Sacred Basilica of Industry of just Basilica of Industry, perhaps?Solar manse is one of the best ones for making next tier factory cathedrals… whatever we end up calling those.
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Sacred Basilica of Industry of just Basilica of Industry, perhaps?Solar manse is one of the best ones for making next tier factory cathedrals… whatever we end up calling those.
On a different note, I've been thinking about Ophelis Geomancy, specifically the two Solar Majors that'll be available after Ondar 2 Shambol Boogaloo. My thoughts are one designed to tap into the astroformed sun for Wrath Bombs, which will presumably be easier and cheaper than using actual arks because it's a dedicated manse rather than a manse empowered artifact and because there's a daystar nearby they can tap into, and one that's either consecrating the whole planet, autospawning/buffing Aurachim or producing orichalcum gear and/or warstriders. Thoughts?
Sacred Busilica of Industry of just Busilica of Industry, perhaps?
[X] Plan Keep Going
-[X] Luminous Herald
--[X] Task - Support Empire of Mankind's defense against raiding.
-[X] Abundant Feast
--[X] Task - Set up/secure shipyard/harbor at gas giant system
-[X] Stalking Mantis
--[X] Task - Search for Eldar Corsairs
-[X] Serenity Valley
--[X] Task - Set up/secure shipyard/harbor at gas giant system
-[X] Thread of Fate
--[X] Task - Set up/secure shipyard/harbor at gas giant system
Seems straightforward. I could send the Feast to battle instead, I'm not sure how much of an escort the transports need while building the base.
They are not really factoring it in at all. They are operating under the assumption that any help we provide (if any) will be too inconsistent/unknown for them to plan around. It is also my hope to use holy sunfire to seriously damage/cripple Planet Killer or at the very least drive it away, but I expect it may take more than one use of Wrath beyond measure to cripple it.
I could sorta see the aurachim 'breeding ground'. But I think I would demand it pairing with the argentim one to keep my math simple
That cannon is on the Feast which may not be present during the battle.and that we also brought a city-smiting cannon with an attached ship.
Yeah, there's not really a lot we can do to help with their planning if they don't even trust us to be neutral. Hopefully our assistance will help with our rep gains though.They are pretty sure you won't shoot them while they fight Chaos, but not 100 percent
I was thinking system defenses for when the prophesy happens, any other CoD attack with maybe one long range activation on a cooldown, yeah. Plus whatever other benefits having holy sunfire on tap might have, baptizing templeships or some such.So what like a low end version of starkiller base? Reusable by not draining a star too much? Maybe probably only useful for in system attacks but that may save the day when the prophecy comes due
Synthesis Chapels. And yeah, I figured. Supposing we dedicated all seven Earth Manses were dedicated to Endless Mines and had the third Solar Manse as a Synthesis Chapel, how much cheaper would Orichalcum become?Solar manse is one of the best ones for making next tier factory cathedrals… whatever we end up calling those.
I figured we'd use one of the two non-maiden Sidereal Manses for that, and that the Maiden Manses would already apply significant benefits in that vien.I suggest we use one of the Solar Major Manses as a Grand Orrery. Gives us free divination AP, helps with scouting the local area and lets us put 3 AP of effort into divination effects if we need to.
That said, if StarJaunter lets us have a 'free' AP to Solar-divinity related stuff for 'make a pact with an Aurichim' or 'recharge a Solar ark/relic' that'd be swell, though I don't want to put words in their mouth.
I'd honestly rather just skip the Corsairs this round. The Feast will be invaluable setting up the shipyard and the Herald should let us bleed Planet Killer and rake in some serious rep from the imperial factions.I'd prefer to set the Stalking Mantis towards anti-cult work sooner rather than later. If we can use the transport ships to set up, how do we feel about sending the Feast out to parlay with the corsairs? Or, failing that, set the Herald to that task (supported by Nysela) and keep the Feast on set-up duty?
