The Young Xian of the Celestial Realm: Space Cathay 4x Warhammer 40k Quest

T'au offer is interesting, because a.) plasma weapons, b.) it means more diplomatic opportunities in the future, c.) a secure flank. That said, the Imperial hostility sounds bad. We don't want to poke the bear, not until we have an established presence and strong enough infrastructure for a ground-out war. Though it may be my inner Turtler/Science Victory Enjoyer speaking.
Non-Agression Pact with IoM is... potentially big. Again, I might be biased, but I think that getting out of "To Purge" list is invaluable in our current position. Also, we can probably salvage our relationships with blues easier than with goldies.

I agree with cutting a deal with the Imperials is better. Don't forget, the Tau are surging into the Maetar remnant and thereby next on the list for Hive Armada Baphomet, so they're going to have bigger issues than us right now. That and I too am a Turtle/Science biased guy.

Missions: Lizardmen are tempting, especially for the warding, but I don't know how useful it is given the Harmony geo-effect (if you can use the term for a vacuum of space) and the Bastion. Being buddies with clarcktech-holding ubermage toads is obviously also a profit. However, I would probably want someone more informed in the system to run the numbers and assess our chances at dealing with the opposition without losing 80% of our assets.

They'll be sending us help, and yes, I'm pretty sure we can do it. Difficulties come into play when we can't assess the Strangers, but the Chaos forces are no sweat.

I want the War Moon because on-site resupply, loss prevention and long range supriority rule. I feel like this is my Turtle bias again, but blowing enemy up before they can even try to hit us is the most sustainable and reliable method of taking ground (or space, or whatever). But I can be persuaded against.

Pretty sure we're getting both kinds as listed.
Follow Up Intelligence Reports
Cool. I also want to see what new traits/modifiers our characters bring to the situation. Are the Fangs providing us our intelligence report, or are those coming in during the results?
Right sorry about that:

Intelligence Report​

First Legion Activity

Description: The children of the Lion of Caliban are scouring this galaxy looking for something seemingly known only to them based on their often erratic movements. Binding these deployments of elements from the Dark Angels' successors together is that all of them adopt the Dark Angels' Hexagrammaton structure, with the Deathwing, Ravenwing, Dreadwing, Stormwing, Ironwing, and Firewing specialist units and have their chapter masters officially titled "Grandmaster". Based on the reports from within agents embedded within the Imperium, not even the Inquisition is aware of what they are looking for, or why it's so important that after dragging away some advisors to a Khornate horde they left the territory they had rescued to be savaged by the undead.

It is believed that there are agents reporting to the Dark Angels' successor chapters within Tian'Chaonese territory, but if there are they aren't interested in conducting acts of sabotage or pilfering any of the usual information. Either that or they're just so good at their jobs that nobody can tell where they've been or what their sticky fingers have grabbed. Their search seems to still continue even with most Imperial territories in Vay-Gir currently under some form of attack, dispatching smaller search elements from their assets nominally present to assist the call to arms.

Known Dark Angels successor chapters with at least one banner operating in Vay-Gir. Due to the extremely secretive nature of the deployments of the unforgiven strength estimates are not available, but can be presumed to be smaller than a throng each to avoid questions on why large chunks of their chapters would be present in a galaxy not normally considered in their patrol radius.
  • Knights Indomitable
  • Ever-Vigilant Crusaders
  • Soldiers of the Eclipse
  • Lionhearts
  • Bearers of the Old Vigil
  • Wardens of Milvetia
Possible Remedy: Form a diplomatic plan to uncover Dark Angel successor cells to uncover potential disposition of the Unforgiven, minimum investment of 5 RP for any chance of success.

Potential Rewards: Unknown

Renewed Imperial-Sphere conflict

Description: The Imperium of Man and the T'Au Spheres are in a state of heightened conflict with one another following the escalation of the Zeist Campaign by the Adeptus Astartes to try and contain Third sphere expansion efforts leading to open conflict across the primary lanes of Contact between the Imperium and the T'Au. At the moment, the T'Au are advancing, exploiting the Imperium's overconfidence in the Astartes and Mechanicus to press against multiple provinces whose defences have been reshuffled to deal with other threats. While the size of polities relative to the ability to transit across them makes a universal state of war difficult to actually prosecute, this likely means that the T'Au in the Kelesh Supercluster will start moving against the Imperial forces within sooner than later.

Based on the intelligence reports of the Black Lotus Agency, the T'Au will likely seize the K'Ren Satellite galaxy within the decade and then use its warp channels to launch an invasion on the core of Imperial territory in Vay-Gir as well as strike the Imperial-controlled Ku'un Lun satellite galaxy. The Imperium's response is already in motion, though unusually the most likely leader of the Crusade is of the Adeptus Mechanicus rather than the Imperium, Grand Archmagos Dominus Waldemar von Harkonnen, a veteran of millennia of war in the Omnissiah's name. Though the T'Au will be just one part of the offensives for the coming Bentusi crusade.

Possible Remedy: This is not deemed a matter of concern for the People's Celestial Realm beyond that they will likely try to rope in others into the conflict. The Imperium so that they don't have to expend as much force on dealing with a rising nuisance and the T'Au so that they can better challenge the Imperial goliath.

Possible Rewards: N/A

Tyranid Genestealer Cults Dealt With

The Black Lotus Agency in cooperation with the Crimson Guard has rooted out the spread of Genestealer cults in its sweeps through the new territories, usually hitching rides within trade ships or leaving samples of Genestealer DNA in things likely to be consumed by people such as food. With the advance of Hive Armada Baphomet, shutting the door tight on Genestealer cult activity is deemed an essential priority by the Zhu twins, but of course how their efforts are handled is up to you, the Jianyi. Based on the vectors of attempted infection, it is likely the Rogue Trader houses of Cornwall, Eastex, and Lancastershire are thoroughly, potentially even fully compromised.

So long as the genestealers are allowed to persist they will continue to attempt to infiltrate the celestial realm and twist its mechanisms towards ends that will ensure the victory of the hive fleets. A genestealer cult with the reach of a rogue trader house is very dangerous indeed, and will need to be dealt with thoroughly to prevent any further crisis. Based on their registrars, they likely have bases of operations in No-Man's space between the T'Au and southern Imperial territories

Possible Remedy: Espionage plan of at three RPs of expenditure to contact the Ordo Xenos and the Rogue Trader house of York to enlist their aid in slipping in purgation forces to destroy the rotten houses. Alternatively a military deployment can be guaranteed to do it but without forewarning the T'Au and Imperium can be taken the wrong way.

