Dragon Kings in the 41st Millennia (Exalted/40K Empire)

[checks on storm shields... mother f**ker]

It got a crit... specifically the Lighting PATH USERS got a NAT 100 on researching STORM SHIELDS
Maybe they accidentally created a minor(ish) Lightning/Storm God while they were R&Ding those shields.
Or improve how it boosts Solar arks and relics.
I am for this one as this one as this ship is supposed to be the replacement for the Herald of Dawn.
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Or improve how it boosts Solar arks and relics.
Improve how? In what way did the previous example display any deficiencies that could be improved upon?

Just to clarify? This is only a gunship? No special ability to independently invade a world or anything else just purely "we want to take out at least 25 opponent ships with us when we fall, more if CoD"
rechargeable cyclonic torpedoes isn't enough? They need to be always on? That sounds like heresy!
Okay how about easier/cheaper recharging or maybe getting multiple uses out of a single charge. Like getting two shots from that Ark (before recharge) but only if used in such a temple would be a pretty big deal.
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Are we trying to come up with actual powers for the lucky ship? I thought the wacky crit we needed a power for was on the storm shields, not the temple ship.
Thoughts on reward, unique storm shield created with special abilities... And maybe can be studied to replicate it's abilities.
Second inspiration for a new component, but not actually developed. My idea a component that discharges a lot of lightning around the ship, destroying stuff like torpedoes and fighter craft while damaging ships, basically a dragon king version of that necron component (star pulse generator?), the component would take time to charge... Unlike necron ships probably has some issue with friendly fire at least initially... Makes me think of the Electrification Onslaught Dynamo Alchemical charm from 2nd (note that is more of a touch effect which scales with mote investment)

Scale model works.... So a version that can be put in alchemical champion.

Does this provide anyone inspiration for some better ideas.
Yeah, I am thinking high synergy between coruscating plasma beams and storm shield and completing the beam array will unlock coronal discharge weaponry, ie your version of Gauss weapons
Lets just say I am going to have to make this good enough you never feel interested in replacing it even if new tech becomes available because the combined effect of all the extra work and those rolls is gonna be hard to replicate.
Stryxis Trade Result
This is getting posted before the rest of the results in case one of the technologies you select may have some effect on what I can do with the new Luminous Herald design (as its getting A lot of custom bling).

[x] Trade Plan Meat In The Middle
-[x] Tools: Honored Bipeds that you are, you are quite strong and clever. We can trade your artifice for entertainments that delight, yes? Yes. Trade the output of an Atelier Manse for the Arena Beasts trade good and gain 1 AP in each Breed. Atelier output will mostly be weapons, probably sold to pirates and slavers.

Trade Deal struck. You commit one Atelier Manse as trade export production (mostly weapons and drugs sold to pirates and slavers) and you will receive enough Arena beasts per turn to boost the Breed AP for each breed by 1 in improved morale.

-[x] Trinkets: We have traveled far and wide and have interest in Trinkets, yes. Perhaps we can trade trinket for Trinket, yes Honored Biped? You gain a Gatcha list of tech items, everyone you choose grants the Stryxis an equivalent. Weapons for weapons, utility gear for utility, entertainment for entertainment.
--[x] Militia weapons
--[x] Celstial Honey/Mead samples
--[x] Ironwood samples
--[x] Medicine samples
--[x] Entertainment (same stuff we traded to Eldar and Lockhart)
--[x] Lizard Tail Regrowth Sphere + glow worms to keep it running
--[x] Grox
--[x] splinter rifles
--[x] Promethium sample
--[x] Ork-B-Gon fungicide sample

Select any of the below you want, as many as you want. Remember any you select will result in the Stryxis gaining a comparable technology from you and NOT one you pick but one of equal value and as close to the same combat vs utility spectrum as what you selected as possible.

[ ] The gloves of mercy and malice are crudely stitched canvas. Mercy, the left glove, is white with a black symbol on its palm in the shape of two snakes entwined around a staff. Malice is black with a white skull-and-crossbones pattern on its palm. When worn, the gloves pulse and throb with Divine Energies which prickle along the wearer's arms.

*User who has faith in any god, good or evil cannot safely use the gloves and suffers agonizing pain and essence drain until removed.
*A user who has no faith but themselves may don the gloves and use them

Mercy may facilitate healing and restoration, practically defying death, user is immune to death energy and similar types of energies.

Malice can harm and kill others with death aspected energy and spread a potent supernatural contagion, even among those who should be immune to disease. These effects can bypass spell based abilities to ignore those energies and diseases.

