault Cannon)
Damage 5, AP 4, Spread 3 (Heavy Flamer)
Damage 6, AP 3, Short Range, Rapid Fire (Multi-Melta)
Damage 6, AP 2, Blast 3 (Frag Missile)
Damage 5, AP 4, Blast 2 (Krak Missile)
-Attack Bike: 1 Minor Favor per 10 vehicles
Statline: Armor 2, Structure 4, Fast Assault Vehicle, Damage 5, AP 4, Rapid Fire (Heavy Bolter)
Damage 6, AP 3, Short Range, Rapid Fire (Multi-Melta)
-Land Speeder: 1 Minor Favor per 4 vehicle
Statline: Armor 3, Structure 5, Grav Vehicle, Damage 5, AP 4, Rapid Fire (Heavy Bolter)
Damage 6, AP 3, Short Range, Rapid Fire (Multi-Melta)
-Storm Raven: 1 Minor Favor per 3 vehicle
Statline: Armor 4, Structure 5, Transports 12, Transports 1 Dreadnought. Flyer, Damage 8, AP 6, Twin-Linked (Twin-Linked Lascannon)
Damage 5, AP 4, Rapid Fire (Heavy Bolter)
Damage 6, AP 2, Blast 3 (Frag Missile)
Damage 5, AP 4, Blast 2 (Krak Missile)
-Thunderhawk: 1 Minor Favor per 2 vehicle
Statline: Armor 6, Structure 8, Transports 30 (Gunship), Transports 2 Rhino Chassis/1 Land Raider Chassis (Transporter), Flyer, Damage 5, AP 4, Rapid Fire (Heavy Bolter)
Damage 6, AP 2, Blast 3 (Frag Missile)
Damage 5, AP 4, Blast 2 (Krak Missile)
Damage 12, AP 8, Blast 1 (Turbo-Laser)

Land Raider: 1 Mayor Favor per vehicle
Statline: Armor 10, Structure 16, Transports 10 Terminators, Power of the Machine Spirit, Damage 8, AP 6, Twin-Linked (Twin-Linked Lascannon)
Damage 5, AP 4, Rapid Fire (Heavy Bolter) [Twin-Linked Option Available]
Damage 6, AP 3, Short Range, Rapid Fire (Multi-Melta) [Twin-Linked Option Available]
Damage 6, AP 5, Rapid Fire (Assault Cannon)

Chief Apothecary (Choose 2 Actions)
-[] Investigate Mist counter-agents.
-[] Continue on Spatha´s geneseed.
-[] Make test slaves to produce more progenoids.
-[] Study examples of Luctusian Fauna II (Marrow Eaters).
-[] Study examples of Luctusian Fauna II (Paukvora).
-[] Study examples of Luctusian Flora.
-[] Accelerate Training of Apothecaries-in-Training

Master of Recruits (Choose 2 Actions)
-[] Train your Chapter
--[] Weapon Skill.
--[] Ballistic Skill.
--[] Strength.
--[] Toughness.
--[] Perception.
--[] Agility.
--[] Intelligence.
--[] Willpower.
--[] Fellowship
-[] Tutor another Marine (Can be taken more than once.)
--[] Write-in two notables you want to train and in what stat (Note: You can´t train someone in a Stat he surpasses you in.)

Write-in how many squads you want to deploy in each assignment and from which Company, and with which vehicles and vessels. You don´t have to send troops to a deployment if you do not wish to.
Deployment Restrictions:
-1.Each Company Captain MUST be deployed with Squads of his Company.
-2.Your Master of the Fleet can be deployed with a vessel, but he will never land planetside.
-3.Your Chapter Champion and Honor Guard can only be deployed alongside your Chapter Master.
-4.Master of the Keep, Master of the Watch, Master of the Arsenal, Master of the Marches, Chief Victualer are non-deployable. Master of Recruits is only deployable with Nowalijki Squads.
-5.At least one Apothecary has to remain in the Fortress Monastery.
-6 Dreadnoughts have a Lucidity value that goes from 0 to 100. It starts at 100 when interred and it is reduced by a 2d20 each time they are deployed, recovering 3d10 when they are not. If the Lucidity value is lower than 30, the Dreadnought cannot be deployed until its Lucidty value rises above that number.


