Dragon Kings in the 41st Millennia (Exalted/40K Empire)

What does Plas do that the Shaping Wood and Shimmering Water Paths don't already do? I don't want to give the Stryxis another "screw us over" button for this.

Well, it's a bootleg polymorphine and that lets you impersonate people expected to go through very tight security. I presume the advantages are "extended duration" (not scene-long), "does not require the Path steps" (improving the number of potential agents it could be used on, including non-Dragon King ones), and "can be produced using industrial efforts".

I only want to trade for "high priority" items with the huge downsides of trade with Stryxis.

My inclination is to get a small-to-medium sized trade deal with an eye towards assuming control over the Stryxis in a short period of time (Infiltration Camp + Simulators to lower DCs, 'Stryxis 101' to lower infiltration DCs, at least one of the spy toys projects to help with Deepen Spy Rings, Spy Ship research and construction) and try to get the rest of the items on this list (because I do like the list) by just infiltrating agents deeper and deeper into their midst).

Also I think we can probably not worry too much about getting something like coffee and tobacco off them; we're trading for like items and I doubt they're going to do many nefarious deeds with mild stimulants like that.
does that mean that these are things that we need to decide on now or when we build one of these ships?

If you want it built in decide now. Deciding later means not built in

Are we able to get anything off the Eldar/Dark Eldar wargear lists as a write-in given their antipathy towards the Eldar and (presumably) taking the opportunity to loot them when they have the chance?

No I assume they use that stuff as toilet cleaner or something

Would we be able to make more of them using Geomantic Expansion projects and Crystalweaver pathists to help with the project?

Sure but count as celestial

Does Faradai help with Alchemical research or implementation?

Not sure I understand the reasoning here so probably not

Is "Widen spy ring [assorted pirate groups that deal with the Stryxis]" a valid project or below the abstraction of what we're working with here?

Mostly you cannot speculation target a group. Do a spy project to figure out the target than target them.

If we use this on something like Ordinatus production is that 'required FC + 4 more' or 'required FC'?

Single project so required FC. Like if you use it on a single item like wondrous globes it can help make five things at once but cannot help make one better.

Also is it helpful for stuff like Standardization or Cores for Eldar where if we weren't using something like that it'd take forever to complete?
This is the kind of thing it's made for so it's weird you are asking.

Can we stack Crystal pathists and Alchemical Engineers or are the benefits too similar to stack?
No stacking

To clarify, the CSB is extra space, not reduced space, right?


It's a shield + Ecm + extra bits costs half a hull slot, it's doesn't create space out of nothing.
Since we couldn't build a bunch of temples for one god on a bunch of planets I presumed we couldn't build a bunch of temples to several gods on the same planet. Is this not the case? Because if so I have a list.
No the intention was always to build temples to most of your gods on every planet, it's just doesn't add much past the first one, so there really is no point in more then one per planet. Temples on other planets give access points not great bonuses.
What's a Covenant Glassing Beam? I'm not finding it on either wiki.

This sounds like either a DAoT or other precursor to the Hades Breaching Drill (if Imperial in origin) and thus a potential trade good alongside the DAoT Rhino, or a xeno variant of the same. Given preexisting Dragon King comfort with subterranian warfare, options opened up with Rolling Earth Rampart (and similar technologies) and now this I can imagine "death from below" attacks to become a semi-common staple in Dragon King warfare. Medium priority buy pending clarification on suspected origin of the Bore.
@StarJaunter is Slamu, right about its origin?

Well, it's a bootleg polymorphine and that lets you impersonate people expected to go through very tight security. I presume the advantages are "extended duration" (not scene-long), "does not require the Path steps" (improving the number of potential agents it could be used on, including non-Dragon King ones), and "can be produced using industrial efforts".
Meh, and it's bootleg. It might be useful, but not something we're Desperate for.

Likewise with Digital Weapons, so I took them out of my plan. We'd like some but they don't look revolutionary, especially when we're getting the Data Vault.

Tangential to the above, we should probably decide what we want to trade to the humans. The more trade support we get from them the more we can do (like population rituals, military expansion and colonization) but the more they're able to do as well (like expand into the Expanse and take what is our rightful clay). I'm generally thinking 'sell luxuries but not necessities' because the notables will want their expensive brandies and Cuban cigars but selling grain, oil and iron actually feed their ability to expand. Every time they have to designate a colony an agriworld instead of a hive world, or a mining world instead of a forge world (etc) slows them down.
I like your reasoning. Luxuries, not necessities. We have amasec, cocoa, and Essence spider silk. We can design or vision quest for other regular drugs like tobacco, coffee, coca/cocaine, qat, betel, etc. Turning fruit into alcohol on an industrial scale just requires a fruit plantation, easily done. Celestial cocaine and wine will have to wait until we have celestial peach and celestial coca plantations. We have options to create dyes, fabrics, and clothes.

Man, this ship looks like it can 1v1 small fleets and I love that.
We already kinda did that with the Wrath Beyond Measure :)

It's too bad about the Hotbloods, but we got so many other crit successes I can't be sad.
Should we try to rebuild the skiff or are we still good?
The skiff isn't a priority for me until we have more planets to explore/settle.

We've been sitting on SLM Oil research for a long time, and making it is one of the remaining steps to unlocking Primordial Stockpiles (which I think we're going to want)
We'll definitely want those. But Standardization and some ships come first.

Does having a relevant god make the 'make Dragon King skitarii' elite soldiers option look more attractive to anyone?
What are those?

