The Young Xian of the Celestial Realm: Space Cathay 4x Warhammer 40k Quest

Asahikyo Unit List

[H1]Ergatocratic Lunisolar Domain of Asahikyo: Lunisolarian Crimson Army[/H1] [H2][center][U][B]Space[/B][/U][/center][/H2] [H3][U][B]Macro-Capitals: [/B][/U][/H3] [B]Leviathans: Juggernauts:[/B] [B]Superdreadnoughts:[/B] [H3][U][B]Capital ships[/B][/U][/H3] [B]Dreadnoughts: [/B] O...

Tian'Chao beast list

Also new beast units from Kexin Line Infantry: Goushi: Often called "Lion Dogs", these creatures are the lesser kin of the great Guardian Lions who inspire so much of Tianchao statuary and construct work. Several hundred kilograms in mass on average, Goushi have an innate mystical nature that ...

I'm going to be putting these and a few other unit lists (including for Tian'Chao and the Ogors) in a google folder that I can edit and update continually. I have one undead and a Lizardmen list already that I'll also be able to reuse and expand on.

Top ten priorities for unit list fleshing out include the Barghesi, the Remans, the Votannni, Asahikyo, the Tyranids, the Orks, the Ythalnzids, the Numerians, the Imperium, and the Skaven.

Below that is the General Hordes of Chaos List (esp the Black Legion), the Dawi, the Asur (I already have an Asuryani list for another thing I'll reuse), the Dawi Zharr, the Necrons, the Druchii, the Drukhari, the Sigmarites, the T'Au, and the Alghollthus.

I'm always willing to take volunteers of course, but do ask me on the general vibe of a faction first before you edit things in once I have the folder and the proper versions of the docs up.
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Sidestory: To my son, for whom I'm probably going to die for, a Guardswoman's letter
To my son, for whom I'm probably going to die for.

Sorry love, Mum's probably not gonna make it out of this shithole warzone. You, Emperor, be praised, will live. So I can at least die satisfied that I have done something worth doing in my miserable life. And I beg of you, please, for your own sake, find a way to live. If I die, I go to the Empress' Silvered halls because I chose to, so that you won't have to. Your father also made that choice, and I think it's time I meet him too.

We can't hold here. Honestly, I don't see how anything could have, short of divine intervention. Any time even a single Tyranid victory was had any progress on trying to kill them into submission was lost with interest. And we had to fight them for the lifeless dustballs and toxic gas giants and the newborn little stars too, not just the places with human life. They really do eat everything, even if they have to bring in some weird specialist...subnid army I guess.

Crystalline monsters for the rocks, organic metal for the things we can make machines with, creatures with strange nuclei in some kind of jelly to drink in energy itself and things of living, pure energy...seems they really do intend to slurp up everything and anything and replace it with those...things they build once their reserve fleets arrive at the shrivelled lumps the vanguard leave behind. Almost reminds me of how we colonise really, clear out the natives, strip down what's useful, plop in our own and build anew.

Just...much faster. Much more total. When they do choose to remould a place instead of just making it disappear, there's never any sign of who used to be there. Doesn't matter if its Ork, Eldar, Fra'al, Rak'Gol, Thyrrus, Q'Orl, Pagan, Traitor, Undead, Abominable Intelligence, Terra's own, or whatever else this blasted universe has to offer. When they're done, it's a clean slate. Clean as I make you clean your plate love.

And that chatter in the warp and on just about every signal channel you can think of...doesn't really let you know what's going on with them on their side of the fence unless you're fool enough to try poking through on nothing but recon. So we started following them not by the signs of their movements but by the silence they brought with them. Sector stops reporting in, 'nids probably got them, that sort of thing.

And may the Human Spirit curse them, they incite apostasy and heresy ahead of them wherever they go. Top-down through the useless bumfuck nobles, bottom-up through ingrateful menial labourers, middle-out through bored mid-stratums, edge-centre through politics. Doesn't matter, they can slip through anything because they don't really need to deal with all the rules of social dynamics when getting their unholy genome in you is all it takes. Course people willing to listen make good dupes, but one planet I was on; they just got some genestealer blood diluted into the water supply and ninety per cent of the planet was contaminated in a week. The only people left were offworld institutions like us in the guard or the cogboys who keep their own water separate.

Terra, that's just not bloody fair...even when they don't spread some smart contagion on the food to poison you from the inside, or turn your stockpiles of rations into more nids or mutate the fucking trees and grass into nids and nid accessories...nevermind that on the battlefield that these things are terror incarnate. Your whole soul screaming at you to run away, voices everywhere, good soldiers pissing their hardsuits like babies or falling under one spell or the other to turn on their own and everything and I mean everything is out to kill you.

The air is poison, the ground is a womb for monsters, the plants are twisted, the animals when they aren't eaten become them, the water is infested with worse and worse things until it becomes an ichor as hungry as the bugs themselves. It's like a disease as much as it is a swarm of monsters, and while I'm proud of my skill with a plasma gun I can't shoot shit smaller than what a visible light microscope can pick up. And the daft cunts who wanted to fight without full face helmets because they didn't want the restriction...I think they lowered the toxicity for a bit, on purpose.

Because once enough of us started doing it, the air went right back to being death. One moment people were fine, right as rain, the next and then melting from inside out as hungry little micro-buggers and chemicals and things that apparently aren't chemicals because that only applies to molecules and not weird quantum or metaphysical gobbldeguk with names I can't pronounce sprang into action like landmines and so many of us died because we fell for it like schoolchildren getting clapped with a practical joke. I dunno if the Hive Mind has a sense of humour or if its slaves do, but I bet they were laughing at us.

Even worse the Kriegers made up more and more of the formation and of fucking course they did because the high command can't get enough of the gas-masked freaks who haven't got a funnybone in their body and are about the only regiments I've ever heard of where the commissars are meant to stop them from attacking when they don't need to. Messhall banter went right to shit, and even the ministorum priests' found the creepy buggers' fixation on martyrdom in the sermons and bugger all else tiresome.