Potential Rewards: Stockpile of 20 RP gathered by rogue traders, increased good-will from the Imperial Prefecture government if they are brought into the loop.

Black and Red

There has been a rash of pirate attacks by raiders in league with the Black Legion and the Red Corsairs as well as Marauder Tribes unaffiliated with either. The Black Legion and Red Corsairs raiders seem mutually hostile to one another, and are currently content to be a nuisance in Hae Tan, finding the defences of Drae Nang too rich for their blood. They both seem to hate the Marauder tribes as well as the Chaotic xenos reavers flinging themselves out of the Vortex of Despair, and of course; all parties involved hate the Drukhari who launch their nuisance raids as they always do.

From the word of Vrailius, the four great Chaos reavers; the Corsair Lady Voladrana, the Black Legionary Lord Mortivar, the xenos Reaver King Bilgeraxis, and the Marauder Queen Stjarna Wulfbane; will attempt to negotiate at the Vay-Dar system within the Arakal Nebula but the deal will inevitably go south and the Dark Eldar under Archon Esperexa Helsheart will come in to try and kill everyone involved. With Eldar assistance, a counter-raid could be launched to kill all of them at once and then strike their hideouts in what had once been a haven for pirates thanks to its largely uninhabited nature.

Possible Remedy: Have at least one element of a fleethorde in the territory within the turn

Potential Rewards: Gain 15 RP from the pirate booty. Gain one research credit for Dark Eldar derived technology.

Cruoran Lineage Activity

The Cruorans are often compared to Vampires, being an offshoot of the Necrons formed from an alternate sort of biotransferrence in the war in heaven to take on bodies far more like their living selves rather than the skeletal full body death-masques of the necrons. Furthermore, they also have the dread thirst, much like the C'tan they seek to drain energy, particularly that of living beings, but whereas the Necrons generally regard "conscripting" non-necrontyr to be beneath them due to their imperious disdain for most other life; preferring to create derivative engrams from extant necrons or copy the engrams of lesser ones when they need to expand their numbers; the Cruoran do so as a matter of course, even having ways to do it quickly and cheaply to create basic thralls and warriors, while giving the gravemark to those they seek to invite to their silent aristocracy.

There are many lineages of Cruoran, often but not always divided on the original living species or which ancient progenitor they "descend" from in a line of gravemarkings. One of the most infamous is the von Stahlmacht lineage, a plague on the houses of both the Holy Empire and the Imperium and one that is particularly interested in coming to dominate the politics of human polities to set up feeding grounds, "protecting" their chattel from other predators such as the undead, Chaos, genestealers, the strangers, cults of destruction, or their own original polities. A number of covens of von Stahlmacht activity have been uncovered in Drae Nang, clustered around former imperial aristocracy who were easy marks in the wake of the demise of Imperial Authority in the territory, and only Xinyi's direct intervention stopped them from kidnapping a member of the Jianyi for forcible conversion.

Possible Remedy: A diplomatic action plan with at least three RP worth of investment can force the Cruorans to scatter before they can take enough control to attempt a take over.

Potential Rewards: The Arkantor Dynasty of Necrons in the nearby Tu-Ran galaxy will approve. Two Research credits towards what can be gleaned from Cruoran superscience (regenerative armour, robotics, energy weapons, field quench weapons)

New Traits​

Character stats are based on a derivative of either 9th edition warhammer 40k or 2nd edition dark heresy based on what I work out for testing. Stats will be forthcoming when I grok out the math for them. For the sake of my fingers I probably won't type out transcripts of rolls except on request.

All characters of course gain generic stat buffs when they level up and you have levelled up to 3.

Xinyi Gains

  • Battlemage
    • Gains the Lore of Shadows
    • Increases in capabilities as an Esotericist, especially in melee combat
    • Confers greater bonuses to esoterics and individuals of importance
    • Significantly improves as a duelist, particularly against enemies that she is superior to either in esoterics or physicality or both.
  • Skein Strategist
    • Becomes better at using divination psychic powers, sorcery, and magic, conferring a general strategy bonus to military deployments
    • Gains a bonus to positive interactions with Eldar
    • Can give predictions of what an enemy she is in the same battle with is likely to do, or what a negotiating partner may respond to an offer with
    • Greater chance of preventing enemy surprise actions or gaining surprises against the enemy whether in negotiation or war

Xiang Gains

  • Abjuring Conjurer
    • Gains a major bonus to dispelling enemy magic effects or protecting your own assets
    • Can Lead rituals to summon elemental spirits with a high magic action or during a duel to bolster your forces
    • Gains a bonus against corrupted enemies or in purging corrupted areas, halving the RP cost if he is present
    • Bonus to teleportation type High Magic actions
  • Dragon Warrior
    • Gains a bonus in duels with enemies he has met at least once before in some capacity, even psychic clairvoyance
    • Gains a bonus to fighting enemies in astral projection form, vital for exorcising daemons or battling the Strangers in their Dreamtime
    • When he dispells magic or counters a spell, the force of that spell has a high chance of being returned to the enemy for a catastrophic dispell
    • Allows for dragon blooded characters to temporarily take on dragon form, giving a boost to your super infantry and individuals of importance.

Raug Meatspicer Gains

  • Trollguts
    • Has a permanent regenerative factor
    • Gains in physical strength and durability
    • Offers enhanced recovery to his troops (additional 10% free repairs)
    • Wounded Recovery Time reduced to One Phase (If mortally injured in a battle, will be ready to fight again in the next battle within that turn)
  • No Voice in our Ears but the Maw
    • Gains a bonus against corrupted enemies or in purging corrupted areas, halving the RP cost if he is present
    • Gains a bonus against mind altering effects and helps protect units he is attached to
    • Can have up to 5RP spent before a battle to provide a random augmentation to the fleethorde with his culinary magic
    • Can receive missions from the Maw

Dagra Steelbreaker Gains

  • Bigger and Fatter
    • Counts as a massive unit in duels
    • Improves the morale of Ogors she is assigned to
    • Becomes more effective against enemy massive units
    • Gains a bonus to commanding Ogor massive and War Engine units
  • Ogors my lord
    • Always have access to at least one Ogor mercenary unit to hire
    • Can challenge the Tyrants of other Ogor tribes to get them to switch sides
    • Chance of random ogor encounter replenishing losses or possibly even expanding on size
    • Ogors under her command have begun to grow smarter...