What's the attitude towards a major investment in this for the next 2-3 turns until done?
I'd definitely like to finish Wyld Fighting Force soon. But I haven't got the time to look in detail at next turn yet.

(I'd like the Iron Wolves Den and completion of SAP research done soonish before we move onto deepening, unless there are objections?)
What are those?

Would introducing new Martial Arts help with that 'new angle'? I figure Piercing Augur helps with the divination crowd (mostly Pterok) and a combination of the Form of the Terrible Ancestors (that we'll want anyway to go along with the God-Beast research) and/or a more general "so you have combat shapeshifting" ala Shaping Wood path's lower ranked steps as a separate style (also useful for biokinetics that hulk out and bludgeon people to death etc) ought to help with the Raptok part of the population.
That's a good idea. For the Anklok Golden Exhalation or Solar Hero Style may be attractive. But Piercing Augur is harder to research, so it may be the best choice for our last turn of Martial Arts DC discounts. Alternatively, we do a divination to find a good time for Piercing Augur in the next 25 or 50 years, which would be thematic for the style.

Does anyone not plan on keeping the Manse site and reagents resources? Because I will fite you! I figure it's prudent to do a 25y divination to see when the best time to complete this project is (should save us ~4 AP of effort) but not linger on trying for the Best Possible Time.
I want to keep the weird demesne stuff going. It's a potential source of exotic ingredients and new plant breeds.
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This sounds like either a DAoT or other precursor to the Hades Breaching Drill (if Imperial in origin) and thus a potential trade good alongside the DAoT Rhino, or a xeno variant of the same.
Or they could have just grabbed a Termite or other Imperial drilling machine rather then a xeno or DAoT device.

These are all wonderful and I lust for each of them in turn. For Therak I favor the Archive (if it's to be a 'hidden research' sort of plant especially' but the "make more Adamant Phalanxes" manse really ought to be second or third on our list.
I was actually thinking that the Essence Crystallization Trap might be a good one to start with due to acting as a source of exotic ingredients.

"Help, help! We're being oppressed!"
"Would you shut up! Bloody peasant!"

#yikes That DC is scary and if I knew about it going into this I would have shied away.
I did say that they probably have a high DC due to esoteric tech availability and having a close nit society but yeesh I did not expect a DC over 90.

Can I get a reminder of what that is supposed to be please.

Skitarii are the primary military force of the Adeptus Mechanicus consisting of heavily cybernetically enhanced troops with much more advanced equipment then most of the Imperium has access to, unfortunately there is little in the way of standardisation or central command so their actual gear and augmentations vary based on which Magos, Mechanicus branch or Forge World raised them.

On the subject of the new Luminous Herald I would say that the two must have optional components are the Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability and the Lumina Whisperer.

For the special features I would say that I want the Shining Finger other then that I'm not sure.

[X] plan very sane Stryxis's very not sane bargains
-[X] Stryxis items
--[X] Tsyji Helm
--[X] Exoeidetic memory engrams
--[X] Digital Weaponry
--[X] Matter converter
--[X] Targeting Oculus
--[X] Prescient Mark
--[X] Pushpull Beam
--[X] Stoneform Poison
--[X] Teleport Seal
--[X] Data Vault
--[X] Stasis field emitter
-[X] drugs
--[X] Plas
--[X] Spook
--[X] Mortis
--[X] Geist
-[X] poisons
--[X] Silver Anathema
--[X] Vitae Rebellion

[X] plan sober Stryxis trade deal
-[X] Stryxis items
--[X] Tsyji Helm
--[X] Exoeidetic memory engrams
--[X] Digital Weaponry
--[X] Matter converter
--[X] Targeting Oculus
--[X] Prescient Mark
--[X] Pushpull Beam
--[X] Stoneform Poison
--[X] Teleport Seal
--[X] Data Vault
--[X] Stasis field emitter

[X] Plan Not Shooting Ourselves In the Face

[X] Golden Gunship
-[X] optional components
--[X] Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability Cost: +15 AP, +1 Power, +1 Upkeep
--[X] In Built Ark (Wrath Beyond Measure): Cost: +1 Logistics cost
--[X] In Built Ark (Grace of Dawns Eternal): Cost: +1 Logistics cost
--[X] Lumina Whisperer Cost: +1 Upkeep
-[X] Choose Two
--[X] Dual Sutra Batteries Cost: 20 AP, +1 power, +2 Logistics.
--[X] Shining Finger Cost: +5 AP, +1 Power.

[X] Invasion in a golden box
-[X] optional components
--[X] Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability: Cost: +15 AP, +1 Power, +1 Upkeep
--[X] Advisor Core: Cost: +10 AP, +1 Power, +1 Upkeep
--[X] In Built Ark (Adamant Circle Banishment): Cost: +1 Logistics cost
--[X] In Built Ark (Incantation of the Invincible Army): Cost: +1 Logistics cost
--[X] In Built Ark (Blessed is the Light): Cost: +1 Logistics cost
--[X] In Built Ark (Grace Dawns Eternal): Cost: +1 Logistics cost
-[X] Choose Two
--[X] Shining Finger Cost: +5 AP, +1 Power.
--[X] Assault Bays Cost: +4 AP, +1 Logistics.