And by Terra it's best that they keep the masks on. I know they come out the assembly line, probably because not a single Krieger has ever shagged, but I didn't expect them to march into the field as young as that...Keep some of them had faces as old as the sixth-year kids in your schola. Makes me sick honestly, "Better to die for the Trinity than live for yourself" they say, but they leave out "Yet better still to enjoy Their blessing of life in Their name and act in Their glory." A corpse can't keep serving Golden Throne, Silver Keep, and Holy Ghost, and it's no your average everyday martyrdom that can be better than a lived life of good work, in my opinion at least.

I told them this but they babbled some poppycock about how because their province rebelled ages ago they need to atone by punishing every generation since. Fuck off with that bollocks, honestly. If our immortal lord and lady wanted us to be concerned with shit that happened millennia ago they'd have made us live forever, not have to earn rejuvenant treatment.

But enough of that...on the nids...what scares me is that some of the psykers, wizards, and the psions, the ones who don't die under all the voices...they think the awful things want us to say hello. Course any who does do it without the right protection, or just being lucky or skilled enough to bail out before the reply comes, and thus gets the notice of their Hive Mind, becomes a Nid themselves. Biomancy I think.

It's like the vidliths about the Callidus assassins, one second the weird bloke who talks to himself is as fine as any of the loonies get, the next he's growing a second mouth in his chest, hooves on his feet, another pair of arms out the shoulders, and is somehow going from sixty kilos soaking wet to bigger than a Leman Russ. Dimachaeron I think they call it, apparently an assassin beast though how something like that is sneaky is beyond me.

Throne...I still remember the blood, the screams, how it just ate and ate, getting stronger, faster, plasma guns made some burns on it but it just healed. Chief Commissar of our regiment died, Medical Chief popped like a zit, logistical master screamed down its gullet in a way I never thought a girl that petite could scream, our Jade Wizard, that nice almond-eye pretty boy I told you everyone liked...thought maybe could replace your father...Emperor thinking about what was left of his face after it just sprayed some of its salivae on him by roaring still makes my stomach jump.

The cogboy said it was because the nids could use the power of the warp to create mass where there wasn't, but then I asked why do the nids eat things if they can do that? I don't exactly understand the technobabble but they might gain something...metaphysical from the act of eating? Beyond just full stomachs or new genetic material. Makes me think that the Chaplain is right, these things are the Throne, Keep, and Ghost's punishment for all our sins.

I've done my service as an officer of our lord and lady's Astra Militarum, through thick and thin and across five wars. This is probably going to be my last. We're evacuating alright, but they're moving in from every direction. There is no frontline, no cohesive direction we can focus on. The province is fucked, we're all fucked as surely as a genestealer cult inductee. And I'm sorry if that's a bit blue for you John, but you're going to hear much worse language in all honesty.

I hope that we can meet again, but I'm not holding out hope. They can block warp travel, bubble drive's too slow for the kind of distance we'd need to travel to meet, and they're locking down the wormholes. In all honesty, there's probably too many of us who've been infected by Throne knows what to ever be allowed to leave.

That's the thing about fighting the nids, you never really stop. Some of it will follow you forever, even if its just the nightmares or the pain in your soul. Sorry that I don't have more tales of glory, but I'm not going to lie to you, my boy, by telling you that running away before the jaws can clamp shut is glorious and praiseworthy.

And in the very likely case I don't make it back, please keep your siblings out of trouble when the Schola Progenium comes for you. Let them know that I love them, and if I had to die like this a thousand more times for them, I'd do it every time.

I wish I had more to send, but the Astropaths say that the larger the message, the more the Shadow in the Warp will distort it. And if they're close enough or that, I don't think I have much time left. So I chose to write this just for you, because I know you're big enough to explain everything to your siblings. Don't lie to them, don't tell them I passed on or I'm away on some long campaign. If I can't make it back, it's because I'm lining some Keep Forsaken monstrosity's gullet.

I love each and every one of you, goodbye.

- Love, Mum.

OOC Note

"Regiment" in Guard Parlence does not mean "Regiment" the way it does in American military lingo as Regiment of course, derives from the British Empire's military system where it referred to the mainstay of the army that a general would be concerned with, building up larger formations such as corps or field armies while smaller things were beneath a general's notice. In American military lingo regiment specifically meant about one to six thousand troops, what is now called a brigade.

In the Imperial Guard, Regiments are self-contained units of variable size raised entirely from troops of a single "model" of Astra Militarum units, with the Imperium's deeply decentralised "federalisming so hard you reinvent feudalism and satrapies" system leading it to allow local areas to decide how to train, equip, organise, and uniform their troops. There is no actual size recommendation of what a regiment is or entails, beyond that it should be big enough to have at least one Colonel appointed to it. Of course this is peanut baby shit in terms of intergalactic warfare.

By tradition, a regiment are comprised of all the guardsmen a singular planet or habitat can raise for each tithe cycle out of their planetary defence force. If a planet has fifteen million soldiers deemed suitable for the Guard amidst its PDF for a particular tithe collection cycle, that tithe collection will produce a regiment of fifteen million organised as is deemed appropriate. This tradition of course leads to wildly variable regiment sizes.

Astra Militarum Commissioned Officer Ranks are as Follows:

Junior Officer Ranks
  1. Second Ensign (Part of a Grand Squad's Command Structure)
  2. Ensign (Commands a Grand squad)
  3. Senior Ensign (Part of a Platoon's Command Structure)
  4. Junior Lieutenant (Commands a Platoon)
  5. Second Lieutenant (Part of a Grand Platoon's Command Structure)
  6. Lieutenant (Commands a Grand Platoon)
  7. Senior Lieutenant (Part of a Company's Command Structure)
  8. Captain (Commands a Company)
  9. Senior Captain (Part of a Grand Company's Command Structure)
  10. Major (Commands a Grand Company)
  11. Junior Battalioneer (Part of a Battalion's Command structure)
  12. Battalioneer (Commands a Battalion)
  13. Second Tribune (Part of a Grand Battalion's Command Structure)
  14. Tribune (Commands a Grand Battalion)
  15. High Tribune (Part of a Grand Battalion Group's Command Structure)
  16. Chief Tribune (Commands a Grand battalion Group)
Senior Officers
  1. Sub-Colonel (Part of a Line's Command Structure)
  2. Junior Colonel (Commands a Line)
  3. Lieutenant Colonel (Part of a Grand Line's Command Structure)
  4. Captain-Colonel (Commands a Grand Line)
  5. Colonel-Major (Part of a Brigade's Command Structure)
  6. Colonel (Commands a Brigade)
  7. Second Brigadier (Part of a Grand Brigade's Command Structure)
  8. Brigadier (Commands a Grand Brigade)
  9. High Brigadier (Part of a Column's Command Structure)
  10. Grand Brigadier (Commands a Column)
  11. Sub-Commandant (Part of a Grand Column's Command Structure)
  12. Commandant (Commands a Grand Column)
  13. Lieutenant Commander (Part of a Division's Command Structure)
  14. Commander (Commands a Division)
  15. Grand Commander (Part of a Grand Division's Command Structure)
  16. Lord Commander (Commands a Grand Division)

