Dragon Kings in the 41st Millennia (Exalted/40K Empire)

Enemy Cost:
Planet Killer
Fortress of Agony
8 cruisers
5 Destroyers

Your Cost
Golden Scale
Expended charge on all your relics and two of your three Arks
15 x Assault skiffs (3x logistics stockpile worth)
17 Warbirds (8 x Logistics stockpiles worth)
4 x Assault Rocs (4 x Logistics Stockpiles worth)
116 total Dragon King Deaths
Haha! Take that Disappointment! Fuck you! GLORY TO THE MOST HIGH!
-You have several relics and arks that need recharged, which requires time and AP. It also required the Herald of Dawn to spend most if not all a season in your base system. Specifically it takes a month per relic or Ark re-charged and seasons have three months. keep travel time in mind. If you need to race home, recharge and race back only one thing can be recharged.
Can we send the relics through the portal to recharge at home or no?
It's approaching bedtime for me, plan tomorrow.
Can we send the relics through the portal to recharge at home or no?
You can but "home" only operates on the miniturns so you cannot crank them back up and try to reuse them immediately. IE you would wait until turn 49.2 and than get the chance to recharge them than using normal turn project stuff like you did to build and charge them last time.

As mentioned an Omake can count as the AP fuel but will not deal with the time/temple availability issue.
You can but "home" only operates on the miniturns so you cannot crank them back up and try to reuse them immediately. IE you would wait until turn 49.2 and than get the chance to recharge them than using normal turn project stuff like you did to build and charge them last time.

As mentioned an Omake can count as the AP fuel but will not deal with the time/temple availability issue.
Could we dedicate AP to recharging arks and relics and then have a certain amount "pre-paid" we could send through and get back within one month?
No, you can send the 'payment' through but the Luminous Herald of Dawn has to sit by a star and do the mojo. This is a least partly for game mechanic purposes.
Fair. Plus, upon consideration sending a holy relic through a warp storm twice over the course of a month sounds dangerous, heretical or possibly both. Especially since the whole reason I was so concerned about retrieving the relics was because used relics are basically empty vessels for god powers, and even if the Four can't directly fill them, I don't want to give them any ideas.
That fight was awesome. Glory to the Most High!
Don't worry, theres more where that came from
Is there? In the long term, we didn't sacrifice much, but we're running fairly low on tricks that big given the difficulty of recharging relics, the lost element of surprise and the lack of single big targets we can blow up with that level of strategic value. We've got a destroyer that hits like a battlecruiser, plus a glass cannon carrier. We'll certainly be helpful, but that was our big move. That and stealing the Hand but we can't tell anyone about that. I suppose we could spend the last Ark on Exterminatusing a chaos held planet.
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Is there? In the long term, we didn't sacrifice much, but we're running fairly low on tricks that big given the difficulty of recharging relics, the lost element of surprise and the lack of single big targets we can blow up with that level of strategic value. We've got a destroyer that hits like a battlecruiser, plus a glass cannon carrier. We'll certainly be helpful, but that was our big move. That and stealing the Hand but we can't tell anyone about that. I suppose we could spend the last Ark on Exterminatusing a chaos held planet.
I meant theres more Chaos. Don't worry about killstealing
Taking out the Planet Killer and its fleet before it can live up to its name is a great victory!

I can't imagine Abbadon's rage at the utter waste of the resources, favours and sacrifices that went into that ship.
I suppose the best plan going forward now is to cut out cults and support Imperial actions.
Well you could skip to the Eldar introduction or closer to it. We would do a 4 year turn after skipping the next 19 seasonal turns and start from there. With the vague idea you are running escort missions in the background. Or skip all the way to the Eldar showing up with some vague tasks assigned to the resources you have access to?

Plans like that would be like

[ ] Skip till complete turn 49(special 4 year turn): spend the next 19 seasons doing pirate patrols and escorting convoys. spend ten seasons shaking lose again before the eldar show up.

[ ] Skip to Eldar showing up 50.3: Skip 19 seasons, Do special 4 year turn, skip 10 seasonal turns and start in 50.3 and go from there. Do a normal turn 50 after 15 more seasons. Spend the next 29 seasons doing anti-piracy patrols.

Otherwise 4 seasonal turns, than mini turn 49.2 etc, etc.

For the timeline interested guys the next bits are gonna be escalating piracy, two more blackstone fortresses captured, Chaos trying to capture some worlds and interdict others as they get serious about this 'war' business. Sometime in 147.M41 (Turn 50.2) the imperials should get a big group together to crush the human pirates, assuming no shenanigans.
For the timeline interested guys the next bits are gonna be escalating piracy, two more blackstone fortresses captured, Chaos trying to capture some worlds and interdict others as they get serious about this 'war' business. Sometime in 147.M41 (Turn 50.2) the imperials should get a big group together to crush the human pirates, assuming no shenanigans.
So would skipping mean we can't try to interfere with the taking of the other two blackstones?
I think it might be best for the narrative flow to just skip, I feel like we are getting bogged down in minutia with a lot of these actions, not all and certainly not the last fight, but still enough for them for it to be an issue
So would skipping mean we can't try to interfere with the taking of the other two blackstones?
Correct. Keep in mind they are spaced out and enough has changed that you would need divinations or espionage to predict the attacks which basically means you need either mini-turns or the seasonal turns and most likely both to in full measure.

Ideally you would visit each of the remaining fortresses and make some astrological profiles which will be slowed by lacking an observatory ship. If you want to do the visits with the Luminous Herald of Dawn (and the sororitas on board make that likely) you could spend a good season on each visit,

7 6 seasons that amount to touring the Sector gauging the most likely targets. Add in some time charging relics and you can practically spend the next two years with your only true warship preparing for the next fortress attack.