Chen Haoyu Gains

  • The Arcane Scholar
    • Provides an extra free slot of research
    • Reduces cost of Esoteric related researches
    • Allows for an additional high magic action
    • Learns the Lore of Time
  • Compass Keeper
    • Doubles effects of Strategic Wu Jin Compass
    • Doubles Effects of Tactical Compasses
    • May, once per battle, alter the winds of magic to favour one and disfavour another
    • Increases Navigation Range to Cluster Level

Chen Kexin Gains

  • The Beast Shaman
    • Reduces cost of biological research
    • Reduces cost of Spirit related research
    • Allows for an additional high magic action
    • Learns the Lore of Space
  • The Immortal Phoenix
    • Has a permanent regenerative factor
    • Gains in physical strength and durability
    • Offers enhanced recovery to her troops (additional 10% free repairs)
    • Wounded Recovery Time reduced to One Phase (If mortally injured in a battle, will be ready to fight again in the next battle within that turn)

Wang Chao Xing Gains

  • The Pink Tiger
    • Gains, the Lore of Yang
    • Reduce Cost for Stealth or Espionage related research
    • Confers a bonus to fast or stealthy actions
    • Allows for one Espionage Action per turn to be taken for free with maximal RP bonus
  • The Death Rose
    • Gains a major advantage against any enemy character already engaged in a duel with someone else
    • Gains a bonus to sabotaging Planetoids and superweapons
    • Penalizes enemy individuals when able to operate freely and is involved in the same combat
    • Increased chance to catch retreating enemy characters when involved in the same combat

Wang Zi Rui Gains

  • The Green Tiger
    • Gains, Lore of Yin
    • Reduce cost for Detection or Scanner related research
    • Confers a bonus to discovering or countering fast or stealthy actions
    • Allows for one Counter-Espionage Action to be taken for free with maximal RP bonus
  • The Giving Fangs
    • Gains a major bonus to helping any friendly characters engaged in a duel
    • Gains a bonus in countering enemy sabotage
    • Increased chance for your characters to withdraw from a duel without further injury when involved in the same combat
    • Can automatically block one enemy assassination action per battle
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One lore question I have: who are the 13 Chaos gods, or more specificially, who are the Chaos Gods beyond the 5-6 we know and love/hate from canon?
Also to give my 2 cents plan wise the Votann cooperation is a must, the Dawi one is heavily contigent on whether they have any neighbors imminently likely to attack them, and I remain uncertain about the other choices

18: Kardunum, the One of the Hoard, God of Greed, Hoarding, and the Ettins; Enemy to Daguthur
17: Daguthur, the Jealous Watcher, God of Envy, Self-Entitlement, and the Ixitatchil; Enemy to Kardunum
16: Atakwi, the Misted King, God of Forgetting, Secrets, and the Gremyki; Enemy to Zuvassin
15: Zuvassin, the Betrayer, God of Treachery, Paranoia, and the Zektek; Enemy to Atakwi
14: Oregala, the Chained Queen, God of Blindness (of faith), Misery, and the Eriniy; Enemy to Neocho.
13: Vershiv, the Horned Rat, God of Selfishness, Bigotry, and the Skaven, Enemy of Hashut
12: Hashut the Dark Father, God of Toil, Sacrifice, the Dawi Zharr, Enemy of Vershiv
11: Malal the Paradox, God of Fear, Self-Defeat, and the Sahkil; Enemy to all.
10: Neocho the Unbeliever, God of Doubt, Apathy, and the Oralik; Enemy of Oregala
9: Tzeentch the Changer of Ways, God of Ambition, Change, and the Ssiberex; Enemy of Nurgle
8: Khorne the Gorelord, God of Rage, Hate, and the Kulrath; Enemy of Slaanesh
7: Nurgle the Plaguefather, God of Despair, Decay and the Worgok; Enemy of Tzeentch
6: Slaanesh the Prince of Excess, God of Excess, Obsession and the Rakshasa; Enemy of Khorne

Known nascent or aspiring Chaos Gods:

Be'Lakor the Dark Master
Vashtorr the Arkifane
Estalak The Great Gatherer
Trelmarixian the Old Conqueror

If the Chaos God with the number Zero is able to actualise, it will be the God of nothing, instantly become a Qliphothic/Nyxic Phenomenon and the game basically ends instantly as reality and the warp collapse into a soup of formless potential as the resulting paradox makes Nothing permeate throughout the warp and materium, leaving no fixed reality, no actuality, no time no space, simply infinite possibilities without actual definition or being.

Each Chaos God causes a corresponding Order God to actualise in response.
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Another couple ideas for research:

Pyschoreactive Armor: We have many magicians and psyjers among our forces, and they are amongst our most valuable assets, in need of protection. This advanced armor uses psycho-circuitry to predict attacks and draws on the wearer's power to reinforce itself against them.

Harmonic Scramblers: This shipborn E-warfare equipment harnesses the effects of our harmonic fields to disrupt enemy sensors, making targeting locks and teleport-boarding attempts more difficult.
Another couple ideas for research:

Pyschoreactive Armor: We have many magicians and psyjers among our forces, and they are amongst our most valuable assets, in need of protection. This advanced armor uses psycho-circuitry to predict attacks and draws on the wearer's power to reinforce itself against them.

Harmonic Scramblers: This shipborn E-warfare equipment harnesses the effects of our harmonic fields to disrupt enemy sensors, making targeting locks and teleport-boarding attempts more difficult.

I have some ideas for research.

Mech Conversion: The Orks are truly mad to think of this. Still mad does not mean impossible. Our technology is far beyond their scrap. Surely we can produce our own mech transformation. This will be limited to vehicles on the smaller side, but still useful. It could be a potent and unexpected force in the right places.

