Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

I think that the salamanders have a flame based power field that goes with a chain weapon and if my memory of wolf lore is correct they have frost blades that are a chain weapon with a powerfield slapped on.
Yeh, but cooler. Upgrades are fun, even though will disagree with me. I feel like we should ad more customizations to the armor too.
Do you mean armor in general or individual suits? Because it's a lot easier to do the latter than the former while not losing out on effectiveness.
I think that the salamanders have a flame based power field that goes with a chain weapon and if my memory of wolf lore is correct they have frost blades that are a chain weapon with a powerfield slapped on.
I'm not seeing anything like that in the Salamanders armory on the Lexicanum. Closest I could find was this.

As for the Frostblades, I'm not seeing that they're Power weapons, just that the teeth are so special that their effect is comparable to that of a Power weapon. Because the Wolves have always gotta have that special shit.
I hope our night lord chapter meet the night lord it will be very awkward
Particularly if they're also from the Great Crusade. "Hey, we used to work together" and then trying to stab the other in the lung.
I'm not seeing anything like that in the Salamanders armory on the Lexicanum. Closest I could find was this.

As for the Frostblades, I'm not seeing that they're Power weapons, just that the teeth are so special that their effect is comparable to that of a Power weapon. Because the Wolves have always gotta have that special shit.

On the salamanders thats probably what I was thinking about. The frostblades though I remember something about powerfields clashing. Although that could be an author being a touch artistic. Now what I did find was eviserators which are a giant chainsword with a crude powerfield. Now correct me if I'm wrong but chainglaves are a chainsword on a long pole of similar mass and size to a eviserator so that could be an option.
On the salamanders thats probably what I was thinking about. The frostblades though I remember something about powerfields clashing. Although that could be an author being a touch artistic. Now what I did find was eviserators which are a giant chainsword with a crude powerfield. Now correct me if I'm wrong but chainglaves are a chainsword on a long pole of similar mass and size to a eviserator so that could be an option.
You know, that does sound pretty feasible.

Side note, God I wish we had Lightning Claws available for production. They're so damn cool.
Do you mean armor in general or individual suits? Because it's a lot easier to do the latter than the former while not losing out on effectiveness.

I'm not seeing anything like that in the Salamanders armory on the Lexicanum. Closest I could find was this.

As for the Frostblades, I'm not seeing that they're Power weapons, just that the teeth are so special that their effect is comparable to that of a Power weapon. Because the Wolves have always gotta have that special shit.

Particularly if they're also from the Great Crusade. "Hey, we used to work together" and then trying to stab the other in the lung.

Bit of both, I don't see why not honestly.

You think we can get power claws for us?
On the salamanders thats probably what I was thinking about. The frostblades though I remember something about powerfields clashing. Although that could be an author being a touch artistic. Now what I did find was eviserators which are a giant chainsword with a crude powerfield. Now correct me if I'm wrong but chainglaves are a chainsword on a long pole of similar mass and size to a eviserator so that could be an option.
There is a mass produced heated power sword as an equipment option in one of the fantasy flight 40k rpgs but it's because of a faulty powerfield (turned into a feature) heating the blade up to 600 degrees Celsius. It'd probably be hell making one that doesn't screw up a chain blades moving parts. It'd probably be easier to just attach a exterminator cartridge* and call it a day.

*A single use short range flamer mostly used by religious fanatics.
Sarvak was one of the backgrounds available if you had chosen World Eater, the Bitter Conscript. Basically every ship that you didn't choose in the first post arrived at their intended destination and participated in the Heresy. However not all of the backgrounds are still alive right now, as some of them died either during the Heresy or the years after.
Shame. The Mist Shrikes discovering a Loyalist force from a Traitor Legion who was lost to the Warp pre-Heresy like them far in the future would have made for a great way to bookend the quest.

Wait, did any of them fight in the Heresy as Loyalists? I could definitely see Severus doing that, although he'd probably die not long thereafter for his "betrayal".
Bit of both, I don't see why not honestly.