We never got the Relics that we'd need to properly blow up the PK. By my calculations, two Arks would be enough to cripple a decently armored and shielded Light Battleship of Darkness, but the PK is fuckhuge so even if we hit it with all three, we probably won't be able to take it totally down with just that. On the other hand, they'd need four stacks of battleship grade shields to keep from being stripped in one hit, at which point a dragon king outfitted with relics of Sunburst Portal Invocation, As the Morning Reveals and Aegis of Unconquered Might could deliver the ark payload and proper cripple it.I fully anticipate that it will take multiple uses of holy sunfire to kill that damned ship, but I'll remind you that it probably won't be alone, that Wrath Beyond Measure is basically our take on a Nova Cannon (so we can also do a lot of damage to any escorts in the blast radius - welcome to the wonders of a void weapon with an 'area of effect') and that we also brought a city-smiting cannon with an attached ship.
Well, it would force him to expend resources counter divining us. A problem with this war is that he can't lose. We can set up situations where he would lose, but he won't show up in that case. This can be useful for forcing him to waste resources on both counter divination and by crushing every sub-PK force that shows up to deal with whatever we're guarding, but we don't have the infrastructure for the proper scry vs scry confrontation that defeating him would entail.I certainly hope it is. Would using a divination to ensure we (and the Imperium) know when to expect the Planet Killer be a useful bit of divination, or would we be better served focusing on other matters?
Our allies could help us get on the PK with an Ark (with a teleportarium if we can strip the PK of its void shields and if they have one available), although getting them to trust us enough to do so will be quite the task. We can build more Arks and infuse them back at Tokat then send them to the Gothic FOB with our other supplies, but the soonest they would arrive would be in two years.We never got the Relics that we'd need to properly blow up the PK. By my calculations, two Arks would be enough to cripple a decently armored and shielded Light Battleship of Darkness, but the PK is fuckhuge so even if we hit it with all three, we probably won't be able to take it totally down with just that. On the other hand, they'd need four stacks of battleship grade shields to keep from being stripped in one hit, at which point a dragon king outfitted with relics of Sunburst Portal Invocation, As the Morning Reveals and Aegis of Unconquered Might could deliver the ark payload and proper cripple it.
Relics are luckily cheaper, but yeah. Might not be worth it given that we'd be gearing up for a battle that would never happen.Our allies could help us get on the PK with an Ark (with a teleportarium if we can strip the PK of its void shields and if they have one available), although getting them to trust us enough to do so will be quite the task. We can build more Arks and infuse them back at Tokat then send them to the Gothic FOB with our other supplies, but the soonest they would arrive would be in two years.
It might be worth it, just not for the immediate battle to come, but the battles that are coming later in the Gothic war. Yeah Arks are fairly cheap 4 AP minimum (3 AP to build the Ark, and 1 AP to infuse). We can't exactly do standardization for our troops (at least for the Gothic war) because it would take too long and consume too many resources to make a decent go at it in a timely manner. Of the things we need to do we need to finish the training of the legions (so as to free up our army), maybe build an actual Void Shipyard above Tokat for building our pocket battleship which we can send to battle alongside the Eldar on turn [50].Relics are luckily cheaper, but yeah. Might not be worth it given that we'd be gearing up for a battle that would never happen.
No, Relics. 1 AP to make, and 5^(Sux-1) charged per action.
Yeah the statues, mosaics, more extensive elaborate death traps, and the mortals falling to their knees weeping at the magnificent glory of it all, those come later if we decide to come back and turn this into a more permanent base.So just so we are clear... we are building a full base (shipyard, torpedo rack, cargobay, and space to walk around (and probably an arena) which means using all 4 AP you have plus stripping two from the next turn coming up?
This is a very quick and dirty set up. No statues, no mosaics, mortals do not fall to their knees and weep at the magnificent glory the are beholding, and only a tiny clawful of elaborate death traps... its a base carved into an asteroid that you can vaguely securely leave your stuff or bring damaged ships to.
