Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

Personally I wouldn't say so, because it's the Iron Warriors, who seem to have enough power that they gave themselves good odds at succeeding in an assault against a Fortress World of all things.

Also, we don't know which kind of Iron Warriors that particular Warband is:

1) stereotypical (among fandom) "I hate Chaos" Iron Warriors
2) worshippers of one of Chaos Gods (or Chaos Undivided)
3) something "in-between"

Spatha could help if this Warband got Tzeentchian Chaos Sorcerer (or in worse case, several) among their members
[X] Plan Storming Forth

I'm not super comfy about hunting a rogue Inquisitor in a Hive World at this stage, what with an Iron Warriors warband besieging a Fortress World of all places, but I suppose we need to accrue as many favours as quickly as possible to muster against the Mutators.

What are the chances that the other Chapter already reinforcing the Fortress World could turn out to be the black-clad Marines in Falce's vision? Haha, that could be trouble. That won't happen, right? Right? But even if it does, how bad could it be? 😅
What are the chances that the other Chapter already reinforcing the Fortress World could turn out to be the black-clad Marines in Falce's vision? Haha, that could be trouble. That won't happen, right? Right? But even if it does, how bad could it be?

To be fair, we don't know the context of the vision, we only know we'll at some point meet black clad marines with out Chapter Master and his Guard. It could be a good thing, we only think it's bad due to the last vision being so, granted why would that be a good thing is yet in the air, same with it being bad.

Heck it could be the Death Watch and the lack of clarity just left out the Silver pauldron
Guide to the Planets of the Aetelian Sector: Lezo

"It is the duty of every loyal servant of the Emperor to piss on a traitor´s grave." Admiral Carlos Cartagena, Hero of the Heresy and Scouring, Founder of House Cartagena and Future Lord Sector, M31

"Oh, Lezo is a wonderful place, the only planet in the Sector where one can experience the wonders and delights of the every other world of the Aetelian Sector and beyond. Unfortunately, that is coupled with dealing with fools, imbeciles and snakes of all these planets." Inquisitor Emilio "Bocanegra" de Cardenas, M41

"Impressive how a whole planet can ride on the legacy of one outstanding Admiral for millenia, so that it can keep spewing thousand of mediocre officers."
"What´s impressive is that you Gadirians can keep complaining about the change of the headquarters for millenia, without showing any reasons as to why it was wrong to do so." Extract of a conversation between a Lezoan and a Gadiran Admiral.

Classification: Hive World

Administratum Tithe: Exactis Particula

Population: 389 Billions (Census before the Lezoan Campaign)

Capital: None, the hive covers the whole planet.

Day Cicle Duration (In terran standard): 24 Hours

Overview: The earliest signs of human habitation in Lezo go back to the days of the Dark Age of Technology. As far as Hive Worlds go, it weathered the advent of the Age of Strife in far better shape than most worlds of it´s kind and was actually a part of a small trade network with nearby systems during the time of the Great Crusade. The planet was integrated into the Imperium when it encountered a sizable task force of Space Marines, and as such the Noble Houses of Lezo, led at the time by a King, soon bend the knee rather than face the might of the Imperium.

However, it wasn´t until the Heresy when the planet experienced the rise to prominence that it now has. When the two Companies that had been left garrisoning the Sector declared for the Warmaster, one of their first actions was to destroy the bulk of the Imperialis Armada at Gadir, which at the time was the Headquarters of the Imperialis Armada and the location of the only Naval Academy in the Sector. With the bulk of the fleet destroyed, the Forge Worlds of Smilnay and Milan under siege, and no Loyalist Astartes present in the system, the last concentration of Imperial Forces capable of contesting the Traitors was the fleet stationed around Lezo´s orbit. The Admiral in charge of the fleet attempted to defect to the traitor´s side, but was soon seized and executed by a mutiny lead by the then Captain Carlos Cartagena. Now in command of the fleet, Cartagena made his homeworld his base of operations as he rallied scattered Imperial survivors and waged war against the IVth Legion and their auxiliary forces. Knowing that contesting Space Marines on a fair fight was doomed to failure, Cartagena directed his vessels in a campaign of scattered raids and ambushes, enacting an strategy of asymmetric warfare and defeating in detail the varios detachment the Iron Warriors warsmiths sent against him. The conflict against the two Grand Companies lasted the whole Heresy, the Astartes unable to contest the strategic and tactical brilliance of the Lezoan in void warfare and Cartagena lacking the ground elements needed to contest the planetary rule of their conquered planets. It wasn´t until a significant force of Ultramarines arrived at the Sector during the Scouring, tipping the balance towards the Loyalists. The Iron Warriors were decisively defeated then, with one of their Grand Companies destroyed and the other one undergoing serious loses.

