[X]: Plan: Ape Smarter Together

You know what? Fine. If it's a hard-mode we have, so be it. We're at the peak of humanity's understanding in most areas, and if we can get our nation up and rolling quickly, then we might just be able to take out the different threats as they come. It's still M29, after all, so if we can beat the Orks, the Contender, and the like, while continuing to tech/build up, then yes, we can thwart the Great Crusade.

And given how the rules say tech levels give a scaling bonus to everything? I think we definitely can do this.
I am going to bring this up with you two as well, I would suggest Social Science at lest rank 2. As it would help dealing with other races, and helping keeping our own people feeling good.

I swapped out voidcraft for another social science, since we're apparently already at max voidcraft

It isn't going to matter, though. Too many people have voted for the pacifist option. I think it's a mistake to go heavy diplo in 40K.

Most factions can't be reasoned with, after all.
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I swapped out voidcraft for another social science, since we're apparently already at max voidcraft

It isn't going to matter, though. Too many people have voted for the pacifist option. I think it's a mistake to go heavy diplo in 40K.

Most factions can't be reasoned with, after all.
Expect we aren't in 40k. We are in 30k, where diplo was a option a lot. As well as the fact it is how you build up allies.
Expect we aren't in 40k. We are in 30k, where diplo was a option a lot. As well as the fact it is how you build up allies.

You won't be able to diplo Emps, he's a megalomaniac who has to have everything his way or else.

You can't diplo Orks because they only want to fight.

You can't diplo Eldar because Dark Eldar are insane cruelty junkies and Craftworld Eldar are all chessmasters who will only agree to work with you if they can secretly use you to advance their own ends.

The Rangdan are omnicidal and the Slaugth only see others as slaves.

Of the minor factions we could diplomance, the Interex are on the wrong side of the Galaxy and the Diasporax are isolationists who just want to be left alone.

It isn't a good strategy without massive changes to the setting.
[X]: Plan: Ape Smarter Together
[X]: Plan: Ape Smarter Together + DIPLOOOOO
- [X] Xenophilic
- [X] Empathetic
- [X] Innovative
- [X] Diplomatic
- [X] Infrastructure (x2, Lv4)
- [X] Biology (x2, Lv3)
- [X] Medicine (x2, Lv4)
- [X] Psionics (x1, Lv1)
- [X] Physics (x1, Lv4)
- [X] Materials Science (x2, Lv4)
- [X] Warp Manipulation (x2, Lv4)
- [X] Weapons (x1, Lv4)
- [X] Armor (x1, Lv4)
- [X] Social Science (x1, Lv1)
- [X] Industry (x2, Lv4)
- [X] Cybernetics (x1, Lv4)
- [X] Xenology (x3, Lv4)
- [X]: In the sights of an Emperor
- [X]: Viral Origin
- [X]: The Eldar, Darkly
- [X]: Legacy of the Old One
- [X]: Da Best der evah Woz
- [X]: Contender

this is the exact same as the orginal plan except it goes all in on diplo related options for our traits
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You won't be able to diplo Emps, he's a megalomaniac who has to have everything his way or else.

You can't diplo Orks because they only want to fight.

You can't diplo Eldar because Dark Eldar are insane cruelty junkies and Craftworld Eldar are all chessmasters who will only agree to work with you if they can secretly use you to advance their own ends.

The Rangdan are omnicidal and the Slaugth only see others as slaves.

Of the minor factions we could diplomance, the Interex are on the wrong side of the Galaxy and the Diasporax are isolationists who just want to be left alone.

It isn't a good strategy without massive changes to the setting.
And you miss out about the whole factions that Emps had to diplo to join his side. Because this is 30k, and there are way more then what your talkin about. And your also missing the whole point of some traits with the Eldar bit. OP has said big alliances are passible, OP wouldn't say that if what you were saying was true.
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And let's not forget most worlds joined the Imperium out of desperation to get protection from all other threats, the AI 's new nation can offer not just protection but also a better life where abhumans aren't persecuted, having psyker powers is not a sin against nature, freedom of religion(as long as it's not Chaos or involves sacrificing babies of course), being non-human is not a crime and would be able to live in luxuries that were lost in DAOT.
Certainly beats processing people into Servitors because they are too squeamish on using robots or work 24/7 just to get the money to eat corpse rations of all things.

[X]: Plan: Ape Smarter Together + DIPLOOOOO
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And you miss out about the whole factions that Emps had to diplo to join his side. Because this is 30k, and there are way more then what your talkin about. And your also missing the whole point of some traits with the Eldar bit. OP has said big alliances are passible, OP wouldn't say that if what you were saying was true.

Possible doesn't mean optimal or likely. Possible just means there's a chance.