These effects require touch although are very powerful. The downside is the power usage must be balanced. A potent restoration of someone good must be balanced by either harming someone else good or also restoring someone evil.

[ ] Tsyji Helm: The helm and mask combo bears an obviously alien make of a while metal similar to White Jade, however it is not intended for Dragon Kings, Human, or any other known race. It grants a decent bonus to mental and social characteristics and your willpower score. Using sorcery while wearing the mask counts as having always spent one willpower already for any given spell and it stores 20 sorcerous motes which can be recharged by working to enforce Law and Order in society for a time.

[ ] Exoeidetic memory engrams: Allows information to be effectively "remembered", even though that information may have been originally experienced by someone else. Allows creation of skill chips or passing on experience with a given foe to someone who never faced them before. Effectively an "upgrade" to dream learning by no longer requiring learning in a dream but just changing out a chip.

[ ] Digital Weaponry: An assortment of hyper miniaturized weaponry would both provide insight into out own miniaturization and act as a boon for our espionage agents.

[ ] Aero Makepoint: Consuming massive amounts of energy to ex-nihilo create matter, in this case breathable air, from that energy. Given the amount of energy wrapped up in material matter this takes a breathtaking amount of power production and the unit provided would only keep five people alive even if provided unlimited energy. A lot of research would have to be done to make this useful in addition to providing abundant power.

[ ] Matter converter: A complex and energy consuming device that can convert material inside a roughly 2 cubic meter volume into another material. You cannot make mundane materials into magical materials but you CAN make magical materials into OTHER magical materials.

[ ] Blacklight Unit: this is a powerful personal forcefield. It uses planing theory to shunt damage into 2-space, shrouding the user in an angular black field from which no light escapes.

[ ] Targeting Oculus: While using a different system than your dragonfly ranging Eyes you believe that studying this device would let you improve that piece of your common gear.

[ ] Cthonic Bore: A vehicle with a massive drill on one end which can be used to travel underground or bore tunnels, up to ten miles per hour.

[ ] Anoetic Blade: A short sword which is covered in glowing sigils and lines which does twice the damage you might expect of a normal masterwork blade of this type. You do not detect any form of essence manipulation in regards to the blade, despite its appearance, it seems to be technology.

[ ] Prescient Mark: A simple sigil which when placed on the forehead glows brightly, almost like a castemark. For about three hours the user can see a few second into the future and gains a massive improvement in their ability to react at high speed.

[ ] Void Ring: A simple steel ring glowing with faint blue runes. The wearer of this ring is invisible to beings that are nanotechnology based hive minds, may not be effected by them and may not be targeted by any nanotechnological effect, even willingly.
[ ] White Noise Amulet: A tool that manipulates a phenomena known as white noise. You may create a zone of white noise around you to prevent any sound from carrying or internalize it, filling your mind with white noise and rendering you immune to verbal or sound based powers and effects at the cost of effectively being deaf.

[ ] Pushpull Beam: This beam can be set to push objects away or bring toward the user with the strength of an extremely strong Dragon King (Strength 10). It can be used to help knock back or slow charging foes or drag some foes off balance. On brief examination the idea is to make something like a firedust tube with this effect instead of an element.

[ ] Stoneform Poison: A consumable or injectable substance which converts the target into a very hard and durable stone, but renders them unable to move for a full day. You can think of just as many uses in which this would be beneficial as a form of stasis drug or last ditch protection from an area attack as to harm enemies by rendering them unable to act (and possible be carried into containment or prison while stuck as a stone. There is also a hope the formula would enable easier development of your Skin Like Mountains oil research.

[ ] Teleport Seal: A crystal shard that when shattered prevents all scrying teleportation, wyld dimensional crossing, and phasing within a radius of two kilometers of the spot it was shattered for a full day. While they don't have very many the fact it is a crystal device gives high certainly of adopting the technology.

[ ] Data Vault: An hourglass shaped object with a ring around it. When first activated an object with a maximum volume of 3 cubic meters can be absorbed into the vault. When the hourglass is flipped and it is activated again the object is projected as it was but made out of hardlight as a motonic projection which lasts one day at most. As motonic projections are common in our technology we hope we can improve either the device or are tech with study. Even if not, just copying it would allow someone to bring something large but disposable with them to set up traps or barriers in battle or larger equipment for espionage like vault cracking tools.

