Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

I didn't way that was "good" option.

Honestly, only thing worse that Black Templars, would be Minotaurs (because that would meant that High Lords found out about our Inquisitor ally's "secret project" and decide to "shut it down")

Thankfully for us, Minotaurs don't wear black-colored armor.
Hmm, did Harker not say in the beginning that the Shrikes are on record (but still secretly) as a prototype for the whole proposal of using traitor Legion gene-seed to raise new Chapters? IIRC, when the Chapter Founders revealed the origins of the Shrikes to the officers, Severus brought up the fact that they have support from the High Lords to shut down accusations of treachery. So I doubt the Minotaurs would be a problem.

Edit: I got ninja'd
[X]Plan Preparations and Negotiations
-Lead your chapter (Choose 3):
--[X] Meet up with a Local Faction Leader.
---[X] Adept Beltran Trastámara de Olivares (Adeptus Administratum).
---[X] Lord General Adolphus Tavisolta (Imperial Guard).
--[X] Inquire about the Imperial Guard Situation.
-[X] Train Current Luctus PDF Regiments.
-[X] Meet with Mayor-Governor Lilya Semyonovna (Discuss how any Marines not on deployment can best aid the people of Luctus)
-[X] Inscribe Wards in the Librarius
-[X] Examine the Contemptor-Pattern Dreadnought.
--[X] Use remaining BP for any needed repairs.
-[X] Production
–[X] Repair vehicles:
—[X] Land Raider 100BP
—[X] Shrouded Blade 100/200 HP 150BP
--[X] Weapons
---[X] Meltagun X6 36BP
---[X] Flamer X6 36BP
-[X] Assign Equipment Permanently to a company or character (Free action, can be taken multiple times):
–[X] Assign the Flamer and Melta weapons, as well as 6 Plasma Guns, to 3rd company, one for each Tactical Squad
-[X] Investigate Mist counter-agents.
-[X] Continue on Spatha´s geneseed.
-[X] Train your Chapter
--[X] Weapon Skill.
--[X] Ballistic Skill
-[X] Lezoan mop-up:
While the bulk of the cult was slain in the campaign proper, you promised the Lord Sector that your forces would assist him in culling potential infectees.
–[X] Squads 6-1 through 6-4, accompanied by Captain Catilina, Apothecary Soran, Techmarine Ostia and 4 Rhinos.
-[X] Burning through Freebootas:
The Blazing Wardens have been facing a particularly slippery group of Ork Freebootas in the border between the Aetelian and Cassioan Sectors. They have requested your help in hunting them down.
–[X] Write-in Dispatch Force: The Unavoidable Sentence, Luctusian Dusk, Master Hostilius, Apothecary Diocles, Techmarines Noricum and Capua, and the entirety of 2nd Company.
-[X] Bleeding Iron:
A warband of Iron Warriors is laying siege to the Fortress world of Noitsab. However, the garrisoned regiments of the Imperial Guard have received assistance from a depleted force of Space Marines, although the astropaths weren't able to communicate what chapter they belong to. Help your unknown cousins slay the bitter besiegers of the IVth.
–[X] Write-in Dispatch Force: the Fear of Judgement, Shrouded Blade, and Night Terror, carrying Chapter Master Severus, his Honor Guard, Champion Spatha, Master of Sanctity Falce, Chief Librarian Yefimovich, 3rd Company, 9th Company, Squads 10-1 through 10-5 accompanied by Captain Secutor, Apothecaries Anodynon and Sarjanovic, Techmarines Siracusa and Husnik, and all available vehicle support not either requiring repairs or being Stormbirds.
-[X] Inquisitorial Hunt:
Inquisitor Jack de Wiart, the one behind the Genestealer presence in Lezo, has ignored it´s summoning to the Inquisitorial Conclave of the Aetelian Sector, and has been officially declared Excommunicate Traitoris. Last sightings of him place him in the Hive-world of Boshin, find him and purge that traitor.
–[X] Write-in Dispatch Force: Master of Recruits Kuthil, the remainder of 10th Company, and a Storm Raven


We need to speak to the new Administratum head. We're among the few they have no direct authority over, but they can still be a pain in the ass.

We'll be working with the Guard in Noitsab to handle the Iron Warriors, make the needed arrangements.