So just so we are clear... we are building a full base (shipyard, torpedo rack, cargobay, and space to walk around (and probably an arena) which means using all 4 AP you have plus stripping two from the next turn coming up?
This is a very quick and dirty set up. No statues, no mosaics, mortals do not fall to their knees and weep at the magnificent glory the are beholding, and only a tiny clawful of elaborate death traps... its a base carved into an asteroid that you can vaguely securely leave your stuff or bring damaged ships to.
Eh, most of our ships are geomantic and all our crap is magic so it'd be hard for pirates to use.Sounds good, we can blow it up when we no longer need it. I would not want it to get found and used by pirates or worse.
Eh, most of our ships are geomantic and all our crap is magic so it'd be hard for pirates to use.
The shipyards would be pretty complex and the torpedos may be more likely to explode than fire.Depends on how chaos-y the pirates are. Or hell even a psyker might be able to do something messy with it.
Don't really feel comfortable with leaving undefended transports though, and we do want the corsairs on board sooner before they start fucking over everyoneI'd prefer to set the Stalking Mantis towards anti-cult work sooner rather than later. If we can use the transport ships to set up, how do we feel about sending the Feast out to parlay with the corsairs? Or, failing that, set the Herald to that task (supported by Nysela
Yup. Somewhat secure supply dump and a field repair station more or less.So just so we are clear... we are building a full base (shipyard, torpedo rack, cargobay, and space to walk around (and probably an arena) which means using all 4 AP you have plus stripping two from the next turn coming up?
This is a very quick and dirty set up. No statues, no mosaics, mortals do not fall to their knees and weep at the magnificent glory the are beholding, and only a tiny clawful of elaborate death traps... its a base carved into an asteroid that you can vaguely securely leave your stuff or bring damaged ships to.
Then you may want to update your plan veekie, as currently it does not address how to handle the Order of the Quicksilver Rose. I think we should keep them but we will need to give them a lot of additional protections against the warp because we do not have geller fields to protect them during way travel.Hmm...not like we're bringing anything particularly subtle with the Herald...
Based on our understanding of the imperial cult and specifically how there are so many branches (like the one that thinks the Emperor is a thousand eyed star god who reads your mind for heresy so make sure to shave your head because hair blocks it), how do we think the imperials would view our glorious golden god of humanity and virtue? Like, do we think they'll go, "well, the God Emperor touching these guys explains a lot", "this is some minor heresy, they think saints are also gods, but, since they're still below Big E, that's nothing a little preaching can't fix", or "100% heresy, no god emperor detected!"?I just have to lock in the numbers for either side so I don't fall into the trap of just giving whatever forces I want when you guys cannot auto-generate ships.
A small complication has arisen... You threw out an offer to host a liason officer that you expected to get ignored or fobbed off on some long suffering guy who was unimportant. The Order of the Quicksilver Rose has shown up with their third in command and a couple hundred sisters and their gear.
Your motivation check shows that they are sending enough to restart the order if Savaven is lost as a back up plan.
You have the room and can host them, and thanks to your abundant guards on board you can even watch them carefully.
Having a high ranking human may smooth future reactions... if all else fails she can claim the ship is under human control. But it means you will have a very difficult time using the Herald to pull maneuvers that you want to hide from the Empire and she might try to make you take a mission you might not want to.
So that is something you have to decide for next season. I will force it to not effect this season so we do not have to wait for another vote but felt like sharing it for discussion.
We could probably expect to see all or most of that largely depending on who we are talking to. Remember there are some sects of the Imperial Cult that hate the guts of another nearby sect and vise versa; fighting, calling each other heretical, and worse. So I think we maybe mostly good on this with having someone that most of the people/sects recognize as pure and sanctified.Like, do we think they'll go, "well, the God Emperor touching these guys explains a lot", "this is some minor heresy, they think saints are also gods, but, since they're still below Big E, that's nothing a little preaching can't fix", or "100% heresy, no god emperor detected!"?