The Young Xian of the Celestial Realm: Space Cathay 4x Warhammer 40k Quest

one of the greatest threats to the Imperium and Holy Empire, the lady of the von Stahlmachts. The von Stahlmachts are to the Cruorans what the Von Carsteins are for Vampires. I will admit i don't know much about her other than that she is one of the many Big Bads the Garden has to offer, and that she managed to breech the Imperial Palace and do what Vlad did to Altdorf in the World-That-Was.
omake because i am paranoid

(Credits for these ideas; Grand Cults are all me, the Cults of Gorkamorka are made by Chipperz1, the Endless Winds are the creation of TimeStayOnReddit, the Children of Worgron are the creation of chefboar7, next planned omake is part 3 then will move on to more imperial guard regiments)

Omake: Minor destruction factions part 2

Cults of Gorkamorka

Each of the Great Warp Evils has a phenomenon known as Grand Cults attached to them. Most common in the forces of Chaos, Grand Cults are religious beliefs that have gained enough strength to become a part of the narrative of their god. This is how identical religious beliefs can flourish even across multiple galaxies, and ensures that certain cults can never die.

While all of the Great Warp Evils have these Grand Cults, the Grand Cults of Destruction, better known as the Cults of Gorkamorka, function differently from other Grand Cults. The closest analog would be the Eightpoint Warbands, which themselves are patterns of warbands that have attracted the favor of the Chaos Gods and are prominent members of the many Chaos tainted beings outsiders collectively call the Slaves to Darkness. The Cults of Gorkamorka operate much like they do, and like the Eightpoint Warbands and Grand Cults it is impossible to give a full list of Cults of Gorkamorka.

This is more due to the fact that its nearly impossible to determine what forces are a true Cult of Gorkamorka and what is merely a pattern of Destruction band. The typical requirements are that a Cult of Gorkamorka must be composed of beings normally unaligned with destruction, and more than one such band must have formed with sufficient distance and no known relation. The best known Cults of Gorkamorka are collectively known as the Huntin Guilds. They are two cults that formed differently but mesh well together. The Ghyran Guild arose from Exodite Eldar who spent too much time hunting Greenskins and taking trophies, to the point where their minds have been warped; the Azyr Guild arose from monster hunters sent by Sigmar to free worlds from the monsters that inhabited it but who became far too into their job. Together the Huntin Guilds are powerful assassins and hunters for Destruction.

Endless Winds

The study of the Winds of Magic is typically a very rigid and restrained thing, given the very nature of Wizards. From the Collegiate Arcane of the Holy Alliance to the Scholasta Arcana of the Imperium to even the dark academies of Death and Chaos, the study of the Winds is the most scholarly of all Esoteric paths, due primarily to the nature of how the Winds are channeled. Even Dhar and its variants, which are the Winds of Magics improperly mixed and curdled, almost always requires great study to use. While there are many beings that can use the winds instinctively or without instensive book learning (such as the Greenskins) but in most cases even these beings have to know something of the winds and to restrain themselves somewhat.

The Endless Winds reject these ideas. Not so much a true faction, the Endless Winds are more accurately described as a phenomenon, which is also separate from things like the Grand Cults because they do not arise from the influence of the Warp. The Endless Winds are more a type of criminal, loose gangs of Wizards who rebelled against the restrictions of their craft and coming to align with the beings of Destruction. They are the equivalent of jacks of all trades for Wizards, their magics not turning into Dhar only by the might of the WAAAGH!

Children of Worgron

First encountered by the wider Garden during the War of Slaughter, when the hoofbeats of Kragnos and the roar of the Prime-Orkoids spurred destruction as a whole into a Garden-wide WAAGH!, the Children of Worgron were stirred into action. At first glance they appear to be a simian life form like the Jokero or Kinebranch. But upon closer inspection one realizes their true origin, for they have facial features only truly found in Eldar and the races/factions descended from the Eldar.

Once the Children of Worgron were a sub-kingdom of the Witch Kingdom in the Worgron galaxy that was dedicated to pushing the knowledge of the Winds of Magic to heights not yet seen. A massive ritual of Ghur was enacted during the Wars of Vengeance, which led to the Worgron galaxy being consumed by a Warp-Storm of Destruction. The Slann leading the forces of the Cadaists believed that the Worgron kingdom had destroyed themselves, which was not far from the truth.

