The Young Xian of the Celestial Realm: Space Cathay 4x Warhammer 40k Quest

posting because i am paranoid

from nighthaunts doc (and yes, its a pac man ghostly adventures reference)

Ghosteroid: Formed from the death of many beings as a result of an asteroid strike, a Ghosteroid resembles a massive sheet ghost of glowing purple darkness with a ring of stellar ectoplasm. Normally extremely placid beings content to float aimlessly in the dark places between systems and between galaxies, a Ghosteroid can be called to a world by a necromancer or by a calling signal designed to summon them. When this happens, any world it hits will be wracked by earthquakes, tsunami's of ectoplasm, and lethal lightning storms. However, these effects are indiscriminate and being spectral is no protection. As such, Ghosteroids are rarely used by the forces of Death.

Despite there natural placidity ensuring that not even the flow of Naghek (Shyish dominated Dhar typically used in necromancy) that follows a Nighthaunt Procession can attract them unless they are specifically summoned, they are still things of undeath and will not diverge from there course unless specifically banished. This has caused the death of more than one world, as its defenders assume destroying the necromancer or smashing the beacon would save their world when in fact it is often the only thing that can stop it. It is worth noting that Ghosteroids are surprisingly intelligent, and are also able to defend themselves. When challenged, a Ghosteroid can open its mouth and unleash a swarm of spaceborn Nighthaunts. And if faced with something that has a real chance of destroying it, the Ghosteroid will attempt to flee, even if it is still being pulled to a planet.
another lore post out of paranoia

this one comes from the druchii eternal kingdoms doc

Black Ark: While the Druchii do not have the migratory lifestyle that defines the Craftworlders, they have grand ships beyond their worlds. The Black Arks are the grandest ships used by the slaves of Malekith. These wraithbone structures are on par with a small Craftworld and are both more mobile and more conflict-ready. These ships have many void defences and countless smaller ships defending them. In addition, each is accompanied by many void beasts broken by the Druchii and even swarms of minor warp spirits such as the Rephalim and shadow beasts.
another lore post because i'm paranoid

from the golden revenants doc

Golden Revenant: The true Golden Revenants are those Men of Gold who, after the Men of Stone destroyed their power bases, accepted the deal of Settra and the surviving Nekaharan Gods. Each is a gold covered skeleton bedecked in finery more suited for a palace than a battlefield, with even those few who wear armor typically favor style over functionality. And this is ultimately what makes the Golden Revenants such a lesser power in the grand scheme of things.

Each Golden Revenant was one of the Men of Gold, vapid CEO's dedicated to hedonism and greed above all others. Rather than let this power be taken from them by the Men of Stone, they threw tantrums that only became wars because of the sheer amount of resources at their beck and call. When driven from their places of refuge they found the newly arrived Settra and the ragged few gods of Nekahara that escaped Nagash's hunger and the destruction of Mundus.

As much as proud Settra and the other gods of Nekahara despised and still despise these selfish brats, they are also the only viable pawns they can get. They seek to topple Nagash from his black throne and place Settra upon it to rule all that is, and so they swallow their hatred and allow the Golden Revenants their delusions. Any positive qualities these plutocrats may have had has withered away by thousands of years of exposure to Naghek. They stagnated long before Naghek ever touched them, never building or creating anything real or lasting. Each stylizes themselves as the last true aristocrats of the Dark Age of Technology, but they are nothing more than pretentious and vapid parasites.

The Golden Revenants allow no others to climb to their heights, the best their minions can become are mere Paymasters. This makes each Golden Revenant an irreplaceable loss. This combined with the fact that they have less combat skills than a basic servitor means they should by all rights pose no threat. But that is not the case, as they always come behind hordes of minions, and they have weapons and shields either born from both the height of the Dark Age of Technology and the blessings of Nekahara, making them near invulnerable on the battlefield.
I shudder to imagine what would happen if one of them figured out how to replicate the Emperor's armor.
I shudder to imagine what would happen if one of them figured out how to replicate the Emperor's armor.
as far as i know they can't. mostly because it was made by the Emperor himself, and the golden revenants are nowhere near his level.

also, this is just a personal thing, but why did no one like the zohar? i am damn proud of them. i made the golden revenant description after watching a video about Far Zenith and thinking "Damn, this fits the golden revenants, i should use this to pitch them". The Zohar are entirely my own creation
I hope my research ideas will be incorporated. I think we could use what they could give.