-[] Cleansing of Yerma: You have the location of the system where the Eyes of the Mutator have settled their new homeworld. For three millennia they have plagued this Sector, killing millions in the name of the God of Sorcery and lies. It ends now.
–[] Write-in Dispatch Force (Starts the Cleansing of Yerma campaign. If not taken, this deployment will be available in the next turns until it is selected.):
-[X] Lezoan mop-up:
While the bulk of the cult was slain in the campaign proper, you promised the Lord Sector that your forces would assist him in culling potential infectees.
–[] Write-in Dispatch Force (Must be at least three squads):
-[] Burning through Freebootas:
The Blazing Wardens have been facing a particularly slippery group of Ork Freebootas in the border between the Aetelian and Cassioan Sectors. They have requested your help in hunting them down.
–[] Write-in Dispatch Force:
-[] Bleeding Iron:
A warband of Iron Warriors is laying siege to the Fortress world of Noitsab. However, the garrisoned regiments of the Imperial Guard have received assistance from a depleted force of Space Marines, although the astropaths weren't able to communicate what chapter they belong to. Help your unknown cousins slay the bitter besiegers of the IVth.
–[] Write-in Dispatch Force:
-[] Ghosts in the Grass:
The Agri-world of Saibula has been reported a number of mysterious disappearances in one of the islands of the northern hemispheres, including with scattered sightings of what you recognize are Eldar. Whatever are they doing there, they must be culled.
–[] Write-in Dispatch Force:
-[] Inquisitorial Hunt:
Inquisitor Adrien de Wiart, the one behind the Genestealer presence in Lezo, has ignored it´s summoning to the Inquisitorial Conclave of the Aetelian Sector, and has been officially declared Excommunicate Traitoris. Last sightings of him place him in the Hive-world of Boshin, find him and purge that traitor.
–[] Write-in Dispatch Force:
-[] Stronghold of the Faithless:
The Civilized World of Lutrilles Secundus has risen in rebellion against the Imperium, proclaiming their independence and the foundation of the Free Planet of Lutrilles. Guard Regiments sent in response have retaken most of the Planet, but the rebels resist in a few fortified strongholds. Lord General Tavisolta wants the rebels dealt with so that he can reroute the present Regiments to other fronts.
–[] Write-in Dispatch Force:

