Despite the fear that has gripped the population since the arrival of the cruiser in Varenna, this year has been good for the common population. With the final rollout of medical equipment across Cantara and the growth of the agricultural and aquacultural sectors with the annexation of the deep sea resources the common population is reaching a level of development equal to a civilized world, even if industrial production and urbanization rates lag behind in their growth. The already existing population boom has begun to grow even more intense with the near total decline of normal mortality and the return of youth and fertility to those willing or able to acquire rejuvenation treatments. The various clutch laying aliens are likely to see the biggest population growth bursts, especially among the native Xakathri. Human population growth is still significant, with the population growing at a rate of 5% or more per year, but in time it is most likely that the underwater natives will outnumber all on the planet except for perhaps the Oretti. Underwater arcologies may be a much higher priority to build than you would have ever expected, but it should be a welcome development.
Otherwise it seems the planet of Cantara is in something of a state of contention. The Promethianists have taken the invasion as a clear example of the military expansion needed to protect the Confederation, while the Old Guard has been spurred forward by the effectiveness of more recent diplomatic efforts to advocate for peace and more in line with the growth of their own political power, a detente on any measures to greatly shake up the current political system. While stability may be rather valuable, you doubt the two factions are going to be able to reconcile their differences any time soon, but at least they seem focused on tearing themselves apart and not the state.
PR-01: 4
Ceriox: 1
Maximilian: 1
Sila: 2
Sister Amara: 1
Grachis Fal: 1
One Assignable Martial Action
One Assignable Diplomacy Action
One Assignable Stewardship Action
One Assignable Learning Action
One Assignable Intrigue Action
The Promethenists are Loyal and Powerful
Influence and Satisfaction are neither increasing nor decreasing.
Current Agenda: Attacking the Old Guard in parliament.
The Amaran Clubs are Satisfied and Influential
Influence and Satisfaction are neither increasing nor decreasing.
Current Agenda: Building up funds and resources for a freighter Squadron.
The Old Guard are Loyal and Influential.
Influence and Satisfaction are slowly decreasing.
Current Agenda: Attacking the Promethenists in parliament.
The Realmers are Satisfied and Insignificant.
Influence and Satisfaction are slowly increasing.
Current Agenda: Investigating Warp Entities this turn.
Capital: 4 (stocks) + 85 (generated)
Sila's Prognostications: Our isolation shall soon be ending.
Explore Vareena V: Vareena V meanwhile was only partially habitable during the days of the Confederation. Terraformed to make way for yet more prisoners its inhabitants are more than likely entirely alien, and of the most violent sorts as well. Being a superplanet its gravity is quite strong and those who might yet live here are sure to be fierce.
DC 70
Used Techs: Xenology
Effects: Locates surviving populations on this planet and features of note. Critical success will find all possible populations and features.
Fabricate Android Regiments: Far more suited to the work of warfare than your average human, an Android regiment would likely be your best bet for increasing your military strength on the ground. Well suited to warfare in most conditions, they'll be flimsy but hard hitting. Most importantly, you should be able to manufacture near limitless numbers of them as long as you can source the materials for their construction. Updates to military goods sourcing have rendered them far more effective as light infantry than previously.
DC 60
Used Techs: Weaponry, AI.
Requirements: 3 Capital
Effects: Creates an Android Infantry Unit at tier 3.5. Has higher wounds count than humans do, but may be lower quality.
Fabricate Combat Automata: Varying from humanoid giants to serpentine scouts, the category of combat automata is somewhat ill defined aside from their origin as military robots larger than an android and smaller than a walker. In general most have actual quality armor and weaponry that makes the laser equipped masses of the militia seem quaint by comparison, with various sorts of weak shielding being commonplace. While they lack the unique psionic capabilities of many organic species, their lightning fast reflexes, adaptive forms and networked existence allows them a number of advantages on the battlefield and they make for an effective base of infantry action.
DC 100
Used Techs: Weaponry, Armor, AI.
Requirements: 10 Capital
Effects: Creates a Combat Automata Unit at Tier 3.5. Has higher wounds than organic units of the same type but may be lower quality.
Fabricate Light Walkers: Light Walkers are best known for their common assignment to colony worlds, where their powerful capabilities and modular designs make for useful industrial tools in time of peace, and power weapons in times of war. What they lack in heavy weaponry they make up for in speed and utility, and are altogether better at manuerving in uneven terrain than most other non-walker vehicles.
DC 120
Used Techs: Weaponry, Armor, AI.
Requirements: 20 Capital
Effects: Creates a Light Walker Unit at Tier 3.5. Has higher wounds than organic units of the same type but may be lower quality.