Still haven't heard from the qm about those.
as far as i know they can't. mostly because it was made by the Emperor himself, and the golden revenants are nowhere near his level.

also, this is just a personal thing, but why did no one like the zohar? i am damn proud of them. i made the golden revenant description after watching a video about Far Zenith and thinking "Damn, this fits the golden revenants, i should use this to pitch them". The Zohar are entirely my own creation

How does their stuff compare to Auramite? Because I can see them loving the idea of covering their dudes in not just gold, but SPECIAL GOLD.
Question. What are the odds that the Imperium getting as far as it did was at least partially Neocho supporting it because of the state-sanctioned atheism? Same with the Tau in current times?
Question. What are the odds that the Imperium getting as far as it did was at least partially Neocho supporting it because of the state-sanctioned atheism? Same with the Tau in current times?
My Headcanon is that in the Great Crusade Neocho was firmly in the winning position of the Great Game like how chaos gods typically are upon first actualiszing. As for the Tau, they have a god in the Tau'va, which protects them from Neocho.

The true answer is up to Spartakrod
The Chaos Gods are all born out of excessive and self-destructive permutations of concepts that are taken to extremes harmful to the building of a collaborative society. Neocho's chief thing is doubt taken to unreasonable extremes. Doubting people for no good reason, arbitrary scepticism simply because you dislike someone on the face of it, willful denial of what's put in front of you because it doesn't align with your own preconceptions. Neocho did feed from the Imperial Truth, but specifically from the fact that it couched itself in often increasingly farcical lies like that the Skaven had made up the Horned Rat or that Daemons were just a type of xenos that lived in the warp. Denying that the beings of the warp are divine is not enough to feed Neocho, it's denying that they're real or that they are different from material beings.

Neocho's more the god of flat earthers than the god of the simply sceptical.

I would like to put forth a few new research ideas.

MCV's: Mobile Construction Vehicles. Inspired by interactions with the League the realm has decided to construct its own variant of this machine. Ideally it would be used to rapidly establish colonies, infrastructure, and defenses where needed. In battle it can be used to construct additional defenses as needed as well as produce weapons and gear by salvaging debris. Possibly even construct new factories to build cannon fodder machines. In a pinch its large girth can crush infantry beneath its wheels along with a power ram.

Nano-assembly: This modification to our factories was conceived in response to the need for ever greater production capacity. While outright assembly of units like the Numerians is impossible at the moment we can still make use of this. Specialized machines can be used to rapidly make parts to be assembled by workers or other machines. The only limit is feeding sufficient material into it. Saved space can be used for other purposes. Ground-side production and factories on ships.

Cryo-Weaponry: Derived from high grade industrial coolant. Like what's used in high end reactors. The idea is to supercool whatever it hits and cause its energy and strength to drop. Leading it to become fragile and shatter into pieces. Ideally this would be used on armored and regenerating units to weaken them. At the same time it could be effective against the Undead. Forcing them to direct far more power to stitch the shattered pieces back together and thaw them.
These are already so fine that most of them already exist in the collective.
reposting lore because i am paranoid

from the Tyranid Kyberdon doc (and yes its a tmnt reference)

Mousers: Tiny Kyberdons around the size and shape of a domesticated poultry bird, the Mousers were named as such after the Imperium discovered them during a crusade tagaisnt a major Skaven held realspace territory, having sabotaged many vital Skaven fortifications. While they are weak, unable to endure even a sword strike or lasgun blast; they are not meant to be on the battlefield proper. Instead, the Gestalt Chorus sends the Mousers to sabotage the strongholds of there prey. Using there powerful jaws they bite through Rockcrete and Plasteel like an Ogor through a buffet. Massive swarms of Mousers are deployed to eat through load bearing walls and support beams, often timing the ensuing collapses to catch as many defenders of the buildings in the process.