General/Senior officer Ranks
  1. Subgeneral (Commands a Corps)
  2. Minor General (Commands a Grand Corps)
  3. Junior General (Commands a Banner)
  4. Staff General (Commands a Grand Bannner)
  5. Major General (Commands an Echelon)
  6. Lieutenant General (Commands a Grand Echelon)
  7. Captain General (Commands an Army)
  8. Colonel General (Commands a Grand Army)
  9. General (Commands an Army Group)
  10. Commander General (Commands a Grand Army Group)
  11. High General (Commands a Front)
  12. Grand General (Commands a Grand Front)
  13. Lord General (Commands a Section)
  14. Lord Commander General (Commands a Grand Section)
  15. Lord High General (Commands a Region)
  16. Lord Grand General (Commands a Grand Region)

Marshal Ranks ("High Command")
  1. Minor Marshal (Commands a Theatre)
  2. Major Marshal (Commands a Grand Theatre)
  3. Lieutenant Marshal (Commands a Milistratum)
  4. Captain Marshal (Commands a Grand Milistratum)
  5. Colonel Marshal (Commands a Military District)
  6. General Marshal (Commands a Grand Military District)
  7. Commandant Marshal (Commands a War Sector)
  8. Tribue Marshal (Commands a Grand War Sector)
  9. Marshal (Commands a Vexiliatus)
  10. Commander Marshal (Commands a Grand Vexiliatus)
  11. High Marshal (Commands a Proconsulate)
  12. Grand Marshal (Commands a Grand Proconsulate)
  13. Lord Marshal (Commands a Military Dominion)
  14. Lord Commander Marshal (Commands a Grand Military Dominion)
  15. Lord High Marshal (Commands a March)
  16. Lord Grand Marshal (Commands a Grand March)
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And of course those High Command authority zones don't match up with the Administratum-made governmental structures, do they?
[X] Plan: Proactive Defense
Although we probably shouldn't use the carnage legion against the nids. Having them be assimilated would be bad.
[X] Plan: Proactive Defense
Although we probably shouldn't use the carnage legion against the nids. Having them be assimilated would be bad.

I think that once we have them Integrated with their Revolutionary, it'll be... well, not safe, Nids will never really be safe, but safer. Especially if we have a couple more anti-Corruption techs, but I'm not 100% sure it actually matter at this juncture. As it stands, I'd be surprised to learn the Imperium's legendary incompetence hadn't shown itself again. That is, that the Tyranids actually hadn't eaten any Barghesi yet. It would be exactly like 40K for the Imperium to try and quarantine a race to keep them away from the Tyranids, only for that to have already failed. If nothing else, the Genestealers have to have attempted it, and we know how nasty they are in this setting.

Now, them not eating any major dragons? That I can believe. For one thing, there's a lot fewer dragons then there are of the Barghesi.

Care to weigh in @Spartakrod ?
I think that once we have them Integrated with their Revolutionary, it'll be... well, not safe, Nids will never really be safe, but safer. Especially if we have a couple more anti-Corruption techs, but I'm not 100% sure it actually matter at this juncture. As it stands, I'd be surprised to learn the Imperium's legendary incompetence hadn't shown itself again. That is, that the Tyranids actually hadn't eaten any Barghesi yet. It would be exactly like 40K for the Imperium to try and quarantine a race to keep them away from the Tyranids, only for that to have already failed. If nothing else, the Genestealers have to have attempted it, and we know how nasty they are in this setting.

Now, them not eating any major dragons? That I can believe. For one thing, there's a lot fewer dragons then there are of the Barghesi.

Care to weigh in @Spartakrod ?
If the Tyranids fully and symbolically consumed a Xian or Xianshen grade Dragon in such a way as to fully attach the meaning and idea of a God Dragon into themselves, they'd be closer to becoming the Ecumenovoric Emperor.
If the Tyranids fully and symbolically consumed a Xian or Xianshen grade Dragon in such a way as to fully attach the meaning and idea of a God Dragon into themselves, they'd be closer to becoming the Ecumenovoric Emperor.
oh lord, is the Ecumenovoric Emperor one of the titles of the last abomination that caused Orikan to initiate the scratch in the first place? because i don't rember that title being used, but it sounds like something it would be called
Since the vote seems unanimous I'll call it and start writing up responses.
A Reckoning in Necrodermis

The Marrakesh Dynasty is joined in its awakening by the Phalastere Dynasty and the Attite Dynasty, leading to a dramatic increase in Necron activity across the Overcluster. Necron legions

Recommendation: Do surveys on any territory you take to make sure you aren't sitting atop of slumbering ancients.

Likely Consequences of Failure: Do you really want to be caught by surprise by the Necrons?

This got cut off.
Looking at our new techs, I've got some technology proposals.

For the Gnoblars:

Gravity Harness. Taking a cue from the mass hammer of the Votanni, the gravity harness effectively increased the user's strength, which could be used for direct strikes, or to carry heavier equipment. This was accomplished by most power armor via servos or, in more advanced cases, with twitch nanoweave muscle fibers, but mass-produced gravity manipulation had been beyond the current Tian'Choren until recently. The relatively light frames of the Gnoblars despite their general role as the laborers of Ogor society made them somewhat unsuited for a number of tasks, even with the old selection pressure exerted by Ogors stepping on those who did not prove useful strengthening their legs and backs, but this was something they could use to even the field and, for example, better resist the recoil of their guns. Benefits Characters, infantry, some cannon fodder, and unlocks higher-caliber equipment for all of the above. Also improves general industry.