Fabricate a Heavy Walker: Miracles of the battlefield, heavy walkers are the greatest ground weaponry developed by mankind and her allies. In essence they are voidships in miniature, capable of deploying shields, conducting long range bombardment or even deploying areas of altered gravity, though most gravitic manipulation tends to be just used to prevent such walkers from sinking into the earth. The Castigator-class autonomous bipedal weapons platform is the mainline unit of heavy walker deployment, though it is not the only type.
DC 140
Used Techs: Weaponry, Armor, AI.
Requirements: 30 Capital
Effects: Creates a Heavy Walker Unit at Tier 3.5. Has higher wounds than organic units of the same type but may be lower quality.
Establish Cantaran Armies: With access to tens of million more inhabitants that can be hired from Cantara the idea of drafting the refugees has been set aside as they have much more valuable use in aiding the Cantarans modernize. Thankfully many of the Cantarans have significant military experience and the showing against the Eldar has granted us a near limitless supply of volunteers who desire to prove themselves, at least compared to your existing military equipment production.
DC 40
Used Techs: Weaponry
Requirements: 2 Capital
Effects: Creates a Mixed Human / Alien Infantry Unit at tier 4.
Establish Combined Arms Regiments: While the heaviest vehicles available to the military are almost entirely controlled by automated intelligences and deploy mostly as a vanguard, the common infantry vehicle or tank still functions with significant organic support and does the dirty work of mopping up problems that more specialist walker and automata units cannot.
DC 80
Used Techs: Weaponry, Armor
Requirements: 5 Capital
Effects: Creates a Combined Arms Unit at Tier 4.
Fabricate Fighter Squadrons: The smallest component of any fleet is its fighters. So small as to not be warp capable they generally act as interceptors and bombers against larger fleets and tend to be held in reserve around a planet or within a larger ship's hangers, often in the hundreds or thousands. They may often pack a punch but they simply lack the room for good shielding or other more complicated machinery.
DC 60
Used Techs: Weaponry, Voidcraft, AI
Requirements: 3 Capital
Effects: Creates a Fighter Squadron Unit.
Fabricate Escorts: The bread and butter of any fleet, the humble escort varies in capabilities and equipment by role and type. Overall they tend to be small, quick and hard hitting for their size. While most of your current hull designs are either ancient or reworked civilian designs they should still function well with updated components as frigates and destroyers.
DC 90
Used Techs: Weaponry, Armor, Voidcraft, Warp Manipulation, AI
Requirements: 30 Capital
Effects: Creates an Escort Unit.
Fabricate Cruisers: The cruiser meanwhile generally functions as medium sized fleet support vehicles. Most are not quite large enough to support more than one capital grade weapon but have comparable maneuverability to that of an escort class vessel while being large enough to sport reasonably powerful shields and launch bays for fighters. A useful component for any fleet. Much like your escort designs they are old and antiquated in design however.
DC 130
Used Techs: Weaponry, Armor, Voidcraft, Warp Manipulation, AI
Requirements: 150 Capital
Effects: Creates a Cruiser Unit. Takes 5 years to build.
Convert the Research Base into a Military Installation: The base on Vareena IV makes for a fine installation, but it will need to be repaired to be anything more than a salvage operation. With its hidden facility and preexisting reinforcements it could be a rather fit ground for stationing your military for training and development. For now it would likely be rather out of the way, but once the natives of this world are contacted they could supply its needs of resources and soldiers.
DC 120
Used Techs: Infrastructure, Materials Science
Requirements: 15 Capital
Effects: Creates a piece of infrastructure that allows you to build and upgrade more advanced ground military units and which can be further upgraded to provide multiple different benefits such as super-soldier creation. Given existing infrastructure this base is best equipped for experimentation into Psionics and Biology.
Repair the Prometheus: The Prometheus is one of the largest and most powerful ships built by human hands. However, thousands of years of decay and damage have rendered you barely functional. With the drydock back in working order you can now get around to remedying this problem and restore the rest of your systems to working order. While it pains you to have to replace some of your components that you have spent so long maintaining, not having to worry about dozens of kilometers of compromised structures and equipment would allow you to operate much more effectively and efficiently. Anyone alive within you would likely also appreciate having a guarantee that the life support is fully functional and not running on the components of your old stripped down repair bay.
DC 120
Used Techs: Voidcraft, AI, Weaponry, Armor
Requirements: 5 Capital
Effects: Repairs the Prometheus in the Drydock. Repairs 1 wound per action spent, 2 on a critical. Repeatable.