The PDF still need more work, and we have Marines with time on their hands. Ask where they need us.

If you don't understand why we shouldn't do anything until the Librarius is warded up properly, I honestly don't know what to tell ya.

I've already said I want to get our equipment situation sorted out better. Getting special weapons support into our Marine's hands that doesn't need to be assigned on a per deployment basis is the first step in that. Also fixing the Land Raider and making sure Smilnay didn't give our Champion a dreadnought that'll explode with him in it.

Keep trucking along on both making our home less likely to kill our people and in saving our Prophets. Probably too late to keep Spatha going, but we can hopefully keep Falce alive a little longer.

I will get you idiots to 5 in everything if it's the last thing I do, and don't think you're spared Captains because you're next.

I was originally going to have 3rd finish what they started, but actually Genestealer cleanup is a great way for our rookies to get experience in a semi controlled environment. One extra squad, plus their Captain and the obligatory representatives from the Apothecarion and Armoury (I personally want each company to have a Librarian, Apothecary and Techmarine on permanent assignment in future, but we aren't there yet.)

Sending our Fleet Master to help the Salamander Bros with the Ork problem, and 2nd Company because if you think Orks aren't going to board the shit out of us I have a bridge on sale.

Iron Warriors in a siege battle is very much an all hands on deck situation - I'm only not sending in Chapter Command outright because Zel and our Chief Apothecary have shit to do and because Zel isn't leaving the Fortress Monastery until more people know how to make The Good Shit. As it is, send in all our armoured support to provide the heavy fire to get past the IVth's heavy defenses.

Alright you Inquisitorial shitstain GET OVER HERE!
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-[X] Master of the Keep (Choose 2 Action)
--[X] 2x Train Chapter Serfs.
I'd like to get a forge up as soon as possible. The sooner we get it the more benefits we get from it. We are struggling to keep up with repairs we could use the extra BP per turn.

I think a standard we should have is whenever there is a rebellion we should investigate the cause of it so we don't have to come back again later to the same problem having repeated itself. I think Sending the 9th would be a good idea.

Question about this
-[] Ghosts in the Grass: The Agri-world of Saibula has been reported a number of mysterious disappearances in one of the islands of the northern hemispheres, including with scattered sightings of what you recognize are Eldar. Whatever are they doing there, they must be culled.
Do we know what kind of eldar they are based on the reports? Is their armor spiky or smooth for instance.

Intelligence and Fellowship are both close to leveling up but I'm tempted to level up our agility because I think it should remain our highest stat and its the most important to our way of warfare. Willpower is a good idea considering we are preparing to fight chaos forces but I don't know if I want to put both our training points into one thing. I think intelligence and willpower would be a good idea. We can do agility next time.
Here's our stats for reference
-Weapon Skill: 4 242/500

-Ballistic Skill: 4 208/500

-Strength: 4

-Toughness: 5 21/600

-Perception: 5 60/600

-Agility: 6 61/700

-Intelligence: 4 360/500

-Willpower: 5 116/600

-Fellowship: 4 360/500

Last little side note is we should probably check in with the guard sometime soon its the only one we've never talked to and they might become more and more offended the longer we put it off.
Edit I may have forgotten that we already did
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--[X] Weapons
---[X] Meltagun X6 36BP
---[X] Flamer X6 36BP
-[X] Assign Equipment Permanently to a company or character (Free action, can be taken multiple times):
–[X] Assign the Flamer and Melta weapons to 3rd company, one for each Tactical Squad
I think flamers are too situation to be permanently assigned to a squad same with meltas but to a lesser extent. There are going to be times when having a flame thrower is going to be useless given the range of fire. I could see it with plasma guns but not with either of these.
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I think flamers are too situation to be permanently assigned to a squad same with meltas but to a lesser extent. I could see it with plasma guns but not with either of these.
I disagree. There are very few situations where having a dedicated anti-armour weapon and a dedicated anti-enemy-leadership-saves weapon available at all times regardless of our other commitments wouldn't be helpful to our Marines. Frankly I want to add a Volkite Charger for dedicated anti light infantry as well, but Zel still hasn't taught anyone else how The Good Shit works so I'm putting that off.
I think we should definitely start to work on fellowship for the chapter to at least put off the schism that is slowly forming internally,
I'd like to get a forge up as soon as possible. The sooner we get it the more benefits we get from it. We are struggling to keep up with repairs we could use the extra BP per turn.

