The other rolls have been made. One other critical success because apparently Maximilian refuses to not roll well when it comes to building industry with a 99. No failures, though you got close.
Oh boy. I think we don't have to worry about unemployment for the Cantarans. And with all the other successes, we have 4/5 Ministries in place, the nobility have been pretty firmly shut down, and we can unleash the Great Modernization on Cantara next turn.
First off:
Holy crap my plan won!


The other rolls have been made. One other critical success because apparently Maximilian refuses to not roll well when it comes to building industry with a 99. No failures, though you got close.

If Maximillian gets enough crits with infrastructure projects can he get a new trait? Like Industrialist or something that gives bonuses to that? Because that'd make sense really.
Adhoc vote count started by Blackangel on Jan 13, 2024 at 7:18 PM, finished with 62 posts and 26 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Continue the Golden Age
    -[X] Establish the Ministry of the Exterior (Ceriox) [-5 Capital]
    -[X] Revolutionary Organization (Grachis)
    -[X] Begin Asteroid Mining (PR-01)
    -[X] Subsidiary Industrial Zones (Shaw) [-8 Capital]
    -[X] Modernize Centers of Learning (Shaw — Ministry) [-8 Capital]
    -[X] Observe and Train Sila's Capabilities (Sila & PR-01)
    -[X] Learn of Warp Corruptions (PR-01)
    -[X] Establish the Ministry of Science and Technology (PR-01) [-5 Capital]
    -[X] Assimilate the Bourgeoisie (Sister Amara) [-5 Capital]
    [X] Plan: Viva La Revolution (with psionics prep)
    -[X] Martial
    --[X] Continue Exploring Vareena III (DC 50) (Silia)
    -[X] Diplomacy
    --[X] Revolutionary Organization (DC 50) (Grachis)
    -[X] Stewardship
    --[X] Begin Asteroid Mining (DC 50) (PR-01)
    --[X] Modernize Centers of Learning (DC 70) (Free Action: Sister Amara) (-8 Cap)
    --[X] Subsidiary Industrial Zones (DC 65) (Maximilian) (-8 Cap)
    -[X] Learning
    --[X] Decrypt Psionics Records (DC 150) (PR-01) (Sister Amara)
    --[X] Learn of the Controllers (DC 80) (PR-01)
    -[X] Intrigue
    --[X] Investigate Hero (DC 50) (PR-01)
    ---[X] Maximllian
    --[X] Assimilate the Bourgeoisie (DC 50) (Ceroix) (-5 Cap)
    [X] Plan: Viva La Revolution (with psionics prep) (and screw the nobles)
    -[X] Martial
    --[X] Continue Exploring Vareena III (DC 50) (Silia)
    -[X] Diplomacy
    --[X] Revolutionary Organization (DC 50) (Grachis)
    -[X] Stewardship
    --[X] Begin Asteroid Mining (DC 50) (PR-01)
    --[X] Modernize Centers of Learning (DC 70) (Free Action: Sister Amara) (-8 Cap)
    --[X] Subsidiary Industrial Zones (DC 65) (Maximilian) (-8 Cap)
    -[X] Learning
    --[X] Decrypt Psionics Records (DC 150) (PR-01) (Sister Amara)
    --[X] Learn of the Controllers (DC 80) (PR-01)
    -[X] Intrigue
    --[X] Investigate Hero (DC 50) (PR-01)
    ---[X] Maximllian
    --[X] Circumvent the Nobility (DC 50) (Ceroix) (-5 Cap)
    [X] Plan: Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité
    -[X] Establish the Ministry of the Exterior (Ceriox) [-5 Capital]
    -[X] Revolutionary Organization (Grachis)
    -[X] Begin Asteroid Mining (PR-01)
    -[X] Subsidiary Industrial Zones (Shaw) [-8 Capital]
    -[X] Modernize Centers of Learning (Shaw — Ministry) [-8 Capital]
    -[X] Observe and Train Sila's Capabilities (Sila & PR-01)
    -[X] Learn of Warp Corruptions (PR-01)
    -[X] Dive into Personality Matrix Research (PR-01)
    -[X] Assimilate the Bourgeoisie (Sister Amara) [-5 Capital]

Voting is now over. Results are being written, rolls for psionics training will be made.

First natural critical of the quest, that'll be interesting to figure out.

Oh it's better than that:

21+100+10 (Psionics) + 31 (Combined Learning) + 15 (Eccentric) + 15 (Innovative) = 192 for a DC of 70

That is both a Natural and an Overflow Critical Roll. For an action that requires and only uses two specific heroes. They both Critted.

Honestly probably the most consequential critical you have gotten yet. Well, that'll be interesting to figure out.

You've got plenty of options that aren't broken or breaking the setting:

- Sila gets fully trained in a year.

- PR-01 upgrades Innovative so that it works on Warp Manipulation/Psionic actions.

- That hidden trait of Sila's that had her train on her own gets upgraded into something that isn't harmful like her Stubborn trait got upgraded into Strong-Willed.

- PR-01 gains the trait Illuminated, either by upgrading Eccentric into it or just gaining it as another trait, which can only be gained in 40k after one forces a daemon out of their body trough willpower, which we did on Turn 2, and this trait renders one Immune to Warp Corruption and only that, so PR-01 soul can no longer be claimed by the Warp in general not just the Chaos Gods in particular and it? doesn't need Gellar Fields to exist safely in the Warp, but Soul Annihilation is still a fate that can befall PR-01.

This would render PR-01 specifically immune to corruption from the Warp and no one else since all the trait does is allow the soul that has it to treat the Warp as if it was the Sea of Souls again. You can't share this trait with others and the only way to train others in it is to first have them be possessed by a Daemon of the Warp and expel it trough willpower.