[ ] Stasis field emitter: A small flat round device hooked up to a wristband, allows you to project a wave of energy at a target within a short range of you, doing minimal damage but also locking the target into a stasis effect for one round of action. The emitters are a consumable with only about half a dozen uses to them but could be used to enhance the effect of a combat stockpile.

[ ] Write in: I am not bothering to list out things like lasguns and other basic tech items. Almost anything common to the Imperium can be subbed in as a choice if you want. Lots of drug and poison based options too.

-[x] Secrets: Loathsome Eldar freaks are the bane of the galaxy. If you can provide some dread secret of theirs we will whisper of secrets profane to less honorable Biped ears then yours. Tell the Stryxis [insert fact here] about the Eldar and the Stryxis will provide an equally valuable fact. Keep in mind the value is in the eyes of the enemies of the Eldar, not your eyes or the Eldar's perception of value.

--[x] Eldar actions in Gothic War (public version)

They have displayed their betrayal as always and it is concerning they regain access to those dread relics.

You are informed of a group of eldar operating in the Koronus Expanse. After sorting through the invective speech you determine they are a group of corsairs although fickle and vicious ones compared to those you have dealt with previously. They are attacking the human explorers in the Expanse and occasionally the Stryxis have come to rescue such bipeds in hopes of saving future customers and of course screwing over the Eldar.

--[x] Eldar can see the future (imply we are amazed and superstitious about this, blowing it out of proportion)

This is not a secret and I don't believe you are dimwitted in character enough to believe it is. If you insist on telling the "secret" you get back is some equivalent to "and water is wet"

--[x] Eldar lost their gods somewhere (don't mention that we keep finding them)

The strixys are well aware the Eldar are godless monsters and don't see value in you agreeing with them about it.

Overall you get the sense the Stryxis are disappointed at how little you gave them.

-[x] Lies: Honored Bipeds, your are too glorious and powerful with many friends. Surely such powerful bipeds as you may stride where though wilt. Such as these places. Provide information on Tokat holdings that is riddled with deception and traps for any that tries to follow it and the Stryxis will gleefully share how to enter an Ork trap.

In exchange for loaded information on Tokat holdings the Stryxis provide a detailed warp "map" with a safe route leading to some of the most valuable worlds in the Expanse.

The fact this route leads right through the 'undred 'undred Teef shouldn't be a problem. Right?

-[x] Hatred: Rumors of the Hated Eldari roaming these stars have reached our profane ears. Oh Honored Bipeds surely you can do something about this? For every Eldar vessel you can provide proof you destroyed they will let you target a world in the Koronus Expanse and subject it to intense raids for a turn when you ask. They care not if its Drukhari, Corsair, or Craftworlder.

You make your promise. If you destroy Eldari of any stripe and can provide proof and recordings (or prizes in flesh and corpses) they will allow you to direct their raids to focus upon on any target world in the Koronus expanse for a few years. The exact result will depend on how defended the target is, how the eldar killing even went (the more dead eldar and the more brutal you were the better) and whether they have their own motivations to attack the place.
The Exoeidetic memory engrams, Digital Weaponry and Matter converter are all must buys if you ask me.

The Pushpull Beam, Stoneform Poison, Teleport Seal, Data Vault and Stasis field emitter all look to be very useful as well.

I am not bothering to list out things like lasguns and other basic tech items.
Would bolt or melta weapons count for this?

Almost anything common to the Imperium can be subbed in as a choice if you want.
Would cogitators, data slates or servitors get us anything?

Lots of drug and poison based options too.
Polymorphine, Glass Plague, Spook, Mortis?
Would bolt or melta weapons count for this?

sure, not special quality ones, you get the ones normal humans might have access to, not astarte or admech gear.

Would cogitators, data slates or servitors get us anything?

You can get them, you have already seen more advanced cogitators on the Rhino so it won't help, especially since you have completed the tech tree it unlocked so there is little value in seeing more excamples yet.

You can request data slates and servitors, I have no idea why you believe they might have value. You already use data slate esque crystal technology and servitors are probably inferior to the vat grown clone laborers the Stryxis are trying to sell you.

Polymorphine, Glass Plague

Not available.

You could get Plas which is a weaker version of polymorphine.

these are available.

more advanced corruptive drugs are available if you want them.