Firepower Improvement: One thing the Imperium has is firepower. Massive numbers of cannons thundering to kill the enemy on masse. Despite our technology advantage the Imperials have managed to hold an edge over us here. Still our engineers believe it can rectified. Some small alterations to our ship board weapons should give us a nice boost in that field.

Psychoreactive Armour: 2 Slots (Esoteric, Augments individuals of importance and esoterics)

Harmonic Scramblers: 2 Slots (Esoteric, General enhancement in defence, especially bombardment or boarding)

Mech Conversion: 4 Slots (Mechanical, Improvements to Skirmish, Smallcraft, Aircraft, and Vehicles)

Firepower Improvement, going to interpret this as wanting a general improvement to Clash and Bombardment firepower: 4 Slots (Artillery)
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The Imperium of Man would like to open up trade links worth 25 RP per turn in exchange for a guarantee that you take no hostile actions against the Imperium and repatriate Imperial Loyalist rebels in your territory to theirs rather than continue repressions. This will move 4 pops into the Imperium and out of your territory. Doing this will, for as long as the pact remains, remove you from possible Imperial Crusade target lists. It will also sour relations with the Tau.
I'm willing to do this, though I suspect it will only last so long. I'm actually happy to get the Imperials out of our territory. However, see below with the Asur.
The Leagues of Votann would like to open up trade links worth 20 RP per turn in exchange for a joint A.I research project that will ask you to commit at least one research slot per turn towards an A.I revolutionary breakthrough for both you and them to try and alleviate the burden on their ancestor cores while improving your own Automata. Doing this will open access to Leagues of Votann mercenaries.
Half a revolutionary breakthrough is pretty cool. And we love mercenaries, so opening up more options is good.
The Asur would like to open up trade links worth 30 RP per turn in exchange for access to the Virgin territories of 35 and 34 so that they may populate them and turn them into bastions of the Phoenix Kingdom. They will also offer information worth 5 research slot credits to a revolutionary breakthrough towards anything magic related, in exchange they wish for a formal alliance and the obligation to aid each other in wars.
We're friendly with these guys, and we love Magic, so I'm tempted to say yes to this.


Clear out Territory 47 and allow Lizardmen to claim it.

Description: The Slann Mage-Priests have sent a psychic communique to the Jianyi stating that they would wish to expand into this territory, but in the interest of minimising losses and continuing to hold back Hive Armada Baphomet, they would prefer to engage in a cooperative endeavour. Displeased by the presence of the Iron Warriors and the powers of the Strangers in this area and wishing to build upon the Astromantic Web, they have gathered forces with the intention of eliminating the enemy presence outright. The teachers have agreed that this is a wise course of action, as doing so would make significant progress towards closing the Vortex of Woe and strengthening this fringe of the Vay-Gir galaxy against the tides of Baphomet.

The Itzecan are somewhat distant to most warmbloods and are not anywhere near as friendly to the Dragon-taught as the Aeldari are in general, but there is a shared opposition to the cosmic forces that would threaten the habitability of real space and a mutual appreciation for very long term thinking that allows for some basis of cooperation. Thus, the Slann have deigned to ask, rather than to tip the hand of fate to manipulate the Tian'Chaoren into doing this for them later. Such is a rather rare occurrence to any polity heavily populated by humans, whom the Mage Priests generally regard warily at best save for their Amazon auxiliaries.

The Slann are patient, and are willing to wait for some time before launching their assault. But they would wish to strike before the war between the Fiends and Iron Warriors can be resolved in either's favour. Something they suspect will happen in a few decades, though who is the more likely winner as of yet remains too volatile to say for certain. They also believe that a fleet of Hive Armada Baphomet will arrive at this territory at some point, and would wish to grow the resources needed to halt them here, rather than hope that these warring menaces won't simply feed the swarm.

Reward: 20 trade RP per turn, the Lizardmen are pleased, Astromantic web will strengthen realspace in your territory

Time Limit: 2 turns
Mmm. The rewards to this don't feel that great? We're taking on all the risk, and cutting off our right-ward expansion, for a relatively paltry amount of RP. I'm not sure the Astromantic Web even helps us that much, and feels like an afterthought? Maybe we can negotiate.

Celestial Realm

Fortify all territories

Description: It is believed that the Skaven have allowed Abaddon the Despoiler to make major breakthroughs from his territories in many chaotic warp rifts and the Black Legion will be spearheading multiple major chaotic assaults in the near future, furthermore other hostile powers such as the Undead and Strangers are increasingly active. Thus it is imperative that the territory be properly defended against any potential attack.

Bring up all territories to at least heavy defence.

Reward: Immediate 20 pop immigration flow, 5 extra pops per turn, 10 extra income per turn

Time Limit: 2 Turns
Yeah, we should do this. Great reward to effort ratio, we probably want to do it anyways, and the rewards are pretty great, not the least of which is pleasing our parent nation.
How does he even function as a God, I question if he even works as a Chaos myself. But that is just my view.
Belief is largely unimportant to the power of a chaos god as they are an emergent property of semiotic resonance between certain concepts in the materium and the empyrean without clear beginning or end due to the warp being timeless.

You don't need to believe in Neocho, simply doubting the truth in front of your eyes is enough.
As a note, the Votann request isn't half a revolutionary breakthrough, it's a full one, you're just splitting the research costs between the two of you.

They'll match whatever slot commitment you put in, so it'll take at minimum 5 turns and as little as 1 turn if you throw in five slots.
Belief is largely unimportant to the power of a chaos god as they are an emergent property of semiotic resonance between certain concepts in the materium and the empyrean without clear beginning or end due to the warp being timeless.

You don't need to believe in Neocho, simply doubting the truth in front of your eyes is enough.
I don't mean that, I mean its very nature would cut both ways. He would make people doubt chaos as well as order.
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As a note, the Votann request isn't half a revolutionary breakthrough, it's a full one, you're just splitting the research costs between the two of you.

They'll match whatever slot commitment you put in, so it'll take at minimum 5 turns and as little as 1 turn if you throw in five slots.

Just as a general note, purchasing 5 research slots costs a total of 55 RP.
Not the biggest fan of the IoM's request, I'd rather take the Tau's tbh. But more than the two, I want to sign that treaty with the Phoenix Kingdom and start trade with Votann.

