@Slamu, you suggested divination to assist the Gothic War and some mathy changes to my plan that I didn't understand. What astrology question do you want to ask? Voting has ground to a halt so I think I have a little time to edit my latest plan (again).
Re: Astronomicons: I think it might be...
fun if we could advance our astroforming tech enough to cause astroformed stars to shine their holy light into the Warp, in addition to the Materium. Heheheee...
(Not as a lighthouse, but as anti-daemon security and to spread holiness.)
And seriously... what's wrong with the emoji menu? Does anyone else see a bunch of squares instead of emoji?
Information like 'when is the Planet Killer going to arrive over Serevan?', 'how many ships will arrive to attack the Cardinal world?', 'where will the False Prophet appear next?', 'when is an auspicious day to improve the Imperial opinion of the Dragon Kings?', etc. Basically anything that could help us in the Gothic War or its aftermath.
I fully intend to stellarform any and all stars we can into proper Suns, making Chaos' life that much more difficult. I'm also hopeful that, should the Suns be clustered in sufficient density, they leave an impression in the Warp sufficient for Imperial Navigators to make out. "Well, there's those sun-worshipping lizard peoples' worlds over there, so if we need to make an emergency Warp exit that is far from the worst place to do it" etc. That said, if we can follow through and make, say, subsector or even sector-wide Wyld infrastructure, that'd be a big bargaining chip for the Imperium.
Actually, another bargaining chip would be "we can either stabilize your existing Navigator lines or help produce new ones". While I don't think Navigators are in any particular danger of going extinct, the preservation and stabilization of their bloodlines is one of the primary duties of any Navigator House, and 'availability of Navigators' is probably the #1 bottleneck on Imperial ship production. Even if the Navigator houses we theoretically produced in this scenario were trusted with only the most well-patrolled routes hauling strictly civilian cargoes, that's a boon to the Imperium very senior people would have to take notice of.
As for spreading holiness...I think we're supposed to do that manually. You know, kicking down doors and yelling 'have you praised the Sun today?!' at whatever is behind Door #1. We either get new coreligionists or new clay, it's a pretty flawless system if Leeyata says so herself. (And she does, every Calibration festival. Loudly.)
Worm power is part using it in deep space where getting those is difficult or impossible and part being able to give away some basic essence tech as trade items (with integreated power supply) without hooking the customer up to you power network. Like Lizard Tail Regrowth Spheres would be a big trade item with any race that is human or less technologically.
Interesting trade good. Another something I can see the Tau being interested in.
Who would be interested in this? Humans have regular augmetics for most people (of varying efficacy) and cloned replacement limbs (if you're senior enough and don't want to become closer to the Omnissiah).
- A side note to this, is that
non-Imperial humans might not have this tech level. I can see some feudal world magnate bartering for 'maraculous healing' for themselves and their allies in exchange for an annual tribute of goods and beasts, plus a yearly festival celebrating the Sun.
Eldar don't need it, their medical techniques are plenty good.
Necrons...need some medical assistance but we're a tiny bit late to that party and I don't think this is where they'd want to start anyway.
Tau I can see making use of it for civilian use (or military use away from the battlefield).
Orks...don't need it, and aren't typically in it for trade.
Squats...maybe, but if they're like WHF Dawi they're going to want a few centuries of testing for OSHA reasons, and to make sure it won't actually make them grow a lizard tail.
There's other races out there; the
Thexian Trade Empire doesn't seem to have a specified tech level, but I'm assuming anyone with an interstellar trade empire is probably going to have some options available to them. That said, they probably have a client list we can talk to.
You could also develop them into orbital or deep space stuff that cannot be visited regularly and isn't quite important enough to install a hearthstone. Like a basic hanger base to extend the range of a skyship jump fleet. Or an exploration base in a place you cannot tap geomantically, like say that one creepy planet/station you know about but haven't visited. Would probably be applicable on any planet the necrons have their way on, or an exodite world controlled by them, or perhaps a tyranid world near the end of its life cycle. Or a base meant to never leave the warp/webway.
