The Followers of PR-01:
Total Population: 120k~ DAOT Refugees, Slightly more than a hundred million natives.
Held Systems: Vareena (Taxes: 5 per turn. Will increase to 17 once the natives are integrated.)
Capital: 7 in stocks, 20 total produced per turn.
Orbital Stations: A basic string of stations sit between the habitable worlds of this system, allowing for the transfer of materials from their moons to the planets and back again. They're nothing special but they can process a fair bit of material themselves.
Effects: Produces 5 capital per turn.
Orbital Drydock: A mighty, if simple civilian grade ship drydock. Dating back to your own Era, its had some fixes to keep it functional, and much of its structural portions have had to be replaced.
Effects: Allows for the manufacture or repairing of ship based units in Vareena.
STC Industrial Zone (Cantara)(1/3): The shell of an industrial STC has been finished. While it lacks much of the capabilities of a fully functional STC in processing at scale, it still retains the atomic level of precision necessary to construct the equipment of your age. With further expansions it will become an industrial center of truly grand scale.
Effects: Produces 5 Capital per turn. Reduces construction costs and DC's.
Basic Medical Infrastructure (Cantara): A string of biomedical and cybernetics clinics across the world of Cantara has lead your people back into the age of modern medicine. While for now its still rather basic and lacks the highly complex infrastructure for better treatment, the general level of medical services is equivalent to any other early colony you would find in your era.
Effects: Adds 1 tax and an amount of population growth per turn. Hero lifespans extended by a decade. Dying Heroes will now make a death save once they reach 0 wounds to attempt to survive.
Cantaran Shipping Infrastructure: A series of massive harbors have been established between each of the cities of Cantara. Ships clad in metal move vast swathes of resources to every inch of the planets surface every day, and cleanly with their fusion powered engines. Once sufficient infrastructure exists to move resources up to space and back to the ground, these ships will spread the resources of the galaxy among your citizens.
Effects: Produces 3 Capital per turn. Allows for trade routes to be established between this planet and others once a space elevator has been constructed and a freighter unit is available.
Agricultural Automation: Under the AIMSSC nearly all food production on the planet of Cantara has been automated. Aside from monitors and technicians nearly every single agricultural and aquacultural operation is currently being serviced by machines. While this has resulted in the jobs of most Cantarans now being replaced, they would be significantly more productive doing just about anything else than subsistence farming anyways.
Effects: Adds 1 tax and an amount of population growth per turn. Half of tax income is produced as Capital by this infrastructure per turn. Famine events unable to trigger on Cantara or worlds it has a trade route with.
Human / Alien Mixed Infantry (Tier 1): In agreement with your negotiations with the city-states, you've come into the possession of a levied military force from each of their cities. Overall their organization is quite poor and the weaponry on display varies from the most simple wood and steel spear to the basic laser rifles you have granted to those you have a greater degree of trust in. You've got a couple of the colonists with military experience leading them as an impromptu officer corps for now. They won't fight off a proper enemy, but some soldiers is better than none.
Effects: Basic ground unit with +10 to its combat rolls.
Your current population is little more than an unorganized mob of survivors. Mostly Human, the main alien species amongst them are the Laer kinsmen of Captain Ceriox, a number of Drahken empaths from the Realmers, some of the pacifistic and spiderlike Oretti, a fair few Sza, Some Ulindi and many Vrakk. There are a fair few more aliens, but not in numbers enough to be notable. Having landed on Vareena III they have begun to settle themselves somewhat.
Amongst the native population the most common species are humans and a number of avian and mammalian aliens. You don't have an exact identity of their species yet, but between your damaged archives and some quick cultural analysis you could likely get a better eye for who they are. For now the native Cantarans are united under the firebrand Grachis Fal, a divisive but popular choice amongst their people.
The Realmers: A syncretic and universalist creed, the Realmers are the smallest but most influential faction due to their extensive education and technical skills. Dedicated to humanitarian work they are pacifistic and seek to unite the galaxy in a common religion, and to a lesser degree, a common set of pacifistic ideological beliefs.
The Traders: The traders under the command of Captain Ceriox are an eclectic mix of people. They have rather few uniting beliefs or creeds among them other than the guiding hand of their captain and their family connections. Most have originated from Earth, though there are some from the northern end of the galaxy as well. More than likely they will assimilate into another group once the pillars of their communities fade away.
The Viridians: Various members of the old appointed government of Viridia, they represent something of a colonial elite, though not all those who fled were part of the government apparatus. Overall they are a reasonably united block under the leadership of their former governor.
The Cantarans: The various native inhabitants of the world of Cantara date back to its status as an old penal world. While they have long moved past that into an age of mercantile city states, they now are united in a rather loose manner under your government. While they are technologically primitive, that status is being worn away at as you aid in their modernization, and in the long term will likely be the base of your peoples culture. Thankfully for now they're largely happy with the state of things, but that may change as circumstances alter the relations between themselves and your colonists.
Nation Traits:
Legacy of the Vega: You started with the HCS Vega under your protection. The resolute survivors of this ship will be the strong foundation under which this nation will be founded.
Effects: Started with the heroes Sila Amanis, Maxamillian Shaw, Ceriox Z'azz and Sister Amara. Psionics research will advance at two stages per success, rather than 1.
Legacy of the Drydock: You started off with the remains of a mighty drydock within your possession. It requires retrofitting but it is still a mighty creation of a now lost age.
Effects: Starting wounds reduced. Voidcraft and Infrastructure research rolls gain a +10 bonus. Voidcraft research will advance at two stages per success, rather than 1.
Meritocratic Council: While the government of the refugees is still largely undefined, it has a council of your leading followers who have mostly been selected for their qualifications and the trust the refugees put in them. Unrefined it still is, but you no longer need to devote a portion of your attention to simply keeping them in order.
Effects: Hero units will be easier to acquire and will appear more often. Allows for "establish ministry" actions to professionalize certain aspects of your burgeoning society and which will grant extra action points that can be used by heroes in each category.
Technology Levels:
Tech Name | Tech Level and Bonus |
Voidcraft | 2, +20 (11 stages until next level) |
Infrastructure | 4, +40 |
Biology | 3, +30 (19 stages until next level) |
Medicine | 4, +40 |
Psionics | 1, +10 (5 stages until next level) |
Physics | 4, +40 |
Materials Science | 4, +40 |
AI | 2, +20 (14 stages until next level) |
Warp Manipulation | 4, +40 (24 stages until next level) |
Weapons | 4, +40 |
Armor | 4, +40 (24 stages until next level) |
Social Science | 1, +10 (9 stages until next level) |
Industry | 4, +40 |
Cybernetics | 4, +40 |
Xenology | 4, +40 |
Ecology | 1, +10 (9 stages until next level) |
Anti-Psionics | 1, +10 |
Xenotech Levels:
Ancestry Type | Tech Level and Bonus |
Eldar | 1, +10 |
Temporary Modifiers:
The next research in the Materials Science category will grant two research stages instead of one.