Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

Ahhh, Abraham Harker. The nickname flew over my head.
They should know their little pet project will get attention once news spreads. No need to question the how, anticipate the when and the response towards their project to be viewed of that particular legion to be akin to a mockery of what they could've been so they'll of course gather and attack their investment.

A rather juicy morsel to be laid out as bait to gather your own muscle and put them in wait for a trap though.

Something the chapter founders will also need to consider when they meet their brothers separated by time.
Turn 5: Deployment Results Part 2 (759-763 M41)
Creideamh System, Aetelian Sector, Ultima Segmentum, 761 M41

Battlefield Conditions: Excessive Orbital Debris (-15 to all attack rolls)

Mist Shrikes Fleet:
-Space Commander: Master of the Fleet Marcius Hostilius (Unorthodox: every combat phase rolls a 1d6. On a 6 the enemy commander traits positive effects do not apply on that phase.)
–Battle Barge Fear of Judgement
-Two attack rolls of 1d100, DC needed to destroy it: 500-50(Lightly Damaged)=450
–Strike Cruiser Unavoidable Sentence
-One attack roll of 1d100 DC needed to destroy it: 200
–Strike Cruiser Luctusian Dusk
-One attack roll of 1d100 DC needed to destroy it: 200

World Eaters:
-Space Commander: World Eater Fleet Master ( Butcher´s Nails: Every phase make a willpower roll. If it fails, your flagship gains a -8, If it succeeds, it gains a +8)
–Battle Barge Icon of Wrath
–Two attack rolls of 1d100, DC needed to destroy it: 500-100(Damaged)=400
-4 Iconoclast-class Destroyers
–One attack roll of 1d50 each, DC needed to destroy one of them: 75

Initiative rolls (1d100 vs 1d100)= 46 vs 43
Mist Shrikes act first.

Unorthodox trait roll 1d6= 6. World Eater Fleet Master Butcher Nails positive effects disabled this round.
Fear of Judgement attacks Iconoclast Destroyer 1 1d100-15= 97-15= 82
Iconoclast Destroyer 1 Destroyed
Fear of Judgement attacks Iconoclast Destroyer 2 1d100-15= 69-15= 54
Iconoclast Destroyer 2 reduced to 21/75 HP
Unavoidable Sentence attacks Iconoclast Destroyer 3 1d100-15= 83-15= 68
Iconoclast Destroyer 3 reduced to 6/75 HP
Luctusian Dusk attacks Iconoclast Destroyer 4 1d100-15=36-15=11
Iconoclast Destroyer reduced to 64/75 HP

World Fleet Master Willpower roll 6d10 (SC 3)= 3, 2, 1, 3, 6, 5= 0 Successes.
Icon of Wrath attacks Luctusian Dusk 1d100-15-10(Failed Willpower roll)= 2-15-10=-23
Luctusian Dusk Health remains intact
Icon of Wrath attacks Luctusian Dusk 1d100-15-10= 94-15-10=69
Luctusian Dusk Health reduced to 131/200 HP
Iconoclast Destroyer 2 attacks Fear of Judgement 1d50-15= 48-15=23
Fear of Judgement reduced to 423/500 HP
Iconoclast Destroyer 3 attacks Unavoidable Sentence 1d50-15= 8-15=-7
Unavoidable Sentence remains the same
Iconoclast Destroyer 4 attacks Luctusian Dusk 1d50-15= 37-15=22
Luctusian Dusk reduced to 109/200 HP

Out of all the Legiones Astartes, you´ve always held the Twelfth in contempt. Before their Primarch was found, you had the displeasure of fighting alongside them in a joint campaign, where they had turned a relatively simple decapitation strike into a protracted meat-grinder when they had given his company position away, which had ended with half of his company dead. He had almost come to blows with their captain, Dreagher, when the latter had laughed him off when confronted for it.

Then they found their Primarch and decided to lobotomize themselves in some pathetic attempt at connecting to him. The fact that none of them had spoken out against it proved that the removal of their brains had not taken a great toll on their intellect.
As such, when your vessels enter the Creideamh system you´re glaring to where the enemy battle barge is, a minuscule dot in the blackness on the void. Beside you, Hostilius ever present scowl lightens slightly as the auspex array starts reporting the disposition of the systems space.

"Plenty of orbital debris." Comments Martellus beside you. "It seems the World Eaters had to fight a Navy flotilla before laying siege on the planet."

"Can we use them to mask our approach?" You ask the Master of the Fleet. Hostilius casts a sullen glance at you before replying.

"No, but they will interfere with both our shots and theirs." The younger marine still holds a grudge over the reveal of your origin, although he seems more offended about being lied to than the truth itself. He addresses the bridge crew, "Approach their position from below, we will avoid some of their firing arcs that way. Tell the Luctusian Dusk and Unavoidable Sentence to drift off from our formation and approach from above and sideways. Any other ships apart from the battle barge?"

"4 Iconoclast-class destroyers Milord." Answered the serf in charge of the auspex.

"Tell the other vessels to target those first." Commanded Hostilius. He directs his attention to you then. "You should prepare yourself for planet fall Chapter Master."

You arch an eyebrow in response. "These are Khornates. I'm sure that they will try to board our vessels sooner or later."

"With what?" Replies Marcius with a dismissive scoff. "Most of them are down in the planet below fighting the armed nuns, at least according to their astropathic call."

You consider his words. While you find it plausible that most of the enemy space marines are down below, in which case it is vital that you make planetfall as soon as possible in order to relieve the Sisters of Battle, you don't share your Master of the Fleet lack of concern regarding boarding maneuvers. "We´ll keep aboard the 2nd Company while I descend with the 3rd, the 10th and our armored support." Hostilius opens his mouth to object but you aren't done talking. "It is merely a precaution, if you destroy the enemy without them coming aboard we'll send the company as a second wave."

Hostilius doesn't look too pleased at the order, but he keeps silent as the enemy comes into range. Seizing the initiative, your chapter fleet unleashes a devastating first volley, destroying one of the enemy escorts outright and severely damaging the other three. The chaos worshippers retaliate, and while some of their shots are intercepted by the remains of their previous victims, you still feel the ship shake and shudder as it takes damage. With a brief nod, you depart the bridge and soon find yourself sharing a drop pod with your Honor Guard, the Stormbirds reserved for the deployment of vehicles. It drops, and you soon feel the pod shaking as it falls at great speed, your fingers drumming at the edge of your seat at speed.

"I hate these things." Comments Thrax, the restraints securing him in place appearing comically undersized for his frame.

"They shake too much." Adds Garum, as he opens and closes his left hand, testing the mobility of the gauntlet's fingers.