I think a standard we should have is whenever there is a rebellion we should investigate the cause of it so we don't have to come back again later to the same problem having repeated itself. I think Sending the 9th would be a good idea.
I'll add in the order to investigate the cause, that's a good idea.

As for the forge, I'm open to suggestions about what to spend it on, but I'm going to insist one action be repairing the Ship, and I really want to give the Contemptor a once over with spare BP because every single time we've dealt with Smilnay they've been blowing shit up and hurting their people in the process. Trust, but verify.

I think we should definitely start to work on fellowship for the chapter to at least put off the schism that is slowly forming internally,
That's part of why I'm planning a pair of omakes.
I'll add in the order to investigate the cause, that's a good idea.

As for the forge, I'm open to suggestions about what to spend it on, but I'm going to insist one action be repairing the Ship, and I really want to give the Contemptor a once over with spare BP
The forge is actually a Master of the Keep action. I was saying I think one of the two training the serfs action should go towards expanding the forge in the Fortress Monastery it would give us 25 extra BP per turn. Is the reason why you want to do two is so they get to the drilled stage of experience but cause if so I get it the argument for it and this is just food for thought.
-[X] Train Current Luctus PDF Regiments.
-[X] Meet with Mayor-Governor Lilya Semyonovna (Discuss how any Marines not on deployment can best aid the people of Luctus)
I think building up our fortress monastery* takes priority over talking to the Mayor-Governor. We're planning to go to kill the Eye of the Mutator soonish. And we're probably not going to have marines not on deployment until that's wrapped up.

*With a personal preference for the forge increase.
The forge is actually a Master of the Keep action. I was saying I think one of the two training the serfs action should go towards expanding the forge in the Fortress Monastery it would give us 25 extra BP per turn. Is the reason why you want to do two is so they get to the drilled stage of experience but cause if so I get it the argument for it and this is just food for thought.
Ah, my bad, I got my wires crossed.

But yeah, I do wanna get Drilled this turn, because barring catastrophic losses I want to kill the Mutator wankers next turn before they get it in their head to run, and I want our dudes to have both the extra dice and the narrative benefits. Because that's absolutely gonna be a nasty-ass fight with daemons and teleporters and shit. Only reason I'm not doing it this turn is because of the prior turn's commitment to policing Lezo and the need to repair one of our Ships, I'd definitely be dumping 3 ships and 2 full companies (at least) on that otherwise.

I'm totally willing to spam a turn or two of Forge building after that.

---[] Adept Katerina Kalivnova (Adeptus Administratum).
---[] Lord General Adolphus Tavisolta (Imperial Guard).
One of these isn't really your fault because @ThunderOwl missed it too last I checked, but the latter option was already pointed out and Katerina is dead - killed in the Lezo campaign.
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I think we should definitely start to work on fellowship for the chapter to at least put off the schism that is slowly forming internally,
I would say the chapter fellowship is fine the issue is chapter LEADERSHIP aka the named character who average to around fellowship 3.

That and Hostilius is just an unpleasant asshole are around.
Noob question but is this wording referring to aspirants or untested new battle brothers who have not went on their first mission yet?

[X] Inquisitorial Hunt: Inquisitor Jack de Wiart, the one behind the Genestealer presence in Lezo, has ignored it´s summoning to the Inquisitorial Conclave of the Aetelian Sector, and has been officially declared Excommunicate Traitoris. Last sightings of him place him in the Hive-world of Boshin, find him and purge that traitor.
–[X] Write-in Dispatch Force: Master of Recruits Kuthil, the remainder of 10th Company, and a Storm Raven
Hey, gamer50018 is it possible to add either Apothecaries Anodynon or Sarjanovic to this mission just in case things get harry as I doubt the Inquisitor is not going to make the process of executing him easy.
Noob question but is this wording referring to aspirants or untested new battle brothers who have not went on their first mission yet?
It translates into young vegetables or something. But it's basically our equivalent to the Space Wolves Blood Claws. Because of our background our entire chapter can do stealth actions. And we've decided to have full marines in the tenth (scout) company. So the chapters new recruits are given the same gear as regular marines and are treated the same but with worse stats. It takes two turns (ten years) for them to turn into full marines.