Expand the Ministry of War: The War Ministry is rather lacking in the experience of modern war. With more funding and training you should be able to expand their base of support and supply much further and ensure that the people in the Ministry are ready for the dangers of this galaxy.
DC 50
Used Techs: Social Science
Requirements: 5 Capital
Effects: The free Martial action provided gains +5 to any roll that is made with it. Can be Done until the total bonus on this action is +50. Currently +0.
Explore the Cantaran Deep Sea: The deep sea is a unique environment to this planet, as it is on every ocean world. While there seems to be generally less secrets to explore than you might have liked, the full seabed has never been fully explored, not even by the Xakathri. Perhaps it holds answers to the history of the people of this world, either that of the Xakathri or the exiles of humanity and its allies.
DC 100
Used Techs: Xenology, Biology
Effects: Investigates points of interest. ??? Otherwise.
Explore the Unknown Wreck: In the southern hemisphere, near some of the islands of the archipelago is a crashed starship which has been lost under the waves in an aquatic trench for thousands of years. Without the aid of the Xakathri it likely would have never been discovered, as its position deep beneath the waves makes scanning it or its emissions impossible even for your advanced intelligence suite. With it seemingly rendering the trench lifeless there's certainly something wrong with the vessel and it'd be best to investigate sooner rather than later.
DC 150
Used Techs: Xenology, Voidcraft
Effects: Investigates the ship. ??? Otherwise.
Commission Equipment Upgrades: While most of the Old Confederations equipment is now accessible to you, not all of it is yet deployable, and not all of it is up to your exacting specifications. Older equipment could be upgraded to current standards, while newer experimental designs that aren't in mass production may be worthwhile to adopt as standard equipment once confirmed effective. From ships to power armor it would be greatly worthwhile to ensure a consistent standard of quality.
DC Unit production DC x 2
Used Techs: Same Techs as selected Unit type.
Requirements: Selected unit type to upgrade, capital equal to half of their production cost, rounded up. Must be of a unit type you can build.
Effects: Upgrades unit types base prowess and the prowess of all existing units of that type. May grant research in some of the relevant tech categories. May grant other benefits, especially when upgrading a unit type to their maximum base prowess.
Orbital Defense Platform Foundations: The closest thing one might find to a fortress in space, ODP are the basis around which most planets are fortified. While the largest examples on Earth were part and parcel of the orbital plates, the planned platforms in Vareena are to be much lesser creations, but with powerful shields and guns for lesser craft to hide behind in the thick of conflict.
DC 140
Used Techs: Weaponry, Armor, AI.
Requirements: 50 Capital
Effects: Creates infrastructure that grants bonuses to fighting off invasions of Canatara or other planets.
Begin First Contact: You have direct evidence of human and alien life in this system. It is high time to make your introductions and find out what these people are like. Trade and diplomacy are key to the establishment of civilization in this frontier.
DC 50
Used Techs: Social Science, Xenology if applicable
Requirements: Must be done during or after a planet is explored. May apply to multiple planets or civilizations at a time, but must have a hero assigned per civilization or planet.
Effects: Will attempt to begin first contact with any civilizations encountered during this turn or any previous.
Invade a Civilization: States will invariably find themselves at war. This is something you're personally not too fond of, but something rather clear also. Having gathered enough information on a planet or civilization to know of their dispositions you may choose to resolve whatever contradictions that exist between the New Confederation and them by force of arms.
Requirements: Units will need to be assigned to this action alongside whichever heroes dispatched to begin the war.
Effects: Starts a war against a specific contacted planet or civilization.
Influence the Population: The inhabitants of the New Confederation have taken to a variety of new paths of life and have a multitude of new dreams for the future. With a light or heavy touch you could influence them towards a specific societal direction, though they are not as easily swayed as they once were.
DC 80
Used Techs: Social Science, Xenology
Effects: May influence your population in a specific direction. Write in for the specifics.
Expand the Ministry of the Exterior: The Ministry of the Exterior is relatively well equipped for a diplomatic corps, but they can always use more negotiators and diplomats, whether to help soften blows between the conflicts of local cities or to meet and greet alien empires. Few organizations will make a better impression of your civilization than the Ministry will, and keeping them well funded will ensure that.
DC 50
Used Techs: Social Science
Requirements: 5 Capital
Effects: The free Diplomacy action provided gains +5 to any roll that is made with it. Can be Done until the total bonus on this action is +50. Currently +0.
