Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

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Sertorius' BS was better then his WS.
-[X] Dreadnought interment:
–[x] Dreadnought Chassis 1 (Assault Cannon and Heavy Flamer)
It is going to be funny when we are outed as not being Raven Guard not for anything we did wrong, but because we are too much of a team player and uncharacteristically willing to help out rather than being broody loners.
Eh we aren't that much of a divergence from normal Raven Guard behavior certainly on the more friendlier side to outsiders but that's not a bad thing the only ones who imo would suspect anything would be some of the more paranoid inquisitors and the Raven Guards themselves even then the Death Eagles haven't been called out on being Emperor's Children loyalists yet so we most definitely have a chance of just never being noticed.
So was the death guard warband completely wiped out? Or are there still some running around causing problems in our neighboring sector?

Wiped out. Apparently, when we picked this place, it wasn't just a raid, it was a full-blown stronghold of the local Nurgle marine Warband, which likely would have changed up our strategy, but Hindsight is a bastard like that sometimes. Anyway, this planetary Stronghold was their final place to hide, but the guard and the Blazing wardens came, and put that down in the ground. But the casualties were too high, and there were still the elite and the lucky that still remained of the surviving Deathguard Warband. Then we came in and tried to avoid any undo casualties. But that led to more than 20 marines and a subpar captain's melee abilities, be put up against a damn Chaos Warlord, and 70 nurgle marines in a pitched firefight. Honestly, this fight went way more smoothly than it should have gone, had it been anyone else like that, and there wouldn't be a captain to inter in the first place, and the casualties were honestly fine now since our recruits should finally start replacing some of our losses, we've been taking for the past 20 years now.
Not exactly. Basically the biggest part of the Death Guard warband and most of the Blazing Wardens, including the previous Chapter Master and the Captains of Companies 1 through 8 (It was a really big warband), killed each other in a previous campaign. The current Chapter Master called you to help besieging Malbork because they have few marines and were trying to minimize casualties. It´s just that they didn´t new until you arrived that the remaining forces of the warband were there, and none marines present thought that the Chaos Lord would group most of his marines around him.

Also, it was more like 32 loyalist marines (21 of them in Terminator armor) against 71 Chaos Marines.
Not exactly. Basically the biggest part of the Death Guard warband and most of the Blazing Wardens, including the previous Chapter Master and the Captains of Companies 1 through 8 (It was a really big warband), killed each other in a previous campaign. The current Chapter Master called you to help besieging Malbork because they have few marines and were trying to minimize casualties. It´s just that they didn´t new until you arrived that the remaining forces of the warband were there, and none marines present thought that the Chaos Lord would group most of his marines around him.

Also, it was more like 32 loyalist marines (21 of them in Terminator armor) against 71 Chaos Marines.

Ok, in that case I'm surprised anyone of our boys made it back, lmao. Especially against Nurglites and a Chaos Lord. I consider this an absolute win!
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Ok, in that case I'm surprised anyone of our boys made it back, lmao. Especially against Nurglites and a Chaos Lord. I consider this an absolute win!

The ones that did survive have gained valuable experience in many ways...but now i'm left wondering, if this was not called a Sizable force in the initial report, what will the World Eater Warband be like
The ones that did survive have gained valuable experience in many ways...but now i'm left wondering, if this was not called a Sizable force in the initial report, what will the World Eater Warband be like
Likely a raiding portion of the Warband in question. It would be very strange that a large or indeed, all of a warband, would suddenly decide it's a great idea to just randomly assault a Sisters of Battle shrine world, with little to no gain besides spilling blood (which on some level makes sense, but even the most religious world eaters, are on some level still pragmatic else they would have all died out millennia ago). It would be some serious curses from Tzeentch if we came across and fought, not 1, but 2 Chaos Lords in the same turn.
The ones that did survive have gained valuable experience in many ways...but now i'm left wondering, if this was not called a Sizable force in the initial report, what will the World Eater Warband be like
My unsolicited tactical advice is to shoot at them a little, then run and split off in multiple directions to piss them off. Come back and do it over and over until they start killing each in frustration and disagreement. Then mop up the wounded survivors.

I call it the Kharn Gambit.
-[X] Dreadnought interment:
–[X] Dreadnought Chassis 2 (Heavy Bolter and Combat Assault Claw)

This is 40k never know when surprise melee might happen.
-[X] Dreadnought interment:
–[X] Dreadnought Chassis 2 (Heavy Bolter and Combat Assault Claw)

Damn, our boys got caught out. 70 plus Plague Marines is no joke. The Wardens owe us big time. We pretty much saved their Chapter from definite extinction. Our poor captain got rag dolled by the Chaos Lord. Hopefully internment suits him.

We should think on seriously beefing up the protection for our named characters.

Any ideas on how would we cash in the favour with the Wardens ?
-[X] Dreadnought interment:
–[X] Dreadnought Chassis 2 (Heavy Bolter and Combat Assault Claw)

Damn, our boys got caught out. 70 plus Plague Marines is no joke. The Wardens owe us big time. We pretty much saved their Chapter from definite extinction. Our poor captain got rag dolled by the Chaos Lord. Hopefully internment suits him.

We should think on seriously beefing up the protection for our named characters.