The truth being that the power of Ghur stripped these Eldar of their civilization, of their learning and culture, reducing them to monkey like mutants called the Aepes and the Groar. The power of the raw wellspring of the Wind of Beasts caused them to mutate so heavily that their very souls have become something unrecognizable as Eldar. This saves them from the hunger of She-Who-Thirsts, but all Eldar realize the cost of doing what the Children of Worgron did is far too great.

The Children of Worgron are beings with cunning and brutal magic who exalt the adage of Might Makes Right. They travel through the Warp in Witchwood ships on raiding parties, as well as the Webway for they understand the kindship they have with the Eldar. Their raiding parties are primarily done for two purposes when not riled up by powerful beings of Destruction. The first is to explore, for while they have fallen far they still have the curiosity that drove the mages long ago. The second is much, much darker.

Slannesh's birth cry damned the Eldar, and the Children of Worgron did not escape the birth cry unscathed. When Slannesh could not claim them, the Lord of Pain and Pleasure rendered them sterile to ensure no more of these insults to their majesty could come into being. But the Children of Worgron are cunning and Ghur blessed them with biological immortality, and by the time of the War of Slaughter they found a way to replenish their numbers. Every time they encounter the Eldar, they take as many as they can alive, bringing them back to the Worgron Galaxy, where they subject them to dark rituals known only to the Groar mystics. Once these rituals are through, the Eldar is no more, only a new Aepe is left. Even half-born eldar like the majority of the Drukhari are vulnerable to this fate. It makes them a scourge and an insult not only to the Eldar but to Slannesh as well.
omake because i am paranoid

(credit for these, all three of them are the creation of TheBlackBaron45. The Kaijinns would be pathfinder kaiju type things)

Omake: minor destruction factions 3


In the Garden there are many old monsters, things that existed since the War in Heaven or even predating it. One such monster which predates the War in Heaven is known as the Great Mother by the Eldar. Believed by some to be almost as old as the C'tan, this creature resembles a jellyfish larger than most stars and is not only immortal in every sense of the word but also travels throughout the Garden with an unknown means of FTL

The Great Mother lives up to its name, spawning dozens of eggs from various orifices at random intervals. These eggs can survive the vacuum of space and are sent to various worlds throughout the Garden by means of the same unknown FTL travel. Once it lands upon a world it hatches into a gigantic monster, each looking very different from one another. Most of these monsters are essentially copies of various Godbeasts, but others being massive war beasts like the Atomosaurus and the Anguidon.

These creatures are known as the Kaijinns by the Eldar, who have known of the Great Mother and her spawn since the beginning of their civilization. But the much more common name originates from the Harmonious Collective, the Kaiju. These creatures are not evil, or inherently hostile to the worlds they arrive upon. Indeed, as a whole the planetary ecosystem will flourish as a beneficial radiation emits from the Kaijinns. Previously dead worlds have been resurrected by the presence of a Kaijinn. It is only advanced life that suffers.

Kaijinns are inherently hostile to all forms of life who have progressed past the technological level of swords and arrows, while being indifferent to all other forms of life. Some like to belive that this is a way for nature to heal itself and get revenge, but this is proven to be false by the fact that they often fight alongside the Greenskins. How the Orkoids treat the environment makes a Hive world of the Imperium look like an Eldar maiden world, but because their Tek runs on the WAAGH! field, it does not register to the Kaijinns. Indeed, they are often caught up in the WAAGH! or merely following the unruly mobs of boyz to advanced foes.


Extremophiles are types of creatures able to survive and thrive in extremely harsh and hostile environments. While this does describe a great many beings in the Garden, the title of extremophile is ultimately given to very few beings due to complexities that only a trained biologist can truly understand or explain. One such Extremophile race is the Vaanitri, a race that shares a great deal in common with the Orks, so much so that they are mistaken for a sister race to the Greenskins made by the Old Ones (though no such race exists).

An all-female race, like the Greenskins they do not truly have gender but they do adhere to a gender identity, being spawned by their queens. They are strong, slender, and eyeless, and extremely difficult to kill. They can survive for years without sustenance, heal even the most grievous of wounds in minutes, and survive the cold vacuum of space without protection. They also are able to generate a form of super-adrenaline that makes them stronger, faster, and more psychotic.