I think it's a mistake.
On that note, do you follow the 0-rule for warhammer scale? Aka add a certain number of zeroes to the number of soldiers in a conflict depending on what force it is. Because otherwise I am fairly sure a proper empire could flatten a half dozen canon-sized legions and not really care all that much.
For land forces yes, though for space forces no. In general the Space Marine Legions while fairly tiny on a galactic scale are supposed to be mostly untouchable super-soldiers. I think its fairly reasonable that they generally are quite effective mainly because in most situations in which the legions appear they generally seem to have space dominance which makes a small surgical force make sense. But yeah generally Imperial Army equivalent forces in the galaxy are going to be fielding armies in the size of millions commonly. Only super soldiers get the general pass of being allowed to be small units. Higher tech and more specialized roles will generally reduce the expected number of soldiers in a unit though.

There's a discord? Regardless, a coalition would be more diplomacy than social sciences. If we were rebuilding a governmental system sure, but alliances are more a diplomatic thing. Unless the discord had informed you it's been folded in. In which case I'll consider changing some things around.

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Check out the PoptartProdigy Discord community on Discord - hang out with 936 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.
Link to the discord, if you'd like to take a gander. I've just been posting a bit in the #other-quests tab.

Generally social science is designed to be useful, and is probably the most commonly applicable tech for diplomatic actions and a fair share of government related stewardship actions. Xenology would also generally be useful for diplomatic actions but applicable more in learning actions rather than stewardship.

Also to note: Drydock is good but it doesn't unlock tier 3-4 voidcraft immediately. With it you will simply have to take half the actions that you would otherwise to improve that tech up to tier 4. Generally you will still need to commit time and resources to unlocking higher level AI and voidcraft tech simply because of all the STC's you'd carry those are likely by and far the most complicated and most prone to significant damage by data corruption. Whether or not those might have been targeted specifically is something you'd need to find out in quest.
Expect we aren't in 40k. We are in 30k, where diplo was a option a lot. As well as the fact it is how you build up allies.
To clarify: Big alliances are absolutely possible but they aren't necessarily something that will always be stable. Aliens can turn to chaos as easily as Humans can or backstab you when it suits them. They may also be your most steadfast allies who will take massive losses for your sake. I intend to have internal and external politics be fairly malleable in this quest and to note, there is going to be a lot of civilizations both human and alien in the galaxy at this time other than ones mentioned in canon. The quest will be starting about twenty years before the great crusade so a majority of the galaxies alien population is still alive, both the nicer ones and the bastards like the Rangda.

Might take a while to find civilizations in the ghoul stars. Lots of empty ruins to colonize and investigate though.
Timeline Clarification
[X]: Plan: Ape Smarter Together

You know what? Fine. If it's a hard-mode we have, so be it. We're at the peak of humanity's understanding in most areas, and if we can get our nation up and rolling quickly, then we might just be able to take out the different threats as they come. It's still M29, after all, so if we can beat the Orks, the Contender, and the like, while continuing to tech/build up, then yes, we can thwart the Great Crusade.

And given how the rules say tech levels give a scaling bonus to everything? I think we definitely can do this.

To note: the initial post having m29 as the start date was a spelling mistake due to me not checking when the great crusade started.

The intent of this quest is to be starting shortly before the crusade. I would advise taking that into consideration.

Edit: Further looking into my sources it also doesn't help that Lexicanum lists the Great crusade as starting in late M29 in some sources and late M30 in others. I'm just going to make the statement that the canon in this quest is that its the M30 case now and that the Emperor has been unifying Terra for about a thousand years now, starting from scratch shortly after Slaanesh was born. The Thunder Warriors were first made about two centuries ago and massively quickened unification. The Primarchs were first made at the start of this century and arrived at their planets either within the last decade or will arrive some time into the future (the warp is a mess when it comes to time). The Space Marines are beginning to be made in proper numbers now and the Palace Coup where the last of the Thunder Warriors were finished off and the Space Marines made their first proper showing has only just happened in the last decade. The last Terran vassal states are being folded into the nascent Imperium now and the Solar system is beginning to be assimilated. You'll be behind the Imperium in some regards and ahead of them in others, but you'll likely be stepping out in the greater galaxy at around the same time but on opposite sides.

Any further information on what the Imperiums up to will need to be found out in the quest.
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This also brings an idea that since the Ghost Stars have a lot of space for colonization we may be able to turn it into like a sanctuary for all humans and aliens who are running away from the Imperium once the Great Crusade starts.
The closet Primarch is Konrad Curze people we may have a chance to stop the Night Haunter. A chance that is a maybe but it could be worth it.
Eh I'd rather not focus a lot on trying to take him out let him be another thorn in the emp side unless he comes after us then of course go whack him
Eh I'd rather not focus a lot on trying to take him out let him be another thorn in the emp side unless he comes after us then of course go whack him
No no, you missunderstand. We are close enough he is going to be our issue. Because he was young when he was found in the late 800's which means he was temporally displaced. Which may lead to ah events.