You think we can get power claws for us?
Because making our regular armors customized will cause problems in either maintenance, manufacture, or functionality. Power Armor is pretty advanced by default, so it's hard to make improvements to it without either making it more expensive or causing some other problem in the process. This is why custom armor, AKA Artificer Armor, is pretty much solely used by veteran captains and champions: because the amount of effort and resources required to make one which is significantly better than a normal suit is immense. An example of custom(ish) armor which retains cheapness but loses out on quality is the Mark V Heresy Armor, which was formed as a result of experimentation in mixing and matching Mark II, III, and IV suit components together.

Edit: And as for the claws, I hope so, but I don't know.
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@ThunderOwl What do we need to do to unlock the ability to modify our ships?
Better relation with the mechanicus and me refining ship combat to make the modifications matter.
Side note, God I wish we had Lightning Claws available for production. They're so damn cool.
Forgot to put Lightning Claws. Will appear in the Production table next turn.
Wait, did any of them fight in the Heresy as Loyalists? I could definitely see Severus doing that, although he'd probably die not long thereafter for his "betrayal".
Some did fight as loyalists, but for the most part the rest of the backgrounds were traitors. If people are interested I could make a brief post with the fate of each background.
Because making our regular armors customized will cause problems in either maintenance, manufacture, or functionality. Power Armor is pretty advanced by default, so it's hard to make improvements to it without either making it more expensive or causing some other problem in the process. This is why custom armor, AKA Artificer Armor, is pretty much solely used by veteran captains and champions: because the amount of effort and resources required to make one which is significantly better than a normal suit is immense. An example of custom(ish) armor which retains cheapness but loses out on quality is the Mark V Heresy Armor, which was formed as a result of experimentation in mixing and matching Mark I, II, III, and IV suit components together.

Edit: And as for the claws, I hope so, but I don't know.

It's weird how in a vast setting, everything is somehow more expensive.
On the salamanders thats probably what I was thinking about. The frostblades though I remember something about powerfields clashing. Although that could be an author being a touch artistic. Now what I did find was eviserators which are a giant chainsword with a crude powerfield. Now correct me if I'm wrong but chainglaves are a chainsword on a long pole of similar mass and size to a eviserator so that could be an option.
You know, that does sound pretty feasible.

Side note, God I wish we had Lightning Claws available for production. They're so damn cool.
I actually worked this out a while back.

Standard Eviscerators are 2H weapons with 2d10 damage 9 armor penetration with the Unwieldy (2nd level Unbalanced) and Tearing traits. They don't technically have Power Field because the generator is robust but overall low quality.

The Hammer of the Emperor rulebook has rules for special weapon patterns - in this case, 3 positive modifiers in exchange for 2 negative.

So you can have a 1 hand reasonably balanced (not Balanced-trait) eviscerator with 2d10 damage 9 penetration + Tearing trait in exchanged for something like -2 damage (min 1) and a -1 critical hit result modifier min 1 (noteworthy but pretty trivial overall, as any roll on the crithit table is nasty).

For comparison, a standard Astartes chainsword is something like 1d10+4 pen 4 with Balanced and Tearing traits, and Mk 7 Astartes Power Armor has anywhere from 8-11 armor value by location.

So by the glorious wonders of Imperial-Grade Technobabble, an average Guardsman can theoretically use one of these modded Evis to cut an armored Astartes in half in one blow with a one handed chain greatsword that would make Berserk Guts raise an eyebrow.

And not only does it not count as a Relic weapon, it doesn't even have to be Master-Crafted.

So how can you work that into an Astartes chain glaive? Like, say, making the blade the length of a short broadsword instead of the regular Zweihander and incorporating the power field generator into the haft?

Well for one thing you've logically reduced the Unwieldy quality to Unbalanced since it's smaller and on a big stick, even before modifiers are applied.

So, first pick logical negatives since this is a kitbash. We'll start with Corrupted Pattern (automatically counted as Poor if not produced at a minimum of Good quality) - basically anyone less skilled than a full Techmarine can't reliably make one of these, and it will require comparatively intensive R&D to turn this into a proper STC schematic.