- We complete the action Learn of the Controllers with no further expenditure since that action is specifically noted to increase the effectiveness of psyker training.

She would be attracting a lot of daemons to her if she was alpha plus or even just alpha or beta. She's a powerful psyker but you'll figure out the exact grading during the results. The training is more about reinforcing her ability to use her powers without bad things happening and figuring out what the hell her specialty is.

So was Strong-Willed supposed to get an upgrade from this action even without the critical roll(s)?
It is also possible that the negative eccentric effect is activated

No. The negative side of the Eccentric trait:

Eccentric: The virus has caused your mind to become prone to changing and evolving in a way that it seemingly wasn't able to do previously.
Effect: Multiple Unique actions unlocked. +15 to researching, utilizing or understanding the warp. - 15 to resisting warp related effects. ??? New effect added. The negatives are eliminated in cases where your systems are being infected by warp entities due to improvements in your anti-viral capabilities

is only activated when resisting warp related effects. What is there to resist in a training action? Like if it was a bad enough failure sure, but we just had a critical success.
The other rolls have been made. One other critical success because apparently Maximilian refuses to not roll well when it comes to building industry with a 99. No failures, though you got close.

Hey @NotCaligula I've been thinking about this second critical and well:

Assimilate the Bourgeoisie: Much like the early societies of ancient Earth, the move towards a proto-capitalistic economy has created a mercantile middle class. While their efforts at seizing real power are essentially nonexistent against the strong noble houses that dominate the cities and countryside, they have a deep animosity against their very existence and they benefit by and far the most from our newly settled presence. By tying them further into our grasp they will become willing citizens of our new state and should provide a powerful new class of traders going into the future. Key to any operation in turning them to our side will be the enforced dominance of the middle class as the only legal traders of goods from the city-states to the archipelago, and generous support legally for their disputes.
DC 50
Used Techs: Social Science
Requirements: 5 Capital. Must be done before turn 8. More effective the earlier it is completed.
Mutually exclusive with "Circumvent the Nobility"
Effects: Weakens the political position of Grachis. Undercuts the power of the nobility. Increases tax income once "The Great Modernization" is completed. Encourages cooperation and Cantaran cultural influence in the civilian sector. Lowers DC for the "The Great Modernization" action substantially.

-[X] Assimilate the Bourgeoisie (Sister Amara) [-5 Capital]

Sister Amara is doing the Assimilate the Bourgeoisie action so can Maximilian just use his connections to her to have this Action on which he critted:

Subsidiary Industrial Zones: Few other locations on this planet are as well suited for a full STC installation as the island you have already scoped out, but the large populations of the city-states do present an innately useful resource for basic industrial production. Establishing dedicated extraction, refining and manufacturing assemblies for local resources, production and consumption will limit the strain the population will have on general resource consumption.
DC 65
Used Techs: Infrastructure, Industry
Requirements: 8 Capital
Effects: Creates a piece of infrastructure that provides 3 Capital production per turn. Repeatable and can be upgraded to a max of 30 Capital per turn.

Automated so that we get an increase in Capital per Turn until we hit the 30 Capital maximum?
Turn 5, Results and Events
Establish the Ministry of the Exterior (Ceriox)
DC 40
79 + 10 (Tech) + 14 (Diplomacy) + 5 (Hero of the North) = 108. Success

Ceriox has led a highly effective effort at creating a diplomatic corps for Cantara this year. Given his own experiences in the act of diplomacy he seems to have some rather strong ideas as to how they should function as a body and the importance of preemptive diplomacy, but this is likely to the benefit of the Ministry of the Exterior as times press on. Thoroughly implanting their own jobs into the heads of the many orators that he has hired has proven a harder prospect, largely in part to the somewhat bellicose political culture that many of these Cantarans grew up with. The various scions of the Earthian traders meanwhile seem to take to his commands a bit too quickly, and seem to lack a bit of a spine in comparison to the Cantarans.

Given the origins of the participants much focus is also given on negotiations with component nations of your slowly forming federation of cities. While it's nowhere near as complicated as the work of negotiating with full member states of the old Confederation, doing the work of internal diplomacy provides a rather important bit of experience for training them up from being the most green of greenhorns. Additionally, efforts have been made by Ceriox to ensure that the Ministry is operating in a rather bottom up fashion, with the various diplomats generally choosing their assignments and positions required for their work through communal decision making. A strong base for the institution as it develops, you're sure.

Effects: Ministry of the Exterior is created. 1 free diplomacy action assignable per turn.

Revolutionary Organization (Grachis)
DC 50
40 + 10 (Tech) + 16 (Diplomacy) + 14 (Revolutionary Theoretician) + 10 (???) = 90. Success.

Much to the chagrin of the greater nobility, Grachis has led a wholesale takeover of most instruments of government from them. While it has been mostly peaceful, the red clad soldiers of the revolutionary hero have presented an inherent threat that stands towards those who opposed their work. Most cities, especially those of the newer settlements lacking a large noble class have accepted this new age with enthusiasm and a whole swathe of the planet has had new elections this year, creating a legion of allies for Grachis.

The initial federation of islands and cities that has formed from this policy has begun to work far more closely with your settler government, and both are working on a proper constitutional order and legal system for this rapidly emerging new nation. It will take some time past this year to see its creation complete, but for now they work happily under the new order and that is enough.

Not all cities however were as willing to run headlong into the arms of Grachis as the poorer among them. Amongst the great cities of the old blocs the work of convincing, threatening and bribing the various classes took up a vast majority of Grachis's time, especially amongst the old bloc of Sargo. Thankfully even these proud old cities simply don't have the resources to truly oppose Grachis and your followers anymore on a military front, and they have largely spent their time this year scrambling to secure their power legally rather than killing members of the revolutionary army. While your forces aren't quite up to snuff against any real military, as your encounter with those eldar slavers showed, against nobles in steel plate or levies with barely a crossbow to their name they will almost certainly win. With their backs broken militarily and their legal status only barely tolerated under the new elected governments they are near guaranteed to fade away with time, though they might very well attempt to take as many of your followers with them as they do.