"So do a Thunderhawk or Stombird, and you don´t complain about them" Points out Lepidus.

"They don´t, but at least in them you can know exactly where you're landing." Replies Garum.

"I prefer to not know it actually." Argues Spatha. "Who knows, maybe we may land upon the leader of these traitors? Make a mess out of it."
Any other comment is interrupted as the drop pod impacts the ground.

Initiative rolls (1d100 vs 1d100)= 93 vs 49
Mist Shrikes act first.

Unorthodox trait roll 1d6= 1.
Fear of Judgement attacks Icon of Wrath 1d100-15= 9-15= -6
Icon of Wrath Health remains at 400/500
Fear of Judgement attacks Iconoclast Destroyer 2 1d100-15= 44-15= 29
Iconoclast Destroyer 2 Destroyed
Unavoidable Sentence attacks Iconoclast Destroyer 3 1d100-15= 22-15= 7
Iconoclast Destroyer 3 Destroyed
Luctusian Dusk attacks Iconoclast Destroyer 4 1d100-15=82-15=67
Iconoclast Destroyer 4 destroyed

World Fleet Master Willpower roll 6d10 (SC 3)= 4, 2, 8, 9, 5, 5= 2 Successes.
Icon of Wrath attacks Luctusian Dusk 1d100-15-10= 23-15-10=-22
Luctusian Dusk Health remains at 131/200 HP
Icon of Wrath Launches Boarding pods at the Fear of Judgement 6d100-15-10 (DC 30 for each pod)= 94-15-10, 74-15-10, 58-15-10, 70-15-10, 38-15-10, 38-15-10= 60, 49, 33, 45, 13, 13= 4 pods board successfully

Breach in the Monastery

-Chapter Master Severus (Master-Crafted Chainblade, Master-Crafted Volkite Serpenta, Artificer Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Cameoline clock)
-Master of Sanctity Falce (MK,VII "Aquilla" Power Armor, Rosarius, Crozius Arcanum, Bolt Pistol)
-Honor Guard (MK,VII "Aquilla" Power Armor, Bolters, Chainswords, 1 Chapter Standard)
-Chapter Champion Spatha (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Chainsword Bolt Pistol)
-Squads 10-1 through 10-4 (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, 20 Stalker Bolter, 2 Melta guns)
-Thorned Spear Canoness (Sororitas Power Armor, Rosarius, Relic Power Sword Edge of Thorns, Hand Flamer)
-Celestian Sacresant Squad (Sororitas Power Armor, 4 Power Mauls, 6 Power Halberds)
-4 Sisters of Battle Squads (Sororitas Power Armor, Bolters)


-Sarvak Bladebreaker, Khornate Chaos Lord (Mutated MK.IV "Maximus" Power Armor, Iron Halo, Possessed Excoriator Chainaxe)
-2 Helbrutes (Castaferrum-pattern, Autocannons and Power fists)
-6 Squads of Khornate Berzerkers (MK.V "Heresy" Power Armors, Chainswords, Chainaxes, Bolt Pistols)
-Mob of Khornate Cultists (Common clothes, various melee weapons)
Successes needed for Imperial Victory: 32
Successes needed for World Eater Victory: 28

Outside of the Monastery:

-Captain Gallienus (MK.VII "Aquilla" Power Armor, Iron Halo Chainsword, Bolt Pistol)
-Chief Apothecary Valzadai (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Chainsword Bolt Pistol)
-3rd Company Tactical Squads (MK.VII "Aquilla" Power Armor, Bolters)
-3rd Company Devastator Squads (MK.VII "Aquilla" Power Armor, Bolters, Heavy Bolters, Missile Launchers, 8 Melta Guns)
-3rd Company Assault Squads (MK.VII "Aquilla" Power Armor, Jump Packs, Chainswords, Bolt Pistols)
-2 Rhinos
-1 Predator Tank
-1 Razorback
-2 Whirlwinds
-10 Attack Bikes
-2 Land Speeders
-4 Squads of Sisters of Battle (Sororitas Power Armor, Bolters)
-2 Squads of Seraphims (Sororitas Power Armor, Jump Pack, Bolt Pistol )
-2 Squads of Retributors (Sororitas Power Armor, Heavy Bolters, Missile Launchers)


-Khornate Champion (MK.IV "Maximus" Power Armor, Twin Falax Blades.)
-6 Squads of Khornate Berzerkers (MK.V "Heresy" Power Armors, Chainswords, Chainaxes Bolt Pistols)
-2 Chaos Marine Havocs (MK.V "Heresy" Power Armor, Bolters, Heavy Bolters, Missile Launchers)
-Mob of Khornate Cultists (Common clothes, various melee weapons)
-10 Chaos Rhinos
-10 Defilers
-2 Chaos Predator tanks

Successes needed for Imperial Victory: 50
Successes needed for Khornate Victory: 40

Aboard the Fear of Judgement:

-Captain Emilianus Pluvia (Prototype MK.VI "Corvus" Power Armor, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol)
-Tactical Squads 2-1 and 2-2 (MK.VII "Aquilla" Power Armor, Bolters)
-Assault Squad 2-7 (MK.VII "Aquilla" Power Armor, Jump Packs, Chainswords, Bolt Pistols)
-Devastator Squad 2-9 (MK.VII "Aquilla" Power Armor, Bolters, Heavy Bolters)
-Armed Serfs (Flak armor, Lasguns)


-Khornate Champion (MK.III "Iron" Power Armor, Chainfists.)
-4 Squads of Khornate Berzerker. (MK.V "Heresy" Power Armors, Chainswords, Chainaxes Bolt Pistols)
Successes needed for Mist Shrikes Victory=20
Successes needed for World Eaters Victory= 20

Severus Weapon skill 6d10 roll= 7, 10, 6, 5, 4, 4= 4 Successes
Master of Sanctity Falce Weapon Skill 4d10 roll= 5, 7, 3, 8= 2 Successes
Honour Guard Weapon skill 5d10 roll=7, 1, 7, 2, 6= 2 Successes
Claudius Spatha Weapon skill 6d10 roll= 5, 6 , 6, 10, 6, 6= 6 Successes
10th Company Ballistic skill 4d10 roll= 2, 7, 1, 5= 0 Succeses
Thorned Spear Canoness Weapon Skill roll 4d10= 1, 5, 8, 4= 0 Succeses. Edge of Thorns triggers. Critical failures are counted as regular failures.= 1 Success
Celestians Sacresant Weapon Skill roll 4d10= 6, 2, 4 ,7= 2 Successes
Sisters of Battle Ballistic Skill roll 3d10=2, 2, 3=0 Successes