[X] Flying Harald of the Indomitable Sun

[X] Orichalcum Hammer of Smiting
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[X] Plan Not Shooting Ourselves In the Face
-[X] Stryxis items
--[X] Tsyji Helm
--[X] Exoeidetic memory engrams
--[X] Matter converter
--[X] Prescient Mark
--[X] Stoneform Poison
--[X] Teleport Seal
--[X] Data Vault
-[X] drugs
--[X] Spook
--[X] Geist
I would argue that the data Vault is unneeded, it basically works as a way to move an object from one location to another in a concealed way, we are already researching bags of holding. Unless I missed something of course (I acknowledge that the vault can carry more stuff but it is also temporary so not sure how it compares)

I am less interested in the drugs to be honest... and I feel that it would be fairly simple to acquire from a Cold Trader with a lower risk
The must have to me are the Matter Converter, Tsyji Helm, Exoeidetic Memory Engrams, Stoneform Poison and Teleprot Seal... (edit I actually did make attempt to make a post going through the options and why I wanted/didn't want them but then I accidentally deleted it before posting shrug)

In terms of ship upgrades, we should probably consider what we already have and what we want in the near future. So we have two ways at the moment to do orbital bombardment with ship weapons. i.e. Golden Scale class Rapid Response Chariot and Harmonic Resonance Class Templeship so I would argue Shining Finger is not needed for this particular ship. (edit Covenant Glassing beams are from halo, basically the Covenant send beams of plasma down onto a planet and melt the surface into glass)

The Harmonic Resonance class can also carry 10 legions and deploy them to a planet. I feel this is less than the Assault Bays option (actually same number of legions worth, we get two special units with the assault bays) but we can also build and maintain more Harmonic resonance class ships. I think we will want a dedicated planetary assault ship at some point though.

Personally I think the Starfall Matrix and Sunburst Drive are the best choice in terms of adding use to our fleet. Starfall adds the ability to target multiple ships (and just imagining 5 of them firing on a chaos fleet, up to 10 damage each). Sunburst drive if I understand it right is a tactical jump which allows it to reposition or disengage.

That said a combination of Assault Bays and Sunburst Portal Evocation Chamber does turn the new ship into an effective invasion ship.

Dual Sutra Batteries is also able to provide us a multi attack but doesn't cost upkeep. Heavy Sutra also improves the potential damage... this combination, sutra becomes three damage if heavy conditions met, 4 if against creatures of darkness, so two targets can be hit with four damage and with Lumina Pact we can fire a second shot at one of the targets so 4 on one, 8 on the other

The final concern, upkeep cost, at the moment it has 3 upkeep, Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability, Advisor Core, and Void Abacus increase this by 1 each. As does both Starfall Matrix, Sunburst Drive and Gate of Auspicious Passage. In theory the upkeep could become as high 8 which in comparison the the current Harmonic Resonance class's 2 is massive (I imagine we will try to replace the essence battlements with some form of storm shield... which makes me wonder if that will free up space and allow the ship to include a larger barracks not sure how updating designs works).
On the other hand this is our current special ship... in the immediate future I think we will only build one. I think Wondrous Globe, Starfall Matrix and Sunburst Drive are worth it, and I'm considering the Advisor core.
The Wondrous Globe apparently has synergy with the Theion drive... speaking of which we apparently have Reliable Theion Drive Mark III (edit for this class at least, we will probably have to research it more to unlock it for other ships)... and once we have five ships with both globe and theion drive well stability effects for a fleet. For a flag ship type design an advisor core seems like a good idea.

So yeah expensive ship but if we treat it as a flagship and support it with the Harmonic Resonance Class, and suitable escorts it won't be swarmed (we can finally equip the Rhadamanthine with shields, technically the informational says it has shields but I'm prettys sure the actual build was, ftl, ox body, sutra batteries and a hole lot of toughness/hardness upgrades... yay to storm shields not costing a slot even if it does cost upkeep). Eventually we should be able to afford multiple Luminous Herald of Dawn class ships.

Sigh only sad thing about the design of the ship we don't have a PCA or equivalent on the ship.

... Also yay ships can now be built with storm shields, which cost no slots, so a sloop can have ftl and two slots free... Although kind of defeats the point of sloops if they cost 1.5 each probably more practical on chariots... Jurai ships for wayfarers and above would have an advantage still in terms of upkeep but they seem more useful as defense monitors (consider wayfarer jurai, 6 slots of space to spend on the ship without any ftl and zero slot or 0.5 slot Stormshields)
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[X] plan very sane Stryxis's very not sane bargains

@F0lkL0re could you add the Cthonic Bore to the list?

[X] Flying Harald of the Indomitable Sun
-[X] optional components
--[X] Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability: Cost: +15 AP, +1 Power, +1 Upkeep
--[X] Advisor Core: Cost: +10 AP, +1 Power, +1 Upkeep
--[X] Void Abacus: Cost: +10 AP, +1 Power, +1 Upkeep
--[X] In Built Ark (Wrath Beyond Measure): Cost: +1 Logistics cost
-[X] Choose Two
--[X] Sunburst Drive: Cost: 10 AP, +1 Upkeep
--[X] Assault Bays: Cost: +4 AP, +1 Logistics
--[X] Dual Sutra Batteries Cost: 20 AP, +1 power, +2 Logistics

The name of the game here is mobility and striking power. We can ambush ships using a stealth scout ship to identify ship of interest and then Surprise Sunburst jump in behind them and board them with the Assault Bay. We can also do our big dam heros moments jumping in to rescue worlds under threat from Chaos by jumping in (ether with Sunburst of way drive) and then Ark of Wrath them and in the event of non-Chaos enemies we can (sort of) hold them some what with on the ground with the Assault Bay so as to buy time for reinforcements to arrive. Also with the combination of Wondrous Globe , Void Abacus, and our eventual Navigators we can theoretically speed along Imperial reinforcements to the rescue. The Advisor Core just seems to make the ship all around better.