Q.M Notes: Okay so here´s turn 8. As always, feel free to point out any spelling mistake you might see. I have received some options on what planet I could cover for the Guide, but no true opinion on part of the thread, so as always if you don´t choose one in particular I´ll just cover one at random. Also I´ve updated the informational and there´s been an addition of ground and air vehicle limit (although your nowhere near close to fill them). Have a nice evening everyone!
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-[] Cleansing of Yerma: You have the location of the system where the Eyes of the Mutator have settled their new homeworld. For three millennia they have plagued this Sector, killing millions in the name of the God of Sorcery and lies. It ends now.
–[] Write-in Dispatch Force (Starts the Cleansing of Yerma campaign. If not taken, this deployment will be available in the next turns until it is selected.):
-[X] Lezoan mop-up:
While the bulk of the cult was slain in the campaign proper, you promised the Lord Sector that your forces would assist him in culling potential infectees.
–[] Write-in Dispatch Force (Must be at least three squads):
-[] Burning through Freebootas:
The Blazing Wardens have been facing a particularly slippery group of Ork Freebootas in the border between the Aetelian and Cassioan Sectors. They have requested your help in hunting them down.
–[] Write-in Dispatch Force:
-[] Bleeding Iron:
A warband of Iron Warriors is laying siege to the Fortress world of Noitsab. However, the garrisoned regiments of the Imperial Guard have received assistance from a depleted force of Space Marines, although the astropaths weren't able to communicate what chapter they belong to. Help your unknown cousins slay the bitter besiegers of the IVth.
–[] Write-in Dispatch Force:
-[] Ghosts in the Grass:
The Agri-world of Saibula has been reported a number of mysterious disappearances in one of the islands of the northern hemispheres, including with scattered sightings of what you recognize are Eldar. Whatever are they doing there, they must be culled.
–[] Write-in Dispatch Force:
-[] Inquisitorial Hunt:
Inquisitor Jack de Wiart, the one behind the Genestealer presence in Lezo, has ignored it´s summoning to the Inquisitorial Conclave of the Aetelian Sector, and has been officially declared Excommunicate Traitoris. Last sightings of him place him in the Hive-world of Boshin, find him and purge that traitor.
–[] Write-in Dispatch Force:
-[] Stronghold of the Faithless:
The Civilized World of Lutrilles Secundus has risen in rebellion against the Imperium, proclaiming their independence and the foundation of the Free Planet of Lutrilles. Guard Regiments sent in response have retaken most of the Planet, but the rebels resist in a few fortified strongholds. Lord General Tavisolta wants the rebels dealt with so that he can reroute the present Regiments to other fronts.
–[] Write-in Dispatch Force:

1. As stated in the meeting, we probably want to hold off on this until we get some more favors, especially with the Imperial fleet.
2. Perfect opportunity for the 9th to cut their teeth, maybe send a quarter of a company to act as escorts.
3. I say that 2 of the strike cruisers and whatever the blazing wardens are sending should be enough to deal with the Freebootas.
4. Maybe blazing warden survivors, or maybe just Eyes of Mutator making sure that the iron warriors dont go setting up shop in their territory. Either way, we need that fortress world operating again.
5. Just a few minor disappearances, we currently have bigger fires to put out at the moment.
6. We need him alive. If he has enough info about our patron and mitsuhide, then he may be able to fill in more blanks for us involving Sanction
7. Rebel leadership hiding in already designated strongholds, ones that are more than likely still in communication, with vox broadcast capabilities. Tempt us with a good time why don't ya?!
hmm so aside from Lezoan mop up, those Free Bootas, Iron Warriors and Rebels are priority in my eyes (At least until we get more for dealing with the Eyes of the Mutator)
I've noticed what our Chapter gained another unique thing - our novices do not stay as tactical marines but has become devastators
-[] Inquisitorial Hunt: Inquisitor Jack de Wiart, the one behind the Genestealer presence in Lezo, has ignored it´s summoning to the Inquisitorial Conclave of the Aetelian Sector, and has been officially declared Excommunicate Traitoris. Last sightings of him place him in the Hive-world of Boshin, find him and purge that traitor.
This seems like a good idea to look into since few things can be as dangerous as a Rogue Inquisitor and who knows what they have stashed away somewhere.
-[] Bleeding Iron: A warband of Iron Warriors is laying siege to the Fortress world of Noitsab. However, the garrisoned regiments of the Imperial Guard have received assistance from a depleted force of Space Marines, although the astropaths weren't able to communicate what chapter they belong to. Help your unknown cousins slay the bitter besiegers of the IVth.
If we can't kill one group of taitors then lets kill this one plus we get to meet another chapter of Space Marines.
So stronghold of the Faithless unless the intel is bad should be a pretty easy mission I'd recommend either it, or the Lezoan clean up for our new guys
We must seriously consider the possibility that we might be facing a gene seed defect instead of a one-off mutation.
Talos was the sole prophet known to the Legion in all the centuries of the Great Crusade and the ten millennia following the Heresy, so the Chapter having two awaken one after the other is seriously concerning, especially if high-ranking officers keep getting it. Well, I'm hoping our paranoid boy discovers more ways to extend a prophet's lifespan. Actually, since the affliction is psychic in nature, could our magic boy Grigori assist in any way? It's a long shot and he'd have to increase his control over his talents to investigate the condition, but it's better than nothing.
According to him, he saw both myself and my Honor Guard having a stand-off ona a bridge against black-armored marines.
Black Legion or actual Sons of Corvus Corax, call it.
So what's the odds that the other Space Marines fighting the Iron Warriors are another branch of traitors even if they might not necasarily be Chaotic Traitors.