The technology of the Vaanitri is like that of the Greenskins or the Skaven, ramschakle and primitive. Unlike the technology of the ratmen, Vaanitri technology malfunctions typically hurt the foes of the Vaanitri rather than the Vaanitri. This combined with their tendency to live in extremely hostile environments and cultural focus on fighting and killing makes them, in the words of the Harlequins, distaff counterparts to the orks. They even have a friendly relationship with the Greenskins, one that only the Ogors can claim to have.


When one speaks of the Grand Alliances, they rarely speak of true alliances. Rather the Grand Alliances are groupings of various policies and monsters that fit together. No Grand Alliance is immune to infighting, not even the Tyranids. Though in the case of the Tyranids, their fights are more a sharing of knowledge, how individual bioforms are learned and understood by other fleets.

No Grand Alliance proves these facts better than Destruction, for while it overall can be placed as the sins of the Old Ones, made up of Greenskins and Ogors and the like. However, there are many that merely exist in the alliance because there is nowhere else to put them, like the Thyrrus and the Krono-Phantoms.

The Krono-Phantoms come from a possible future roughly 396 million years in the future, and they enter this time not to escape some great calamity or to kill a certain being, or any other thing one associates with intentional time travel. No, they do this because they are bored, and they desire to alleviate their boredom by waging war, fighting the greatest warriors of their past in what amounts to a Ludocogitator game session. The Krono-Phantoms even behave like stereotypical trolls and griefers one might encounter on such a system.

They are very much like the Golden Revenants, ie walking anacronisms that are only a threat due to the immense power they wield. Their bodies are near impervious to physical harm, and even destroying one won't kill a Krono-Phantom but instead sends them back to their own time. In addition, they are able to manipulate time in a great many ways by using their weapons, each of which grants a different type of manipulation. In addition, they can manipulate the speed of objects they touch or otherwise send objects into the past or future. This leads to such shenanigans as enemy generals blowing up hours before a battle.

Of course, the Krono-Phantoms are in no way unbeatable, and have a myriad of weaknesses, three of which are extremely easy to exploit. The first and most easily exploitable is their attitude and lack of tactics. Its almost laughably easy to get Krono-Phantoms to turn on each other or their allies. The second is esoteric power, for that more often than not is a great equalizer. The third weakness is the most surprising, namely their lack of protection against temporal manipulation. Unlike practically every other being who can manipulate time, Krono-Phantoms have no inherent protection against temporal manipulation. In fact, they actually have less protection against temporal manipulation than a baseline beings of the Garden have.
omake because i am paranoid

(credit, all of these come from 1d6chan)

Imperial regiments 2

Oncolog Hermeticists

Originating from the world of Oncolog, the Hermeticists are perhaps the most perfect anti-nurgle force in the Imperium. Close allies to the Ordo Sepulturum, the Hermeticists all wear a pattern of iso-armor that is an example of high technology rarely seen in the Imperium. Roughly as strong as the armor of the Tempestious Scions, and it completely isolates the wearer from the outside world and safe from all diseases. The multi-layers of resin skin protect the armor from being breached, and multiple layers of anti-corrosion coating keep them save from the metallophages of Nurgle. Of course, no form of technology, not even the absolute best of Humanity's, is able to protect one from the esoteric diseases of the Grandfather. In truth it is a combination of the iso-armor and the Hermeticists faith in the iso-armor that protects them.

Given their tendency to face Nurgle, they use flamers far more than they use lasguns, often using hand flamers as their primary sidearm. They are also famous for leaving regions lifeless, and for that they are called in when all life must be exterminated from a region, such as a massive Greenskin infestation or of course a Nurglite controlled area.

Oncolog itself is no longer the home of the Hermeticists, because in 777.M7 a Word Bearer who championed the worship of Nurgle led a crusade composed of the Maggotkin, Clan Pestilins forces, and practically every being of Chaos that used disease, all to destroy the blasphemous natives of Oncolog. While Oncolog itself was destroyed, this was not the grand victory they had hoped for, as the Oncolog Hermeticists had already settled at least a hundred worlds, each carrying the secrets of the iso-armor and ensuring that the Oncolog Hermeticists would never die out.

