Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

Metahammer 40k: The Leak
Metahammer 40K: The Leak

Holy shit, HOLY SHIT! We're gonna get Traitor geneseed chapters, fucking finally!

Abbadoo: Wait, what?

RogueRogal: Kotaku just released an article focusing on a leak from GW that they're gonna release a new Chapter set revolving around a new Chapter based off of Traitor seed. Even better, four of the Chapter are timewarped Great Crusade vets, so we're getting 30K TECH!

40K Redemption: New Chapter of Traitor Loyalists

We sure it's legit?

RogueRogal: The leaker previously leaked the 7th Edition and pretty much 90% of what was shared was right.

Abbadoo: Eh, if that's the case then it sounds like a PR stunt from GW. They have a "leak" with vague details that's mostly true to generate hype and also if everyone freaks their shit, they can do damage control.

Mekmain97: Still, pretty cool that we're finally getting a Chapter that's canonically descended from a Traitor primarch instead of fanon like the Blood Ravens. Reading through it, unfortunately it's very loose on details on which Primarch it's being based out of.

RogueRogal: It says that the GC vets were transported through the Warp on their barge from before the Horus Heresy period so it's good there isn't any taint and the Chapter has a fresh slate of sorts. Any ideas on who?

Abbadoo: It's never gonna be the Alpha Legion because GW doesn't know what the fuck the Legion's purpose is.

Mekmain97: Watch it be an Alpha Legion Chapter and this is gonna be crucial for Endgame 40K like Alpharius and Omegron come back and restore the Emperor or some shit, LMAO.

RogueRogal: I'm really hoping for a Word Bearers chapter. Would be so fucking awesome to have Word Bearers that get transported to the future and it's basically their dream come true, but it's a rotten state and it was thanks to Lorgar turning heretic.

Abbadoo: Oh look, the Catholic and Templar main wants Word Bearers Loyalists, surprise, surprise.

RogueRogal: Hey, you can't deny there'd be some great storytelling there.

Mekmain97: Well, considering they're probably going to have heavy access to 30k tech, probably the Iron Warriors no? They did have some of the best loadouts of the Legions and are the most tech savvy of the Traitors.

Abadoo: That would actually be pretty sweet because you can convert so many 30k models to this Chapter. Plus, I can put RogAss in his place.

RogueRogal: Bruh, your not even an Iron Warriors main. Tho yeah, it would be pretty swag.

Abadoo: My money is on Luna Wolves. Come on, Horus' sons have to face the aftermath of the Horus Heresy and hide their duty secret from the rest of the Imperium where they would be instantly wiped out? Facing off against Abbadon in the next Black Crusade, it's poetry.

RogueRogal: Yeah, but that's pretty basic. Then again with all the Smurfsnorting, it fits GW. I guess it makes sense to have a Horus Chapter be the leader of all these Redeemed Chapters and hten everyone else follow in their wake. So yeah, they're a pretty strong contendor.

Mekmain97: Emperor's Children?

RogueRogal: Probably the least likely. I mean, what's the chapter gonna be centered around? Wearing holy chastity belts and rape whistles to stop the Pedo Platoon? Besides, out of all the Legions, they suck ass.

Abadoo: I will not tolerate Fulgrim slander!

RogueRogal: Dude fell to chaos because he masturbates to himself and touched an evil sword. Lame AF.

Abadoo: Says the dude who idolizes autistic lego man.

RogueRogal: Says the dude who idolizes a Professional Loser

Mekmain97: Anyways, if we're going on the basis that one note Redeemer Chapters would suck, then I guess that throws the World Eaters and Death Guard out since all they'll be known for is being anti Khorne and Nurgle respectively.

Abadoo: Nah, I feel like Loyal World Eaters can cook. The Nails can be good in tabletop and since the Legion was damned from the moment they came into contact with Angron, having the survivors live without Angron and deal with the cursed seed would make for some neat books.

RogueRogal: I would so be hyped for Thousand Sons Chapter. They're the most tragic of the Traitors since they only turned evil because Magnus had a shitty Skype call and Leman was a total douche. Plus an all-Psyker Chapter would probably be super important to the story. Hell, maybe they help the Emperor with the Throne when it fails.

Abadoo: Nah, the all Psyker Marines is the Grey Knights domain and GW wont want Chapters with conflicting MOs and identities.