All level up benefits are great, of course, but of special interest to me is Dagra's smarter ogors.
Suggestion: Were we to take an offer that angers the Imperium, can we give them memo that we are going to be nuking Chaos for the forseeable future and we would greatly appreciate if they didn't force us to reduce an anti-Chaos fleets in order to fight them out? If so, how likely are they to respond? For the record, this is not a "Don't Burn Us" request, it's more of a "Don't Purge Us While We Purge Archenemy". I understand that without another big cooperation action we're still blacklisted, but I think they should be wise enough to not bother us when we're doing their job and it doesn't cost them anything but time.
Votaan are a must, Dawi would be good as they never will betray that deal, imperium and tau are bait as we should let them fight it out without attaching ourselves to them, and the lizard man request is doable. No friggin idea what to do with the plethora of intelligence and windfall of cash. Thinking about research ideas.
Belief is largely unimportant to the power of a chaos god as they are an emergent property of semiotic resonance between certain concepts in the materium and the empyrean without clear beginning or end due to the warp being timeless.

You don't need to believe in Neocho, simply doubting the truth in front of your eyes is enough.
Wow, that is so cool.

On Neocho, I think that he was immensely empowered by the Imperial Truth. He probably was winning in the great game at the height of the Great Crusade.
So I've been reading a bit of Tien'chaoen military strategy and looking at the last battle's results. Based on this:
Categorical advantages (Space) (+ is in your favour, - is against)
  • +++Macro-Capitals (Supremacy)
    • +++Leviathans (Supremacy)
    • ++Juggernauts (Superiority)
    • ++Superdreadnoughts (Superiority)
  • +Capital ships (Edge)
    • ++Dreadnoughts (Superiority)
    • +Battleships (Edge)
    • -Grand Cruisers (Disadvantage)
  • =Line Ships (Equilibrium)
    • -Battlecruisers (Disadvantage)
    • =Cruisers (Equilibrium)
    • +Destroyers (Edge)
  • +Screen Ships (Edge)
    • ++Frigate (Superiority)
    • +Corvette (Advantage)
    • -Sloop (Unfavourable)
  • +Smallcraft (Advantage)
    • +Strike Craft (Edge)
    • +Landers (Equilibrium)
    • +Torpedoes (Equilibrium)
  • ++Other (Superiority)
    • N/A Fortifications
    • +++Esoterics (Supremacy)
    • ++Support (Superiority)
Positional Advantages (Space)
  • +++Bombardment (Supremacy)
  • ++Skirmish (Superiority)
  • +Clash (Advantage)
  • N/A: Pursuit/Retreat
Categorical Advantages (Surface)
  • +++War Engines (Supremacy)
    • +++Behemoths
    • +++Colossi
    • +++Titans
  • ++Massives
    • +++Megaliths
    • ++Giants
    • +Superheavies
  • +Vehicles (Advantage))
    • +Heavies
    • +Main Battle Units
    • +Lights
  • +Infantry
    • =Super Infantry (Equilibrium)
    • ++Commandos (Superiority)
    • -Elite Infantry (Disadvantage)
    • ++Specialists (Superiority)
    • +++Line Infantry (Supremacy)
    • ---Cannon Fodder (Non-presence)
  • +++Support
    • +++Artillery (Supremacy)
    • ++Aircraft (Superiority)
    • +++Assistants (Supremacy)
    • N/A Fortifications
    • +++Esoterics (Supremacy)
    • +++Transport (Supremacy)
  • ++Individuals of Importance (Superiority)
    • ++Lords (Superiority)
    • ++Heroes (Superiority)
    • ++Agents (Superiority)
Initial Positional Advantages: Surface
  • +++Shock
  • ++Penetration
  • +Exploitation
  • ++Reduction
Categorical advantages (Space) (+ is in your favour, - is against. Includes Imperials and Eldar)
  • +Macro-Capitals (Edge)
    • +Leviathans (Supremacy)
    • +Juggernauts (Superiority)
    • +Superdreadnoughts (Superiority)
  • ++Capital ships (Superiority)
    • ++Dreadnoughts (Superiority)
    • +Battleships (Edge)
    • ++Grand Cruisers (Superiority)
  • =Line Ships (Equilibrium)
    • -Battlecruisers (Disadvantage)
    • =Cruisers (Equilibrium)
    • +Destroyers (Edge)
  • +Screen Ships (Edge)
    • ++Frigate (Superiority)
    • +Corvette (Advantage)
    • -Sloop (Unfavourable)
  • +Smallcraft (Advantage)
    • +Strike Craft (Edge)
    • +Landers (Equilibrium)
    • +Torpedoes (Equilibrium)
  • ++Other (Superiority)
    • N/A Fortifications
    • +Esoterics (Edge)
    • ++Support (Superiority)
Positional Advantages (Space)
  • ++Bombardment (Superiority)
  • ++Skirmish (Superiority)
  • =Clash (Equilibrium)
  • N/A: Pursuit/Retreat
Categorical Advantages (Surface)
  • +War Engines (Edge)
    • -Behemoths (Disadvantage)
    • +Colossi
    • +Titans
  • +Massives
    • +Megaliths
    • -Giants
    • +Superheavies
  • ++Vehicles (Superiority)
    • ++Heavies
    • +++Main Battle Units
    • +Lights
  • +Infantry
    • +Super Infantry (Advantage)
    • ++Commandos (Superiority)
    • ++Elite Infantry (Superiority)
    • =Specialists (Equilibrium)
    • -Line Infantry (Disadvantage)
    • ---Cannon Fodder (Non-presence)
  • +++Support
    • +++Artillery (Supremacy)
    • =Aircraft (Equilibrium)
    • +++Assistants (Supremacy)
    • N/A Fortifications
    • ++Esoterics (Superiority)
    • =Transport (Equilibrium)
  • ++Individuals of Importance (Superiority)
    • +Lords (Edge)
    • +Heroes (Edge)
    • +Agents (Edge)


In space, the Tian'Chaoren navy is relatively flexible, but nearly always prefers to open up with bombardment severe enough to force an enemy to try to close to a clash on their terms. Skirmish is provided mostly by smallcraft and screen ships and the occasional faster large vessel, while the bulk of the fleet traditionally starts to move in a coordinated formation. The idea of the formation is for the vessels best suited to attack up close will lock down the enemy with their atomic suppressors and other forms of mobility limiting devices and their own implacable durability while allowing the rest of the fleet to continue bombardment at their leisure.