Milanu Burnouts

It speaks volumes about humanity that even after over 40 thousand years of constant war there are many who seek to get close to death and feel the rush of almost perishing. Milanu is a decrepit hive world in a remote part of Domain Tempestus that produces only one thing that is of use to anyone; warm bodies. Its remoteness makes supplies limited and the lack of industry makes employment limited. Suffering billions exist in teeming throngs, with great superhighways crisscrossing the hives and being filled with ganger violence and illegal narcotics.

The only escape from the drudgery for these people is the hyperrace lanes. High-octaine super-sonic sportsmanship, this sport is what makes Milanu stand out, and while technically illegal it is impossible to stamp out. The racers enjoy a status somewhere between celeberty and delinquent, often starting their careers as highway bandits.

But while the races are an escape, they are not a way off the planet. To achieve that a racer, technically being a lawbreaker, must surrender themselves to the Arbites and pray that they are punished by service instead of summary execution. This is where the Milanu Burnouts come from, a penal regiment of shock calvary. Each riding a turbocycle like in their racing days, they are experts at blitzkrieg tactics and have broken many a SpeedWAAGH! and other foes of man who fight on bikes.

Ouroff Widowers

Ouroff is a wintry industrial world famed for its explosive production. Like practically all Imperial Worlds, the safety mechanisms of the factories are slim to nonexistent, and it is rare for even a week to pass without someone perishing. What makes Ouroff different is how the native people process the grief.

The Ouroff belive that the Diad is punishing them for sins they have committed by taking their loved ones. To atone for their crimes they volunteer to the Imperial Guard, creating the Ouroff Widowers. They are experts at close range firefighting, and they make great usage of explosives they have made.
omake because i am paranoid

(Jchrispole gave me permission to adapt his 40k stuff so long as I gave him credit, so heres an adaptation of his undergangs of brine, expanded and updated to fit in the galaxies of darkness.)

Undergangs of the Brine Galaxia

No place in the Imperium is free of crime, not even Terra. While the inviolate laws of terra and the creed are followed for the most part, the Lex Imperialis is a byzantine thing with many contridictary laws that not even the most dedicated of Arbities can enforce.

Within the Imperium, money is power and crime does pay. Certain criminal organizations have enough graft to gain status equal to a noble house, most notable of which are the gang houses of Necromunda; each of which controls a single galaxy in the necromunda super-galaxia. They are not the only such organization, and a few such houses come from the Brine Galaxia. Like the necromunda houses, they control certain aspects of society that makes it impossible to dislodge them and have influenced the gangs of countless criminals throughout the Garden, though to a lesser extent due to there focus upon ocean worlds.

House Akwedok

In the underwater hives and cities, water filtration is a must. Even back on Old Earth, the rhyme of the ancient mariner instilled this with the line, "Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink". House Akwedok is without equal in the business of water filtration, and most of the pumps that filter water into a drinkable form in the Imperium are controlled by gangs that descend or serve House Akwedok.

There power and influence is such that they can shut off entire networks of pumps, causing instant floods or droughts to demonstrate there power. They typically use this as a sword of Damocles when negotiating with other gangs or the administratium at large. In spite of this, they still war with other gangs over highly trivial matters, and against the foes of the Imperium when necessary,

They are one of the most necessary and demanding of the undergang houses, and all who claim alligence to this house wear full body diving harnesses even in the middle of a desert.

The Presidum (House Politburo)

The strongest Undergangs in the Imperium are those who get most of their profits by selling to the Astra Millitarum and the Imperial War Machine. The Hive World of Jorus underwent a sudden political restructuring in M38, becoming ruled by a unified criminal syndicate. The victorious house then put the suddenly unemployed masses to work creating hydrophobic diving suits.

Normally the imperial guard would destroy this hyped up gang, but the leadership of this gang cut a deal with the lords of the Brine Galaxia. They would create the suits used by the Brine regiments known as the Drowned Men, and in exchange they would be given control of the hive world and enough resources to fund there own army.

This revolution was managed by a group of militant radicals known as the Presidum who went through much the same downward spiral as the Imperium as a whole. At first, they fought for ideals of collectivism and protecting the weak, but through constant schisims and leadership deaths in constant bloody coups left only power hungry tyrants. These tyrants, after making the deal with the Brine commanders, would co-opt certain crusades with the drowned men regiments under the guise of suit upkeep and establish themselves as the dominant powers of the reclaimed worlds much like how regiments of the imperial guard do.