[X] Plan Slimmer
[X] Orichalcum Hammer of Smiting
[X] Swift and deadly Herald mk2
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@F0lkL0re could you add the Cthonic Bore to the list?
I did have it in at one point but removed it during all the trimming later to avoid future StarJaunter's wrath.

I'll add my picks for the new Luminous Herald to the post with my trade plans so that I don't have to copy them over to this post

Honestly having any of the other stuff is okay but I want it to have Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability, Lumina Whisperer and Shining Finger anything else I'm fine with.

[] Golden Gunship
-[] optional components
--[] Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability Cost: +15 AP, +1 Power, +1 Upkeep
--[] Lumina Whisperer Cost: +1 Upkeep
-[] Choose Two
--[] Dual Sutra Batteries Cost: 20 AP, +1 power, +2 Logistics.
--[] Shining Finger Cost: +5 AP, +1 Power.
What's a Covenant Glassing Beam? I'm not finding it on either wiki.



The term glassing, more formally known as plasma bombardment, is used to refer to the act by which the Covenant's ships bombard a planet from orbit by using heavy plasma weaponry. Human colonies destroyed by this process would come to be referred to...
When ground engagements are in effect, the Covenant will resort to low range bombardment, bringing their ships closer to the surface to destroy the area in question. This is accomplished by either building up or focusing plasma though a magnetic envelope from the energy projector located on the underside of the ship, and then discharging the plasma as a narrow beam. A single Ket-pattern battlecruiser can glass approximately one acre of a planet's surface in fifteen seconds of sustained fire, with desert taking less time and deep ocean taking much longer to glass.[7] The Covenant use low-range bombardment in many battles where major ground engagements are occurring; smaller warships use this method specifically to deal with human armies and low-level structures during campaigns, while larger Covenant warships use this to level cities while engagements are occurring.

I have seen several fanfics refer to the things as glassing beams and I guess it reached head cannon stage.

I am a bit surprised you got to reviewing the wiki for Halo and couldn't infer what it meant even if the exact phrase is not used.

is Slamu, right about its origin?

How would you know in character? Did you acquire a database of Dark Age of Technology vehicles in character and I forgot about it?

I did say that they probably have a high DC due to esoteric tech availability and having a close nit society but yeesh I did not expect a DC over 90.
Some of the high number is how unknown they are. You have a bit of experience with humans and could make inferences. Others you have studied or done projects to understand them in terms of espionage risks.

You basically tried to start spying on the Stryxis with the very first visiter by sneaking onto their ships and blood enslaving them from day one. Of course the DC would be high.

If you had waited and let trade cook you could have gotten a project to try to understand them and that would have lowered the DC and maybe warned you a bit about it being high relatively.
I can't vote for ship options from my phone but I'll modify my plan as asked:

[X] Plan Slimmer
-[X] Stryxis items
--[X] Tsyji Helm
--[X] Exoeidetic memory engrams
--[X] Matter converter
--[X] Prescient Mark
--[X] Stoneform Poison
--[X] Teleport Seal
--[X] Cthonic Bore

[X] Plan Not Shooting Ourselves In the Face
-[X] Stryxis items
--[X] Tsyji Helm
--[X] Exoeidetic memory engrams
--[X] Matter converter
--[X] Prescient Mark
--[X] Stoneform Poison
--[X] Teleport Seal
-[X] drugs
--[X] Spook
--[X] Geist

Slicktongues knocked off 9 AP here, not bad. How long do we mean to keep them tied up on this? Is this a slow burn project or a high priority one?
I think high or medium.
Skitarii are the primary military force of the Adeptus Mechanicus consisting of heavily cybernetically enhanced troops with much more advanced equipment then most of the Imperium has access to,
Thanks. Our equivalent would be Alchemical champions.

I am a bit surprised you got to reviewing the wiki for Halo and couldn't infer what it meant even if the exact phrase is not used.
I only searched 40k wikis. :/
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[X] Plan Slimmer
I don't care about the Bore
[X] Plan Not Shooting Ourselves In the Face
And I don't see the point in the drugs since we can probably get them from a different source

... Changed my mind on Starfall Matrix, we can deal with large numbers of ships with a Ark of Wrath, so instead
[ ] Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability: If you built in it will synergize with the Theion drive, producing an area of effect that stabilizes space around the vehicle. Mechanically you need 5, 25, or 125 such vehicles in the same battlezone to notice various tiers of stabilization, with the tiers based on the effects of being close to a jade obelisk at various threshold distances. Thus if five are traveling the Wyld together, then other ships traveling with them will have a safer trip as long as the Solar Temples do not outrun their escorts. Cost: +15 AP, +1 Power, +1 Upkeep
[ ] Advisor Core: You plan to build a potent calculation engine into the ship, giving it robust self controls and a bit of personality, but most importantly making the ship ridiculously more dangerous as it will act as a high tier teamwork bonus to all tasks operating on the ship. Adds a 14 dice teamwork bonus from the Core to most ship rolls. Cost: +10 AP, +1 Power, +1 Upkeep
[ ] In Built Ark (Wrath Beyond Measure): Building arks to be exploited by the Solar Temple is a lot of finicky management right? So cut the middle Dragon out and build in the most likely to be used Ark right into the temple itself. This built in Ark is assumed charged and ready to go after each upkeep refresh and may be refreshed in a long campaign just as any other Ark would be. Cost: +1 Logistics cost.
... And I missed that the below includes an upkeep cost... so now not sure if it is worth it or not
[ ] Lumina Whisperer: The Votive offering effect needs Lumina pacts to support it, which is a hassle to manage. Luckily the Herald has a built in solar temple. Making keeping up Pact relations part of the crew's duties and ensuring every Herald has a set when they go into battle. Keep in mind the five per battle is TOTAL. So if you have five Heralds then each could take one extra shot. But with this trait they could handle five battles per upkeep cycle without needing to produce extra Pacts. These pacts ONLY work for the Votive offering though and cannot be used for other purposes. Each Herald gains 5 pacts suitable for the Votive offering per Upkeep cycle. Cost: +1 Upkeep