Or perhaps the Lamentors came to town, and we're about to see their poor luck in person.
Talos was the sole prophet known to the Legion in all the centuries of the Great Crusade and the ten millennia following the Heresy, so the Chapter having two awaken one after the other is seriously concerning, especially if high-ranking officers keep getting it. Well, I'm hoping our paranoid boy discovers more ways to extend a prophet's lifespan. Actually, since the affliction is psychic in nature, could our magic boy Grigori assist in any way? It's a long shot and he'd have to increase his control over his talents to investigate the condition, but it's better than nothing.

Black Legion or actual Sons of Corvus Corax, call it.
Hope that their Sons of Corax because I really want to see how they react to us!
Guys, if the Black Legion ever shows up there's a chance we could get an extremely awkward family reunion courtesy of, "Hold up, why are YOU speaking MY language?"
Damn it, more Omake material. Let's see if I can slap out two that are of decent quality before the week is up.
[X] Plan You Gotta Anotha Thing Comin
-[X]Lead your chapter (Choose 3):
--[X] Meet up with a Local Faction Leader.
---[X] Lord Sector Blas Cartagena (Sector Authority).
----[X] Coordinate with him to raise forces who can help us kill the Cult of the Mutator Marines. Be prepared to offer a couple of minor favors as trade, with Lord Cartagena as middleman, to facilitate the action. Also be prepared to "Show the flag" and "turn over a new leaf" to both boost his authority and help cement the Mist Shrikes as proper HEROES OF THE IMPERIUM on Lezo.
---[X] Inquisitor Harker. (Not a faction leader, but he´s your local contact.)
----[X] Coordinate with him to raise forces who can help us kill the Cult of the Mutator Marines. Be prepared to offer a couple of minor favors as trade, with Lord Cartagena or Inquisitor Harker, as middleman, to facilitate the action. Also coordinate with him and the rest of the Inquisitors involved as available to better hunt down Jack de Wiart in the relevant Deployment.
--[X] Choose a new Chapter Champion.
-[X] Master of the Keep (Choose 2 Action)
--[X] 2x Train Chapter Serfs.
-[X] Chief Librarian Actions (Choose 1)
--[X] Inscribe Wards in the Librarius
-[X] Master of the Forge Actions (Choose 2. Production counts towards 1 Action):
--[X] Examine the Contemptor-Pattern Dreadnought - if better repairs/modifications are needed, use the 36 spare BP to do it. If not, spend the extra on the Land Raider
--[X] 300 or 336 BP - Repair vehicles:
---[X] 25 or 61 BP - Land Raider
---[X] 50 BP - Stormbird
---[X] 75 BP - 3 Thunderhawks
---[X] 150 BP - Shrouded Blade 100/200 HP
-[X] Chief Apothecary (Choose 2 Actions)
--[X] Investigate Mist counter-agents.
--[X] Accelerate Training of Apothecaries-in-Training
-[X] Master of Recruits (Choose 2 Actions)
--[X] Train your Chapter
---[X] 2x Willpower
-[X] Deployments
--[X] Lezoan mop-up:
While the bulk of the cult was slain in the campaign proper, you promised the Lord Sector that your forces would assist him in culling potential infectees.
---[X] Lieutenant Iosephus, Apothecary Anodynon, Techmarine Husik, Squads 3-7 + 9-1 + 10-1 + 7-9 + 7-10, 2 Rhinos, 5 Plasma Guns, 5 Melta Guns
----[X] Pen a message from Severus to Lord Cartegena offering to assign one of the Assault Marines to serve as a combat tutor, should he acquiesce to additional study. That display of not-competence during the campaign was terrible. Be polite but slightly humorous about it, and remind the Assault Marine(s) involved (make it a rotating duty if they wish) to coordinate with whatever medics and chefs he has to not over-strain him and get a proper workout regiment going.
----[X] If Lord Cartegena acquieses, offer the services of Squad 10-1 to test the readiness and defenses of his home and guard. Same general terms as above - be polite and coordinate with the relevant specialists to make it better.