Overall things stand in a tense but manageable position, and near every new province you have gained is being integrated better into your government than they had previously. The Cantarans have gained an increasingly good opinion of you and yours with this cooperation and the lowest classes of Cantaran society have been destroyed and their members elevated to the level of common citizenry. Few slaves will ever willingly wear their chains again, and it is to that militant grasp for freedom that Grachis has steered your new figurative ship of state. Even should the nobles rebel now you have the opportunity and capability to destroy them, and with likely very little material costs outside of the lives of your soldiers and citizens. If they attempt to flee to the countryside they will be harried by interconnected agricultural monitoring networks and the various security androids designed to keep them safe from animals and thieves. If they try to attack within the cities they will be trapped within the walls against an enemy with aerial superiority and with angry citizens all around them. The nobility may persist in blood and titles, but all that remains of their power and prestige has rotted away in only a scant few years hopefully never to return.

Effects: Nation Trait Revolutionary State acquired. DC for "The Great Modernization" has decreased. Grachis's position fully solidified. Noble revolt prevented.

Begin Asteroid Mining (PR-01)
DC 50
6 + 40 (Tech) + 15 (Stewardship) = 61. Success
Secondary rolls: 7,8

Another year comes, and with it asteroid harvesting. You've begun extracting resources from the outer belts recently and the work has been quite a bit slower than some of your previous expeditions. However, clearly at some point in the history of this system a planetoid was shattered and much of its resources spread out in the outer rings.

After months of effort you return with a vast array of metals that likely were deep in that planet's crust however millions of years ago that it shattered. Plenty of resources to fuel your peoples ever growing needs for material and metal.

Effects: 15 Capital gained.

Subsidiary Industrial Zones (Shaw)
DC 65
99 + 80 (Tech) + 22 (Stewardship) + 15 (Governor) = 216. Critical Success

Once again Maximilian has dedicated himself to supreme efficiency in his efforts to build this world up into a proper industrial power. He has spent the last year building a vast array of industrial sectors in each of the major cities on this world, assimilating pre-existing goods producers into design boards while leveraging the power of the STC and the landless masses of Cantara to assemble vast factories, mines and refineries across nearly every island.

Having also built a large number of industrial settlements along with the industrial zones the problem of near overpopulation of the cities has become significantly less of an issue, though it will take time for the commoners to become used to the work they are now doing. Thankfully most of them are acting in simple easily explained roles now, with the hardest work generally automated. There remains significant amounts of work to yet be completed, but the basics of civilization, metal refining and textile production, are well underway. Further expansion of the civilian sector should provide significant gains as value adding industries come into being to replace artisanal production thoroughly.

Effects: Two stages of Subsidiary Industrial Zones have been completed. Overpopulation problem of the cities is now declining and rural communities have been largely reestablished. Maximilian acquires the trait "Infrastructure Magnate" providing +10 to his rolls with the infrastructure tech type.

Modernize Centers of Learning (Shaw - Ministry)
DC 60
25 + 30 (Tech) + 22 (Stewardship) + 15 (Governor) = 92. Success.

Overall Maximilian thought the noble art of creation was something rather well suited to him. Sure, most of his previous work had been dedicated to the ever sharpening blade of government efficiency, but these last few years of designing new cities, settlements and infrastructure was something that simply called to him in a way that improving cereal production couldn't. There was a delightful ability to simply see improvements materialize in front of one's eyes that shipping ever more food to Earth lacked.

Thus when it came to establishing a proper system of education for this world he accepted the job with gusto, hoping that the social changes he would be able to create would be an even more enjoyable rush of artistic satisfaction. Overall after a year of work alongside his rural settlement plan he was unfortunately somewhat disappointed. While the general work of literacy and such was an easy enough task to set about correcting with thousands of new schools teaching the basics of language, literacy, science and mathematics. Such students probably wouldn't be the brightest citizens, but would be more than educated enough to man most jobs and who would only require the use of limited hypno-implantation therapy in the future to acquire requisite knowledge for any job available.

The second task he went about finishing was to give the supposed universities of this world the capabilities to call themselves actual centers of learning through the production of as many holopads as he could order and the uploading of as much paper texts as he could manage. The resources he worked with constrained his goals greatly and by the end of his time revolutionizing the natives tiny lives he had brought their centers of learning to a level equivalent to that of a remote colony. They wouldn't be designing new war walkers or anything especially complicated any time soon, but at least they would have the resources to do so in the future. Teaching them to abandon foolish beliefs in spirits or bodily humors provided a much harder prospect, but would ideally at least be easier to quash as time went on.

At least the new university he built for the colonists was turning out well, and providing educational dividends as the various civilians amongst the refugees, who were in the midst of their education, finished their degrees and had themselves honored as the first truly educated generation this world had produced.

Effects: Basic levels of education provided across Cantara. Expand ministry decisions now available. Political position of Grachis continues to strengthen as his allies gain access to education. With some sort of official educational system established, heroes now may be educated through a new action.

Observe and Train Sila's Capabilities (Sila & PR-01)
DC 70
21+ 100 + 10 (Tech) + 31 (Total Learning) +15 (Innovative) + 15 (Eccentric) = 192. Double Critical Success.

Teaching Sila to use and understand her powers was not an easy experience. She clearly still feared her powers and the damage that they could inflict on others, but through specific training and proper discipline such fear seems to have abated. Doing so in a shielded room where she wouldn't suffer from any outside whispers or stray thoughts seems to have been key to establishing this discipline, as she seems now untouched by the influence of outside factors in her use of psykery.

