Gothic Expedition 141.M41 - Air
Gothic Expedition 141.M41 - Air
Note: In the future you do not need to tell me what you are doing with the special resources unless you are using them for something, and Metal Paths are assumed to be assigned to protect ships unless you give me another job for them... like trying to repair or jury rig technology originating from humans perhaps.
[X] Plan Its Less Complicated Than It Looks
-[X] Luminous Herald
--[X] Task - Deploy to Savaven as per divination
--[X] Heroes - Nysela, Arbiter of the Golden Lord
--[X] Troops - Ruby Arrows, 5x Naval Phalanx, 15,000 Crew, 3000 other troops(do I specify?)
--[X] Paths - Metal(half of remainder after allocating to the three smaller vessels), Ash
-[X] Serenity Valley
--[X] Follow Luminous Herald
--[X] Items - 27x Logistics Stockpiles
--[X] Paths - Metal(minimum deployment)
Entry Reaction:91
Initial Conversation:70 vs 09
Imperial Reaction: 72
Inquisitor Reaction:23
Sororitas Reaction:59
DK Interaction:03 (nysela interrupt: 64)
Information: 39
Insight into warning: 81
preparation Efforts: 86
Counter-Divination Efforts: 97
Klaxons ring across the star bridge warning of a Warp egress point in one of the system's Mandeville Points. Auspex officers struggle to bring their gear to bear upon the incursion as the Captain of the vessel demands answers.
Slowly the warp mists fade and a vessel stands revealed. Gleaming marble forms a pyramid with dark stone balconies acting as gun decks… and gold. Gold lining everything and emitting an aura of palpable holiness.
When the ship politely sends vox requests to meet with the system's leaders regarding dire tidings, the imperials aboard the naval ships fall to their knees in thanks to Him on Terra for surely this is the answer to their prayers.
A candlelit chamber deep in the Holy Shrine which her Order guarded found a Sister contemplating the Tarot before her. She had meditated for days to reach this state, trying to unlock what her people were to do before the Omens, Warp Storm, and above all the looming disaster for her Order that all could feel coming. Her spread clearly indicated that some force representing long last family and unlooked for friends would aide them in opposing the Despoiler, made clear by the positioning of the Inverted Despoiler. The last card would make it clear, she hoped. With a centering breath and a Prayer to the God-Emperor of Mankind she flipped the last card.
With a loud bang her sanctum was violated, "Cannoness! Please we need you. Something has come out of the Warp. A shining golden ship, they say they are here to help against the coming Catastrophe!"
With a sigh the cannoness looked upon the last card in her spread… The God-Emperor. Good Tidings and Salvation. When combined with what else she had Seen and timing and nature of the warning her Sister before her…
Horst stared as the xeno craft descended upon the landing field. If craft was even appropriate. It looked like a bubble of purple tinged light which maneuvered on its own. When it "landed" the bubble popped and out stepped four xenos.
His feeling on them was mixed. He had read a report from a Rogue Trader indicating they had met this race, including stories of ancient lineage and claims to have fought alongside humans in a great war. And genetic scans that showed their DNA being far closer to the basic codex of Holy Terra than any truly Xeno thing could claim. His eyes were having a hard time proving the report wrong. All Xenos, even the Eldar, had a wrongness to their visage. It reminded him of Transhuman dread when he was feeling heretical, the features whether Xeno or Transhuman striking some deep part of his humanity as unnatural. These so called Dragon Kings… they looked like animals lifted up to a superior bipedal nature. They, each of them evoked the images of the Primordial kings of Terra, the Dinosaurs. Unlike all other xeno, sapient or animal, he had met before… these Tokati lacked that terrible wrongness. The lines of their bodies and faces, however different from human, did not strike the chord of wrongness in a child of Holy Terra.
Just that was disturbing enough. The xenos that approached him and the Cannoness numbered four. One bore golden scales and the others visibly deferred to it, another was dressed in resplendent raiments and carried symbols of office and bore a manner fit for a High Judge. The other two wore much simpler robes although one was winged and bore a staff with a hoop atop it which had the manner of a sage while the last one bore the manner of a general. He was the first to speak despite seeming to be the bottom in terms of respect paid by his fellows.