Red Star Gnoblars. A Champion would be selected for each of the Gnoblar units. While far weaker than most Champions, there were still benefits to outfitting the best and brightest of the Gnoblars with superior equipment based on their skills and battle merits. Mostly, this would take the form of personalizing it to suit their strengths, creating a combination of mascot and aspiration for the units. Bolsters cannon fodder, significantly improves Gnoblar battlefield morale.

The Gnoblar's Table. Raug had taken an interest in the Gnoblars as a 'test case' for his unified cook book. The Gnoblars had been part of Ogor society almost as long as the Maw, but they weren't the strict adherents to it that the Ogors were. The latter largely didn't begrudge the former for this, and the former respect the Maw enough that particularly brave or foolish examples will go to the local Butcher for aid in lengthening their ears or embiggening their noses, which usually works, even if the Gnoblar usually doesn't survive the process. Nose size and ear length is best compared to dwarven beard length within Gnoblar society. As such, Raug wishes to see if he can make some proper Maw worshippers out of some Gnoblars, consulting with Haggis to that end. Significantly boosts Gnoblars with Maw energies. Boosts casting. Benefits Ogor evolution. Maw gains significantly more worshippers. This may have consequences.

For Enlightenment:

Ying and Yang Sorcerers. With the expansion of the numbers of Psykers and Wizards of late, they could fill more roles. As was not uncommon in Tian'Choren society, the dragons led the way, and the twins gained a significant number of followers in the Lores of Ying and Yang, respectively. Significantly increases proliferation of Ying and Yang Lore amongst occupied TPs. Bolsters retinues of the Twins with more and more advanced students of their Lores, particularly Ying and Yang, including cross-pollination between the two. Unlocks similar projects for other Celestial Characters, focusing on their main mystical aspects.

Psychic Accoutrements. Wands, orbs, charms, and of course the paper talismans associated with the Ergatocratic Cooperative nations to the point of stereotype. With the increased presence of Psykers and Wizards, an increased supply of these would be needed. True standardization was impossible, the nature of the Warp and the soul made it so, but the materials needed to make them? Much simpler. Buffs Psykers, Wizards, and to a lesser degree, priests and Psions by making it easier for them to equip themselves properly. Slightly improves corruption resistance among them.

Improved Psychic Architecture. While the Eldar could teach much on matters of the Warp, they could not directly teach how best to align reality with Harmony. The mass influx of Psykers and Wizards who may have lacked the understanding of the Warp the Eldar had but made up for it with greater understanding of the Way of Harmony meant a reexamination of their understanding of psychic architecture could yield interesting results. Improves Harmonic Fields, particularly things that amplify or control them such as Harmony Broadcasters, and increases their resilience to hostile effects such as Stranger Infraforming, Warp Rifts, etc.

I don't really have anything else. I thought about doing something similar to the Red Stars for the Terracotta, but the RS's are half for morale purposes, which the Terracotta don't need to worry about. Maybe the Alchemist Revolutionary would unlock a general Automata buff, but Enlightenment by itself probably isn't enough.
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Turn 4 Wars (Part 1: Diplomacy by Standard means)
They're only sending one fleethorde. I doubt that will be enough to protect ourselves.

[X] Plan: Proactive Defense
-[X] (Trade - Tau) Accept
-[X] (Trade - Imperium) Accept
-[X] (Demand - Marrakesh Necrons) Accept (for now), Pay Tithe [64 RP]
-[X] (Square 36) Build Research Mega-Project 'Auspicious Seven Sects of Progress' [315 RP]
-[X] (Military) Upgrade Caihong Jandui Fleethorde to Mag 3 [30 RP]
-[X] (Military) Build Mag 3 High Quality Fleethorde 'Zhànzhēng Zhīwáng' [60 RP]
-[X] (Military) Build 4 Batches of Category Zero Sunsetting Billows Megacapitals [20 RP]
-[X] (Military) Build 2 Batches of Category One Adamant Tortoise War Moons [20 RP]
-[X] (Mercenary) Hire Carnage Legion at Mag 3 Fleethorde [41 RP]
-[X] (Deployment) Dispatch Xiang, Kexin, Haoyu, Heise De, the Carnage Legion, Maria's Magnificents, 2 batches of Sunsetting Billows Megacapitals, and 1 batch of Adamant Tortoise War Moons to defend against the Undead
--[X] Stockpile for Repairs [5 RP]
--[X] Give Mantle of Inviolability to Tian'Chao character most in need
-[X] (Deployment) Dispatch Xinyi, Haggis, Xamno, Huise Jandui, Caihong Jandui, 2 batches of Sunsetting Billows Megacapitals, and 1 batch of Adamant Tortoise War Moons to defend against Skaven attacks in coordination with the Imperium
--[X] Stockpile for Repairs [5 RP]
--[X] Give Crash-hammer to Xamno
-[X] (Deployment) Dispatch Dagra, Raug, Baise De, Munch, Crunch, the Urist Freekyndred, 2 batches of Sunsetting Billows Megacapitals, and 1 batch of Adamant Tortoise War Moons to aid in the defense of the Gimel Group
--[X] Have Raug declare a Feast War
-[X] (Deployment) Position Zhànzhēng Zhīwáng adjacent to Squares 35 and 42 in support of Operation Enforced Diet
-[X] (Research) Purchase 5 Research Slots (total of 11) [55 RP]
--[X] Enlightenment Pt. 1: Eyes of the Soul [2 slots + 5 Asur credits + Urist]
--[X] Communications Improvement [Ancestor Cores]
--[X] Empowerment Pt. 1: Biohacking [Ancestor Cores]
--[X] The Star's Wisdom Pt. 1: Laws of Physical Understanding [Ancestor Cores]
--[X] Nanite Tanks [1 slot + First Nanotechnology Novel Innovation Discount 2]
--[X] Taychon Ballista [3 slots + First Tachyonic Physics Novel Innovation Discount 2]
--[X] Plasma Catapult [First Plasma Physics Novel Innovation Discount 2]
--[X] New Model Armor [2 slots + First Thaumaturgical Material Science Novel Innovation Discount 2]
--[X] Adamantium Mass Production [1 slot + First Quantum Material Science Novel Innovation Discount 2 + Olga]
--[X] Gnoblar Kit [Autocomplete]
--[X] Terracotta Armies [2 slots + Second Constructs Novel Innovation Discount 1]
-[X] (General) Consumer Goods Production [5 RP]
-[X] (Espionage) Operation Productive Discussions
--[X] Target: The Tardarian Faction in Imperial Bentusia
--[X] Nature: Neutral
--[X] Resources Committed: Wang Chao-Xing [Max. RP]
--[X] Objective: Thwart Call for a Crusade
--[X] Process: Plant 'proof of heresy' among the faction's adherents, sabotage individual members with evidence trails pointing to Chaos or Undead aligned groups, create propaganda sockpuppets, and otherwise redirect the faction's ire (and a resulting Crusade) towards those targets.
-[X] (Counter-Espionage) Operation Enforced Diet
--[X] Target: Tian'Chao Territories in Vay'Gir
--[X] Nature: Hostile
--[X] Resources Committed: Wang Zi Rui [Max. RP]
--[X] Objective: Eliminate Genestealer Networks
--[X] Process: Utilize all appropriate means of investigation and elimination, strategically leak evidence of Genestealer infiltration to discredit other anti-ergocratic movements and recruit cooperative assets.
-[X] (Counter-Espionage) Operation Tomb-Checker
--[X] Target: Tian'Chao Territories in Vay'Gir
--[X] Nature: Neutral
--[X] Resources Committed: [20 RP]
--[X] Objective: Identify any Necron Tombs in Territories
--[X] Process: Use the fullest amount and array of sensor technologies available. Ask the Marrakesh Dynasty if any of their tombs are present, in the interest of avoiding offense.