Sarvak Bladebreaker Weapon Skill roll 8d10=10, 1, 7, 8, 3, 1, 10, 8=5 Successes
Helbrute 1 roll 6d10= 1, 1 , 6, 2, 8, 3= 0 Successes
Helbrute 2 roll 6d10= 9, 2, 9, 5, 9, 3=3 Successes
Khornate berzerkers Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 1, 5, 2, 4, 10, 7= 2 Successes
Khornate Cultists Weapon Skill roll 2d10=6, 7= 2 Successes

Imperials: 17/32
World Eaters: 12/28

Gallienus Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 7, 10, 9, 3=4 Successes
Valzadai Ballistic Skill roll 6d10= 9, 2, 4, 10, 7, 2=4 Successes
3rd Company Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 8, 5, 1, 8= 1 Success
Sisters of Battle 3d10=10, 10 6=5 Sucesses. Critical success.
Successes needed reduced by 2.
Rhinos roll 4d10= 10, 10, 1, 4= 3 Successes
Predator roll 4d10= 8, 10, 10, 2= 5 Successes, critical success
Successes needed reduced by 1
Razorback roll 4d10=7, 9, 4, 10= 4 Successes
Whirlwind roll 4d10=5, 10, 9, 8= 4 Successes
Land Speeder roll 4d10=10, 5, 3, 8= 4 Successes
Attack Bikes roll 4d10= 10, 8, 8, 7= 5 Succeses. Critical success
Successes needed reduced by 1

Khornate Champion Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 9, 6, 6, 10, 10, 4=7 Successes, Critical sucess.
Successes needed reduced by 1
Khornate berserker Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 10, 10, 6, 5, 7, 2=6 Successes
Chaos Marine Havocs Ballistic Skill roll 4d10=2, 6, 8, 8= 3 Success
Khornate Cultists Weapon Skill roll 2d10=10, 4=2 Successes
Chaos Rhinos roll 4d10=8, 8, 4, 10= 4 Successes
Defilers roll 4d10= 10, 4, 4, 4=2 Successes
Chaos Predator tanks 4d10=6, 5, 1, 1=0 Successes, Critical Failure

Successes needed increased by 1

Imperials= 39/45
World Eaters= 24/40

Emilianus Pluvia Ballistic Skill roll 6d10=10, 6, 10, 4, 5, 1= 4 Success
2nd Company Weapon Skill rolls 4+1(Counter-Boarders)d10= 2, 6, 2, 10, 5=3 Successes
Armed Serfs Ballistic skill rolls 2d10=10, 4= 2 Successes


Khornate Champion Weapon Skill roll 6d10=8, 10, 8, 7, 2 8=7 Successes, Critical sucess.
Success needed reduced by 1
Khornate Berzerkers Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 4, 4, 8, 8, 4, 3 =2 Successes

Mist Shrikes= 9/20
World Eaters= 9/19

As the ramp opens, you see that your pod has landed on an orchard inside the monastery´s walls. Trees with ripe fruit lay in splinters, smashed apart by the impact of the pod. You and your followers make your way towards the door connecting the orchard with the monastery. Only for it to open and reveal the Canoness of the Order, followed by her own honor guard, weapons unsheathed with power fields crackling. The woman is tall for a mortal with broad shoulders. Icy blue eyes sweep the now destroyed orchard before focusing on you. A sneer forms on cracked lips, revealing pearly white teeth and distorting the fleur de lis tattoo on her left cheek. The wind carrying the smell of smoke and blood makes a short red braid flutter, the only reason you can excuse the lack of a helmet being the Rosarius hanging from her neck.

"Your drop-pods have been causing more damage to our Monastery than the heretics' guns." She states with a voice hoarse from shouting in strongly accented Low Gothic. "The God-Emperor´s chapel was smashed by one of them."

That's not that much of a loss in your opinion, but the Sisters won´t appreciate that time of comment. "My apologies, but we needed to reach the field as fast as possible. Where do you need us to assist?"

"Your marines are moving towards the gates. We will join them there." Without waiting for you she and her sister´s move back into the Fortress-Monastery. You follow them, but your superior speed allows you to reach the gates before they do. On the gate you see the marines from the 10th taking positions on the ramparts, stalker bolters firing against the approaching forces.

"Here they come brothers! "Falce´s voice echoes through the battlefield, and your gaze follows it towards the top of the wall, accompanied by Lieutenant Lanista and the banner of the 10th. "Show these traitors the strength of the Mist Shrikes!"

You see the drop-pods of the 3rd landing outside, the aircraft carrying your ground vehicles following them. There is a cacophony of Bolter fire,
a constant series of bangs that seem like it comes from everywhere around you. Then a sound starts to distinguish itself from the sounds of battle, that of something mechanical stomping at great speed.

"Helbrutes! They have Helbrutes!" One of the marines shouts, before his warning is drowned by blaring vox-casters and the crazed dreadnought impact the gates, blowing them out of their hinges in their mad charge. Following behind them are a bunch of frenzied cultists, which charge at the Sisters in front of the gate even as volleys of bolt shells scythe through their ranks. Among them are the taller forms of World Eaters Berzerkers, crushing their cannon fodder in their hurry to get in melee with the foe. Some of them climb the stairs that led to the top of the walls, eager to close the distance with your marines.

"BLOODBLOODSKULLSBLOODBLOODSKULLSBLOODSKULLSBLOODBLOODBLOOD…!" One of the Helbrutes roars as he starts firing an autocannon against the marines of the 10th. The other seems like he´s going to follow his example, but Falce leaps from atop the gate, impacting the mutilated astartes war-coffin with his Crozius. Adamantium plating dents as the weapon hits one of the seams where the joints meet, and the concussive forces make the war-machine stagger. The dreadnought moves frantically, it´s power fist trying to hit your Master of Sanctity, who remains perched on top of the ancient warrior trying to slay him. You and your Honor Guard clash against the Berzekers. While all of them fight with skill, Spatha is a whirlwind of death, chainsword in one hand and combat knife in the other as he cuts down warriors with centuries of experience over him.

"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" With that shout a chaos marine lunges at you, but you parry his strike with the haft of your chainglaive before decapitating him with a riposte. As the corpse falls to the ground, you see the one that must be their leader as he steps forward. A hulking brute, whose muscle mass is barely contained by his armor, which seems to be covered in bony growths that have grown out of the ceramite. Bones growing out of his power pack form an improvised rack, where the helmeted heads of Space Marine Captains are impaled. His own helmet has a hole showing an eye that seems to blaze with a literal inner fire. That eye drifts towards the chapter banner that Martellus is holding in a death grip.