The cannoness and Horst exchanged greetings with the leader of the forces these Ulkan had sent to aide them, sent at the behest of some prognostication and the favored will of their god. Horst tried reaching out to them with his psyker gifts and found nothing, like low-grade blanks they came across as soul-less. He shuddered and could not help feel ill in their presence even as the Cannoness practically gushed (by the standards of a Cannoness dealing with Xenos she was practically gushing, by an objective standard she was being brutally direct and uncompromisingly dismissive). From what he could gather she was discussing fine points of prophecy and divination with the winged one which was using some form of holo-lith in the hoop atop its staff to display things for the Cannoness.
Eventually they settled down and the visitors shared their latest predictions, including a series of attacks spread along the sector to occur soon, the Despoiler's goals of capturing the Blackstone fortresses using the artifacts which the Ulkan only described but which he recognized as the stolen Eye of Night and Hand of Darkness. Than something caught his attention.
"So the Despoiler will come to Savaven with a force led by a massive vessel called Planet Killer," muttered Horst.
The Cannoness looked especially grim, "it matches with our own readings, proclaiming doom soon to come to Savaven and our Order."
"So we must evacuate or make arrangements to hold against a two pronged assault against Savaven and one of the Blackstone Fortresses," Horst confirms.
"There are 14 billion souls upon Savaven," reminds the Cannoness.
Gothic Imperial Navy: 5 Means they will treat you similarly to aligned but not controlled human groups like Admech or Space marines. Your aide is appreciated and desired but they will not listen to your orders, make plans based on what you will do and expect you to randomly leave when they need you most for inscrutable reasons… which considering they usually assume Xeno will stab them in the back the moment they show it is a major step up. Admiral Ravensburg will listen to you but he will shape plans as if you are totally unreliable at this juncture.
Inquisitor Horst: 1 Man just doesn't like you and fails to be impressed with what you bring to the table, nor the signs and portents your presence confirms or lays bare. He does not believe you are in league with Chaos or anything but he will definitely do all he can to gather intel on you and create back up plans based on your sudden but inevitable betrayal.
Order of the Quicksilver Rose: 2 The Quicksilver Rose is a Militant Sororitas order which cleaves to the Emperor's Tarot as a means of communing with and receiving the wisdom of Him on Terra. Thus they have a reputation for miraculous saves as they show up with just the right force composition or macguffin to save His loyal subjects, usually just as they have given up hope. They are beacons of unlooked for Hope across the Imperium but are homed here at Savaven. Most have honored warnings through the guard and nearly all the order is here now trying to avert the death of their shrineworld. Their trust for you extends to the leniency of the Tarot. While they trust you more than Horst they are less pragmatic than he and struggle to work directly with you despite the indications of the Tarot.
Sector Status:
Population 100: So far no one has died… well not enough to effect the population or production of a Sector.
Stability 82: Rising cults and concerns about the rising Warp Storms has caused a lot of destabilization… and the people do not know that Chaos has attacked in force nor suffered their focused assaults yet. (Currently dropping at 1 per season but all expect this to go up as assaults come in)
Supply 100: Ravensburg saw the writing on the wall years ago and made arrangements to secure his supply… at least for the time being.
Military 100: So far this is full strength but new attacks are coming in soon.
Preparation: All of the supposed targets are warned. Whats more between the sister's talents and the Inquistor's skills the warning and preparations are heavily obscured and carefully plotted to arrive just in time. Secret orders arrive on ships whose captains and crews believe they are performing some other non-related mission. Reinforcements are routed via lengthy routes to arrive just barely in time. This should prevent most of raiders from switching targets. Of course it means our presence at any individual fight is less meaningful as none of them need us any more than any other.
-[X] Abundant Feast
--[X] Task - Seek out suitable Sun-like star
--[X] Heroes - Khalash, Final Hymn of Judgement, Little Beam
--[X] Troops - 10x Naval Phalanx, 7,000 Crew, 55,000 Other troops(Should I specify?)