Speak against or for a Faction: The New Confederation has born with it a democratic system. While you have significant weight in your position you are no king or emperor. If you seek to disempower or empower those with political power in your society you will need to do so as an orator, not a dictator. Call what friends or allies you have in the parliament to attack or aid your selected faction and they help, or they may hinder.
DC 70
Used Techs: Social Science
Effects: Reduces or increases Selected Factions Influence and Loyalty. May backfire.
Accept the Draxan Annexation: Draxa is perhaps the only superstate of Dreioch willing to become a province of the Confederation. While it is unfortunate that the other states seem to distrust us and our goals, if the Draxans are gung ho for citizenship it would be a win-win scenario for everyone. That they're also perhaps the most ideologically similar to our government helps as well.
DC 70
Used Techs: Social Science, Xenology
Requirements: Mutually exclusive with "Treaties with Dreioch".
Effects: Annexes the superstate of Draxa, may inflame tensions with other inhabitants of Dreioch. Will increase taxes by a lump sum and per turn. Grants access to actions to build on Dreioch. May grant new hero units. Increases Promethionist Influence.
Treaties with Dreioch: Turning down the offer of integration for a plan that would work with all inhabitants of Dreioch is a plan that will come with many upsides and downsides. It is clear that the superstates are rather unwilling to lose their own sovereignty even if it might cost them decades of centuries of development. While this is an understandable position to take, given the inherent value of independence, you do wonder if mere treaties of tech transfer, trade and the like will truly bind them to the New Confederation.
DC 100
Used Techs: Social Science, Xenology
Requirements: Mutually exclusive with "Accept the Draxan Annexation".
Effects: Unlocks actions to trade with Drioch and said routes will increase in value over time. Allows actions to diplomatically integrate all superstates of Dreioch over time. Increases Amaran Club and Old Guard Influence.
Begin Asteroid Mining: While you don't have the infrastructure to autonomously extract resources, moving asteroids into your hangers and processing them into their constituent materials through your STC systems is a rather simple and well practiced affair for you. It's certainly inefficient compared to simply producing them on a planet or moon, but it's all you can do at the moment to produce useful industrial supplies.
DC 50
Used Techs: Materials Science
Effects: Produces 2d8 capital. Criticals will double the number of dice rolled. May be done multiple times.
Repair your Warp Drive: When the great storms began you were thankfully exiting the Warp. Despite this you only barely escaped and were severely damaged as you did so. A few thousand years more of flight at sublight speeds allowed you to survive and repair somewhat, but you'll need to fully repair your drive if you want to travel to other systems again safely.
DC 60
Used Techs: Warp Manipulation
Requirements: 3 Capital
Effects: Allows you to use travel actions.
Build more Stone Class Intelligences for Yourself: While the Stone class androids are in general inferior in mental capabilities to other classes of AI intelligences or humans, they are very useful. You have far less operating within you at the moment than you did when you first set out and their presence is greatly missed.
DC 80
Used Techs: AI, Industry
Requirements: 3 Capital
Effects: Will increase the number of operating Stone Class AI androids within you by about 50k per action. Will unlock the ability for PR-01 to engage in ground based actions at a severe penalty. Penalty will be reduced and unique actions for PR-01 gained as you reach 150k, 300k, 500k androids onboard.
Rebuild onboard sensors: While most of your sensors are still functional, a number of your onboard sensors have had to be cannibalized for parts over the years outside of your core systems. Rebuilding them is of relative priority to ensure your crew isn't up to no good and to make sure you have a proper understanding of what's going on inside of you. Given your massive size it's going to be arduous work, but its best to have it be done before you fight Orks or other vermin which could infest your less trafficked hallways and rooms.
DC 80
Used Techs: AI, Industry
Requirements: 5 Capital
Effects: Will re-enable your sensors. Unlocks a free action for PR-01 each turn that may be used to surveil, interact with or influence a population within you.
Lay down Arcology Foundations: Your population is mostly living in semi-rural villages connected by basic road networks as of the moment. This is fine for an initial colony, but not for the future. The second largest island in the chain is volcanically dormant and in your estimations largely safe from natural disasters. An arcology should be constructed here to serve as both a capital for your people and a potential fortress during conflict. You will not fill the living spaces in this arcology for a long time with your current population, but its benefits would be worth it even now. Fabricating the resources necessary for its creation with your current capabilities would take a very long time to complete but it is possible.
DC 80
Used Techs: Infrastructure, Armor
Requirements: 8 Capital
Effects: Will create a piece of infrastructure that provides planetary population with a safe haven during invasion. Prevents civilian losses during fights in the system and will provide extra tax base growth over time. May provide other benefits as the population becomes remotely able to fill its halls. Has multiple stages. Can be built multiple times per planet.
