The indomitable human spirit vs a galaxy of angst! A warhammer 40k human god quest.

Atheism seems unlikely to develop in any major way unless we and Chaos stop interacting with people, but you may see people who decide not to participate in worship for one reason or another. Not sure what you'd call that; it's not the lack of belief in the gods, but rather the lack of desire to interact with them.

Well according to TV tropes there is the nay-theist, to one that acknowledge the existence of a God and/or gods, but refuse to worship them.

The Custodes Artorias, sent deep into the Eye of Terror on a Holy quest to stem the tide of Chaos...

(Don't worry, the Emperor gave Sif some scritches before he sent them on their quest!)

Oct 13, 2021
"Flesh withers and dies, metal rust and crumbles, yet the soul or the warrior shall live on forever" - proverb of the fist ascendants, pre-Unification Wars