"CHAPTER MASTER!!!" He bellows, the lower part of the faceplate opening as if it was a mouth. "I´M SARVAK BLADEBREAKER, AND YOUR SKULL IS MINE!" He starts to move towards you when he´s intercepted by the Thorned Spear Canoness, her relic blade shimmering as it traces an arc towards the warlord´s chest.

"Die traitor!" Shouts the canoness as she strikes. The Khornate bats aside the blow with the flat of his chainaxe blade, which snarls like a beast as the blades make contact.

"OUT OF MY WAY WRETCH! I´LL TAKE YOUR SKULL LATER!" His chainaxe teeth impact the torso of the Sororitas, and her rosarius flares to life as she´s thrown into the air by the strength of the blow. She flies for a few meters before crashing into the ground with a roll.

Initiative rolls (1d100 vs 1d100)= 68 vs 54
Mist Shrikes act first.

Unorthodox trait roll 1d6= 6 World Eater Fleet Master Butcher Nails positive effects disabled this round.
Fear of Judgement attacks Icon of Wrath 1d100-15= 31-15= 16
Icon of Wrath Health reduced to 384/500
Fear of Judgement attacks Icon of Wrath 1d100-15= 87-15= 72
Icon of Wrath Health reduced to 312/500
Unavoidable Sentence attacks Icon of Wrath 1d100-15= 78-15= 63
Icon of Wrath Health reduced to 249/500
Luctusian Dusk attacks Icon of Wrath 1d100-15=92-15=77
Icon of Wrath Health reduced to 172/500

World Fleet Master Willpower roll 6d10 (SC 3)= 9, 6, 6, 4, 9, 2= 4 Successes.
Icon of Wrath attacks Luctusian Dusk 1d100-15= 8-15=-7
Luctusian Dusk Health remains at 131/200 HP
Icon of Wrath attacks Luctusian Dusk 1d100-15= 26-15=11
Luctusian Dusk Health reduced to 120/200HP

Severus Weapon skill 6d10 roll= 8, 4, 10, 2, 3, 6= 4 Successes
Master of Sanctity Falce Weapon Skill 4d10 roll= 6, 8, 7, 6 = 4 Successes
Honour Guard Weapon skill 5d10 roll=1, 8, 7, 7, 4= 2 Successes
Claudius Spatha Weapon skill 6d10 roll= 7, 10, 6, 4, 10, 9= 7 Successes, Critical Success
Successes needed reduced by 1
10th Company Ballistic skill 4d10 roll= 7, 3, 1, 3= 0 Successes
Thorned Spear Canoness Toughness roll 3d10 (SC 2)= 8, 6, 3= 2 Successes
Thorned Spear Cannoness Weapon Skill roll 4d10= 3, 6, 7, 8= 3 Successes.
Celestians Sacresant Weapon Skill roll 4d10= 4, 7, 6, 1= 1 Success
Sisters of Battle Ballistic Skill roll 3d10=6, 5, 9=2 Successes

Sarvak Bladebreaker Weapon Skill roll 8d10=8, 8, 4, 2, 2, 5, 5, 9=3 Successes
Helbrute 1 roll 6d10= 2, 2, 3, 2, 8, 8= 2 Successes
Helbrute 2 roll 6d10= 8, 5, 9, 2, 9, 2 =3 Successes
Khornate berzerkers Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 5, 2, 1, 9, 3, 1= 0 Successes, Critical Failure
Sucesses needed increased by 1
Khornate Cultists Weapon Skill roll 2d10=6, 6= 2 Successes

Imperials: 40/31
World Eaters: 22/29

Imperial Victory

Gallienus Ballistic Skill roll 4d10=2, 7, 7, 8=3 Successes
Valzadai Ballistic Skill roll 6d10= 2, 2, 7, 2=4 Successes
3rd Company Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 6, 2, 4, 4 = 1 Success
Sisters of Battle 3d10=6, 4, 7=2 Successes.
Rhinos roll 4d10= 10, 10, 1, 7= 5 Successes, Critical success.
Successes needed reduced by 1
Predator roll 4d10= 6, 2, 6, 8 = 3 Successes
Razorback roll 4d10=5, 4, 10, 5= 2 Successes
Whirlwind roll 4d10=10, 7, 6, 4= 4 Successes
Land Speeder roll 4d10=9, 10, 5, 2= 3 Successes
Attack Bikes roll 4d10= 6, 10, 4, 2= 3 Successes.

Khornate Champion Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 3, 2, 2, 8, 6, 8= 3 Successes
Khornate berserker Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 4, 4, 1, 10, 10, 6=4 Successes
Chaos Marine Havocs Ballistic Skill roll 4d10=5, 3, 9, 10= 3 Successes
Khornate Cultists Weapon Skill roll 2d10=10, 1=1 Successes
Chaos Rhinos roll 4d10=3, 4, 4, 4= 4 Successes
Defilers roll 4d10= 8, 1, 7, 5=1 Success
Chaos Predator tanks 4d10=3, 6, 3, 10=3 Successes

Imperials= 33+39= 69/44
World Eaters= 24+19=43/39

Imperials Win

Emilianus Pluvia Toughness roll 3d10 (SC 2)= 3, 9, 7= 2 Successes
Emilianus Pluvia Ballistic Skill roll 6d10=5, 10, 9, 10, 5, 6= 6 Success
2nd Company Weapon Skill rolls 4+1d10=5d10= 7, 10, 2, 8, 9=5 Successes
Armed Serfs Ballistic skill rolls 2d10=10, 9= 3 Successes, Critical Success
Successes needed reduced by 1

Khornate Champion Weapon Skill roll 6d10=7, 6, 3, 7, 4, 4=3 Successes.
Khornate Berzerkers Weapon Skill roll 6d10= 4, 9, 4, 10, 1, 6 =3 Successes
Mist Shrikes= 9+14=24/19
World Eaters= 9+6=15/19

Mist Shrike Victory

"Chapter Master, I´ll take care of that Helbrute!" You´re about to ask Spatha what he is planning to do but he breaks into a sprint before you can do so. He moves towards the one firing against the wall. The Helbrute sees him coming and swipes at him with it´s power fist. Claudius ducks under the blow and pounces, climbing into the front of the mech. He then stabs his chainblade into a crack in the front armor, the teeth of the sword ripping through cables, servos and gears. The Helbrute howls, renewing his efforts to shake the chapter champion of its frame, but Claudius moves the chainsword inside the Helbrute, piercing the sarcophagus and tearing the remains of the marine behind. Without it´s mutilated owner, the warmachine topples backward, crushing a bunch of cultists. Claudius frees his chainsword, stained with blood, oil and amniotic fluid, before descending from his kill by jumping onto a nearby Berzerker.