Mekmain97: How about Night Lords? They got the only dead Primarch besides Horus so they can get a clean slate without all the Luna Wolves baggage. Prophecy stuff can make them important as deus ex machinas, maybe some Night Lords redeem themselves, and GW can actually make Stealth a viable strategy besides just being a Raven Guard niche.

RogueRogal: Nah, not gonna happen, that would make for some super lame stories.

Abadoo: Yeah, Loyalist Night Lords are just Batman in Space so we'd just get slightly less edge stories like Night Lord books and I feel like they would work better as a lore chapter than something that's actually present for Tabletop like Marines Malevolent.

RogueRogal: Plus if they're Night Lords vets then they're just evil douchebags, nothing different from generic Chaos stuff.

Mekmain97: IDK, I think they have some real potential. Well, I guess we'll see after Labor Day or something.

RogueRogal: By the way, have you guys watched Text to Speech yet? It's been getting pretty good recently.

-Taken from Segmentum Based Discord Server, June 2015

A/N: This is a hopeful start to a series on how the Mist Shrikes would be used and reacted to IRL by the community. My idea is that they are released shortly after the Seventh Edition as basically a test for Games Workshop like in-universe with the Mist Shrikes serving as a template for explicit Loyalist Chapters with Traitor geneseed, and once Eight Edition comes they release eight new Chapters if the Shrikes are super successful, and hopefully by that point the Shrikes would have received Primaris Marines.
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I don't know about you guys but if GW made an actual tabletop traitor legion, loyalist chapter like your omake, I'd definitely buy those models.
Metahammer 40K: The Leak

Holy shit, HOLY SHIT! We're gonna get Traitor geneseed chapters, fucking finally!

Abbadoo: Wait, what?

RogueRogal: Kotaku just released an article focusing on a leak from GW that they're gonna release a new Chapter set revolving around a new Chapter based off of Traitor seed. Even better, four of the Chapter are timewarped Great Crusade vets, so we're getting 30K TECH!

40K Redemption: New Chapter of Traitor Loyalists

We sure it's legit?

RogueRogal: The leaker previously leaked the 7th Edition and pretty much 90% of what was shared was right.

Abbadoo: Eh, if that's the case then it sounds like a PR stunt from GW. They have a "leak" with vague details that's mostly true to generate hype and also if everyone freaks their shit, they can do damage control.

Mekmain97: Still, pretty cool that we're finally getting a Chapter that's canonically descended from a Traitor primarch instead of fanon like the Blood Ravens. Reading through it, unfortunately it's very loose on details on which Primarch it's being based out of.

RogueRogal: It says that the GC vets were transported through the Warp on their barge from before the Horus Heresy period so it's good there isn't any taint and the Chapter has a fresh slate of sorts. Any ideas on who?

Abbadoo: It's never gonna be the Alpha Legion because GW doesn't know what the fuck the Legion's purpose is.

Mekmain97: Watch it be an Alpha Legion Chapter and this is gonna be crucial for Endgame 40K like Alpharius and Omegron come back and restore the Emperor or some shit, LMAO.

RogueRogal: I'm really hoping for a Word Bearers chapter. Would be so fucking awesome to have Word Bearers that get transported to the future and it's basically their dream come true, but it's a rotten state and it was thanks to Lorgar turning heretic.

Abbadoo: Oh look, the Catholic and Templar main wants Word Bearers Loyalists, surprise, surprise.

RogueRogal: Hey, you can't deny there'd be some great storytelling there.

Mekmain97: Well, considering they're probably going to have heavy access to 30k tech, probably the Iron Warriors no? They did have some of the best loadouts of the Legions and are the most tech savvy of the Traitors.

Abadoo: That would actually be pretty sweet because you can convert so many 30k models to this Chapter. Plus, I can put RogAss in his place.

RogueRogal: Bruh, your not even an Iron Warriors main. Tho yeah, it would be pretty swag.

Abadoo: My money is on Luna Wolves. Come on, Horus' sons have to face the aftermath of the Horus Heresy and hide their duty secret from the rest of the Imperium where they would be instantly wiped out? Facing off against Abbadon in the next Black Crusade, it's poetry.

RogueRogal: Yeah, but that's pretty basic. Then again with all the Smurfsnorting, it fits GW. I guess it makes sense to have a Horus Chapter be the leader of all these Redeemed Chapters and hten everyone else follow in their wake. So yeah, they're a pretty strong contendor.