It should be noted that Mousers can also eat materials such as Ceramite and Wraithbone with little trouble, though not as effortlessly as they can through Rockcrete. More than one craftworld has collapsed due to swarms of Mousers chewing through the planetcraft. Interestingly, when not ordered by the Chorus to consume specific things the Mousers show a preference for gold, jewels, and other precious materials. They gnaw upon the riches of other races, such as a nobles jewelry or a Soul Stone from an eldar.
reposting lore because i am paranoid

from the greenskin doc

Ghostbusta: Greenskins never back down from a fight, but it can be rather annoying when you can't hit an enemy. Insubstantial foes like Daemons and Nighthaunts are rather annoying for the greenskins as a result. While the WAAGH! is usually enough to bypass their warp born protections, functioning much like how faith does for other species, it's not always enough. Orkish ingenuity was set to the task of making sure the spooky gitz were hurt by the dakka, and so the Ghostbusta tank was born.

First being seen during the Garden wide Nighthaunt invasion known to the Imperium as the Year of Ghosts, the Ghostbusta is a Battlewaggon that's been Kustomized to fight ethereal entities. Its main weaponry is a load of unstable vortex bombs, while also having four beamy deffguns made from plasma weaponry that is able to damage incorporeal entities. One of the most devastating things that a Ghostbusta can do is a maneuver called "Crossin da beamz". When this happens, all four beamy deffguns fire a constant stream on one target of at least giant size. This maneuver has an equal chance of inflicting true death on a megadaemon/ghost titan, or just exploding and causing the entire planet the Ghostbusta is on to be plunged into the Warp.
reposting lore because i am paranoid

from the tyranid hive armada doc

Dissolva: First seen in the fleets of Leviathan during the Octarius War, the Dissolva soon spread to all other Armadas as its usefulness was proven. The Dissolva was named by the Greenskins, and its purpose is simple. It is the Tyranids answer to the power of the Trogs and Trolls so often used by the Orkoids. As big as a Trog Boy and with equally strong armor, it has two horns able to pierce Ceramite. But these horns are not its primary weapon.

All Trollun species (Trollun being the collective name for the many subspecies of both Troll and Trog) have immense regenerative powers, but also a weakness to acid and fire. These two substances are the only reliable way to hurt Trolls or Trogs, and even if they gain an immunity to one, they will still have a weakness to the other (and will often gain another weakness). A Dissolva has two vascular conduits that generate highly corrosive and highly combustible chemicals, which while inert when the Tyrannic organism becomes active when spat out. The result is a ball that delivers a conflagration of acidic fire, a perfect weapon to handle the regenerative greenskins. In essence, the Dissolva's weapon is a smaller version of the pyro-acid batteries normally only found on bio-ships.
reposting lore because i am paranoid

this comes from the cyberreaper doc, though the falamaug influence is because, despite @Spartakrod not knowing about Cryx, Falamaug gives me serious Toruk vibes

Iron Lich: The road to Lichdom is a varied thing, with a great many paths. One of the most common varieties of Lich is the Iron Lich; a being that combines the magical strength of a lich with the durability of metal, usually Iron but often other metals are used. The Iron Lich is typically a servant of the Cyberreapers, but they are also found among all undead factions, with the Falamaug Undead having the second greatest amount of them after the Cyberreapers.
Technological undead are a seriously underutilized trope, in my opinion, for how cool they are. From the top of my head, I can only give you Necrons (which ironically skirt the line, being more undead-themed robots rather than straight-up undead), Mass Effect Husks and maybe Frankenstein's Monster and his expies.
Technological undead are a seriously underutilized trope, in my opinion, for how cool they are. From the top of my head, I can only give you Necrons (which ironically skirt the line, being more undead-themed robots rather than straight-up undead), Mass Effect Husks and maybe Frankenstein's Monster and his expies.
Honestly, I plan to pitch a lot of husks (or husk like units) to the cyberreaper doc, cause it's hard to believe those guys are not an expy of mass effect reapers.
So, just for fun, there are 31 Virgin Territories in the Nimrod Subsector. We get a 25% reduction from Exemplar of Production in improving territories, and a 20% reduction in cost to build up territories from Urbanist Nerd, but Virgin Territory costs twice as much. So Claiming all of those Territories would cost 62 RP, dropped to 37(37.2) by the cost saving.