The general thesis of the navy is to deny enemies the ability to fight as they want to, and to force the foe to abide by the choking dictums of harmonious warfare, to lock them into a dance where their steps are already predetermined. The ability to move is restricted, enemies may be moved to certain places against their will, the arts of deception restrict their idea of what's even going on, and the formations of the fleet are shuffled so that they fight what the strategists of the Tian'Chaoren deign they may fight.

Problems arise if defeat in detail is turned against Tian'Chaoren. If crucial ships are taken out to disrupt the harmony fields and contingencies are frustrated, if the foe is able to deny the Tian'Chaoren the ability to dictate the terms of engagement at every turn, if the formations are broken up and turned to chaos; things can fall apart startlingly fast. In essence, they excel at bombardment, have good specialists at skirmish, are conditionally able to do well in clashes as long as they can continue bombardment and skirmish damage and keep order in the clash.

They excel in pursuit with their many means to limit mobility, but their approach to withdrawal is perhaps a bit odd as they prefer to withdraw by eliminating the enemy's ability to pursue rather than doing so by being particularly swift. If the enemy is able to shrug off or disable these mobility limitations, a retreat may turn into a debacle. As Waaagh! 'Eartkrusha demonstrated when the Greenskins' own traktor fields were turned backwards, somehow worked in reverse, and pushed away the Celestial Navy's immobilisation assets to run down the Tian'Chaoren navy and with lethal Kommando probes and tellyporta ships tear apart formations. Culiminating in the obliteration of the Provincial Fleet of Janyeng and overrun the entire province within a decade; with reconquest efforts still being ongoing.
The People's Revolutionary Celestial Army is a highly versatile take-all-comers force, but it clearly prefers a certain sequence of battle; overwhelming firepower at the start to force the enemy to approach on the PRCA's terms, and then force them to try to overcome the immovable wall and irresistible force of extremely durable frontline assets that have ways to make it impossible to ignore them. All while giving free shots to the more destructive units that comfortably enjoy protection in their formation. Once the enemy has been shattered, the formation can orderly disperse into more discrete groups to begin the exploitation with continued offensives or vigorous counter-attacks, with the objective being to destroy the enemy's ability to continue fighting through the elimination of the lines of contact that hold the enemy army together and the seizure of the critical objectives. Then, they can turn around and eliminate the remainder of the enemy at their leisure.

This makes foes able to make unexpected moves quite vexing, being able to force them to break up formation with little warning. As the bitter and ongoing wars with Hive Armada Taotie showed, the capacity for the army to fall apart in dramatic fashion if its best-laid plans are ruined without the means of reorientating quickly enough is very much there. As the Presiding Council rallies resources against one of the greatest crises to hit Tian'Chao in an age against the colossal Hive Armada, the particular defensive weakness towards unexpected penetrations has been a painful reminder of the fallibility of the People's army. The Taotie; as the Tyranids are called by Tian'Chao; have very often emerged from unexpected angles or hidden genestealers and tyrannification helixes within their ranks and then struck when the time was right far more reliably than the egomania of chaos or the dark stench of undeath. And the introduction of discord into an army based on harmony will tend to unravel the army in short order.

Such has also been a priority against the Teleportation-loving Greenskins and the Dark Eldar and Necrons, as the need to control when and where the enemy may fight them is crucial. If they can be kept there, then the combination of the grinding forward wall and the deadly storm of firepower is something few foes can last against forever, and against the foes who can match or outdo them in such grinds; such as the Quetzal, the Dawi, or the Leagues of Votann they do have other means of waging war. But if they cannot adapt quickly enough to a disruption in their own lines they may stand to face bitter defeat.
Keep in mind that this is discarding how to upgrade our Ogor mercenaries and is instead focusing entirely on our own units and strategy.

I've come to the conclusion that the easiest upgrades to our current fleethordes are to play into their strength of dictating the flow of battle, defeat in detail, and generally focusing on our superheavy+ units. A second option is to reinforce our biggest weaknesses from our reliance on certain units, being defeated in detail, having a poor ability to withdraw, and lesser focus on smaller units (chaff, sloops, etc). A third direction to take is to invest in our exotic or tech advantages through research.

Here are some research ideas I had, though many will probably need research done, if not a doctrine or revolutionary breakthrough to achieve. The easiest problem first is our lack of chaff, the first idea is to simply match chaff with high quality chaff, while the second gives us chaff that lets us control the flow of battle.

Terracotta armies: Legions of automata governed by a single overmind, these units are a metal skeleton wrapped in alchemically enhanced clay. While their outer frame is frail and easily cracked, the skeleton underneath requires much more effort to destroy. These units are not made with the typical artisanal quality of typical Tien'Chao units. Indeed, they can be mass produced in automated factories, while their enhanced-terracotta skin can be made in bulk by even apprentice alchemists.

Hornet-Nest: A tank size piece of machinery dedicated solely to housing wasp automata in droves. These inch-long fliers can be disassembled and stored easily, while reassembled quickly on the field. Each nest contains hundreds of thousands wasps parts ready to be constructed and let loose. Wasps are equipped with a laser stinger. Can be replaced with alchemobarbaric carrying lantern-flies or atomic suppressor carrying cicadas.

For our superheavies the only thing I can think of is research into tech and using that improved tech to directly improve the units. Unless someone has a particularly creative idea, our unit rosters are pretty fleshed out.

For our lower tier of space ships I have ideas:

Chi-wen class frigate: using harmonic resonance and built around a single shield broadcaster, this ship forgoes all offense in order to better defend the ships it is attached to. Especially useful against enemies with a high volume of fire.