Mekmain97: Emperor's Children?

RogueRogal: Probably the least likely. I mean, what's the chapter gonna be centered around? Wearing holy chastity belts and rape whistles to stop the Pedo Platoon? Besides, out of all the Legions, they suck ass.

Abadoo: I will not tolerate Fulgrim slander!

RogueRogal: Dude fell to chaos because he masturbates to himself and touched an evil sword. Lame AF.

Abadoo: Says the dude who idolizes autistic lego man.

RogueRogal: Says the dude who idolizes a Professional Loser

Mekmain97: Anyways, if we're going on the basis that one note Redeemer Chapters would suck, then I guess that throws the World Eaters and Death Guard out since all they'll be known for is being anti Khorne and Nurgle respectively.

Abadoo: Nah, I feel like Loyal World Eaters can cook. The Nails can be good in tabletop and since the Legion was damned from the moment they came into contact with Angron, having the survivors live without Angron and deal with the cursed seed would make for some neat books.

RogueRogal: I would so be hyped for Thousand Sons Chapter. They're the most tragic of the Traitors since they only turned evil because Magnus had a shitty Skype call and Leman was a total douche. Plus an all-Psyker Chapter would probably be super important to the story. Hell, maybe they help the Emperor with the Throne when it fails.

Abadoo: Nah, the all Psyker Marines is the Grey Knights domain and GW wont want Chapters with conflicting MOs and identities.

Mekmain97: How about Night Lords? They got the only dead Primarch besides Horus so they can get a clean slate without all the Luna Wolves baggage. Prophecy stuff can make them important as deus ex machinas, maybe some Night Lords redeem themselves, and GW can actually make Stealth a viable strategy besides just being a Raven Guard niche.

RogueRogal: Nah, not gonna happen, that would make for some super lame stories.

Abadoo: Yeah, Loyalist Night Lords are just Batman in Space so we'd just get slightly less edge stories like Night Lord books and I feel like they would work better as a lore chapter than something that's actually present for Tabletop like Marines Malevolent.

RogueRogal: Plus if they're Night Lords vets then they're just evil douchebags, nothing different from generic Chaos stuff.

Mekmain97: IDK, I think they have some real potential. Well, I guess we'll see after Labor Day or something.

RogueRogal: By the way, have you guys watched Text to Speech yet? It's been getting pretty good recently.

-Taken from Segmentum Based Discord Server, June 2015

A/N: This is a hopeful start to a series on how the Mist Shrikes would be used and reacted to IRL by the community. My idea is that they are released shortly after the Seventh Edition as basically a test for Games Workshop like in-universe with the Mist Shrikes serving as a template for explicit Loyalist Chapters with Traitor geneseed, and once Eight Edition comes they release eight new Chapters if the Shrikes are super successful, and hopefully by that point the Shrikes would have received Primaris Marines.

I'm really liking this can't wait to see what's next
Fans React to Leaked Blurb
Fan's React to a leaked Blurb.

Hey so I a blurb from the new book about the Traitor Geneseed Chapter leaked. It's not much but I'm sure even from this short blurb we'll be able to make some theories of what kind of chapter we're getting.

(The Chapter Master of the Mist Shrikes entered Harkin's Office, his honor guard remaining in the hall. The Astartes massive form towered over the Inquisitor, and yet despite the Old Marine's ability to slay the Inquisitor with ease it would require no more then a single swing of his Chainglaive. there was no questioning which of them was in charge between the two of them.

"Severus, I have a mission I'd like to make use of your chapter for." the Inquisitor "requests".

"Whatever your command the Mist Shrikes will answer." The Terran Astartes responds.)

CrowCrow: What the Fuck!!!! did I read that right a Terran Astartes. Like an OG 1st Gen marine????

69thFoundingAstartes: Looks like it I'm guessing this Inquisitor is the one holding the leash of the traitor Marine Chapter

KalrosLeakReader: Most likely. not a ton of hints on what legion the chapter is from just the blurb. Though I will admit I wasn't expecting GW to give us a Terran Marine for the Chapter master.

UhmmAcshually: I will say you're wrong about one thing. There is a hint about what legion it may be. It states this Severus uses a Chainglaive while it's far from conclusive it does raise the odds of them being Night Lords descendents.