Build Cloning Facilities: Cloning presents a handy way to both use the research data from the military installation and to increase the current population of the refugees to more sustainable numbers. Many may be unnerved by the process that will produce copies of them, but so long as familial ties are recorded it should serve as a useful way to spike the population upwards while colonization is undergoing.
DC 70
Used Techs: Infrastructure, Biology
Requirements: 5 Capital
Effects: Will create a piece of infrastructure that increases the tax base and population every turn. Allows for the recruitment of cloned units, both normal and blank. Has a 1% chance each turn to create a new hero unit.
Construct more Civilian Androids: While more Stone Class androids could be useful for the military, bolstering the mechanical population within the civilian sector could also be wise. Varying from mere automated devices to near-sapient helpers, the Stone Class androids should be able to significantly increase civilian economic production while minimizing hours wasted on chores and basic life requirements. Labor and relaxation time should be maximized to allow for effective development and a high standard of living. That it would continue normalizing your population to having AI around them is yet another benefit.
DC 30
Used Techs: AI
Requirements: 2 Capital
Effects: Will increase tax base and population as a small lump sum. Repeatable.
Subsidiary Industrial Zones 4/10: Few other locations on this planet are as well suited for a full STC installation as the island you have already scoped out, but the large populations of the city-states do present an innately useful resource for basic industrial production. Establishing dedicated extraction, refining and manufacturing assemblies for local resources, production and consumption will limit the strain the population will have on general resource consumption.
DC 60
Used Techs: Infrastructure, Industry
Requirements: 5 Capital
Effects: Creates a piece of infrastructure that provides 3 Capital production per turn. Repeatable and can be upgraded to a max of 30 Capital per turn.
Fabricate Freighter Squadron: Cargo haulers vary massively in size with many approaching the size of battleships while others are smaller than most escorts. Regardless, they tend to be mostly empty space for storage and cost a fraction of what they would for a ship of their size. While you can't build the largest ones one at a time with your current capabilities you can construct the important bits first and then fabricate the many empty hangers and loading bays. Once it's all finished, it is simple enough to fuse these parts together, though much slower than building them in a proper shipyard and liable to create points of weakness in their frames. The smaller ones are at least easier than any ship of their size, needing little more than engines, loading equipment and life support.
DC 90
Used Techs: Warp Manipulation, Voidcraft
Requirements: 40 Capital
Effects: Creates a Freighter Squadron Unit. They can be used for Planetary or system to system trade. You can generate trade capital this way with the amount of capital it can generate per turn varying by route. Trade routes may also generate heroes and artifacts from time to time.
Fabricate Colonization Ships: While there remains two more habitable worlds to be brought into the fold in Varenna, it may be much simpler diplomatically to start expanding beyond Vareena's solar system. You'll probably want to figure out which nearby systems might actually have life in the first place before sending civilian ships their way, but fabricating new colony ships is at least an option for now.
DC 100
Used Techs: Warp Manipulation, Voidcraft
Requirements: 20 Capital
Effects: Creates a Colony Ship Unit. They may be used for the settlement of worlds independent of the Prometheus's location.
Expand the Drydock into a Shipyard: While the drydock is a very useful asset, it lacks the space for true spaceborne industry. If you are to service a fleet or produce larger scale ships you will simply need to build the drydock into the base of a proper shipyard station. Battleships are the most durable common ship class and would make for a good base to any stellar fleet.
DC 120
Used Techs: Voidcraft, Infrastructure
Requirements: 40 Capital
Effects: Upgrades the drydock to allow for the construction of multiple ships at once. Allows for the construction of battleship class vessels. Reduces ship capital costs and build time for all ship types. Can be upgraded further.
Planetary Communications: While you're still somewhat far off from redeploying the Noosphere into common use, nearly all of your equipment is hampered by not having networks available for machines to communicate over. Establishing links between every city and settlement should prove reasonably easily with them under your wing and provide significant benefit. From personal communications to linked battle-nets for your soldiers and their weapons, almost everyone stands to benefit from further terrestrial communications.
DC 80
Used Techs: Physics, Infrastructure
Requirements: 5 Capital
Effects: Creates a piece of infrastructure that gives +5 to all rolls made on Cantara by its inhabitants. Internal Enemies will also gain this +5 to their rolls. Reduces DC for "Reconstruction of the Noosphere".
Expand the Ministry of Economic Development: Managing and running the vast state economy is a job that requires vast amounts of manpower and expertise. Filling these posts with qualified and experienced personnel will allow for a far greater ability to develop the economy in a managed and beneficial direction.