[ ] Sunburst Drive: You have incorporated an array of Sunburst Portal Relics into the Solar temple and a system for charging them using the ambient prayers of the Temple. Initiating a Sunburst takes about five minutes with a charged drive. It takes five hours to recharge for a Sunburst after a usage. Cost: 10 AP, +1 Upkeep.
[ ] Dual Sutra Batteries: With the multiplex tracking and some extra space you have doubled the number of major cannons aboard the Luminous Herald of Dawn and can initiate two Broadside maneuvers against different targets with your Sutra cannons doing two damage each. You may use a special 12 Momentum maneuver to focus fire on a single target for three damage. Cost: 20 AP, +1 power, +2 Logistics.

Dual sutra allows the ship to engage two ships/deal more damage to one, Sunburst drive allows for mobility.
Personal view bombardment and troop bay are covered by other ships, boarding I think I would rather have a dedicated ship for, and I think a Gate of Auspicious Passage would be useful on a large planetary assault craft... or special explorer craft or for that matter a slave ship (the gate basically serves as a way for people to another gate on a planet, allowing people to either be sent to the ship or sending people home again?).

Question could we choose to build only the original with an Advisor Core? I'm thinking it is useful for a flag ship in a squadron even if building one on every ship is expensive.

@F0lkL0re is the reason you want the Shining Finger option since it can serve as an exterminatus weapon? Or is it that you want an orbital bombardment weapon? I know it is a heavy preference for you I'm just curious
Wondrous Globe+Theion Drive x5 may help fight against the devils at the Talisman of Vaul. At least help protect our ships from their reality warping.

Starfall Path would still be an option to avoid friendly fire vs. enemies who aren't creatures of darkness.

Does a reliable mk. 3 Theion Drive scream about the glory of the Unconquered Sun? If not, can we please have the option to design that component separately and then retrofit the templeship design without losing the amazing rolls?

@F0lkL0re did you really mean to vote for my plan?

Not sure I understand the reasoning here so probably not
I think the reasoning is that Alchemical Charms resemble prosthetics and Faradai seems to be the god of prosthetics.
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@F0lkL0re is the reason you want the Shining Finger option since it can serve as an exterminatus weapon? Or is it that you want an orbital bombardment weapon? I know it is a heavy preference for you I'm just curious
Yeah the reason is so that we can have an orbital bombardment platform without having to develop a specialised platform for it, the extra damage to daemon worlds is just a bonus.

@F0lkL0re did you really mean to vote for my plan?
Yeah I'm fine with your trade plan.
The features of the shining finger were laid out in the ship details for the Glimmering Twilight, I just figured saying Halo Glassing beams would be easy to grok for most of the audience.
I'm content to use Harmonic Resonance and Golden Scales for orbital bombardment (edit: until I read the details about Glimmering Twilight, that looks pretty good), and a Leeayta Templeship or Conquest Platform for surface assaults. I will vote for Dual Sutra Batteries instead of Starfall Matrix, but I'm still on the fence between Sunburst Drive and Heavy Sutra. Edit: and Shining Finger. I'll probably go with Sunburst Drive if nobody else votes for Heavy Sutra.

For the optional components, Lumina Whisperer doesn't seem worth it in the long term. It'll save us on costs up until we have 5 Heralds, but before then we're not really likely to be in space battles on every turn, not until we're ready to take on 'Undred 'Undred Teef for as long as it takes to win. Unlike Arks and Relics, Lumina Pacts are easy to make.

I definitely want multiple built-in Arks if that's allowed. If we can only have one I'd prefer Wrath Beyond Measure.

Void Abacus is nice but, if we use Wondrous Globe, we get some increased speed plus we can potentially protect other ships if we let them keep up (which we couldn't do if we outrun them with a Void Abacus).

@StarJaunter can we put multiple In-Built Arks into one templeship?
Does its current Theion Drive scream about the Unconqured Sun's glory? If not, are we still allowed to design the component to do that, and retrofit the Herald design to include it without losing our awesome rolls? In the same way we can retrofit other ship designs to switch them to Theion Drives (and, I hope, Coronal Storm Barriers).

On the subject of colonization, our current rate of population increase will land us at 48 million DKs above our planetary minimums in 5 years. I think that means we can colonize Valki or Therak IIIa next turn. I propose to name Therak IIIa Vaniwayan, after the river that flows past our First City Rathess and Lake Therak on holy Creation. It's a good world for Mosok, close to Therak which is good for Raptok, so analogous to the original Vaniwayan River.

By the time we can complete a population project, even the smallest size should be enough for us to colonize both those worlds, and have some to spare for sacrifices (for example, for A Lunar Incarna?)