Oh, yeah. I low key want to make 'lots of smallcraft' be something that's part of our subsector-level defenses, in conjunction with patrol fleets. Likewise, I want to be able to insert a covert base into a subsector and allow Rocs and Warbirds to just jump in and harrass a world with insufficient security (or drop some commandos on a world using something like the
Stalking Mantis).
Note to self; get R&D on making Notice-Me-Not tech, design the right carriers and basing operations.
I suppose? On some level I discourage it just to keep you different from the Eldar. If you did tap into sunlight for power you are more likely to use it as shielding or weaponry at this point, not speed.
Would an Essence Battlement upgrade that is "+1 Essence Battlement layers when in a system whose star is Stellaformed to the Unconquered Sun" be too finnicky and situational for your tastes?
@StarJaunter, do we have a firm enough grasp on what's up with the primordials to make predictions as to how they'd react to stuff? Like, do they give a shit we're feeding Sol Invictus power and making collect calls? If we manage to geoform a planet to have 25 major solar demesne and build Ondar Shambols on all of them, with geomantically pleasing roads between and fully summon the big US across the veil are they just gonna be like "lol, this is my favorite soap opera" or are they going to reopen the Shinma, yoink him back and smite us for our troubles? What about an epic Loom project to establish the paradoxical existence of the Maidens?
I for one wish to say I fully endorse Operation ONDAR SHAMBOL: THE PLANET. "We conquered this Daemonworld but instead of returning it to the Materium we dropped fifty million Anklok here to sanctify
everything. They're praying their little hearts out here, they love it!"
Before we yank the Unconquered Sun out of the Primordials' hands and across the blind eternities, we'll have to take some baby steps first. Like yanking Isha out of Nurgle's hands and across the Warp.
(*Because Chaos-Neverborn couldn't possibly make Warhammer any worse than it already is, right?
I dunno, you might get some
Three Stooges Syndrome with the C'Tan there. (By the way, we're almost certainly going to care about the C'Tan. And by 'care about' I mean 'be religiously obligated to kill').
The after endgame is teaming up with millions of Dragon-Blooded to take over the galaxy, too...
Right, but...where are you planning on getting some of those? Because last I checked the Primordials
won. The Celestial Exaltations they could put in the Jade Prison, but the Terrestrial ones...they're probably dead. Unless Gaia tossed them onto Autocthon or something, they're probably not doing so well.
You all know that the end-game of this is to spawn billions of Dragon Kings, permanently kill the 4 Ruinous Powers*, and then invade Creation to restart the Divine Rebellion, free the Incarnae and Exalted, and win the Primordial War. Right? That's why we need Death to the Deathless.
might not need Death to the Deathless. We have one way of killing spirits for sure and two more that are 'high probables'; high end Air path users (basically Elders) can set up a 'die for realsies' area for select spirits, and one of the Ordinatii options is essentially that on a wider scale. (It seems to lose some ummph at the higher end, but it still helps kill lots of small fry and it doesn't implicitly mean risking Elders in combat). Moreover, we (in theory) have access to Alchemicals, though whether they're true Exalts or just us cribbing notes from the Great Maker is a bit more ambiguous. Still, unless StarJaunter says otherwise, I presume the Champion variant is going to include
basically the Ghost Eating Technique variant for Alchemicals. We
can kill immortals without Death to the Deathless. That said, DttD probably makes things rather a bit easier, as I imagine our achievable efforts probably cap out around "kill
Ka'Bandha" which isn't a small thing, but fearsome as the daemon is he is, ultimately, replacable and unless Khorne is diminished by his killing like a Primordial having one of their lesser souls killed, it's a shot in the dark.
I guess what I'm saying there is 'additional information required'.
The chaos gods aren't rooted deeply enough for the cosmos to choke on their souls. We are going to want to have some Deva Forging ready to mitigate the psychic backlash of killing the embodiments of Hope and Courage and shit. Maybe reforge them into Virtue Gods. Nurgle Compassion, Khorn Valor, Tzeentch Temperance Slaanesh Conviction? Maybe swap Compassion and Conviction as necessary.
So, as I'm operating, the Four Brothers are as thus;
Khorne - The Court of Twisted Valor
Slaanesh - The Court of Temperance Inverted
Tzeentch - The Court of Conviction Lost
Nurgle - The Court of Tainted Compassion
Seems a fair thing to classify them as, dark mirrors of virtue.
