Luctus System, Raikan Subsector, Aetelian Sector, 784 M41
Fifty years ago, you stood in this same courtyard, addressing five hundred brothers recently arrived from the solar system. They were raw, untested, unskilled and unsuited by the duties they were chosen to carry, and you only had three other marines you were completely certain you could rely on. Of those five hundred, less than half stand in front of you now. Some of those that don´t stand before you do so beside you, As you found them worthy of responsibility and leadership, but most of them have fallen on battlefields across the sector, doing their duty with the courage you expected of them. The last time, the courtyard also hosted the serfs of the chapter, for when you spoke there it was to inspire and welcome. Now only Astartes are present, for you will speak of a secret that must be safeguarded carefully. The marines in front of you have proven themselves, so you will entrust them with it. Most other Astartes you´ve known would say that half a century of service is nowhere near enough for a Space Marine to be considered a veteran, but then again, the circumstances in which you're operating are not what any of them would have been able to even imagine.
With the eyes of your brothers fixed on you, you take a deep breath and speak.
Sergeant Vespera of the 3rd Company sees the Chapter Master step up to speak, the whole situation nostalgic to the Terran. He turns towards the marine behind him and whispers into his ears.
"Seems like now it's your turn to speak ey?"
Beside him, Severus shots him an unamused glare. "Fifty years making that same joke, Vespera, and it's never been funny."
"It has always been for me, Sev, it has always been for me." Replies Vespera, prompting a grumbled curse from the other marine. He doesn't continue annoying his friend, for the Chapter Master starts his speech."
"You have fought well these years." He starts, and Vespera and a few others smile at those words. "You have defended the Imperium from the mutant, the xeno and the heretic, both in open battle and in the shadows. You have protected the loyal and punished the traitor. You have persevered, even as your flesh was cut and your bones broken, even as you saw your brothers fall around you. You have proven yourself, and so you must serve as an inspiration to all the other brothers that will come after you. I will demand much of you in the future, and so I must confess the truth, for all you have given must be repayed."
Vespara stares quizzically at the Chapter Master, curious about what truth he's referring to, something that the other assembled veterans share, as shown by the muttering and whispering that follow the Chapter Master´s words. He notices that behind the Chapter Master most of the other officers of the Chapter tense, as if they were bracing themselves for something. The only exception is his own Captain, who sports his customary grin, as if he´s privy to a joke nobody else knows.
Ignoring the effect his words had, the Chapter Master continues speaking. "Back when you were chosen as neophytes, they told you that you are the sons of Corvus Corax, descendants from the Raven Guard. They lied to you." Now the confusion grows, and Vespera has the feeling that whatever he's going to say, he's not going to like it. The Chapter Master knows it too, for he takes a deep breath before answering. "Your true gene-lineage is that of the Eighth Legion, that of Konrad Curze."
Everyone remains silent, taking in the news. Contrary to what Vespera expects, there is no great show of outrage. No disbelieving shouts, no demands for explanations, no furious indignation. Most of the assembled veterans just look confused, uncertain, shocked. Vespera himself is horrified. He knows of the Night Lords, of the twisted, cowardly monster they are, and that is the blood that flows through his veins? Those are his brothers? It takes him a moment to realize that the Chapter Master is still speaking.
" wondering where do we the Founders come from, for we are not sons of the Ravenlord ourselves." Ask the Chapter Master rhetorically. "We are Night Lords from the Great Crusade, displaced through time from before the start of the Heresy." Still shaken from the previous revelation, Vespera doesn´t know how to even start reacting to that. "I know I´ve just relayed to you news that are hard to process, so I will grant you some time to come to terms with them. I can only ask you that you do not share them with the rest of our brothers, for they are not tempered yet enough to be discreet about them. Before I finish, let me just tell you this. You´ve done the Emperor´s work, and as someone who saw Him in the flesh, I can assure you that there is nothing about you, my brothers, that He would find lacking."
The Chapter Master departs, followed closely by his Honor Guard and the Founders. The other officers remain, approaching the veterans who now are talking about what had just happened, clustered together by company. Vespera sees Captain Gallienus walking towards them, and so does the rest of the company, who turn towards him.
"Captain, you knew about this beforehand didn´t you?" Asks one of his fellow Sergeants, the tone not quite accusatory. "What do you make of this?"
His Captain, to the dumbfounded surprise of everyone, shrugs. "Well, you will have to be careful with what you say around the Luctusian, but I'm sure you will manage."
"You can´t be serious!" Roars Lieutenant Furor, face quickly reddening. "You can´t just treat this as a jape Gallienus! Not with how much it changes!