While that was an impressive kill, you´re prevented from observing it further when Chaos Lord reaches you, two-handed chainaxe rushing towards your chest. You evade the blow by dodging backwards, the chaos lord weapon scratching the blue paint on your chestplate. You try to swipe at his legs, but he blocks the weapon by pushing into the ground with his own, before punching you in the faceplate hard enough that it
forces you to drop the weapon.

"I´VE NEVER SEEN A LOYALIST WITH A CHAINGLAIVE." Comments Sarvak as he kicks the weapon in question further away from your reach. "TELL ME WHERE YOU GOT IT, BEFORE I TAKE YOUR SKULL FOR KHORNE"

You look around and see that the rest of your honor guard is busy fending off other berzerkers. Sarvak doesn´t wait for you to reply as he tries to behead you with a swing from the left. You dodge it by stepping backwards again, and in response you unclasp your cameleonine cloak and throw it at him. He bats it aside with his arm, but that action gives you the time needed for you to unholster your Volkite Serpenta, point it at his chest and pull the trigger. A superheated thermal ray pierces the Chaos lords chests, melting through the ceramite, flesh, ribcage and organs before bursting out of his back, The rapid change of temperature causes the remaining flesh to conflagrate, his upper torso coming apart in an explosion of burnt gore. You quickly recover your chainglaive from the ground, and return into the fray by cutting down some of the cultists that try their luck against you.

Another crash echoes through the gates as the second Helbrute falls, Falce having breached the armor by repeatedly hammering it with his crozius and then crushing the ancient foe skull with it. "Strike them down, servants of the Imperium!" He shouts pointing towards the remaining chaos marines. "See how their so-called "best" falter when faced by the wrath of the righteous!"

Both your marines and the remaining sisters fight with hardened determination after his words, the latter led by their canoness as she cuts down a berzeker. With both their leader and their armored support slain, sealing the breach becomes a matter of time and effort, each of the Chaos marines fighting on their own in a frenzy, their lack of cohesion allowing them to fall against the coordination of the Imperial forces. When the last son of Angron falls dead, the cultists try to flee, only to find out that their forces outside have also perished, caught between the anvil of the monastery defenders and the hammer of the 3rd company assault, who had rapidly struck against the enemies positions. The remaining cultists were dispatched soon after, leaving the planet free of their taint.

Initiative rolls (1d100 vs 1d100)= 11 vs 21
World Eaters act first.

World Fleet Master Willpower roll 6d10 (SC 3)= 3, 9, 10, 2, 8, 9= 5 Successes.
Icon of Wrath attacks Luctusian Dusk 1d100-15= 49-15=34
Luctusian Dusk Health reduced to 86/200 HP
Icon of Wrath attacks Luctusian Dusk 1d100-15= 7-15=-8
Luctusian Dusk Health remains at 86/200HP

Unorthodox trait roll 1d6= 1
Fear of Judgement attacks Icon of Wrath 1d100-15= 43-15= 28
Icon of Wrath Health reduced to 134/500
Fear of Judgement attacks Icon of Wrath 1d100-15= 68-15= 53
Icon of Wrath Health reduced to 81/500
Unavoidable Sentence attacks Icon of Wrath 1d100-15= 6-15= -9
Icon of Wrath Health reduced to 81/500
Luctusian Dusk attacks Icon of Wrath 1d100-15=40-15=25
Icon of Wrath Health reduced to 56/500
World Eater Fleet Master Willpower roll 6-1(Chaos Lord Dead)-1(Heavily damaged ship)-1(Heavy casualties)+2(Blood for the Blood God) 5d10(SC 5)=4, 9, 1, 8, 7=2 Successes

Icon of Wrath flees

Mist Shrikes Toughness roll 4+2(Valzadai)=6d10=3, 9, 3, 5, 1, 2=0 Successes
Mist Shrikes Willpower roll 4+2(Falce)=6d10 (SC 2)=3, 8, 6, 10, 6, 2= 5 Successes
Noricum Intelligence roll 5d10 (SC 1)=2, 4, 3, 7, 5=1 Success

Hours later, you, Flace and Gallienus are in the main chapel of the Uaigh a' mhartair, as you´ve learned that is the convent´s name. Hostilius and Pluvia remain in the Fear of Judgment, and Valzadai has joined them onboard in order to tend to the captain of the 2nd, who lost an eye and half his face due to a glancing hit from a chainfist. You can see the hole in the ceiling where the drop-pod Gallienus is leaning against pierced the room, crushing the altar underneath and narrowly missing the reliquary. If the indignant stares the nearby sisters are throwing your way tell you something, is that they do not appreciate that. If the cannoness shares their displeasure she does hide it better, her expression carefully blank as she faces you, hand on the pommel of her sword.

"While we didn´t need your assistance, it is appreciated." She states coldly. You expected a reaction like that, but you would certainly appreciate more gratitude.

"The amount of corpses outside suggests otherwise." Snarks Gallienus with crossed arms. "Alongside the destroyed vehicles, and the amount of debris in orbit." He seems about to say more, but Falce cuts him off.

"It is our pride and duty to assist the servants of the Imperium canoness." The canoness nods at the words, and with an almost reluctant slowness takes her hand of the hilt of her blade.

"Such is the God-Emperor´s mandate for you space marines." You still stare at each other for a moment, before she continues speaking. "Will it take you much time to remove your equipment? Our convent needs repairs and our fallen burials."

"Shouldn´t take us long." You reply, wanting to stay here as much as the Thorned Spear do. "We´ll leave the system before midnight."

"Then I´ll leave you with to. May the Emperor´s blessings fall upon you Chapter Master." With those words the canoness and her guard depart, leaving you alone with your men. Gallienus wastes no time spitting on the chapel floor, the saliva eating through the polished marble.

"That´s all the thanks we get for saving their lives? The World Eaters would have reduced this place to flaming rubble and skulls on spikes without us."

"We do not fight for gratitude, Gallienus." Rebukes Falce. Gallienus chuckles disdainfully in response.

"It´s not a matter of gratitude Falce." He gestures at the chapel with wide arms." We´ve lost plenty of brothers in this place, and they deserve respect for that, instead of being looked at like a grox that shat on their meals."

You sigh, bringing his attention towards you. "Enough Gallienus. We´ve wiped out a warband that could have laid waste to various systems, and that´s what matter."

Gallienus straightens in order to keep arguing, but then his shoulder hunch as he lets out his own sigh. "Yes, Chapter Master."