These are all wonderful and I lust for each of them in turn. For Therak I favor the Archive (if it's to be a 'hidden research' sort of plant especially' but the "make more Adamant Phalanxes" manse really ought to be second or third on our list.
My first or second pick is Resource Managing Office on Therak for the bigger admin bonuses, so our biggest projects become shorter. Wyld Fighting Force, Standardization, A Core For Everyone, Cores For the Eldar, shipbuilding, Glimmering Twilight, We are Legion!, Revolutionary Security Measures, Communion With Gaia... we could speed these up especially with all the new industrial capacity we just added and the option to build Thousand Forges. Speaking of which, I want to set up plasma to build one on Tocha. How do we do that, is it just 5 Plasma Reactors? Can oil elementals help out?

I think Essence Crystalization Trap would only generate exotics when it's triggered by an enemy spirit.

Should we try to rebuild the skiff or are we still good?
On second thought it's only 2 sux away on DC 25, so we might as well.

For manses I'm thinking:
AIR (Harmonious Lore Understanding (sorcery research), Savant, Sensors)
WOOD (Verdent Respite Pavilion, Predator Breeding)
WATER (Coral Reef)
EARTH (Undetermined, leaning vaguely Gravity)

Others I'm a bit unsure of, but "Moonsilver factory" and "Godforging" are the leading contenders for the Lunar manse and the Archive for the Crystal imho

Any input on this?
Coral Reef is impossible, or at least it requires using 5 minor demesnes. I think the Mind-Breaking Interrogation Manse or Infiltration Camp is a good option. Edit: for prisoners we want to hide?
Gravity is a good idea for Therak. It fits the gravitational anomalies and I do want a Gravity Master to start levelling up.
By Savant you mean an Enlightened Savant Manse? That'll be very useful.
By Sensors you mean Ever-Vigilant Watch Manse? I would prefer Lightning Mastery manse here, or else a HLU research manse for a different field of research that we also want hidden. Most of the research fields create tech/magic we'd want to conceal. I think Occult Sciences is a good choice because our biggest gap is still understanding this universe.

Of course I want to build the Moonsilver Mine (soonish) but I think that since the Lunar demesne is a separate location, a Godforging Complex is the best choice. This would give us options to finally fill in the gaps in our pantheon with gods tailor-made for the gaps. We could offer promotions to gods who do a good job. We can finally promote Relza to goddess of space+aerospace travel and Ahlat to god of mounted combat (and mounted troops, mounted warfare, war mounts, ox dragons, and ox dragon mating fights). It might reduce the cost of A Lunar Incarna. It might even get us a path to unlock gods to anchor the Oil, Blood, and Ghostwalker Paths.
Edit: It may also make it cheaper or easier to create gods for enhanced dinosaur mounts, if we choose that route.

Edit: Reading the Stryxis entry on the Lexicanum wiki, I think their "ghost swords" are shaping weapons. But their "ghost energy" beams appear to be something else entirely, maybe death Essence.
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Void Abacus is nice but, if we use Wondrous Globe, we get some increased speed plus we can potentially protect other ships if we let them keep up (which we couldn't do if we outrun them with a Void Abacus).
'Flying Harald of the Indomitable Sun' updated Void Abacus removed.

//Edit: Replaced Assault Bays with Dual Sutra Batteries.
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[X] Flying Harald of the Indomitable Sun
-[X] optional components
--[X] Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability: Cost: +15 AP, +1 Power, +1 Upkeep
--[X] Advisor Core: Cost: +10 AP, +1 Power, +1 Upkeep
--[X] In Built Ark (Wrath Beyond Measure): Cost: +1 Logistics cost
-[X] Choose Two
--[X] Sunburst Drive: Cost: 10 AP, +1 Upkeep
--[X] Dual Sutra Batteries Cost: 20 AP, +1 power, +2 Logistics
[X] Plan Slimmer
[X] Plan Not Shooting Ourselves In the Face

Although the Harald plan needs the not picked items to have the x removed not just a strike through... I think what I voted for is the correctly formated version(?)

6 upkeep is fine, basically three Harmonic Resonance Class Templeship, or 2 if we give them storm shields/Coronal Storm Barriers.

Hm before we build the Games of Divinity Class I think we will need to update it with the storm shields and point defense weapons... technically if we get the Coruscating Plasma Weapons done we could just give it Coronal Storm Barriers, point defense and what amounts to basic weapons (sole reason to add basic weapons is it feels sensible for a warship to always have it's own weapon system say if it can't launch it's fighters or the ship is caught with the smallcraft engaged elsewhere, or if the smallcraft are destroyed) in exchange for the previous essence battlements. Upkeep becomes four.
I think in terms of designs we need to update, the Rhadamanthine, Harmonic Resonance, Games of Divinity Class, and the Pillar of Understanding are the ones which storm shields should be considered. Forge of the Great Maker, Thetis of Thessal, Standard Light Realm Flotilla, and Golden Scale class (although if we want to use the golden scale more offensively storm shields would help) can probably do without since they are less likely to be involved in heavy combat and it saves on upkeep.