After Imperial rule was completely restored to the Sector, Admiral Cartagena was awarded with the Sector Lordship, granted to him and his house in perpetuity. Lezo was installed as the Sector Capital, which had been undecided before the Heresy, and the Headquarters of newly raised Imperial Navy were placed in the planet, to the eternal consternation of the Gadirian nobles. With it sudden rise in importance and status, the wealth of the planetary elites skyrocketed as the various nobles started getting involved in lucrative trades and political games with the various dignitaries and commercial magnates of a hundred worlds. A wealthy middle class appeared over night as the demand for skilled workers and managers, learned bureaucrats and lower-commissioned officers outstripped the available demand. New factories cropped like weeds in order to fuel the newly instated warmachine. On the ten millenia since, while the authority of the Lord Sectors has waned and waxed with the times, the economic, military and political might of Lezo has been uncontested.

In modern times, Lezo dedicates most of it´s Tithe to the Imperial Navy. Almost half of the officers in Battlefleet Aetelian are Lezoan, the crop of the PDF are tithed for the Navy Armsmen instead of the Imperial Guard, the totality of the planet´s manofactoriums work to provide the vessels of the Imperial Navy with everything from ammunition and spare pieces to uniforms and personal higiene items. Besides it´s commitment to the God-Emperor´s fist upon the stars, Lezo is the center of many of the Sector´s trade routes, and abundant patrons in the cultural and entertainment industry.

-Visiting nobles and dignitaries have remarked that amenities in Lezo are surprisingly cheap (From a noble standpoint-it is still ruinous for a common citizen.)
-There is a vicious rivalry in Battlefleet Aetelian between Lezoan and Gadiran officers. The first are often stereotyped as incompetent hotheads and the second as craven braggarts.
-Culinary recipes in Lezo are considered serious business in all stratas of Lezoan society. Conflicts raging from noble blood feuds to gang wars have erupted regarding the proper ingredients or cooking methods of a particular dish.

QM notes: As people didn´t seem interested in choosing, I´ve decided to make the planet you´ve recently fought in the new chapter of the Guide. Have a nice day!
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So summary of Lezoan Iron Warriors garrison is basically "If you expected another story about garrison of Iron Warriors keeping their loyalty to Imperium and 'dying to a Man' in defence of its citizens... then it isn't that kind of story" 😉
[X] Plan Storming Forth
Looks okay
Though I shall insist what we start to equip volkite more often. Like give that big volkite serpenta rifle to Mikhail, as a commander of devastators he shall wield devastating weapon
[X] Plan Storming Forth
Looks okay
Though I shall insist what we start to equip volkite more often. Like give that big volkite serpenta rifle to Mikhail, as a commander of devastators he shall wield devastating weapon
The best Volkite weapon for a Devastator would be a Volkite Culverin, the heavy bolter equivalent. See here for the list of Volkite guns, if anyone's curious where I pulled that from.
[X] Plan Storming Forth
Looks okay
Though I shall insist what we start to equip volkite more often. Like give that big volkite serpenta rifle to Mikhail, as a commander of devastators he shall wield devastating weapon
I just want to give 2nd Company Emilianus pluvia a good gun because he has a 2 in weapon skill and a 6 in ballistics but he's still equipped with a chain sword and bolt pistol. Just give him a Volkite charger he's not getting much use out the chain sword anyway.
Also Volkite Serpenta is the pistol version(like a bolt pistol) of a volkite gun. A volkite charger is the rifle version (like a bolter). Volkite Caliver is the heavy weapons version but I don't know if we can make it since it's not on the list.