Edit: I'm gonna add more later but I wanted to get some of the research ideas out now.
One of our other weaknesses is super/elite infantry. The way I figure it, we can either develop super-soldiers of our own, perhaps Automata, but I'm a bit concerned about overreliance on AI for various genre-related reasons, or doubling down on force multipliers and combined arms tactics (ie, Transylvito Style) to make our footsoldiers capable of dealing with them.
One of our other weaknesses is super/elite infantry. The way I figure it, we can either develop super-soldiers of our own, perhaps Automata, but I'm a bit concerned about overreliance on AI for various genre-related reasons, or doubling down on force multipliers and combined arms tactics (ie, Transylvito Style) to make our footsoldiers capable of dealing with them.
We have elite infantry, like the Twins' personal guard. It's just that our elites are worse than their equivalents in other factions, pound for pound. My personal opinion is force multipliers and battlefield control. It's a boring, but practical option that can be applied more generally and I personally find something appealing in beating the glorious superpowered death machine through reliability, adaptability and army-wide coordination. And massive volume of fire.
We have elite infantry, like the Twins' personal guard. It's just that our elites are worse than their equivalents in other factions, pound for pound. My personal opinion is force multipliers and battlefield control. It's a boring, but practical option that can be applied more generally and I personally find something appealing in beating the glorious superpowered death machine through reliability, adaptability and army-wide coordination. And massive volume of fire.
Tian'Chao's super infantry are strictly speaking, more rare than they are bad. Being a Xiuxinzhe takes a lot of time and rare resources and people who can use psychic, magic, or sorcerous abilities without getting corrupted. People with close enough descent from a Tianren for it to be a huge boost are quite rare because the Tianren are very deliberate about having children given the commitment it represents and the need to work out a plan for their lives and training so that they don't end up overwhelmed by their abilities. Heavenly Auto-Soldiers require a very elaborate process of ritual, rare construction materials, and more than a decade of programming and machining work to create; each being an artisanal labour of love by people who base their entire lives around the art of creating these ensouled machine persons; the art of mass producing them lost long ago.

Elites of course are another matter, the Jade Banner Soldiers are generally not the equals of the Adepta Peregrinas because they just can't stack up to the Peregrinas' reality-bending faith and miracles and the Peregrinas are an entire self-contained army with an entire support network completely dedicated to any potential needs they have as a branch. The Jade Banners are formations of soldiers trained and equipped for a certain task; like Grenadiers, the Peregrinas are an army unto themselves and have had literally every bit of kit they wield made very specifically to make the most out of them, leading to them being a formidable battlefield presence that is further backed by aforementioned reality warping.

Chaos Warriors are of course, top tier elite infantry because they're mini-marines, swollen with the powers of chaos and clad in corrupted chaos power plate armour into things that are so much more than what they were as mortals, they are one of the strengths of most Chaos factions as mortals who survive some time in service to Chaos will become Chaos Warriors, giving them a ready supply of them far more reliably than the Geneseed dependent traitor Astartes. The Chaos Warriors are a sort of dark mirror to the Peregrinas, though their Technobarbarian origins means their equipment is much more...improvised than their closest rivals in the Imperium, preferring sawn-off Heavy Stubbers instead of Bolters for example and having more "patterns" of vehicles than specific types, rather like the Orks.

Space Marines though are more than just raw stats but also include a bit of warp craft in their construction that gives them for lack of a better term; some degree of plot armour. A Black Templar initiate for example in one book who sparred with a Mechanicus war-robot that was designed to surpass the Space marine in speed, durability, and strength managed to win the duel because somehow, against all logic, he found and landed the lucky blow needed to be declared the winner. And Astartes as a whole have an uncanny ability to be when and where they need to be and away from where they'd be at the greatest disadvantage. Of course this touch of the warp means that no blank or pariah can ever be an Astartes.

As for Eldar Aspect warriors; they're the Elite of a very Elite focused culture, giving a part of themselves to emulate the mythological role of a god of murder and carefully unleashing some of the potential the Eldar have as a species that they have to hide away to avoid Slaanesh. Keep in mind that the Eldar by their own words, did not use guns themselves in the olden days, those guns were for their drones and automata soldiers. They did not use them because they did not need them with their incredible psychic might which entwined with their physiologies to make even the most basic Eldar soldier like a modern solitaire physically and able to lay down the warp based pain of a farseer. Harlequins can use more of their potential due to Cegorach's protection, while Solitaires can basically go at full blast because they're already damned.

Eldar Aspect warriors are a far cry from those heights but there's no shame in being worse than them as an elite infantry unit because they're kind of the actual best in the entire setting as of the modern period in that category. Though that being said, the non-evil Eldar are growing increasingly wary of their relationship to Khaela Mensha Khaine, who is an extremely negative deity who embodies mostly very terrible things about themselves. Khaine is one of the Cytharai and aspect warriors are rightly considered monsters to be kept well away from as long as they walk that path, with Exarchs who fully lose themselves to the path being considered for all intents and purposes; dead to the world and beasts in Aeldari skin.
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Current list of research ideas and costs.
Harmonic Broadcasters: Inspired by the Tyranid shadow in the warp and the Itzecan Astromantic interference, Harmonic Broadcasters will radiate the harmonic influence of Yin and Yang into the empyrean and into the dimension often known as "Leng" that the forces of the Strangers reside in. Taking existing technosorcery, these devices can reduce reality corruption, complicate the manifestation of supernatural beings, augment your own esotericists and forces, and also help function as interdiction of enemy comms and travel. Revolutionary Breakthrough: 10 Research slots. (Esoteric, Esoteric bonuses cut it down to 8 slots)

Psychoreactive Armour: We have many magicians and psyjers among our forces, and they are amongst our most valuable assets, in need of protection. This advanced armor uses psycho-circuitry to predict attacks and draws on the wearer's power to reinforce itself against them. 2 Slots (Esoteric, Augments individuals of importance and esoterics. Esoteric bonus cuts it down to one slot.)

Harmonic Scramblers: This shipborn E-warfare equipment harnesses the effects of our harmonic fields to disrupt enemy sensors, making targeting locks and teleport-boarding attempts more difficult. 2 Slots (Esoteric, General enhancement in defence, especially bombardment or boarding. Esoteric bonus cuts it down to one slot.)