Any ideas on how would we cash in the favour with the Wardens ?
Maybe, some sort of Favour where we need space support in some fashion whenever we need to get involved with the Mutator's eye again? It's been a hot minute since we've fought them, and since their likely hiding out in the darkness of space, we don't really know where they have now gone to, that's really not good with a Tzeentch Warband running around doing who knows what.
I always feel bad about fighting the Tau because a lot (maybe even most) of them genuinely mean well.
Also I hope that a some time in the future (could be a long time like 20 turns or whatever) after we've made strong bonds of friendship the Blazing Wardens find out about our origins. Could make some interesting drama. I understand if this is vetoed though because it could be quest ending.
32 loyalist marines (21 of them in Terminator armor) against 71 Chaos Marines.
Wait 71! How the hell did we win!? How were they equiped compared to us and the wardens?
The Wardens owe us big time. We pretty much saved their Chapter from definite extinction
I don't know I think they did most of the work in that fight. I mean we diffiently helped but I'd say it was 40% compared to 60%
-[X] Dreadnought interment:
–[X] Dreadnought Chassis 2 (Heavy Bolter and Combat Assault Claw)
Wait 71! How the hell did we win!? How were they equiped compared to us and the wardens?
Most of them were equipped with sub-par armour. About 40 of them wore Mark 3 power armour, that being the normal deathguard. The really tough ones were the Plague Marines, who all wore Mark 4 power armour. Bedsides that, their equipment was maybe the same with similar style bolters, the normal marines had 14 chainswords, and the plague marines had a couple of blight launchers with them besides some Nurgle swords of some varieties.
As for how we won, I would say it was thanks to the fact that the wardens had a hefty amount of Terminator armour, which led them to be focused down on the most, with us being relatively unscathed until the plague marines and Chaos lord showed up. Then we were the ones getting chewed up and spit out, until the Wardens were finished wiping out everyone else to then take on the Leader himself after our 10th Captain got literally almost all of his limbs cut off, and slew several of our marines before that. After that, once the Leader died, the rest of the CSM were routed and were slain while they ran with their backs to everyone else's guns.
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-[X] Dreadnought interment:
–[X] Dreadnought Chassis 2 (Heavy Bolter and Combat Assault Claw)

Even in death, He will Ball.
Wait 71! How the hell did we win!? How were they equiped compared to us and the wardens?

-4 Squads of Death Guard Chaos Marines (MK III "Iron" Armor, Bolters, 14 Chainswords)
-3 Plague Marine Squad(MK IV "Maximus" Power Armor, Bolters, 4 Blight Launchers, 10 Plague Swords)
-Chaos Lord (Cataphracti-Pattern Terminator Armor, Bubotic Axe, Plasma Pistol )

-4 Squads of Death Guard Chaos Marines (MK III "Iron" Armor, Bolters, 6 Heavy Bolters, 4 Rocket Launchers)

Old armor, worse than ours, mostly bolters and chainweapons.
The last squads were all outside, in the boss-fight the enemy had no heavy weapons.

Meanwhile the Wardens brought Terminators, with extra Heavy Flamers besides the usual Terminator gear.
Our guys had a mix of Corvus and Aquilus armor and more specialist weapons.
-[X] Dreadnought interment:
–[X] Dreadnought Chassis 2 (Heavy Bolter and Combat Assault Claw)
"We are standing in the Lord Sector throne room in Lezo, you, me and the rest of the Honor Guard. The court and the Lord Sector are dead, and we´re beset by a horde of purplish, three armed mutants. Then some manner of xenos pounces on you, beheading you with a swipe of his claw!! Then it fades, but I swear I´ve seen it! As clearly as I see you now, I´ve seen it." His voice is more frantic now, so you place the hand that he was gripping on his shoulder.

"I believe you." You state, to which he relaxes somewhat. You're not saying it to calm him, you really do so. While it might be insane at a first glance, this is not a sane galaxy you live in. So many things would be different if it was. Besides, no Astartes suffer from something as pitiful as nightmares. "Now let Valzadai and the others run a few tests on you. I want you at my side for our next deployment." He lays down after that, and let's Anodynon carry on with the tests as you leave. You notice how Valzadai follows behind, and you turn to face him when you both exit into the corridor.

"He could be lying to you, about those…visions." States Valzadai.

"Do you believe he´s lying?" You ask him as you turn around. You can see his jaw tense for a second, an automatic yes coming out of his lips before he visibly thinks his answer through.

"No." He finally concedes. "There was some unusual brain activity before he woke up screaming. Besides…" He looks around, watching out for eavesdroppers. "You know what they said about our Primarch, what he could do… We might be seeing a derivative of that."

"I see. Keep me informed about any changes that might occur." You´re about to leave, but Valzadai speaks up.

"If what he saw is true, what will you do about it?"

You stare at him in the eye, and what he sees there makes him pause "It doesn´t matter if I´m fated to die in that throne room. Our duty demands that I face the alien, and I´ll do so."
I just got back into this quest.

Hey @ThunderOwl
1st question, Is it viable to, for example, get an augmentic in the back of the chapter master's skull that can keep his brain in stored oxygen and nutrients for plenty of time for a Medicae to come and get it on life support/reattach it?

2nd question, can we fool a vision with stealth and disguised body doubles for the people who would have been visible in it? Create a stable time loop to satisfy a theoretical possibility that the visions may be unable to be averted, but make what it shows no longer hold the same negative implications?
I just got back into this quest.

Hey @ThunderOwl
1st question, Is it viable to, for example, get an augmentic in the back of the chapter master's skull that can keep his brain in stored oxygen and nutrients for plenty of time for a Medicae to come and get it on life support/reattach it?

2nd question, can we fool a vision with stealth and disguised body doubles for the people who would have been visible in it? Create a stable time loop to satisfy a theoretical possibility that the visions may be unable to be averted, but make what it shows no longer hold the same negative implications?
Canon visions are able to be changed.
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