I'm not sure that Khorne can be killed with
violence... or at all as long as things like Orks and the Imperium exist.
All the more reason to try! With
holy violence and devotion cannon, obviously.
Hey, if we dedicate it to Conky while we do it does it not count as empowering Khorne? 🌞That still leaves the problem of all the [other] hateful, genocidal armies out there...
Edit: No, I get it. We
kill reform Khorne with love. Lovingly, violently, ruthlessly beating civilization into him with the power of the Unconquered Sun.
"Okay, but has anyone really
"Yes. Multiple times."
"Right, but have they tried
hard enough?"
"Wha-? Y-yes, the Grey Knights have launched multiple attempts to-"
"I mean, really we just have to kill Khorne and reboot from start, right? Same thing as with the Golden Throne really."
*sputtering Loyalist noises*
The reason that the Neverborn became a thing was that it was impossible for the Primordials to die, so when some of them died anyway there was no mechanism to deal with that and they clogged the death/reincarnation system.
That might be fixed with Creation 2.0, actually. I doubt Theion wants to leave his siblings' rotting bodies in the living room, you know?
So, thoughts on a plan. I welcome feedback here.
Plan For Tomorrow v0.1
Anklok 2
-Bribe spirits 1
-Legion Trainee 2 + barracks
Bribe spirits shouldn't be too hard to justify, and Legion Trainee
should complete this turn with some help from Elementals. If not, we've got another turn and some other autosuccesses to bring to the table. I want to save some of the other piety projects for later though.
Mosok 2
-Shipyard 3 + Mantas?
-Long term spy rings (Auto?)
-Falling Blossoms (Auto)
Shipyard requires three AP so I had to dip into General AP a bit again, but otherwise I'm relying on omake for project completion here. There's a decent chance the shipyard will get a little elemental boost too.
Pterok 2
-Q1 "When will Planet Killer attack Serevan?" Auto + Crystal
-Q2 Hand location obfuscation Auto + Jadite
-Q3 "When will the False Prophet be vulnerable?" 1
-Elemental Summoning 1
-Logistics Stockpile Atelier x2
-Standard Stockpile Atelier x1
-Grace Stockpile Thaumaturgy Workshop
I'm willing to shift a few things around here, but I absolutely think we should be doing a bit more divination to support this war. If anyone else has questions you think we should be asking, please say so. I specifically wouldn't object to swapping out the False Prophet question for something to support Rep Gain with the Imperium, but 'deeds not words' seems to be the item of the day. Logistics production to almost keep up with what we're burning on the expedition, Standard stockpiles because we're a bit low for my tastes, and Grace Stockpile because it looks like we can complete that without issue.
Raptok 3
-Hidden Tabernacle 2
-Brass Engines 1 + Automatorium
We only need two for the Hidden Tabernacle and I was at a bit of a loss to what to do with the third freed up. A lot of possibilities presented themselves to me (I gave a lot of thought towards starting Cores For Everyone, for instance), but upgrading the Brass Legions we have on deployment seemed a good start. I'm willing to swap things around here, for sure.
To ship off to the Gothic Sector;
-Logistics (20)
-Standard (10)
-Spy Toys
-Cerulean Arc
-Eucharist AP
-2 AP(?)
These are a list of things I expect to send off, though I don't know if we'll be able to manage everything there. Sending the 2 AP for the Gate, and we should be able to just ship in most materials after that. I find myself tempted to add Slicktongues to the list to help (if you'll pardon the pun) grease the wheels with our Imperial friends. The first three steps on the Path are basically ideal here, but I'm still on the fence about it because we might want to keep them at home so we could continue work on larger projects like Cores for Everyone. I
am sending the Eucharist AP in because I think they'd be a boon infiltrating Chaos cults and we didn't have an overabundance of projects they could help us with here. Also on the 'maybe' list is "about five more squadrons of Rocs" to accompany Cerulean Arc and the Cracking Bone path, but...eh, I'm not sure about them. I don't
think we're going to get more research on Navigators done in Turn 49.x, but...we might? As I said, feedback, please.