The initial portion of the training was largely dedicated to you and her testing the bounds of her power in basic tests that were recommended by the documents you've been following. For the most part it seemed to be generally focused on establishing a thread of experience for which the psyker might use their powers without drinking of them too deeply and a number of tests to determine the fields in which their powers excelled.

In Sila's case she is clearly incapable of effectively engaging in telekinesis, telepathy or dynakinesis. She can understand their functions and how to use them, but she simply seems to lack the right mindset for their use. However, when it comes to divination and especially biomancy she truly came into her own. While her skill in divination only seems middling, and mostly focused on predicting threats before they arrive, she is deeply comfortable in this use of her powers and seems very capable of understanding when her visions are telling the truth or are lying, even if they are mostly rather short term. Her skill in manipulating organic matter meanwhile seems peerless. While she didn't understand the science behind the changes she was making, you were able to have her shift organic matter seamlessly into different forms and she had changed your test plants into a number of previously extinct species simply through general descriptions of how they should be changed.

It is fascinating and impressive in equal measure so you dived deeply into the recommended training, first mastering the various ways she might alter the flesh of other beings before eventually trying basic manipulations of her own flesh. Whenever you've had the time you have been dumping essentially all the knowledge you have of biology into her mind and with this she has grown in leaps in bounds, able to manipulate the specifics of cellular biology as well as she might shape wood in specific directions of growth.

Throughout this process you have spent an inordinate amount of time diving into the equipment described for the use of psykers in the records. Most of them seem to have been ungainly pieces of equipment that at best replaced significant portions of the subjects spinal cord with psychic machinery. Given Sila's specialization and the rapidly approaching possibility of her simply changing her entire body with biomancy, such large pieces of equipment would not do. Thus you scrapped their entire design outside of its general function and redesigned it about twenty times before settling on an ingenious solution that is custom fitted to her form. Using nanites that bind to her nerves, blood cells and synapses you've granted her a sort of internal morphing cybernetics that grant her a significantly better understanding of her exact biological state, faster reaction speeds, reduces her need for sleep and production of biological waste almost entirely, provides increased neural capacity which can act to amplify her powers by mental command. They are essentially only capable of being implanted into someone like Sila who has a remarkably good understanding of biomancy and who seems to actually see cybernetics and technology positively, but they might be useful for creating more advanced versions of the original technology as well in the future. Conveniently they also provide multiple other benefits that once might be associated with neural implants like the ability to access communications networks through a mental link and specifically with these nanites providing freely creatable attachment points for other mechanical systems that Sila might use. Further refinement of these nanites will need to be done as you understand the warp more, but given their self replicating nature and your ability to upload new schematics to them it should mostly be tied to design more than anything else.

You gifted it to her on her twentieth birthday this year, alongside a number of other smaller gifts like some sweet foods she prefers and ever since she's been rather enraptured with her testing her powers even further, transforming into all different shapes and sizes of organic being and demonstrating that she would likely make for a very terrifying spy were she to try her hand at it. In the very least it has shown you a great deal about the ways that Psionics may interweave with technology, and you've gotten Sila to the point of being a trained psyker in the exceptionally short period of a year.

Effects: Sila has shown her capabilities as a Gamma-grade psyker with a specialization in Biomancy. Sila has demonstrated a minor capability in divination and will occasionally warn of approaching dangers ahead of their arrival. Biomancy specialization will allow her unique benefits when assigned to any action using biology or xenology tech or in which she is spying. This presents as a +25 to these rolls as well as providing additional benefits on action completion. When Sila is assigned to a biological unit or hero for an action she may allow them to survive combat or damage with 1 wound remaining. Mastery of Biomancy grants biological immortality though she may still die in battle or to other non-aging related effects. +20 to prowess, +6 to learning and intrigue. +2 additional wounds. Strong-Willed is upgraded to Iron-Willed granting +2 additional martial and reducing backlash effects in severity and requires backlash rolls to roll a 1 on a 1d2 to confirm. Sila's Ambitious and Loner trait discovered with extensive time working together.

Psi-Nanites Artifact created and assigned to Sila, providing +10 to her prowess.. This artifact also gives Sila an additional Action per Turn. This artifact lifts human stat maximums and alongside the Ambitious trait will allow Sila the potential to increase her psyker grade in the future. This artifact may be upgraded in the future with higher tech levels in Psionics and Anti-Psionics.

PR-01 gains 2 learning and researches one stage of Psionics research. PR-01's Eccentric trait triggers and is now at +/- 20.

Learn of Warp Corruptions (PR-01)
DC 60
5 + 10 (Tech) + 23 (Learning) +15 (Innovative) + 15 (Eccentric) = 68. Success

Your work into understanding the creatures of the Warp has proven fruitful with examination, but very annoying. While the records of the Corps provide significant knowledge on how exactly these entities seem to form and function as gestalt minds bound to the immaterial realm of the Warp and how that realm can transform thought into form, there seems to be very few specifics as to what these creatures do or how they precisely function. Nearly all of it is conjecture from observations of bound or sealed entities and you're half sure that some of the fanciful descriptions provided are at least partially exaggerated.

The descriptions of each of the strains are at least useful though and provide a lens for identification for the future. Even if they are weak if they're able to possess near anything they could very easily scale in danger, as demonstrated with your temporary war within your frame. The descriptions of the Rot-Decay entities specifically provides as much motivation as you might possibly have to recreate the Panacea and other advanced forms of medicine your STCs can provide as you refuse to let literally memetic diseases to spread within your population. Much like the information you've already established on the Trickster-Schemers you'll be spreading this knowledge around to those qualified to gain the specifics while reiterating the general dangers of the Warp and its function to the general population. Given the potential danger that simply knowing this knowledge supposedly creates any disbursement of the ideas to the general population needs to be clearly censured of any specifics that could lead to fools summoning Warp Beasts as your recent enemy did.