The Presidum's relations with the Astra Militarum enables them to give there gangs power armor and heavy stubbers. While no real match for a Peringa or a Space Marine, they are the closest in strength that the average ganger will ever encounter. This is in spite of the average Presidum ganger being both undertrained and heavily traumatized, but the tech they field has no march among the average criminal underworld.

House Oldenberg

One of the few mainline sects of the Imperial Creed in the water world underhives, also known as the Ice Temple of the Diad, they belive that more psykers and esoterics should be sanctioned so as to protect them from the darkness and false teachings that threaten them.

In charge of the ice harvesting trade in whatever world they come from (this creed having long since spread from Brine), taking valuable ice to volcanic regions and other regions in need of the cooling ice. They are distrusted by most of the sects of the Imperial Creed due to there claim that on there home is a massive iceberg that contains a shard of the diads power that can purify esoterics, and there claim that icebergs exist on other worlds they control that reflects this light.

This house is tolerated due to its nessisity, its wealth, and there skill at purging heretical cults. They are experts in rooting out cults, even the extremely insidious cults of Tzeentch and the Tyranid vanguard organisms. In combat, they employ a large number of esoterics with powers such as channeling the wind of Frijir and cyrokinesis. There standard weapon is an anti-laser variant of the lasgun, which draws mechanicus suspicion due to the anti-laser being heavily associated with the policy of Novaya Kislev and thus being heathen tech.

House Mizzen

Originating from the hive world of Chaddis in the Brine Galaxia, House Mizzen was born in the wake of a devastating civil war only stopped by an invasion by a tendril of the Tyranid Splinter Fleet Charybdis. The heavily scarred Oxygen Guild sought unity and purity above all else. House Mizzen's eugenics programs have ensured that those of House Mizzen is not only the smallest and least widespread of the Brine Houses, but also ensures that all members will need to rely upon cybernetics to function.

House Mizzen is rich due to its dealings with imperial authorities and the mechanicus, enough to keep itself a true criminal house instead of a jumped up gang. Its main interaction with the other gangs is as diplomats and tension tamers. Though they do constantly spout propaganda and kill undesirables, those under the control of House Mizzen can work and live without fear of random assault and thievery, a rarity in the Imperium.

Howling Dead Men

It is said that fascism keeps the trains running on time, and for the highly fascist Imperium of Man this is true, if only due to the Howling Dead Men.

This gang has the unique honor of originating on the planet of Brine itself, instead of just from the Brine Galaxia. The oldest of the Brine Houses, it began soon after the strange flooding of Brine and most of its worlds, they constructed a massive network of undersea and underground trains and monorails so that others could travel around Brine with ease. They would spread the farthest of all Brine Houses, and indeed of all criminal houses. There are Howling Dead Men gangs on Holy Terra to as far as Domain Novus and Imperial Worlds in the Koronus Expanse.

All train stations under the control of the Howling Dead Men are so orderly and safe that neither arbities or ministorum need interfere, and rival gangs use them as neutral areas. The trains themselves are bedecked with wards armor, and defensive weaponry to ensure the protection of the cargo, with even Orruk Speed Freakz and Eldar Harlequins having difficulty attacking the trains of the Howling Dead Men.

The forces of the Dead Men are armed with Needle Guns and Crow Bars, which often prove effective against those who manage to board the train, there faith in the Imperium enabling them to harm even insubstantial foes like Nighthaunts or Daemons. They are never without a sealed set of power armor enabling them to function in hostile territories like oceanic depths or the vacuum of space.

So dedicated to the Imperium are the Howling Dead Men that the leaders of the gang and its myriad descendants follow the same path that the first lord of the gang did. They merge with the greatest train in there territory, the best defended and best transporting, in much the same way imperial admirals will merge with there flag ship, or titan pilots with there god machines. Though resembling servitors, these lords retain there leadership positions and direct the others to defend the train network they have sacrificed there humanity to. In many ways, they are what the imperial civilians aspire to be, sacrificing everything to a corrupt system.
since @YAIR asked for it, and to buy time for me to make more omakes, my next few paranoia posts will be from the Holy Empire of Sigraum. I will only be posting things i pitched and that were accepted. First up is the posterboys of sigmar, the stormcast eternals.