DC 50
Used Techs: Social Science
Requirements: 5 Capital
Effects: The free Stewardship action provided gains +5 to any roll that is made with it. Can be Done until the total bonus on this action is +50. Currently +0.
Salvage Infected Cruiser: The cruiser that assaulted Vareena has thankfully been reduced to little more than wreckage now, but it still holds a multitude of questions ranging from its original purpose in traveling here to determining what exactly the monster that infested it was. Little has been answered conclusively about it other than its origin amongst an originally human population.
DC 100
Used Techs: Voidcraft, Social Science
Effects: Investigates the ship. ??? Otherwise.
Expand orbital infrastructure (1/10): Existing stations in Vareena are working hard to supply the vast amounts of resources needed to supply the shipyard and other space infrastructure to a satisfying extent. While the construction of Cantara's space elevator ahead of schedule remedies this partially and has reduced the need for most complex equipment to be produced in space, there is no greater source of raw materials than mining the various entities in this systems planetary plane, and they will be much easier to process with the various new STC installations now reachable by space.
DC 90
Used Techs: Infrastructure, Industry
Requirements: 10 Capital
Effects: Upgrades orbital infrastructure that provides 5 Capital production per turn. Repeatable and can be upgraded to a max of 50 Capital per turn.
Begin the reconstruction of the Noosphere: While some during your era dubbed the creation of the Noosphere to date back to the ancient internet of the 3rd millennium, its existence as a galaxy wide communication network only came into force by the 21st millennium as Warp Beacons made the transit of information over faster than light methods possible and relatively safe, albeit with quite low bandwidth. With the beacon's short shelf life the old Noosphere is more than likely long, long dead but you have the exact infrastructure needed to start building it again. For now it's only likely to be effective within this system but as you explore it should grow alongside your beacon network.
DC 100 (170 for heroes other than PR-01 or who lack a scientist trait.)
Used Techs: Infrastructure, Warp Manipulation
Effects: Allows direct communication between visited systems. Upgrades Warp Beacon artifact to grant further bonuses.
Research Technology: While most of your memories and the most complicated of your STC files are still locked down in quarantine, you've got thousands of scattered STC blueprints and other data files that you could spend time fixing, ranging from complex variants of weaponry that you yourself do not have installed, to the scattered works of humanities thoughts on politics, to the various sorts of analysis on alien phenomena that you once would have documented before your reset.
DC 40 + the next tech level x 10
Used Techs: Whichever chosen
Effect: Researches a tech category of your choice. Will advance tech in that category by two stages if critically successful and by one stage if not.
Examine Databases: The copies of the information from your central database fill a vast collection of drives and storage mediums that you have hidden away safely. Almost all of its contents have been reduced to gibberish or are heavily encrypted but with work you should be able to make it mostly legible. It will take years to fully update your current information with your old documents, but it should be worth it.
DC 80
Used Techs: AI, Social Science
Effects: Slowly whittles away at your old storage. Will grant 1d4 stages of research in technologies below tier 4 with the exception of Psionics. Repeatable.
Examine Duplicate Memory Cores: Within the duplicate cores you had Amara create you have a vast wealth of knowledge and memory from your days traveling amongst the stars. In its current state you'll have to sift through it carefully for errors and corruption, but it might offer quite a bit of solace to your lost mind.
DC 80
Used Techs: AI, Social Science
Effects: Slowly whittles away at your old memory banks. May grant new traits and will increase your stats by 1d6 points randomly split between each mental stat. Repeatable.
Learn of the Aeldari Gods: While the relationship between humanity and the Aeldari has long been dominated by a cold war, with cycles of detente and aggression, humanity has learned a fair amount about their culture, mostly from Craftworld traders. Most notably among them was their immensely powerful psychic nature and the very real manifestations of their gods that ability could create. With humanity now opening to the Warp like them it might be worthwhile to dive into their divine relationships and to understand how these manifestations of the Warp worked for the Eldar and how they might manifest for psychic humans.
DC 70
Used Techs: Psionics, Eldar
Effects: Grants an introduction to the Aeldari Gods and spirits and how the Eldar use them. Increases Eldar and Psionics research by 1 stage.
Examine Eldar Equipment: The personal equipment of these Eldar seems to have changed from the usual suits of heavy armor they wore during the time of the Empire. However these lighter suits are still fine pieces of work that can likely teach you even more about how to make good power armor, and to upgrade your own current power armor STC's.
DC 100
Used Techs: Eldar, Armor
Effects: Grants research stages in Armor and Eldar tech.