Effects: Rot-Decay and Murderer-Warrior strain warp creatures added to known entities. Psionics increased by two research stages due to the "Legacy of the Vega" nation trait.

Establish the Ministry of Science and Technology (PR-01)
DC 40
77 + 10 (Tech) + 23 (Learning) = 110. Success

Organizing the various engineers and scientists of your refugees has proven to be somewhat harder of a prospect than you expected it to be. Many of them seem to have their own ideas of how the Ministry should be structured and you spent quite a while listening to them and their plans while you fabricated the buildings and supplies they required. Eventually you conceded to the consensus and organized the Ministry as mostly a regulatory body, whose job is to make sure that no Confederal laws are being broken during research and that all research is done in safe and ethical ways.

What remaining funds that aren't used for bureaucracy are to be assigned to research projects of state focus and to funding additional bodies in the educational sphere. Overall it is effective enough of a structure, and should prove itself well in the future as the Cantarans and other inhabitants of Vareena are elevated to a modern understanding of science and technology.

Much good should come from their developments here, though your lack of direct political experience does seem to be a bit of a detriment here. The Humans and Aliens you tend to are busy and fascinating creatures and while you work well with some, that is not true of all of them. Perhaps with time and the experience of mind melding with their kind you'll have a much deeper understanding of their lives, but you certainly still lack that now.

Effects: Ministry of Science and Technology is created. 1 free learning action assignable per turn.

Assimilate the Bourgeoisie (Sister Amara)
DC 50
57 + 10 (Tech) + 18 (Intrigue) = 85. Success.

Turning the middle class to the work of societal improvement was an easier prospect than Leena expected, to be quite honest. The peoples of Cantara were in a great period of change and in that radical change they were much more keen to listen to new ideas and perspectives to ground them ideologically and spiritually.

Already many could see the benefits of new methods of production and living, and to her end she mostly acted to adjust them to modern lifestyles by integrating them as seamlessly as she could. In places where artisans were already being replaced by the moving gears of technology she offered them aid in becoming designers, managers and engineers, elevating their work to use modern tools and modern standards while keeping their connection to their crafts alive. In those who plied the waves for trade she used her connections with Maximilian to help get many acquainted with the new trade ships and to work for the fast growing infrastructure of this new state while making some slight legal moves to prevent the upper class to tread in such matters. For those who seek to follow in their ancestors footsteps amongst the stars Leena spent time and effort getting the trader refugees to train them and give what wisdom they had to share.

To keep them united she organized her efforts into the establishment of new social clubs, much in the way the Grachis has been, dedicated to the representation and discussion of their own politics. In time it would likely form the basis of new political parties, but for now they act as the perfect methods through which to attach the fortunes of Cantara to the refugees and through which they might develop their own dominant ideologies and new ways of life.

That it resulted in a lively and enjoyable scholarly environment was merely an added benefit to her success, but one she quite enjoyed in her time in these clubs.

Effects: Tax income will increase by 4 once "The Great Modernization" is completed. The middle class grows in power and prestige. DC for "The Great Modernization" has decreased. Nobility severely weakened as their connections to the traders and bourgeois evaporate. Grachis's position is slightly weakened and the middle class will form a new faction named the "Amaran Club" once turn 8 or the Great Modernization is reached.

Turn 5 Events:


The overthrow of the old order has sent the cities of Cantara into turmoil. For the most part it's being managed, but the order of the current government is very much still in the air. While it's clear that following the near planet-wide elections that the commons have seized their own destiny by electing those who desire to represent them, just as quickly new political factions seem to be popping up with their own beliefs, gripes and ideologies. For now it seems they are dying as quickly as they are born, single issues being combined with class standings, personal dislikes and so on. However the shapes of more organized political parties have begun to emerge and Grachis Fal and his associates have not been lacking in organizing in response to this.

Publishing a manifesto, through both old and very new methods, Grachis along with a good handful of the newly elected archons have called for a completion of the republics' reorganization with further action to be taken to abolish the legal status of the nobility and slavery, nationalization of key assets of most cities to their civil governments and a general legal enforcement of egalitarianism for all Cantarans, whether former slaves or former nobles. Little about this is truly unexpected, but it has led to a formal consolidation of power amongst these archons and their representative on the council. While not legally explicit yet you presume the current show of support will soon crystalize into some sort of party structure, while opponents keen to counteract this development will likely follow suit. While this manifesto and the political sea change it has created will create even more tension following the seizure of power by the commoners, such a united front will likely force any actions taken against these Prometheans to be done carefully, as they have a majority of the cities under their control now.

Among the refugees politicking has begun to escalate as well, though nowhere near as violently or tensely as that of the Cantarans. It seems that with the rest of the world readying itself for representation in government the refugees don't want to be left behind and have already begun to figure out their own political leanings. Ceriox and those of his ideological bent seem to approve of the Prometheans greatly and seek to represent that broad front amongst the refugees as well. Sister Amara and Maximilian however seem more keen to keep themselves affiliated with only the various members of the middle class and traders who they have worked with and which have quite quickly come around to the more technocratic beliefs of the Viridian. Few amongst the refugees seem to support the more reactionary elements of the Cantaran population and in that you are not surprised.

The manifesto itself is a rather enjoyable read you do have to admit, though you're not quite happy with having a political movement you're not too involved in bearing your name. That said, given that the circumstances that led to this effective revolution were caused by you and your followers you can hardly blame them for taking such liberties, especially given how well it can be tied into the exact kind of old myths and histories that have become so popular on Cantara these days. Casting you as a Titan granting humanity fire isn't exactly a comparison you feel comfortable with, but the iconography of fire and red iconography they've taken to certainly is aesthetically compelling.