Stormcast Eternals: The Holy Empire of Sigraum's answer to the Space Marines; the stormcast eternals are all heroes that Sigmar claimed when they fell. Reforged with the power of Sigmar, clad in Sigmarite and channeling the power of Azyr; these heroes fight for the Holy Alliance. They are incorruptible and able to return to Sigmars realm for reforging upon death in most circumstances, with those that bear Thunderstrike Armor can return to Azyr even under the cursed skies of a hostile Warp Storm.. Of the many beings compared to the Imperiums Angels of Death, the Stormcast Eternals are the closest due to the Stormhosts similarities to Space Marine Chapters. They also have no need to breathe, enabling them to do Voidborn maneuvers without the technology or tricks needed by non-void capable beings.

In addition to the Stormhosts, there are Stormcast Chambers which focus on certain specializations in combat and in general. Certain Chambers like the basic warrior chambers and the Extremis Chamber have been open since the debut of the Stormcast Eternals, but when certain calamities rock the Garden that are extreme enough for Sigmar to act, a new Chamber will be opened. During the first war with the Imperium in the Great Crusade, the Vanguard Auxiliary Chamber was opened, and the pathfinders and hunters helped hold off the forces of the Diad. Likewise, during the Year of Ghosts, the Sacrosanct Chamber which is focused on overseeing and improving the Reforging process was opened to deal with the extreme necrotic threat of the Garden Wide Nighthaunt Procession and the expansion of the Ossiarch Empire.

As the Garden enters the Era of Crisis and the Warp roils with the foreshocks of even greater calamities, a new Chamber has been opened. This is the Ruination Chamber, the most grizzled veterans of the Stormcast Eternals. The Imperium is quick to label them as a new breed of Stormcast, made in a futile attempt to counter the Primaris Marines. But this is not true, and the Ruination Chamber is a result of the imperfect nature of the Reforging process.

The Reforging Process causes changes in those who undergo it, and while still the mortal they once were, they gain strange side effects. Among other things, they lose parts of who they were, memories and goals of the past cast aside in favor of being a weapon. Resolving this side effect is the ultimate goal of the Sacrosanct Chamber, but little progress has been made. Those who get reforged enough times become what is known as a Transfigured, which is closer to a living weapon than anything mortal.

The exact nature of the Transfigured depends on which Stormhost they belong to, some changes being as minor as the Knights Excelsior only seeing monochrome or as extreme as the Hammers of Sigmar being things made of Lightning and Sigmarite. But to be a Ruination Chamber Stormcast is to have only scraps of their old mortality left. But desperate times call for desperate measures, and these are desperate times. Only the Ruination Chamber can enter hostile locales like the Priah Nexi being set up by the rising Necrons, or the Vermindooms of the Skaven. And these Stormcast do so willingly, even at the risk of losing all that they have left of themselves.
Genuine question, will anything other than the settings lore be posted here? Or is this quest well and truly dead?

Cause the homebrew lore is cool and all but I would like to know if that all I should expect from here on.
another post from the Holy Empire of Sigraum doc because @YAIR wanted it.

Draconith: A species of occidental dragon with a great connection to the Winds of Magic and being immune to the void, the Draconith are an ancient race. The first empire of the Draconith dates back to before the War in Heaven. Close allies to the Slann due to the Draconith and Lizardmen aiding each other in early conflicts against the Thunderscorn, they would survive the War in Heaven only to be brought to near extinction by the actions of the Drogrukh and the ascended god Kragnos during the Aftermath Wars. While the Drogrukh were destroyed and Kragnos imprisoned in the Hoof (the first true Warpstorm of destruction, formed from the Vexothskol galactic cluster which was the home and birthplace of the Draconith and the Draconith Empire), only the ascended god brothers Krondys and Karazai survived. However, the Slann temple ships carried away clutches of eggs, and secret hatchery worlds scattered throughout the Garden would ensure the survival of the species.

It was only during the ceasefire between the Holy Alliance and the Imperium of Man which arose when the First Ullanor Orkish Empire was fought that the Draconith Empire returned, and with the signing of the Pact Draconis it became a member of the Holy Alliance. The debut of the Stormdrake Guard, those Stormcast who ride Draconith, is one of the many factors that would ensure the Holy Alliance's counterattack was so devastating to the Imperium and would be a black mark on the career of Horus as the Warmaster. The Vengeful Spirit still bears the scars of Draconith breath weapons.