Hm the white star type ship is now more practical... even if the upkeep is a lot (1.5 per chariot)
Storm shields FTL, Point Defence, advanced weapons (maybe lance... probably sutra, maybe Coronal Discharge once we find out how they work and cost once they are researched), and a magical hull of some sort (Elektron has the right feel even if the health regen is kind of wasted on a low health ship, adamant is probably the best choice)... alternative thought, Coronal storm barriers, coruscating plasma weapons, point defense, basic ox body, ftl and adamant hull which adds up to a tanky little scout

In terms of upcoming research, I would like to focus a bit on the sorcery side, such as Tsyji Helm, Throne ships and Crucible of Tarim... along with teleportation

Hm I wonder which necron ship weapons don't count as lighning based? I know they do have some suitable weapons for the standard 40k tabletop and I know their bombers drop anti matter explosives
I would rather not have a 6 upkeep Templeship... but making it "ridiculously more dangerous" is indeed tempting me.

I think the templeship vote plans should be divided into separate Yes/No section and Choose 2 section. That would make it easier to see who agrees with each other and not split votes.

@F0lkL0re can I ask you why you don't want a built-in Ark? It doesn't cost upkeep or AP, only +1 logistics stockpile when the ship is used, and it would save us AP building and arming the Arks. If we can have multiple Arks of different kinds built in it'll be even better. If not we should pick something other than Wrath Beyond Measure, since we already have 3 of those built but none of the other options yet. Building a Solar Ark from scratch has a DC of 50, and we end up using multiple AP per Ark. This way we'd be able to build an Ark with the ship and, I believe, a lower DC.
@StarJaunter how much AP will we have this turn and can elementals be used on beasts of resplendent liquid?

Lumina Whisperer doesn't seem worth it in the long term.
I'd argue the opposite as the Sigh of the Votive Offering depends on Lumina pacts to use it's multi-attack vs creatures of darkness having a component that gives each ship five free uses for five battles per turn so if our ships get into five battles o one turn then then we've saved up to 25 Lumina pacts.

@F0lkL0re can I ask you why you don't want a built-in Ark?
Didn't really think of it and I don't know the full list of what arks are available but I'll add a Wrath Beyond Measure for golden gunship,

Question which would you say is better for an invasion focused ship Blessed is the Light or Grace Dawns Eternal?

Hm I wonder which necron ship weapons don't count as lighning based?
At the very least their main guns will be since Necrons use lightning arcs instead of macro-cannons for their primary ship armament.

I'm going to add a second ship plan to my vote post
[] Invasion in a golden box
-[] optional components
--[] Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability: Cost: +15 AP, +1 Power, +1 Upkeep
--[] Advisor Core: Cost: +10 AP, +1 Power, +1 Upkeep
--[] In Built Ark (Blessed is the Light): Cost: +1 Logistics cost
--[] Lumina Whisperer Cost: +1 Upkeep
-[] Choose Two
--[] Shining Finger Cost: +5 AP, +1 Power.
--[] Assault Bays Cost: +4 AP, +1 Logistics.
can we put multiple In-Built Arks into one templeship?

I prefer not but will limit my objection to making you pay for extra in terms of increasing build costs. Five max because of sacred numbers and to keep things from getting silly.

Does its current Theion Drive scream about the Unconqured Sun's glory?

No, if you build the Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability it will be used as a medium to spread reality stabilizing effects, although as mentioned you need five heralds in one battlescape to meaningfully reinforce things. 125 Heralds could literally just fly through the Eye of Terror without a care.

If not, are we still allowed to design the component to do that, and retrofit the Herald design to include it without losing our awesome rolls?

No, I think you are the only one really invested in this idea and from an in universe perspective it would automatically make you enemies of all beings and an assumption you are aligned with a fifth chaos power by pretty any one who cares about that.

This is almost exactly the kind of bullshit Chaos worshippers pull after all.

It moves from "annoying quirk" to "shit the commissar is gonna need to shoot some dudes tonight"

In the same way we can retrofit other ship designs to switch them to Theion Drives (and, I hope, Coronal Storm Barriers).

If the decision is made to move to a universal drive I will make it relatively painless the first time. I would very much recommend putting a few levels into it first.

I propose to name Therak IIIa Vaniwayan, after the river that flows past our First City Rathess and Lake Therak on holy Creation. It's a good world for Mosok, close to Therak which is good for Raptok, so analogous to the original Vaniwayan River.


Coral Reef is impossible, or at least it requires using 5 minor demesnes.

I was Very close to locking out having a coral reef on Therak due to the 48 large islands breaking it up so much and only barely chose not to.

It has no shields, literally just install a normal Storm shield and now it has shields and ECM and is roughly as much dedicated hardware (and upkeep cost) as a Cruiser while being a frigate and through magical bullshit it is a SCARY cruiser, like could maybe take a battleship level cruiser.

how much AP will we have this turn and can elementals be used on beasts of resplendent liquid?
Didn't math it out since in my eyes the turn is not done.

Probably not, but depends. Like elementals WILL help set up the plantations that feed them so it depends on how much that is involved in the total cost.
Darn, when you had said we could design the component to do that I didn't realize it was a joke. Oh well. I don't even understand the setting enough to really understand why characters would assume it's automatically Chaos.

We've committed to putting a Theion Drive in the Luminous Herald mk. II so we really should put them in nearly all of our ships to keep the mystery of "what is that?" going. If I manage to write a plan it'll include researching the next level Theion Drive.

Lumina Whisperer doesn't grant 5 Lumina Pacts per ship, it grants 5 Pacts per battle (up to 25 per turn), no matter how many Luminous Heralds we have there. So it's amazing while fighting a war with just one Herald, but becomes less so as we build more and upkeep piles up. You are right that it works per battle instead of per turn, though. One of the reasons I'm not super-impressed is that we can build and stockpile Lumina Pacts cheaply and I think they'll last the lifetime of the DK pact partner.