You could make a vague plan like:
[ ] Prepare for Trouble; Make it Double
-Next 9 seasons have the Luminous Herald of Dawn visit the systems containing the Blackstone fortresses and other critical sites around the Sector in aide of Divination back home and to familiarize the locals with your presence.
-Next 9 Seasons for the Abundant Feast and Cargoships are spent joining convoys to help the humans make up for and protect from further pirate losses.
-Next 9 Seasons for the Stalking Mantis are spent infiltrating deeper into Chaos cults to gain a sense of whats going on from their side.

Alternate action for the feast and Cargo ships would be supporting relief efforts but this would cost AP and or supplies during mini turn 49.2

Alternate action for the stalking mantis would be hunting the weird slaanesh cult OR infiltrating humans to spread your spy network or steal cool stuff.
For the timeline interested guys the next bits are gonna be escalating piracy, two more blackstone fortresses captured, Chaos trying to capture some worlds and interdict others as they get serious about this 'war' business. Sometime in 147.M41 (Turn 50.2) the imperials should get a big group together to crush the human pirates, assuming no shenanigans.
Would we still be able to use our one year turns and will we still be able to keep our commitments for troops that we are lending to the Eldar?
Would we still be able to use our one year turns and will we still be able to keep our commitments for troops that we are lending to the Eldar?

The idea would be to do a single 4 year turn instead of 4 one year turns to save Real life "time" Troop commitments have to be handled at the end of turn 49 so the only advantage to miniturns is being able to slow walk it and hope you get lucky rather than making sure you got enough successes in one go.

How unviable is constructing an observatory ship in time be?
Er you want to build a ship you don't have designed in less than two years? Hell just travel time from Tokat to the Gothic Sector (with a Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability) means it needs to be finished in construction during mini turn 49.2 to even hope to make it on its own. That would involve a LOT of omakes
Hm... We would need 12-14 successes to complete the gateport and build an Observatory in the gothic sector base. How useful would that be for our info gathering?
Hm... We would need 12-14 successes to complete the gateport and build an Observatory in the gothic sector base. How useful would that be for our info gathering?
Not very. You need profiles of the possible targets to help figure out where he might go.

Effectively your sprung attack means the despoilers anti-divination efforts have stepped up AND become better aligned to oppose you. Your people know this and getting these profiles is the most sensible way.

Alternatively be prepared to throw 3 success divinations at this.

As mentioned you CAN do it with any ship. Between travel times and observations you can make one visit a season. An observatory ship I would allow two visits a season. But the Herald of Dawn is somewhat familiar and hosts the sororitas so it would face less Imperial complications than using a brandnew observatory ship.

Gateport does nothing but let you move unlimited AP and eventually people (once the form is down) back and forth.

Local observatory would not help unless its built where the target happens to be because it would have a real easy time getting a profile location for itself.
Let there be Light
YES! VRAH! 😆 So awesome.

I would rather not skip over multiple turns yet. I don't remember if 49 is 5 years or 1 year (someone please remind me) but I know that there are additional things we can try to do. I want to disrupt the blockade of Stravinar III (in 49.2) so that human relief ships can deliver food and water, so 90 billion humans don't die. I also want to try to recharge the Arks of Wrath and Godspear.

Also I feel like I don't know enough about the setting or the hybrid system being used to use my QM Question very well. I might use it to ask "What do we need to do to take a Blackstone Fortress away from Abaddon and take control of it?"

Question, how many smallcraft are in a full wing?

Edit: Image-hosting website completely died. :cry: I archived it here: 165940398616722.jpg (1195×758)
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[ ] Prepare for Trouble; Make it Double, Arming Up Edition
-Next 10 seasons have the Luminous Herald of Dawn visit the systems containing the Blackstone fortresses and other critical sites around the Sector in aide of Divination back home and to familiarize the locals with your presence, plus one early season to recharge the relics and arks.
-Next 10 Seasons for the Abundant Feast and Cargoships are spent joining convoys to help the humans make up for and protect from further pirate losses, as well as providing assistance with rebuilding and fortification as possible using only local materials.
-Next 10 Seasons for the Stalking Mantis are spent infiltrating deeper into Chaos cults to gain a sense of whats going on from their side, occasionally fabricating more obvious leads for the Inquisition to find if it's something both subtle and important for the Imperium to know.
@StarJaunter, how's that for a two year plan?
"What do we need to do to take a Blackstone Fortress away from Abaddon and take control of it?"
We can't. We fully lack the resources required to prevent Abaddon from getting away with at least one Fortress. We might be able to retake this one and let him take another later to break up his chances to study it before he has to retreat, but that would be a very costly endeavor, especially compared to just stopping him from taking additional ones.
That wasn't what I meant. He is going to take 3 Talismans of Vaul. The Aeldari are going to try to take one away from him. I want to take one away from him, too. I know we can't take away all 3. It has been suggested, more than once I think, we can take away one. I want to do so before he uses a pair of them to blow up a planet (probably Fularis at Bhein Morr).

We have to redo the anti-divination on the Hand of Darkness at 50.1, or else research and complete the Sorcerous Working to put it outside of fate. We can't delay it, it has to be done at 50.1. We don't have a choice about this. We can't just skip ahead to turn 51. (I have no idea anymore how long a season, year, or turn is relative to "49" or "50" or "141". The terms used are too confusing and I can't keep track any more. When making plans, please state which parts of which turns it will use up.)

We should try to help Stravinar instead of doing nothing whatsoever, knowing 90 billion humans will die on our watch.
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