Each and every Draconith has a link to one of the Winds of Magic, based upon which wind was blowing most often when they were an egg. While rumors exist of High Magic blessed Draconith who assist the Slann and of Dhar tainted Draconith who lurk in the depths of Warp Storms or the darkest corners of Commorragh, nothing has been proven. However, each has a link to one of the 24 Winds easily accessible to most beings. Each has a breath weapon that is primarily of fire, but imbued with the wind. Ghur imbued Draconith have a fire that is sticky like amber, while Azyr imbued Draconith have electricity crackling within the flame.
Might go for a reboot since I think I've taken too long of a pause to regain my groove and my ideas for the setting have changed a bit over time.
another weekly post because i love this setting. another thing from the Holy Empire

Memorians: As the Era of Crisis continues and the Warp screams of oncoming calamities, Sigmar has thrown open the Ruination Chamber and unleashed the Reclusians upon the Garden. These Stormcast Eternals have but scraps of their humanity left, and it is precious. The Ruination Chamber fights alongside the Memorians, these mortal priests who are all distant descendants of the Stormcast they accompany. They remind the Stormcast of who they are, that they are heroes and not weapons, This anchoring presence is vital to the Ruination Chamber, and if the Memorian is slain they will lose control. One might assume that this would make a Memorian a vital target, but it is quite the opposite. There are few beings that can survive the wraith of a Reclusian without any mitigating effects, and those that do are always scarred by it. Rumors persist that one of the Daemon Primarchs bears several scars from a Reclusian after killing the Memorian accompanying them.
another weekly post because i love the setting and also because the way Spartakrod phrased the reboot thing indicates to me that it might happen on this thread, so i'm keeping it active. yet another thing i posted to the Holy Empire, shorter one this time.

Soulscortched: An order arising from the descendants of Pontifex Zenestra's honor guard, the Soulscortched are literally burned by their faith in Sigmar. They bear no more armor than the average Unberogen fanatic, their burnt bodies are as tough as any Power Armor. Rightfully seen as figures of awe by the Holy Alliance, the Soulscortched dive into the fight with reckless abandon.
another weekly post to settle my paranoia. from the Holy Empire doc

Cults Umberogen: Fanaticism is a universal trait, the power of faith allowing strange and miraculous things to happen. The Marauders of Chaos and Adeptus Perengrinas are both examples of ultra faithful warriors who can manipulate reality to a degree. The Holy Alliance has them both beat in terms of sheer faith, as proven by the Cults Umberogen.

A collective term for the many cults of the gods worshiped by the Holy Alliance, predominantly of Sigmar, the devoted masses are able to channel faith into powerful miracles. For instance, the Grand Cult of the Wheel is able to have their faith enable vehicles to work even after the priests have removed the wheels. To many Imperials and members of the Holy Alliance, the similarities between the Ecclesiarchy and the Cults Umberogen is a cause of concern, for ultimately very little separates the thronged faithful besides who they worship, be it the Imperial Diad and there saints or Sigmar and the pantheons of the Holy Alliance.
To many Imperials and members of the Holy Alliance, the similarities between the Ecclesiarchy and the Cults Umberogen is a cause of concern, for ultimately very little separates the thronged faithful besides who they worship, be it the Imperial Diad and there saints or Sigmar and the pantheons of the Holy Alliance.
Yeah that is probably something neither likes because few things can be worse for a fanatic than other faith fanatics
heres my weekly post (because i forgot to do it yesterday), from the holy empire doc

Freeguilds: As the Stormcast Eternals are to the Astartes, the Freeguilds are the Astra Militarum. While composed primarily of humans, the forces of the Freeguilds do not posess the rampant Xenophobia that defines the average Imperium citizen, and other races, usually Dawi or Eldar can be encountered among them. Armed mostly with weapons and armor of the same effectiveness as the Imperial Guards own Flak armour and Lasguns, they are on the whole much more motivated than the Imperiums own troops. The Freeguilds require no Comissars to prevent their breaking of ranks, for each is well provided for and fights a holy mission to protect what they care for.