Thanks to helping Sparta with the prep of this turn, I had plenty of time to work out this plan in advance. For now, pay off the Necrons, 10% is not an issue, particularly since we're hitting the 10 Fleethorde limit with this plan. The military intention is to drive off the Skaven and the Undead while using our Ogors and Carnage Legion, and the joys of what a Feast War can do to alleviate the pressure on Gimel.

Research-wise, using Asur credits to grab Enlightenment for cheap, while seeing how much Ancestor Cores can churn away at pertinent Revolutionary Breakthroughs. Since we're dealing with a lot of enemies that like attrition, I went all in on taking advantage of Haoyu's new Novel Innovation discount to unlock a bunch of new research fields that help preserve our forces, provide some ablative forces of our own, and boost firepower all the more.

Xinyi rarely deployed without her brother, as they worked together quite well and their harmonic resonance complemented one another to form a balance of Yin and Yang. However, Xiang elected to avoid a meeting with the Imperium of Man, whereas Xinyi had about as good a reputation with the scions of Terra as any of the Tian Long really could.

To the Votanni and the Imperium, the presence of the Dragon Yamamoto Tsukito was more of an enigma. The Imperium had rarely encountered the forces of Asahikyo, so distant were their core spaces, but now that the Lunisolar Domain had committed itself to aiding in the Celestial Realm's mission here, they would learn.

Surrounding the two as they wrapped up the last of their small talk were two sets of celestial dragons in human form, with Captain Zhang Long and Yoshikawa Yuri amidst them, watching a crowd of representatives of just about every sophontic polity in Vay-Gir worth mentioning, though the Imperium was as they say; fashionably late.

The Azure Dragon Guard, clad in their armour, kept close to their charge as always, advising her and keeping an eye for any signs of the works of Clan Eshin. When the Skaven were involved, it was best to assume that they were already attempting to assassinate you rather than waiting for the first sign.

Each a proud comrade whom she had taken a personal interest in the career of, each a trusted companion both on and off the battlefield, with Y-shaped visors partially covered by mouth shields to serve as the overall facemask of their finned helmets glaring impassively at the Votanni meeting halls.

Their Lunar Dragon Guard counterparts wore armour reminiscent of the colours of the moon and night, with far more samurai-like stylings to their armour. Covering their uppermost bodies were kabuto-like helms and prominent sode pauldrons crescent symbols adorned each of their helmets, while V-shaped visors and mouthguard hid their faces.

In terms of their gear, it was clear that contrasted to their Tien counterparts, there was much less of an emphasis on carriable shields and more on two-handed weapons.

Of course, one would be remiss not to mention the prominent guns that each had at the ready in case of an emergency, forged by expert Juki Kajiya to each guard's personal preferences.

"Are you ready for a hopefully productive conversation?" Tsukito asked, eyeing Xinyi as she stepped into his direct line of sight, her somewhat pointed ears shifting when she knew she was being spoken to.

"With good fortune, common sense and mutual interest should ensure that it doesn't end in total disaster." She replied with a casual nod, clasping her hands before her hips, the two briefly rubbing horns against one another in greeting afterwards before drawing back.

"But more seriously, I do have friends in the Imperium itself. And we're focusing on non-aggression over cooperation for the time being. I think we'll be fine." She added, stepping back and tilting her head ever so slightly upwards at him, lips drawn into a faint smile.

"The Imperium is a baffling riddle in all honesty. Sometimes I wonder how they've even lasted this long. But I think I've had enough encounters with Terra's children to have a good gauge for how they think." He replied, his hands briefly disappearing into the robe sleeves attached to his armour in a sagely manner.

"They would not have endured five digits of their years if they were completely stupid. They are corrupt, greedy, and wasteful. Nearly of them are cynics who don't believe a word of their own propaganda, nearly half are deluded fanatics, and there is that small sliver of reason between the two. But they aren't stupid." She said, getting a chortle out of Tsukito in response while he took a look at some of the gathered staff for the Imperial side of the room.

Then he locked eyes back with her, the Moon and the Water saying nothing and everything for a few moments before at last his reply came. "You are as bold as you've ever been, Xi-Xi. I don't know if I could ever be brave enough to insult the people I'm negotiating with." Tsukito's expression was now like a sly cat, and Xinyi scrunched her own face in response, a little laugh coming from her now.