-Order of the Thorned Spear relieved, Most of the World Eater Warband slain, Battle Barge Icon of Wrath escaped.
-46 Marines slain, 92 progenoids extracted
-Luctusian Dusk reduced to 86/200 HP, Fear of Judgement reduced to 423/500HP
-New Faction Unlocked: Order of The Thorned Spear (Disliked)
-New Contact Unlocked: Canoness Siobhan (Disliked)
-Gained a Major Favor with the Order of the Thorned Spear.

Luctus System, Aetelian Sector, Ultima Segmentum 759M41

The Thunderhawks descend to the entry to Schronienie, the forces of the PDF regiment defending the entry scramble from where they seat and more or less stand at attention. The only one who gets up calmly as the ramps open and the Space marines disembark is a stalker with only a black strip of cloth tied around their arm to distinguish it from the other stalkers alongside a red one that all of them wear. Utica notes that two thin tubes are connected to the mouth area of their gasmask, one of them pumping a brownish slop into the mask.

"Greetings, are you the officer in charge?" He asks the stalker. The feed of slop stops as the stalker makes the sign of the aquila.

"Captain Eliska Cêrná, Red Ribbons Guild." She answers. "Sorry for this lot, you just caught us in the middle of lunch."

"Red Ribbons? You were the ones that started skirmishing with the Mistcrawlers." The woman makes an effort to appear nonchalant when Apollodorus speaks, but none of the Astartes miss how her heartbeat increases, muffled as it is by the clothes and armor she wears.

"They started it, Milords." She halfheartedly argues as she feels the gaze of twenty or so Astartes focused on her.

"Tell the rest of your guild not to continue it, Captain." Warns her Domitian before changing topic. "Have you started to explore the refuge?"

Cêrná eagerly takes the chance to speak of her mission. "Just the entry and the upper halls, I thought it wise to wait until your arrival to keep pushing. Those areas are clear, but we´ve found footprints and marks that tell us that packs of Flesh Grinders have nested here. Also, we found an abandoned campsite near one of the stairways to the lower levels, and a big one at that."

"A stalker group scavenging the place?" Suggests Utica.

The captain shakes her head. "Doubt it. Schronienie was evacuated, which means the people took everything that wasn´t nailed down, and then removed the nails to take what it was. Waste of time for a bunch of stalkers to explore."

"We will find out soon enough. We will take the lead in the exploration, are your forces ready?" Asks Fretensis.

"One moment Milords." The captain then turns towards her troops. "What are you doing standing around you morons?! Do you want to keep the Angels of Death waiting for you to pull your rifles out of your asses?! Get your gear in order and move, now! " She turns towards the space marines again as her troops quickly grab their guns and gear. "Now they are ready. We will follow your lead."

Mist Shrikes Perception 5d10 (SC 2)=3, 1, 7,, 9, 8= 2 Successes
Techmarines Intelligence roll 5d10 (SC 3)= 10, 4, 5, 9, 7= 4 Successes
Marcus Fretensis Intelligence roll 7d10 (SC 4)= 9, 2, 9, 9, 3, 4, 1=2 Successes
Tullius Apollodorus Intelligence roll 7d10(SC 4)= 4, 10, 7, 9, 8, 1, 2=4 Successes

-Master of the Keep Domitian (MK.VII "Aquilla" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword)
-Chief Victualier Cato Utica (MK.VII "Aquilla" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword)
-Master of the Arsenal Marcus Fretensis (MK.VII "Aquilla" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword)
-Master of the Watch Tullius Apollodorus (MK.VII "Aquilla" Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword)
-Squad 10-10 (MK.VII "Aquilla" Power Armor, Bolters, 3 Heavy Bolters, 5 Plasma Guns )
-Squad U-1 (MK.VII "Aquilla" Power Armor, 2 Heavy Bolters, 5 Plasma Guns )
-"Red Ribbons" PDF platoon (Flak Armour with Gas Masks, Lasguns)


-Dozens of Bone Grinders
-Some Elder Bone Grinders


As Utica and the rest of the expeditionary forces enter the refuge, he has to admit that the refuge itself is impressive. The main room they had just enter was the decontamination chamber that allowed the people in the refuge to equip and unequip their equipment safely, yet it was big enough that three baneblades could be stationed side to side with plenty of space left. The rest of the refuge was similarly grand as they explored it, and according to the excited chatter of Siracusa and Capua, it was truly a sign of the skill and knowledge of ancient humanity that the lighting and automated doors worked perfectly after millenia of continued habitation and a quarter of a century without any kind of maintenance. After a few minutes, Fretensis and the techmarines separated from them with squad U1 and some stalkers in order to replace the broken components in the refuge MIst filters, scavenged at a great cost in the old population centers of Luctus. The rest of them descended to the lower levels after inspecting the abandoned campsite, which didn´t reveal anything of it´s former occupants. As a few stalkers descended to clear out the stairs, the Astartes decided to descend using one of the elevators, accompanied by Captain Cêrná and some of her troops.

"Thank the Emperor we are not with Fretensis." Says Domitian in a private comlink with the other officers as a jaunty tune sounds from the elevator's ancient vox-cast. "His ranting is starting to become grating."

"It is justified." Defends Utica, even if he would have also preferred if the master of the Arsenal hadn´t spent the whole way from the Fortress-Monastery speaking about it. "It is a significant revelation and they did hide it from us."

Tullius is the next one to speak, words dripping with annoyance. "Cato, none of us liked being lied to, much less being descended from a traitorous Primarch, but he just keeps speaking about it. Either he does something about it or he better leave it to rest."

That last comment makes Utica look at the Master of the Watch with unease. "You don´t think he's actually going to do something rash."

Tullius considers his response for a moment before answering. "He won´t. He knows the rest of the Chapter officers stand with Chapter Master Severus, and if he tried to spread the truth it would be easy to discredit whatever he says. Beside, Chief Apothecary Valzadai would shot him as soon as the words "Night Lords" left his mouth."

"It won´t come to that." Says Domitian with a firmness that brooks no argument. Utica wonders if he's trying to reassure them or himself. "Severus won´t let it reach that point."

The door opens at that moment, revealing an atrium for some kind of plaza. In it a bunch of Bone Grinders have made their lair, eggs clustered near an old statue of the Savior. They were quadrupedal animals the size of large dogs, with a short, almost square snout and four eyes around it. They had earned their name due to the growths that grew out of their gray scales, which according to some stalker Utica had spoken to where sharp enough to cut through metal and strip flesh from bone. As they saw the interlopers in their lair they charged at blistering speed, led by examples of their kind with white scales that could equal an Astartes Attack bike in length and width.
Of course all that speed proved worthless against the deluge of plasma, las and bolt shells that met them as they approached. After a full minute of non-stop firing, all that remains of the beasts are bloody and burnt pieces of meat. As the Space Marines clear out the room some of the stalker approach the Bone Grinder eggs, smashing some of them with the butts of their lasguns while pocketing the rest.