Didn't really think of it and I don't know the full list of what arks are available but I'll add a Wrath Beyond Measure for golden gunship,

Question which would you say is better for an invasion focused ship Blessed is the Light or Grace Dawns Eternal?
Adamant Circle Banishment - Banishes one greater daemon or up to a planet or space battle worth of lesser daemons back to the Warp, can potentially banish even a demon prince or primarch. Greater daemons, princes, primarchs, and daemonships can fight against it or leave with a last "screw you". Useless on a daemonworld or in the Warp. Full details here.
Adamant Countermagic - Counters the equivalent of Solar Circle spells and enchantments (with side effects), or shatters lesser magic without side effects.
Benediction of Archgenesis - Permanently increases plant and animal fertility in an area. I believe this terraforms a planet if boosted by a Solar temple.
Cleansing Solar Flames - Purifies and cleanses shadowlands, pulling them back into reality. If boosted by a Solar templeship and used on the geomantic "center" it can purify an entire daemonworld. Using one to cleanse the Talisman of Vaul from Devil taint/warping is probably a good idea but hopefully won't require building one into each solar templeship.
Incantation of the Invincible Army - Increases an army's Might and morale in mass combat. Buffs a planet if boosted by a Solar temple. It works on troops, but StarJaunter is "not sure" he wants us to be able to use it on a space fleet.
Blessed is the Light - Powerful healing of injury, poison, disease, shaping, crippling, unnatural mental influence, fatigue, and mutations for a Sun-worshipping army. If boosted by a Solar temple it heals all Sun-worshipers on a planet.
Grace Dawns Eternal - Raises the skills, attributes, and Essence for our entire army to at least 5 (which is mortal human maximum). That's what it does for humans, for us I figure it'd put our soldiers at their maximum stats. Also grants fertility. Our version only lasts one battle, so it can't enlighten mortal Essence after all.
Wrath Beyond Measure - As we've seen.

They're all situational so I'm not sure any one is best for all invasions.

Against armies of creatures of darkness Wrath may be the best, but it's nearly useless when fighting anyone else because "creature of darkness, Y/N?" is its only test of enemy/ally. You could hover over a planet and do exterminatus, but what fun is that? When we fight Khrave and Devils, I think it depends if we can persuade the Unconquered Sun to declare them creatures of darkness. I think "mind-eaters" and monsters from beyond the Wyld sound vile enough, but he won't condemn Orks so who knows. If so then the Wrath would be a wonderful way to kill a lot of them without damaging the structure they're in. Against Necrons it may be awesome. But we already have 3 Arks of Wrath, so if we don't lose them the DC 50 work of building that many is already done.

Assume that Incantation of the Invincible Army is only useful for the Legions and boarding. But it may be very useful then (such as boarding the Talisman of Vaul or Dark Age Cache). Plus, when we invade a planet we can bring along a Solar temple. Blessed is the Light would let the wounded and mind-blasted get up and fight all over again, more useful in an atmosphere than vacuum. I expect Grace Dawns Eternal would improve rolls for ship crews.

Adamant Countermagic lets us counter magic that we have no other answer to. The Khrave may have that? I have no idea if it'll work on devil magic.

Note that our Celestial sorcerers can learn to cast Sapphire (Celestial) Circle Banishment after we research it. Hopefully we can also research Sapphire Countermagic.
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Darn, when you had said we could design the component to do that I didn't realize it was a joke. Oh well. I don't even understand the setting enough to really understand why characters assume preaching is automatically Chaos.

I mean...
If your ships or army shows up and everyone on the other side starts hearing words praising a god not your own being inserted into brain without your ears being involved it wouldn't be considered a good thing.

I am almost certain there is a demon that does this very thing for Cecelyne and more probably exist with various caveats.

If it wasn't praising the Sun it would be double sketchy and in THIS universe being the Sun doesn't make any native give it a certain degree of pass.

So... you don't need familiarity with 40k to realize its a thing Demons do and if you don't align with the god in question its easy to assume that god is just another Demon.

And 40k Absolutely has Daemons that do this and its way more common than in Exalted for it to work exactly like you suggest but praising Slaanesh or Nurgle or whatever.

That is why its technically an option, but for anyone who wants allies against chaos its a dumb option.

We've committed to putting a Theion Drive in the Luminous Herald mk. II so we really should put them in nearly all of our ships to keep the mystery of "what is that?" going. If I manage to write a plan it'll include researching the next level Theion Drive.

Read again, The luminous Herald of Dawn mark 2 has a Theion Drive incorpirated equivalent to Tier three already.

This is the level that lets a non Theion drive ship hide in the Heralds wake. And this could synergize with the Boarding Field and let the Herald tractor something bigger than it is and hide the paired ship plus trailer as one "the ship is here" signature.

Benediction of Archgenesis - Permanently increases plant and animal fertility in an area. I believe this terraforms a planet if boosted by a Solar temple.
Not permanent. Not in canon and not here.

In terraforming its used with other stuff. Basically you upgrade a planet from ZERO fertility to some. You than sweep in with a not small army of Raptoks using plant magic and the Red Seeds of Immaculate Blood to take that 'Some' fertility and establish a full fledged and self supporting ecosystem over an entire planet before hte Benediction wears off.

Part of the process, they HAVE to be timed to work together. You cannot trigger the Ark and only remember to invest AP turns later... its way too late.