Since this is presumably being handcrafted by Karark our Head Techie as an experiment, I'll make the second negative Limited Production (-20 (in this quest's parlance, -2 dice) on all rolls to acquire one outside of the original manufacturing source) - basically, nobody's doing a damn thing with this idea without his supervision.

I thought about others, but I don't think any of them fit because Zel would tear your legs off and force you to build your own prosthetics 12 times (Holy Numeration of the Omnissiah, of course!) to his standards before he let you build something shoddy.

So, our negatives are complete and we have 3 positive slots to spend them on (I'm not counting the first one because it's technically not even a full mod - more equivalent to sawing off a shotgun than adding select fire to a civvie rifle, if that makes any sense).

We can spend 1 to remove the Unbalanced trait, or even double up to spend 2 and make it Balanced. A very strong defensive pole arm.

We can spend 1 to give it the Razor Sharp quality - basically if the final result is what the QM would call a Good Success or better hit, it doubles the Armor Penetration value for that hit. Cripple a Helbrute's leg in one swing, anyone?

We can spend 1 to make it Incredibly Dense - gives it the Ogryn Proof trait (2nd tier Reliable trait upgrade) and it can't be damaged by the average Power Weapon anymore. Excellent defensive quality, pairs well with the Balanced upgrade and fantastic for long battles.

We can spend 1 to make it Lightweight, so it can be used one-handed. Chain Glaive and Storm Shield really rocks that Legionnaire look.

There are many other combinations, but those are the ones that appeal to me off the top of my head.
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It's weird how in a vast setting, everything is somehow more expensive.
I don't see how that's weird? You generally want better stuff to be rarer than common stuff. For a society which is not only industrialized but outright spacefaring, that means "more sophisticated/uses rarer resources". The fantasy equivalent would be "more magically enhanced" and you need to either go through Wizard University or loot a really good chest to get those, and they're not exactly common
I don't see how that's weird? You generally want better stuff to be rarer than common stuff. For a society which is not only industrialized but outright spacefaring, that means "more sophisticated/uses rarer resources". The fantasy equivalent would be "more magically enhanced" and you need to either go through Wizard University or loot a really good chest to get those, and they're not exactly common

That's fair, still it's my opinion but it's just feels annoying that everything is restricted. But I guess that 40k for us, just wish we had a bit of freedom with this eventually.
Some did fight as loyalists, but for the most part the rest of the backgrounds were traitors. If people are interested I could make a brief post with the fate of each background.
I would love if that was the case. The fact that as previously mentioned most of the other choices of background characters are either now dead or are chaos marine, doesn't really matter to, so much as what their story turned out as in the end.
Though, does that also allow you to expand on what the other background characters personality's and previous history prior to the heresy also get explained as well? I ask this, because when you mentioned that Sarvak was, "the bitter conscript", what sort of possible history did the guy have to make both bitter and a conscript? And if that was just for Sarvak, what was it like for the rest of the options?
In light of our significant losses this turn, what does everyone think about negotiating with the King and Queen of Braicam to have us get extra Aspirants from among the boys of their planet?
In light of our significant losses this turn, what does everyone think about negotiating with the King and Queen of Braicam to have us get extra Aspirants from among the boys of their planet?
Depends on how many Neophytes survive implantation, how many Aspirants we get naturally this turn and what kind of missions we have next turn. If we get good numbers and it's relatively light work for our marines I'd probably vote to use our action for something else. If the dice screw us or we're up for more heavy fighting then I'd be fine with it.
In most of my experience, in Warhammer, older tech tends to be better…
It's not so much that older tech is better, per se, although that is a common outcome. It's that older tech was made with the benefits of a comparatively coherent knowledge base and better supply lines, so you could afford to build more of the top-notch stuff and raise the baseline for what is "standard". As a rule, any of the crazy shit can still be built and distributed if you can make the journey and navigate the politics to get it.

A very tall order in many cases, of course.
I actually worked this out a while back.

Standard Eviscerators are 2H weapons with 2d10 damage 9 armor penetration with the Unwieldy (2nd level Unbalanced) and Tearing traits. They don't technically have Power Field because the generator is robust but overall low quality.