"Why are they storing some of the eggs, Captain?" Asks Utica.

"The eggs are a local delicacy." The woman answers as she herself grabs one. "Both tasty and nutritious. So we are grabbing the lighter ones, which are the ones that don't have a critter gestating, to sell them later."

Utica decides not to comment on the lack of professionalism. Looking away from the stalkers he sees human remains, which he assumes belong to the same people that occupied the campsite above. He approaches them, and while most of them are half-eaten bloody chunks, there is one that looks remarkably whole, if one doesn´t pay attention to the devoured entrails. Seeing a necklace hanging from their neck, the Chief Victualer grabs it, only to cringe in disgust when he recognizes the eight pointed star carved on it. He keeps rummaging through the cultists pockets, finding on one of them a note written in some kind of cypher. "Tulius, take a look at this."

The Master of the Watch comes at his call, and Utica wordlessly hands him both the note and the pendant. He takes a few moments to decode it, Utica searching for more clues and data on the other corpses as he does it.

"Granyasal," He reads aloud. "Take a few of our comrades and see if Schronienie is suitable for our purposes. If a month passes without your return, we will assume the refuge is unsafe and that your souls have joined the Gods. Do not tarry, the corpse-worshippers are growing anxious thanks to those idiots in Utociste and coordination between the different cells will take a lot of time."

Apollodorus lowers the note and contacts Fretensis. "Marcus, how is the installation on the filters, everything under control?"

The Master of the Arsenal sounds relaxed as he replies "The techmarines are still working on them, but they are confident that the installation will finish on schedule. There were a few Bone Grinders around, but nothing we couldn´t handle. why?

"We´ve found proof of cultist activity. Utica and I will return to the Fortress-Monastery in order to report it to the Chapter Master."

"Understood, we will continue the exploration of the shelter." Fretensis cuts the commlink, and after Apollodorus and Utica bring Domitian up to speed they both rush towards the elevator.

-Schronienie secured and cleared out for habitation.
-Evidence of presence of Chaos cults in Luctus

Q.M notes: Here is the second part of the turn 5 Deployments. Tell me what you think of the rework to the space combat and what planet you would like for the Guide next. Turn 5 Results will drop around the weekend.

Also, originally I was going to write the canoness with an Irish accent. Then I found out that I don´t know how to write an Irish Accent :)
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Ouch, trust the bloody World Eaters to make us pay in blood to defeat them and of course the Sisters of Battle are grumpy that they needed us to help them.
They should know their little pet project will get attention once news spreads. No need to question the how, anticipate the when and the response towards their project to be viewed of that particular legion to be akin to a mockery of what they could've been so they'll of course gather and attack their investment.

A rather juicy morsel to be laid out as bait to gather your own muscle and put them in wait for a trap though.

Something the chapter founders will also need to consider when they meet their brothers separated by time.
That is likely. However, unless the first phase of this project is considered a success before any major traitor musterings happen, it'll be limited to just Harker and associates in terms of resources put towards aiding the defense. If the Mist Shrikes do get sufficient approval then I suspect we'll see a lot more in terms of defense forces preparing themselves for such an outcome, most likely Cawl (or equivalent) will be a part of it.
Creideamh System, Aetelian Sector, Ultima Segmentum, 791 M41
Darn Warp Travel, keeps sending us forward into the future. Least it was only decades this time rather than millennia like for the Chapter founders. :V
-46 Marines slain, 92 progenoids extracted
-Luctusian Dusk reduced to 86/200 HP, Fear of Judgement reduced to 423/500HP
OOF. Man that just cut our Chapter down more than any other single deployment thus far. Definitely glad we're training up Toughness now, Jesus.

And hopefully we'll be able to work something out with the local AdMech because ship repairs are really fucking expensive.
-Gained a Major Favor with the Order of the Thorned Spear.
Well at least we have this to soothe the pain.
-Schronienie secured and cleared out for habitation.
-Evidence of presence of Chaos cults in Luctus

All in all, not overly bad of a turn. Just got unlucky with a few Toughness rolls.
Ouch, trust the bloody World Eaters to make us pay in blood to defeat them and of course the Sisters of Battle are grumpy that they needed us to help them.

Very glad that we won, shame about losing 46 marines, but that is why i put so many on this action for my plan. World Eaters hurt. And yeah the Sisters are...well being Sisters. That Chaos activity on our homeworld is a bad thing, guess we'll need to do the purging of our population/investigation.
Tell me what you think of the rework to the space combat and what planet you would like for the Guide next. Turn 5 Results will drop around the weekend.
I think the space combat works pretty well, though it could use some additions. For one thing, I think that mobility isn't a factor in this system currently, as the Mist Shrikes' ships didn't get a chance to pursue the Icon of Wrath. Also more immediate possibilities like pushing your faster ships forward to get behind or underneath the enemy's flagship to strike at multiple angles.

And perhaps some kind of damage "location" system? Warhammer ships are pretty darn sturdy, but they still have components which can be damaged more than others. Like your macrocannon batteries or missile tubes get solidly hit and so are either temporarily or permanently disabled. Or your engines get damaged, making it harder to retreat and easier for enemies to land hits.

Oh, also Void Shields. I noticed those didn't have a particular effect in the battle mechanically, but they're pretty significant. Maybe have them work as a sort of "temporary HP" that you start the battle with and which need time (or good repair/maintenance rolls) to reactivate once brought down. With some weapon types like torpedoes ignoring it.
That is likely. However, unless the first phase of this project is considered a success before any major traitor musterings happen, it'll be limited to just Harker and associates in terms of resources put towards aiding the defense. If the Mist Shrikes do get sufficient approval then I suspect we'll see a lot more in terms of defense forces preparing themselves for such an outcome, most likely Cawl (or equivalent) will be a part of it.
There's good sides to this if it works out. Less traitors for future black crusades.
"I´VE NEVER SEEN A LOYALIST WITH A CHAINGLAIVE." Comments Sarvak as he kicks the weapon in question further away from your reach. "TELL ME WHERE YOU GOT IT, BEFORE I TAKE YOUR SKULL FOR KHORNE"

You look around and see that the rest of your honor guard is busy fending off other berzerkers. Sarvak doesn´t wait for you to reply as he tries to behead you with a swing from the left. You dodge it by stepping backwards again, and in response you unclasp your cameleonine cloak and throw it at him. He bats it aside with his arm, but that action gives you the time needed for you to unholster your Volkite Serpenta, point it at his chest and pull the trigger. A superheated thermal ray pierces the Chaos lords chests, melting through the ceramite, flesh, ribcage and organs before bursting out of his back, The rapid change of temperature causes the remaining flesh to conflagrate, his upper torso coming apart in an explosion of burnt gore. You quickly recover your chainglaive from the ground, and return into the fray by cutting down some of the cultists that try their luck against you.
There's some meme variation of hammer time replaced with volkite time and that time Indiana Jones shot the swordsman with his pistol just like what the chapter master did.
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Our ground vehicles weren´t useless this time! Yay!
Spatha is continuing to be a monster. Falce hammering that Hellbrute to death is a hilarious image.
The eight pointed star pendant indicates Chaos Undivided, the cultists at Utociste were nurglites.