Colonizing them all would be 248, dropped to 149(148.8) by the cost reduction.

Establishing them all would be 620, dropped to 374. This is about what I think we could reasonably afford on Colonization total, based on last Turn's spending. If we don't expand our Fleethordes or have major repairs to do.

Industrializing them all would be 1860, which is reduced to 1116.

Making them into Heartlands would cost 4650 RP, dropped to 2790.

Defenses, meanwhile, are a different game. These have Upkeep to consider.

Lightly Defended is Free on both counts, but amounts to planetary militia and local patrol craft.

Moderately Defended would cost 3 RP per TP normally, but that gets doubled to 6, though the discounts remain, and that doesn't apply to the Upkeep (1 per TP) so it's 186->112(111.6) for the upfront cost, and -31 every Turn thereafter.

Heavily Defended would cost 620, dropped to 374. Upkeep is 62.

Excessively Defended costs 1550, reduced to 930. Upkeep is 96.

Ridiculously Defended's cost is 3100, reduced to 1860. Upkeep is 155.

We currently make 635 after various expenses such as fleet upkeep, and have to pay Marrakesh 10% so they don't kill us, for reference. Meaning we effectively have 571 to spend, so it would require 8.143 times our net income to emplace Heartlands and Ridiculous Defenses in one Turn, assuming we were willing to spend everything on Colonization. And that assumes we have the Population to keep a handle on all this, which we don't. The buff to our Harmony would be pretty cool to see though.

9 times our post upkeep/tithe RP, 5139, would cover that with 489 to spare. Assuming we had the POPs to employ everyone in those Heartlands(25 apiece at base, 33 with Urbanist Nerd and Mistress of Beasts, 1023 total) we'd get 2046 RP per Turn out of it, so it would still take 3 Turns to pay itself back. Though with Civilian Sector Efficiency(+10% per level of Development, +50% on Heartlands) and Communications Improvement(+10% RP production from civilian POPs) that would be 3375.9, so 2 Turns would be 6,751.8 RP, more than enough to cover itself.

I suppose this was all a big complicated way of saying we should get CSE and CI sooner rather than later, and making sure the Thread doesn't die.
reposting lore because i am paranoid.

from the Skaven doc

Lunatic Vericanum: The arrogant Skaven believe that there is nothing they can not improve. One of the many wonder-weapons of the Under-Imperium is the Lunatic Vericanum, born when a Warlock Engineer of Supreme Clan Skyre saw a Celestial Hurricanum and declared, "No-no, they're doing it all wrong-wrong!"

The Lunatic Vericanum works under the same principles as the Celestial Hurricanum, but instead of channeling the power of Azyr and the heavens it channels the power of Dhar and the Warpstone Moons beloved by the Skaven. When a Lunatic Vericanum works, it is able to launch meteors and comets of Warpstone and send out thunderclouds of Warp-Lightning. Of course, like all things made by the Skaven, it has a high chance of malfunctioning and/or exploding with nothing left behind but scrap metal and a mushroom cloud.
I mathed it out, and(ignoring discounts from Novel Techs) we'd need 103 Research slots to get all the techs we currently have available, ignoring the ones we just unlocked for obvious reasons. Not to mention whatever we get unlocked by inspiration, like Mech Conversion was.