Caliver is apparently a light machine gun equivalent not heavy machine gun. I was thinking of Culverin
I prefer to use Lexicanum as a source since it at cites is sources with numbers so you know where each information is sourced from unlike warhammer40fandom which just lists everything on the page at the bottom but you don't know which source relates to which piece of information. Lexicanum also doesn't make jokes like 1d6 chan.
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--[] Tutor another Marine (Can be taken more than once.)
---[] Write-in two notables you want to train and in what stat (Note: You can´t train someone in a stat he surpasses the trainer in.)
Does this mean for each time you select train a marine you pick two marines to train or is this saying you can train two if you put two actions into it?
--[X] Tutor another Marine
---[X] Captain Mikhail (Willpower)
Confirmed with ThunderOwl we can train another notable as long as its the same stat. So we can train someone else in willpower as well. I'd recommend 2nd Company, Captain Pluvia since he has a 3 and is going to fight chaos space marines. Also give him a volkite charger(I know we have at least one) or some other cool gun the guy sucks in melee (he has a 2) and has a 6 in ballistic. I know I keep bringing it up but I'll stop mentioning it when it gets fixed.

--[] Tutor another Marine (Can be taken more than once.)
---[] Write-in two notables you want to train and in what stat (Note: You can´t train someone in a stat he surpasses the trainer in.)
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Confirmed with ThunderOwl we can train another notable as long as its the same stat. So we can train someone else in willpower as well. I'd recommend 2nd Company, Captain Pluvia since he has a 3 and is going to fight chaos space marines. Also give him a volkite charger(I know we have at least one) or some other cool gun the guy sucks in melee (he has a 2) and has a 6 in ballistic. I know I keep bringing it up but I'll stop mentioning it when it gets fixed.
Training two notables for one action? I think I missed that, my b. Will add Pluvia now.

Also I've already added the Volkite Charger to the Iron Warriors mission, so Pluvia should have it given he's got the highest Ballistics skill
--[X] Meet up with a Local Faction Leader.
---[X] Adept Beltran Trastámara de Olivares (Adeptus Administratum).
----[X] Inquire about what information was at the Administratum facility that the Eyes of the Mutator attacked. What could they have wanted from that place?
I think it's a bit of a lost cause talking to the Adept in Mitsuhide's pocket right now. I know we want to know what the Chaos warband want's but I think it' be better to talk to someone about prepping for the invasion. That said I like your plan.

[X] Plan Storming Forth
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I think it's a bit of a lost cause talking to the Adept in Mitsuhide's pocket right now. I know we want to know what the Chaos warband want's but I think it' be better to talk to someone about prepping for the invasion. That said I like your plan.

[X] Plan Storming Forth
I was thinking it would be a fairly easy sell that knowing what the Eyes of the Mutator wanted would be good for us to know, even from the POV of someone that is ostensibly a political opponent. But if you think that preparing for the invasion would be better, I am willing to change it to that, but I'd like to know who you think is the best contact for that.
I was thinking it would be a fairly easy sell that knowing what the Eyes of the Mutator wanted would be good for us to know, even from the POV of someone that is ostensibly a political opponent. But if you think that preparing for the invasion would be better, I am willing to change it to that, but I'd like to know who you think is the best contact for that.
I think the Lord Admiral is a safe bet. What we know about the Eye of the Mutator is that the planets they're squatting on are dead worlds and are considered worthless. If we can gather a large enough fleet to gain void supremacy we could theoretically (key word) just glass the place from orbit without ever engaging in a planetary invasion. We'll still probably want a Guard presence anyway. And the admirals jockeying for position since the Lord Admirals old might make it hard but that's my suggestion.

I guess we could burn our favor with the Sector Lord instead but I don't know how much he can order troops around.
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