The Hammer of the Emperor rulebook has rules for special weapon patterns - in this case, 3 positive modifiers in exchange for 2 negative.

So you can have a 1 hand reasonably balanced (not Balanced-trait) eviscerator with 2d10 damage 9 penetration + Tearing trait in exchanged for something like -2 damage (min 1) and a -1 critical hit result modifier min 1 (noteworthy but pretty trivial overall, as any roll on the crithit table is nasty).

For comparison, a standard Astartes chainsword is something like 1d10+4 pen 4 with Balanced and Tearing traits, and Mk 7 Astartes Power Armor has anywhere from 8-11 armor value by location.

So by the glorious wonders of Imperial-Grade Technobabble, an average Guardsman can theoretically use one of these modded Evis to cut an armored Astartes in half in one blow with a one handed chain greatsword that would make Berserk Guts raise an eyebrow.

And not only does it not count as a Relic weapon, it doesn't even have to be Master-Crafted.

So how can you work that into an Astartes chain glaive? Like, say, making the blade the length of a short broadsword instead of the regular Zweihander and incorporating the power field generator into the haft?

Well for one thing you've logically reduced the Unwieldy quality to Unbalanced since it's smaller and on a big stick, even before modifiers are applied.

So, first pick logical negatives since this is a kitbash. We'll start with Corrupted Pattern (automatically counted as Poor if not produced at a minimum of Good quality) - basically anyone less skilled than a full Techmarine can't reliably make one of these, and it will require comparatively intensive R&D to turn this into a proper STC schematic.

Since this is presumably being handcrafted by Karark our Head Techie as an experiment, I'll make the second negative Limited Production (-20 (in this quest's parlance, -2 dice) on all rolls to acquire one outside of the original manufacturing source) - basically, nobody's doing a damn thing with this idea without his supervision.

I thought about others, but I don't think any of them fit because Zel would tear your legs off and force you to build your own prosthetics 12 times (Holy Numeration of the Omnissiah, of course!) to his standards before he let you build something shoddy.

So, our negatives are complete and we have 3 positive slots to spend them on (I'm not counting the first one because it's technically not even a full mod - more equivalent to sawing off a shotgun than adding select fire to a civvie rifle, if that makes any sense).

We can spend 1 to remove the Unbalanced trait, or even double up to spend 2 and make it Balanced. A very strong defensive pole arm.

We can spend 1 to give it the Razor Sharp quality - basically if the final result is what the QM would call a Good Success or better hit, it doubles the Armor Penetration value for that hit. Cripple a Helbrute's leg in one swing, anyone?

We can spend 1 to make it Incredibly Dense - gives it the Ogryn Proof trait (2nd tier Reliable trait upgrade) and it can't be damaged by the average Power Weapon anymore. Excellent defensive quality, pairs well with the Balanced upgrade and fantastic for long battles.

We can spend 1 to make it Lightweight, so it can be used one-handed. Chain Glaive and Storm Shield really rocks that Legionnaire look.

There are many other combinations, but those are the ones that appeal to me off the top of my head.
Okay, I'm not familiar with this system but I did quickly check the rulebook and... yeah this all adds up. Though I also found that in the same book there is already a Chainglaive weapon over on page 116. It as a baseline only has Unbalanced rather than Unwieldy which means there's even more room for upgrades than in your initial assessment. It also has Razor Sharp and Tearing as standard. The ideas are still very good though and I'd love to see them if we have the opportunity (and Karark Zel's willingness) to make it happen.
It's not so much that older tech is better, per se, although that is a common outcome. It's that older tech was made with the benefits of a comparatively coherent knowledge base and better supply lines, so you could afford to build more of the top-notch stuff and raise the baseline for what is "standard". As a rule, any of the crazy shit can still be built and distributed if you can make the journey and navigate the politics to get it.

A very tall order in many cases, of course.
To be fair there legitimately are some technologies that have been lost to time or degraded. But yes there is some overstatement in that regard. Honestly if Roboute Guilliman woke up earlier, let's say in M35... the Imperium would be a fucking majesty by now, since he'd have made all the logistics and the economy run like a dream.