CrowCrow: Oh Fuck!!!!

Hey thought I'd give writing a blurb omake like this a try I know it's not as good as the earlier one, but I figured I'd give it the old College try.
Gather Round, Boys and Girls...
Funnily enough, I had an idea for a silly omake for April Fools that was Chapter Master Severus giving a class of Defense against the Dark Arts and traumatizing half the class. As a reward, you get 30XP for the stat of your choice for either Severus or Grigori.
I should be prepping for work tomorrow. Instead, the muse! The muse!

This is my best approximation of what 8 Fellowship would be like, so feedback is appreciated.


Gather Round, Boys and Girls...

"Finally, I am happy to announce that we will be welcoming a new Defense Against The Dark Arts professor, though I have been informed he had an emergency to attend to and will join us later. With that, tuck in!"

Given the way her "introduction" had gone, Harry was happy to see Umbridge looking like she'd been force fed a lemon. At the same time, three of their four professors had been varying flavors of terrible and the one who wasn't would have killed Harry if it hadn't been for Sirius. He firmly believed the position was cursed at this point, so rather than join the conversation of who it could be he simply started eating.

"I'm glad that Headmaster Dumbledore managed to find someone other than that horrid Umbridge woman. She would have been a disaster." Hermione was the oddest combination of miffed and pleased Harry had ever seen as she said that. It was gratifying to see that someone else wasn't as excited as most of the others were.

Ron managed to stop guzzling food long enough to say, "I dunno, Hermione, we can't even keep lessons straight between years and if there's as much trouble in the Ministry as Dad says, we probably aren't getting a good one."

General murmurs of agreement went down the seats, and Hermione opened her mouth...only to close it again and look disgruntled.

"Although that does raise a good question, has anybody actually heard about who it is? 'Cause I just realized Dumbledore -" "Headmaster, Lee"-"yeah yeah, Headmaster Dumbledore didn't even give us his name."

"Yeah, actually, we heard something from reliable sources"-"hopefully more reliable than you, Fred"-"ouch Lee, that's uncalled for-" "no no Fred, he's got a point, more reliable than us is hard to come by, that would be fantastic-" "Good point George, anyway he's apparently some kind of time-locked king they found in an old Bulgarian ruin, it was a great big mess. He killed 50 dark wizards and witches with his bare hands, and browbeat the hit-wizard squad into taking him to their leader. DADA this year is gonna be amazing."

"Of course, of course." Angelina smirked. "And I'm sure he wrestles acromantula for fun and rides a nundu to and from work."

"You said it, not me Angie." "Don't call me Angie, Georgie, or I'll make you practice solo with both Bludgers." "As you command, m-"

George's inevitable riposte was abruptly cut off by a loud bang as the doors of the Great Hall slammed open, and a massive figure in robes strode through. He had already reached the ends of the tables by the time people had turned to look, and Harry could only catch a brief glimpse of a hard, weathered face with a bald scalp before he passed close enough for all attention to be directed to his back.

Slung across his shoulders, trussed up seven ways to Sunday, was a snarling Wampus cat. Or at least, it would be snarling if it hadn't been muzzled and blindfolded with a harness even Harry's eyes could see was expertly crafted.

The mountain of a man - and he was a mountain, only somewhat smaller than Hagrid - stepped up then stopped before the teacher's table in front of Dumbledore, giving a shallow bow without lowering his eyes. Dumbledore gave him a nod in return, eyes twinkling as they often did, and said "I'm glad to see you, Severus. Your hunt was successful?"

"Indeed. Honestly, I'm surprised poachers as incompetent as that could corral such a beast - I suspect they contracted out the work to someone of superior skill."

"And...you are carrying an untamed Class XXXXX Dangerous Beast here, into a school full of children, and breaking several ministry laws in the process...why?" Umbridge looked like she was dying of confusion, eyes glittering with baleful glee while her face was terrified and voice was strained.

"Because I am breaking no laws, the threat is contained and will remain so for as long as I wish, I am hungry, and my duties as a teacher demand I make a proper formal appearance at this feast." The man's voice was somehow managing to ring through the Hall without ever sounding like he raised his voice, and Harry felt a moment of envy at how dismissive he managed to sound in such polite tones. If Harry could learn to talk like that, he'd have far fewer detentions.

"Merlin's beard, he talks like liquid granite." Ginny sounded in awe, and judging by the nods the feeling was shared.