Examine the Eldar Fleet Remains: While your obliteration of the Eldar frigate left very little in the way of scrap to be examined, the smaller shuttles and fighters that you left drifting about in the system are another story. With it being the first non-human ship design you'll be analyzing and of high quality build, there's a wealth of information you can learn from their capabilities and design. Dark matter weapons especially intrigue you given you have a fair amount of experience with the manipulation of dark matter for energy production, like for your own somewhat antiquated main reactor. While you frankly lack the expertise and understanding to fully recreate your own components it should prove rewarding to investigate the fundamental basics of its utilization.
DC 150
Used Techs: Eldar, Weaponry, Voidcraft, Physics
Effects: Grants research stages in Weaponry, Voidcraft and Eldar tech. May point to the likely origin of these craft and Eldar.
Examine the Webway portals: The webway is the Eldars greatest and most powerful tool. In nearly every conflict between Humans and the Eldar their total domination of this space has allowed them to strike at us from every direction even when we have had the upper hand. Understanding how this realm works is key to preventing the Eldar from erasing any progress that has been made, but you don't even know where to start with this technology. Trying to plug up the portals should at least prove interesting, even if you don't learn much.
DC 150
Used Techs: Eldar, Warp Manipulation
Effects: Will gain insights into the most basic functions of the webway. Grants Eldar and Warp Manipulation research stages.
Testing Facilities: You've begun to run into a number of objects and the like which seem inherently dangerous to store either on populated planets or within your depths. Thus, it seems like a good time to start building a blacksite for research. Hidden away in one of the systems uninhabitable outer planets you have plans to make an easily isolateable and low risk research facility. It should be hard to access for most and so long as it's designed well it should be practically unidentifiable without pre-existing knowledge of its location.
DC 60
Used Techs: Infrastructure
Requirements: 15 Capital
Effects: Creates a research blacksite piece of infrastructure in the outer edge of the Vareena system. You may choose to have one non-production action done in this facility per turn. Further expansion of this site will be available as an action after construction. Completing actions in this site will minimize any potential damage or danger from completing or failing an action.
Digitize Hero: With your ancillary memory cores stabilized and most of your equipment for digitization refurbished with new parts you are once again capable of taking others into your own being. Unfortunately the process is quite lethal in practice, but for those with little time left and much to still do it represents a way for you to grant them a sort of immortality, albeit one where they lose their sense of individuality as they become part of your greater whole. A useful ability for sure, and usable on both friend and foe.
DC 100
Used Techs: AI, Biology, Medicine
Requirements: Requires the Hero being digitized to be assigned to this action, or PR-01 if the hero being digitized is neutral or an enemy in disposition.
Effects: Digitizes and kills the selected hero while granting PR-01 stats in accordance to their abilities. Guaranteed to grant new traits to PR-01 taken from the digitized hero. Grants PR-01 unique actions for every digitized Hero and an additional action point per turn for every two digitized heroes. If PR-01 is in the same system as a dying hero they can choose to digitize them during the event portion of the turn at the cost of temporary stat penalties for the next turn and the predetermined use of one of their actions.
Educate Hero: Even amongst the refugees of your age there are glaring holes in the general knowledge a society or army needs to run. Many are greatly knowledgeable in specific fields that they were previously employed in, but few are truly broad in their experiences and education. Dedicated study of these fields they lack in should prove effective in removing the worst gaps in their knowledge.
DC 50 + Stat which is being improved
Used Techs: Social Science
Requirements: A non-AI hero is assigned to this action.
Effects: Rigorously teaches the selected hero in the selected stat, increasing said stat by 2d4. Ordinary Humans and aliens have a max educational limit of thirty in any stat. May add additional traits on occasion.
Expand the Ministry of Science and Technology: While the Ministry of Science and Technology is rather hands off with their operations, more capital and manpower allocated to their work should still aid them greatly and make the work of codifying and verifying information and technology a much easier prospect.
DC 50
Used Techs: Social Science
Requirements: 5 Capital
Effects: The free Learning action provided gains +5 to any roll that is made with it. Can be Done until the total bonus on this action is +50. Currently +0.
Applied Psionics: With your understanding of the function of the warp growing it is time for you to begin applying this knowledge in new and likely dangerous ways. While up to now you've largely been studying the fundamentals it is now time to use this understanding to do more than simply expand your knowledge of the immaterial.
DC 150
Used Techs: Psionics, Warp Manipulation
Requirements: 5 Capital
Effects: Unlocks further Psionics and Warp Manipulation related research actions and enables production of basic psionic weapons.