But you could also ask for Lho Sticks and Recaf and develop an industry to supply human traders later through industrial plantations and atelier manses providing ridiculous production levels for the effort it takes you. Power doesn't always come from potent, rare, or high tech.
sure, not special quality ones, you get the ones normal humans might have access to, not astarte or admech gear.
Follow up question would we have to specify the type of bolt/melta weapons (storm, heavy, etc) or can we just go [] bolt weapons and get examples of the various types available?
Follow up question would we have to specify the type of bolt/melta weapons (storm, heavy, etc) or can we just go [] bolt weapons and get examples of the various types available?
I think you misunderstood... You do not GET the special types. You get the type modified for mortals to use of the most basic variety. A bolter would be a Locke pattern bolter. Mars pattern for the Meltagun.

Therak will have a crystal manse so i added this to the info post.

Perfect Memory Archive: A place of recording information, including from and to people's heads. Basically you making your own Sperimen with a bit more memory modification on the side.

Statistical Analysis Center: A place where infinite possible futures are aligned into realms of likelihood and condenses the most likely contingency. Basically collects massive amounts of information and combines it with analysis to help pin down fuzzier divination results. Allows Thaumaturgical Divination rituals (but not Dragon King or Loom of Fate Astrology) to gain improved information results, ie a place with this can get better quick answers and you can justify other forms of divination that optimize other things like statistics or Crystal divination for example. The manse can support Loom of Fate Astrology by providing information on how those effected will react.

Resource Managing Office: Through clockwork efficiency and cost cutting measures this manse site can provide improved results for big projects. Basically like the slicktongue bonus but can be applied to either other things or in conjunction with higher bonuses. Might have a trickier annex project that pushes it higher yet. Probably a facility for managing crisis's if I can work out a mechanic for it. Budget Disciplinary committee would allow the world with this to reduce the minimum AP investment for projects upon that world.

Hearthstone bearer: Perfect Defense, Immunity to Shaping, perfect memory, extra toughness, can detect lies, ignores illusions, can go invisible or phase through matter, can make a social attack that dispells unnaturally intense emotions under an imposed calmness.

Essence Crystallization Trap: A site that can "trap" spirits by forcing them into materialized or dematerialized states without the ability to switch thus acting as a prison for spirits. Can be used to farm exotic ingredients by crystallized ephemeral motonic concepts.

Precision Battle Discipline of the Unbreakable Crystal Formation: This is a relatively small training facility for a major manse but focuses or producing extremely elite units with tight discipline and tighter formations. That is, it aids in training Naval Phalanx, which are probably renamed Crystal or Adamant Phalanxes but this site can train them far faster (approximately 10 units per AP). Similar units which depend on small highly disciplined units with close formations could also be trained here.
would force/power weapons


only the kind normal mortals could get

And do they have any vehicles?
sure, but ones that would be significant after you have already seen a dark age of technology era rhino?

I am not sure what you are hoping they have but it would have to be less valuable and more common than even a basic Rhino.
That's a pity as while I didn't expect force weapons to be available considering everything that goes into their creation I had some slight hope that power weapons might be available considering that even IG sergeants can get their hands on them.

only the kind normal mortals could get
That's fine and what I expected would be available on that front.

sure, but ones that would be significant after you have already seen a dark age of technology era rhino?

I am not sure what you are hoping they have but it would have to be less valuable and more common than even a basic Rhino.
Eh I kind of hoping that examining IG vehicles could inspire better artillery (Basilisks, Manticores, Wyverns, Griffons, etc), better anti-air (Hydra) or just have fun with war crimes (hellhounds and their variants) and there is the benefit that most Guard vehicles come with heavy bolters.

Also would rad weapons or webbers be on the table?

So here's what I'm currently thinking of for trading with the Stryxis, it was tempting to just get everything that they where offering but I thought it was best to avoid going completely hog wild with the shopping list and instead just got most of them.

Does anyone think I should remove or add any more Stryxis items or have any more imp tech/drugs/poisons I should add to the list?

[] plan very sane Stryxis's very not sane bargains
-[] Stryxis items
--[] Exoeidetic memory engrams
--[] Digital Weaponry
--[] Aero Makepoint
--[] Matter converter
--[] Targeting Oculus
--[] Cthonic Bore
--[] Prescient Mark
--[] Pushpull Beam
--[] Stoneform Poison
--[] Teleport Seal
--[] Data Vault
--[] Stasis field emitter
-[] Imperial tech
--[] las weapons
--[] bolters
--[] meltas
--[] power armour
--[] chain weapons
-[] drugs
--[] Lho Sticks
--[] Recaf
--[] Plas
--[] Spook
--[] Mortis
--[] Frenzon
--[] Rose
--[] Slaught
--[] Stimm
--[] De-Tox
--[] Spur
--[] Attention Spanner
--[] Geist
-[] poisons
--[] Bloodfire
--[] Choke gas
--[] Plaguewort Venom
--[] Burnscour rain
--[] Silver Anathema
--[] Spinebark Sap
--[] Heartfire
--[] Sanguine Exodus
--[] Vitae Rebellion
That's a pity as while I didn't expect force weapons to be available considering everything that goes into their creation I had some slight hope that power weapons might be available considering that even IG sergeants can get their hands on them.