Effects: Factions will be reorganized once turn 8 or the Great Modernization is reached and a Prometheanist faction is to be added. All preexisting factions will be consolidated into newly emerging factions.

The Plot, Part 2.
While Grachis has been busy with his politicking, the Ministry of the Interior has been busy investigating assassinations and some rather terrible business with the nobles. So far things have remained civil enough, though the rate of murders seems to be increasing. The initial case of murder has at least been solved with the unexpected help of the aid of the local nobility of that city. The Ministry has tied the murder to what seems to be a collaboration on the part of the two former blocs and some of their still living noble members.

While the lesser states that were forced into alliance with them have largely been pacified through the somewhat blunt application of commoner rule it seems the old blocs are still struggling for relevance, now with blades in the dark rather than by legal decree and ship battles. Even with much of their property seized and those forced to work for them gone many still seem to long for their days as the rulers of this world, and some of their craftier or more beloved members have straight up won in their local elections, most notably in the cases of Virect Sayol and Dero Jelik. The numbers they have to oppose Grachis' revolution are relatively meager, but their continued presence may cause significant problems down the line. As of yet no cases have been directly tied to these two, but given their own mustering of the old blocs it's rather clear that the greater nobles are now working as a united front against the commoners and the bourgeois. You still have general control of the world's politics and the means of capital production, but the nobles are rather unwilling to let their class be annihilated by progress.

Choices available:

[ ] End the investigations and consolidate what you have. The nobles while onerous are simply not worth the effort it would take to fully uproot them. Both radicals and commoners will not appreciate such pacifism, but coming to a peaceful understanding will take much less time and effort than doing otherwise might.

Effects: The Old Guard faction forms once turn 8 or the Great Modernization is reached. The Intrigue Ministry will be free for assignment. Violence will decrease as political positions consolidate local power fully.

[ ] Continue the Investigations. Sticking to a consistent legal perspective is likely to be the best bet to simply grab those responsible. Most members of the conspiracy should still be easy enough to track down with the Ministry hot on their heels, while the continuing cooperation of local nobles does perhaps deserve some reward. The radicals and commons will likely accept such an outcome as it still demonstrates their equal rule over their former tyrants and continues existing government precedent.

Effects: Will attempt to reach the end of this matter legally. The Intrigue Ministry will continue to be busy with investigations. ??? Effects otherwise. The Old Guard faction might still form, but might lack the most damaging elements.

[ ] Act on the proof of treason you have and attack them all. They've already made the life of the common Cantaran hell and any who do not abandon their noble rights will attempt to surely continue them in some way or form as time goes on. Better to bloody yourself now than later and few if any of the common Cantarans will truly complain.

Effects: Will attempt to destroy the remaining nobles by force. The Intrigue Ministry will be free for assignment. Will destroy the nobles as a social force and prevent the formation of the Old Guard faction. ??? effects otherwise.

A Hamamet most Beautiful:
While the rest of the world has been bouncing between tension and advancement, the docile Oretti have mostly been making themselves at home on their new island. New Oretta has transformed from wilderness to pacified civilization in record time, the Oretti working with the few human settlers to cull dangerous creatures and microbes.

With such work largely done the Oretti have dedicated themselves to the creation of their first city with all the accompaniments of usual Orettan settlement. While the web filled chasm they have made a city is still a work in progress, the two most important sectors of its metropolis have recently come into an operational state.

The first and most important sector is the hive, a vast series of buildings dedicated to providing the optimal conditions for the maintenance of the fragile eggs of the Oretti and the communal raising of their new generations. While their food supplies are still largely relying on your own production the Oretti have slowly been trying to establish a range of subterranean farms in connection to the hive in order to prepare for the rapid expansion of their population. Already the first few broods of the Oretti have grown their population into the hundreds of thousands which seems liable to only exponentially increase for some time.

The second and more recent construction meanwhile is their first Hamamet, the religious heart of their city. While it currently is a poor imitation of their usual constructions, it seems to have provided some succor to the insect-like Oretti and they have invited you to observe its first use in a coming of age ceremony. Lacking much context to the situation you spent a good part of a month in an Oretti styled quadrupedal android simply questioning their civilians and the rather excited youngsters as to what any of the ceremonies meant. Most seemed to have conflicted with each other in the specifics, but it became rather clear that they are uniquely communitarian compared to humanity. Teachers are as much parents for them as they are educators, and their charges seem to develop in intentionally mixed clutches to separate their very large biological families for obviously wise genetic and moral reasons. You'd hesitate to call them tribalistic given their quite centralized government, but this has provided interesting insights into how biology and societal standards intersect. The ceremonies themselves were pleasant enough, though the feasts that seemed to be a major part of their festivities were something you were unable to enjoy yourself. Perhaps you could build an android that has a proper ability to eat and taste, but for now the delights of gourmet cooking elude you. A shame.

Effects: Rapid growth of the Oretti population has yielded one extra point of tax growth this turn. Observation and comparison of Oretti society to that of humans will grant you two stages of research into Social Science the next time you gain a stage in that research.

AN: A busy week made this a bit delayed, but its out now. Updates to the sheets will be done before the next update, but with my weekend being busy I probably won't get them done immediately. Probably still need to check over this again for inconsistencies given it was written over like 5 days and has only been somewhat edited, but that's a job for later.

Edit: also the vote for what to do about the investigation will conclude Wednesday, and the update should follow around then.
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Turn 5 Changelog
PR-01 went from 23 Learning to 25.

The Followers of PR-01:
Total Population: 120k~ DAOT Refugees, Slightly more than a hundred million natives.
Held Systems: Vareena (Taxes: 5 per turn. Will increase to 17 once the natives are integrated.)
Capital: 7 in stocks, 20 total produced per turn.