--[X] Items - , Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability
--[X] Paths - Metal(half of remainder after allocating to the three smaller vessels), Spark, Pyreflame
-[X] Thread of Fate
--[X] Follow Abundant Feast
--[X] Items - 4x AP, 27x Logistics Stockpiles
--[X] Paths - Metal(minimum deployment)
43, 05, 48
Your searches have found two close enough matches but neither are you totally happy with. One is far too close to a in-sector trade route and the other has no other useful resources in the system, no planets, no rocks for base construction nothing.
When approaching another target they discover a human convoy being attacked by chaos raiders… a large group that leaves the commander wary and with a heavy heart he orders the withdrawal. [This was actually a 50/50 coin flip on whether he would have charged in or not]
Results: One suitable star which has no other resources to utilize and another which has a gas giant with small moons suitable for making a shipyard and depot but is uncomfortably close to a shipping lane. Commander of the Abundant Feast is frustrated and Chaos forces have seen the Feast and thus know it exists even if nothing about it.
-[X] Stalking Mantis
--[X] Task - Search for Eldar Corsairs
--[X] Troops - Standard Mantis complement
--[X] Items -
--[X] Paths - Metal(minimum deployment), Corpse-eaters
21, 17, 25
Remain hidden: 82 vs ??
The spore of the Corsairs remains veiled. Indeed they seem to have been especially quiet this season… probably due to the Rise of the Warp Storm and the immediate after effects.
Next Season: 141.M41 - Water
Things to consider:
-At least 12 worlds are being raided next season, however you have warned the Empire of Mankind and they have readied as best they can while hiding the effects from both mundane espionage and infernal divinations.
-You might want to find a better homebase system, although if you feel safe near humans or only need the system to recharge the Herald than you are covered.
-Still have not found the Eldar Corsairs… but you are pretty sure they have not noticed you yet either.
-Horst and the Quicksilver Roses are trying to figure out a plan to save Savaven but are having trouble figuring out a force structure to stop the Planet Killer without leaving the rest of the sector vulnerable. Again they are not, at this point, going to trust in any plan that goes anything like "Don't Worry Dragon Kings will save us"
[ ] Write-In
Note: In the future you do not need to tell me what you are doing with the special resources unless you are using them for something, and Metal Paths are assumed to be assigned to protect ships unless you give me another job for them... like trying to repair or jury rig technology originating from humans perhaps.
[X] Plan Its Less Complicated Than It Looks
-[X] Luminous Herald
--[X] Task - Deploy to Savaven as per divination
--[X] Heroes - Nysela, Arbiter of the Golden Lord
--[X] Troops - Ruby Arrows, 5x Naval Phalanx, 15,000 Crew, 3000 other troops(do I specify?)
--[X] Paths - Metal(half of remainder after allocating to the three smaller vessels), Ash
-[X] Serenity Valley
--[X] Follow Luminous Herald
--[X] Items - 27x Logistics Stockpiles
--[X] Paths - Metal(minimum deployment)
Entry Reaction:91
Initial Conversation:70 vs 09
Imperial Reaction: 72
Inquisitor Reaction:23
Sororitas Reaction:59
DK Interaction:03 (nysela interrupt: 64)
Information: 39
Insight into warning: 81
preparation Efforts: 86
Counter-Divination Efforts: 97
Klaxons ring across the star bridge warning of a Warp egress point in one of the system's Mandeville Points. Auspex officers struggle to bring their gear to bear upon the incursion as the Captain of the vessel demands answers.
Slowly the warp mists fade and a vessel stands revealed. Gleaming marble forms a pyramid with dark stone balconies acting as gun decks… and gold. Gold lining everything and emitting an aura of palpable holiness.
When the ship politely sends vox requests to meet with the system's leaders regarding dire tidings, the imperials aboard the naval ships fall to their knees in thanks to Him on Terra for surely this is the answer to their prayers.
A candlelit chamber deep in the Holy Shrine which her Order guarded found a Sister contemplating the Tarot before her. She had meditated for days to reach this state, trying to unlock what her people were to do before the Omens, Warp Storm, and above all the looming disaster for her Order that all could feel coming. Her spread clearly indicated that some force representing long last family and unlooked for friends would aide them in opposing the Despoiler, made clear by the positioning of the Inverted Despoiler. The last card would make it clear, she hoped. With a centering breath and a Prayer to the God-Emperor of Mankind she flipped the last card.