??? You do realize that Dragon kings can make power weapons right? Crystal warclubs have red crystals imbedded in them and when activated the whole warclub glows red.

You have had projects to add "power" as a trait to warbird beaks and to the ramming prows of your warships.

Literally the only benefit of gaining power weapons from imperial hands is learning to make ones humans can use.

Also would rad weapons or webbers be on the table?

radium weapons no, webbers are available in some weird xeno variety that is very distant from anything humans have ever used.

Eh I kind of hoping that examining IG vehicles could inspire better artillery (Basilisks, Manticores, Wyverns, Griffons, etc), better anti-air (Hydra)

I think its fair to say you have seen these operate at this point in the field and you are not impressed. That might be the circumstances, but I feel you are underestimated Dragon king hardware if you assume these vehicles would help you.

You design standards are basically in the Dark age of technology mind set, and you would need to encounter better than that to get inspired to do better yourself.

You have VASTLY underestimated your Prayer based artillery weapons if you think adding basilisks on this list is a good idea.

You could make better for humans to use and HAVE better in your armies already.

So here's what I'm currently thinking of for trading with the Stryxis, it was tempting to just get everything that they where offering but I thought it was best to avoid going completely hog wild with the shopping list and instead just got most of them.

Please keep in mind that
A) you have a lot of stuff to research already,
B) You getting these means I need to come up with projects for them so
C) if you than never actually research them you just wasted my time for nothing so
D) I will go out of my way to make the techs you are selling the Stryxis bite you in the ass and how hard I will go out of my way depends on how true C is.
??? You do realize that Dragon kings can make power weapons right? Crystal warclubs have red crystals imbedded in them and when activated the whole warclub glows red.

You have had projects to add "power" as a trait to warbird beaks and to the ramming prows of your warships.

Literally the only benefit of gaining power weapons from imperial hands is learning to make ones humans can use.
Urgh sorry I forgot about that.

I think its fair to say you have seen these operate at this point in the field and you are not impressed. That might be the circumstances, but I feel you are underestimated Dragon king hardware if you assume these vehicles would help you.

You design standards are basically in the Dark age of technology mind set, and you would need to encounter better than that to get inspired to do better yourself.

You have VASTLY underestimated your Prayer based artillery weapons if you think adding basilisks on this list is a good idea.

You could make better for humans to use and HAVE better in your armies already.
I don't know when or how but I somehow convinced myself that we are lacking in artillery which is quite embarrassing really.

Please keep in mind that
A) you have a lot of stuff to research already,
B) You getting these means I need to come up with projects for them so
C) if you than never actually research them you just wasted my time for nothing so
D) I will go out of my way to make the techs you are selling the Stryxis bite you in the ass and how hard I will go out of my way depends on how true C is.
Sorry about that I'll trim it down.

Do we already have any equivalents to mortis, de-tox or attention spanner?

The Imperial tech is more for trading then anything else apart from the webbers which are also to add a non-lethal option when needed unless we have better options?

Should I remove more?

[] plan very sane Stryxis's very not sane bargains
-[] Stryxis items
--[] Exoeidetic memory engrams
--[] Digital Weaponry
--[] Matter converter
--[] Targeting Oculus
--[] Prescient Mark
--[] Pushpull Beam
--[] Stoneform Poison
--[] Teleport Seal
--[] Data Vault
--[] Stasis field emitter
-[] Imperial tech
--[] las weapons
--[] bolters
--[] meltas
--[] power armour
--[] chain weapons
--[] webbers
-[] drugs
--[] Lho Sticks
--[] Recaf
--[] Plas
--[] Spook
--[] Mortis
--[] De-Tox
--[] Attention Spanner
--[] Geist
-[] poisons
--[] Burnscour rain
--[] Silver Anathema
--[] Vitae Rebellion
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if its specifically to cause false death than mortis is better than what you can do.

You have better

You have weaker versions with lesser penalties, but you also don't really use chemicals for learning. Neither do imperials for that matter. Both races use something Imperials could call psychoindoctrination to teach quickly and thoroughly.