----[X] Techmarine Husik has additional orders to go searching through potential loot piles - remember to call them something different when speaking to non-Mist-Shrikes - for possible salvage in his spare time. Coordinate with Lord Cartegena to smooth over access, and be polite. If Master of the Forge Zel can find a Land Raider, of all things, in a month of searching no telling what might be hidden there.
--[X] Burning through Freebootas: The Blazing Wardens have been facing a particularly slippery group of Ork Freebootas in the border between the Aetelian and Cassioan Sectors. They have requested your help in hunting them down.
---[X] Write-in Dispatch Force: Strike Cruisers Bird of Prey and Night Terror, Apothecary Soran, Techmarine Ostia, All of 2nd Company, 5 Melta Guns, 10 Extra Heavy Bolters, 2 Storm Birds, 2 Thunderhawks
--[X] Bleeding Iron: A warband of Iron Warriors is laying siege to the Fortress world of Noitsab. However, the garrisoned regiments of the Imperial Guard have received assistance from a depleted force of Space Marines, although the astropaths weren't able to communicate what chapter they belong to. Help your unknown cousins slay the bitter besiegers of the IVth.
---[X] Write-in Dispatch Force: Strike Cruisers Luctusian Dusk and Shrouded Blade, Master of Recruits Myrok Kuthil, Chaplains Osinki and Djanko, Chief Apothecary Valzadai, Techmarine Noricum, All of 6th Company, Squads 10-2 and 10-3, All of 9th Company not assigned elsewhere, 1 Predator, 2 Rhinos, 1 Whirlwind, 10 Attack Bikes, 1 Storm Bird, 2 Thunderhawks, 3 Land Speeders, 10 Plasma Guns, 10 Melta Guns, 10 Lascannons, 10 Extra Missile Launchers, 20 Stalker Bolters
--[X] Ghosts in the Grass: The Agri-world of Saibula has been reported a number of mysterious disappearances in one of the islands of the northern hemispheres, including with scattered sightings of what you recognize are Eldar. Whatever are they doing there, they must be culled.
---[X] Strike Cruiser Unavoidable Sentence, Chief Librarian Grigori Yefimovich, Techmarine Siracusa, Apothecary Sarjanovic, All of 3rd Company, Lieutenant Lanista, Squads 10-4 and 10-5, 1 Storm Bird, 2 Thunder Hawks, 1 Rhino, 10 Attack Bikes
--[X] Inquisitorial Hunt: Inquisitor Jack de Wiart, the one behind the Genestealer presence in Lezo, has ignored it´s summoning to the Inquisitorial Conclave of the Aetelian Sector, and has been officially declared Excommunicate Traitoris. Last sightings of him place him in the Hive-world of Boshin, find him and purge that traitor.
---[X] Battle Barge Fear of Judgement, Chapter Master Severus and Honor Guard, Master of the Forge Karark Zel, Master of Sanctity Falce, Apothecary Diocles, All Remaining 10th Company not assigned elsewhere, 10 Stalker Bolters, 5 Plasma Guns, 5 Melta Guns, 5 Lascannons, 1 Thunder Hawk, 1 Storm Raven, 2 Land Speeders, 1 Rhino
--[X] Stronghold of the Faithless: The Civilized World of Lutrilles Secundus has risen in rebellion against the Imperium, proclaiming their independence and the foundation of the Free Planet of Lutrilles. Guard Regiments sent in response have retaken most of the Planet, but the rebels resist in a few fortified strongholds. Lord General Tavisolta wants the rebels dealt with so that he can reroute the present Regiments to other fronts.
---[X] Apothecary Sarjanovic, Techmarine Noricum, Captain Secutor, Squads 10-4 & 10-5, Lieutenant Tarraco, Squads 7-1 through 7-4, 10 Stalker Bolters, 5 Melta Guns, all remaining extra Heavy Weapons, 1 Rhino, 1 Storm Raven
----[X] It has happened in the past that a rebellion the Mist Shrikes dealt with was caused by malcontents and traitors violating their oaths and duties to the Imperium while pretending to be its loyal servants. Do so no more than is convenient, but attempt to be...restrained with the rebels and search for information as to exactly what caused this uprising.