Orbital Stations: A basic string of stations sit between the habitable worlds of this system, allowing for the transfer of materials from their moons to the planets and back again. They're nothing special but they can process a fair bit of material themselves.
Effects: Produces 5 capital per turn.

Orbital Drydock: A mighty, if simple civilian grade ship drydock. Dating back to your own Era, its had some fixes to keep it functional, and much of its structural portions have had to be replaced.
Effects: Allows for the manufacture or repairing of ship based units in Vareena.

STC Industrial Zone (Cantara)(1/3): The shell of an industrial STC has been finished. While it lacks much of the capabilities of a fully functional STC in processing at scale, it still retains the atomic level of precision necessary to construct the equipment of your age. With further expansions it will become an industrial center of truly grand scale.
Effects: Produces 5 Capital per turn. Reduces construction costs and DC's.

Basic Medical Infrastructure (Cantara): A string of biomedical and cybernetics clinics across the world of Cantara has lead your people back into the age of modern medicine. While for now its still rather basic and lacks the highly complex infrastructure for better treatment, the general level of medical services is equivalent to any other early colony you would find in your era.
Effects: Adds 1 tax and an amount of population growth per turn. Hero lifespans extended by a decade. Dying Heroes will now make a death save once they reach 0 wounds to attempt to survive.

Cantaran Shipping Infrastructure: A series of massive harbors have been established between each of the cities of Cantara. Ships clad in metal move vast swathes of resources to every inch of the planets surface every day, and cleanly with their fusion powered engines. Once sufficient infrastructure exists to move resources up to space and back to the ground, these ships will spread the resources of the galaxy among your citizens.
Effects: Produces 3 Capital per turn. Allows for trade routes to be established between this planet and others once a space elevator has been constructed and a freighter unit is available.

Agricultural Automation: Under the AIMSSC nearly all food production on the planet of Cantara has been automated. Aside from monitors and technicians nearly every single agricultural and aquacultural operation is currently being serviced by machines. While this has resulted in the jobs of most Cantarans now being replaced, they would be significantly more productive doing just about anything else than subsistence farming anyways.
Effects: Adds 1 tax and an amount of population growth per turn. Half of tax income is produced as Capital by this infrastructure per turn. Famine events unable to trigger on Cantara or worlds it has a trade route with.

Human / Alien Mixed Infantry (Tier 1): In agreement with your negotiations with the city-states, you've come into the possession of a levied military force from each of their cities. Overall their organization is quite poor and the weaponry on display varies from the most simple wood and steel spear to the basic laser rifles you have granted to those you have a greater degree of trust in. You've got a couple of the colonists with military experience leading them as an impromptu officer corps for now. They won't fight off a proper enemy, but some soldiers is better than none.
Effects: Basic ground unit with +10 to its combat rolls.

Your current population is little more than an unorganized mob of survivors. Mostly Human, the main alien species amongst them are the Laer kinsmen of Captain Ceriox, a number of Drahken empaths from the Realmers, some of the pacifistic and spiderlike Oretti, a fair few Sza, Some Ulindi and many Vrakk. There are a fair few more aliens, but not in numbers enough to be notable. Having landed on Vareena III they have begun to settle themselves somewhat.

Amongst the native population the most common species are humans and a number of avian and mammalian aliens. You don't have an exact identity of their species yet, but between your damaged archives and some quick cultural analysis you could likely get a better eye for who they are. For now the native Cantarans are united under the firebrand Grachis Fal, a divisive but popular choice amongst their people.

The Realmers: A syncretic and universalist creed, the Realmers are the smallest but most influential faction due to their extensive education and technical skills. Dedicated to humanitarian work they are pacifistic and seek to unite the galaxy in a common religion, and to a lesser degree, a common set of pacifistic ideological beliefs.

The Traders: The traders under the command of Captain Ceriox are an eclectic mix of people. They have rather few uniting beliefs or creeds among them other than the guiding hand of their captain and their family connections. Most have originated from Earth, though there are some from the northern end of the galaxy as well. More than likely they will assimilate into another group once the pillars of their communities fade away.

The Viridians: Various members of the old appointed government of Viridia, they represent something of a colonial elite, though not all those who fled were part of the government apparatus. Overall they are a reasonably united block under the leadership of their former governor.

The Cantarans: The various native inhabitants of the world of Cantara date back to its status as an old penal world. While they have long moved past that into an age of mercantile city states, they now are united in a rather loose manner under your government. While they are technologically primitive, that status is being worn away at as you aid in their modernization, and in the long term will likely be the base of your peoples culture. Thankfully for now they're largely happy with the state of things, but that may change as circumstances alter the relations between themselves and your colonists.

Nation Traits:
Legacy of the Vega: You started with the HCS Vega under your protection. The resolute survivors of this ship will be the strong foundation under which this nation will be founded.
Effects: Started with the heroes Sila Amanis, Maxamillian Shaw, Ceriox Z'azz and Sister Amara. Psionics research will advance at two stages per success, rather than 1.

Legacy of the Drydock: You started off with the remains of a mighty drydock within your possession. It requires retrofitting but it is still a mighty creation of a now lost age.
Effects: Starting wounds reduced. Voidcraft and Infrastructure research rolls gain a +10 bonus. Voidcraft research will advance at two stages per success, rather than 1.

Meritocratic Council: While the government of the refugees is still largely undefined, it has a council of your leading followers who have mostly been selected for their qualifications and the trust the refugees put in them. Unrefined it still is, but you no longer need to devote a portion of your attention to simply keeping them in order.
Effects: Hero units will be easier to acquire and will appear more often. Allows for "establish ministry" actions to professionalize certain aspects of your burgeoning society and which will grant extra action points that can be used by heroes in each category.