With a loud bang her sanctum was violated, "Cannoness! Please we need you. Something has come out of the Warp. A shining golden ship, they say they are here to help against the coming Catastrophe!"
With a sigh the cannoness looked upon the last card in her spread… The God-Emperor. Good Tidings and Salvation. When combined with what else she had Seen and timing and nature of the warning her Sister before her…
Horst stared as the xeno craft descended upon the landing field. If craft was even appropriate. It looked like a bubble of purple tinged light which maneuvered on its own. When it "landed" the bubble popped and out stepped four xenos.
His feeling on them was mixed. He had read a report from a Rogue Trader indicating they had met this race, including stories of ancient lineage and claims to have fought alongside humans in a great war. And genetic scans that showed their DNA being far closer to the basic codex of Holy Terra than any truly Xeno thing could claim. His eyes were having a hard time proving the report wrong. All Xenos, even the Eldar, had a wrongness to their visage. It reminded him of Transhuman dread when he was feeling heretical, the features whether Xeno or Transhuman striking some deep part of his humanity as unnatural. These so called Dragon Kings… they looked like animals lifted up to a superior bipedal nature. They, each of them evoked the images of the Primordial kings of Terra, the Dinosaurs. Unlike all other xeno, sapient or animal, he had met before… these Tokati lacked that terrible wrongness. The lines of their bodies and faces, however different from human, did not strike the chord of wrongness in a child of Holy Terra.
Just that was disturbing enough. The xenos that approached him and the Cannoness numbered four. One bore golden scales and the others visibly deferred to it, another was dressed in resplendent raiments and carried symbols of office and bore a manner fit for a High Judge. The other two wore much simpler robes although one was winged and bore a staff with a hoop atop it which had the manner of a sage while the last one bore the manner of a general. He was the first to speak despite seeming to be the bottom in terms of respect paid by his fellows.
The cannoness and Horst exchanged greetings with the leader of the forces these Ulkan had sent to aide them, sent at the behest of some prognostication and the favored will of their god. Horst tried reaching out to them with his psyker gifts and found nothing, like low-grade blanks they came across as soul-less. He shuddered and could not help feel ill in their presence even as the Cannoness practically gushed (by the standards of a Cannoness dealing with Xenos she was practically gushing, by an objective standard she was being brutally direct and uncompromisingly dismissive). From what he could gather she was discussing fine points of prophecy and divination with the winged one which was using some form of holo-lith in the hoop atop its staff to display things for the Cannoness.
Eventually they settled down and the visitors shared their latest predictions, including a series of attacks spread along the sector to occur soon, the Despoiler's goals of capturing the Blackstone fortresses using the artifacts which the Ulkan only described but which he recognized as the stolen Eye of Night and Hand of Darkness. Than something caught his attention.
"So the Despoiler will come to Savaven with a force led by a massive vessel called Planet Killer," muttered Horst.
The Cannoness looked especially grim, "it matches with our own readings, proclaiming doom soon to come to Savaven and our Order."
"So we must evacuate or make arrangements to hold against a two pronged assault against Savaven and one of the Blackstone Fortresses," Horst confirms.
"There are 14 billion souls upon Savaven," reminds the Cannoness.
Gothic Imperial Navy: 5 Means they will treat you similarly to aligned but not controlled human groups like Admech or Space marines. Your aide is appreciated and desired but they will not listen to your orders, make plans based on what you will do and expect you to randomly leave when they need you most for inscrutable reasons… which considering they usually assume Xeno will stab them in the back the moment they show it is a major step up. Admiral Ravensburg will listen to you but he will shape plans as if you are totally unreliable at this juncture.
Inquisitor Horst: 1 Man just doesn't like you and fails to be impressed with what you bring to the table, nor the signs and portents your presence confirms or lays bare. He does not believe you are in league with Chaos or anything but he will definitely do all he can to gather intel on you and create back up plans based on your sudden but inevitable betrayal.