"Why are they storing some of the eggs, Captain?" Asks Utica.
"The eggs are a local delicacy." The woman answers as she herself grabs one. "Both tasty and nutritious. So we are grabbing the lighter ones, which are the ones that don't have a critter gestating, to sell them later."
"Red Ribbons? You were the ones that started skirmishing with the Mistcrawlers." The woman makes an effort to appear nonchalant when Apollodorus speaks, but none of the Astartes miss how her heartbeat increases, muffled as it is by the clothes and armor she wears.
"They started it, Milords." She halfheartedly argues as she feels the gaze of twenty or so Astartes focused on her.
Well, looting is a time honored tradition for soldiers, but please clear out the refuge first? And fighting with other PDF troops over some guild rivalries? Another round of discipline training is in order methinks. Originally I wanted to alternate our training actions to between our serfs and the PDF each turn, but our serfs seem to be capable of defensive actions, whereas our PDF is a bunch of squabbling, drunk ninja looters.
Sigh those losses are annoying to say mildly 46 marines half a company basically. Usually if it was a single company I would say bring them closer to home to rebuild but given we're still trying to build our chapter that's not ideal right now, and those losses are spread between 2 company's and not one.

In other news getting another haven/shelter for our populace will hopefully mean more potential recruits and more PDF for our world to defend itself. Chaos cultists are worrying and I'd say we leave our weakest company on world to hunt them down. After all I don't doubt that these cultists are part of some larger play by chaos so purging them from our world is important. That and we don't want to risk recruiting chaos cultists into our chapter that'd be catastrophic for us.

Besides that usual notice of we should build power weapons for our captains and iron halos.
We absolutely have to repair our ships and get escorts.
I'm convinced that we're fighting with some sort of handicap with us lacking escorts to screen our larger ships. But that's probably just me jumping at shadows, besides that I believe we talk to the cogboys this turn so hopefully we can work something out with our ship problem.

With repairs I hope we'll be able to build some sort of facility that slowly but automatically repairs our ships and other vehicles if only to save us BP that is needed elsewhere. Otherwise we'll be spending the majority of our BP just maintaining our ships and tanks.
I honestly expected those kinds of casualties fighting khornates, especially when the Mist Shirkes didn't really get to "dictate" how the battle would begin, the meat-grinder had already begun, all that was left was to throw marines at the problem until it was finished. The berserkers rolled 6d10's for their weapon skill rolls after all. All in all I'm very satisfied that the Mist Shrikes have been able to deal with a literal horde of chaos space marines (nurglites and khornates) this turn. We've just have to keep up our strength long enough to face the Eyes of the Mutator, and put an end to their lingering threat.

(On another note, I still have khornate champion trauma from what happened to the Crimson Crusaders on Baal :p , so maybe that's affecting my opinions here).
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Could have gone much worse, and taking out 4 chaos destroyers and heavily damaging a chaos battle barge is nothing to sneer at either. Even if it did nearly cost us half a company of space marines to do it.
So adding up numbers with my calculation for part 1
So we lost 16 marines, 11 rookies, 1 rhino and a captain. 28 total marines dead in part one. Nasty. Understandable, but nasty. At least our librarian lives.
We lost 62 full brothers, 11 scouts, 1 notable entombed and a rhino. Let's slow down on the whole hitting Chaos marines thing, we are bleeding troops.

Also, Spatha needs a better weapon. He is a beast with just a chainsword, imagine what he can do with something killier.

Lastly, a shame that bb escaped. Blowing it up would have been huge. Capturing it for tech salvage or even (dice willing) reclamation would have been insane.
Damn this turn was terrible for us, this combined with the previous update cost us 74 marines this one turn. The highest I think we've ever experienced before up to this point in time now. Admittedly, this came in after we wiped out 2 chaos warbands in the same turn, with one of them being khornates, so casualties were expected but man did I not see this coming. Anyone know when more of our neophytes and scouts can start graduating to full on new marines?
So adding up numbers with my calculation for part 1

We lost 62 full brothers, 11 scouts, 1 notable entombed and a rhino. Let's slow down on the whole hitting Chaos marines thing, we are bleeding troops.

Also, Spatha needs a better weapon. He is a beast with just a chainsword, imagine what he can do with something killier.

Lastly, a shame that bb escaped. Blowing it up would have been huge. Capturing it for tech salvage or even (dice willing) reclamation would have been insane.
Unfortunately, spatha isn't going to need it anyway. He's already lost 10 years now, and if things keep on progressing he will be dead in less than 15 years now anyway. Besides that, the battlebarge was already corrupted, and I doubt there would have been any forge world willing to take the extra mileage to not only repair but cleanse the warp taint off of a traitors ship. The real shame was that the captain of that ship wasn't stupid enough to stay around and get blasted by us, but it's a near dead ship managed by a world eater, so I doubt its destruction is that far off.
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. Anyone know when more of our neophytes and scouts can start graduating to full on new marines?
For neophytes they need to survive the Implantation roll and then they become Nowalijki.

For Nowalijki they need to survive two full turns before they can become regular battle brothers.

So assuming the information page is right then next turn we should have 34 Nowalijki graduates into regular marines.
Unfortunately, spatha isn't going to need it anyway. He's already lost 10 years now, and if things keep on progressing he will be dead in less than 15 years now anyway.
Eh I'd still say making him a power weapon is worth the effort. After all Relic weaponry can arise from great deeds and the deaths of Space Marines or connected to them in some way in general.

So if he performs well enough for the rest of his life we may get our first proper relic weapon for the chapter from him which is valuable.
Hey wait a minute, that Khornate Battle Barge had the same name as the World Eaters option in the intro.