Mech Conversion: The Orks are truly mad to think of this. Still mad does not mean impossible. Our technology is far beyond their scrap. Surely we can produce our own mech transformation. This will be limited to vehicles on the smaller side, but still useful. It could be a potent and unexpected force in the right places. 4 Slots (Mechanical, Improvements to Skirmish, Smallcraft, Aircraft, and Vehicles)

Firepower Improvement, One thing the Imperium has is firepower. Massive numbers of cannons thundering to kill the enemy on masse. Despite our technology advantage the Imperials have managed to hold an edge over us here. Still our engineers believe it can rectified. Some small alterations to our ship board weapons should give us a nice boost in that field. Going to interpret this as wanting a general improvement to Clash and Bombardment firepower: 4 Slots (Artillery)

Terracotta armies: Legions of automata governed by a single overmind, these units are a metal skeleton wrapped in alchemically enhanced clay. While their outer frame is frail and easily cracked, the skeleton underneath requires much more effort to destroy. These units are not made with the typical artisanal quality of typical Tien'Chao units. Indeed, they can be mass produced in automated factories, while their enhanced-terracotta skin can be made in bulk by even apprentice alchemists. (Mechanical, Improvement to Cannon Fodder units, improvement to boarding defence and attack. 3 slots).

Hornet-Nest: A tank size piece of machinery dedicated solely to housing wasp automata in droves. These inch-long fliers can be disassembled and stored easily, while reassembled quickly on the field. Each nest contains hundreds of thousands wasps parts ready to be constructed and let loose. Wasps are equipped with a laser stinger. Can be replaced with alchemobarbaric carrying lantern-flies or atomic suppressor carrying cicadas. (Mechanical, Improvement to Penetration and Exploitation and boarding defence and attack. 3 slots)

Chi-wen class frigate: Using harmonic resonance and built around a single shield broadcaster, this ship forgoes all offense in order to better defend the ships it is attached to. Especially useful against enemies with a high volume of fire. (Shielding, Improves ship durability and reduces casualties. 2 slots.)

Empowerment Project, Part 1, Biohacking: Begins to look at augmenting organic soldiers and populace, looking for useful traits to encourage and means of improving on the limits of biochemistry. Xiuxinzhe cultivation, the biology of the Tianren and their mixed blood descendants, existing augmentation regimens, and comparable programs from other polities will be looked at to provide a baseline. (Revolutionary Breakthrough, 10 slots -1 for Biology trait. Provides for a general enhancement of all biological units, increased casualty recovery, and improves health of biological pops, offers a credit towards a tier up. Opens further Empowerment project branches.)

Enlightenment Project, Part 1, Eyes of the Soul: Starts to look at how to spiritually augment the tutored peoples as was done in the past. Particularly in a way that is less time consuming than the current Ways of Enlightenment which rely on information often not-applicable to the current Pupil species with significant holes in the knowledge base. (Revolutionary Breakthrough, 10 Slots -2 for Esoteric Traits. Provides for a spiritual enhancement to units and increases resistance to corruption, offers a credit towards a tier up. Opens further Enlightenment project branches)

Tianren Cultivation Project, Part 1, Mysteries of the Past: The need to ensure that the Tianren, often known as the Tianshou or Tianjia; the Celestial peoples such as Dragons, Qilins, Fenghuan, Baihu, Xuanwu, Fuzhu, or the Tian-He to name but a few of the most prominent are raised to be properly resistant to corruptive forces and the diminished knowledge of the Celestial Path has ensured that the recovery from the Wars of Vengeance has been slow, and that the Tianren are taking longer to mature than they once did. This was not always so, and recovery of knowledge from the past and divining paths of the future may help their numbers recover. (Revolutionary Breakthrough, Tianren, Allows for larger numbers of Tianren units to be present in armies and pops which helps with most things, offers a credit towards a tier up. Enhances Tianren resistance to corruption. Opens further Tianren Cultivation branches)

The Iron Heart Project, Part 1, Steel Awakening: The Tian'Chaoren are well known for their fondness of creating automatons and A.Is, but their preference for spiritually empowered ones sets them apart from the more purely mechanical things of the Interex, UCCR, Votann, or Mechanicus, but can be compared to the Eldar or the Dawi. Understanding more of how a machine's mind can glow in the warp may aid in making them more reliably and better. (Revolutionary Breakthrough, Joint Project with Leagues of Votann, will offer a general improvement to mechanical units and technology, offers a credit towards a tier up. Opens further Iron heart branches.)

The Star's Wisdom, Part 1, Laws of Physical Understanding: Though their understanding of the laws of nature is extensive, it is clearly inferior to many. Understanding the laws of nature will allow for better power generation, better weapons, and better defences. It will also allow for a greater chance to understand many mysteries not rooted in the warp. (Revolutionary Breakthrough, Physics, will offer a small general boost to anything that derives its potency from physical sciences, offers a credit towards a tier up. Opens further Star's Wisdom branches and unlocks some new technologies)

Alchemist's Creativity, Part 1, Hermetic Lore: Alchemy is something that Tian'Chao prides itself in, not just simple physical chemistry but the mystic arts of transmutation and refinement. However true celestial Alchemy requires sorcery or at the very least some sort of Warp power. This limits the number of real alchemists who can exist to those who have the skills to avoid corruption from their art, and can lead to the formation of cults to Chaos, Darkness, Undeath, or other foul powers. Codification of this mystic knowledge may help. (Revolutionary Breakthrough, Material Science/Alchemy, will offer a small general boost to anything made of matter as well as to alchemical gubbins while increasing the portion of your troops and pops who can practice alchemy. Opens further Alchemist's Creativity branches and unlocks new technologies.)

Dreaming Mysteries, Part 1, Knowing the Unknowable: The Dreamtime, the more pleasant euphemism for what is more properly known as Leng by the Tian'Chaoren is a place that is deeply touched by the powers of the Dark Tapestry; the Strangers. Yet the Psionic gifts that it bestows are clearly of great value and power, albeit ones understood less than the Semiotic nature of calling upon the Warp through Sorcery, channeling the Winds of Magic in Wizardry, or channeling its might through Psykery. But they are needed to help battle against these eldritch terrors, and may hold the key to freeing the universe from the watchful eyes of the Abyss. (Revolutionary Breakthrough, Psionic, Enhances esoterics and individuals of importance, start awakening more psionic potential and adds some resistance to the influence of Leng. Opens further Dreaming Mysteries branches and unlocks some technologies)
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