This meeting was mediated by the Kyndred of Safrole, part of the League of Urist; which had good relations with most everyone involved here; human and xenos, shenren and mortal, yokai and mundane throughout the spacious but not wasteful interior.

With the T'au, Imperium, Asahikyo, Tianchao, Dawi, Itzecanl, and the Eldar under one roof, someone they could all at least tolerate was vital to ensure nothing got out of hand. All gathered here to face the Primordial Annihilator's Thirteenth God and his slaves, all fully aware of the seriousness of the situation.

Furniture was placed at logical intervals, negative space when allowed, only served an aesthetic purpose to highlight works of art or to provide a place for a screen to serve as windows would in a less structural integrity-obsessed society, while the lights were kept at an ambient, comfortable level; neither warm nor cold, not too bright nor dark.

Impressive for a facility they set up a few Terran days ago just for the purposes of these talks, insistent as they were that the Mechanicus be allowed nowhere near their lived spaces.

"Ye findin' this all to yer likin' longfolk?" One of the Kyn asked, a Grimnyr by the name of Woden with a braided white beard and teak-coloured skin, eyes hidden by his hood.

Next to him was High Kahl Vrigga Veldsbane, brought on to lay out the military side of the situation for the Kyn operated in nearby dwarf galaxies under threat by the Skaven, the woman's rather literally hard features giving her the impression of being made of stone.

"Your hospitality is most appreciated, Urls-San." Tsukito said with a small, polite bow that was mimed by Xinyi, the Grimnyr promptly belly laughing in response.

"Ah, dinnae worry about the flattery Lad. Getting all hands on deck against the ratspawn and the warp-maddened is more than fine enough." He said.

"We are all under threat here, so we will all contribute to a collective defence. It's just common sense." Xinyi said.

"Common sense you say...I recall you having a very different opinion of how widespread the logic of jolly cooperation was during the Byrkonian wars." Tsukito teased with only one eye opened and his chin between two of his fingers.

"It is not my fault that the Mirajarak and the Q'orl wouldn't agree on anything until we were knee-deep in Khrave!" She protested, huffing and puffing out her cheeks.

"Comrade, the Imperial delegates will be here soon. One Astartes, one Eccessiastic, one Mechanicus, and one Inquisitorial.." Zhang Long, the current Captain of her Guard, said with a quick note after browsing through the information feed in his helmet. Zhang Long was a multitalented polymath, and a close confidant and friend, albeit one who by the very nature of his job a bit of a worrywort.

His own garb had clear additions to the armour such as reinforced frames, a ribbed cloak, a more distinctive helmet, and an older mark of Fangtian Ji he could heft in one hand, a relic of a bygone age that seemed to have its own chill inducing killing intent.

"I must still voice my concerns about you attending this meeting personally, comrade. It puts you at risk when a delegate would do just fine." He said

"If the Skaven would be so bold as to attempt to murder our charges here, they are welcome to try. I could use the practice." Yoshikawa Yuri scoffed, the Captain of Tsukito's guard festooned with differing weapons, whether her Murata gun, her Muramasa blade, the one handed Wakizashi and the even shorter Tanto she carried on her, any of her pistols, her Naginata, or the collapsible gravity bow to name the ones she just let people see on her well-armoured frame.

"Do you enjoy tempting fate or is this just getting on my nerves?" Long groaned with deep familiarity.

"You need to learn to live a little, you can't always be the same walking risk-calculator you were when we were hatchlings." She huffed.

"We are bodyguards, taking risks isn't supposed to be our jobs!" He retorted, slightly indignant before Xinyi clapped her hands to end the argument.

"Enough of that. We have the dignity of our peoples to represent here." She said wagging a finger in a slightly but teasingly scolding way.

"Thank you." Tsukito said.

"But...multiple equal delegates for differing institutions?" He said, trying to steer the conversation back to business.

"Does the Imperium do this often?" Tsukito asked.

"They're something of a League of Nations rather than a singular polity. You'll get used to it. Just remember that an agreement with one set of them is often void to other sets." She explained, making his face twist into bemusement before he shrugged and exhaled.

As they eased themselves into chairs and waited, Xinyi took one last stock of the roster. As full ambassadors would be herself, Tsukito, the T'au Water Caste ambassador Por'O Yun'va Nel Tsua'm, Lord Ixzypi of the Slann, Queen Wallaya Ursbin of the Dawi, and the Eldar Farseer Macha to name the greater powers.

On the imperial side, Lord High Inquisitor Kent Woolworth of Montburg, Chapter Master Zarius Elberon of the Red Seraphs, Grand Magos Felicia Tayber, and Abess Minoris Jenna Baldwin of the Order of the Golden Lance. The Advisor and delegate list was rather larger, and as expected, more ad hoc.

She was at least relieved to see that York was on there, for a familiar face, albeit one attached to the Inquisitor. Between these would be Woden and his council, who were oathbound to ensure negotiations in good faith.

As for the Imperial delegation streaming in, the Giants of the Astartes were of multiple chapters. She was sure that, given the Ordo Malleus, Xenos, and Thanatos' interest in this series of wars; the Grey Knights, Deathwatch and the White Wards were on the case, but she expected them to contact her separately to maintain their obsessive desire for secrecy.

The Peregrinas in their power armour seemed minute next to the Space Marines; regardless of sex, but still more imposing than the Inquisitorial Stormtroopers. As for the Mechanicus, their ruination cultists could not help but have a certain violent aspect to their presence, given that most deliberately built their bodies to be huge and imposing.

Zarius wore artificer armour that gave the impression of an artist more than an armoursmith's work; designed like an angelic knight's garb, replate with a helmet designed in the likeness of Sanguinius' own, with three tones of Red; Scarlet, Maroon, and Wine.

Beneath his helmet was the face of a red haired young man who looked far too young for the five centuries of service studs on his forehead, just beneath medium-length, boyishly cut red hair that partially covered his right, burgundy-coloured eye.

The children of Sanguinius always lurked on a precipice with Khorne on one side and Nagash on the other. This one seemed to try and bury the temptation towards vampirism or frenzy in artistry and...based on the care products.