Far from cowed by the temperamental Lieutenant´s temper, Gallienus looks downright amused as he stares him down. "Oh truly? Does knowing that our gene-father is Konrad Curze make you suddenly eager to flay babies? Now that you are aware our dear brothers are traitors, do you want to go find them to pledge their allegiance to one of their insane warlords?"
Furor´s face shifts from angry to appalled after the question. "What!? Of course not!" He quickly sputters in denial. Gallienus grin widens at his reaction.
"See? Trust me brothers, none of the officers were enthused when we were told, and we reacted worse than you did, but like it or not this is the blood that flows through our blood and we aren´t better nor worse than who we were before. Besides…" The grin in his face gains a dark edge in that moment. "Those who could have been eager to indulge in have been dealt with." Everyone in the company flinches at that reminder of those brothers who had fallen to heresy, and those who had shared a squad with them look away, their expression hurt or furious.
"Wait a moment, didn´t the Chapter Master say that he was from the Great Crusade?!" Inquires another marine, succeeding in changing the topic of the conversation. Vespera knows that he has a golden opportunity and he takes it.
"By the Emperor Severus!" He exclaims, turning around to face his companion. "You truly look great for being ten thousand years old! What's your secret?!"
Severus punches him in the face, but he doesn´t erase the smile in Vespera´s face.
-Apothecaries Anodynon and Soran become Senior Apothecaries, Techmarines Siracusa, Ostia, Capua and Noricum become senior Techmarines. +1 Action added to Master of the Forge and Chief Apothecary actions
You have 215 Veterans pending assignments. Place them in the manner you see fit amidst the various options. This vote is by plan.
Assignment Options
-[] Create 1st Company (Mutually exclusive with Elite 10th Company) (0/104): Following the traditional structure of the Codex Astartes, assign your veterans to the 1st Company of the Chapter. (Will trigger Company Captain Sub-vote if chosen. Veterans will be divided into Sternguard and Vanguard Veterans. Future Terminator Squads will be automatically assigned to this company)
-[] Make an Elite 10th Company (Mutually exclusive with Create 1st Company) (0/100): You´ve already diverged from the Codex by not assigning your rookies to the 10th Company, take it a step further by making the 10th Company your elite force. (Captain Secutor will maintain his post unless you reassign him. Veterans will be divided into Sharpshooter Scouts and Vanguard Scouts, Future Terminator Squads will be spread amidst the Battle Companies)
-[] Name Company Champions (0/7): With a recently named Chapter Champion, you could name some other skilled battle-brothers as company champions. (Companies gain a Company Champion, which works similar to the Chapter Champion. In case you don't fill the cap, Write-in which Companies receive the Company Champions)
-[] Form Company Command Squads (0/30): Your Captains tend to go where the fighting is thickest and the danger the greatest, their own command squads could keep them safe. (Companies gain a Company Command Squad, which works similar to the Honor Guard. Each Command Squad gets assigned a Chaplain, Apothecary and a Tehchmarine. In case you don't fill the cap, Write-in which Companies receive the Company Command Squads)
-[] Grant Companies Veteran Sergeants (0/60): Your veterans are your most experienced marines, and their knowledge and leadership could prove invaluable to your younger brethren. (Companies Squad gains Veteran Sergeants which grant success bonuses to the squad they are assigned. In case you don't fill the cap, Write-in which Companies receive the Veteran Sergeant.)
-[] Send Veterans to the Deathwatch (0/15): The Deathwatch is ever hungry for veterans, and facing all the dangers the Xenos have to offer will benefit your marines (You send Marines to the Deathwatch, which will improve relations. Marines sent will be unavailable for a random number of turns, and they might during service, but when they return they might do so with improved equipment or even as notables.)
-[] Lend Veterans to the Inquisition (0/40): While the Inquisitors tend to conduct a significant part of their labor with discretion and subtlety, there is always a moment in which they need overwhelming force. (Put Marines at the disposal of the Inquisitorial Conclave, Will improve relations with some Inquisitors, and allow you to keep an eye on them.)
–[] Write-in whether you want to assign them to a specific Inquisitor, and which or if you want them to be put at their general disposition.
-[] Lend Veterans as Bodyguards to Notables across the Sector (0/10-20-30): An Astartes Honor Guard will not only deter all but the most fanatical of assassins, but it also serve as a sign of prestige. (Put a Squad at the disposal of Notables of the Aetelian Sector, Will improve relations with those selected, and allow you to keep an eye on them.)
–[] Write-in whom do you want to assign them to.
Q.M notes: Bit short, but here you have the Veterans Distribution Vote. Information has been updated and feel free to ask me any doubts you have.
Also, I have considered adding the traits under each Honor Guard. Tell me what you think of it.