Order of the Quicksilver Rose: 2 The Quicksilver Rose is a Militant Sororitas order which cleaves to the Emperor's Tarot as a means of communing with and receiving the wisdom of Him on Terra. Thus they have a reputation for miraculous saves as they show up with just the right force composition or macguffin to save His loyal subjects, usually just as they have given up hope. They are beacons of unlooked for Hope across the Imperium but are homed here at Savaven. Most have honored warnings through the guard and nearly all the order is here now trying to avert the death of their shrineworld. Their trust for you extends to the leniency of the Tarot. While they trust you more than Horst they are less pragmatic than he and struggle to work directly with you despite the indications of the Tarot.
Sector Status:
Population 100: So far no one has died… well not enough to effect the population or production of a Sector.
Stability 82: Rising cults and concerns about the rising Warp Storms has caused a lot of destabilization… and the people do not know that Chaos has attacked in force nor suffered their focused assaults yet. (Currently dropping at 1 per season but all expect this to go up as assaults come in)
Supply 100: Ravensburg saw the writing on the wall years ago and made arrangements to secure his supply… at least for the time being.
Military 100: So far this is full strength but new attacks are coming in soon.
Preparation: All of the supposed targets are warned. Whats more between the sister's talents and the Inquistor's skills the warning and preparations are heavily obscured and carefully plotted to arrive just in time. Secret orders arrive on ships whose captains and crews believe they are performing some other non-related mission. Reinforcements are routed via lengthy routes to arrive just barely in time. This should prevent most of raiders from switching targets. Of course it means our presence at any individual fight is less meaningful as none of them need us any more than any other.
-[X] Abundant Feast
--[X] Task - Seek out suitable Sun-like star
--[X] Heroes - Khalash, Final Hymn of Judgement, Little Beam
--[X] Troops - 10x Naval Phalanx, 7,000 Crew, 55,000 Other troops(Should I specify?)
--[X] Items - , Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability
--[X] Paths - Metal(half of remainder after allocating to the three smaller vessels), Spark, Pyreflame
-[X] Thread of Fate
--[X] Follow Abundant Feast
--[X] Items - 4x AP, 27x Logistics Stockpiles
--[X] Paths - Metal(minimum deployment)
43, 05, 48
Your searches have found two close enough matches but neither are you totally happy with. One is far too close to a in-sector trade route and the other has no other useful resources in the system, no planets, no rocks for base construction nothing.
When approaching another target they discover a human convoy being attacked by chaos raiders… a large group that leaves the commander wary and with a heavy heart he orders the withdrawal. [This was actually a 50/50 coin flip on whether he would have charged in or not]
Results: One suitable star which has no other resources to utilize and another which has a gas giant with small moons suitable for making a shipyard and depot but is uncomfortably close to a shipping lane. Commander of the Abundant Feast is frustrated and Chaos forces have seen the Feast and thus know it exists even if nothing about it.
-[X] Stalking Mantis
--[X] Task - Search for Eldar Corsairs
--[X] Troops - Standard Mantis complement
--[X] Items -
--[X] Paths - Metal(minimum deployment), Corpse-eaters
21, 17, 25
Remain hidden: 82 vs ??
The spore of the Corsairs remains veiled. Indeed they seem to have been especially quiet this season… probably due to the Rise of the Warp Storm and the immediate after effects.
Next Season: 141.M41 - Water
Things to consider:
-At least 12 worlds are being raided next season, however you have warned the Empire of Mankind and they have readied as best they can while hiding the effects from both mundane espionage and infernal divinations.
-You might want to find a better homebase system, although if you feel safe near humans or only need the system to recharge the Herald than you are covered.
-Still have not found the Eldar Corsairs… but you are pretty sure they have not noticed you yet either.
-Horst and the Quicksilver Roses are trying to figure out a plan to save Savaven but are having trouble figuring out a force structure to stop the Planet Killer without leaving the rest of the sector vulnerable. Again they are not, at this point, going to trust in any plan that goes anything like "Don't Worry Dragon Kings will save us"
[ ] Write-In
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