But to Xinyi's eyes, he had the aura of someone skilled at talking to people. An energy that didn't recoil at scrutiny and a relaxed confidence in his posture betrayed familiarity with the board room even as Nel Tsu'am flinched slightly when their gazes met for but a moment.

He sat down with a surprisingly quiet motion for how clunky Imperial Power Armour always seemed to her, right next to the pile of machinery that made up Tayber's body.

And Xinyi's opinion Tayber's decision to have a mechanical replica of her organic face and body that nevertheless was still clearly mechanical instead of just going for the usual Mechanicus priest look or a "perfect replicant" frame made her uncomfortable, with the clear jaw separation of her mouth and the segmentation of her plasteel-adamantium composite body giving a deeply uncanny aspect to her, a mechanical replica of the human frame like on an expensive toy. Her hair...artificial as it was though, did look nice, even if her dragon eyes could tell it was fibrosilica.

The Inquisitor kept his helmet on, an impassive nozzle-less armoured gas mask with a top more akin to that of a firefighter's head gear with a crest bearing the seal of the Ordo Xenos, much of his power armour hidden by clothing worn over the armour plating such as the trench coat and a cloak as well as a tunic.

Often, his kind would pose as rogue traders, or work through them, as he often did through the Houses of York, Lancaster, Nottingham, Doverm and Coventry which he exercised great control over, but for whatever reason this campaign was important enough to demand his attention as a stand in for the inquisition as a whole by virtue of his seniority.

Finally, Jenna Baldwin looked like many Peregrinas did. Bowl Cut, white hair in mimickry of Gorge Vandire's slayer, full body coat of power armour bedecked in purity seals, robes, annd braziers that made Xinyi wonder how this woman was ever allowed into any libraries ever.

She had the face of someone who was good enough to avoid injury her whole career, though she oft lamented the lack of scars earned on the line of duty if the profile gathered by the Crowmen was to be believed. Nevertheless, she was perhaps the person in this meeting that Xinyi had the most apprehension towards, given the Peregrinas' well-earned reputation of violent fanaticism.

After a period of about three minutes of last minute conversations between advisors and the advised, the silence was finally broken by the Grimnyr.

"Ah welcome all ye travellers from far and wide into our abode to discuss matters that imperil all of us. Know that ye all be housed here under the adamant oaths of hospitality, and if any of ye violate that, ye cannae expect our wroth to fall upon yer heads fer generations to come." The Grimnyr declared.

"The Imperium of Man is willing to put aside its quarrel with the Spheres of T'au'va within these stars so long as the T'au make a show of good faith. In our mercy, we will table the question of reparations for a later date." The Inquisitor said, aristocratic accent loud and clear through his helmet's vocoders.

"These actions are in response to the aggression displayed at the second Damocles Gulf crusade, you cannot start our discussions with an implicit threat of seeking unjustified repayments simply by citing the decentralisation of your state." Nel Tsu'am responded.

"Perhaps it would be in our interests to avoid this line of discussion entirely, lest we tear asunder the very purpose of our gathering before it even begins." Macha said, sounding more disappointed than anything else, not surprised at all, but definitely disappointed.

"As a neutral party to that conflict, the Realm of Tianchao is also willing to intercede and mediate in the interests of a hopefully lasting peace." Xinyi cut in, the silliness with which she had interacted with her friends with having disappeared.

"The Peoples of Asahikyo are also willing to contribute to such an effort if you would allow such." Tsukito said with poised grace.

"Be that as it may, we are faced with many threats. Multiple major Waaaghs!, two large Tyranid Hive Armadas, Numerian Subroutine Swarms, the depredations of Chaos, a scourge of the Undead, a plague of Dark Eldar raiders and Shadow Eldar conquerors, the madtides of Strangeness, a rash of Rising Necron dynasties and Cruoran lineages just to name a few." The Inquisitor said, emphasising each unique entry into the list.

"Peace will not be achievable in our time. As ever, our lot is war. The question is, how do we fight the right wars so that we do not hang together?" He said with impressive restraint, for an Inquisitor who specialised in very imperial solutions to anything labelled xenos.

"We children of the great Angel seek new homes following the fall of so much of our home to the Tyranids, if we are granted a guarantee of places to make our own, you have our word as the heirs of the Ninth that we will ensure that fair dealings will be repaid fairly." Zarius spoke, hand laid atop where his normal, birth heart would be. His voice seemed so...light and boyish for someone as large as he, but Space Marines were quasimystical laboratory aberrations on their best day.

"This would be for the counterattacks correct? You are free to do as you wish with territory you take from the foe so long as there are no other clashing claims. It is hardly our prerogative to dispute the right of conquest." Xinyi replied with a shrug.

"And what claims do you have, dragon?" Jenna said.

"None specifically. We do not base our expansion on historical claims in a galaxy we are new to." Tsukito replied with the full, honest truth.

"It is pointless to argue about the legality of a matter primarily decided by facts on the ground. Put aside these matters off dispute and focus your energies upon the truth before you. A Dark Omen is upon us, and the Liche Dragon Falamaug has played his pieces, to name but one of the matters that brings us to speak with you." Ixzypi, the Foundation of Shadow psychically boomed.

The Itzecanl were generally quiet unless they felt the need to say something, the Slann in particular, and Ixzypi was a Slann of singularly cataclysmic potency. He was garbed in the armour of millions of years of experience annd the physical armour of lizardman arcanotech, and the Ulgu Slann's guards could be felt giving a flash of killing intent every time someone lingered their eyes upon his bulk for too long.

Even the Dawi and Aeldari would not test the patience of a Mage-Priest's guards for unwanted staring for long, and pointedly avoided making eye contact.

"Joint operations are probably too much to ask for, so we propose that we instead focus on sectors of responsibility and sharing of intelligence." Wallaya said.

"It would be for the best that we do not go out of our way to join our armies rather than agree to stay out of each other's way for the time being, agreed." The Inquisitor replied.

"One can hardly call it an alliance if we are strictly functioning as co-belligerents." Tsukito said.