"He certainly has flair, setting up a Sonorous charm like that beforehand." Seamus nodded approvingly.

While they had been talking, the now-named Severus - and wouldn't that be confusing, the same name applied to two so very different people - had taken his seat, hanging the twitching cat off the back of his chair, the one Harry had though reserved for Hagrid. He flagrantly ignored the whispers as he ate and drank with mechanical efficiency and the same speed with which he walked, as well as Umbridge's increasingly angry attempts to wheedle speech out of him.

It was there at the teacher's table, with the cat out of view, that Harry noticed four more thing. The first was that with a clearer look, Severus' face resolved itself into an aristocratic mien with an aquiline nose, a face that practically screamed old money - or it would have, were it not for the scars and the 4 metal studs embedded in the pale skin of his brow. The second was that there was an odd sort of...saw-toothed polearm that had rested against the back of the man's robes without apparent fastenings, and which now leaned against the table next to him with Professor Hooch leaning slightly away from it. The third was that his robes were armored - heavily armored, with thick steel heptagonal plates from the shoulders down; they must have been enchanted, because surely the weight would have too much even for someone like him.

The fourth...

"Hey, did anybody see him with a wand?" "No Fred, now that you mention it I didn't. A sleeve holster, maybe?" "Seems likely, if he uses that nasty staff like it looks."

Having finished his meal, and still ignoring Umbridge, Severus suddenly stood up and with a start Harry realized it couldn't have been more than a few minutes.

"Greetings, students. I am Professor Severus, though you may call me sir or professor. I will be teaching you Defense Against the Dark Arts, and I will tell you now that there will be no homework of any kind."

It took a moment for that to percolate through the crowd, before racous cheering and celebration resounded. Harry was one of the few who didn't join in - the man wasn't overly threatening, but he watched the crowd in a way that reminded him of Dumbledore when he'd defended Harry at the hearing.

The rest noticed slowly, and the cheering tapered off into uneasy silence.

"I am glad to see such a clear distinction between who is a great fool and who is merely a fool. I will be clear; I have reviewed the curriculum in detail for each year, and found it unsatisfactory, particularly in light of Hogwarts'...troubles of late. The skills I teach you will not be the sort that prescribed homework will help you learn - the sooner you prepare accordingly, the less your lessons will hurt. Now, given that I was a last minute hire I will not hold the errors in book lists and expectations against you, so the first three weeks will be merely uncomfortable rather than painful. You have that long to adapt. Now, I must prepare this beast for transport back to its native habitat, so I shall see my first students at 8 o clock sharp. If you are late, you will teach rather than learn."

With that, he picked up both cat and staff to leave the hall and silence in his wake.

Slowly, all heads at the Gryffindor table turned towards its two red-headed troublemakers.

"I swear we weren't expecting that when we were having you on."
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Gather Round, Boys and Girls...
In the 7th book in this timeline:

"Ah, Harry Potter. The Boy Who Lived, comes to di..." Voldemort´s words are interrupted by a deafening bang and his head exploding into a spray of blood. The Death Eaters look in horror at the falling corpse of the Dark Lord before turning his gaze at Harry, who holds a smoking Bolt Pistol in his hand instead of a wand.

"Professor Severus was right, a bolt is faster than a spell." Comments Harry wincing as he rubs his gun holding wrist. "Wish he had mentioned the recoil though."

Glad to see that I´m inspiring your muse. The omake is great, really enjoyed the dialogue of the Harry Potter cast, despite the fact that it has been forever since I read the books. The only think I dislike is that Severus is bald for some reason, but otherwise is great. 1 guaranteed pysker neophyte this turn.
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I am freeeee! And can post again still have to deal with the points but that is a work in progress

[X] Plan: Allies to Prepare

Other then the possible titan legion which is very unlikely they have any influence on the Wardens are rebuilding so they wont be of help better we go to the crusaders and soritas who have the strength and are sure to come
I am freeeee! And can post again still have to deal with the points but that is a work in progress

[X] Plan: Allies to Prepare

Other then the possible titan legion which is very unlikely they have any influence on the Wardens are rebuilding so they wont be of help better we go to the crusaders and soritas who have the strength and are sure to come

Incase you didn't see the update I modified the plan instead of going to the sororitias I'm having use continue the investigation into the navy