Ship-Sight: With the ever rising concerns of Psionic corruption by rogue warp entities and the increasing amount of worrying knowledge you continue to gain on the warp, it is clear that to fulfill your duties to the best of your ability you must develop capabilities to detect and observe the warp beyond the very basic measures that your currently have. Currently your greatest observational abilities are limited to detecting if there is a warp entity within your frame or to detect when you are in the warp and the intensity of the warp currents upon which you travel. Your wayfinder protocols use this to navigate multiple efficient and safe but short warp jumps in lieu of long navigator-aided strides. Developing the ability to do so yourself better would grant you immeasurable benefits. It will take an exceptionally large amount of effort to even bring this to a safe prototyping stage, however.
DC 500
Requirements: Only PR-01 may take this action.
Used Techs: AI, Psionics, Warp Manipulation
Effects: Will grant PR-01 and possibly other AI the ability to detect the presence of the warp and its creatures. Unlocks action to upgrade AI ships to significantly extend travel distances and increase travel speed. ??? Effects otherwise.
Examine the Horned Ones: The dead inhabitants of the cruiser are a strange people. While clearly human they have drifted reasonably far from baseline humanity and have taken on a number of animalistic traits, alongside their seemingly uniform litheness and androgyny. You suspect they may simply be a genetically modified isolate population, one of a generally more mutated source than the sort living on Canatara. Fringe populations that modified themselves to their own culturally defined sub-species were not unheard of in your time after all.
DC 150
Used Techs: Biology, Cybernetics, Psionics
Investigate Hero: With such a short time the refugees have been awake aboard you they are frankly strangers to you. While you don't think they're hiding anything of great importance, it's within your duties to ensure that all those onboard you will be safe and sound, and part of that job involves knowing all the dangers everyone onboard might present. Investigating their leaders is likely to be the most important job, both to ensure that you know who you're dealing with on the job and to make sure they're not leading their people astray.
DC 50
Used Techs: Social Science, Xenology or Psionics if applicable
Requirements: Pick a hero.
Effects: Will learn unknown hero traits. Will reveal the hero's connections to outside sources.
Investigate Faction: With such a short time the refugees have been awake aboard you they are frankly strangers to you. While you don't think they're hiding anything of great importance, it's within your duties to ensure that all those onboard you will be safe and sound, and part of that job involves knowing all the dangers everyone onboard might present. Investigating the general population is a much longer and grander task, but is more likely to find wreckers and those who wish you ill.
DC 80
Used Techs: Social Science, Xenology
Requirements: Pick a faction (Realmers already investigated.)
Effects: Will reveal population loyalty and beliefs. Will reveal the population's connections to outside sources.
Expand the Ministry of the Interior: The Ministry of the Interior has already proven itself a wonderful tool in investigating crime and ensuring justice is properly administered. Further investments into their Ministry should ensure that their ability to continue doing so is maintained or possibly even enhanced.
DC 50
Used Techs: Social Science
Requirements: 5 Capital
Effects: The free Intrigue action provided gains +5 to any roll that is made with it. Can be Done until the total bonus on this action is +50. Currently +0.
Investigate Entities: Now with some idea of what to expect from the various strains and types of warp entities it should be possible and rather important to keep an eye on their invokers or followers within the Confederation or elsewhere. Hopefully you'll catch most before they become a problem.
DC 100
Used Techs: Psionics, Social Science
Effects: Investigates for evidence of existing or growing warp corruption from a specific strain of creatures. May occasionally grant insight into these beings.
Surveil the General Population: While you don't intend to abuse your position in government, the importance of catching plots and problems before they occur is something that has become increasingly important to do and which will grow yet further in importance as more land and people join the Confederation.
DC 80
Used Techs: Social Science, Xenology
Effects: Will observe the general population for plots, problems and malign influences. Less effective than looking for a specific entity or faction but more likely to uncover mundane issues.
Spy on Other Powers: While you cannot reach some of the planets and civilizations you know of, it is still worthwhile to attempt to gather what information you can about those you can. With a bit of guile and technological aid, it should be possible to infiltrate most normal-ish civilizations.
DC 80
Used Techs: Social Science, Xenology
Effects: Will spy on another civilization to gain a deeper understanding of their capabilities, history, beliefs and tech level.
AN: This took a long time, my bad. I feel like a lot of the numbers are still off here and I'm not super sure of half of what I wrote here but I wanted to mostly get this out the door and get the quest back up and going again. To experiment with things I'm going to try having a four hour moratorium on this main post, aside from that it's good to be back even if it took a while to get this out the door and if it does still kinda feel unfinished to me.