Technology Levels:

Tech NameTech Level and Bonus
Voidcraft2, +20 (11 stages until next level)
Infrastructure4, +40
Biology3, +30 (19 stages until next level)
Medicine4, +40
Psionics1, +10 (5 stages until next level)
Physics4, +40
Materials Science4, +40
AI2, +20 (14 stages until next level)
Warp Manipulation4, +40 (24 stages until next level)
Weapons4, +40
Armor4, +40 (24 stages until next level)
Social Science1, +10 (9 stages until next level)
Industry4, +40
Cybernetics4, +40
Xenology4, +40
Ecology1, +10 (9 stages until next level)
Anti-Psionics1, +10

Xenotech Levels:

Ancestry TypeTech Level and Bonus
Eldar1, +10

Temporary Modifiers:
The next research in the Materials Science category will grant two research stages instead of one.

Sila Amanis
Age 19
A young Human psyker of unknown potential and mostly unknown origin. Seems to have high potential but is severely under educated.

Human: The most common species in the galaxy. Before the collapse of the Human Confederation they could be found in every corner of the galaxy. They have much potential, but most die in obscurity.
Effects: May develop extra traits easier than others. One wound.

Psyker (??? Grade, Untrained): Sila is clearly powerful but you haven't a clue to what degree of power she has, and if she has any special effects caused by this gift.
Effects: +15 Prowess, May develop new traits, unlocks more upgrades for existing traits and unlocks unique actions. Will roll warp backlash effects on critical failures. +1 wounds. ??? other effect.

Strong-Willed: Through a year of training and an already stubborn personality Sila has developed a far stronger capability to restrain herself than she previously could. It will take time to develop but this represents a good level of base discipline for her to begin using her powers responsibly.
Effects: +4 Martial. Reduces average level of danger from backlash effects. Eases Psyker training. Can be further upgraded.


Diplomacy: 6
Martial: 12
Stewardship: 7
Intrigue: 4
Learning: 8
Prowess: 20

APT: 1 available.
Wounds: 2

1 slots available
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Effects: Sila has shown her capabilities as a Gamma-grade psyker with a specialization in Biomancy. Sila has demonstrated a minor capability in divination and will occasionally warn of approaching dangers ahead of their arrival. Biomancy specialization will allow her unique benefits when assigned to any action using biology or xenology tech or in which she is spying. This presents as a +25 to these rolls as well as providing additional benefits on action completion. When Sila is assigned to a biological unit or hero for an action she may allow them to survive combat or damage with 1 wound remaining. Mastery of Biomancy grants biological immortality though she may still die in battle or to other non-aging related effects. +20 to prowess, +6 to learning and intrigue. +2 additional wounds. Strong-Willed is upgraded to Iron-Willed granting +2 additional martial and reducing backlash effects in severity and requires backlash rolls to roll a 1 on a 1d2 to confirm. Sila's Ambitious and Loner trait discovered with extensive time working together.

Psi-Nanites Artifact created and assigned to Sila, providing +10 to her prowess.. This artifact also gives Sila an additional action per turn. This artifact lifts human stat maximums and alongside the ambitious trait will allow Sila the potential to increase psyker grade in the future. This artifact may be upgraded in the future with higher tech levels in Psionics and anti-Psionics.

PR-01 gains 2 learning and researches one stage of Psionics research. PR-01's Eccentric trait triggers and is now at +/- 20.
This is amazing stuff. You weren't kidding about it being the most important crit to date.
Oh boy. I see Maximillian has gotten his trait (did my suggestion have anything to do with that) and that Sila not only has an artifact that would make the ad mech have an aneurysm, but is also a pretty potent biomancer which we should really foster. a second biologically immortal hero would help a lot, especially a psyker. And the potential to raise her rating over time…. She'll never match magnus or Big E, but with enough training I'd bet on her against a Librarian. Especially with the bullshit grade artifact.
All right. Time to do some Capital math.

Stock: Net Spend (-4) + Asteroid Mining (15) = 11.

Income: Between Medical, Agricultural, and the event, Taxes went up from 5 to 8. So that means... Stations (5) + STC I (5) + Shipping (3) + Sub. Industrial x2 (6) + Tax (8) + Agricultural (4) = 31.

Grand Total: 11 + 31 = 42 Capital. We'll have plenty to work with for next turn. I can't wait.
Honestly, we should really start growing our military since things are getting worse internally... also I still hope for the "Investigate Hero" with Sila...
For the investigation I say atleast the middle option.

[X] Continue the Investigations. Sticking to a consistent legal perspective is likely to be the best bet to simply grab those responsible. Most members of the conspiracy should still be easy enough to track down with the Ministry hot on their heels, while the continuing cooperation of local nobles does perhaps deserve some reward. The radicals and commons will likely accept such an outcome as it still demonstrates their equal rule over their former tyrants and continues existing government precedent.
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Well, no. It's been explicitly stated that they do not have the ability to meaningfully resist through military force. There may be reasons to start on the military, but that's not one.
Still though this is 30K Warhammer and we have had a distinct lack of getting fucked over so far. We had good reasons for putting off building a force but I must admit, I'm getting nervous with how good things have been going.
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[X] Continue the Investigations. Sticking to a consistent legal perspective is likely to be the best bet to simply grab those responsible. Most members of the conspiracy should still be easy enough to track down with the Ministry hot on their heels, while the continuing cooperation of local nobles does perhaps deserve some reward. The radicals and commons will likely accept such an outcome as it still demonstrates their equal rule over their former tyrants and continues existing government precedent.
yes we need more military. but outwards.

i think focusing a turn on researching military ships and using the next few turns to get us some defenses would be nice.

for inwards,i would say continue the current investigation. and then give some more focus on defending against scrapcode. afterwards we can make some tech upgrades to intrigue. at least thats my idea.

not a complete focus, but shuffle some priorities