"This was not intended to be an alliance, and we will likely never have one that comprises all parties gathered here. Our interests are too divergent to form some manner of United Nations, our relations too marred by past grievances. That being said, a detente of convenience is more than enough." Macha said with about as much politeness as a Biel-Tanni could muster towards non-Aeldari.

"Your realistic cynicism is refreshing." Jenna said with something approximating a smile.

"I have seen more truces made and broken than you have had dinners in your lifetime, human."

"Now is not the time for passive-aggressive remarks. While we are not here to form any long lasting sort of working arrangement, if we are to survive to deal with each other when the dust settles, there needs to be some basis of trust between us." the Pior'O offered, extending his four-fingered hands to urge calm.

"Ay, we cannae kill each other fer our longstanding grudges if we dinnae stop the mangy jackals trying to take a bite out of us first." Woden agreed.

"To that end, Tianchao will of course, focus its efforts upon the southern rim, in what you imperials call Segmentum Fortuna. The Skaven, Taotie, and Undead are at their apogee here, and all three present a broad threat to our interests." Xinyi cut in.

"Asahikyo will also concentrate in support of our noble ally in the southern rim of Vay-Gir. Where our interests coincide we will of course offer aid, but supporting Tianchao against the Academy and the Skaven takes priority." Tsukito said.

"We will endeavour to restrain what the Imperium refers to as Hive Armada Baphomet, you can ill afford another front with your present resources." The Slann said.


Long conferences affirming that trust was in short supply in the grim darkness of the far future were things that Xinyi had learned to steel herself against, but private meetings with Imperial War Councils always had her at least a little on edge.

The Inquisition's presence was akin to that of a trained snake. It might not bite you, it probably won't bite you in a place like this, but taking your eyes off of it is a fool's play.

Xinyi had only one eye open, and that one only half way, looking upon the Grey Knight who was attending this private war conference aboard the bridge of a black ship of the Ordo Xenos, the perhaps overconfidently named Invincible, personal flagship of Lord Woolworth. Even behind the eyepieces of his terminator armour's helm though, she could tell he was studying her.

"Why do we allow a Pagan Spirit upon this sacred Dreadnought?" A Canonian of the Peregrinas asked, the man's voice containing barely concealed outrage.

"Because in my observations of Zhu Xinyi, she has shown to be someone I would rather keep within arm's reach, rather than distant and unobservable." Woolworth replied, looking up to the significantly taller dragon in human form and then to Tsukito.

"You have proven trustworthy over a remarkable length of time, Lady Zhu, but do not think that I have forgotten the oaths of my office. You still hold the territory of the Palace's faithful." He explained, still not removing his helmet to the point where Tsukito telepathically messaged Xinyi to ask if he even had a face at all.

"That being said, pagans are not in my typical jurisdiction. And we do face a greater foe." He explained, prompting Xinyi to open both of her eyes at last.

"Must we allow the Gnoblar though?" The exasperated sigh of the Stormtrooper Commander could be heard plain as day through her vocoder.

"Oi, I'z da finky lad 'oo brings da taktikz knowwotz so I'z needz ta listen in to da strategizin' I do. Sir-Ma'am Komrad sez so." Haggis said, saluting Xinyi out of reflex and getting a giggle out of her.

"You heard him Daphne, he brings great tactical insight. I have studied his campaigns. They are quite illuminating." Woolworth said with absolute seriousness.

This got the Grey Knight Commander to corpse, a snicker being heard from the giant only for the inquisitor to stare him dead on in the helmet.

"That was not a joke."

"Yeah 'ee read me book!" The gnoblar said before producing a tome titled "Da stepz uv winnin'!" which the Inquisitor responded to by holding out his own copy of the text.

"...This is hell...I am in hell." The stormtrooper grumbled.

Tsukito coughed to rerrail the conversation that had gone so wildly off course already. "We will need to prepare counter-offensives, simply holding the Skaven back will not get us anywhere." He said plainly.

"Agreed, the Chaos-Rats are experts at wars of attrition. It would be a fool's endeavour to attempt to simply bleed them out, particularly when we have knowledge that the Grey Seer Kaskitt Gudrat is present, a chaos witch infamous for his daemonomancy." The Grey Knight commander finally said, gesturing to a pict of the Grey Seer in question at the helm of a host of the horned rat's daemons.

"The skaven are cowards to the last. If we break their spirit, their assault will also break. The difficulty is that their leaders are habitual paranoiacs and make no small number of efforts to safeguard their own lives. This is no Orkhunt where the Warlord will come charging out to respond to any sufficiently interesting provocation." Watchmistress Edna Allena Poe said, her pauldron marking her as a loan from the Raven Guard.

"We have mooncraft ready for deployment, should the need come, we can apply both hammer and anvil to cut our way through to the Skaven high command." Xinyi revealed, a finger flicking one of her pigtails.

"That is wise, targeted strikes on the Skaven rarely produce results without a conventional assault to anchor the gains of such moves. Their chain of command, such as it is, allows for a great deal of slack and redundancy in replacing those who perish, and their craven ambition means there is always new leadership to replace that which falls." The Commander, Varros, added.

"You speak from experience?" Tsukito asked.

"I have seen many a situation where my order was needed when overconfident commanders had believed their business with the Ratspawn finished, only to be overwhelmed when their replacements in line take their places and redouble their efforts."

"That matches with my own experiences with the Vermintide." Tsukito agreed.

"First, we need to stabilise the situation in the face of overwhelming enemy numerical advantage. We can hardly interdict their supplies through the underway, so we will need to simply pulverise their attacking formations. It will hardly be elegant, of course, but these sorts of wars rarely are." Xinyi added.

"Ratboyz iz tryin' ta get in da juicy bits an' muck up all yer gubbinz, so I finkz what we needz is givin' 'em a lil' nibble, lettem get stukk in, den spring da trap an' mash their 'eadz in. Itz awful 'ard killin' ratboyz faster 'n they can make 'em, but ya just need ta spook their bosses inta cuttin' an' runnin', then ya stab 'em big time when their backz iz turned." Haggis offered, standing on a stool meant for unusually short aides and then taking the stylus and drawing some plans on the hololith's map while the nearest Techpriest babbled angrily in binary.

"Hrm, we can definitely work with this as a starting point." Xinyi smiled, almost cruelly.