This has been in basically every turn prep page in the piety section since relics released. So charging three would be 2 AP. So you can use your Omake to create all three and the budget can use 2 AP at 15 DC to charge them.
OK Then I basically need to write a whole new plan, but I don't feel like I have time because the vote is called soon. But everyone who voted for any of the previous plans that built relics (mine or others) basically voted for an invalid plan that can't be used.
This only frees up 1 general AP since 2 AP still go into the Relics, and the astrology was the auto astrology. I didn't put it into Geomantic Relays since it isn't enough to complete it in one this season. Instead I added a second Sunburst Portal Evocation since The Froggy Ninja's wishlist/plan calls for 7 of those, and we can use one to transport the relics and stockpiles into the
Luminous Herald really, really fast in time for battle.
[X] Plan: Hide the Hand + Relics of Awesome 5.0
-[X] Anklok (2 AP)
--[X] Bribing spirits to do their job - 1 General AP
--[X] Empower 5 Relics - 2 AP
-[X] Mosok (2 AP)
--[X] Order of the Falling Blossom - Auto
--[X] Void Shipyard - 2 AP + 1 General AP + Skyship Support
-[X] Pterok (2 AP)
--[X] Astrology: "Who are the most auspicious dragons to build and sanctify the Relics?" - Auto, apply to DCs of building and infusing 5 Relics
--[X] Astrology: "When will the Planet Killer arrive over Savaven?" - 1 AP + Crystalweavers
--[X] Obscuring Fate (Hand of Darkness) - 1 AP + 1 General AP + Jadeite + Astrology auto
--[X] Standard Stockpile - x1 Atelier
--[X] Logistics Stockpile - x1 Atelier
--[X] Elemental Support - 1 General AP
--[x] Grace Stockpile (1x Free Success applied to Thaumaturgy projects)
-[X] Raptok (3 AP)
--[X] build Relic of [As the Morning Reveals] - Omake
--[X] build Relic of [Aegis of Unconquered Might] - Omake
--[X] build Relic of [Sunburst Portal Evocation] - Omake
--[X] build Relic of [Sunburst Portal Evocation] - 1 AP
--[X] build Relic of [Godspear of All-Searing Noon] - 1 AP
--[X] Geomantic Relay - 1 AP
-[X] Prepare to use fast ship, or Sunburst Portal Evocation, to send Relics, new stockpiles, Eucharists, Corpse-Eaters over to the Savaven system into the Luminous Herald of Dawn RUSH.
Edit: Plan updated
@Slamu I like your Tau ideas.