First part of the plan done. From the Top;
---I am NOT willing to do Eyes of the Mutator this turn; we (both Astartes and Sector) still need to recover and I want to drum up some help and more Thunderhawks from Smilnay before that shit goes down.
---Political wheeling and dealing to help raise up the troops we'll need. Also getting a replacement for poor Claudius.
---For similar reasons, I want to get our Chapter Serfs up to at least the next rank before we go after them. They've done pretty damn good so far. We need them to do better for this.
---Hahahahahahaha fuck no, we are NOT doing anything with the Librarius before we have properly warded and guard facilities to be teaching fresh-faced psykers in. For a similar reason, I intend to deploy our Librarian either not at all, or to one of the safer deployments.
---Repairs, and checking out the Contemptor to make sure it's on the up-and-up. Also hopefully start building some schematics for it.
---We need more apothecaries, and I want at least something for the Mist that can be deployed on a larger-than-personal scale. We will get attacked eventually.
---More anti-Chaos/Xenos corruption for the Chapter, but I'm not fussed about it so feel free to make suggestions.

EDIT: 2nd part of the plan done. Feedback welcome. From the top;
---Given that the previous update said one of the options would require 5 squads of marines, I opted to add more than the minimum on the chance that doing so would give better results beyond the obvious. Also added in several secondary orders to train Cartegena to not be such a scrub, boost his defenses, and do some more scavenging righteous return of the Omnissiah's children to his bosom.
---Pretty standard anti-Ork-pirate set up. 2 ships and our anti-Boarder company to deal with them.
---I expect the Iron Warriors to be our biggest hurdle this turn, so I'm devoting the lion's share of our forces there. In particular, sending Myrok to hopefully shank any bitches that can't be killed through firepower, and adding our new Devastator company where they can both do the most good and their heavy weapons can be made best use of. I'm hopeful that "Under Siege" means, "There will be other Imperials coming in to deal with that shit so we aren't alone".
---The Ghosts deployment gets the chief Librarian as what appears to be a tolerably low-risk option, and one where a good Psyker can hopefully mitigate the fuck-fuck-games involved in whoever's hiding.
---I seriously considered sending Gregori here, but decided that hunting an Inquisitor of unknown skill was of less importance due to the presence of other Inquisitors who also want to shank a bitch and can help cover the psykery aspect. I hope we don't have to deal with another Genestealer cult, 'cause fighting another Patriarch does not appeal to me. And if need be, a Battle Barge - with all that entails - can turn it into a pyhrric victory if we must.
---The last deployment says that the situation is contained, so hopefully we won't need a full fuck-you line up to finish them off.

[X] Plan Storming Forth
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Oh, no. That's the worst possible option. At least the Ravens could be persuaded. The Templars will just start killing.

I didn't way that was "good" option.

Honestly, only thing worse that Black Templars, would be Minotaurs (because that would meant that High Lords found out about our Inquisitor ally's "secret project" and decide to "shut it down")

Thankfully for us, Minotaurs don't wear black-colored armor.
Voting is open